Showing posts with label funny not slutty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny not slutty. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

BlogHer Announcements and Catching Up Around These Parts

Summer, more than any other season, passes by at lightning speed. Whereas January feels eight weeks long, three months of summer seem more like we just get started, and it's half way over.

We try to do as much as we can to take advantage of school being out and the weather being beautiful. Summer fills up fast, and this month high up on the happenings is a conference I've gone to for the last three years. BlogHer, the world's largest conference for women in social media. It happens in only one week and is in Chicago this year, which is beautifully close for me and for the first time, I won't have to fly. How I love that.

The number of those attending BlogHer was over 5,000 last year when it was held in NYC. This year, higher attendance is predicted. Going to your first BlogHer convention can be intimidating, and the BlogHer team wants everyone to feel welcome, wanted, and eager to return next year. With that goal in mind, BlogHer has assembled a "BlogHer Newbie" conference mentorship team, conference veterans who will be available starting at the opening day breakfast to answer questions, reassure, and then be visible during the Friday through Saturday conference. I'm proud to have been invited to be among the welcoming crew of the BlogHer Newbie mentors that will be there to remind you that we're all excited and happy to be here... so take a deep breath and smile.

If you are at BlogHer, please smile and wave if you see me. I'd love to say hello. If you want to find me easily, come to Erin Margolin and my "Room of Your Own" talk, "Shedding the Facade: blogging vulnerably." It's an open forum on Friday from 10:30 to 11:15, and we'd love to hear your voice on the topic of writing your truth, the risks, the benefits, why some of us choose to do it. We'd love to see you Friday morning.

I'm also very proud, and humbled, that BlogHer has selected my post written for my mother, "I Wish You Could Have Known Her," as a Voice of The Year/Heart category. Thank you, BlogHer. 

Other than busy getting ready for the conference next week, I've also kept up with some sites I write for. I'd love to see you there:

--You can find me at Purple Clover asking Dustin Hoffman to marry me because of this...

--If you click over to Aiming Low, you'll see this post on supervillains that features my middle son's debut of his first published artwork on a website. Thank you to the founder of AL, Anissa, for this honor.

--I talk about the undeniable signs of aging, and even give you a handy quiz so you know just how far along you are into this process. Feels good to know you're not alone, doesn't it? Go on, answer the questions, on FunnynotSlutty.

--Teens, the joy of raising teens can be yours if you remember to feed them/listen to them/love on them. This week's post on milwaukeemoms . com, "It's only hard if you do it right."

--I'm being featured on Canadian humor blogger Leanne Shirtliffe of Ironic Mom. She's gone on vacation and those friendly Canadians just left the front door wide open. I snuck a post in, "Kids don't fold like wallets." Thanks for having me, Leanne. **Leanne is the author of the newly published "Don't Lick the Minivan: and other things I'd never thought I'd say to my kids."

We are caught up. Almost.

Tell me, what's new with you? If you say just swinging in my hammock, I'll be so jealous.

Have a great summer, and thank you for reading. Having you spend your time here with me has encouraged me and made me feel pretty happy. Joy comes from community and belonging, you've given me that so many times over. Thank you.

* * *

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Of Love and Castro. WTH, Throw in a Big Diamond Too

A long line of story tellers. That's where I come from.

My mother spends the day with us on Sundays, and shares tales of her life while she's here. Her memories are true things of delight, and time has been so much more than kind in how she remembers her days. You can say that time has been ass kickin' kind in the boss memories it's given her. Like the one she tells us about here, my monthly column at FunnynotSlutty.

Know what we say in our family? It's your life, you can remember it any way you want to. *this means you, mama

We love you.


FunnynotSlutty. The Funniest Women on The Planet
* * *

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Is It Dressing? Is It Stuffing?

Families and friends will gather 'round the table today, sitting with their Chinet plates before them, piled high with Thanksgiving delights. There will be cranberries and corn bread and discussions will start off cordially, then turn to the jugular, as someone asks for dressing, and is then offered stuffing.

When is it dressing? When does it become stuffing?

On FunnynotSlutty today, the truth about what goes down around the dinner table. Is it dressing? Is it stuffing? Do I have to be right for you to be wrong?

*see if you can guess if I'm a stuffing girl. Because dressing? We all know it's for salads.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dream Shaman

Did you know that Colombians are master practicioners in dream analysis?

By the age of five, I could tell you the difference between having a white mouse versus a black mouse being present in your night time story line. ::shiver::

My kids know this--they also know better than to come downstairs in the morning with no reports from their subconscious. And I know if they're making something up.

Today on the hilarious website, FunnynotSlutty,  my post, The Dream Whisperer: What those dreams of screams with no voice are telling you. (please tell me you're not doing the silent scream thingy in your dreams)

FunnynotSlutty: The Funniest Woman on The Planet.


**This month, FnS is running their 2012 Best On Planet contest--brought to you by The Louise Log. You can nominate Funniest Commenter. (I love this category: funniest commenter) I know just the person. CLICK OVER, and nominate your fave reader.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Magic of the Bean and Honoring National Coffee Day

Blogging has brought tremendous opportunities my way. I've had to knock several times and push my way in just as many times; but still - overall - all I asked for was for a door to be cracked open just a little.

Writing a monthly column, called Memoirs of My America, for the group humor site FunnynotSlutty is one of those good things that came about when I saw a door left open, and I grabbed that chance.

FunnynotSlutty is a group humor blog that features the "the funniest women on the planet," You'll find videos, posts, anything funny that you need to get through the day or to feature on your blog.

September 29 is National Coffee Day, and my post at FunnynotSlutty today perfectly toasts - as well as weeps for - the love I have for the magic bean of caffeine.

So, grab a cup (Mickey D's is giving them away free today) and I'll see you here.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Death By Skeleton Key

The Funniest Women on the Planet
Some kids are fine left alone for a few minutes. They occupy themselves and you can go do what needs to get done.

Yeah. I wasn't one of those.

I tell you about the plight that befalls the unattended, in my monthly column, Memoirs of My America , featured today at FunnynotSlutty . Posting of my childhood misadventures -- about the days of figuring out life in America as a kid from another country -- is something I look forward to each month at FunnynotSlutty.

I hope you stop over and read my tale today, of The Unattended, and maybe you have a child like this? One who should never be left unsupervised.

*I've been blessed with a mini-me: my third boy who goes by the name of Auggie.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bite Me on FnS

It's Bite Me Theme Time at FunnynotSlutty: the internet's premiere website for bringing some of the funniest women on the internet all together in one place.

This month, FunnynotSlutty is celebrating "Bite Me: Funny Food and Cooking Stories."

I've got a good one over there. On what happens when you're raised by a fancy lady who really finds time behind the stove less than thrilling.

Don't worry, nothing a few grown-up hours of eating Twinkies and Arby's and Rocky Rococo's didn't cure.

Hope to see you here.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Most Handsome Man in Milwaukee

Remembering the 80's.

It wasn't just about neon cut off sweatshirts, rolled down ribbed socks, or lace up granny boots ...don't be so shallow.

There was l.o.v.e. in the air ... and never was there more of an asymmetrical haircut couple more truly meant for each other than me, and the most handsome man in Milwaukee.

A true story, for 80's week at the fabulous FunnynotSlutty: where we make you laugh.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chewbacca's Daughter

I'm fortunate enough to be a regular columnist at FunnynotSlutty, the premier women's humor site. I have a lot of fun posting my monthly series there called "Memoirs of My America."  Today, my post is up, on being a hairy little unibrow monkey girl. Mustache and all.

I hope you click over and learn a bit more of why I am the way I am and BONUS: my post there today is tied in to a Scrapbooking software giveaway.

Comment to win.

See you there!

We make women laugh.
Funny not Slutty features comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians. FnS Original Productions have been featured by Funny or Die,, and Internet Video Magazine.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And Their Legs Turn To Jelly?

The mysteries of the woman.

What turns one to jello doesn't even cause a bed of sweat in another.

Like an accent. Some women just about spontaneously combust at the sound of a trilled r.

I ask you today, at FunnynotSlutty, to 'splain to me the allure of the espanish accent.

I'd love to understand the effect that the men in my family have on the world.

Happy post Valentine's Day! 


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


What do Colombians do for New Year's Eve?

Well, you know it wouldn't be something as tame as wearing plastic hats and blowing confetti filled horns.

Stop on over to FunnynotSlutty today where I share an interesting way to ring in the New Year.

Live an out of the ordinary life, through me. You're welcome.

*HUGE Thank you and many bows done with a rolling hand to Melinda from the very funny Finding The Humor. She's brightened my New Year already by giving me The Versatile Blogger award. She also says some pretty nice things about me *blush and beam* Thank you, Melinda!

Friday, December 23, 2011

If The Kids Only Knew Their Mother Wasn't A Saint

The joys of writing for Funny not Slutty. I just love it.

My monthly column is up at FnS today, with a post about the naughty things I used to do* when I was little.

*will spend today keeping kids from peeking over my shoulder as I check comments over there.

Have a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus : each one of you is so amazing, and are as beautiful as every ornament on my tree. Thank you for your support this past year, you mean so much to me!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Primer To Living With Chronic Mortification

I have a lot of fun writing a twice monthly column called "Memoirs of My America" at the fantastic humor website, FunnynotSlutty. Today, my post is up there where I discuss a side effect of being raised by people who are only in America "temporarily:" that of Chronic Mortification.

I hope you'll click over, and take another peek into why I am the way I am.
If you're new here and following over from FunnynotSlutty, thanks for clicking on home. Please check out my Best Of page and my About Me page.

If I make you smile, we can be friends on my Google Friend Connect, you can subscribe to my blog, follow me on twitter, or like me on Facebook.

All of that would be really, really nice.


 FunnynotSlutty is:
Funny not Slutty features comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians. FnS Original Productions have been featured by Funny or Die,, and Internet Video Magazine.

We Make Women Laugh

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Living Through Childhood Halloween Nights

Happy to be at FunnynotSlutty today, where I get to go on and on about how Halloween nights of old done me wrong.

But, you can get the details here.

Thanks for following along, I have so much fun telling these stories.

**If you're new here and following over from FunnynotSlutty: so happy to have you. Please check out the Best of Page, and I hope you leave with a good laugh at or two.

Totally at my expense..

FunnynotSlutty is:
Funny not Slutty features comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians. FnS Original Productions have been featured by Funny or Die,, and Internet Video Magazine.

We Make Women Laugh

Thursday, October 13, 2011

That Which Doesn't Kill Us

Have you seen the FunnyNotSlutty redesign?

It's beautiful.

And have you checked out the new columnist there?

She writes of the funny growing up hispanic in a time of the not so hispanic in America.

As they say, that which doesn't kill us, makes us funnier.

I hope you click over, see the new look of FunnynotSlutty, and leave me a comment on my intro post there. I'll be writing there twice a month, for my column "Memoirs of My America."

Thank you for all the support you've always shown me.

See you there!

**If you're visiting here for the first time from FunnynotSlutty, Thank You. Please check out my "Popular Posts" page. If you like what you see, maybe you can buy the house for sale across the street, and we can be friends? OK, then, well, I'll settle for a wave back in the school pick up lane.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank You, FunnynotSlutty

Remember how I told you all---oh, about 25 times--that if you were looking for some funny for your blog, to browse around the website FunnynotSlutty? The premiere comedy website for women, by women, featuring women? And anyone who likes REALLY funny? Not lame-o funny?

Well, for my link up here today for Friday Funny with the Mayor of CrazyTown, I found this.

2 minutes long and laughing all the way.

Truly funny. I had to watch it over more than once, the laughter felt so good.

You will enjoy.

Thank you, Jacki, for all you do to keep us smiling out here with the awesome FunnynotSlutty.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Funny Not Slutty

Funny not Slutty

I'm just busting my butt getting all my dreams out of the way for 2011, so I can slack off the rest of the year.

No kidding. [yeah, kidding...]

I have wanted to have a post featured at the top comedy website, FunnynotSlutty , so badly, it's been like a fever for me. I had a fever, and the only cure was FunnynotSlutty. Today, I got the prescription. A post I submitted with hope, is up there.

The only thing you need to know about FunnynotSlutty, is that if something  does not make publisher and creator Jacki Schklar laugh out loud, it won't go up. Which means that FunnynotSlutty is laugh out loud funny. All the time.

So that a daily visit to And you can throw away the Prozac, or at least cut your prescription in half.

Thank you, Jacki, for giving me a chance at FunnynotSlutty. Here's what Jacki says about this awesome humor network for women:   

"Why "Funny not Slutty"? Well, when you get a number of females together who want to show off their stuff to get attention, they are usually slutty chicks. But we're not. We're funny chicks!

We feature comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians. Our content may be a little smarter and a little deeper than your average web humor (sometimes). Take a look around the
site and contact us with your suggestions and comments."

FnS is Comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians.
FnS Original Productions have been featured by Funny or Die,, and Internet Video Magazine.

 Visit FunnynotSlutty. You can pick from blogs, vlogs, videos, posts, humorous essays, just funny women, all the time.

Put FunnynotSlutty on your blogroll, so that when you feel like you need a laugh, you can pop over.

 If you're a lover of female-based comedy, pop over.

When you're looking for something funny for your blog, pop over and get something there.

Visit, and visit some more. Because, you know, you can never get enough Funny not slutty.

You won't regret it, well..maybe the 3 hours you spend there when you really should've been doing laundry instead, that, yeah...but, the rest? Sheer Heaven.

Try it. You'll say, "how did I NOT know about this?"

Become part of the community at FunnynotSlutty. Go. Now.

And, thank you, Jacki, for bringing us Funny, not Slutty.


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