Showing posts with label computer addiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer addiction. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Did I Ever Tell You About The Time...

I stay up late.

Sometimes not smart to do. Because I'm alone, and things on the internet beckon me, in the way that some are called to order all the tupperware they'll need in a lifetime from Home Shopping Network. But for me? It's more dangerous than that because I log in to forums and support lines and start to think I can teach myself code in a night.

What happens instead is that I try to do a tutorial on designing your own web page and instead I'm pulled into a blinking offer/help room yanking my chain from my peripheral vision. Like what I have copy pasted here, from a real Blogger forum where you're given a choice of a link to click on, offering a "free blogger evaluation." So yeah, I clicked on that and entered my website url and said have at it, bro.

And this delight came back and it's just too good to not share.

Enjoy, on my account: my Blogger evaluation, courtesy of @elcapitan227:

Dear GoodDayRegularPeople: 

What is it that you hope to accomplish with your blog? What is it that you wish for us to evaluate? We have reviewed your request to evaluate your blog and cannot understand what the purpose of your blog is. Your purpose is unclear. What do you want us to review? From what we see, you have no main target audience or any sort of introduction as to why you are posting and what you are posting.

You have outgrown your platform as is sorely evidenced by the clutter on your sidebar. The sidebar is cluttered, and it's purpose is also unclear. Are you selling advertising? Do you have advertising space for sale? The purpose of your sidebar is unclear.

You list many blogs on your sidebar. Why do you have blogs listed on your sidebar? Do you write at the blogs listed on your sidebar? The purpose of all the blogs listed on your sidebar is unclear. Do the blogs on your sidebar pay to be listed on your sidebar?

We do not know what you are asking of us. You have crammed as many things as you can into your blog, and a first time visitor will have no inkling as to why they have been directed to your blog.

Also, who are you? It appears you are a rotund, rosy cheeked matron with short curly hair. Is this how you would like to be seen? Your profile is not one of a sophisticated woman. Your blog does not appear to be one of a woman who appears to wish to advance herself.

We suggest you begin over with a clean design. Uncluttered main page with orderly columns and much less color. Please have a professional photograph taken and placed in a more visible spot on your blog main page. Make the purpose of your website clear. What is it you offer? What are your skills? Why would someone want to be at your blog? We see no reason to be directed to your blog.

We are not sure if you have sent in this blog URL for a client or as a joke to us. Are you the author of this blog? If you are the author, we suggest you begin over, and study other blogs for at least three months before you begin again.



Go ahead, have some fun. Your turn -- ask ElCapitan227 to grace your pages with a visit. But, his services are only offered through Blogger's help pages. Lucky us.


* * *

**ALSO THIS:  Thrilled to have been been named one of The Top 25 Humor Blogs by The Skinny Scoop Team. Haven't checked them out yet? You should, you'd like it over there. THANK YOU so much, Skinny Scoop. I am honored. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Breaking News: Titanic Sinks and Social Media Interferes With Real Life

photo credit: Heritage Vancouver via photopin cc
We were all sitting at the family dermatologist's office (yeah, group rate, what of it?) waiting for our names to be called. I was flipping through magazines older than the hills telling me a ship called the Titanic sank, when I saw an article in a magazine from 2009. The blistering title and byline was "Social Media--It's Taking You Away From Your Real Life."

The paragraphs go on to tell me all that I could be doing by logging off. Strengthening real life relationships (like online ones aren't real?), developing a hobby (got one, it's twitter), exercising (bawk! that chicken sound, you know?), and re-organizing my life (what's wrong with sitting on laundry?).

Right, all these things I could be doing. Could. That's the kicker there, the author assumes I'd be doing things if I weren't online. Oh, my sides, my sides from the laughter. Yeah no not so much.

Here's my list of "All I Could Be Doing If I Weren't Online":

--Staring at my fingernails, willing my lazy butt go get out of the house and get a manicure.

--Poking around snack cabinet deciding on what to have for second breakfast.

--Walking around the house with two pairs of socks on to stretch out my new winter boots.

--Letting Bethenny Now! exercise DVD play in background while I finish up sweetnsalty chips kids left out last night.

--Walk downstairs to basement with intention to cull toys dvds books. Walk back upstairs after three minutes.

--Be at local yoga class where teacher there always waits until I'm relaxed with my eyes closed to sneak up on me and make me jump ten feet into the air by whispering "namaste" into my ear.

--Or I could be at Zumba, where instructor tries again to talk me into leading Zumba Silver.

--Pull blankets off beds to let sheets "breathe" as Martha Stewart Living advises. Consider that my gold bar of housekeeping for the day.

--Decide to have lunch with kids at school, show up with McDonald's bags only to have them grab bag out of my hands and say, "Thanks mom you can go home now. No, really, you can go home now."

--Look down at jeans with permanent knee mounds, take myself to Old Navy for new pair. All are too long and too tight. Refuse to try double digit numbered ones. Drive to Hefner's Cup O'Custard, sit in parking lot, licking wounds metaphorically through death by chocolate triple scoop in cup. Consider death by chocolate literal invitation.

--Drive to afternoon matinee. Suffer through "Playing for Keeps" about hypersexed soccer moms wanting to do aging soccer star Gerard Butler at every which way while he coaches their little ones on for a team win! Try and guess which mom is the one who gets behind the scenes reffing. I win.

--Rummage through husband's sock and underwear drawer. Hoping to find something linking him to exciting past Bourne identity life, find only saved tags from boxers in case new ones don't fit.

Oh, the undeniable Jezebel that Social Media is. We need no more proof than this list right here. 

Peace out. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Back to the best of the internet this past week. A few pressing things moved my usual In Case You Missed It post out of its Monday time slot, but I can squeeze one entry in before Thanksgiving posts are due. At more than one place.

Lots to laugh over, ponder, smile with, relate, and slap five to. So let's get started, y'all:

In Case You Missed It: (the best of the web this week)

--Life in its heart clutching moments, a post from a delightful blog where two sisters, Jen and Sarah, co-write. On Momalom, Tuning In. Just a few sentences, but such a red hot arrow to the truth of what is life but moments, guaranteed to melt you into a puddle. In the best bleary eyes from tears way.

--Some great advice on how to grab a reader's attention with your first sentences. From write it sideways, a blog you need to follow. They have daily tips on ways to improve your writing, like their post "6 Ways to Hook Your Reader From The Very First Line." In their words, "Since 2009, ‘Write It Sideways’ has been helping you see the world of writing from a fresh perspective. Our experienced team can help you learn new skills, define your goals, increase your productivity, and prepare for publication. Plus, we’ll try really hard not to be boring when we do it.

-- A blog that feeds your mind, your soul, your eyes, your heart. Chookooloonks. I don't have to point you to a specific post there, because anything you find at Karen Walrond's place of beautiful in word and photo, will set you in your day. Truly, Chookooloonks is a gold mine of a find on the internet. Click over, and you'll find yourself just a little bit of an improved, inspired you. Every day.

--And a post that went viral--though it should have gone antibacterial--laugh and snort your way through the tale of what happened to a very pregnant woman who just wanted a late trimester massage. NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH, but so unbelievably well told and ridiculously funny. Hands down, yes--a nightmare of a massage, and yet? makes us laugh. **Pamela Ribons has written four books, and after reading her post here, I am buying every single one of them.


Have a great week, everyone!  Remember to count your blessings and write them in stone--and write your troubles in sand. Enjoy Thanksgiving, and all the tales that come along with it. Because family will be involved. 

Maybe you'd like to borrow my doormat?: "Friends welcome. Relatives by appointment."


Sunday, July 8, 2012

ICYMI On A Monday, And That's OK

We've been deliriously busy over here having a helluva time over the 4th. Water parks, spine scraping body tube rides, six dollar snow cones, and monokinis made for supermodels worn by middle aged women with stretch marks. And that's just me.

BUT, never too busy to pass up a chance to spread the word on some great internet reads.

My In Case You Missed It, Monday edition, because it's summer and we can do that:

--Why is The Flying Chalupa so easy to love? Because of posts like these: Patience. What we tell our children, what we whisper back to ourselves. (my gosh but I love this girl) 

--John, of The Adventures of Daddy Runs A Lot. Such a great blogger. And friend. If you're not following any guys, this one here is a great start. I love when he talks blog. Love it so much. John, with "The Direction of My Blog."

--And this will blow your mind. Brought to my attention, thanks to the with-it-ness of Ann Imig. A parenting piece on the spoiled children of America, and the consequences of such. In The New Yorker. And, yeah: a must read.

--Still laughing/dying over this bit of genius from The Onion: "Keith Richards's Housekeeper Steeling Herself Daily For Past Thirty Years To Walk In And Find Keith Dead."  *dying*

Love you guys. Enjoy this summer! xo

**Need some parenting reassurance? Want to see my serious side? Come over to and follow my weekly parenting column. Yeah -- I've learned a few things in 17 years of parenting.xo

Friday, July 6, 2012

Too Much Internet Can Make You Feel Too Normal

The days of questioning angst, hours spent madly scribbling away in the pages of my seventh grade diary of How No Single Living Soul in this universe could possibly understand what it feels like to be meee. Introspection's weight upon my fragile esteem as I would determinedly search my mind for the perfect words that would fill in that day's journal entry; words that would come as close as possible to describing my feelings exactly. This pretty much describes how I would spend my Saturday afternoons when I was twelve years old. For me, who else was there to talk to that would understand, besides me?

If the internet, and facebook, and twitter, and texting had existed back in the days of Charlie's Angels, would I have grown up to be someone who writes to connect?

It's a question I ponder today at Aiming Low. With the immediacy and ease of today's instant virtual connection, maybe our children don't have to turn inward to find someone who understands them anymore. Is Social Media making our kids feel too normal? Let me know what you think, at Aiming Low, where mediocrity is what we hope for.

**I Hope your Fourth was great!

Friday, June 8, 2012

#YOLO Is The New "Seemed Like A Good Idea"

I get home from work late, 1:00 a.m. late. I cater parties and coming home from six or seven intense hours of pleasing people and their food particulars (They want cranberries in the coleslaw! Run out and get cranberries for the coleslaw!) leaves me unable to just come home and hit the sack.

I need to unwind from the amount of orchestration that it takes to leave the client happy, smiling and appreciate of our efforts. At 1 a.m, there's not enough hours before dawn for a glass of napa valley cabernet, so I turn to the best mind numbing transitional shift tool we know: Twitter.


I love twitter. Especially night time twitter. Night time twitter is like 4 a.m. at Denny's listening to either the craziest, drunkest person you ever met or the smartest evil genius you ever met. There are some great hashtags I follow. I like #yousuckbecause, #reasonswedon'ttalkanymore and my new favorite #YOLO.

YOLO is the acronym for You Only Live Once. And these tweeters don't mean the inspirational you only live once, so send your diamonds out into the universe! It's the you only live once so do that stupid thing you know is really stupid. Like jump off the garage roof naked.

After following #YOLO for about a week, the insight hit me that #YOLO is our "seemed like a good idea at the time" from our college days. #YOLO is reserved for tweets like:

#YOLO Waiting to find out if I'm going in for 30 days or just getting a week behind the bars.

#YOLO Hitting on GF's BFF. #YOLO doods!

#YOLO Driving in trunk all the way to the beach.

#YOLO Calling in sick to work then going in there for the free lunch.
If you can't get the feel for #YOLO from these hashtagged tweets, Urban Dictionary clears it up for you with this best definition ever:

YOLO: Acronym for You Only Live Once. Mainly used to defend doing something ranging from mild to extreme stupidity.

Mild stupidity:
Friend: Dude, you probably shouldn't smoke that joint you found on the ground.
Me: Eff it, YOLO.

Extreme stupidity:
Friend: Dude, you probably shouldn't be posting random definitions on urban dictionary while you're stoned.
Me: Screw it, YOLO.

#YOLO is a state of mind lifestyle choice, and anyone can have their moment; even those with a suburban mortgage and a make good choices! personality.

Case in point: I had the chance to #YOLO it today -- and I Yolo'd -- oh yes I did. Maybe you saw my hashtagged tweet:

Mailbox stand in front of house is FULL SUN, love these baby size impatiens 4 underneath but CARE says FULL SHADE. Getting them anyway. #YOLO

Friday, January 6, 2012

Life Off The Internet????

Aiming Low.

I've resolved to do it: set the bar high enough where you can just step over it.

I hope you decide to Aim Low too this year.

Like, why pay attention to the whispered rumors of LIFE existing off the internet.

Pssshaw....we gots everything we need right here.

Click on over to my Aiming Low post today and see what I think about the scuttlebutt of living life off line.


*I'd be remiss if I didn't thank you for your clicks over to my other writings. Makes me smile when I see your comments over there.

I'm truly fortunate with the kind people I've met...I wish you a wonderful 2012.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Final Installment -- When Someone You Love Has A Blog

The Sad, Sad Tale of Becky Blogger
The long overdue tale of Becky Blogger will finally be laid to rest today, in celebration of Blogoversary week.

We first met Becky in Part I, of the When Someone You Love Has A Blog Series. For Part I, Part II, and a  preemptive Post by Becky Blogger's husband,  the series can be found here.  

As promised, the final installment, Part III:  Re-introducing Your Blogger Back Into Society:

The sad, sad tale of Becky Blogger and BAD: Blogging Addiction Disorder.

Signs that  Becky's new :hobby:  had taken on a life of its own were only much too clear. Becky's husband could no longer ignore, or accept, Becky's excuses, for what was going down in their household.

The breakfast dishes were still wet to the touch when he'd arrive home in the evening, showing how they had they had just been done moments before he had walked in the door.  Dinner, one too many evenings this week, was the familiar bag of dumped out chicken nuggets intermixed with fries on the same, large sheet pan.

Becky's husband sighed as he hung up his coat, and went to search for the day's mail...the day's mail that should have been waiting on the kitchen counter, where it had always been for the last 15 years, but not since Becky had begun with her new :diversion: Upon seeing no mail in the house, he slowly pulled his coat back on, and walked out to the mailbox. He opened the mailbox, and saw the mail there, mail that had not been brought in. Again.  Becky's husband pressed his lips together into a thin line, with the "face." The "face" that meant, he had to become a man of action. 

Becky--a quiet, ordinary, mother of 2.5 children, living on a quiet, ordinary street in a not so extraordinary town, has BAD. Blogging Addiction Disorder. Her husband knows this, the children have hinted at it, and Becky...oh, Becky...there is no one more surprised than Becky, with what has happened to what she once knew as her life.

She openly acknowledges the physical symptoms of blogging: the pinched shoulders, a sore neck, strained vision.

She easily admits to playing beat the clock when it comes to getting the daily necessities of home life accomplished, such as dishes, dinner, grocery shopping, picking up the house, preparing classroom treats.

What she has kept hidden, and to herself, is the sneaking downstairs while everyone sleeps, to tweak and complete the last post she put up. How she asks her husband to take the children out for awhile so she can "really get this kitchen floor done right," only to run to the computer as soon as the door is closed behind them. She tells no one that her showers have become a wet, soapy rag that she quickly runs over her body, more than just a few times a week--in the hopes of being able to get on the computer faster. Becky is silent when her husband comes home at night, and asks, "so...what did you do today?" She stammers as she silently curses herself that she doesn't have an answer at the ready. "I..I..I, geez, well, the day just got away from me!"

Is this family doomed? Is this situation  hopeless?

The encouraging thing about BAD, blogging addiction disorder, is that Becky does NOT have to stop blogging. With a few pointers here, for Becky and her husband to follow, Becky can once again become a happy, guilt and anxiety free member of her household.

1. Becky can be taught to see Blogging as a PART of her life, but not as her whole life. 

For this change of perception, we must first find out what it is about blogging that feeds Becky. Is it the friendships? Is it the communication? Is she an alter ego in the computer world? Or has she become someone that is esteemed and valued, and listened to, when she is online? In order for Becky to trade in her hours blogging, her family, with the help of outside friends, may have to work to help Becky feel in the real world, what she felt in her virtual world.

2. Becky can be taught to change the habit by balancing the habit.

Becky needs a replacement activity or two--or three, depending on how deep she was in it. She will need someone to help her schedule outings, exercise, family bike rides, trips to the museum, lunches out with friends from her real life. She needs replacement activities in place of the time she spent in front of the screen. 

3.  Make Becky accountable for her time.

Yes, this does sound heavy handed, but this is what is needed as part of treatment. Becky needs to keep track of time on the computer, and to only use the computer after her daily minimum expectations are completed. That's how we have to roll with her during the intervention phase. This is the only way. Showers, full daytime clothing, dishes, errands, phone calls, all need to be done, before she can sign on. This is non negotiable.

4.  Just like matching dollars, Becky must match friends.

Becky must spend equal amounts of time with In Real Life People, as she does with her online people. Do not allow Becky to answer, when asked how she is, "Read my blog."  She has to make conversation.

5.  Acknowledge Becky's reasons, and allow her to be honest about them.

Blogging is wonderful for procrastination, and as avoidance for the mundane of bed making, and phone call returning, and dog walking. It's easier to blog than it is to exercise, or work on your dreams. It's easy to jump on behind the computer, when you have so many undesirable responsibilities like sorting the laundry, or organizing the Xmas ornaments in the basement, or going through the kids' closets,'re talking about Becky. Sorry.

6. You, as the partner in Becky's life, must help her to create and provide what she seeks.

Was she lonely? Was she getting companionship? Was she feeling a sense of belonging? Maybe blogging did that for her. (Hah! maybe??!! er, sorry. again.)

A happy life that is blogger and twitter reduced is possible. Yes, you will have to remove Becky from influences and situations that are a computer left on. You may have to watch her for the first 4-6 weeks, perhaps immerse her in another way of filling her time in the evenings.

BAD, when acted upon with love and family involvement, can result in Renewal and Rebirth.

Becky does want to regain control of her life again, but she does not want to give up all the loveliness of the blogging world.

Understand her, but don't confront her ways. Help her to improve her life. Your strength, plus her strength will equal OUR strength. Together, with friends and family, you can help re-establish and reintroduce Becky to In Real Life living. With people.

We leave you with this. Remember to: 

  • Find out what was missing from her life, that blogging was able to provide her with.
  • What played the role in sending her into solely blogging as her entire existence.
  • What will replace those hours that she had been spending in front of the computer? Without a replacement, the siren's call of the computer will once again be too strong for her to resist.

We are all in this together, and we are wearing our "We have been there" T shirts, right along with you.

If you do find yourself at wit's end? Meet us at the BAR (Blogging Addiction Recovery). My husband is usually there, heading up the meeting.
What is your B.A.D. confession? Leave it here, in your comment below.

Thank you, to all of you, for making this week such a happy one for me. I mean that.

Be sure to stop back for the last day, tomorrow: for the giveaway. You won't want to miss all the goodies that will go out to a lucky commenter. Fun Stuff!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mouthy Housewives-----Blast From The Past

Selflessly Neglecting Their Families To Give Us Advice since 2009

When I first began blogging this year, I found a blog that I have loved since.

The Mouthy Housewives.

Hilarious beyond beyond double snort funny advice dispensing by gloriously irreverent brilliant women.  Women like Jessica Bern,  Wendi Aarons, Heather Hitchcock, Marinka, Kelcey Kintner.

I followed them and read for a month or so, then in April, I decided to send in a letter requesting advice, called "Does Mama Have a "Puter Addiction?" I signed it "Headed to Rehab?"

Well, Mouthy Housewives took it.

When I found out they were posting my letter, I died. I.died. Anyway, here is my original letter requesting advice for my --ahem--mommy friend air quotes with the computer addiction. The resulting comments, from Gigi and Erin and others...oh, more precious than a Modern Family marathon. {damn near close}

Now, go, get your Depends on for your mommy bladders, cuz this blast from the past here? Kills me.

Dear Mouthy Housewives,

How do you know when you really do have a problem with spending too much time in front of the computer? If the kids mention it, is it a problem? If the husband hasn’t mentioned yet…then maybe not a problem? If the house hasn’t been cleaned in, oh–3 weeks, but hot meals still being served, semi-problem? If feeling guilty? Then, a problem?


Headed to Rehab

Dear Headed to Rehab,

Let me get this straight.  Your husband hasn’t mentioned that you’re on the computer too often, your house was cleaned sometime within the last month, you’re serving hot meals and you’re wondering if you have a problem with the amount of time you spend on the computer?   Well the short answer is, “no!”  The slightly longer version of the answer is, “Are you kidding me?  NO!”

If you were spending too much time in front of the computer, your kids would be getting nothing but some kibble and a bowl of water for nourishment.  Your house would look like something from an episode of Hoarders and your thighs would be permanently scarred from laptop burns.  And you thought you had a problem.  HA!  Not even.

I think the real problem here is society!  YES, SOCIETY.  It’s society who wants to keep us wimmens in the kitchen and away from the technological devices.  You’re obviously buying into this oppression.   Were you exposed to lots of lemon scented Pine-Sol as a child?  I suspect so.

I suppose there are other things you could be doing with your time, like cleaning your house everyday or sewing or, GAH, volunteering.   Sure, they are noble endeavors, but can you imagine what your funeral will be like someday?  Snoozefest, for sure.  Hanging out on the computer all day exposes you to all sorts of fun and interesting people.

Now go relax with a little Facebook or Twitter.  Enjoy!

Jennifer, Guest TMH

28 Responses to “When Does Mommy Have a Computer Addiction?”

Comment by brigid.
My child just got on the bus in clean clothes with breakfast in her stomach. I say that earns me a good 45 minutes of computer time.
I like the way you think.

Comment by Nicki Woo.
Oh, Thank God! My kids and my husband are complaining, but I haven’t served kibble, yet. So I should be in good shape, right?

Comment by Jennifer S.
Just, whew.

Comment by Heather.
I was exposed to a lot of Pine Sol as a child too. Let’s start a support group.
Comment by Sierra @ ChildWild.
LOVE THIS. I just wrote an article for Strollerderby about how the “concern” over moms multitasking and computer use is really just a front for more social mom-control, keeping women in their place and guilt-tripping them for using their brains:

Comment by sharon byrne.
Some people spend the day with the TV on- I spend it with the computer on. I figure if you can walk away from it if something else demands your attention (bleeding children/bird flies in the house/telemarketer calls…) then there is no problem at all!

Forget the rest – how do YOU feel without the computer? Do you get high blood pressure, tachycardic, and sweaty palms wondering if you have a new email or Twitter message? Do you forget the diaper bag but never your Blackberry? Do you keep the red blinking light within view even during intimate moments? If no, you’re not to Intervention stage yet. Call us when you start audibly saying LOL and FF and WW to your kids.

You just made about a million bloggers feel better.

Comment by Marinka, TMH.
As long as you don’t name your kid “Twitter”, I don’t see a problem. And even “Twitter” can have the adorable “Tweetie” nickname.

Comment by Stacia.
Addiction? Absolutely not. But I’m already doing the 12 steps … read blog, make comment, refresh reader, edit own post, ignore cell phone, publish post …

Comment by Formerly Gracie.
First: Jennifer, I adore you, but I think you already knew that :-P
Second: I am typing this as my kids are in the same room, but learning how to to amuse themselves. It’s a vital life skill. Most important of all, they’re learning that Mommy is a woman of the world (the world wide web, but still…) and has other other interests besides wiping their bummies. So blog away!

Comment by Marie Green.
While I loved this post, and chuckled a little, even, (why YES, I *was* exposed to copious amounts of lemon-scent pinesol… that explains so much now!), I have to say that I sometimes think I DO spend too much time online.
My only marker for judging this is: on days when I’m too busy to spend hours and hours on the computer, I feel SO MUCH BETTER at the end of the day. I’m happier, more content, and more “in love” with my kids and husband.
While I don’t think I have an “addiction problem” I do think that I [sometimes] need to have better boundaries with my time in general, and specifically how much time I spend online…
Thanks for the funny post on a topic we all think about from time to time!

Comment by Heather.
So about those laptop burns…that’s not really a sign of a problem right? I atleast make sure to serve the kids warm food, thank goodness for microwaves. I’m going to order myself a cooling pad though, just in case.

Comment by MommyNamedApril.
i think the yardstick is something like cereal for more than 4 family meals (not including breakfast) = maybe a little too much time on the internet. otherwise? you’re golden. ;-)

So…kibble’s *not* ok?

Comment by Lisa.
What I don’t like about spending time on the internet is how the time itself seems to disappear.
When my daughter naps, if I hop online, it feels like the hour or maybe two goes by in the blink of an eye. I don’t feel like I actually got much of a break – it certainly doesn’t feel that way. I think part of it, is that no matter how much I read, there is always more out there, so I’m left feeling wanting more.
I’ve found it’s actually much more relaxing to watch a dvr’ed episode of something. Definitely feels like much more of a break.

Comment by Alexandra.
Oh, now I’m very scared…does it mean you have a problem if you relate to every single comment made up above?
How about the fact that you know what they all mean?
And then, throw in the rationalization comment that “others watch TV”
I feel like Jake Sully who is now a blue Na’avi.

Comment by mrsblogalot.
YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!
Love=blog validation mixed with blame on society along with a Lemon Pine Sol chaser
I’ll have whatever Jennifer is having…always!!!

Comment by Aging Mommy.
I keep telling myself the carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist and the stiff neck and shoulders I have are nothing to do with the time I spend on the computer – denial is a sad state to be in but don’t let ANYONE dare take my computer away!!
Love this site – just discovered you through The Empress and look forward to reading more!

Comment by gigi.
Relative to my own mother, who spent every afternoon “resting” (aka NAPPING) on the couch while watching Days of Our Lives, Another World and some other now-defunct soap opera while I ran amok in a vacant lot next to a busy road, I feel that my incessant computer time during the day, as well as my waking up in the middle of the night thinking about blog posts, is pretty damn intellectual.
found y’all from the Empress and can’t wait to read more. This is the kind of smart blog I’ve been looking for.

Comment by robin.
A-women…finally a place to call home…I lIke it here..!..the only thing that really bothers me about my addiction is the “butt spread”..I need to find a way to stand and do lunges while that would be my answer from above..the kids can cook now..the hubs has a hobby..and besides everyone says I ask too many they beg me for my time…Lol

Comment by Motpg.
I figure I’m ok as long as I don’t start thinking about my blog when my husband wants to “cuddle”. I Haven’t done that…Really…

Comment by Lz.
Good advice! If my kids are dressed, fed and not yelling for me, I think I’ve earned some computer time. My husband thinks differently. He is wrong.

Comment by Cheryl.
No kids. One husband who does worry I spend too much time on the computer. He spends way too much time on it too it’s just he doesn’t think very highly of blogs. Dolt. Don’t cook but that’s not new. I think I’m good for awhile. Pine Sol kept me off the computer for ages. I’m just catching up.

Comment by SeriousMom.
Hey, at least I’m improving my mind by playing word games and reading blogs, right? Although, I could probably lay off the ebay.

I’m thankful for these words because….I’ve been wondering….

Comment by Zoey @ Good Goog.
My husband does mention it regularly. But I ignore him, because I think anyone who spends hours on an xbox doesn’t really get a say. And my 2 year old often closes the laptop but I don’t take that seriously because, well she’s two, she just likes closing stuff. That’s my story anyway and I’m sticking to it.


I'm posting my favorite posts from this past year, because it's fun.  This post was originally up at The Mouthy Housewives.


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