DATE 2007: Nice, France

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Design records

Design for testability for SoCs

Communication synthesis under timing constraints

Performance modelling and synthesis of analogue/mixed-signal circuits

System level mapping and simulation

Algorithms and applications of run-time reconfiguration

IP designs for media processing and other computational intensive kernels

Test infrastructure of SoCs and its verification

Hot topic - Microprocessors in the era of terascale integration

Statistical/nonlinear analysis and verification for analogue circuits

System modeling and specification

Design space exploration and nano-technologies for reconfigurable computing

Implementation of LDPC codecs for various communication standards

Testing NoCs

Synthesis at system and architectural levels

Analogue and mixed-signal design and characterization

Should you trust the surgeon or the family doctor?

Automatic synthesis of computation intensive application specific circuits

Embedded tutorial


Test generation for diagnosis, scan testing and advanced memory fault models

Future design challenges

Application-specific architectures

Technology and process aware low power circuit design

Hardware implementation of MPSoCs and NoCs architectures

Hot topic I: Security and trust in ubiquitous communication (ubiquitous communication and computation special day)

Keynote: ubiquitous communication and computation special day

Industrial system designs in aerospace, avionics and automotive

Mixed-signal and RF test

Embedded tutorial and panel - Heterogeneous systems on chip and systems in package

Novel directions in architectural simulation and validation

Power management

Advanced techniques for embedded processors design

Hot topic II

Best industrial systems designs in communication and multimedia

Nano and FIFO

System level validation

Model-based design for embedded systems

Life begins at 65 - unless you are mixed signal

Resource optimisation for best effort and quality of service

Hot topic

Designs in avionics, military and space

Timing analysis and validation

Model-based analysis and middleware of embedded systems

Advanced architectures for low power optimization

Performance analysis for NoC architectures

State of the art for safety critical systems (space and aeronautics special day)

Secure systems

Reliable microarchitectures

Formal techniques to enhance the verification flow

Interconnect extraction and synthesis

Embedded tutorial/panel - A future of customizable processors: are we there yet?

Placement and floorplanning

Hot topic I - Industrial applications (space and aeronautics special day)

Keynote - Setting the industrial scene (space and aeronautics special day)

Crypto blocks and security

Variation tolerant mixed signal test

SAT techniques for verification

Compiler techniques for customisable architectures

Interconnect optimization and metastability

Physical and device simulation

Hot topic II - Development and industrialization (space and aeronautics special day)

Wireless communication and networking system implementation

Soft error evaluation and tolerance

Embedded tutorial - EDA - a pivotal theme in the european technology platforms - ARTEMIS and ENIAC

Memory and instruction-set customization for real-time systems

Order reduction and variation-aware interconnect modelling

Temperature and process aware low power techniques

Towards total open source in aeronautics and space? (space and aeronautics special day)

Wireless communication and networking algorithms

System reliability and security issues

Statistical timing and worst-delay corner analysis

Real-time methodologies

Impact of nanometer technologies in MPSoCs and SoC design

High-level memory and clock power optimization