Matthew's Reviews > The Guest List

The Guest List by Lucy Foley
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: gr_awards_2020, 2021, audio, mystery, suspense
Read 2 times. Last read January 15, 2021 to January 18, 2021.

Not bad! Not bad at all!

Lately I feel like many of the suspense/thriller/mysteries I read are so twisty that it starts to get ridiculous. I love a good twist or two, a shocking revelation or three, but not incomprehensible nonsense. With The Guest List I feel satisfaction because the level of twists and turns is just right and the magnitude of the surprises is not nonsensically bloated. Its nice to finally find one that is just right (like Goldilocks, but hopefully without the angry bears).

I was thinking 4 to 4.5 stars at first, but because this one quenched my thirst for twisty perfection, I am gonna go for 5 stars (it is my review and I can do what I want, so there! 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣)

I know not everyone feels the way I do (an average 3.87 stars on Goodreads as I write this). Also, with a victory in the 2020 Goodreads Choice Awards, it is quite hyped up - and I get the feeling that many avoid hyped books or go into hyped books kind of jaded before page one. But, I am gonna put my neck out there and say "give this one a try!". Sure, you may end up with a 2 or 3 star review. Maybe you will come back to shame me for promoting the hype. But, my hope is that you enjoy it as much as I did! 😃
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
October 27, 2020 – Shelved as: gr_awards_2020
January 15, 2021 – Started Reading
January 15, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021
January 15, 2021 – Shelved as: audio
January 15, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
January 15, 2021 – Shelved as: suspense
January 18, 2021 – Finished Reading
March 14, 2023 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Kasia (new) - added it

Kasia Is it good? :) I've read her other book and this seems to follow the same formula, but that can be a good thing if done right.

Matthew Kasia wrote: "Is it good? :) I've read her other book and this seems to follow the same formula, but that can be a good thing if done right."

So far it is decent - I am only a couple of hours in so hard to fully tell yet how it is going to go.

message 3: by Kasia (new) - added it

Kasia Ah gotcha, thanks Matthew : ) happy weekend!

message 4: by NS (new) - rated it 3 stars

NS I finished this one recently, interested to read your thoughts when you finish!

Crystal Craig Great review.

Brandice Great review, Matthew! I enjoyed this one, a bit slow initially but I appreciated it wasn’t wildly far-fetched. I also liked it much more than Foley’s prior book, The Hunting Party (similar format but incredibly unlikable crew!)

message 7: by Kasia (new) - added it

Kasia Brandice wrote: "Great review, Matthew! I enjoyed this one, a bit slow initially but I appreciated it wasn’t wildly far-fetched. I also liked it much more than Foley’s prior book, The Hunting Party (similar format ..."

Yeah I feel like she uses the same format, like Mad Libs lol.. I have this as an audiobook so psyched to check it out now.

Matthew Nat wrote: "I finished this one recently, interested to read your thoughts when you finish!"

Looks like I liked it more than you, Nat! I checked out your review and I understand your points, but they did not bother me. Sometimes hateable characters do, but not in this case.

Melissa I loved this one

Matthew Crystal wrote: "Great review."

Thank you, Crystal! 😃

Jayme Terrific review! I hate books with TOO many twists! This one worked for me as well! Great review!

message 12: by Rich (new)

Rich nice review but no desire to read it been there done it

Matthew Brandice wrote: "Great review, Matthew! I enjoyed this one, a bit slow initially but I appreciated it wasn’t wildly far-fetched. I also liked it much more than Foley’s prior book, The Hunting Party (similar format ..."

Thank you, Brandice! From seeing other comments comparing her works it sounds like she does have a bit of a formula.

Matthew Kasia wrote: "I have this as an audiobook so psyched to check it out now."

I hope the similar format works out for you and you enjoy it, Kasia! :)

Matthew Melissa wrote: "I loved this one"

Very cool, Melissa! Glad to see another happy reader of this book! 😁

Matthew Jayme wrote: "Terrific review! I hate books with TOO many twists! This one worked for me as well! Great review!"

Thanks, Jayme! It feels like lately a lot of authors lean so hard on the twists to try and make a great book. I say, pick a few and really flesh them out. Quality, not quantity!

Ginger Great review Matthew! I loved this one as well.
It was twisty perfection! You are correct. :D

Kauê Awesome review, now I wanna read it even more.

message 19: by Zoha (new) - rated it 3 stars

Zoha I agree with you when you say alot of thrillers nowadays have too many of those unnecessary twists that it actually becomes nonsense. I enjoyed this one too!

Matthew Rich wrote: "nice review but no desire to read it been there done it"

If it doesn't sound like it is for you, I understand, Rich! :)

Matthew Ginger wrote: "Great review Matthew! I loved this one as well.
It was twisty perfection! You are correct. :D"

Thanks, Ginger! Glad it was a win for you, too. Gotta love TWISTY PERFECTION! :D

Matthew Kaue wrote: "Awesome review, now I wanna read it even more."

Thanks, Kaue! I hope you have a similar experience to mine when you do!

message 23: by Emerson (new) - added it

Emerson You've persuaded me to give this one a go. Thanks for the review.

Matthew Zoha wrote: "I agree with you when you say alot of thrillers nowadays have too many of those unnecessary twists that it actually becomes nonsense. I enjoyed this one too!"

Glad to hear you felt similar, Zoha! And, also glad to hear others are noticing the excess of twists.

Alaina This book is so good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

message 26: by Marie (new)

Marie Great review, Matthew! I always love to read your reviews! They make me smile. :) I loved this statement: "it is my review and I can do what I want, so there!" Never follow the trend - do what makes you happy. :)

Sandysbookaday (currentlyonholidayuntilmid-Jan) Glad you loved this Matthew. I also gave it 5 stars. *)

Matthew Emerson wrote: "You've persuaded me to give this one a go. Thanks for the review."

My work here is done! 😁

You are very welcome, Emerson!

Matthew Alaina wrote: "This book is so good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!"

You too, Alaina! :)

Henry Although I am really a fan of mysteries, I have avoided this book because of many negative reviews. However, I do not know those reviewers and I have been reading yours for a while, so based on your comments, I am going to give it a try.

message 31: by Alex (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alex The hyped up books in GRs usually disappoint me. But this one was an exception. I really enjoyed The Guest List a lot! Your review reveals how excited you are about this book!!

Matthew Marie wrote: "Great review, Matthew! I always love to read your reviews! They make me smile. :) I loved this statement: "it is my review and I can do what I want, so there!" Never follow the trend - do what make..."

Thank you, Marie! I appreciate hearing that I bring a smile to your day!

:D This didn't seem like a book that I would get too much guff for my 5 star opinion, but I have had some guff in the past when I praised a book that was hyped or generally considered mediocre (or vice versa), so I figured I would just lay it all out there up front! :D

message 33: by Marie (new)

Marie Matthew wrote: "Thank you, Marie! I appreciate hearing that I bring a smile to your day!

:D This didn't seem like a book that I would get too much guff for my 5 star opinion, but I have had some guff in the past when I praised a book that was hyped or generally considered mediocre (or vice versa), so I figured I would just lay it all out there up front! :D ..."

You are welcome, Matthew! :) It is always best to lay it all out on the table! :-)

message 34: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Great review, Matthew. You've convinced me to give it a try!

message 35: by Mike (new)

Mike Way to stick your neck out there, Matt! Thanks for the candid review & guidance - I’m still deliberating on whether I put this ahead of all the other ones I’ve got stacked-up that I want to read.

Matthew Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* wrote: "Glad you loved this Matthew. I also gave it 5 stars. *)"

I too am glad you liked this one as well, Sandy! 😃😃😃

Vesna Thanks for the friend request, Matthew! Looking forward to chatting books.
As for The Guest List, your review was the last push I needed to make it next on my tbr list!

Matthew Henry wrote: "Although I am really a fan of mysteries, I have avoided this book because of many negative reviews. However, I do not know those reviewers and I have been reading yours for a while, so based on you..."

I hope I have not steered you wrong, Henry! 😉 Enjoy! 😁

Matthew Alex wrote: "The hyped up books in GRs usually disappoint me. But this one was an exception. I really enjoyed The Guest List a lot! Your review reveals how excited you are about this book!!"

Awesome, Alex! Glad you liked it despite the hype, too.

I am always happy when I can get this excited about a book! 😁😁😁

Matthew Marie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "You are welcome, Matthew! :) It is always best to lay it all out on the table! :-)"


Matthew Michelle wrote: "Great review, Matthew. You've convinced me to give it a try!"

Thank you, Michelle! I hope you enjoy! 😃

Matthew Mike wrote: "Way to stick your neck out there, Matt! Thanks for the candid review & guidance - I’m still deliberating on whether I put this ahead of all the other ones I’ve got stacked-up that I want to read."

No problem, Mike - happy to help! I hope it ends up being a winner for you as well. 🙂

It can be tough picking the next book, so I am always happy to make that step easier for someone.

Jonathan Vasgar Great review! I love the humor you use! I’ve got this on my list of to be reads!

Matthew Vesna wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, Matthew! Looking forward to chatting books.
As for The Guest List, your review was the last push I needed to make it next on my tbr list!"

No problem, Vesna! Looks like we have some similar book interests so hopefully we can have some good discussion.

And . . . now that we are friends, I will keep my eye out in my status feed for your review of this. I am glad I could help push it to the top of your list and I hope you enjoy!

Matthew Jonathan wrote: "Great review! I love the humor you use! I’ve got this on my list of to be reads!"

Thank you, Jonathan! I appreciate that! :D

I hope you enjoy when you get to this one.

Lilianne Milgrom No shaming intended (!) but this book did not hold my interest - like you point out there was a lot of hype and that sets up unrealistic expectations.

Matthew Lilianne wrote: "No shaming intended (!) but this book did not hold my interest - like you point out there was a lot of hype and that sets up unrealistic expectations."

And you are certainly not alone . . . I have seen lots of reviews from those who did not connect with this one. I think I can tell why, but luckily for me I did not have that end result.

Kaitlin Lorelle I just started this one. Great review, and it makes me more intrigued to read it now!

Matthew Kaitlin wrote: "I just started this one. Great review, and it makes me more intrigued to read it now!"

Awesome, Kaitlin! I hope you enjoy!

Genee Great review! I agree people will often be jaded by hyped up books so for this one I put off for awhile and didn’t look at reviews first for once and just dove in and I actually loved this book!

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