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User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-o

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
п {letter} :: The seventeenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet
п {m inan} :: abbreviation of параграф
па- {prefix} :: near-, pseudo-
па- {prefix} :: step-
па {n inan} :: pas, step
паб {noun} :: bar, pub (often in a foreign context)
Павел {prop} :: given name
Павел {prop} :: Papa (P in the ICAO spelling alphabet)
павиан {noun} :: baboon (primate)
павильон {noun} :: pavilion
павлин {noun} :: peacock, peafowl, pheasant
Павлов {prop} :: Павлов (several <<rural localities>> in <<c/Russia>>)
Павлов {prop} :: Павлов (two <<villages>> in <<c/Ukraine>>)
Павлов {prop} :: Павлов (several <<villages>> and <<municipalities>> in the <<c/Czech Republic>>)
Павлов {adj} :: Pavel's, Paul's
павловский {adj} [relational] :: Pavlov (common Slavic surname)
павловский {adj} [relational] :: Pavlov, Pavlovo, Pavlovsk, Pavlovsky (referring to any of various settlements with these names in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, etc.)
паводковый {adj} [relational] :: flood
паводок {noun} :: flood, freshet, surge (a flood resulting from heavy rain or a spring thaw)
павший {adj} [literary] :: fallen, like in a battle or in the line of duty
пагода {noun} :: pagoda
пагуба {noun} :: great harm, absolute ruin, perdition, destruction; bane
пагубная привычка {noun} :: bad, damaging habit (like addiction)
пагубный {adj} :: pernicious, ruinous, baneful, fatal, baleful
падаль {noun} [animate] :: carrion, offal (dead flesh; carcasses)
падаль {noun} [colloquial, pejorative, animate] :: an objectionable person
падать {v impf} :: to fall, to drop, to sink, to decline
падать {v impf} :: (livestock) to die, to perish
падать {v impf} :: to account for, to constitute, to comprise
падать в обморок {v impf} :: to faint, to swoon (to lose consciousness)
паддок {noun} :: paddock (enclosed area at a racetrack where horses are prepared before a race and unsaddled afterwards)
паддок {noun} :: similar area at a car racetrack where vehicles are prepared, media is located, etc
падеж {noun} [grammar] :: case
Па-де-Кале {prop} {m inan} :: Strait of Dover
падение {noun} :: fall, collapse, drop, sinking
падение {noun} [government] :: fall, downfall, overthrow
падение {noun} [geology] :: dip
падение {noun} [physics] :: incidence
падёж {noun} :: (cattle) murrain, cattle plague, rinderpest
падишах {noun} :: Padishah
падла {m anim} {f anim} [slang, vulgar] :: bitch; vile, disgusting person
падло {noun} [rare] :: crud, scum, creep, dirtbag, dirtball, scumbag, scuzzball, sleaze, sleazeball, slimeball
падонак {noun} :: padonki (Internet riff-raff, see the plural form падонки)
падонки {noun} [non-standard] :: padonki (Internet riff-raff, a Russian-speaking Internet subculture that employs alternative spellings for comic effect, and which delights in the use of profanity and obscene subjects.)
падуб {noun} :: holly (genus Ilex)
Падуя {prop} :: Падуя (capital)
падчерица {noun} :: stepdaughter
падший {adj} :: (of a person) that lost good qualities; that underwent moral decline, or character decay
падший {adj} [by extension] :: (of a woman) who became a prostitute
падший ангел {noun} :: fallen angel (angel who was exiled from heaven)
паевой {adj} [relational] :: share, interest
паёк {noun} :: ration, dietary allowance
паж {noun} :: page, pageboy
паз {noun} :: groove, slot, mortise, rabbet
пазл {noun} :: jigsaw puzzle
пазник {noun} :: grooving plane, plough
пазник {noun} :: cat's ear (Hypochaeris gen. et spp.)
пазуха {noun} [colloquial] :: bosom
пазуха {noun} [anatomy] :: sinus
пазуха {noun} [botany] :: axil
паинька {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: someone who is obedient, reasonable, well-behaved
пай {noun} :: share, interest
пайка {noun} :: soldering
пайка {noun} [slang] :: ration, slang form of паёк
пак {noun} :: pack ice
пакет {noun} :: small bag, parcel
пакет {noun} [networking] :: fragment of data sent over a network, packet
пакетик {noun} :: diminutive of пакет
пакибытие {noun} [religion] :: regeneration, revival, rebirth, the age to come, the future; afterlife
Пакистан {prop} :: Пакистан (country)
пакистанец {noun} :: Pakistani
пакистанский {adj} :: Pakistani
паккамера {noun} :: (paper production, forestry) sorting room
паклина {noun} [regional] :: piece of oakum
пакля {noun} :: oakum, tow (bundle of fibers)
паковать {v impf} :: to pack (a bag for a trip, etc.)
паковка {noun} :: packing
пакость {noun} :: filth
пакость {noun} :: dirty/mean trick
пакость {noun} :: filthy language
пакт {noun} :: pact
паланкин {noun} :: palanquin
палантин {noun} :: stole, tippet (fur or velvet women's scarf worn over the shoulders)
палантиновый {adj} [relational] :: stole, tippet
палантиновый {adj} :: large-sized [of a stole or scarf]
палас {noun} :: lint-free carpet
палата {noun} [obsolete, plural only] :: palace
палата {noun} [obsolete] :: chamber, hall
палата {noun} [medicine] :: ward
палата {noun} [political] :: chamber, house
палата {noun} :: (state institute) chamber, board
палатализация {noun} [linguistics, uncountable or countable] :: palatalization
палата лордов {noun} :: House of Lords
палата общин {noun} :: House of Commons
палатка {noun} :: tent (portable lodge)
палатка {noun} :: booth, stall (a small shop)
Палау {prop} {f} :: Палау (country/and/archipelago)
палач {noun} [also figuratively] :: executioner, hangman
палевный {adj} [slang] :: bait, obvious, blatant
палево {noun} :: conflagration, fire
палево {noun} :: place where a fire has taken place
палево {noun} [slang] :: tricky or risky situation, affair having some likelihood to become ashamingly bait
палево {noun} [slang] :: failed situation
палево {noun} [slang] :: low-quality liquor, hooch, rotgut, such booze that makes a party fail
палеоантрополог {noun} :: paleoanthropologist (male or female)
палеоантропология {noun} :: paleoanthropology
палеография {noun} :: paleography
палеонтолог {noun} :: paleontologist
палеонтологический {adj} :: paleontologic
палеонтология {noun} :: paleontology
Палермо {prop} {m inan} :: Палермо (city)
Палестина {prop} :: Palestine
палестинец {noun} :: Palestinian
палестинский {adj} :: Palestinian
палец {noun} :: finger or toe
палец {noun} :: (technical) (crank) pin, finger, cam
палец ноги {noun} :: toe (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) [lit.: finger/digit of the foot]
палешанин {noun} :: native of Palekh
палёный {adj} :: singed, scorched
палёный {adj} :: fake, counterfeit
пали {m inan} :: Pali
Паликир {noun} :: Паликир (capital city)
палимпсест {noun} :: palimpsest
палиндром {noun} :: palindrome
палисадник {noun} :: front garden
палисадник {noun} :: paling, palisade
палитра {noun} :: palette
палить {vt impf} :: to singe
палить {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to destroy with fire, to scorch
палить {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to burn (a bonfire, lantern, etc.; for the purposes of lighting)
палить {vi impf} [also, impersonal] :: to scorch, to be very hot [of the sun, the day, etc.]
палить {vt impf} [figurative] :: to torment [of feelings, experiences]
палить {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to fire, to shoot
палить {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to talk very quickly
палить {v impf} [slang] :: to catch (someone) doing something illegal or disallowed, to catch red-handed
палить из пушки по воробьям {v impf} [figuratively] :: to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
палица {noun} [archaic] :: club, cudgel
палия {noun} :: bull trout (Salvelinus alpinus, syn. Salvelinus lepechini)
палка {noun} :: stick, cane, club
палка {noun} [vulgar] :: instance of sex, a fuck
палка {noun} :: used in the expression
палладий {noun} :: palladium
паллиативная помощь {noun} :: palliative care (specialized area of healthcare)
паллиативный {adj} :: palliative (reducing progression and relieving symptoms)
паломник {noun} :: pilgrim (traveler to a religious site)
паломничество {noun} :: pilgrimage
палочка {noun} :: diminutive of палка: (small) stick
палочка {noun} :: baton
палочка {noun} :: wand
палочка {noun} :: bacillus
палочка {noun} :: rod (eye cell)
палочка {noun} :: palochka, the Caucasian Cyrillic letter Ӏ/ӏ
палочка для еды {noun} :: chopstick
палочник {noun} :: walking stick, leaf insect (insect)
палочный {adj} :: extremely strict, to the point of enforcing by caning [of a discipline or order enforcement]
палтус {noun} :: halibut
палтусина {noun} :: meat of halibut or turbot
палтусовый {adj} [relational] :: halibut, turbot
палуба {noun} [nautical] :: deck
палубный {adj} [relational, nautical] :: deck
палубный {adj} [nautical] :: decked (having a deck)
палубный {adj} [relational, aviation] :: carrier; carrier-based (capable of taking off from and landing on an aircraft carrier)
пальба {noun} :: shooting
пальма {noun} [botany] :: palm tree
Пальмира {prop} :: Palmyra
Пальмирена {prop} :: Palmyrena
пальмирец {noun} :: Palmyrene
пальмирский {adj} :: Palmyrene
пальмовый {adj} [relational] :: palm (tree)
пальнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shoot once, to fire once
пальтишко {noun} [often, pejorative] :: diminutive of пальто: (small) overcoat
пальто {n inan} :: overcoat, greatcoat, carrick
пальцевой {adj} [relational] :: finger, toe; digital (referring to the fingers or toes)
пальцем в небо {phrase} [idiomatic, usually with попасть] :: wide of the mark, barking up the wrong tree; literally: "(to find oneself) with a finger in heaven"
пальчик {noun} :: diminutive of палец: (small) finger, toe
памперс {noun} :: disposable baby diaper/nappy
памфлет {noun} :: lampoon, pamphlet
памфлетист {noun} :: pamphleteer
памятка {noun} :: memo, memorandum
памятка {noun} :: instruction, written rules, instruction sheet
памятливый {adj} :: having a retentive memory, retentive
памятник {noun} :: monument, memorial, tombstone, statue
памятный {adj} :: memorable
памятовать {v impf} [literary] :: to remember, to recall
память {noun} :: memory
пан {noun} [historical, sometimes derogatory] :: Polish landowner, feudal lord, or gentleman
пан {noun} [title or form of address, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic or Slovakia] :: sir, mister, gentleman, lord
пан {noun} [sometimes derogatory] :: Polack, a Polish person
панама {noun} :: Panama hat
Панама {prop} :: Панама (country)
Панама {prop} :: Панама (capital city)
панамский {adj} :: Panamanian
панацея {noun} :: panacea
Пангея {noun} :: Пангея (hypothetical <<ancient supercontinent>> of the Mesozoic era)
панголин {noun} :: pangolin (mammal)
панграмма {noun} :: pangram
панда {noun} :: panda (Ailurus fulgens)
пандеизм {noun} [religion] :: pandeism
пандемия {noun} [pathology] :: pandemic (a pandemic disease)
панджаби {m inan} :: Punjabi
пандит {noun} :: pundit (a Hindu scholar)
панегирик {noun} :: panegyric, eulogy
панель {noun} :: panel
панель {noun} [computing] :: matrix
панель {noun} [obsolete] :: sidewalk (U.S.), pavement (UK)
панельный {adj} [relational] :: panel
паненка {noun} [dated or Poland] :: (a Polish) young lady, miss; a Polish young girl
пани {f anim} [Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia] :: pani, Mrs, madam
паника {noun} :: panic, scare
паникадило {noun} :: church chandelier
паникёр {noun} :: alarmist (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause)
паникёрство {noun} :: alarmism (production of needless alarms)
паникёрша {noun} :: female alarmist (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause)
паниковать {v impf} :: to panic
панихида {noun} :: funeral service
панический {adj} [colloquial] :: panic
панический {adj} :: panicky
панк {noun} :: punk (a member of social and musical movement)
панк {noun} [music] :: punk
панка {noun} [dialectal] :: wooden bowl
панно {n inan} :: (a large) picture on a canvas, a decorative picture on a wall, ceiling, etc
панно {n inan} :: panel
панорама {noun} :: panorama
панпсихизм {noun} :: panpsychism
пансексуальность {noun} :: pansexuality
пансексуальный {adj} :: pansexual (having a sexual interest in all genders)
пансион {noun} [historical] :: boarding school
пансион {noun} :: boardinghouse
пансион {noun} :: board and lodging
пансион {noun} [tourism] :: meals
пансионат {noun} :: holiday hotel, boarding house
панталоны {noun} [plural only] :: long underwear, long johns, that is worn either under normal clothing in cold weather, or as a night dress
пантеизм {noun} [religion] :: pantheism
пантеист {noun} :: pantheist
пантеон {noun} :: pantheon
пантера {noun} :: panther
пантомима {noun} :: pantomime
панцирь {noun} :: coat of mail, armour
панцирь {noun} :: shell (of an arthropod or turtle)
папа {noun} :: dad, daddy
папа {noun} [tech] :: male socket
папа {m anim} :: pope
папа {noun} [archaic, childish, dialectal] :: bread, especially white bread
папа {noun} [archaic, childish, dialectal] :: food
папайя {noun} :: papaya (fruit or tree)
папарацци {m anim} {f anim} :: paparazzi
папа римский {noun} :: Roman Catholic pope
папаха {noun} :: papakha, calpac
папаша {noun} [colloquial] :: same as (папа) dad
папаша {noun} :: familiar term of address for an (elderly) man
паперть {noun} :: portico of a church
Папеэте {prop} {m inan} :: Папеэте (capital city)
папик {noun} [pejorative] :: sugar daddy
папин {adj} [possessive] :: dad’s, father’s
папироса {noun} :: papirosa (strong Russian cigarette made with dark tobacco, no filter)
папироска {noun} :: diminutive of папироса: cigarette (strong Russian type made with dark tobacco, no filter)
папиросный {adj} [relational] :: cigarette [with a cardboard holder]
папирус {noun} :: papyrus (a plant in the sedge family)
папка {m anim} :: daddy
папка {noun} :: folder (an organizer for storing papers)
папка {noun} :: file (things stored in a folder)
папка {noun} [computing] :: folder (directory or virtual container in a file system)
папоротник {noun} :: fern
папороть {noun} :: nonstandard form of папоротник
папочка {m anim} :: endearing form of папа: daddy
папочка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of папка: (small) folder
папочка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of папка: (small) file
паприка {noun} :: red pepper, paprika
папский {adj} :: papal
папство {noun} :: papacy
Папуа-Новая Гвинея {prop} :: Папуа-Новая Гвинея (country)
папуас {noun} :: Papuan
папуас {noun} [figuratively] :: savage
папье-маше {n inan} :: papier-mâché
пар {noun} :: steam, vapor
пар {noun} :: fallow (fallow land)
пара {noun} :: pair, couple
пара {noun} [colloquial] :: equal, match, equivalent
пара {noun} [colloquial] :: a few, not many
пара {noun} [colloquial] :: two, around two
пара {noun} :: lecture (in two academical hours)
пара {noun} [clothing, now rare] :: suit
парабола {noun} [geometry] :: parabola
Парагвай {prop} :: Парагвай (country)
парагвайский {adj} :: Paraguayan
параграф {noun} :: paragraph, section
парад {noun} :: parade
парад {noun} [military] :: military review
парадигма {noun} [philosophy, linguistics] :: paradigm
парадное {noun} [Saint Petersburg] :: front door
парадный {adj} [relational] :: parade
парадный {adj} :: front, main (entrance)
парадный {adj} :: gala, for show
парадный {adj} :: formal, full (of dress, uniform)
парадокс {noun} :: paradox
парадоксальность {noun} :: paradoxicality
парадоксальный {adj} :: paradoxical
паразит {noun} :: parasite (organism)
паразит {noun} :: parasite (person)
паразит {noun} [derogatory] :: bad person
паразит {noun} [linguistics] :: filler word
парализовать {v both} [medicine] :: to paralyze, to palsy
парализовать {v both} :: to petrify
парализовать {v both} :: to paralyze
паралич {noun} :: paralysis, palsy
параллелепипед {noun} [geometry] :: parallelepiped (solid figure)
параллелограмм {noun} :: parallelogram
параллель {noun} [geometry] :: parallel (line)
параллель {noun} :: parallel (line of latitude)
параллель {noun} :: parallel (line of reasoning similar to another one)
параллельно {adv} :: in parallel
параллельный {adj} :: parallel
Парамарибо {prop} {n inan} :: Парамарибо (capital city)
параметр {noun} :: parameter (various senses)
парамеция {noun} :: paramecium
паранджа {noun} :: burqa, burka
паранджа {noun} :: paranja
параноик {noun} :: paranoiac
паранойя {noun} [pathology] :: paranoia (a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution)
паранормальный {adj} :: paranormal
парапет {noun} :: parapet
параплан {noun} :: paraglider
параплица {noun} [milling] :: rind, millrind
паратаксис {noun} [grammar] :: parataxis
парафимоз {noun} :: paraphimosis
парафин {noun} :: paraffin
парафин {noun} :: paraffin wax
парафраза {noun} :: paraphrase
парацетамол {noun} :: acetaminophen, paracetamol (white crystalline compound used in medicine as an anodyne to relieve pain and reduce fever)
параша {noun} :: close-stool in a prison
параша {noun} :: bullshit, nonsense, untrue rumors
парашют {noun} :: parachute
парашютист {noun} :: parachutist, parachuter
пардон {interj} [colloquial] :: sorry, excuse me
парейдолия {noun} :: pareidolia
паремия {noun} [religion] :: didactic text containing passages from the Scriptures
паремия {noun} [philology, linguistics, rare] :: proverb
паремья {noun} [religion] :: didactic text containing passages from the Scriptures
паремья {noun} [philology, linguistics, rare] :: proverb
паренёк {noun} :: diminutive of парень
парень {noun} :: fellow, lad, chap, guy, bloke
парень {noun} :: boyfriend
Парень {prop} :: Paren River (in Kamchatka)
Парень {prop} :: Paren, a small Koryak village in Kamchatka
пари {n inan} :: bet, wager (an agreement)
Париж {prop} :: Париж (caplc)
парижанин {noun} :: Parisian
парижский {adj} :: Parisian
парижский насморк {noun} :: gonorrhea (jocular, euphemism)
парик {noun} :: wig
парикмахер {noun} :: friseur, barber, hairstylist, hairdresser
парикмахерская {noun} :: barbershop, beauty parlor
парилка {noun} :: steam bath, steam room, sauna
парилка {noun} :: room for steaming things [in a factory]
парильня {noun} :: sweating room
парировать {v both} :: to parry, to counter, to retort
Парис {prop} [mythology] :: Paris [Trojan prince]
Парис {prop} :: Парис (several <<cities>>, <<towns>>, <<unincorporated communities>> and <<census-designated places>> in the <<c/United States>>)
паритет {noun} :: parity
парить {v impf} :: to steam, to stew
парить {v impf} :: to steam out, to sweat out
парить {v impf} :: to plane, to glide
париться {v impf} :: to take a steam bath
пария {noun} :: pariah (member of an oppressed caste in India)
пария {noun} :: pariah (outcast and other senses)
парк {noun} :: park (for recreation)
парк {noun} :: yard, depot
парк {noun} :: fleet, stock
парк {noun} :: depot
парка {noun} :: steaming
парка {noun} :: parka (long jacket)
парк аттракционов {noun} :: amusement park
паркет {noun} :: parquet
паркинг {noun} :: parking, parking lot, parking space
парковать {v impf} :: to park (a car, a disk drive head)
парковаться {v impf} :: to park [intransitive]
парковка {noun} :: parking (space or action)
парковый {adj} [relational] :: park
парк развлечений {noun} :: amusement park
парламент {noun} :: parliament
парламентарий {noun} :: parliamentarian
парламентский {adj} [relational] :: parliament; parliamentarian, parliamentary
парная {noun} :: steam room (in a bath)
парник {noun} :: pot used for steaming
парник {noun} :: greenhouse
парниковый {adj} [relational] :: greenhouse
парниковый эффект {noun} :: greenhouse effect
парнишка {m anim} :: lad, boy
парной {adj} :: fresh, still warm with body heat [of animal products]
парной {adj} :: hot and close, warm and damp, sultry, muggy [of air]
парнокопытное {noun} :: artiodactyl (any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes)
парный {adj} [relational] :: pair, twin
парный {adj} [botany] :: conjugate
парный {adj} [art, sleight] :: pair-horse
пароварка {noun} :: steamer (cooking appliance)
паровоз {noun} :: steam locomotive
паровоз {noun} [colloquial] :: any locomotive
паровозик {noun} :: diminutive of паровоз
паровозик {noun} [colloquial] :: chain, procession [of people, cars, etc.]
паровозик {noun} [slang] :: method of smoking drugs involving blowing smoke from one person's mouth to another
паровозный {adj} [relational] :: locomotive
паровой {adj} [relational] :: steam
паровой {adj} :: fallow
пародировать {v impf} :: to parody, to mimic
пародия {noun} :: parody
парок {noun} :: diminutive of пар
пароль {noun} :: password
паром {noun} :: ferry
пароним {noun} [linguistics] :: paronym (a confusing word that sounds like another word)
пароход {noun} :: steamboat, steamer, steamship
пароходик {noun} :: diminutive of пароход
пароходство {noun} :: (steamship) line; steam navigation
пароходство {noun} :: shipping company
парочка {noun} :: diminutive of пара
парсуна {noun} [history] :: the 17th century Russian painted portrait
парта {noun} :: school desk
партбилет {noun} :: party membership card
партбюро {n inan} :: Party Bureau, "partbyuro" (the leading elective body of the primary party organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
партбюро {n inan} :: meeting of this body
партбюро {n inan} :: a similar organization in any institute
партер {noun} [theatre] :: the stalls, parquet, orchestra seats
парти {f inan} [slang] :: informal party for young people, get-together
партиец {noun} :: party member
партизан {noun} :: partisan (someone resisting a foreign army of occupation), guerilla (refers more to the method of warfare)
партизанский {adj} :: partisan
партизанский {adj} [relational] :: guerrilla
партийность {noun} [politics] :: party affiliation
партийность {noun} [politics] :: party spirit, partisanship
партийность {noun} :: occurrence of party principles [in literature or art]
партийный {adj} [relational, politics] :: party
партийный {adj} :: loyal to the party line
партийный {noun} :: party member
партитура {noun} [music] :: score
партия {noun} :: party (political group)
партия {noun} :: lot, batch, consignment, parcel
партия {noun} [military] :: detachment
партия {noun} [music] :: part
партия {noun} :: game, set, match
партком {noun} :: party committee
партнёр {noun} :: partner, associate
партнёрский {adj} [relational] :: partner, affiliate, partnership
партнёрство {noun} :: partnership
партнёрство {noun} [economics, law] :: partnership
партнёрша {noun} :: female partner, associate (person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner or colleague)
парторг {noun} :: party coordinator/organizer
парторганизация {noun} :: party organization
партсобрание {noun} [politics] :: party meeting, party gathering, party conference (gathering consisting of members of a political party)
парубок {noun} :: young Ukrainian man
парубок {noun} [Ukraine] :: youth, guy
парус {noun} :: sail
парусина {noun} :: sailcloth
парусник {noun} :: sailing ship (type of ship)
парусник {noun} [fish] :: sailfish
парусник {noun} [butterfly] :: swallowtail
парусное судно {noun} :: sailing ship (type of ship)
парусный {adj} [relational] :: sail, sailing
парфюм {noun} [colloquial] :: perfume, cologne
парфюмерия {noun} :: perfumery
парфянин {noun} :: Parthian (person)
парча {noun} :: brocade (fabric)
паршивый {adj} :: scabby, mangy
паршивый {adj} [colloquial] :: nasty, rotten, lousy
паря {noun} [dialectal] :: guy, fellow, bloke
пас {noun} [volleyball] :: set
пас {noun} [card games] :: pass (declining to play in one's turn)
пас {noun} [sports] :: pass (the passing of the ball)
пасека {noun} :: apiary
пасечник {noun} :: beekeeper, bee-master
Пасир-Рис {prop} :: Pasir Ris
паска {noun} :: paskha (Easter dessert)
паскаль {noun} :: pascal
пасквиль {noun} :: libel, libelous or defamatory piece of journalism
паскуда {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a vile person, bastard, scoundrel, asshole
паскуда {noun} [dated or regional] :: filth, abomination
пасмурный {adj} :: dull, cloudy, overcast
пасмурный {adj} :: gloomy, sullen
паспорт {noun} :: passport
паспорт {noun} :: ID card [Russia]
паспорт {noun} :: (product) certificate, manual
паспортный {adj} [relational] :: passport
пассаж {noun} :: arcade, passage (covered passage, usually with shops on both sides)
пассаж {noun} [music] :: passage
пассаж {noun} [obsolete] :: unexpected turn (of events)
пассажир {noun} :: passenger
пассажирка {noun} :: female passenger
пассажирский {adj} [relational] :: passenger, commuter
пассажирский самолёт {noun} :: airliner (passenger aircraft)
пассат {noun} :: trade wind
пассатижи {noun} :: (combination) pliers
пассивно-агрессивный {adj} :: passive-aggressive (passive resistance)
пассивность {noun} :: passiveness, passivity
пассивный {adj} :: passive
пассия {noun} :: passion, flame (object of passionate love or strong interest)
паста {noun} :: paste
паста {noun} [colloquial] :: pasta (considered non-standard in this sense)
пастбище {noun} :: pasture
паства {noun} [religion] :: congregation, flock, parish
пастель {noun} :: pastel
пастель {noun} :: crayon
пастеризация {noun} :: pasteurization
пастеризовать {v both} :: to pasteurize
пастернак {noun} :: parsnip
пасти {v impf} :: to graze, to pasture, to shepherd
пасти {v impf} [slang] :: to follow, to tail
пастила {noun} :: pastille (a soft flavoured sweet/candy)
пастись {v impf} :: to graze (to eat grass from a pasture)
пастор {noun} [Christianity] :: pastor, shepherd
пастух {noun} :: shepherd
пастуший {adj} [relational] :: shepherd's
пастушка {noun} :: shepherdess, female shepherd
пастушок {noun} :: diminutive of пастух: young shepherd
пастушок {noun} :: rail, railbird [type of bird]
пастушонок {noun} :: diminutive of пастушок, which is in turn a diminutive of пастух: shepherd boy
пастырский {adj} [relational] :: pastor; pastor's; pastoral (related to a pastor)
пастырь {noun} [Christianity] :: pastor, shepherd
пасть {v pf} [dated, literary] :: to fall
пасть {v pf} [of а decision, especially by lot] :: to fall on an option
пасть {v pf} [figurative, high register] :: to fall, to die on the battlefield, to be killed in action
пасть {v pf} [figurative, formal, of historical states, governments] :: to fall, to lose power, to cease to exist, to be toppled
пасть {v pf} [figurative, formal, of historical cities, castles] :: to fall, to give way under siege
пасть {v pf} [figurative, formal] :: to stoop, to lower one's morals
пасть {noun} :: mouth, maw, jaws (of an animal, reptile or fish)
пасть {noun} [pejorative] :: mouth, piehole
пасть {noun} :: throat
пасть {noun} :: wide inlet on a device, structure or construction
пасть {noun} :: trap, snare
пасха {noun} :: paskha (Easter dessert)
Пасха {noun} :: Easter
Пасха {noun} :: Passover
пасхальный {adj} [relational] :: Easter
пасхальный {adj} [relational] :: Passover
пасхальный {adj} :: paschal
пасынок {noun} :: stepson
пасьянс {noun} :: solitaire, patience
пасюк {noun} [rare or regional] :: rat (rodent)
пат {noun} [chess, also, figurative] :: stalemate
пат {noun} :: (sort of fruit jelly) paste
патент {noun} :: patent, licence
патентный {adj} [relational] :: patent
патентовать {v both} :: to patent, to take out a patent (for, on)
патетика {noun} :: emotionality, pompousness, histrionics
патетический {adj} [literary] :: full of pathos, impassioned, passionate, emotional
патефон {noun} [historical] :: portable gramophone, phonograph
пати {f inan} [slang] :: informal party for young people, get-together
патикус {noun} :: A male homosexual, particularly one who assumes the passive role in sex; a bottom
патина {noun} :: patina
патлатый {adj} [colloquial] :: hairy, shaggy, having long (usually unkempt) hair
патлы {noun} [colloquial] :: long, unkempt hair
патовый {adj} [relational, chess, also, figurative] :: stalemate
патоген {noun} :: pathogen
патогенез {noun} [medicine] :: pathogenesis
патока {noun} :: molasses; treacle
патолог {noun} :: pathologist
патологический {adj} :: pathological (various senses)
патология {noun} :: pathology
патологоанатом {noun} :: pathologist
патологоанатомия {noun} :: pathoanatomy
патриарх {noun} :: patriarch
патриархальный {adj} :: patriarchal
патриархат {noun} :: patriarchy
патриархат {noun} :: patriarchate
патриархия {noun} [Christianity] :: patriarchate
патриарший {adj} :: patriarch's
патриот {noun} :: patriot
патриотизм {noun} :: patriotism
патриотический {adj} :: patriotic
патрон {noun} :: cartridge, shell, plural ammunition
патрон {noun} [mechanical engineering] :: chuck
патрон {noun} :: lamp socket
патрон {noun} :: tailor's pattern
патрон {noun} :: patron, boss
патрон {noun} :: patron saint
патронаж {noun} :: patronage
патронташ {noun} [military] :: bandolier, cartridge/ammunition belt
патрубок {noun} :: jet, nipple, nozzle, socket
патрулирование {noun} :: patrol, patrolling
патрулировать {v impf} :: to patrol
патруль {noun} :: patrol
патрульный {adj} [relational] :: patrol
патрульный {noun} :: man on patrol, patrolman
пауза {noun} :: pause, interval; rest
пауза {noun} [music] :: rest (pause of a specified length in a piece of music)
паук {noun} :: spider
паук {noun} [colloquial] :: mean, greedy person
паук-волк {noun} [zoology] :: wolf spider
паук-птицеед {noun} :: tarantula
паутина {noun} :: spiderweb, cobweb
паутинка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of паутина
паутинка {noun} [colloquial] :: knit scarf, etc. of very thin filaments
паутинка {noun} [colloquial] :: type of very thin silk stockings
пафос {noun} :: pathos, enthusiasm
пах {noun} :: groin
пахан {noun} [slang] :: big shot, don, underworld boss
пахан {noun} [slang] :: father
пахан {noun} [slang] :: Stalin
пахарь {noun} :: plowman
пахарь {noun} [dated] :: farmer
пахать {v impf} :: to plow
пахать {v impf} [figuratively] :: to work hard
пахлава {noun} :: baklava (dessert)
пахнуть {v impf} :: to smell (of), to savour
пахнуть {v impf} :: to smell, to reek (of) (+ instrumental case)
пахнуть {v pf} :: to puff, to blow
пахота {noun} :: plowing
пахота {noun} :: plowed field
пахотный {adj} :: arable
пахта {noun} :: buttermilk
пахучий {adj} :: fragrant
пахучий {adj} :: strong-smelling, odorous
пацан {noun} [colloquial] :: boy, lad, guy
пацанёнок {noun} [colloquial] :: boy, lad
пациент {noun} :: patient
пациентка {noun} :: female patient
пацифист {noun} :: pacifist
паче {adv} [archaic] :: more
пачка {noun} :: bundle, pack, packet, batch, sheaf, package, parcel
пачка {noun} :: tutu
пачка {noun} [military] :: clip (ammunition)
пачкать {v impf} :: to soil, to dirty, to stain
пачкать {v impf} :: to daub
пачкотня {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: daub, scrawl; bungling
паша {m anim} [title] :: pasha
Паша {prop} {m anim} :: given name
пашалык {noun} :: pashalik
пашня {noun} :: ploughed field, arable land
паштет {noun} :: pâté
пашто {m inan} :: Pashto; one of the official languages of Afghanistan
паяльник {noun} :: soldering iron
паясничать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to clown around
паять {v impf} :: to solder
паять {v impf} [figurative, criminal slang] :: to try (usually through unfair, fraudulent, illegal means) to set the sentence of a defendant
паяц {noun} :: buffoon, clown, jester
п/г {adv} :: initialism of прошлого года
п.г. {adv} :: initialism of прошлого года
п. г. т. {m inan} :: initialism of посёлок городского типа: townlet, urban-type settlement (Russian administrative unit)
пгт {m inan} :: initialism of посёлок городского типа: townlet, urban-type settlement (Russian administrative unit)
певец {noun} :: singer
певица {noun} :: female singer, songstress
певучий {adj} :: loving to sing
певучий {adj} :: singing [e.g. of a door or gate]
певучий {adj} :: prolonged and melodious, sonorous [e.g. of speech or a voice]
певческий {adj} [relational] :: singing, singer
певчий {adj} :: singing
певчий {noun} :: chorister, choirboy
пегий {adj} :: piebald, skewbald (esp. of horses)
педагог {noun} :: pedagogue, teacher
педагогика {noun} :: pedagogy
педагогический {adj} :: pedagogical
педаль {noun} :: pedal, treadle
педант {noun} :: pedant, prig
педель {noun} [historical] :: bedel, beadle
педераст {noun} :: pederast
педераст {noun} [by extension, offensive] :: asshole
педерастический {adj} :: pederastic
педерастия {noun} :: pederasty
педиатр {noun} :: pediatrician
педиатрия {noun} :: pediatrics
педик {noun} [vulgar, derogatory] :: pederast; male homosexual; faggot, fag (US, Canada); poof (UK, Australia, New Zealand)
педикюр {noun} :: pedicure
пединститут {noun} :: teacher's college, pedagogical institute
педофил {noun} :: pedophile
педофилия {noun} :: pedophilia (sexual feeling of desire directed towards children)
пейджер {noun} :: pager (device)
пей до дна {interj} [colloquial] :: bottoms up!, cheers! (lit., drink to the bottom!)
пейзаж {noun} :: landscape
пейзажный {adj} [relational] :: landscape
пейзан {noun} [dated] :: paysan
пейзан {noun} :: farmer, peasant
пейзанин {noun} [dated] :: paysan
пек {noun} :: pitch (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar)
пекан {noun} [botany] :: pecan (Carya illinoinensis)
пекан {noun} [zoology] :: fisher (Pekania pennanti)
пекарня {noun} :: bakery
пекарь {noun} :: baker
Пекин {prop} :: Пекин (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
пекло {noun} :: scorching heat
пекло {noun} [figuratively] :: heat (the height or stress of an action or condition)
пекло {noun} :: hell
Пелагея {prop} :: given name
пелена {noun} :: shroud
пелерина {noun} :: pelerine, cape
пелёнка {noun} :: nappy/diaper, swaddling cloth
пеликан {noun} :: pelican
пеллагра {noun} :: pellagra
пеллета {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: pellet
пеллета {noun} [pharmaceutical, plural] :: pill
пеллета {noun} [biological] :: pellet [animal feces]
пелюшка {noun} :: field pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense syn. Pisum sativum convar. speciosum)
пелядь {noun} :: peled (fish)
пемза {noun} :: pumice
Пемзашен {prop} :: Пемзашен (village)
пена {noun} [uncountable] :: foam, spume, scum, froth
пена {noun} [uncountable] :: lather
пенал {noun} :: pencil case, pencil box (object purposed to contain stationery)
пенальти {m inan} {n inan} :: penalty (free-kick in football)
пенаты {noun} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: Penates (household gods)
пенаты {noun} [dated or ironic] :: home
пендельтюр {noun} :: swing door
пендос {noun} [ethnic slur, derogatory] :: Alternative spelling of пиндос
пенёк {noun} :: diminutive of пень: (small) stump, stub
Пенза {prop} :: Пенза (city/administrative center)
пензенский {adj} [relational] :: Penza (city in Russia)
пение {noun} :: singing
пенис {noun} [anatomy] :: penis
пениться {v impf} :: to foam
пенициллин {noun} :: penicillin
пенка {noun} :: skin forming on milk
пенка {noun} :: meerschaum
пенка {noun} :: leaf warbler
пенни {n inan} [numismatics] :: penny
пенографит {noun} :: expanded/exfoliated graphite
пенопласт {noun} :: foam (foam rubber), styrofoam
пеночка {noun} :: diminutive of пенка
пеночка {noun} :: leaf warbler
пеночка-теньковка {noun} :: chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
пенс {noun} [numismatics] :: penny
Пенсильвания {prop} :: Пенсильвания (state)
пенсионер {noun} :: pensioner, retiree
пенсионерка {noun} :: female pensioner, retiree
пенсионный {adj} [relational] :: pension; pensionary
пенсия {noun} :: pension
пенсия {noun} :: retirement
пенсне {n inan} :: pince-nez
пентадекан {noun} :: pentadecane
пень {noun} :: (tree) stump, stub
пень {noun} [pejorative, animate] :: blockhead
пень {noun} [slang] :: Pentium processor
пенье {noun} :: alternative form of пение
пенька {noun} :: hemp fibre (for making into cloth or rope)
пеня {noun} :: fine (payment for breaking the law)
пенязь {noun} [historical] :: name for Anglo-Saxon and Germanic pfennigs
пенязь {noun} [archaic] :: (small) coin
пенязь {noun} [obsolete, in plural] :: money
пенять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to reproach (with), to blame
пенящийся {adj} :: foamy, bubbly
пепел {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: ash, ashes
пепелище {noun} :: the ashes, smoldering ruins
пепелище {noun} [figuratively] :: hearth and home
Пепельная среда {noun} :: Ash Wednesday (a Christian day of penitence)
пепельница {noun} :: ashtray
пепельный {adj} [relational] :: ash
пепельный {adj} :: ash-colored, ashy
пеперомия {noun} :: Peperomia (one of the 2 large genera of the Piperaceae family)
пепси {m inan} :: a Pepsi drink
пепсин {noun} [enzyme] :: pepsin
пептид {noun} [biochemistry, medicine] :: peptide
пер. {m inan} :: lane, by-street
первач {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: merchandise of a high quality, of the first (i.e. the best) sort
первач {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: someone who always/usually takes the first position in competitions, contests, etc
первач {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: performer of the first roles
первач {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: the first phase or the initial distillation of samogon (a Russian home-distilled illegal spirit)
первая любовь {noun} :: first love (one's first feeling of romantic love)
первая мировая война {noun} :: World War I
первенец {noun} :: firstborn
первенец {noun} :: firstling
первенство {noun} :: first place, top ranking
первенство {noun} :: priority
первенство {noun} :: championship
первичный {adj} :: prime, initial, primary
первичный {adj} :: primordial, virgin
первобытный {adj} :: primeval
первое {noun} :: the first thing
первое {noun} :: ellipsis of первое блюдо: starter (first course of a meal)
первое {noun} :: the first (in dates)
первое лицо {noun} [grammar] :: first person
первое лицо {noun} :: the top person in an organization or government
первое слагаемое {noun} :: augend (a quantity to which another is added)
первозданность {noun} :: savagery
первозданный {adj} :: primordial
первоисточник {noun} :: origin, primary source
первоклассник {noun} :: first-former, first-grader (a pupil of the first year at school)
первоклассный {adj} :: first-class, first-rate, high-class
первокурсник {noun} :: freshman, first-year student
первомайский {adj} [relational] :: May Day
первомученик {noun} :: protomartyr
первомученица {noun} :: protomartyress; female equivalent of первомученик
первоначально {adv} :: initially, originally, at first, first (at the beginning)
первоначальный {adj} :: initial, original
первоначальный {adj} :: elementary
первоначальный {adj} :: primary
первооткрыватель {noun} :: discoverer, pioneer
первоочередной {adj} :: first and foremost, immediate
первопоселенец {noun} :: settler
первопричина {noun} [religion] :: original / initial chaos, the beginning
первопричина {noun} :: first cause, prime cause
первопроходец {noun} :: trailblazer, pioneer, pathfinder
первопроходчик {noun} :: pioneer
первосвященник {noun} :: high priest
первостепенный {adj} :: paramount
первый {adj} :: first
первый {adj} :: chief, main
перга {noun} :: beebread
пергамент {noun} :: parchment (material)
пердак {noun} [colloquial, humorous, vulgar] :: arse, ass, butt
пердеть {v impf} [colloquial, colloquial] :: to fart (noisily, as opposed to бздеть)
пердун {noun} [colloquial] :: farter, fart (someone who farts)
пердушка {noun} [colloquial] :: female farter, fart (someone who farts)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: over, over again (describing an action of moving by overcoming one or more obstacles)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: across, trans- (describing an action of moving to a different place)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: too much (describing an action of resulting something excessive)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: extremely (describing an action of doing something much more extreme than an average action)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: re- (describing a repeating action)
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an alternating or exchanging action
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing a consequence of a completed action that affects many entities of a group
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing a destructed state of an entity, usually by cutting or tearing with tools or tool-like implements
пере- {prefix} [used with verbs, colloquial, rare] :: describing a light action that is not done in full measure
перебарщивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to overdo it, to go too far
перебегать {v impf} :: to run (across), to cross (at a run [running])
перебегать {v impf} :: to move, to shift
перебегать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to defect (to), to go over (to)
перебегать {v pf} :: to run too long
перебежать {v pf} :: to run (across), to cross (at a run [running])
перебежать {v pf} :: to move, to shift
перебежать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to defect (to), to go over (to)
перебежка {noun} :: rush, dash
перебежка {noun} [skating] :: cornering step
перебежка {noun} [colloquial] :: defection
перебежка {noun} [sports] :: re-race (redoing of a race, when the outcome was unclear)
перебежчик {noun} :: deserter, turncoat
перебивать {v impf} :: to interrupt, to break
перебивать {v impf} :: to kill, to slaughter, to slay (all)
перебивать {v impf} :: to break (in two)
перебивать {v impf} :: to break (all)
перебиваться {vi impf} :: to break, to shatter [of all or many things]
перебиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be interrupted or disturbed
перебиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to survive with difficulty
перебиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to live off [+ instrumental, a specified type of work]
перебирать {v impf} :: to sort out, to look through
перебирать {v impf} :: to finger (strings of a string musical instrument)
перебирать {v impf} :: to take in excess, to take too much
перебирать {v impf} :: to recall, to turn over in one's mind
перебирать {v impf} :: to be picky, to be choosy
перебирать {v impf} :: to move (one's feet), to advance (slowly)
перебираться {v impf} :: to get over (an obstacle or to a place), to cross
перебираться {v impf} :: to move (to some place)
перебить {v pf} :: to interrupt, to break
перебить {v pf} :: to kill, to slaughter, to slay (all)
перебить {v pf} :: to break (in two)
перебить {v pf} :: to break (all)
перебиться {vi pf} :: to break, to shatter [of all or many things]
перебиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be interrupted or disturbed
перебиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to survive with difficulty
перебиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to live off [+ instrumental, a specified type of work]
перебой {noun} :: stoppage, interruption
перебой {noun} :: irregularity, misfire
перебой {noun} [medicine] :: intermission
переболевать {v impf} :: to experience, to suffer (a disease)
переболевать {v impf} :: to experience, to suffer (many diseases)
переболевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to experience (heartache, sorrow, etc.)
переболевать {v impf} :: to grieve [of the soul or heart]
переболевать {v impf} :: to hurt, to be painful [of many or various body parts]
переболевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to overcome (a crush, an infatuation)
переболеть {v pf} :: to experience, to suffer (a disease)
переболеть {v pf} :: to experience, to suffer (many diseases)
переболеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to experience (heartache, sorrow, etc.)
переболеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to overcome (a crush, an infatuation)
переболеть {v pf} :: to grieve [of the soul or heart]
переболеть {v pf} :: to hurt, to be painful [of many or various body parts]
перебор {noun} [music] :: running over the strings, fingering, arpeggio
перебор {noun} :: excess, surplus
перебор {noun} :: search, rundown, exhaustion, exhaustive search
перебор {noun} [church] :: funeral bells
переборка {noun} [colloquial] :: sorting through
переборка {noun} [colloquial] :: sorting out
переборка {noun} [colloquial] :: collecting of disassembled parts [for the purpose of repair]
переборка {noun} [colloquial] :: bulkhead, partition
перебороть {v pf} :: to overcome; to get the better of
перебороть {v pf} :: to suppress (e.g. a strong feeling, addiction, etc.)
переборщить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to overdo it, to go too far
перебранка {noun} :: wrangle, squabble (minor (verbal) fight or argument)
перебрасывать {v impf} :: to throw over, to throw across
перебрасывать {v impf} :: to transfer, to redeploy
перебрасывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shift (onto)
перебрасываться {v impf} :: to rush, to hurry [through or to somewhere]
перебрасываться {vi impf} :: to spread quickly [e.g. of a fire]
перебрасываться {v impf} [dated] :: to defect [to the enemy]
перебрасываться {v impf} :: to throw at each other [+ instrumental, something]
перебрасываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to quickly exchange [+ instrumental, words, comments, etc.]
перебрасываться {v impf} :: to play (a game) with someone [в + accusative]
перебрать {v pf} :: to sort out, to look through
перебрать {v pf} :: to finger (strings of a string musical instrument)
перебрать {v pf} :: to take in excess, to take too much
перебрать {v pf} :: to recall, to turn over in one's mind
перебрать {v pf} :: to be picky, to be choosy
перебрать {v pf} :: to move (one's feet), to advance (slowly)
перебраться {v pf} :: to get over (an obstacle or to a place), to cross
перебраться {v pf} :: to move (to some place)
перебросить {v pf} :: to throw over, to throw across
перебросить {v pf} :: to transfer, to redeploy
перебросить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shift (onto)
переброситься {v pf} :: to rush, to hurry [through or to somewhere]
переброситься {vi pf} :: to spread quickly [e.g. of a fire]
переброситься {v pf} [dated] :: to defect [to the enemy]
переброситься {v pf} :: to throw at each other [+ instrumental, something]
переброситься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to quickly exchange [+ instrumental, words, comments, etc.]
переброситься {v pf} :: to play (a game) with someone [в + accusative]
переброска {noun} :: transfer, redeployment
перебывать {v pf} :: to visit
перевал {noun} :: crossing, passing
перевал {noun} :: mountain pass
переваливать {v impf} :: to shift, to roll over
переваливать {v impf} :: to cross, to get to the top
переваливаться {vi impf} :: to roll over
переваливаться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to waddle
перевалить {v pf} :: to shift, to roll over
перевалить {v pf} :: to cross, to get to the top
перевалить {v pf} [impersonal] :: to pass
перевалить {v pf} [impersonal] :: (about time) to pass
перевалиться {vi pf} :: to roll over
переваривать {v impf} :: to overdo, to spoil by overdoing
переваривать {v impf} :: to cook/boil again
переваривать {v impf} :: to digest
переваривать {v impf} :: to stand, to bear, to stomach
переварить {v pf} :: to overdo, to spoil by overdoing
переварить {v pf} :: to cook/boil again
переварить {v pf} :: to digest
перевезти {v pf} :: to transport, to carry, to remove, to move
перевезти {v pf} :: to take across, to put across
перевернуть {v pf} :: to turn around
перевернуть {v pf} :: to overturn, to turn over
перевернуть {v pf} :: to turn (a page)
перевернуть {v pf} :: to turn inside out
перевернуть {v pf} :: to turn upside down
перевернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn over [while searching, making a mess]
перевернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to transform, to radically change
перевернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to stun
перевернуться {v pf} :: to turn over, to turn round
перевернуться {v pf} :: to capsize, to overturn
перевертеть {v pf} :: to overwind
перевес {noun} :: preponderance, advantage
перевес {noun} :: excess weight (of luggage)
перевесить {v pf} :: to hang in a different place
перевесить {v pf} :: to weigh again, to reweigh
перевесить {v pf} :: to outweigh
перевесить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to take precedence, to be more significant
перевести {v pf} :: to lead, to convey, to transfer, to move, to shift, to transmit, to switch
перевести {v pf} :: to translate, to interpret [into another language]
перевести {v pf} :: to remit (money)
перевестись {v pf} :: to transfer (to another place of work, study etc)
перевестись {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come to an end, to become extinct
перевешать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hang up (all or many things)
перевешать {v pf} :: to hang (all or many people), to execute (all or many people) by hanging
перевешать {v pf} :: to weigh (all or many things)
перевешать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to weigh again, to reweigh
перевешивать {v impf} :: to hang up in a different place
перевешивать {v impf} :: to weigh again, to reweigh
перевешивать {v impf} :: to outweigh
перевешивать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to take precedence, to be more significant
перевешивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hang up (all or many things)
перевешивать {v impf} :: to hang (all or many people), to execute (all or many people) by hanging
перевешивать {v impf} :: to weigh (all or many things)
перевешивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to weigh again, to reweigh
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to turn around
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to overturn, to turn over
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to turn (a page)
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to turn inside out
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to turn upside down
перевёртывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn over [while searching, making a mess]
перевёртывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to transform, to radically change
перевёртывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stun
перевёртывать {v impf} :: to overwind
перевёртываться {v impf} :: to turn over, to turn round
перевёртываться {v impf} :: to capsize, to overturn
перевод {noun} :: transfer, transference
перевод {noun} :: translation
перевод {noun} :: remittance
перевод {noun} :: money order
перевод {noun} :: switching, shunting
перевод {noun} :: conversion
переводитель {noun} :: transferrer (someone who transfers)
переводить {v impf} :: to lead, to convey, to transfer, to move, to shift, to transmit, to switch
переводить {v impf} :: to translate, to interpret [into another language]
переводить {v impf} :: to remit (money)
переводиться {v impf} :: to transfer (to another place of work, study etc)
переводиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come to an end, to become extinct
переводной {adj} :: translated, in translation
переводной {adj} [relational] :: money order
переводный {adj} :: translating, translated
переводный {adj} :: transferable (alienable), switchable, transfer
переводоведение {noun} [translation studies] :: translatology, translation studies
переводчик {noun} :: translator
переводчик {noun} :: interpreter
переводчица {noun} :: translator
переводчица {noun} :: interpreter
перевозить {v impf} :: to transport, to carry (by vehicle), to remove, to move
перевозить {v impf} :: to take across, to put across
перевозить {v pf} :: to transport, to carry (by vehicle) all, to transport, to carry too many
перевозка {noun} :: conveyance, transportation
перевозчик {noun} :: ferryman, boatman
перевозчик {noun} :: carrier
перевооружение {noun} :: rearmament, rearming
перевоплощение {noun} :: reincarnation (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form)
переворачивать {v impf} :: alternative form of перевёртывать
переворачиваться {v impf} :: to turn over, to turn round
переворачиваться {v impf} :: to capsize, to overturn
переворот {noun} :: somersault
переворот {noun} :: revolution
переворот {noun} :: revolt, revolution (the removal and replacement of a government)
переворотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of перевернуть
переворотиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of перевернуться
перевоспитание {noun} :: reeducation
перевоспитать {v pf} :: to reeducate
перевоспитывать {v impf} :: to reeducate
переврать {v pf} :: to muddle, to garble
перевязать {v pf} :: to tie up, to cord
перевязать {v pf} :: to tie up again, to cord again
перевязать {v pf} :: to bandage
перевязать {v pf} :: to knit again, to have knitted again
перевязка {noun} :: bandaging, dressing
перевязывать {v impf} :: to tie up, to cord
перевязывать {v impf} :: to tie up again, to cord again
перевязывать {v impf} :: to bandage
перевязывать {v impf} :: to knit again, to have knitted again
перегар {noun} [colloquial] :: unpleasant smell of (last night's) alcohol
перегиб {noun} :: bend
перегиб {noun} [figurative] :: excess, extreme
перегибать {v impf} :: to fold, to bend
перегибать {v impf} :: to go to extremes
перегибаться {v impf} :: to bend
перегибаться {v impf} :: to lean over, to lean (over)
переглядываться {v impf} :: to exchange glances, to look at each other
переглянуться {v pf} :: to exchange glances, to look at each other
перегнать {v pf} :: to drive (somewhere else), to ferry
перегнать {v pf} :: to distill
перегнать {v pf} :: to surpass, to overtake
перегнать {v pf} :: to outrun, to outdistance
перегной {noun} :: humus
перегнуть {v pf} :: to fold, to bend
перегнуть {v pf} :: to go to extremes
перегнуться {v pf} :: to bend
перегнуться {v pf} :: to lean over, to lean (over)
переговаривать {v impf} :: to talk about something, to talk over, to discuss
переговариваться {v impf} :: to exchange remarks/words (with)
переговорить {v pf} :: to talk, to have a talk, to speak (to, with)
переговорить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to discuss, to cover
переговорить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to talk down, to outtalk
переговорный {adj} [relational] :: negotiations
переговоры {noun} :: talks, negotiation
перегон {noun} :: stage [of a journey]
перегон {noun} :: stretch, span [of a railway line, between stations]
перегон {noun} :: driving [of animals]
перегонять {v impf} :: to drive (somewhere else), to ferry
перегонять {v impf} :: to distill
перегонять {v impf} :: to surpass, to overtake
перегонять {v impf} :: to outrun, to outdistance
перегонять {v pf} [rare] :: to banish, to exile (many people)
перегораживать {v impf} :: to partition off
перегораживать {v impf} :: to block, to obstruct
перегорать {v impf} :: to burn out [of a fire, fuse, bulb, etc.]
перегорать {vi impf} :: to burn to ashes, to burn to nothing
перегорать {v impf} :: to fade [also figuratively, of feelings, etc.]
перегореть {v pf} :: to burn out [of a fire, fuse, bulb, etc.]
перегореть {vi pf} :: to burn to ashes, to burn to nothing
перегореть {v pf} :: to fade [also figuratively, of feelings, etc.]
перегородить {v pf} :: to partition off
перегородить {v pf} :: to block, to obstruct
перегородка {noun} :: partition (wall)
перегородка {noun} [anatomy] :: septum
перегрев {noun} :: overheating
перегревание {noun} :: overheating
перегревать {vt impf} :: to overheat
перегреваться {vi impf} :: to overheat
перегреть {vt pf} :: to overheat
перегреться {vi pf} :: to overheat
перегружать {v impf} :: to overload, to surcharge
перегружать {v impf} :: to overload, to overwork
перегружать {v impf} :: to overburden
перегружать {v impf} :: to transship, to transfer
перегружать {v impf} :: to reboot, to reload, to restart
перегруз {noun} :: overload, surcharge
перегрузить {v pf} :: to overload, to surcharge
перегрузить {v pf} :: to overload, to overwork
перегрузить {v pf} :: to overburden
перегрузить {v pf} :: to transship, to transfer
перегрузить {v pf} :: to reboot, to reload, to restart
перегрузка {noun} :: overload, surcharge
перегрузка {noun} :: overload, overwork
перегрузка {noun} :: transfer, transshipment
перед {prep} :: in front of, before
перед {prep} :: right/immediately before
перед {noun} :: front, forepart
передаваемый {adj} :: transmittable, transmissible
передавать {v impf} :: to hand over, to deliver, to give
передавать {v impf} :: to broadcast, to transmit
передавать {v impf} :: to reproduce, to render
передавать {v impf} :: to tell, to take a message
передаваться {v impf} :: to go over to, to spread
передаточный {adj} [relational] :: transmission, transfer
передаточный {adj} [relational] :: gearing, drive, transmission
передатчик {noun} [animate] :: sender, messenger
передатчик {noun} [inanimate, radio, television] :: transmitter
передать {v pf} :: to hand over, to deliver, to give
передать {v pf} :: to broadcast, to transmit
передать {v pf} :: to reproduce, to render
передать {v pf} :: to tell, to take a message
передаться {v pf} :: to go over to, to spread
передача {noun} :: delivery
передача {noun} :: communication, handing over, passing, transfer, transmission
передача {noun} :: parcel
передача {noun} :: broadcast, broadcasting, relaying, telecast, transmission
передача {noun} :: gear, gearing, drive, transmission
передвигать {v impf} :: to move, to shift
передвигать {v impf} :: (time) to shift, to move
передвигать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (to the other position) to move, to transfer
передвигать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to move (everything or many things)
передвигаться {v impf} :: to move, to shift
передвигаться {v impf} :: to move, to walk
передвигаться {v impf} :: to travel
передвижение {noun} :: movement, conveyance
передвижник {noun} :: Peredvizhnik
передвижной {adj} :: movable, mobile
передвижной {adj} :: traveling, mobile, itinerant
передвинуть {v pf} :: to move, to shift
передвинуть {v pf} :: (time) to shift, to move
передвинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: (to the other position) to move, to transfer
передвинуться {v pf} :: to move, to shift
передвинуться {v pf} :: to move, to walk
передвинуться {v pf} :: to travel
передел {noun} :: repartition, redivision, redistribution
передел {noun} [metallurgy] :: reprocessing or remelting of lower-grade metal into higher-grade metal
передел {noun} [dated] :: trouble, difficulty
переделать {v pf} :: to make over, to alter (to change the form or structure of)
переделать {v pf} :: to do anew, to rework
переделка {noun} :: alteration, redo
переделка {noun} [colloquial] :: trouble, mess, fix, scrape
переделывать {v impf} :: to make over, to alter (to change the form or structure of)
переделывать {v impf} :: to do anew, to rework
передельный {adj} [relational] :: reprocessing or remelting of lower-grade metal into higher grade metal
передёргивать {v impf} :: (in a card game) to sharp, to cheat, to swindle
передёргивать {v impf} :: to distort, to twist, to wrench, to misrepresent, to slant
передёргивать {v impf} :: to wince
передёрнуть {v pf} :: (in a card game) to sharp, to cheat, to swindle
передёрнуть {v pf} :: to distort, to twist, to wrench, to misrepresent, to slant
передёрнуть {v pf} :: to wince
передёрнуть {v pf} [slang] :: to jerk off, have a jerk off
переднее бронестекло {noun} :: bulletproof windscreen
передний {adj} :: front, fore, foremost
передний {adj} :: first
передник {noun} :: apron (clothing)
передняя {noun} :: vestibule, hall
передняя стойка шасси {noun} :: nosewheel leg (jet fighter)
передо {prep} :: in front of, before
передовая {noun} :: leading article, leader, editorial
передовая {noun} [military] :: frontline
передовик {noun} [chiefly Soviet Union] :: pacemaker, model worker (especially winning distinctions)
передовой {adj} :: progressive, leading, foremost, headmost, forward, advanced
передозировка {noun} :: overdose
передок {noun} :: detachable front
передок {noun} [military] :: limber
передохнуть {v pf} :: to take a break, to have a break, to have a rest, to take a breath (to have a short rest period in one's work)
передохнуть {v pf} [disparaging] :: to die off, to extinct, to die in masses (especially of animals or when likening people with animals)
передразнивать {v impf} :: to mimic
передразнить {v pf} :: to mimic
передраться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fight [of many people]
передряга {noun} [colloquial] :: scrape, fight
передряга {noun} [colloquial] :: trouble, mess
перед тем как {conj} :: before
передумать {v pf} :: to change one's mind
передумать {v pf} :: to think over multiple things or many times
передумывать {v impf} :: to change one's mind, to think better of it, to have second thoughts
передышка {noun} :: respite, breathing space
переедание {noun} :: overnutrition, overeating
переезд {noun} :: journey, passage, crossing
переезд {noun} :: crossing, highway crossing, crossroads
переезд {noun} :: resettlement, removal, moving, leaving (for)
переезжать {v impf} :: to move (to change residence)
переезжать {v impf} :: to cross, to run over, to drive over
переехать {v pf} :: to move (to change residence)
переехать {v pf} :: to cross, to run over, to drive over
переждать {v pf} :: to wait till (something) is over
переживание {noun} :: experience
переживание {noun} :: feeling, emotional experience
переживание {noun} :: worry, anxiety
переживать {v impf} :: to experience, to go through
переживать {v impf} :: to endure, to suffer, to ache
переживать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to be upset, to worry
переживать {v impf} :: to survive, to outlive, to outlast, to self-survive
пережидать {v impf} :: to wait till (something) is over
пережитое {noun} :: experience, what someone has lived/been/gone through
пережиток {noun} :: relic
пережиток {noun} :: survival
пережиток {noun} :: remnant, leftover, vestige
пережиток {noun} :: anachronism (person or thing which seems to belong to a different time)
пережиток {noun} :: hangover, holdover
пережиток {noun} :: carryover
пережить {v pf} :: to experience, to go through
пережить {v pf} :: to survive, to outlive, to outlast, to self-survive
перезагружать {v impf} [also, computing] :: to reload
перезагружать {v impf} [computing] :: to reboot
перезагружать {v impf} [also, computing] :: to reset
перезагрузить {v pf} [also, computing] :: to reload
перезагрузить {v pf} [computing] :: to reboot
перезагрузить {v pf} [also, computing] :: to reset
перезагрузка {noun} [also, computing] :: reboot, reload, reset
перезарядить {v pf} :: to reload (weapon)
перезарядить {v pf} :: to recharge (battery)
перезарядиться {v pf} :: to reload (one's firearm)
перезарядиться {v pf} :: to recharge (oneself)
перезаряжать {v impf} :: to reload (weapon)
перезаряжать {v impf} :: to recharge (battery)
перезванивать {v impf} :: to ring again
перезванивать {v impf} :: to call back, to ring back, to call again [on the telephone]
перезванивать {v impf} :: to ring (many or all bells)
перезванивать {v impf} :: to call (many or all people) [on the telephone]
перезванивать {v impf} :: to ring louder than anything or anyone else
перезванивать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to alternately ring (different bells)
перезванивать {vi impf} [imperfective only] :: to ring or chime with interruptions or alternately, to in different places
перезвон {noun} :: ringing of bells
перезвонить {v pf} :: to ring again
перезвонить {v pf} :: to call back, to ring back, to call again [on the telephone]
перезвонить {v pf} :: to ring (many or all bells)
перезвонить {v pf} :: to call (many or all people) [on the telephone]
перезвонить {v pf} :: to ring louder than anything or anyone else
перезнакомить {v pf} :: to acquaint (with everybody or many people)
переиграть {v pf} :: to play again
переиграть {v pf} :: to overdo, to overact
переиграть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to beat, to get the better (of)
переиграть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to change, to shift around
переигрывать {v impf} :: to play again
переигрывать {v impf} :: to overdo, to overact
переигрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat, to get the better (of)
переигрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to change, to shift around
переизбирать {v impf} :: to reelect
переизбрание {noun} :: re-election
переизбрать {v pf} :: to reelect
переизбыток {noun} :: overabundance
переиздавать {v impf} :: to republish, to reprint, to reissue
переиздание {noun} :: reedition, reissue, reprinting, republication
переиздать {v pf} :: to republish, to reprint, to reissue
переименование {noun} :: renaming
переименовать {v pf} :: to rename, to give a new name
переименовывать {v impf} :: to rename, to give a new name
перейти {v pf} :: to cross, to get over, to get across
перейти {v pf} :: to pass on (to), to proceed (to), to turn (to)
перейти {v pf} :: to change, to switch (from/to), to convert (to)
перейти {v pf} :: to turn (into), to change, to convert, to transform (to), to go (into)
перейти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to exceed, to go beyond (a limit)
перекаливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to overheat something
перекаливать {v impf} [engineering] :: to temper something excessively by heating
перекат {noun} :: rolling
перекат {noun} [usually plural] :: sharp sound, crack [of a shot], rumble [of thunder]
перекат {noun} :: shoal, shallow, sandbar [especially of a river]
перекатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to roll (all or many things from one place to another)
перекатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take (all or many people) for a ride
перекатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to resmooth by rolling (linen, felt, etc.)
перекатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smooth (all or many items of linen, felt, etc.)
перекати-поле {noun} :: tumbleweed
перекатить {vt pf} :: to roll [from one place to another]
перекатиться {vi pf} :: to roll over
перекатиться {vi pf} :: to roll across
перекатывать {vt impf} :: to roll [from one place to another]
перекатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to roll (all or many things from one place to another)
перекатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take (all or many people) for a ride
перекатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to resmooth by rolling (linen, felt, etc.)
перекатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smooth (all or many items of linen, felt, etc.)
перекатываться {vi impf} :: to roll over
перекатываться {vi impf} :: to roll across
перекатываться {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to rumble [of thunder]
перекачать {v pf} :: to pump from one place to another, to siphon
перекачать {v pf} [figurative] :: to obtain (something) in one place and transfer it to another
перекачать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to swing (all or many people) in turn on a swing
перекачать {v pf} :: to toss (all or many people) up on one's hands
перекачивать {v impf} :: to pump from one place to another, to siphon
перекачивать {v impf} :: to obtain (something) in one place and move it to another
перекачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to swing (all or many people) in turn on a swing
перекачивать {v impf} :: to toss (all or many people) up on one's hands
перекачивать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to tilt, to heel [of a boat]
перекачивать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to cause to tilt, to rock (a boat)
перекачка {noun} :: pumping from one place to another, siphoning
перекачка {noun} [figurative] :: obtaining (something) and transfering it from one place to another
перекачка {noun} :: swinging (all or many people on a swing)
перекачка {noun} :: tossing (all or many people) up on one's hand
перекашивать {v impf} :: to warp
перекашивать {v impf} :: (mostly impersonal) (face with anger, pain etc) to twist, to contort, to distort
перекидывать {v impf} :: to throw over, to throw across
перекидывать {v impf} :: to throw (one after another)
перекидываться {v impf} :: to leap over
перекидываться {v impf} :: to spread (of a disease)
перекидываться {v impf} :: to throw (one to another)
перекинуть {v pf} :: to throw over, to throw across
перекинуться {v pf} :: to leap over
перекинуться {v pf} :: to spread (of a disease)
перекинуться {v pf} :: to throw (one to another)
перекипать {v impf} :: to boil too long
перекипеть {v pf} :: to boil too long
перекипеть {v pf} :: to quiet down, to calm down, to cool off, to simmer down
перекись {noun} :: peroxide
перекладина {noun} :: crossbeam, crosspiece, transom
перекладина {noun} [sport] :: horizontal bar
перекладывать {v impf} :: to shift, to move, to put/place elsewhere
перекладывать {v impf} :: to shift (onto)
перекладывать {v impf} :: to interlay (with)
перекладывать {v impf} :: to set up/put in again
перекладывать {v impf} :: to arrange, to transpose
перекладывать {v impf} :: to put too much
перекладывать {v impf} [nautical] :: to trim (sails)
перекликаться {v impf} :: to call to one another
перекликаться {v impf} :: to have something in common (with smth)
перекличка {noun} :: roll call
переключатель {noun} :: switch
переключать {v impf} [engineering] :: to switch, to switch (over to)
переключать {v impf} :: to switch (over to)
переключаться {v impf} [engineering] :: to switch, to switch over
переключаться {v impf} :: to switch over (to)
переключение {noun} :: switching, switchover, changeover
переключить {v pf} [engineering] :: to switch, to switch (over to)
переключить {v pf} :: to switch (over to)
переключиться {v pf} [engineering] :: to switch, to switch over
переключиться {v pf} :: to switch over (to)
перекос {noun} :: sag, skewness, slant, tilt, warp
перекос {noun} [figuratively] :: defect, flaw, fault
перекосить {v pf} :: to mow (the whole part of something)
перекосить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mow down, to kill
перекосить {v pf} :: to warp
перекосить {v pf} [chiefly impersonal] :: (face with anger, pain etc) to twist, to contort, to distort
перекочевать {v pf} :: to move on, to migrate
перекочевать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to move, to get, to go (somewhere)
перекочёвывать {v impf} :: to move on, to migrate
перекочёвывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to move, to get, to go (somewhere)
перекрестить {v pf} :: to make a sign of the cross (over), to cross
перекрестить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rename (as)
перекрестить {v pf} :: to cross, to intersect
перекреститься {v pf} :: to cross oneself
перекрещивать {v impf} :: to cross, to intersect
перекрещиваться {v impf} :: to cross, to intersect
перекрёстный {adj} :: cross-
перекрёсток {noun} :: crossroad, road-crossing, carrefour, intersection
перекрывать {v impf} :: to exceed
перекрывать {v impf} :: to stop up, to block
перекрывать {v impf} :: to cut off
перекрывать {v impf} :: to overlap
перекрывать {v impf} :: to re-cover
перекрывать {v impf} [cards] :: to trump, to overtrump
перекрывать кислород {v impf} :: to put the kibosh on, to put a lid on
перекрытие {noun} [architecture] :: floor, ceiling, overhead cover
перекрытие {noun} :: overlapping
перекрытие {noun} :: blocking, damming
перекрыть {v pf} :: to exceed
перекрыть {v pf} :: to stop up, to block
перекрыть {v pf} :: to cut off
перекрыть {v pf} :: to overlap
перекрыть {v pf} :: to re-cover
перекрыть {v pf} [cards] :: to trump, to overtrump
перекрыть кислород {v pf} :: to put the kibosh on, to put a lid on
перекупать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to buy what someone else wanted to buy, to outbuy, to outbid
перекупать {v impf} :: to buy secondhand
перекупать {v impf} :: to buy for resale
перекупать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to buy (a lot of things)
перекупать {v pf} :: to bathe (all or many people)
перекупить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to buy what someone else wanted to buy, to outbuy, to outbid
перекупить {v pf} :: to buy secondhand
перекупить {v pf} :: to buy for resale
перекупить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to buy (a lot of things)
перекупщик {noun} :: secondhand dealer
перекупщик {noun} :: reseller
перекур {noun} [colloquial] :: smoko, break
перекуривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smoke (all or many kinds of something)
перекуривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to outsmoke
перекуривать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to feel bad or damage one's health from smoking too much
перекуривать {vi impf} [low colloquial] :: to take a smoking break
перекурить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smoke (all or many kinds of something)
перекурить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to outsmoke
перекурить {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to feel bad or damage one's health from smoking too much
перекурить {vi pf} [low colloquial] :: to take a smoking break
перекусить {v pf} :: to cut/bite through, to bite off
перекусить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to have a bite, to have a snack, to snatch a mouthful
перекусывать {v impf} :: to cut/bite through, to bite off
перекусывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to have a bite, to have a snack, to snatch a mouthful
перелагать {v impf} :: to shift (onto)
перелагать {v impf} :: to arrange, to transpose
переламывать {v impf} :: to break in two
переламывать {v impf} :: to break, to fracture
переламывать {v impf} :: to overcome
перелезать {v impf} :: to climb over [+ через]
перелезть {v pf} :: to climb over [+ accusative or через]
перелесок {noun} :: copse, coppice
перелетать {v impf} :: to fly (from one place to another or above something)
перелетать {v impf} :: to fly too far, to overshoot (the mark)
перелететь {v pf} :: to fly (from one place to another or above something)
перелететь {v pf} :: to fly too far, to overshoot (the mark)
перелёт {noun} :: (of birds) transmigration
перелёт {noun} :: (of an airplane) flight
перелёт {noun} :: shot over the target
перелётный {adj} :: migratory [of birds]
перелётный {adj} [folk poetic] :: fast-flying
перелётный {adj} [dated] :: fleeting
перелив {noun} :: overflow
перелив {noun} :: (pouring) too much
перелив {noun} :: usually plural play, tints, tinges of colors
перелив {noun} :: usually plural modulations of sound
переливание {noun} :: transfusion (the act of pouring liquid from one vessel to another or the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another)
переливание крови {noun} :: blood transfusion
переливать {v impf} :: to pour (from one container to another); to decant
переливать {v impf} :: to transfuse (blood)
переливать {v impf} :: to superfuse; to pour too much
переливать {v impf} :: to pour again
переливать из пустого в порожнее {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush; to mill the wind; to plough the sand; to chase one's tails (literally: to pour from an empty (container) to the empty (one))
переливаться {v impf} :: to flow
переливаться {v impf} :: to overflow, to run over, to flow (over), to run (over)
переливаться {v impf} :: (colors) to play
переливаться {v impf} :: (sounds) to modulate
перелистать {v pf} :: to turn over, to leaf
перелистать {v pf} :: to look (through)
перелистать {v pf} [informatics] :: to page
перелистывать {v impf} :: to turn over, to leaf
перелистывать {v impf} :: to look (through)
перелистывать {v impf} [informatics] :: to page
перелить {v pf} :: to pour (from one container to another); to decant
перелить {v pf} :: to transfuse (blood)
перелить {v pf} :: to superfuse; to pour too much
перелить {v pf} :: to pour again
перелиться {v pf} :: to flow
перелиться {v pf} :: to overflow, to run over, to flow (over), to run (over)
переложение {noun} [music] :: arrangement [for another instrument — action or result], transposition [into another key — action or result]
переложение {noun} :: setting [to music, into verse, etc.]
переложение {noun} :: work set to music, into verse, etc
переложение {noun} [dated] :: written retelling of something recited, as an educational work
переложить {v pf} :: to shift, to move, to put/place elsewhere
переложить {v pf} :: to shift (onto)
переложить {v pf} :: to interlay (with)
переложить {v pf} :: to set up/put in again
переложить {v pf} :: to arrange, to transpose
переложить {v pf} :: to put too much
перелом {noun} :: break, breaking, fracture
перелом {noun} :: change, turn, turnaround, (of a disease) crisis, turning point (literally, a "breakthrough."
переломать {v pf} :: to break [multiple things]
переломить {v pf} :: to break in two
переломить {v pf} :: to break, to fracture
переломить {v pf} :: to overcome
переломный {adj} :: crucial, critical
переманивать {v impf} :: to entice
переманить {v pf} :: to entice
перемахивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to jump over
перемахнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to jump over
перемежать {vt impf} :: to alternate [with], to intersperse [with]
перемежаться {vi impf} :: to alternate [with]; to be interspersed [with]
перемежить {vt pf} [literary, rare] :: to alternate [with], to intersperse [with]
перемежиться {vi pf} [literary, rare] :: to alternate [with], to be interspersed [with]
перемена {noun} :: change, alternation
перемена {noun} [education] :: recess (a timeout to play at schools)
перемена {noun} :: recess, break, intermission, interval
переменить {vt pf} :: to change
перемениться {v pf} :: to change
перемениться {v pf} :: to change (to, towards), to change one's attitude (towards)
переменка {noun} :: diminutive of перемена
переменная {noun} :: variable
переменный {adj} :: alterable, alternate, transient, variable
переменный ток {noun} :: time-varying current (electric current which changes with time, e.g. alternating current)
переменять {vt impf} :: to change
переменяться {v impf} :: to change
переменяться {v impf} :: to change (to, towards), to change one's attitude (towards)
перемесить {v pf} :: to knead
переместить {v pf} :: to move, to shift, to transfer
переместиться {v pf} :: to move, to shift
перемешать {v pf} :: to stir, to agitate
перемешать {v pf} :: to intermix, to intermingle, to mix [together, with], to blend [with]
перемешать {v pf} :: to shuffle, to mix up, to confuse, to jumble up, to muddle up
перемешаться {v pf} :: to become mixed up, to become confused, to become jumbled
перемешаться {vi pf} :: to mix together, to mingle [of people or dissimilar objects]
перемешивание {noun} :: mixing, stirring [so as to obtain a homogeneous mixture]
перемешивание {noun} [mathematics] :: mixing
перемешивать {v impf} :: to stir, to agitate
перемешивать {v impf} :: to intermix, to intermingle, to mix [together, with], to blend [with]
перемешивать {v impf} :: to shuffle, to mix up, to confuse, to jumble up, to muddle up
перемешивать {v impf} :: to knead
перемешиваться {v impf} :: to become mixed up, to become confused, to become jumbled
перемешиваться {vi impf} :: to mix together, to mingle [of people or dissimilar objects]
перемещать {v impf} :: to move, to shift, to transfer
перемещаться {v impf} :: to move, to shift
перемещение {noun} :: movement, relocation, shift, transference
переминаться {v impf} :: to shift one's feet
перемирие {noun} :: armistice, truce (formal agreement to end fighting)
перемкнуть {v pf} :: to connect, to bridge [two parts using a connector or jumper]
перемыкать {v impf} :: to connect, to bridge [two parts using a connector or jumper]
перемыкать {vt impf} [low colloquial or folk poetic] :: to endure, to survive
перемычка {noun} :: connection between parts, connector, jumper
перемычка {noun} :: watertight barrier
перемычка {noun} :: cofferdam, caisson
перемычка {noun} [architecture] :: load-bearing door or window covering
перенаём {noun} :: rehiring
перенаправление {noun} :: redirect, redirecting, rerouting
перенаправление {noun} :: redirection (setting a new direction)
перенапрягать {v impf} :: to overexert
перенапряжение {noun} :: overexertion
перенапряжение {noun} [electricity] :: surge, excessive voltage
перенапрячь {v pf} :: to overexert
перенаселение {noun} :: over-population, surplus population
перенастройка {noun} :: realignment, changeover, reconfiguration, reset, resetting
перенашивать {v impf} :: to carry (all or many things) from one place to another
перенашивать {v impf} :: to wear (all or many items of clothing)
перенашивать {v impf} :: to carry (a child) too long in a pregnancy
перенесение {noun} :: transfer, transference, transferral, moving, transporting
перенесение {noun} :: postponement
перенесение {noun} :: enduring, lasting
перенести {v pf} :: to transfer, to carry, to transport
перенести {v pf} :: (word) to carry over to the next line
перенести {v pf} :: to postpone, to put off
перенести {v pf} :: to extend
перенести {v pf} :: to bear, to endure, to stand, to survive, to withstand
перенестись {v pf} :: to move, to travel, to go (very quickly)
перенестись {v pf} [figuratively] :: to step
перенимать {v impf} :: to adopt, to imitate
перенос {noun} :: carrying over, transfer
перенос {noun} [grammar, poligraphy, informatics] :: word division, hyphenation
перенос {noun} :: hyphen
перенос {noun} :: slippage, transfer, carry-forward
переносимый {adj} :: tolerable, bearable
переносимый {adj} :: portable
переносить {v impf} :: to transfer, to carry, to transport [somewhere]
переносить {v impf} :: to carry over (a word) to the next line
переносить {v impf} :: to postpone, to put off
переносить {v impf} :: to extend [to]
переносить {v impf} :: to bear, to endure, to stand
переносить {v pf} :: to carry (all or many things) from one place to another
переносить {v pf} :: to wear (all or many items of clothing)
переносить {v pf} :: to carry (a child) too long in a pregnancy
переноситься {v impf} :: to move, to travel, to go (very quickly)
переноситься {v pf} :: to be worn out, to be worn for too long
переноситься {v pf} :: to stay for too long inside the mother's womb (of a fetus)
переносица {noun} [anatomy] :: bridge of the nose
переносной {adj} :: alternative form of переносный
переносный {adj} :: figurative, metaphorical
переносный {adj} :: portable
переночеванье {noun} :: alternative form of переночевание
переночевать {v pf} :: to spend the night, to stay over
переночёвка {noun} :: sleepover
перенять {v pf} :: to adopt, to imitate
переоборудование {noun} :: reequipping, reequipment
переоборудовать {v both} :: to reequip
переодевание {noun} :: changing clothes
переодевание {noun} :: disguising
переодевать {v impf} :: to change someone's clothes
переодевать {v impf} :: to disguise (smb)
переодевать {v impf} :: to change (smth)
переодеваться {v impf} :: to change (clothing)
переодеть {v pf} :: to change someone's clothes
переодеть {v pf} :: to disguise (smb)
переодеть {v pf} :: to change (smth)
переодеться {v pf} :: to change (clothing)
переориентация {noun} :: reorientation
переориентировать {v both} :: to reorient
переосмысление {noun} :: rethinking; reinterpretation
переоснастить {v pf} :: to reequip, to replace old equipment of
переоснащать {v impf} :: to reequip, to replace old equipment of
переоснащение {noun} :: reequipping, replacing old equipment
переоценивать {v impf} :: to revalue, to reappraise
переоценивать {v impf} :: to overestimate, to overrate
переоценить {v pf} :: to revalue, to reappraise
переоценить {v pf} :: to overestimate, to overrate
переоценка {noun} :: revaluation, reappraisal
переоценка {noun} :: overestimation
перепад {noun} :: differential, difference, drop
перепадать {v pf} :: to fall [of many people or things, one after another]
перепадать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fall to (someone's) lot, to become (someone's) responsibility [+ dative of person whose responsibility it is]
перепадать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fall [of intermittent rain, snow, etc.]
перепадать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to subside
перепадать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to pass by
перепадать {v impf} [folk colloquial] :: to lose weight, to get thin
перепаивать {v impf} :: to solder again, to resolder
перепаивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to solder everything or many things
перепаивать {v impf} :: to drink (something) excessively, causing harm
перепаивать {v impf} :: to consistently drink all or most of (something)
перепаивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to outdrink (all or many people), to drink (all or many people) under the table
перепалка {noun} [colloquial] :: skirmish, exchange of fire
перепалка {noun} [colloquial] :: squabble, wrangle, high words
перепасть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fall to (someone's) lot, to become (someone's) responsibility [+ dative of person whose responsibility it is]
перепасть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fall [of intermittent rain, snow, etc.]
перепасть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to subside
перепасть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to pass by
перепасть {v pf} [folk colloquial] :: to lose weight, to get thin
перепачкать {v pf} :: to soil, to dirty [all or many, or in many places]
перепаять {v pf} :: to solder again, to resolder
перепаять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to solder everything or many things
перепевать {v impf} :: to sing all or many (things)
перепевать {v impf} :: to sing again or otherwise
перепевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to surpass in singing
перепевать {v impf} [figurative, pejorative] :: to rehash
перепел {noun} :: quail
перепелиная болезнь {noun} :: hangover
перепелиный {adj} [relational] :: quail
перепеть {v pf} :: to sing all or many (things)
перепеть {v pf} :: to sing again or otherwise
перепеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to surpass in singing
перепечатать {v pf} :: to retype
перепечатать {v pf} :: to reprint
перепечатка {noun} :: reprinting; reprint
перепивать {v impf} :: to drink too much (liquid)
перепивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drink too much alcohol, to overdrink
перепивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drink (liquid) longer than anyone else
перепивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drink alcohol longer than anyone else
переписать {v pf} :: to rewrite, to retype
переписать {v pf} :: to copy
переписать {v pf} :: to make a list, to take a census (of)
переписать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to reregister
переписка {noun} :: correspondence (reciprocal exchange of letters, emails, etc.)
переписывать {v impf} :: to rewrite, to retype
переписывать {v impf} :: to copy
переписывать {v impf} :: to make a list, to take a census (of)
переписывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to reregister
переписываться {v impf} :: to be in correspondence
перепись {noun} :: census
перепись {noun} :: inventory
перепить {v pf} :: to drink too much (liquid)
перепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drink too much alcohol, to overdrink
перепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drink (liquid) longer than anyone else
перепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drink alcohol longer than anyone else
переплавиться {vi pf} :: to melt [entirely, or of all or many things]
переплавляться {vi impf} :: to melt [entirely, or of all or many things]
перепланировать {v pf} :: to replan, to reschedule
перепланировать {v pf} :: to remodel
перепланировать {v pf} :: to redevelop
перепланировать {v pf} :: to redraw, to lay out again
перепланировка {noun} :: replanning, rescheduling
перепланировка {noun} :: remodeling
перепланировка {noun} :: redeveloping
перепланировка {noun} :: remodel
перепланировка {noun} :: redevelopment
переплести {v pf} :: to interlace (with), to interknit (with), to intertwine (with)
переплести {v pf} :: (book) to bind
переплести {v pf} :: to braid/plait again, to re-plait, to re-braid
переплести {v pf} :: to interweave (with)
переплестись {v pf} :: to interlace, to interweave
переплестись {v pf} :: to become intertwined/interwoven
переплетать {v impf} :: to interlace (with), to interknit (with), to intertwine (with)
переплетать {v impf} :: (book) to bind
переплетать {v impf} :: to braid/plait again, to re-plait, to re-braid
переплетать {v impf} :: to interweave (with)
переплетаться {v impf} :: to interlace, to interweave
переплетаться {v impf} :: to become intertwined/interwoven
переплетение {noun} [textile] :: weave
переплетение {noun} :: interweaving, interlacing
переплетение {noun} :: interweaving, intertwining
переплетение {noun} :: web, tangle
переплёт {noun} :: binding (spine of a book)
переплёт {noun} :: difficult situation, jam
переплётчик {noun} :: bookbinder
переплывать {v impf} :: to swim across
переплывать {v impf} :: to sail across
переплыть {v pf} :: to swim across
переплыть {v pf} :: to sail across
переподвыподверт {noun} [neologism, humorous, colloquial] :: a complicated expression or way of expressing ideas
переподготовка {noun} :: retraining
перепоить {v pf} :: to drink (something) excessively, causing harm
перепоить {v pf} :: to consistently drink all or most of (something)
перепоить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to outdrink (all or many people), to drink (all or many people) under the table
перепой {noun} [colloquial] :: hangover
переполнение {noun} :: overflow
переполненный {adj} :: crowded, packed
переполнить {v pf} :: to overfill, to overcrowd
переполнить {v pf} :: (emotion) to fill
переполнять {v impf} :: to overfill, to overcrowd
переполнять {v impf} :: (emotion) to fill
переполох {noun} :: commotion, flurry, ado, stir, fuss
перепонка {noun} :: membrane (enclosing or separating tissue); interdigital webbing
перепончатый {adj} :: membranous, webbed
переправа {noun} :: passage, crossing
переправа {noun} :: crossing, ford
переправа {noun} :: ferry, ferryboat
переправить {v pf} :: to convey, to take across, to ferry over
переправить {v pf} :: (letters, parcels etc.) to forward
переправить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to correct
переправиться {v pf} :: to ford (a river) [especially with difficulty]
переправиться {v pf} :: to cross (mountains, a swamp, or other difficult-to-cross place)
переправка {noun} :: transfer, transshipment, transportation (to a place)
переправлять {v impf} :: to convey, to take across, to ferry over
переправлять {v impf} :: (letters, parcels etc.) to forward
переправлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to correct
переправляться {v impf} :: to ford (a river) [especially with difficulty]
переправляться {v impf} :: to cross (mountains, a swamp, or other difficult-to-cross place)
перепробовать {v pf} :: to try (all or many)
перепробовать {v pf} :: to try out, to test (all or many)
перепродавать {v impf} :: to resell
перепродажа {noun} :: resale
перепродать {v pf} :: to resell
перепрыгивать {v impf} :: to jump over
перепрыгнуть {v pf} :: to jump over
перепуг {noun} [colloquial] :: fright (only in expressions)
перепугать {v pf} :: to frighten, to scare
перепугаться {v pf} :: to get a fright, to get frightened, to panic
перепутать {v pf} :: to entangle
перепутать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to confuse, to mix up, to muddle, to reverse
перепутаться {v pf} :: to get jumbled, to get mixed up
перепутаться {v pf} :: to get messed up
перепутывать {v impf} :: to entangle
перепутывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to confuse
перепутываться {v impf} :: to get jumbled, to get mixed up
перепутываться {v impf} :: to get messed up
перерабатывать {v impf} :: to process (into), to work (into), to convert (to)
перерабатывать {v impf} :: to remake
перерабатывать {v impf} :: to exceed the fixed hours of work, to work overtime
перерабатывать {v impf} :: to overwork
перерабатывающий {adj} [relational] :: processing, reprocessing
переработать {v pf} :: to process (into), to work (into), to convert (to)
переработать {v pf} :: to remake
переработать {v pf} :: to exceed the fixed hours of work, to work overtime
переработать {v pf} :: to overwork
переработка {noun} :: processing, treatment
переработка {noun} :: remaking, revision, revised version
переработка {noun} :: overtime work
перераспределение {noun} :: redistribution, reallocation, rearrangement
перерастать {v impf} :: to (over)top, to outgrow, to outstrip
перерастать {v impf} :: to develop (into), to grow (into)
перерастать {v impf} :: to be too old (for), to be past the stage (for)
перерасти {v pf} :: to (over)top, to outgrow, to outstrip
перерасти {v pf} :: to develop (into), to grow (into)
перерасти {v pf} :: to be too old (for), to be past the stage (for)
перерасход {noun} :: overspending
перерасход {noun} :: cost overrun
перерасходовать {v both} :: to overspend
перерасчёт {noun} :: recalculation
перерегистрация {noun} :: reregistration
перерез {noun} :: cutting in two
перерез {noun} :: cut point, place where something was cut in two
перерез {noun} [dialectal] :: tub made of a barrel cut in half
перерез {noun} [colloquial] :: intersection, junction [of paths or roads]
перерезать {v pf} :: (all or many) to kill, to slaughter
перерезать {v pf} :: to cut
перерезать {v pf} :: to cut off
перерезать {v pf} :: to cut (across)
перерезать {v impf} :: to cut
перерезать {v impf} :: to cut off
перерезать {v impf} :: to cut (across)
перерезывать {v impf} :: alternative form of перерезать
переродить {vt pf} :: to regenerate, to transform into a new person
перерождать {vt impf} :: to regenerate, to transform into a new person
перерождение {noun} :: rebirth, regeneration
перерождение {noun} :: degeneration
перерыв {noun} :: interruption, stop, break, intermission
перерыть {v pf} :: to dig up; to dig across
перерыть {v pf} :: to dig again
перерыть {v pf} :: to rummage
пересадить {v pf} :: to make a (small) change in one's seat
пересадить {v pf} :: to transplant, to graft
пересадка {noun} :: transplantation, grafting
пересадка {noun} :: change (of trains, planes), transfer, connection
пересаживать {v impf} :: to make smb change his seat
пересаживать {v impf} :: to transplant, to graft
пересаживаться {v impf} :: to change seats, to move one's seat
пересаживаться {v impf} :: to change (trains, buses, etc.)
пересекать {v impf} :: to intersect
пересекать {v impf} :: to pierce into objects that are arranged in a line
пересекать {v impf} :: to move across in a transverse direction
пересекать {v impf} :: to move through any space vigorously
пересекать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to divide into many parts
пересекаться {v impf} :: to cross, to intersect
переселенец {noun} :: migrant, settler, immigrant
переселение {noun} :: migration, resettlement
переселение {noun} :: move (to another house)
переселенческий {adj} [relational] :: resettlement; migratory
переселить {v pf} :: to move, to resettle
переселиться {v pf} :: to move, to resettle, to migrate, to transmigrate
переселиться {v pf} [religion, philosophy] :: to transmigrate
переселять {v impf} :: to move, to resettle
переселяться {v impf} :: to move, to resettle, to migrate, to transmigrate
переселяться {v impf} [religion, philosophy] :: to transmigrate
пересесть {v pf} :: to change seats, to move one's seat
пересесть {v pf} :: to change (trains, buses, etc.)
пересечение {noun} :: intersection (in geometry)
пересечение {noun} :: crossing
пересечь {v pf} :: to intersect
пересечь {v pf} :: to pierce into objects that are arranged in a line
пересечь {v pf} :: to move across in a transverse direction
пересечь {v pf} :: to move through any space vigorously
пересечь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to divide into many parts
пересечь {v pf} :: to whip, to flog (all or many)
пересечься {v pf} :: to cross, to intersect
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to outsit, to outstay
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sit too long
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sit and wait
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sit out (e.g. a war)
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cause numbness in (a body part) by sitting too long
пересидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sit [of all or many people]
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to outsit, to outstay
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit too long
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit and wait
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit out (e.g. a war)
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cause numbness in (a body part) by sitting too long
пересиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit [of all or many people]
пересиливать {v impf} :: to overpower, to master, to subdue
пересилить {v pf} :: to overpower, to master, to subdue
пересказ {noun} :: retelling, narration
пересказ {noun} :: exposition, rendering
пересказать {v pf} :: to retell
пересказывать {v impf} :: to retell
перескакивать {v impf} :: to jump over, to vault (over)
перескакивать {v impf} :: to skip (over)
перескакивать {v impf} :: to skip (from to), to jump (from to)
перескочить {v pf} :: to jump over, to vault (over)
перескочить {v pf} :: to skip (over)
перескочить {v pf} :: to skip (from to), to jump (from to)
Переславль-Залесский {prop} :: Переславль-Залесский (town)
переслать {v pf} :: to send, to remit, to forward
пересматривать {v impf} :: to review, to revise
пересматривать {v impf} :: to reconsider, to rethink
пересматривать {v impf} :: to go over (only in perfective aspect)
пересмешник {noun} :: mockingbird
пересмешник {noun} :: mocker
пересмотр {noun} :: reconsideration, revision
пересмотр {noun} :: review, retrial
пересмотреть {v pf} :: to review, to revise
пересмотреть {v pf} :: to reconsider, to rethink
пересмотреть {v pf} :: to go over (only in perfective aspect)
пересохнуть {v pf} :: to dry up, to get too dry, to become parched
переспать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to oversleep
переспать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend the night, to stay over
переспать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sleep (with), to go to bed (with)
переспрашивать {v impf} :: to ask again, to repeat a question, to ask to repeat
переспросить {v pf} :: to ask again, to repeat a question, to ask to repeat
переспросить {v pf} :: to ask many people
переставать {v impf} :: to stop, to cease, to quit
переставить {v pf} :: to move, to shift
переставить {v pf} :: to rearrange
переставить {v pf} :: to transpose, to permute
переставлять {v impf} :: to move, to shift
переставлять {v impf} :: to rearrange
переставлять {v impf} :: to transpose, to permute
перестановка {noun} :: shift, transposition
перестановка {noun} :: rearrangement
перестановка {noun} [mathematics] :: permutation
перестановка {noun} :: shift, transfer
перестараться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to show excessive zeal [in something]
перестать {v pf} :: to stop, to cease, to quit
перестраивать {v impf} :: to rebuild, to reconstruct
перестраивать {v impf} [music] :: to tune, to attune
перестраивать {v impf} :: (a radion) to switch over
перестраивать {v impf} :: to reorganize, to rearrange, to reform
перестраивать {v impf} [military] :: to re-form
перестраиваться {v impf} :: to change one's approach/ways/policy
перестраиваться {v impf} [radio] :: to switch over (to)
перестраиваться {v impf} [military] :: to re-form
перестрелка {noun} :: exchange of fire, skirmish, shoot-out, rumble
перестрелять {v pf} :: to shoot [many things]
перестрелять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to use up [while shooting]
перестроечный {adj} [relational] :: perestroika
перестроечный {adj} [relational] :: restructuring
перестроить {v pf} :: to rebuild, to reconstruct
перестроить {v pf} [music] :: to tune, to attune
перестроить {v pf} :: (a radion) to switch over
перестроить {v pf} :: to reorganize, to rearrange, to reform
перестроить {v pf} [military] :: to re-form
перестроиться {v pf} :: to change one's approach/ways/policy
перестроиться {v pf} [radio] :: to switch over (to)
перестроиться {v pf} [military] :: to re-form
перестройка {noun} :: rebuilding, reconstruction
перестройка {noun} :: reorganization, restructuring, reformation
перестройка {noun} :: reorientation
перестройка {noun} :: perestroika (a program of political and economic reform carried out in the Soviet Union in the 1980s)
перестук {noun} :: tapping
перестук {noun} :: taping sound
перестук {noun} :: knocking out (a message), communicating through knocking
перестук {noun} :: knocking repeatedly, or alternately on many objects
перестукать {v pf} :: to tap, to rap, to knock quickly
перестукать {v pf} :: to knock out (a message)
перестукивать {v impf} :: to tap, to rap, to knock quickly
перестукивать {v impf} :: to knock out (a message)
перестукивать {v impf} :: to knock repeatedly
перестукивать {v impf} :: to knock alternately [on many things]
переступать {v impf} :: to step over, to overstep, to step
переступать {v impf} :: to transgress, to break
переступать {v impf} :: to move, to walk
переступить {v pf} :: to step over, to overstep, to step
переступить {v pf} :: to transgress, to break
пересуды {noun} [colloquial] :: gossip, chitchat
пересчёт {noun} :: recount, recalculation
пересчёт {noun} :: conversion
пересчитать {v pf} :: to recount, to count again
пересчитать {v pf} :: to convert (to) (other units)
пересчитать {v pf} :: to count (all)
пересчитывать {v impf} :: to recount, to count again
пересчитывать {v impf} :: to convert (to) (other units)
пересылать {v impf} :: to send, to remit, to forward
пересылка {noun} :: sending, remittance, forwarding
пересылка {noun} :: transit prison
пересыпать {v pf} :: to pour (from; into)
пересыпать {v pf} :: to sprinkle (with)
пересыпать {v pf} :: (speech) to intersperse (with)
пересыпать {v pf} :: to pour too much, to put too much
пересыпать {v impf} :: to pour (from; into)
пересыпать {v impf} :: to sprinkle (with)
пересыпать {v impf} :: (speech) to intersperse (with)
пересыпать {v impf} :: to pour too much, to put too much
пересыхать {v impf} :: to dry up, to get too dry, to become parched
перетаскивать {v impf} :: to drag over, to carry over, to drag (over), to lug (across), to carry (over)
перетащить {v pf} :: to drag over, to carry over, to drag (over), to lug (across), to carry (over)
перетекать {v impf} :: to spill over, to overflow
перетерпеть {v pf} :: to endure
перетерпеть {v pf} [imperfective only] :: to wait (patiently)
перетечь {v pf} :: to spill over, to overflow
перетрудиться {vi pf} :: to overwork
перетруждаться {vi impf} :: to overwork
перетрухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be frighten
переть {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to move, to trudge, to drag the feet
переть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to travel (on a burdensome journey)
переть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to carry (a burden)
переть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to steal, to pinch
переть {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to give off an unpleasant odour, to stink
переть {v impf} [slang, impersonal] :: to enjoy, to revel
переть {v impf} [slang, even more] :: to ball, to floss
переться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to travel [usually far away]
переться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shuffle, to trudge [somewhere]
перетягивать {v impf} :: to pull over
перетягивать {v impf} :: to stretch again
перетягивать {v impf} :: to pull in tight, to bind, to gird
перетягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pull, to draw
перетягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to outbalance, to overbalance, to outweigh
перетянуть {v pf} :: to pull over
перетянуть {v pf} :: to stretch again
перетянуть {v pf} :: to pull in tight, to bind, to gird
перетянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pull, to draw
перетянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to outbalance, to overbalance, to outweigh
переубедить {v pf} :: to overpersuade
переулок {noun} :: lane, alleyway, side street, bystreet
переулочный {adj} [relational] :: lane; alleyway
переустраивать {v impf} :: to rearrange
переустроить {v pf} :: to rearrange
переустройство {noun} :: rearrangement, reconstruction, reorganization
переутомление {noun} :: overwork
переутомление {noun} :: ergasthenia
перефразировать {v both} :: to rephrase; to paraphrase
перехват {noun} :: interception
перехват {noun} :: listening-in, wire tapping
перехват {noun} [geology] :: capture
перехват {noun} :: takeover
перехват {noun} :: regrasp, change of grip
перехват {noun} [textile] :: fastening
перехватить {v pf} :: to intercept, to catch
перехватить {v pf} :: to tap (into phone calls)
перехватывать {v impf} :: to intercept, to catch
перехватывать {v impf} :: to tap (into phone calls)
перехитрить {v pf} :: to outsmart, to outwit
переход {noun} :: passage
переход {noun} :: crossing
переход {noun} [military] :: march
переход {noun} [figuratively] :: transition; conversion
переходить {v impf} :: to cross, to get over, to get across
переходить {v impf} :: to pass on (to), to proceed (to), to turn (to)
переходить {v impf} :: to change, to switch (from/to), to convert (to)
переходить {v impf} :: to turn (into), to change, to convert, to transform (to), to go (into)
переходить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to exceed, to go beyond (a limit)
переход на личности {noun} :: ad hominem (personal attack)
переходник {noun} :: adapter (device allowing more plugs at an outlet)
переходный {adj} :: transitional, transition
переходный {adj} [grammar] :: transitive
переходный глагол {noun} :: transitive verb (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object)
перец {noun} :: pepper (including sweet peppers, chilis as well as black pepper)
перечень {noun} :: list (register or roll of paper)
перечеркнуть {v pf} :: to cross (out), to strike out
перечеркнуть {v pf} :: to cancel, to make null and void
перечесть {v pf} :: to count (all)
перечесть {v pf} :: to reread, to read again
перечёркивать {v impf} :: to cross (out), to strike out
перечёркивать {v impf} :: to cancel, to make null and void
перечисление {noun} :: enumeration, listing
перечисление {noun} [finance] :: transfer, transferring
перечисленный {adj} :: listed
перечислить {v pf} :: to enumerate, to list (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order)
перечислить {v pf} :: to transfer (funds, wages)
перечислиться {vi pf} :: to enroll [in another location, category, etc.]
перечислять {v impf} :: to enumerate, to list (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order)
перечислять {v impf} :: to transfer (funds, wages)
перечисляться {vi impf} :: to enroll [in another location, category, etc.]
перечитать {v pf} :: to reread, to read again
перечитывать {v impf} :: to reread, to read again
перечить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to contradict
перечить {v impf} [dated] :: to interfere with, to thwart
перечить {v impf} [dated] :: to cut across, to cut crosswise
перечница {noun} :: pepper shaker (a small container designed to hold pepper and facilitate sprinkling it)
перешагивать {v impf} :: to overstep, to step (over)
перешагнуть {v pf} :: to overstep, to step (over)
перешеек {noun} :: isthmus
перешёптываться {v impf} :: to whisper to one another
перёд {noun} :: front
перигей {noun} :: perigee
перигелий {noun} :: perihelion
перила {noun} :: railing(s), handrail(s), banister(s)
перильца {noun} :: diminutive of перила: (small) railings; bedrails
периметр {noun} :: perimeter
перина {noun} :: a feather bed
период {noun} :: period
период {noun} :: epoch, age
периодика {noun} [collectively, chiefly uncountable] :: periodicals
периодическая система {noun} [chemistry] :: periodic table
периодическая система элементов {noun} [physics] :: periodic table of elements
периодически {adv} :: periodically
периодический {adj} :: periodic
периодичность {noun} :: periodicity
периодичный {adj} :: periodic
перипетия {noun} :: peripeteia, peripetia, peripety
перископ {noun} :: periscope
перисто-кучевой {adj} [meteorology] :: cirrocumulus
перисто-слоистый {adj} [meteorology] :: cirrostratus
перистый {adj} [biology] :: pinnate
перистый {adj} :: featherlike, plumose
перистый {adj} [meteorology] :: cirrus
периферийный {adj} :: peripheral, of/in the outlying districts, provincial
периферийный {adj} [computing] :: peripheral
периферический {adj} :: peripheral
периферия {noun} :: periphery
периферия {noun} :: outskirts, the outlying districts
перкаль {noun} [textiles] :: cambric muslin, percale
перл {noun} [dated] :: pearl
перл {noun} [printing] :: pearl
перл {noun} [ironical] :: malapropism, howler
перл {noun} [computing] :: Perl
перламутр {noun} :: mother-of-pearl, nacre
перламутровый {adj} [relational] :: mother-of-pearl; nacreous
перламутровый {adj} :: pearly, pearlescent
перманентный {adj} :: permanent
пермский {adj} [relational] :: Perm
пермский {adj} [geology] :: Permian
пермский {adj} [linguistics] :: Permic
Пермь {prop} :: Пермь (historical region)
Пермь {prop} :: Пермь (krai)
Пермь {prop} :: Пермь (city/administrative center)
пермяк {noun} :: Permian (inhabitant of Perm)
перо {noun} :: feather
перо {noun} :: plume
перо {noun} :: pen
перо {noun} [criminal slang] :: knife
перо {noun} [figurative] :: fin (of a marine creature)
перо {noun} [cycling] :: chainstay
перо {noun} [cycling] :: seatstay
перочинный {adj} :: pen(knife) [originally "used for sharpening goose feathers, as used for writing"]
перпендикулярный {adj} :: perpendicular
перрон {noun} :: (railway) platform
перс {noun} :: Persian
Персефона {prop} [Greek god] :: Persephone
перси {noun} [anatomy, poetic, antiquated] :: woman’s breasts, bosom
персидский {noun} :: Persian [language]
персидский {adj} :: Persian
Персидский залив {prop} :: Persian Gulf (gulf between Iran and Arabian peninsula)
персик {noun} :: peach (fruit or tree)
Персия {prop} :: Персия (former name of Iran, a <<country>> in <<r/Western Asia>>)
персиянин {noun} [archaic] :: Persian
персиянка {noun} :: a Persian [female]
персона {noun} :: person, personage
персонаж {noun} [literature] :: character, personage
персонал {noun} :: staff, personnel
персоналия {noun} :: bibliographic section describing the life of a person
персоналия {noun} :: biographical article [in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or reference book]
персоналия {noun} :: personalia (published materials devoted to the life of a person)
персоналия {noun} [colloquial] :: persona
персонально {adv} :: personally (in a personal manner)
персональный {adj} :: personal
персональный компьютер {noun} :: personal computer (small computer for use by one person at a time)
персона нон грата {noun} :: persona non grata
персонифицировать {v both} :: to personify
перспектива {noun} :: perspective (the appearance of depth in objects)
перспектива {noun} :: vista, prospect
перспектива {noun} :: prospect, outlook, look-out, aspects (expected future)
перспективность {noun} :: property of being prospective, prospects
перспективный {adj} :: prospective, forward-looking
перспективный {adj} :: perspectival
перспективный {adj} :: promising
перст {noun} [anatomy, archaic or poetic] :: finger
перстень {noun} :: (finger) ring
перстень {noun} :: seal ring, signet ring
персть {noun} [archaic] :: dust
Перт {prop} :: Перт (city)
Перт {prop} :: Перт (city)
перть {noun} [dialectal] :: Karelian cottage
Перу {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Перу (country)
перуанский {adj} :: Peruvian
перфект {noun} :: perfect (tense)
перхать {v impf} [vernacular] :: to cough
перхоть {noun} :: dandruff
перчатка {noun} :: glove [with separate sheaths for each finger], gauntlet
перчить {v impf} :: to pepper
перчить {v impf} :: to pepper
песенка {noun} :: diminutive of песня: (little) song
песенник {noun} :: songbook
песенник {noun} :: (chorus) singer
песенник {noun} :: song writer
песенный {adj} [relational] :: song
песец {noun} :: arctic fox, polar fox
песец {noun} [euphemistic, slang] :: curtains, see пиздец
пескарь {noun} :: gudgeon (fish, Gobio gobio)
песнетворец {noun} :: songwriter
песнопение {noun} :: (church) chanting, canticle, motet
песнь {noun} [dated or poetic] :: alternative form of песня: song
песнь {noun} :: canto
песня {noun} :: song
песня {noun} [colloquial] :: something very good
песо {m inan} [numismatics] :: peso
песок {noun} :: sand
песок {noun} :: quicksand
песок {noun} :: granulated sugar
песочек {noun} :: diminutive of песок
песочница {noun} :: sandbox (box with sand for children)
песочные часы {noun} :: hourglass (clock)
песочный {adj} :: sand, sandy
песочный {adj} :: sand-coloured
песочный {adj} :: (pastry) short
пессимизм {noun} :: pessimism
пессимист {noun} :: pessimist
пессимистический {adj} :: pessimistic
пессимистичный {adj} :: pessimistic
пест {noun} :: pestle
пестик {noun} :: pestle, stamper
пестик {noun} :: pistil
пестик {noun} [childish] :: pistol, gun
пестицид {noun} :: pesticide (substance used to kill or contain the activities of pests)
пестовать {v impf} [archaic, literary or stilted] :: to nurse, to take care of
пестовать {v impf} [figuratively, stilted] :: to educate, to raise
пестреть {v impf} :: to show/appear multicolored
пестреть {v impf} :: to be multicolored or motley [+ instrumental or от + genitive, with/due to something]
пестреть {v impf} :: to become multicolored or motley
пестреть {v impf} :: to look like a kaleidoscope/mosaic (of), to abound in multicolored things flickering in front of the eyes
пестреть {v impf} :: to abound, to be replete [+ instrumental, in/with repetitive things]
пестреть {v impf} :: to be too motley or excessively multicolored
пестрота {noun} :: motley, gayness; diversity of colours
пеструшка {noun} :: lemming
песчаник {noun} :: sandstone, gritstone
песчанка {noun} :: sandwort (Arenaria gen. et spp.)
песчанка {noun} :: sanderling
песчанка {noun} :: sand eel
песчанка {noun} :: gerbil
песчаный {adj} :: sandy
песчинка {noun} :: grit, grain of sand
петабайт {noun} [computing] :: petabyte
петанк {noun} :: pétanque, boules, bowls
петарда {noun} :: detonator, petard, squib
петелька {noun} :: endearing diminutive of петля: small loop, small noose
петелька {noun} :: endearing diminutive of петля: small loop, small noose
петелька {noun} :: eyelet, eye, pull strap, tab
Петербург {prop} :: Saint Petersburg
петербургский {adj} [relational] :: St. Petersburg
петербуржец {noun} :: Petersburger (resident or citizen of Saint Petersburg)
петиция {noun} :: petition
петлица {noun} :: buttonhole, tab
петля {noun} :: loop (length of thread, line or rope, a shape produced by a curve)
петля {noun} :: noose
петля {noun} :: buttonhole, eye
петля {noun} :: stitch
петля {noun} :: hinge
петлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dodge
Петрарка {prop} {m anim} [literature] :: Petrarch
петров {adj} [possessive] :: Peter's [in collocations]
Петров {adj} :: Peter's
петровский {adj} [relational] :: Peter, Peter's (also referring to Peter the Great)
Петроград {noun} [historical] :: Петроград (short-lived name of Saint Petersburg, a <<major city>> in <<c/Russia>>, from 1914 until 1924, when it became Leningrad)
петроградский {adj} [relational] :: Petrograd (name of Saint Petersburg between 1914 and 1924)
Петрозаводск {prop} :: Петрозаводск (capital city)
Петропавловка {noun} [colloquial] :: Peter and Paul Fortress
Петропавловск {prop} :: Petropavlovsk, the name of several inhabited localities in Russia
петропавловский {adj} [relational] :: петропавловский (city)
Петропавловск-Камчатский {prop} :: Петропавловск-Камчатский (city/administrative center)
петросянщина {noun} [pejorative] :: low-quality and tasteless humor, television shows and mass culture in general
петрушка {noun} [botany] :: parsley (herb)
петрушка {noun} :: foolishness, absurdity
петсай {noun} :: bok choy (Chinese cabbage), Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis
петух {noun} :: rooster, cock
петух {noun} [very rare, usually about children, easily confused with slang meaning] :: impulsive, aggressive person or group
петух {noun} [slang, believed to be criminal slang] :: passive homosexual male
петух {noun} [obsolete] :: ellipsis of Галльский петух no quote?
петушиный {adj} [relational] :: cock, rooster
петушок {noun} :: diminutive of петух: (young) rooster
петушок {noun} :: fighting fish, betta
петушок {noun} [slang] :: passive gay
петь {v impf} :: to sing
петь {v impf} :: to crow
Петя {prop} {m anim} :: given name
пехота {noun} :: infantry
пехотинец {noun} :: infantryman, foot soldier
пехотный {adj} [relational] :: infantry
пехтерь {noun} [dated, regional] :: basket, purse
пехтерь {noun} [pejorative] :: awkward, clumsy person
печалить {v impf} :: to sadden, to grieve
печалиться {v impf} :: to be sad, to grieve
печаль {noun} :: sadness, grief, sorrow
печальник {noun} [archaic] :: sympathizer, someone who cares about others
печально {adv} :: sadly, sorrowfully
печальный {adj} :: sad, grieved, sorrowful, wistful, doleful, mournful
печальный {adj} :: grievous
печатание {noun} :: printing
печатание {noun} :: typing
печатать {v impf} :: to print (to copy something on a surface, especially by machine)
печатать {v impf} :: to type (to use a typewriter or to enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard)
печатка {noun} :: signet
печатник {noun} [computing] :: printer, device that prints images and text on paper
печатник {noun} :: printer (a person who works in printing)
печатно {adv} :: in print
печатный {adj} :: printed (relating to something written or published)
печатный {adj} :: block (letter)
печатный {adj} [relational] :: printing
печатня {noun} [archaic] :: printing house
печать {noun} :: seal, stamp
печать {noun} :: press
печать {noun} :: print, type
печенег {noun} :: Pecheneg
печень {noun} :: liver
печенье {noun} :: pastry, cruller
печенье {noun} :: cookie (U.S.), biscuit (U.K.)
печенье {noun} :: cracker
печенька {noun} :: diminutive of печенье: cookie
печёнка {noun} :: diminutive of печень: liver, especially as food
печёночный {adj} [relational] :: liver; hepatic
печёный {adj} :: baked (cooked by baking)
печка {noun} :: stove, oven
печник {noun} :: stovemaker, oven-maker
печной {adj} [relational] :: stove
печора {noun} [dated or regional] :: cave
Печора {prop} :: Печора (river)
печурка {noun} :: small stove
печь {v impf} :: to bake
печь {v impf} :: to scorch (said of the sun)
печь {noun} :: stove
печь {noun} :: oven
печь {noun} :: furnace
печь {noun} :: kiln
печься {v impf} :: to bake
печься {v impf} :: (in the sun) to broil
печься {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to take care (of), to care (for)
Пешавар {prop} :: Пешавар (capital city)
пешеход {noun} :: pedestrian
пешеходный {adj} [relational] :: pedestrian
пешеходный переход {noun} :: pedestrian crossing (place for pedestrians to cross a street)
пеший {adj} :: unmounted
пеший {adj} :: pedestrian
пешка {noun} [chess, animate or inanimate] :: pawn
пешка {noun} [figuratively, animate] :: pawn
пешком {adv} :: on foot, afoot
пешку проводят в ферзи {phrase} [chess] :: to queen, to promote a pawn
пешня {noun} :: icepick
пещера {noun} :: cave
пещеристое тело {noun} [anatomy] :: corpus cavernosum
пещеристый {adj} :: cavernous
пещерный {adj} [relational] :: cave
пещерный {adj} [figurative] :: wild, primitive
пещерный человек {noun} :: caveman, troglodyte, cave-dweller
пещь {noun} [dated, literary] :: oven, furnace (especially in religious contexts)
пёрднуть {v pf} :: alternative form of пёрнуть
пёрка {noun} :: [technical] wood drill, wood bit
пёрнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fart (noisily, as opposed to бздеть)
пёрышко {noun} :: diminutive of перо: (small) feather, plume, a plumelet
пёс {noun} :: dog
пёс {noun} :: male dog
пёсик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of пёс: small dog, doggie
пёстренький {adj} :: diminutive of пёстрый
пёстрый {adj} :: variegated, motley
пёстрый {adj} :: multicoloured
пёстрый {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: mixed
пёстрый {adj} [colloquial] :: florid
Пётр {prop} :: given name
Пётр {prop} :: Peter (the Apostle)
ПЖиВ {prop} {f inan} {m inan} [pejorative, politics, colloquial] :: initialism of Партия жуликов и воров: Party of crooks and thieves (sarcastic reference to the United Russia party of Vladimir Putin)
пи {n inan} :: (English letter) P, p
пи {n inan} :: (Greek letter) Π, π
пи {n inan} :: A mathematical constant pi
пиала {noun} :: piyāla, a small bowl
пианино {n inan} :: upright piano
пианист {noun} :: pianist
пианистка {noun} :: female pianist
пиар {noun} :: public relations
пиар {noun} :: promotion, plug, hype
пиарщик {noun} :: public-relations manager, public-relations specialist
пиастр {noun} :: piastre
пивасик {noun} :: diminutive of пиво
пивко {noun} :: diminutive of пиво: beer
пивная {noun} :: pub, beer parlour (a bar selling beers)
пивной {adj} [relational] :: beer
пивнушка {noun} [colloquial] :: bar, pub
пиво {noun} [uncountable] :: beer
пиво {noun} [countable] :: portion of beer
пивовар {noun} :: brewer
пивоварня {noun} :: brewery (place where beer is produced)
пигидиум {noun} :: pygidium
пигмей {noun} :: pygmy (a member of various African peoples)
пигмент {noun} :: pigment (any color in plant or animal cells)
пигментация {noun} :: pigmentation (coloration of tissue)
пидар {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: alternative form of пидор
пидарас {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: alternative form of пидорас
пиджак {noun} :: coat, jacket (suit jacket for men)
пиджак {noun} :: sports jacket, sport jacket, sports coat, sport coat
пиджачок {noun} :: diminutive of пиджак
пиджин {m inan} [linguistics] :: pidgin
пидор {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: fag, faggot (homosexual)
пидор {noun} [vulgar] :: asshole (mean or rude person)
пидорас {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: fag, faggot (homosexual)
пидорас {noun} [vulgar] :: asshole (mean or rude person)
пидорский {adj} [slang] :: faggoty
пиетет {noun} [literary] :: piety, reverence
пижама {noun} :: pyjamas
пижма {noun} :: common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
пижон {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: fop
пижон {noun} [obsolete] :: unexperienced young man
Пиза {prop} :: Пиза (city)
пизда {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: pussy, cunt, twat
пизда {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang, animate] :: woman, bitch, cunt
пизда {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: # bad situation
пиздатый {adj} [vulgar, slang] :: very good, fucking good
пиздеть {v impf} [vulgar] :: to speak off the point, to bitch, to complain, to piss and moan
пиздеть {v impf} [vulgar] :: to lie, to bullshit
пиздеть — не мешки ворочать {proverb} [vulgar] :: talk is cheap, "talk is easy"
пиздец {noun} [vulgar] :: extreme degree of anything; fuckload, shitload, fuckton, shitton
пиздец {noun} [vulgar, sometimes humorous] :: extremely undesirable situation
пиздец {pred} [vulgar] :: death, curtains; screwed, fucked
пиздец {interj} [vulgar] :: fucking hell!, holy shit!, what the fuck!
пиздёж {noun} [vulgar] :: shit, bullshit (deceitful statements, etc.)
пиздёнка {noun} [vulgar] :: pussy, cunt, twat diminutive of пизда
пиздить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to beat the shit out of
пиздить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to steal
пиздобол {noun} [obscene, slang, ] :: liar, fibber, bullshitter
пиздолиз {noun} [disparaging, vulgar, slang] :: cuntlicker
пиздорванец {noun} [vulgar, colloquial] :: a man, a guy
пиздорванец {noun} [vulgar] :: asshole; hooligan
пиздострадалец {noun} [vulgar] :: a man who is overly concerned with his sex life; a man who is unsuccessfully trying to find sex partners
пиздун {noun} [obscene, slang] :: liar, fibber
пиздун {noun} :: shitass
пиздюк {noun} [vulgar, disparaging, slang] :: about somebody who is small, shrimp, squirt, e.g. a young boy, young son, etc.; little shit, little fucker
пиздючество {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: Young age, a period when a person is considered to be youth
пиздюшка {noun} [vulgar, disparaging, slang] :: about somebody who is small, e.g. a young girl, young daughter, etc
пиздячить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to travel from one place to another
пиздячить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to walk or hike long distance
пиита {m anim} [dated, literary, or humorous] :: poet
пик {noun} :: peak
пика {noun} :: lance
пика {noun} [cards] :: spade
пикантность {noun} :: piquancy, poignancy
пикантность {noun} :: spice
пикантный {adj} :: piquant, savoury, spicy, sexy
пикап {noun} :: pickup truck (truck with an open cargo bed)
пикап {noun} :: pickup (seduction technique, especially as practiced by pickup artists)
пикапчик {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of пикап: small pickup truck
Пикардия {prop} :: Пикардия (former region/and/historic province)
Пикассо прямоугольчатый {noun} :: humuhumunukunukuapuaa (either of two species of triggerfish)
пикать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to peep, to squeak
пикать {v impf} [colloquial, usually negative] :: to utter a peep, to cry out, to moan
пикать {v impf} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to object, to express one's opinion
пике {n inan} [aviation] :: dive
пике {adj} [textiles] :: piqué
пике {n inan} [textiles] :: piqué
пикельхаубе {m inan} :: pickelhaube
пикельхельм {noun} :: Pickelhaube
пикет {noun} [military] :: picket (soldiers or troops placed on a line forward of a position to warn against an enemy advance)
пикет {noun} :: picket (group of protesters)
пикет {noun} :: piquet (card game)
пикетирование {noun} :: picketing
пикетчик {noun} :: picketer
пики {noun} [cards] :: spades (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♠)
пикирование {noun} :: dive, diving
пикколо {noun} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
пикник {noun} :: picnic (a meal eaten outdoors)
пикнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to peep, to squeak
пикнуть {v pf} [colloquial, usually negative] :: to utter a peep, to cry out, to moan
пикнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to object, to express one's opinion
пиковая дама {noun} :: queen of spades
пиковый {adj} [relational] :: spades
пиковый {adj} [relational] :: peak
пиковый туз {noun} :: ace of spades (the playing card belonging to the spades suit and featuring one pip)
пиксел {noun} :: pixel
пиксель {noun} :: pixel
пикт {noun} :: Pict
пиктограмма {noun} :: pictogram (picture that represents a word or an idea)
пила {noun} :: saw
пилигрим {noun} :: pilgrim
пилильщик {noun} :: sawfly
пилильщик {noun} [colloquial] :: sawyer
пилить {v impf} :: to saw (cut with a saw)
пилить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to nag, to chastise
пилить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to appropriate (illegally, especially of public money, slang for the practice in which private contractors pay kickbacks to the various officials who award them projects)
пилить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to walk, to drive (especially of long distances)
пилить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to screw, to have sex with
пилка {noun} :: sawing
пилка {noun} :: fret saw
пилка {noun} :: fingernail file, nail file
пилорама {noun} :: sawmill, powersaw bench
пилот {noun} [aviation] :: pilot
пилот {noun} [dated, nautical] :: pilot
пилот {noun} [zoology] :: pilot fish
пилотаж {noun} :: piloting, flying
пилотировать {v impf} :: to pilot, to fly
пилотка {noun} :: overseas cap, garrison cap, forage cap
пилотка {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: cunt, pussy (euphemism for пизда); (by extension) woman
пилотный {adj} :: trial, experimental, pilot
пилочка {noun} :: diminutive of пила: a small saw; a small file (tool); a nail file
пилочка {noun} :: diminutive of пилка: a small saw; a small file (tool); a nail file
пильчатый {adj} :: serrated
пильщик {noun} :: sawyer
пилюля {noun} :: pill, bolus, globule, pilule
-пинать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of -пять (to crucify)
-пинать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of derivatives of пнуть (to kick)
пинать {v impf} :: to kick
пингвин {noun} :: penguin
пинг-понг {noun} :: ping pong, table tennis
пиндос {noun} [ethnic slur] :: an American, a Yank
пиндос {noun} [ethnic slur, regional, obsolete] :: a Pontic Greek
Пиндосия {prop} [slang, pejorative] :: US, USA, America
Пиндостан {prop} [slang, pejorative] :: US, USA, America
пинок {noun} :: kick
пино-нуар {m inan} :: Pinot Noir
пинцет {noun} :: tweezers, pincers (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects)
пиньинь {noun} [linguistics] :: pinyin, Pinyin
пион {noun} :: peony
пион {noun} [physics] :: pion
пионер {noun} :: pioneer
пионерка {noun} :: female pioneer
пионерлагерь {noun} :: Young Pioneer camp (former type of summer camp in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries)
пионерский {adj} [relational] :: pioneer
пипа {f inan} :: pipa
пипетка {noun} :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
пипец {noun} [euphemism, vulgar] :: extreme degree of anything, euphemism for пиздец
пипец {interj} [euphemism, vulgar] :: hell!, euphemism for пиздец
пиписька {noun} [colloquial, chiefly baby talk] :: male or female genitalia
пипл {noun} [colloquial, jocular, usually, uncountable] :: people [sometimes used pejoratively]
пир {noun} :: feast, banquet
пирайя {noun} :: piranha (fish)
пирамида {noun} :: pyramid
пирамида Хеопса {prop} :: Great Pyramid of Giza
пирамидка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of пирамида
пирамидка {noun} :: Russian pyramid (type of billiards played with 15 balls)
пирамидка {noun} :: Glossary of cue sports terms#pyramid Glossary of cue sports terms#pack (triangular arrangement of billiard balls at the beginning of a game)
пирамидка {noun} :: children's toy consisting of a set of multicolored rings, gradually diminishing in size, placed on a rod
пиранья {noun} :: piranha (fish)
пират {noun} :: pirate
пиратский {adj} [relational] :: pirate
пиратский {adj} :: pirated
пиратство {noun} :: piracy
-пирать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of переть (to trudge, to carry)
-пирать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of прать (to crush, to stomp [dated])
Пиренеи {prop} :: Pyrenees (European mountain range)
Пирка {prop} :: Пирка (municipality)
пировать {v impf} :: to feast, to celebrate with feasting, to revel, to carouse
пирог {noun} :: pie; pirog
пирога {noun} :: pirogue
пирожник {noun} :: pieman
пирожное {noun} :: a small cake (a sweet dessert for one person)
пирожок {noun} :: diminutive of пирог: Russian pastry (a small pastry baked with any sort of filling, from meats, fish, eggs, rice, cabbage or mushrooms to all kinds of fruit, cottage cheese, raisins or nuts), pirozhki
пироксен {noun} :: pyroxene
пироксилин {noun} :: soluble guncotton, collodion, pyroxylin, nitrocellulose
пироман {noun} :: pyromaniac
пиротехника {noun} :: pyrotechnics (art and technology of fireworks)
пирофор {noun} :: pyrophorus, pyrophore
пиррова победа {noun} :: Pyrrhic victory (a costly victory)
пирс {noun} :: pier (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
пирсинг {noun} [body art] :: piercing
пирушка {noun} [colloquial] :: small, lively party with food served [among a close circle of friends and relatives]
пируэт {noun} :: pirouette (whirling or turning on the toes)
пиршество {noun} :: revelry, feast
писака {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: scribbler
писание {noun} :: writing, script, scripture
писанина {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: poor writing, hack writing
писанина {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: poorly written document, scribble
писаный {adj} [colloquial] :: written down, fixed in writing
писаный {adj} [colloquial] :: handwritten
писаный {adj} :: written in color, decorated
писаный {adj} [colloquial] :: very beautiful, as if painted or decorated
писаный {adj} :: painted
писарь {noun} :: clerk; scribe, scrivener
писатель {noun} :: writer
писательница {noun} :: authoress
писательский {adj} [relational] :: writer; writers', writer's
писательство {noun} :: authorship (the activity or craft of a writer)
писать {v impf} :: to write
писать {v impf} [literary] :: to paint (a painting)
писать {v impf} :: to urinate, to pee, to piss
писать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to be hot for, to be sexually attracted to
писаться {v impf} :: to urinate (accidentally), to pee, to piss, to wet one's bed
писец {noun} :: copyist, penman, scribe, scrivener, writer
писец {noun} :: euphemistic form of пиздец
писк {noun} :: peep, chirp, squeak, cheep
пискарь {noun} :: alternative form of пескарь
писклявый {adj} :: squeaky
пискнуть {v pf} :: to give a squeak
пискун {noun} [colloquial] :: squeaker; cheeper
пистолет {noun} :: pistol, handgun
пистолет {noun} :: spraying pistol, sprayer
пистолет-пулемёт {noun} :: submachine gun (short range machine gun)
пистолет-пулемёт Томпсона {noun} :: Thompson submachine gun, Tommy gun
пистон {noun} :: percussion cap
пистон {noun} [music] :: piston
писывать {v impf} :: to write something repeatedly
писька {noun} [colloquial, chiefly baby talk] :: male or female genitalia, doodle, pussy
письмена {noun} :: characters, letters
письменно {adv} :: in writing
письменность {noun} :: writing, writing system, script, written language
письменный {adj} :: written
письменный стол {noun} :: desk (table for writing and reading)
письмецо {noun} :: endearing diminutive of письмо
письмо {noun} :: letter (written communication)
письмо {noun} :: writing (action)
письмо {noun} :: writing system, script
писюн {noun} [colloquial, chiefly baby talk] :: penis, doodle, wee-wee, willy
питайя {noun} :: alternative form of питахайя
питание {noun} :: food, nutrition, alimentation
питание {noun} :: power (electrical supply)
питательный {adj} :: nourishing, nutritious
питательный {adj} [engineering] :: feeding, feed
питательный {adj} [biology] :: nutrient
питательный крем {noun} :: moisturizer
питать {v impf} :: to feed, to nourish
питать {v impf} [figurative] :: to supply
питать {v impf} :: to feel, to experience [in a prolonged or constant manner]
питать отвращение {v impf} :: to abhor (to regard with horror or detestation)
питаться {v impf} :: to feed (on), to live (on) (of food), to use something for food, to eat [+ instrumental]
питаться {v impf} :: to use as a source of power
питахайя {noun} :: dragon fruit (plant or fruit)
питейный {adj} :: meant for drinking, especially alcohol
Питер {prop} [colloquial] :: Saint Petersburg
Питер {prop} [USSR, colloquial] :: Leningrad; [1914-1924] Petrograd
Питер {prop} :: given name
питерец {noun} [colloquial] :: inhabitant/resident of St. Petersburg
питерский {adj} [relational, colloquial] :: Saint Petersburg
питие {noun} [dated or ironic, Christianity] :: drinking, act of drinking (of wine), a drink
питомец {noun} :: alumnus, former pupil
питомец {noun} :: pet
питомник {noun} :: breeding-ground, nursery, a place where animals or plants are bred
питон {noun} :: python (constricting snake)
Питсбург {prop} :: Питсбург (port city)
Питсбург {prop} :: Pittsburg (cities in California, Kansas, Texas)
пить {v impf} :: to drink
питьевая вода {noun} :: drinking water
питьевой {adj} [relational] :: drinking; potable
питьё {noun} :: drinking (the action of drinking fluid)
питьё {noun} :: drink, beverage
пиф-паф {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: rat-a-tat-tat (the sound of gunshots)
пихать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to push, to shove, to elbow
пихать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shove (into)
пихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to push, to shove, to elbow
пихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shove (into)
пихта {noun} :: fir
пицца {noun} :: pizza
пиццерия {noun} :: pizzeria (outlet that primarily sells pizza)
пичкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to overfeed [usually forcibly or against someone's desires]
пичкать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to overdose, to give too much medicine to (someone)
пичкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stuff, to cram (someone with useless or unnecessary knowledge or information)
пичкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to oversupply (useless or unnecessary knowledge or information)
пишущая машинка {noun} :: typewriter
пишущий {adj} [relational] :: writing, recording
пища {noun} :: food
пищаль {noun} [musical instrument, dated] :: shepherd's pipe
пищаль {noun} [historical] :: harquebus
пищаль {noun} [historical] :: hand cannon, hand bombard
пищать {v impf} :: to peep, to squeak (make a noise like a baby bird or mouse)
пищеварение {noun} :: digestion
пищевод {noun} :: gullet, oesophagus
пищеводный {adj} :: esophageal
пищевой {adj} [relational] :: food; alimentary, nutritional
пиявка {noun} :: leech (blood-sucking annelid)
пл. {f inan} :: square, plaza
плав {noun} :: swimming, floating (only in combinations)
плавание {noun} :: swimming, floating
плавание {noun} :: navigation, sailing
плавание {noun} :: voyage, trip
плаванье {noun} :: alternative form of плавание
плавательный {adj} [relational] :: swimming
плавательный бассейн {noun} :: swimming pool
плавать {v impf} :: to swim, to float
плавать {v impf} :: to sail
плавать как топор {v impf} [simile, colloquial] :: to sink, to be unable to hold on the water (lit.: to swim like an axe)
плавильня {noun} :: foundry, smeltery
плавить {vt impf} :: to melt, to fuse
плавить {vt impf} :: to smelt
плавить {vt impf} :: to soften by heating
плавить {vt impf} [regional] :: to float (timber) (to transport by floating)
плавиться {vi impf} :: to melt
плавиться {vi impf} [imperfective only] :: to float or swim downstream [of timber, fish, etc.]
плавка {noun} :: fusion, fusing
плавка {noun} :: melt (process)
плавка {noun} :: melt, tap, cast
плавки {noun} :: swimming trunks
плавнее {adv} :: comparative of плавный
плавнее {adv} :: comparative of плавно
плавни {noun} :: marsh, meadowland, flooded areas
плавник {noun} :: fin, flipper (appendage of a fish)
плавник {noun} :: driftwood uncountable
плавно {adv} :: smoothly (in a smooth manner)
плавность {noun} :: smoothness [of movement or speech]
плавный {adj} :: smooth, even
плавный {adj} :: fluent, flowing
плавный {adj} :: easy, light
плавный {noun} [linguistics] :: liquid (the consonant r or l)
плавучий {adj} :: floating
плавучий {adj} :: buoyant
плагиат {noun} :: plagiarism
плагиатор {noun} :: plagiarist
плагин {noun} [computing] :: plug-in
плазма {noun} :: plasma (high energy state of matter; component of blood)
плазменный {adj} [relational] :: plasma
плакат {noun} :: poster, placard, bill
плакат {noun} :: broadsheet
плакать {v impf} :: to cry, to weep
плакать {v impf} :: to mourn, to weep
плакать {v impf} :: in expressions
плакаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to complain [на + accusative, about someone/something]
плакаться {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to cry, to weep
плакса {m anim} {f anim} :: crybaby, sniveler
плаксивый {adj} :: whining
плаксивый {adj} :: piteous
пламенеть {v impf} [poetical] :: to flame, to blaze
пламенеть {v impf} [literary] :: to burn (with passion)
пламенный {adj} :: flaming, fiery
пламенный {adj} :: ardent, flaming
пламень {m inan} [folk poetic] :: flame [also figurative, referring to emotions]
пламя {noun} :: flame
пламя {noun} :: blaze
план {noun} :: plan (set of intended actions), scheme
план {noun} :: draft, plan, scheme, contrivance, road map
план {noun} :: target, figure
план {noun} [slang] :: marijuana
план {noun} :: plane
план Б {noun} :: plan B
плангерд {noun} [mining] :: A sloping table on which the ore is washed
планета {noun} :: planet
планетарий {noun} :: planetarium (museum which displays images of space)
планетарная туманность {noun} [astronomy] :: planetary nebula
планетарный {adj} :: planetary
планёр {noun} [aviation] :: glider (aircraft)
планирование {noun} :: planning
планирование {noun} [aviation] :: glide, gliding
планировать {v impf} :: to plan, to project, to schedule
планировать {vi impf} :: to glide
планировать {v impf} :: to level, to lay out
планировка {noun} :: planning
планировка {noun} :: layout
планка {noun} :: plank, slat, lath
планка {noun} [sport] :: bar
планктон {noun} :: plankton
плановый {adj} [relational] :: plan, planning
плановый {adj} [relational] :: target; systematic, planned
плановый {adj} :: routine
планомерный {adj} :: planned, systematic
плантация {noun} :: plantation (large farm)
планшет {noun} [biology] :: plane table
планшет {noun} :: map case
планшет {noun} :: short for планшетный компьютер, tablet, tablet computer
пласт {noun} :: layer, sheet, stratum
пласт {noun} :: bed (a deposit of ore, coal etc.)
пластать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cut in layers
пластать {v impf} :: to gut, to eviscerate (fish)
пластик {noun} :: plastic
пластик {noun} [colloquial] :: layer, slice
пластик {noun} [obsolete] :: sculptor
пластика {noun} :: plastic art
пластика {noun} :: plastique
пластика {noun} :: plasticity
пластика {noun} :: grace, gracefulness
пластика {noun} [colloquial] :: plastic surgery
пластиковый {adj} [relational] :: plastic
пластилин {noun} :: plasticine
пластина {noun} :: plate
пластинка {noun} :: diminutive of пластина: plate
пластинка {noun} :: record, disc
пластинка {noun} [botany] :: blade, lamina
пластический {adj} [relational] :: plastic art
пластический {adj} [relational] :: plastique
пластический {adj} [relational] :: plastic
пластичность {noun} [physics, biology] :: plasticity
пластичность {noun} :: flexibility, limberness
пластичный {adj} [physics, biology] :: plastic
пластичный {adj} :: flexible or well-proportioned
пластмасса {noun} :: plastic
пластмассовый {adj} [relational] :: plastic
пластовой {adj} [relational] :: layer, stratum
пластовой {adj} :: layered, stratified
пластырь {noun} [medicine] :: plaster, band-aid
пластырь {noun} [naval] :: patch
плата {noun} :: fee, pay, salary, wages, fare, rent
плата {noun} :: card, cardboard, deck
платан {noun} :: plane (deciduous tree, Platanus), sycamore, Platanus occidentalis
плательщик {noun} :: payer
платёж {noun} :: payment (the act of paying)
платёжеспособность {noun} :: solvency, ability to pay, paying capacity
платёжеспособный {adj} :: solvent, able to pay
платёжный {adj} [relational] :: payment
платёжный {adj} [relational] :: pay
платина {noun} :: platinum
платиновый {adj} [relational] :: platinum
платить {v impf} :: to pay
платить {v impf} :: to pay off, to return
платно {n inan} [archaic] :: a type of male clothing
платный {adj} :: pay, chargeable (requiring payment; operable or accessible on deposit of coins)
плато {n inan} :: plateau
платок {noun} :: handkerchief, kerchief
платок {noun} :: shawl, headscarf
Платон {prop} :: Plato
платонический {adj} :: platonic (not sexual in nature)
платочек {noun} :: diminutive of платок: (small) kerchief, headkerchief; handkerchief
платформа {noun} :: platform
платформа {noun} :: goods truck, flatcar
платформа {noun} :: platform sole
платье {noun} [history] :: [archaic] clothes, clothing
платье {noun} :: dress, gown, frock
платьице {noun} :: diminutive of платье: (girl's) dress
платяной {adj} [relational] :: clothes, outerwear
плафон {noun} :: plafond
плафон {noun} :: for ceiling lamp shade
плаха {noun} :: block of wood
плаха {noun} :: executioner's block
плац {noun} :: parade ground
плацдарм {noun} [military] :: bridgehead, parade ground, foothold
плацдарм {noun} [figuratively] :: springboard, stepping stone
плацента {noun} :: placenta
плацкарта {noun} :: reserved-seat ticket, seat reservation ticket (in a train)
плач {noun} :: weeping
плачевный {adj} :: deplorable, lamentable, pitiable, plaintive, sorry
плачущий {adj} :: crying
плачущий {adj} :: whiny [of a voice, sound or tone]
плашка {noun} :: die (device for cutting an external screw thread)
плашка {noun} :: billet, board (flat piece of wood)
плашка {noun} :: plate (small, flat piece of metal)
плашка {noun} [hunting] :: a type of traditional deadfall trap made of wood and used for small animals
плашка {noun} [printing] :: solid color, solid printed area
плащ {noun} :: raincoat, overcoat
плащ {noun} :: poncho, cloak
плащаница {noun} [Christianity] :: shroud of Christ
плащаница {noun} [dated] :: shroud
плащ-палатка {noun} :: combination raincoat and tent
плебисцит {noun} :: plebiscite (a referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty)
плебс {noun} :: plebs (the common people)
плева {noun} :: membrane, film, coat, pleura
плевальница {noun} :: cuspidor, spittoon (receptacle for spit)
плевательница {noun} :: cuspidor, spittoon (receptacle for spit)
плевать {v impf} :: to spit
плевать {v impf} :: to spit upon, to not care for
плеваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spit
плеваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to loathe, to find disgusting/loathsome, to think awful/poor/miserable/lousy
плевел {noun} [botany] :: darnel, cockle, weed
плевел {noun} [literary, plural] :: tares
Плевен {prop} :: Плевен (city)
плевок {noun} :: spit, spittle
плевок {noun} :: sputum
плевок {noun} :: abuse, ribaldry
плед {noun} :: A rug, sheet or blanket of such material
плед {noun} :: plaid, a type of twilled woollen cloth, often with a tartan or chequered pattern
плеер {noun} :: (media) player (e.g. CD, DVD, mp3)
плейбой {noun} :: playboy
плектр {noun} [music] :: plectrum ((music) small piece of plastic, metal, ivory, etc for plucking the strings)
племенной {adj} :: tribal
племенной {adj} [relational] :: pedigree
племя {noun} :: tribe
племя {noun} :: race
племя {noun} :: family, brood
племя {noun} :: generation
племя {noun} :: breed
племянник {noun} :: nephew
племянница {noun} :: niece
племяш {noun} [colloquial] :: nephew
племяшка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: nephew or (more commonly) niece
плен {noun} :: captivity, custody
пленарный {adj} :: plenary (fully attended)
пленение {noun} :: capturing, taking prisoner
пленение {noun} :: conquering
пленение {noun} [figurative] :: captivation, fascination
пленение {noun} :: captivity, dependence, subordination
пленительный {adj} :: enchanting, captivating
пленить {v pf} [dated] :: to capture, to take prisoner, to deprive of liberty
пленить {v pf} [dated] :: to conquer (a land, a country)
пленить {v pf} :: to captivate, to fascinate, to charm
пленник {noun} :: captive, prisoner
пленница {noun} :: female prisoner
пленница {noun} [figurative] :: female captive [under someone's irresistible influence]
пленный {adj} :: captive
пленный {noun} :: captive, prisoner
пленум {noun} :: plenum, plenary session, plenary meeting
пленять {v impf} :: to captivate, to fascinate, to charm
плеоназм {noun} [rhetoric] :: pleonasm
плерома {noun} [gnosticism] :: pleroma
плерома {noun} [botany] :: plerome
плесень {noun} :: mildew, mold, must
Плесецк {prop} :: Плесецк (settlement/administrative center)
плесецкий {adj} [relational] :: Plesetsk, Plesetsky District
плеск {noun} :: splash, swash
плескать {vti impf} :: to splash
плескать {v impf} :: to flutter [of flags or sails]
плескать {v impf} [dated] :: to applaud
плескаться {v impf} :: to lap, to swash
плескаться {v impf} :: to splash
плескаться {v impf} :: to splash about
плескаться {v impf} :: to bathe, to splash around
плесневелый {adj} :: mouldy, mildewed
плеснуть {v pf} :: to splash, to plash, to lap
плести {v impf} :: to braid, to plait
плести {v impf} [figuratively, derogatory] :: to weave, to spin
плести {v impf} [colloquial, derogatory] :: to chatter, to tell nonsense, to lie
плестись {v impf} :: to drag oneself along, to toil along, to trudge, to plod along, to plod on
плетение {noun} :: braid, braiding, wickerwork
плетень {noun} :: wattle fence
плетёный {adj} [relational] :: wicker
плетёный {adj} :: wattled
плеть {noun} :: whip; lash
плетью обуха не перешибёшь {proverb} :: there is no use trying to fight against (or to win, overcome) somebody or something that is stronger than you
плечевой {adj} [relational, anatomy] :: shoulder; humeral
плечики {noun} :: coat hanger
плечико {noun} :: diminutive of плечо
плечистый {adj} :: broad-shouldered
плечо {noun} :: shoulder
плечо {noun} [anatomy] :: upper arm, brachium, humerus
плечо {noun} :: back
плешивый {adj} :: bald
плешина {noun} :: a bald spot (e.g. on a head)
плешина {noun} :: an empty spot (e.g. in a forest or field)
плешь {noun} :: bald spot, bald patch
плеяда {noun} :: pleiad, galaxy
плёнка {noun} :: film, pellicle, tape
плёс {noun} :: reach (of river), stretch (of river or lake)
плётка {noun} :: whip
пли {interj} [obsolete] :: fire!
плиз {interj} [slang, rare] :: please
Плимут {prop} :: Плимут (city)
плинтус {noun} :: skirting board, baseboard (panel between floor and interior wall)
плита {noun} :: slab, plate
плита {noun} :: tile, panel
плита {noun} :: (kitchen) range, (gas/electric) stove, cooker
плитка {noun} :: tile, thin slab
плитка {noun} :: bar, brick
плитка {noun} :: cooking range
плов {noun} :: pilaf, plov (dish)
Пловдив {prop} :: Пловдив (city)
пловец {noun} :: swimmer
плод {noun} :: fruit (also figurative)
плод {noun} :: offspring
плод {noun} :: fetus, foetus
плодить {v pf} :: to produce, to recreate, to spawn
плодиться {v pf} :: to propagate, to multiply
плодовый {adj} [relational] :: fruit
плодоносить {v impf} :: to bear fruit
плодоношение {noun} :: bearing, fructification, fruitage
плодородие {noun} :: fertility (of the soil), fecundity
плодородный {adj} :: fertile
плодотворить {v impf} [dated] :: to inseminate, to fertilize, to impregnate
плодотворно {adv} :: fruitfully, productively
плодотворность {noun} :: fruitfulness (the state or quality of being fruitful)
плодотворный {adj} :: fruitful, productive
Плоешти {prop} {m inan} :: Плоешти (city)
плойка {noun} :: curler, curling iron, hair roller (electrical)
пломба {noun} :: lead, seal, stamp
пломба {noun} [medicine] :: filling, stopping, inlay, plug
плоская фляжка {noun} :: hip flask
плоский {adj} :: flat, plane, level
плоский {adj} :: trivial, tame, stale, trite
плоскогорье {noun} :: plateau, tableland
плоскогубцы {noun} :: pliers
плоскозубцы {noun} :: gripping tongs
плоскостопие {noun} :: flatfoot (a condition in which the arch of the foot makes contact with the ground)
плоскостопный {adj} :: flat-footed (having flat feet)
плоскость {noun} [mathematics] :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
плоскость {noun} :: flatness, flat
плоскость {noun} :: platitude
плоскость {noun} :: sheet
плот {noun} :: raft
плотва {noun} :: roach (Rutilus rutilus)
плотик {noun} :: diminutive of плот
плотик {noun} [geology] :: bedrock
плотина {noun} :: dam (structure placed across a flowing body of water)
плотник {noun} :: carpenter
плотно {adv} :: tightly (in a tight manner)
плотность {noun} [physics] :: density (amount of matter contained by a given volume; the ratio of one quantity to that of another quantity)
плотный {adj} :: dense
плотный {adj} :: compact, solid
плотный {adj} :: thickset
плотный {adj} :: close, thick
плотоядный {adj} :: carnivorous
плотоядный {adj} [figuratively] :: lecherous, lustful, predatory [of a smile, a look, etc.]
плотский {adj} [dated] :: carnal
плоттер {noun} :: plotter (device)
плоть {noun} :: flesh
плоть {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: foreskin
плохиш {noun} [colloquial] :: baddie, a bad guy
плохо {adv} :: bad, badly (in a bad manner)
плохо {adv} :: unwell
плохой {adj} :: bad (not good)
плохой {adj} :: ill, bad (ill, sick)
плохому танцору и яйца мешают {proverb} :: a bad workman always blames his tools
плошать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make a mistake, to blunder
плошка {noun} :: bowl
плошка {noun} [dated] :: oil lamp
площадка {noun} :: area, ground, playground
площадка {noun} [sports] :: (tennis) court
площадка {noun} :: platform
площадка {noun} [architecture] :: landing
площадь {noun} :: square (open area in a town or city)
площадь {noun} :: space, living space
площадь {noun} [geometry] :: area
плуг {noun} :: plough, plow
плут {noun} :: swindler, cheat, knave
плут {noun} [colloquial, jocular] :: rogue, crafty person
плутать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stray, to wander
плутня {noun} [colloquial] :: trick
плутократ {noun} :: plutocrat
плутократия {noun} :: plutocracy (government by the wealthy; controlling class of the wealthy)
плутон {noun} [geology] :: pluton, a large body of igneous rock solidified out of magma deep in the earth’s core
Плутон {prop} :: (dwarf planet) Pluto
Плутон {prop} [Greek god, Roman god] :: Pluto
плутоний {noun} :: plutonium
плыть {v impf} :: to swim, to float
плыть {v impf} :: to sail
плюнуть {v pf} :: to spit
плюнуть {v pf} :: to spit upon, to not care for
плюрализм {noun} :: pluralism
плюс {noun} :: plus sign
плюс {noun} :: plus
плюс {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: advantage
плюсна {noun} :: metatarsus
плюсовой {adj} [relational] :: plus
плюсовой {adj} :: positive, above zero [e.g. of temperature]
плюсовый {adj} :: alternative form of плюсовой
плюхаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flop (down), to flop (into), to plump (into), to plop (into), to drop (into)
плюхнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flop (down), to flop (into), to plump (into), to plop (into), to drop (into)
плюш {noun} :: plush
плюшевый {adj} :: plush
плюшка {noun} :: (sweet) bun, roll
плющ {noun} :: ivy (plant)
плющить {v impf} :: to press flat, to flatten by means of pressure
пляж {noun} :: beach
пляжный {adj} [relational] :: beach
пляс {noun} [colloquial] :: dance (movements to music)
плясать {v impf} :: to dance, to esp. to do folk dancing
плясать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to caper, to hop
пляска {noun} :: dance
п/м {adv} :: initialism of прошлого месяца
п. м. {adv} :: initialism of прошлого месяца
ПМЖ {n inan} :: initialism of постоянное место жительства: (place of) permanent residence (used in reference to people moving to another place/country, as opposed to those going for a visit)
ПМЖ {n inan} [colloquial] :: residence permit
пневматическая винтовка {noun} :: air rifle
пневматический {adj} [relational] :: air; pneumatic (relating to air or other gases)
пневматический молоток {noun} :: nail gun (gun which drives nails)
пневматический пистолет {noun} :: air pistol (pistol that propels a pellet)
пневматическое ружьё {noun} :: air gun (gun that propels a projective by compressed air)
пневмония {noun} :: pneumonia
Пномпень {prop} :: Пномпень (capital city)
пнуть {v pf} :: to kick
по- {prefix} :: perfective aspect
по- {prefix} [rare] :: imperfective aspect
по- {prefix} :: for a while, a little (see delimitative aspect)
по- {prefix} :: place names
по {prep} :: with accusative case
по {prep} :: up to
по {prep} :: till
по {prep} :: indicates distribution (with numerals other than one, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. and compound numerals ending these words)
по {prep} :: with dative case
по {prep} :: along
по {prep} :: over
по {prep} :: around
по {prep} :: about
по {prep} :: on
по {prep} :: according to
по {prep} :: showing the cause that is unwanting or unwilling (see из-за usage notes for more detail)
по {prep} :: indicates the direct object of some verbs of striking or hitting
по {prep} :: indicates repetition of time
по {prep} :: indicates distribution (with numerals one, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. and compound numerals ending in these words)
по {prep} :: with prepositional case
по {prep} :: on, immediately after
по {prep} :: for
по {prep} :: to the liking of
По {prop} {n inan} :: По (river)
По {prop} {m anim} :: Poe (surname, especially of Edgar Allan Poe, American writer)
ПО {n inan} [computing] :: software (encoded computer instructions)
по-английски {adv} :: in English
по-английски {adv} [idiom] :: quietly, suddenly, without permission (compare: French leave)
по-арабски {adv} :: in Arabic
побагроветь {v pf} :: to grow/turn crimson/purple, to redden, to flush
побазарить {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to talk loudly, to babble
побаиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of бояться: to be rather afraid
побег {noun} :: flight, escape
побег {noun} :: sprout, shoot
побегать {v pf} :: to run for a while
побегушки {noun} [colloquial] :: running around
побегушки {noun} [colloquial] :: running errands
победа {noun} :: victory
победит {noun} :: cemented carbide (alloy of tungsten carbide), pobedit
победитель {noun} :: winner, victor
победительница {noun} :: female winner, victor
победить {v pf} :: to win, to be victorious over, to conquer, to vanquish, to defeat
победить {v pf} :: to overcome
победить {v pf} :: to beat
победно {adv} :: triumphantly, victoriously
победный {adj} :: triumphal, triumphant, victorious
победоносец {noun} :: perennial victor
победоносный {adj} :: victorious, triumphant
побежать {v pf} :: to start running, to break into a run
побежать {v pf} :: to begin to flow (about liquids)
побеждать {v impf} :: to win, to be victorious over, to conquer, to vanquish, to defeat
побеждать {v impf} :: to overcome
побеждать {v impf} :: to beat
побеждённый {noun} :: defeated person
побелеть {vi pf} :: to turn white, to whiten
побелеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn gray
побелеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become brighter
побелеть {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to dawn
побелить {v pf} :: to whiten
побелить {v pf} :: to whitewash
побелка {noun} :: whitewashing
побелка {noun} :: whitewash [result]
побелка {noun} [colloquial] :: whitewash [liquid]
побережье {noun} :: shore, coast, seaboard, littoral
поберечь {v pf} :: to keep in reserve, to not use up
поберечь {v pf} :: to protect and care for
побеседовать {v pf} :: to have a talk, to have a chat
побеспокоить {v pf} :: to trouble, to bother
побираться {v impf} :: to beg, live by begging
побить {v pf} :: to beat
побить {v pf} :: to churn
побить {v pf} :: to defeat
поблагодарить {v pf} :: to thank
поблагозвучней {adv} :: alternative form of благозвучней
поблажка {noun} [colloquial] :: indulgence, leniency
побледнеть {v pf} :: to grow pale, to turn white
поблескивать {v impf} :: alternative form of поблёскивать
поблёкнуть {v pf} :: to fade, to wither
поблёкнуть {v pf} :: to pale (beside / before), to pale into insignificance
поблёскивать {v impf} :: diminutive of блестеть: to shine a little, to shine sometimes
поблизости {adv} :: nearby (close to)
побои {noun} :: beating (continuous striking of another person or animal)
побои {noun} :: battery
побоище {noun} :: (great) battle; slaughter, carnage
поболтать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to chat (have a chat) (with about)
побольше {adv} :: alternative form of больше
по большому счёту {adv} :: generally (without reference to specific details)
побор {noun} :: exaction, (high, backbreaking) fee, tax
поборник {noun} :: partisan (fervent supporter)
побороть {v pf} :: to fight down, to overcome
побороть {v pf} [sport] :: to beat
побороться {v pf} :: to fight, to wrestle, to struggle, to strive for some time
побочный {adj} :: side, collateral, accessory, incidental
побочный {adj} :: natural [of a child]
побочный продукт {noun} :: byproduct, subproduct (secondary or additional product)
побояться {v pf} :: to fear, to be afraid [with genitive or infinitive]
побратим {noun} :: blood brother
побрать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take
побрезгать {v pf} :: to be fastidious/squeamish (about)
побрезгать {v pf} :: (usually negative) to disdain, to shrink (from)
побрезговать {v pf} :: to be fastidious/squeamish (about)
побрезговать {v pf} :: (usually negative) to disdain, to shrink (from)
побрести {v pf} :: to plod, to start wandering
побрить {v pf} :: to shave (transitive)
побриться {v pf} :: to shave oneself (intransitive)
побродить {v pf} :: to wander for some time
побросать {v pf} :: to throw up (leave in disorder)
побросать {v pf} :: to forsake, to desert, to abandon (many things or persons)
побрякать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to clatter for awhile or occasionally, to tinkle, to rattle
побрякивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to clatter for awhile or occasionally, to tinkle, to rattle
побрякушка {noun} [colloquial] :: rattle (child's toy)
побрякушка {noun} [usually plural] :: small pendant or ornament that jingles when it moves
побрякушка {noun} [pejorative] :: trinket, trifle
побудить {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time awakening
побудить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wake up (all or many people, one by one)
побудить {vt pf} [low colloquial] :: to awaken
побудить {v pf} [hunting] :: to drive (an animal) from its hole or lair, to flush out
побудить {v pf} :: to induce, to prompt, to impel, to spur
побуждать {v impf} :: to induce, to prompt, to impel, to spur
побуждение {noun} :: motive, inducement, incentive
побывать {v pf} :: to be at, to visit, to stay with
побывка {noun} [colloquial] :: short stay (somewhere)
побывка {noun} [military] :: short home leave
побыть {v pf} :: to stay (somewhere)
повадить {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to train, to deign to teach [someone to do something]
повадиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get in the habit of [+ infinitive, doing something, usually bad]
повадиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to frequent, to visit frequently
повадка {noun} [colloquial] :: habit
поваживать {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to train, to deign to teach [someone to do something]
поваживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lead, to guide [periodically]
поваживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drive [periodically]
поваживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to convey, to transport [periodically]
повалить {v pf} :: to bring down, to topple, to overthrow
повалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (people) to begin to throng; (snow) to begin to fall heavily, to begin to fall in thick flakes; (smoke) to begin to belch
повалиться {v pf} :: to fall (down), to collapse, to tumble down, to topple (over, down)
повальный {adj} :: general, en masse
повальный {adj} [relational] :: mass
повалять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time rolling (something) [в + prepositional, in flour, bread crumbs, etc.]
повалять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drag (all or many) [in the mud, etc.]
поваляться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time rolling about or wallowing
поваляться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time lying about [of a person — idly or due to illness; of objects — due to being carelessly strewn]
повар {noun} :: cook, chef
поваренный {adj} :: culinary
поварёнок {noun} :: kitchen boy, cook's helper
поварёшка {noun} [colloquial] :: ladle (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle)
повариха {noun} :: female cook
поварня {noun} [archaic] :: kitchen
по-вашему {adv} :: in your opinion, according to your way of thinking
поведать {v pf} [dated or literary] :: to tell, to retell, to recount, to say
поведение {noun} :: conduct, behaviour
поведенческий {adj} :: behavioral
поведовать {v both} [dated, literary or rhetorical] :: alternative form of поведывать [imperfective]
поведовать {v both} [dated, literary or rhetorical] :: alternative form of поведать [perfective]
поведывать {v impf} [dated or literary] :: to tell, to retell, to recount, to say
повезти {v pf} :: to convey, to carry (by vehicle), to deliver, to transport
повезти {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be lucky, to have luck, to work out for, to succeed, to be successful (+ dative case)
повелевать {v impf} [dated] :: to command, to rule (over)
повелевать {v impf} :: to enjoin, to order, to command
повеление {noun} [obsolete] :: command
повелеть {v pf} [dated] :: to command, to rule (over)
повелеть {v pf} :: to enjoin, to order, to command
повелитель {noun} :: sovereign, master (owner of an animal or slave)
повелительница {noun} :: lady, sovereign
повелительное наклонение {noun} [grammar] :: imperative mood
повелительный {adj} :: imperious, authoritative
повелительный {adj} [grammar] :: imperative (relating to the imperative mood) [no comparative or short forms]
повенчать {v pf} :: to marry (in church)
повенчаться {v pf} :: to be married (in church), to get married (in church)
повергать {v impf} [dated] :: to throw down
повергать {v impf} :: to plunge (into)
повергнуть {v pf} [dated] :: to throw down
повергнуть {v pf} :: to plunge (into)
поверенный {noun} :: confidant
поверенный {noun} :: plenipotentiary, attorney
поверженный {adj} :: fallen, prostrate
поверженный {adj} :: toppled
поверженный {adj} [figurative] :: defeated, conquered
поверить {v pf} :: to entrust, to confide, to trust
поверить {v pf} :: to check, to verify
поверить {v pf} :: to believe, to trust
поверить {v pf} :: to believe in, to have faith in
поверка {noun} :: checking up, check-up, verification
поверка {noun} :: roll call
поверка {noun} :: (of posts, guards) visiting, inspection
повернуть {vt pf} :: to turn, to swing
повернуть {v pf} :: to turn (to change direction of one's motion)
повернуться {v pf} :: to turn, to swing, to change intransitive
повертеть {v pf} :: to turn for a while
поверх {prep} :: over
поверхностное натяжение {noun} [physics] :: surface tension (the effect on the surface of a liquid)
поверхностный {adj} [relational] :: surface
поверхностный {adj} :: shallow, superficial, perfunctory
поверхность {noun} :: surface, face
поверье {noun} :: legend, superstition, popular belief
повеса {m anim} [colloquial] :: scapegrace; playboy
повеселеть {v pf} :: to cheer up, to become merry/cheerful
повеселиться {v pf} :: to start to have fun
повесить {v pf} :: to hang, to hang up
повесить {v pf} :: to hang (execute)
повеситься {v pf} :: to hang oneself
повествование {noun} :: narration, narrative
повествовательный {adj} [linguistics] :: narrative, declarative
повествовать {v impf} :: to narrate, to relate, to recount, to give an account (of)
повести {v pf} :: to lead, to conduct, to direct, to drive
повести {v pf} :: to move
повестись {v pf} :: to become the custom
повестись {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make friends [with]
повестка {noun} :: subpoena
повестка {noun} :: agenda
повестка дня {noun} :: agenda, order of the day (list of matters to be taken up)
повесть {noun} :: narrative, story, tale
повесть {noun} :: novella
поветрие {noun} [antiquated] :: plague, pestilence
поветрие {noun} [antiquated] :: air (obsolete: mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth)
поветрие {noun} :: craze, fad
повешение {noun} :: hanging (means of execution)
повеять {v pf} :: to begin to blow
повеять {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be in the air, to be able to be sensed
повзрослеть {v pf} :: to mature, to grow up
повидать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to see, to get to see
повидать {v pf} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to visit
повидаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to see, to meet, to see each other
по-видимому {adv} [hedge] :: apparently, seemingly
повидло {noun} :: jam, marmalade, fruit butter, fruit paste
повизгивать {v impf} :: diminutive of визжать: to squeal a little, to squeal sometimes
повизжать {v pf} :: to squeal for awhile
повинная {noun} [law] :: confession, acknowledgement of guilt
повинность {noun} :: duty, obligation
повинный {adj} :: guilty
повиноваться {v both} :: to obey
повиновение {noun} :: obedience, submission
повисать {v impf} :: to droop, to hang down
повисать {vi impf} :: to hang
повисать {v impf} :: to cling (на to)
повисеть {v pf} :: to hang, to be suspended
повиснуть {v pf} :: to droop, to hang down
повиснуть {vi pf} :: to hang
повиснуть {v pf} :: to cling (на to)
повитуха {noun} :: midwife (woman who assists other women in childbirth)
повлечь {v pf} :: to entail, to bring about
повлечь {v pf} :: to attract, to draw, to pull, to haul
повлечь {vt pf} :: to incur
повлиять {v pf} :: to influence, to have an influence
повлиять {v pf} :: to affect, to govern
повлиять {v pf} :: to have effect, to have action
повод {noun} :: rein, bridle, bridle-rein
повод {noun} :: cause, ground, occasion
поводить {v impf} :: to move
поводить {vt pf} :: to walk, to take around
поводить {v pf} :: to drive [for a while]
поводок {noun} :: diminutive of повод: leash
поводырь {noun} :: leader of a blind person
поводырь {noun} [dated] :: guide
повоевать {v pf} :: to fight, to war, to wage war for some time
по-военному {adv} :: in military fashion
повозить {v pf} :: to drive, to take for drives
повозиться {v pf} :: to fiddle, to busy oneself, to waste time
повозиться {v pf} :: to mess around
повозка {noun} :: cart, wagon, carriage
повозочный {adj} [relational] :: cart, wagon, carriage
повозочный {noun} [dated] :: cart driver, wagon driver
поволжский {adj} [relational] :: Volga region
Поволжье {prop} :: Volga region
поволочь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drag
по-волчьи {adv} :: in a wolf-like manner
поворачивать {vt impf} :: to turn, to swing
поворачивать {v impf} :: to turn (to change direction of one's motion)
поворачиваться {v impf} :: to turn, to swing, to change intransitive
поворот {noun} :: turn (a change of direction or orientation)
поворот {noun} :: curve
поворот {noun} [slang] :: break (a significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention)
поворотить {vt pf} [low colloquial] :: to turn, to swing
поворотить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to turn (to change direction of one's motion)
поворотливый {adj} :: agile, nimble
поворотный {adj} :: turning, rotary
поворотный {adj} [relational] :: swivel
поворотный {adj} [figurative] :: decisive
повредить {v pf} :: to injure, to harm, to hurt, to damage, to cause damage
повреждать {v impf} :: to injure, to harm, to hurt, to damage, to cause damage
повреждение {noun} :: damage
повреждение {noun} :: injury
повременить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wait (a little with something); to not proceed
повседневность {noun} :: daily routine, everyday life
повседневный {adj} :: everyday, daily (appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions)
повседневный {adj} :: day-to-day (ordinary or mundane)
повсеместно {adv} :: everywhere, in all places or parts
повсеместно {adv} :: overall
повсеместно {adv} [medicine] :: ubiquitously
повсеместный {adj} :: general, found everywhere, ubiquitous
по всем направлениям {adv} :: across the board (pertaining to all categories or things)
по всем направлениям {adv} :: in all directions
повстанец {noun} :: rebel, insurgent, insurrectionist
повстречать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to meet, to run into
повстречаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to meet, to run into [с + instrumental or + dative]
повсюду {adv} :: everywhere, far and wide
повтор {noun} :: repetition, repeat, rebroadcast, rerun
повтор {noun} [engineering] :: echo
повторение {noun} :: repetition, revision (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated)
повторение мать учения {phrase} :: practice makes perfect (literally, repetition is the mother of learning)
повторить {v pf} :: to repeat, to reiterate
повторить {v pf} :: to review [a lesson]
повториться {vi pf} :: to repeat
повторно {adv} :: repeatedly, iteratively (done several times)
повторный {adj} :: repeated, recurring
повторяемость {noun} :: repetition, reiteration, recurrence
повторять {v impf} :: to repeat, to reiterate
повторять {v impf} :: to review (lesson)
повторяться {vi impf} :: to repeat
повысить {v pf} :: to raise, to increase, to heighten, to boost, to elevate
повыситься {v pf} :: to rise, to go up, to increase
повыситься {v pf} :: to advance, to improve, to heighten
повыситься {v pf} :: to soar, to boom, to jump, to mount
повышать {v impf} :: to raise, to increase, to heighten, to boost, to elevate
повышаться {v impf} :: to rise, to go up, to increase
повышаться {v impf} :: to advance, to improve, to heighten
повышаться {v impf} :: to soar, to boom, to jump, to mount
повышение {noun} :: raise, promotion
повышенный {adj} :: heightened, higher
повязать {v pf} :: to tie
повязать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to seize, to arrest, to bust, to nab, to pinch
повязать {v pf} :: to knit (a little)
повязка {noun} :: bandage
повязка {noun} :: band, armlet, fillet
повязывать {v impf} :: to tie
поганец {noun} [low colloquial, pejorative] :: scoundrel, bastard, scumbag, rascal
поганка {noun} [pejorative] :: female scoundrel, scumbag, rascal
поганка {noun} :: toadstool, poisonous mushroom
поганка {noun} :: Podiceps (genus of waterbirds of the grebe family, whose meat has an unpleasant taste)
поганый {adj} [archaic] :: heathen
поганый {adj} :: foul, unclean
поганый {adj} :: lousy, nasty, rotten
поганый {adj} :: (mushroom) poisonous
погасить {v pf} :: to put out, to extinguish
погасить {v pf} :: to turn off (light)
погасить {v pf} :: to cancel (debt); to make invalid
погасить {v pf} :: to quench
погасить {v pf} :: to slake (lime)
погасить {v pf} :: to kill (a ball)
погасить {v pf} [slang] :: to kill, to murder, to waste; to beat
погаснуть {v pf} :: to go out (of light, fire)
погаснуть {v pf} :: to die away
погашение {noun} :: paying off, clearing off
погибать {v impf} :: to perish, to die of unnatural causes, to be killed
погибель {noun} :: death, destruction, ruin, perdition
погибель {noun} :: in expresions only
погибнуть {v pf} :: to perish, to die of unnatural causes, to be killed
погибший {adj} :: dead, deceased
погибший {adj} :: lost, ruined
погибший {noun} :: dead person, deceased person
погладить {v pf} :: to iron, to press (clothes)
погладить {v pf} :: to pet (animals, etc.)
погладить {v pf} :: to stroke, to caress
поглаживать {v impf} :: to stroke, to pet
поглазеть {v pf} :: to stare at for awhile [на + accusative]
поглотитель {noun} :: absorber, absorbent
поглотить {v pf} :: to swallow up, to devour
поглотить {v pf} :: to absorb, to take up
поглощать {v impf} :: to swallow up, to devour
поглощать {v impf} :: to absorb, to take up
поглощение {noun} :: absorption (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything)
поглощение {noun} :: intake, uptake, takeover, acquisition
поглощённость {noun} :: preoccupation
поглощённый {adj} :: inwardly focused
поглядеть {v pf} :: to look, to glance
поглядеть {v pf} :: to look after, to take care of
поглядывать {v impf} :: to cast a glance (from time to time)
поглядывать {v impf} :: to look (after), to keep an eye (on)
погнать {v pf} :: to drive
погнать {v pf} [slang] :: to lie
погнаться {v pf} :: to start chasing, to start pursuing [за someone]
погнуть {v pf} :: to bend
поговаривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to talk (of)
поговорить {v pf} :: to have a conversation, to talk (used with с кем)
поговорить {v pf} :: to talk (that lasts only a certain amount of time) (see по-)
поговорка {noun} :: saying, proverb, byword
погода {noun} [meteorology] :: weather
погодить {v pf} :: to wait a little (commonly used in the imperative)
погодить {v pf} :: to delay the start of something
погодка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of погода
погодный {adj} [relational] :: weather
погодный {adj} :: yearly, annual
поголовно {adv} :: universally, to a man, without exception
поголовный {adj} :: general, total, universal, without exception
поголовный {adj} [relational] :: capitation; by head
поголовье {noun} :: total number/head of livestock, population
поголубеть {v pf} :: to turn blue
поголубеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn gay (homosexual)
погон {noun} :: shoulder strap, shoulder board, shoulder mark [military insignia]
погон {noun} [of a tank] :: turret ring (погон башни)
погонщик {noun} :: driver; drover (a person who drives animals)
погоня {noun} :: chase, pursuit
погонять {v impf} :: to drive on, to urge on, to hurry on
погонять {v pf} :: to drive (for a time)
погоняться {v pf} :: to chase for a while, to pursue [за someone] for a while
погорать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be deprived of shelter or property as a result of fire
погорать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to burn down
погорать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dry out, to become parched
погорать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to burn [of many things]
погорать {vi impf} :: to burn for awhile
погорать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to fail
погорелец {noun} :: one who has lost all in a fire
погореть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be deprived of shelter or property as a result of fire
погореть {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to burn down
погореть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to dry out, to become parched
погореть {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to burn [of many things]
погореть {vi pf} :: to burn for awhile
погореть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to fail
погорячиться {v pf} :: to get excited
погорячиться {v pf} :: to get impatient, to get angry, to lose one's temper
погост {noun} :: rural cemetery
погост {noun} [dated] :: village church located away from the settlement, with a graveyard, its own land and a house for the clergy
погост {noun} [historical, 10th century AD] :: coaching inn for princes and important church officials
погост {noun} [historical] :: former administrative-territorial unit in Russia, up through the 18th century, consisting of several villages
погост {noun} [historical] :: large village in the center of such an administrative-territorial unit
пого-стик {noun} :: pogo stick
погостить {v pf} :: to stay for awhile [at someone's house]
пограничник {noun} :: frontier/border guard
пограничный {adj} [relational] :: frontier, boundary, border
пограничье {noun} [dated] :: a region along the country border
погреб {noun} :: root cellar, vault
погребальный {adj} [relational] :: burial
погребать {v impf} :: to bury
погребение {noun} :: burial, interment
погремушка {noun} :: rattle (a baby's toy)
погрести {v pf} :: to row (a little)
погрести {v pf} :: to bury
погреть {v pf} :: to warm
погреться {v pf} :: to warm oneself (for a while)
погрешить {v pf} [literary] :: to err
погрешить {v pf} [dated] :: to unfairly accuse (someone)
погрешить {v pf} :: to contradict (logic)
погрешность {noun} [archaic] :: fault; delinquency; sin
погрешность {noun} :: mistake, error
погрешность {noun} [mathematics] :: error
погрозить {v pf} :: to threaten
погром {noun} :: pogrom, massacre
погромче {adv} :: comparative of громкий
погромче {adv} :: comparative of громко
погромщик {noun} :: member of a pogrom mob; rioter, vigilante
погромщица {noun} :: female member of a pogrom mob; rioter, vigilante
погружать {v impf} :: to dip, to submerge, to duck, to immerse, to plunge
погружать {v impf} :: (into a condition) to immerse, to plunge, to absorb
погружаться {vi impf} :: to sink, to be submerged, to plunge (into)
погружаться {v impf} :: to be immersed, to plunged, to absorbed (into a condition, thought, work, etc.)
погружаться {v impf} :: to take cargo
погружаться {v impf} :: [of many people] to pile into
погружение {noun} :: immersion
погружение {noun} :: submersion, submergence
погружение {noun} :: (u-boat) dive, diving
погружение {noun} :: (ship) sinking, settling
погрузить {v pf} :: to dip, to submerge, to duck, to immerse, to plunge
погрузить {v pf} :: (into a condition) to immerse, to plunge, to absorb
погрузить {v pf} :: to load (to put a load on)
погрузиться {vi pf} :: to sink, to be submerged, to plunge (into)
погрузиться {v pf} :: to be immersed, to plunged, to absorbed (into a condition, thought, work, etc.)
погрузиться {v pf} :: to take cargo
погрузиться {v pf} :: [of many people] to pile into
погрузка {noun} :: loading, shipment, lading, embarkation
погрузочный {adj} :: loading
погрязать {v impf} [also figurative] :: to get stuck in, to become mired in, to bog down in, to get bogged down in
погрязнуть {v pf} [also figurative] :: to get stuck in, to become mired in, to bog down in, to get bogged down in
погрязнуть {v pf} [figurative] :: to get carried away by, to become completely absorbed in
погрязнуть {v pf} [figurative] :: to become involved in (reprehensible deeds)
погубить {v pf} :: to wreck, to destroy, to ruin
погубить {v pf} :: to kill (make useless)
погубить {v pf} :: to waste
погулять {v pf} :: to walk, to go for a walk, to stroll for a while
погулять {v pf} :: to have a time-off, to have a free time for a while
погулять {v pf} :: to make merry, to enjoy oneself, to carouse for a while
погулять {v pf} :: to go with, to go out with someone for a while
погустеть {vi pf} :: to thicken
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: upwards (describing an action of moving from the bottom up)
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: closer (describing an action of approaching to an entity)
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: adding (describing an action of adding more entity)
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: (describing a meaning that shows a finished action or an obtainment of a result)
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: (describing an action of copying or following someone's action)
под- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: (describing an existence of the certain action that is weak, invisible, hidden or incomplete)
под- {prefix} :: takes nouns, produces nouns or adjectives: under-, sub- (referring to literal position under something, being under the influence of something, occupying a title or position below a superior, etc.)
под- {prefix} :: takes adjectives, produces adverbs: completely
под {prep} :: with accusative case
под {prep} :: under (movement to beneath)
под {prep} :: towards, to
под {prep} :: about, on the eve of (time)
под {prep} :: in imitation of, à la
под {prep} :: for, suitable as
под {prep} :: with instrumental case
под {prep} :: under, below, beneath (location)
под {prep} :: near, by
под {prep} :: used for
под {noun} :: [dated, rare] hearth, hearthstone
под {noun} :: [dated, rare] floor
подавальщик {noun} :: waiter
подавальщик {noun} :: supplier
подавать {v impf} :: to give, to proffer, to pass
подавать {v impf} :: to serve
подавать {v impf} [sports] :: to pitch, to serve, to pass
подавать {v impf} :: to give alms
подаваться {v impf} :: to move (under pressure)
подаваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to yield, to give way
подаваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make (for), to set out (for)
подавить {v pf} :: to suppress, to repress, to quell, to stifle
подавить {v pf} :: to depress, to overwhelm
подавить {v pf} :: to press (several times or continuously)
подавиться {v pf} :: to choke (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe)
подавление {noun} :: suppression, repression
подавление {noun} [military] :: neutralization
подавленность {noun} :: depression, dejection
подавленный {adj} :: depressed [experiencing depression; of a person]
подавленный {adj} :: depressed [expressing depression; of a feeling, look, face, tone, etc.; inanimate]
подавленный {adj} :: suppressed [feeling]
подавленный {adj} :: muffled [sound, etc.]
подавлять {v impf} :: to suppress, to repress, to quell, to stifle
подавлять {v impf} :: to depress, to overwhelm
подавляющий {adj} :: overwhelming
подавляющий {adj} :: depressing
подавно {adv} :: so much the more, all the more, (with negative) even less so
подагра {noun} :: gout, podagra
подальше {adv} :: alternative form of дальше
подарить {v pf} :: to give, to present, to donate
подарить {v pf} :: to favour, to bestow, to award
подарок {noun} :: present, gift
подарочек {noun} :: diminutive of подарок
подарочный {adj} [relational] :: gift, present
податель {noun} :: applicant, petitioner, lodger (of an application)
подательница {noun} :: female applicant, petitioner, lodger (of an application)
податливый {adj} :: pliant, pliable, complaisant
подать {v pf} :: to give, to proffer, to pass
подать {v pf} :: to serve
подать {v pf} [sports] :: to pitch, to serve, to pass
подать {v pf} :: to give alms
подать {noun} [history] :: tax, duty
податься {v pf} :: to move (under pressure)
податься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to yield, to give way
податься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make (for), to set out (for)
подача {noun} :: giving
подача {noun} [technology] :: feed, feeding, supply
подача {noun} [sport] :: service, serve
подача {noun} :: presentation, portrayal
подачка {noun} :: pittance, dole, charity, sop, tip (also figuratively)
подаяние {noun} :: alms, charity, dole, handout (something given to the poor as charity)
подбадривать {v impf} :: alternative form of подбодрять
под башмаком {adv} :: henpecked, pussywhipped (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner)
подбегать {v impf} :: to run up, to come running up to
подбежать {v pf} :: to run up, to come running up to
подбел {noun} :: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
подбел {noun} :: butterbur or coltsfoot (Petasites)
подбел {noun} :: bog rosemary (Andromeda)
подбивать {v impf} :: to line (lining)
подбивать {v impf} :: to resole (shoes)
подбивать {v impf} :: to damage, to hurt (e.g. a person's eye)
подбивать {v impf} :: to shoot down (bird, airplane)
подбивать {v impf} :: to instigate, to abet (to assist or encourage in crime)
подбивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to assess, to sum up, to reckon up
подбирать {v impf} :: to pick up
подбирать {v impf} :: to sort out, to select, to glean
подбираться {v impf} :: to form
подбираться {v impf} :: to steal up (to), to approach stealthily
подбираться {v impf} :: to find an approach (to)
подбираться {v impf} :: to aim (for)
подбираться {v impf} :: to tuck, to crouch
подбираться {v impf} :: to straighten oneself up
подбить {v pf} :: to line (lining)
подбить {v pf} :: to resole (shoes)
подбить {v pf} :: to damage, to hurt (e.g. a person's eye)
подбить {v pf} :: to shoot down (bird, airplane)
подбить {v pf} :: to instigate, to abet (to assist or encourage in crime)
подбить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to assess, to sum up, to reckon up
подбодрить {v pf} :: to cheer up, to encourage
подбодрять {v impf} :: to cheer up, to encourage
подбой {noun} :: lining, backing
подбор {noun} :: selection, assortment
подборка {noun} :: selection, matching
подборка {noun} :: pickup
подборка {noun} :: selection, set, (in a newspaper) related items/stories
подбородок {noun} [anatomy] :: chin
подбочениваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put one's arms akimbo
подбоченившись {adv} :: with one's arms akimbo, with one's hands on one's hips
подбочениться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put one's arms akimbo
подбрасывать {v impf} :: to toss up, to throw up
подбрасывать {v impf} :: to throw (under)
подбрасывать {v impf} :: to put secretly/stealthily, to plant
подбрасывать {v impf} :: to add
подбрасывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to give (somebody) a lift (in a vehicle)
подбрасывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring up, to give some more
подбросить {v pf} :: to throw upwards
подбросить {v pf} :: to flip
подбросить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give (somebody) a lift (in a vehicle)
подвал {noun} :: basement, cellar, vault
подвальный {adj} [relational] :: basement
подвальчик {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of подвал: small basement, small cellar
подвальчик {noun} [colloquial] :: cellar bar (basement establishment selling alcoholic drinks for consumption on-site)
подведение {noun} :: leading
подведение {noun} :: enumeration, summing up
подведомственный {adj} :: within the jurisdiction of, subordinate to, dependent
подвезти {v pf} :: to bring
подвезти {v pf} :: to give a lift (in a vehicle)
подвергать {v impf} :: to subject (to), to expose (to)
подвергаться {v impf} :: to undergo, to be exposed
подвергнутый {adj} :: subjected (to), exposed (to)
подвергнуть {v pf} :: to subject (to), to expose (to)
подверженный {adj} :: subject to
подверженный {adj} :: liable to
подверженный {adj} :: prone to
подвернуть {v pf} :: to tighten, to screw a little further
подвернуть {v pf} :: to tuck in, to tuck up
подвернуть {v pf} :: to turn up, to roll up
подвернуть {v pf} :: to sprain
подвернуться {v pf} :: to tuck up
подвернуться {v pf} :: to slip
подвернуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn up
подвесить {v pf} :: to hang up, to suspend
подвеска {noun} :: hanging up, suspension
подвеска {noun} :: pendant
подвеска {noun} [technology] :: suspension
подвесной {adj} [relational] :: suspended, pendant, pendulous, suspension
подвести {v pf} :: to bring closer
подвести {v pf} :: to place (under)
подвести {v pf} :: to substantiate (with), to support (with), to account (for by)
подвести {v pf} :: to class, to group together, to present (as), to depict (as)
подвести {v pf} :: to drive (at), to suggest
подвести {v pf} :: to let down, to do a bad turn
подвести {v pf} :: to pencil, to outline
подветренный {adj} :: leeward, lee
под вечер {adv} :: towards evening
подвешивание {noun} :: hanging
подвешивание {noun} :: suspension
подвешивать {v impf} :: to hang up, to suspend
подвёртываться {v impf} :: to twist
подвёртываться {v impf} :: to turn
подвёртываться {v impf} :: to roll
подвёртываться {v impf} :: to tuck up (as with sleeves)
подвиг {noun} :: exploit, feat, heroic deed
подвиг {noun} :: (heroic) deed, labor
подвигать {v impf} :: to push, to move
подвигать {v impf} :: to advance, to push forward
подвигать {v pf} :: to move for awhile, to move a little
подвигаться {v impf} :: to move
подвигаться {v impf} :: to advance, to progress
подвигаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to advance (in one's career)
подвигаться {vi pf} :: to move slightly
подвигнуть {v pf} [literary or stilted] :: to rouse, to induce, to encourage
подвид {noun} :: subspecies
подвижка {noun} :: shift, (small) movement
подвижка {noun} [colloquial] :: progress, advancement
подвижник {noun} [church] :: ascetic, hermit
подвижник {noun} :: devotee, zealot, hero
подвижничество {noun} [religion] :: asceticism
подвижничество {noun} [figurative] :: self-sacrifice in service of a higher ideal
подвижной {adj} :: mobile, travelling
подвижной состав {noun} [railroads, collectively] :: rolling stock (railway vehicle, including main rail, subway, tram, and trolley)
подвижной состав {noun} [transport, collectively] :: motorized vehicles
подвижность {noun} :: motility
подвижность {noun} :: movability / moveability, mobility
подвижность {noun} :: agility
подвижность {noun} :: maneuverability
подвижность {noun} :: fluidity
подвижность {noun} :: mercuriality
подвижность {noun} :: removability
подвижный {adj} :: mobile
подвижный {adj} :: lively, active
подвижный {adj} :: agile, nimble
подвизать {vt pf} [dated] :: to move, to cause to move
подвизать {v pf} [dated] :: to motivate to action, to impel
подвизаться {v pf} [literary, dated] :: to rush (somewhere), to move forward
подвизаться {v pf} [literary, figurative] :: to strive
подвизаться {v pf} [literary] :: to labor, to act, to work [expressing oneself in some area of activity]
подвизаться {v pf} [literary, dated] :: to distinguish oneself in military matters, to fight bravely
подвинуть {v pf} :: to move a little
подвинуться {v pf} :: to move
подвинуться {v pf} :: to advance, to progress
подвластный {adj} :: subject (to), dependent (on)
подвод {noun} :: supply, delivery
подвод {noun} :: admission, intake
подвода {noun} :: dray, cart
подводить {v impf} :: to bring closer
подводить {v impf} :: to place (under)
подводить {v impf} :: to substantiate (with), to support (with), to account (for by)
подводить {v impf} :: to class, to group together, to present (as), to depict (as)
подводить {v impf} :: to drive (at), to suggest
подводить {v impf} :: to let down, to do a bad turn
подводить {v impf} :: to pencil, to outline
подводная лодка {noun} [nautical] :: submarine (undersea boat)
подводник {noun} :: submariner
подводник {noun} :: diver, frogman
подводное крыло {noun} :: hydrofoil (wing)
подводный {adj} :: underwater, submarine, subsea
подвозить {v impf} :: to bring
подвозить {v impf} :: to give a lift (in a vehicle)
подворачивать {v impf} :: to tighten, to screw a little further
подворачивать {v impf} :: to tuck in, to tuck up
подворачивать {v impf} :: to turn up, to roll up
подворачивать {v impf} :: to sprain
подворачиваться {v impf} :: to tuck up
подворачиваться {v impf} :: to slip
подворачиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn up
подворотничок {noun} :: undercollar (sewn under the collar of a soldier's tunic)
подворотня {noun} :: space between the gate and ground
подворотня {noun} :: board attached to the bottom of a gate
подворотня {noun} :: gateway
подворотня {noun} [colloquial] :: back street, dark corner
подворье {noun} :: farmstead, courtyard; metochion
подвох {noun} [colloquial] :: trick, catch
подвывать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to echo (someone's) howling [+ dative]
подвывать {vi impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to howl softly, to whimper
подвывать {vt impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to call by howling [of a wolf]
подвыпить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to have a couple
подвыть {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to echo (someone's) howling [+ dative]
подвязать {v pf} :: to tie [something, к + dative, to something, or под + instrumental, under something]
подвязать {v pf} :: to tie up
подвязать {v pf} :: to tie on, to wear by tying
подвязать {v pf} :: to knit more, to continue knitting
подвязка {noun} :: tying up
подвязка {noun} [usually plural] :: garter
подвязывать {v impf} :: to tie [something, к + dative, to something, or под + instrumental, under something]
подвязывать {v impf} :: to tie up
подвязывать {v impf} :: to tie on, to wear by tying
подвязывать {v impf} :: to knit more, to continue knitting
подгибать {v impf} :: tuck in, tuck under, bend under
подгибать {v impf} :: to bend (in / down / over)
подглядеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to watch furtively, to spy [on], to peep [at]
подглядеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to notice, to spot
подглядывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to watch furtively, to spy [on], to peep [at]
подглядывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to notice, to spot
подговаривать {v impf} :: to incite, to instigate, to abet (to assist or encourage in crime)
подговорить {v pf} :: to incite, to instigate, to abet (to assist or encourage in crime)
подгонка {noun} :: adjustment, alignment, fitting, calibration, adaptation
подгонка {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: intentional distortion of ideas, facts, data, etc. to hide contradictions, theft, etc
подгонять {v impf} :: to drive / to urge on, to hurry (somebody)
подгонять {v impf} :: to fit, to adjust, to accommodate (to render fit or suitable)
подгорать {v impf} :: to burn slightly
подгореть {v pf} :: to burn slightly
Подгорица {prop} :: Подгорица (capital city)
подготавливать {v impf} :: to prepare, to train
подготавливаться {v impf} :: to study, to prepare for
подготовительный {adj} :: preparatory, preparation
подготовить {v pf} :: to prepare, to train
подготовиться {v pf} :: to study, to prepare for
подготовка {noun} :: preparation
подготовка {noun} :: training
подготовка {noun} :: grounding, schooling
подготовка {noun} :: skill, knowledge
подготовленность {noun} :: readiness, preparedness
подготовлять {v impf} :: to prepare, to train
подготовляться {v impf} :: to study, to prepare for
подгруппа {noun} :: subgroup
подгузник {noun} :: diaper, nappy
подгузничек {noun} :: diminutive of подгузник
поддавать {v impf} :: to strike [from below], to kick
поддавать {v impf} [games] :: to give away (a piece or card)
поддавать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to add
поддавать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to booze
поддаваться {v impf} :: to yield to, to give in, to fall for, to cave in
поддаваться {v impf} :: to hold back (in a game), to intentionally let the opponent win or take the upper hand
поддакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to say yes (to), to assent (to), to echo
поддакнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to say yes (to), to assent (to), to echo
подданный {noun} :: national (a person owing allegiance to a state)
подданный {noun} :: citizen (a person who possesses citizenship of a state)
подданный {noun} :: subject (legal member of a state)
подданство {noun} :: citizenship (state of being a citizen)
подданство {noun} :: nationality (state of owing allegiance to a state)
поддать {v pf} :: to strike from below, to kick
поддать {v pf} [games] :: to give away (a piece or card)
поддать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to add
поддать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to booze, to bend the elbow
поддаться {v pf} :: to yield to, to give in, to fall for, to cave in
поддаться {v pf} :: to hold back (in a game), to intentionally let the opponent win or take the upper hand
поддающийся {adj} :: amenable
поддающийся {adj} :: accessible, susceptible (open to the influence of)
поддевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wear under, to put on under [под + accusative]
поддевать {v impf} :: to snag, to hook, to catch
поддевать {v impf} :: to lift slightly [from below]
поддевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cheat, to trick
поддевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tease, to needle
подделать {v pf} :: to counterfeit, to falsify, to fake, to forge, to fabricate
подделка {noun} :: counterfeit, imitation; fake; forgery
подделывать {v impf} :: to counterfeit, to falsify, to fake, to forge, to fabricate
поддельный {adj} :: false, counterfeit, fake, forged
поддельный {adj} :: imitation, artificial
поддельный {adj} :: spurious
поддержание {noun} :: maintenance, maintaining, support; keeping up
поддержать {v pf} :: to support, to back up, to second
поддержать {v pf} :: to maintain, to keep up
поддерживать {v impf} :: to support, to back, to second, to uphold
поддерживать {v impf} :: to maintain, to keep up
поддерживать {v impf} :: to bear, to support
поддерживаться {v impf} :: to be supported
поддерживаться {v impf} :: to be maintained
поддержка {noun} :: support (financial or other help)
поддеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wear under, to put on under [под + accusative]
поддеть {v pf} :: to snag, to hook, to catch
поддеть {v pf} :: to lift slightly [from below]
поддеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cheat, to trick
поддеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tease, to needle
поддон {noun} :: pallet, underpan (a portable platform)
подеваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to disappear, to get (to another place)
подействовать {v pf} :: to affect, to have an effect on
поделать {v pf} :: to make, to do (for a while)
поделить {v pf} :: to share
поделить {v pf} :: to divide up
поделить {v pf} :: to deal well with someone (usually used with the negative particle)
поделиться {v pf} :: to be divided
поделиться {v pf} :: to share
поделка {noun} :: a (handmade) article
поделка {noun} [pejorative] :: a makeshift article
поделка {noun} :: an odd job
подельник {noun} :: accomplice, stooge
подержанный {adj} :: used, secondhand (that has or have previously been owned by someone else)
подержать {v pf} :: to hold, to keep, to support
по-детски {adv} :: childishly
подешеветь {v pf} :: to get cheaper
подёнщик {noun} :: dayworker (employee paid on an irregular basis)
подёргать {v pf} :: to pull at [multiple times]
подёргиваться {v impf} :: to twitch
подёрнуть {v pf} [often, impersonal] :: to cover, to coat [with a thin layer]
подёрнуть {v pf} :: to envelop
поджаривать {v impf} :: to fry, to roast, to grill
поджарить {v pf} :: to fry, to roast, to grill
поджарый {adj} :: lean, wiry, sinewy
поджать {v pf} :: to tuck up
поджать {v pf} :: to tuck in
поджать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press
поджать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tighten
поджать {v pf} :: to put/exert pressure (on), to press, to put the screws (on)
поджать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to harvest further
поджать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to harvest what remains
поджечь {v pf} :: to set on fire, to set fire (to), to ignite
поджигатель {noun} :: arsonist (one who has committed the act of arson, or illegally setting fire to property)
поджигательница {noun} :: female arsonist (one who has committed the act of arson, or illegally setting fire to property)
поджигать {v impf} :: to set on fire, to set fire (to), to ignite
поджидать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wait
поджидать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lie in wait
поджимать {v impf} :: to tuck up
поджимать {v impf} :: to tuck in
поджимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to press
поджимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tighten
поджимать {v impf} :: to put/exert pressure (on), to press, to put the screws (on)
поджинать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to harvest further
поджинать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to harvest what remains
поджог {noun} :: arson, burning
подзаголовок {noun} :: subheading; subtitle
подзатыльник {noun} [сolloquial] :: clip on the back of the head
подзащитный {noun} [law] :: client, defendant having a lawyer
подземелье {noun} :: vault, cave, dungeon, underground (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground)
подземка {noun} [colloquial] :: subway, metro, underground
подземный {adj} :: underground, subterranean (below ground, under the earth, underground)
подзывать {v impf} :: to call up (to), to beckon (to)
поди {v} [colloquial] :: maybe, would, possibly
поди {v} [colloquial] :: just try
подивиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to marvel (at)
подиум {noun} :: raised floor, podium, platform, stage, runway
под каблуком {adv} :: henpecked, pussywhipped (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner)
подкаблучник {noun} :: henpecked husband
подкапать {v pf} :: to drip adding to what is already present, to accumulate (drops of something)
подкапывать {v impf} :: to dig out the earth under (something), to undermine, to sap
подкапывать {v impf} :: to dig (a passage or tunnel) under
подкапывать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to undermine
подкапывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dig a bit, to dig a part of, to dig additionally
подкапывать {v impf} :: to drip adding to what is already present, to accumulate (drops of something)
подкармливать {v impf} :: to feed up, to fatten
подкармливать {v impf} [agriculture] :: to add fertilizer (to)
подкатить {v pf} :: to roll (to), to drive (to)
подкатить {v pf} :: to roll up (to), to drive up (to)
подкатить {v pf} :: (emotions) to rise (in), to fill, to seize
подкатывать {v impf} :: to roll (to), to drive (to)
подкатывать {v impf} :: to roll up (to), to drive up (to)
подкатывать {v impf} :: (emotions) to rise (in), to fill, to seize
подкачать {vt pf} :: to pump up; to inflate
подкачать {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to let down; to disappoint
подкачивать {vt impf} :: to pump up; to inflate
подкачивать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to let down; to disappoint
подкашивать {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to cut (grass, etc.) with a scythe
подкашивать {v impf} :: to mow at the base
подкашивать {v impf} :: to mow [a little or additionally]
подкашивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to knock down [with a blow or shot]
подкашивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to cause (legs or knees) to buckle
подкашивать {v impf} [figurative, literary] :: to deprive of health, to energy, to stamina, etc
подкашивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to undermine, to undercut, to weaken
подкашивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to skew, to make askew (the direction of something)
подкашивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squint slightly
подкидывать {v impf} :: to toss up, to throw up
подкидывать {v impf} :: to throw (under)
подкидывать {v impf} :: to put secretly/stealthily, to plant (a fake evidence)
подкидывать {v impf} :: to add
подкидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to give a lift
подкидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring up, to give some more
подкидывать {v impf} :: to add (a card) to be beaten
подкидыш {noun} :: foundling
подкинуть {v pf} :: to toss up, to throw up
подкинуть {v pf} :: to throw (under)
подкинуть {v pf} :: to put secretly/stealthily, to plant (fake evidence)
подкинуть {v pf} :: to add
подкинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give a lift
подкинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring up, to give some more
подкинуть {v pf} :: to add (a card) to be beaten
подкладка {noun} :: backing (material added behind or underneath)
подкладка {noun} :: lining, cushion
подкладывать {v impf} :: to lay (under), to put (under)
подкладывать {v impf} :: to line (with)
подкладывать {v impf} :: to add, to put some more
подкладывать {v impf} :: to put/place furtively, to plant
подключать {v impf} :: to connect (to), to link up (with)
подключать {v impf} :: to enable, to turn on
подключать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get involved (in)
подключаться {v impf} :: to connect (to), to make a connection (to)
подключаться {v impf} :: to get involved (in), to join in
подключение {noun} :: connecting, connection
подключить {v pf} :: to connect (to), to link up (with)
подключить {v pf} :: to enable, to turn on
подключить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get involved (in)
подключиться {v pf} :: to connect (to), to make a connection (to)
подключиться {v pf} :: to get involved (in), to join in
подкова {noun} :: horseshoe
подкованный {adj} [figuratively] :: someone who is grounded in something
подковать {v pf} :: to shoe (horses)
подковывать {v impf} :: to shoe (horses)
подкоголи {n inan} :: a type of dumplings in Mari El (a republic of Russia)
подкожный {adj} :: subcutaneous, hypodermic
подконтрольный {adj} :: under control
подконтрольный {adj} [politics] :: ruled (by a government)
подкоп {noun} :: underground passage, tunnel [dug in the earth]
подкоп {noun} [figurative, colloquial, usually plural] :: intrigue
подкопать {v pf} :: to dig out the earth under (something), to undermine, to sap
подкопать {v pf} :: to dig (a passage or tunnel) under
подкопать {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to undermine
подкопать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to dig a bit, to dig a part of, to dig additionally
подкормить {v pf} :: to feed up, to fatten
подкормить {v pf} [agriculture] :: to add fertilizer (to)
подкормка {noun} :: additional fertilizing
подкосить {v pf} [also impersonal] :: to cut (grass, etc.) with a scythe
подкосить {v pf} :: to mow at the base
подкосить {v pf} :: to mow [a little or additionally]
подкосить {v pf} [figurative] :: to knock down [with a blow or shot]
подкосить {v pf} [figurative] :: to cause (legs or knees) to buckle
подкосить {v pf} [figurative, literary] :: to deprive of health, to energy, to stamina, etc
подкосить {v pf} [figurative] :: to undermine, to undercut, to weaken
подкосить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to skew, to make askew (the direction of something)
подкосить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squint slightly
подкрадываться {v impf} :: to steal up (to), to sneak up
подкрасить {v pf} :: to touch up (something with paint, dye or makeup)
подкрасить {v pf} :: to paint (something) more
подкрасить {v pf} :: to tint
подкрасить {v pf} [figurative] :: to beautify, to embellish
подкрасться {v pf} :: to steal up (to), to sneak up
подкрашивать {v impf} :: to touch up (something with paint, dye or makeup)
подкрашивать {v impf} :: to paint (something) more
подкрашивать {v impf} :: to tint
подкрашивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to beautify, to embellish
подкрепить {v pf} :: to support
подкрепить {v pf} :: to bolster (with), to corroborate
подкрепить {v pf} :: to refresh, to fortify
подкрепить {v pf} [military] :: to reinforce
подкрепиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fortify oneself [with food or drink], to eat up, to drink up
подкрепление {noun} [military] :: reinforcement
подкрепление {noun} :: refreshment (food)
подкреплять {v impf} :: to support
подкреплять {v impf} :: to bolster (with), to corroborate
подкреплять {v impf} :: to refresh, to fortify
подкреплять {v impf} [military] :: to reinforce
подкрепляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fortify oneself [with food or drink], to eat up, to drink up
подкузьмить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to trick, to deceive
подкуп {noun} :: bribery, subornation, graft
подкупать {v impf} :: to bribe, to suborn
подкупать {v impf} :: to win, to prepossess
подкупать {v impf} :: to buy extra
подкупить {v pf} :: to bribe, to suborn
подкупить {v pf} :: to win, to prepossess
подкупить {v pf} :: to buy extra
подлаживать {v impf} :: to adjust
подлаивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bark sometimes (like a dog)
подлакировать {v pf} :: to apply paint or varnish again
подлакировать {v pf} :: to embellish slightly
подлакировать {v pf} [figuratively] :: to cover up flaws
подле {prep} :: beside, near
подледник {noun} [fishing] :: fishing tool that is used under a frozen ice sheet
подлежать {v impf} :: to be subject (to), to be liable (to)
подлежащее {noun} [grammar] :: subject
подлесок {noun} :: undergrowth
подлетать {v impf} :: to fly up (to), to approach
подлетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to run/rush up (to)
подлететь {v pf} :: to fly up (to), to approach
подлететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to run/rush up (to)
подлец {noun} [pejorative] :: wretch, scoundrel, rascal (having a dishonest and low character)
подливать {v impf} :: to pour, to add (by pouring)
подливать масло в огонь {v impf} :: to add fuel to the fire (worsen a conflict)
подливка {noun} :: gravy
подливка {noun} :: sauce
подлиза {m anim} {f anim} :: toady, lickspittle, wheedler, sycophant
подлизываться {v impf} :: to flatter, to insinuate, to suck up, to lick someone's boots, to wheedle, to curry favor
подлинник {noun} :: original
подлинно {adv} :: really, truly
подлинно {adv} [dated] :: actually [sentential adverb]
подлинность {noun} :: authenticity (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original)
подлинный {adj} :: original, authentic, genuine
подлинный {adj} :: true, real, pure
подлить {v pf} :: to pour, to add (by pouring)
подлить масло в огонь {v pf} :: to add fuel to the fire (worsen a conflict)
подлог {noun} :: forgery
подлодка {noun} [nautical, colloquial] :: submarine
подложить {v pf} :: to lay (under), to put (under)
подложить {v pf} :: to line (with)
подложить {v pf} :: to add, to put some more
подложить {v pf} :: to put/place furtively, to plant
подложка {noun} :: bottom layer
подложка {noun} [geology] :: substratum
подложка {noun} [cinematography, photography] :: emulsion/film carrier, support
подложка {noun} [engineering] :: padding
подлокотник {noun} :: armrest
подлость {noun} :: meanness, baseness
подлость {noun} :: mean/base/lowdown act/trick
подлый {adj} :: mean, low, dishonest, foul, dirty, bad
подмаргивать {v impf} :: to wink (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion)
подмастерье {noun} :: apprentice
подмастерье {noun} :: journeyman
подмена {noun} :: substitution
подмена {noun} :: relief (worker)
подменить {v pf} :: to substitute (for)
подменить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to step in (for), to stand in (for)
подменять {v impf} :: to substitute (for)
подменять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to step in (for), to stand in (for)
подмести {v pf} :: to sweep
подметать {v impf} :: to sweep
подметать {v pf} :: to baste on, to tack
подметить {v pf} :: to notice
подмечать {v impf} :: to notice
подмётка {noun} :: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot)
подмётывать {v impf} :: to baste on, to tack
подмигивать {v impf} :: to wink (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion)
подмигнуть {v pf} :: to wink (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion)
подминать {v impf} :: to crush [underneath oneself]
подминать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to subjugate
подмножество {noun} :: subset
подмога {noun} [coloquial] :: help, assistance
подморгнуть {v pf} :: to wink (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion)
подмосковный {adj} :: situated near Moscow
Подмосковье {prop} :: informal name given to the Moscow suburbs or Moscow oblast as a whole
подмостки {noun} :: scaffold, trestle
подмостки {noun} :: stage, platform
подмывать {v impf} :: to wash (an individual body part, e.g. the armpit)
подмывать {v impf} :: to wash hastily, to in separate places
подмывать {v impf} :: to wash away, to erode, to undermine [with water]
подмывать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial, impersonal, imperfective only] :: to desire strongly, to be tempted
подмыть {v pf} :: to wash (an individual body part, e.g. the armpit)
подмыть {v pf} :: to wash hastily, to in separate places
подмыть {v pf} :: to wash away, to erode, to undermine [with water]
подмышка {noun} [anatomy] :: armpit, underarm
подмять {v pf} :: to crush [underneath oneself]
подмять {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to subjugate
поднаём {noun} :: subdemise, sublease, subrental, subtenancy, underlease
поднашивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to partially wear out
Поднебесная {prop} [poetic or ironic] :: Поднебесная (country)
поднебесный {adj} [relational] :: heavens; celestial, heavenly
поднебесный {adj} :: located on Earth, earthly
поднебесье {noun} [poetic] :: heavenly heights, skies, heavens
поднести {v pf} :: to bring, to carry (to)
поднести {v pf} :: to offer, to present
поднесь {adv} :: hitherto
поднимать {v impf} :: to raise, to elevate, to increase
подниматься {v impf} :: to rise, to go up, to get up
подниматься {v impf} :: to ascend, to climb
подниматься {v impf} :: to arise, to break out, to develop, to set out, to get agitated
подниматься {v impf} [economics] :: to improve, to recover
подноготная {noun} :: lowdown, ins and outs
подножие {noun} :: foot (of a mountain)
подножка {noun} :: step, footboard
подножка {noun} :: trip, back heel
подножье {noun} :: alternative form of подножие
под нос {adv} :: quietly, under one's breath
поднос {noun} :: tray, platter (object on which things are carried)
подносить {v impf} :: to bring, to carry (to)
подносить {v impf} :: to offer, to present
подносить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to partially wear out
подношение {noun} :: giving, offering
подношение {noun} :: offering, gift
поднятие {noun} :: raising, rise, rising, lifting, elevation
поднять {v pf} :: to raise, to elevate, to increase
подняться {v pf} :: to rise, to go up, to get up
подняться {v pf} :: to ascend, to climb
подняться {v pf} :: to arise, to break out, to develop, to set out, to get agitated
подняться {v pf} [economics] :: to improve, to recover
подо- {prefix} :: alternative form of под- [used before certain consonant clusters]
подо {prep} :: alternative form of под [used before words beginning with certain awkward consonant clusters such as мн-, вс-, and сн-]
подобать {v impf} :: to become, to befit
подобающий {adj} :: proper, correct, fitting
подобие {noun} :: similarity
подобие {noun} :: semblance, likeness, like
подобно {adv} :: likewise (in like manner)
подобный {adj} :: similar
подобный {adj} :: like, such as
подобным образом {adv} :: similarly, in a like manner (in a similar style or manner)
подобострастие {noun} :: servility, obsequiousness, subservience
подобострастный {adj} :: subservient, menial, obsequious, servile (fawning)
подобрать {v pf} :: to pick up
подобрать {v pf} :: to sort out, to select, to glean
подобраться {v pf} :: to form
подобраться {v pf} :: to steal up (to), to approach stealthily
подобраться {v pf} :: to find an approach (to)
подобраться {v pf} :: to aim (for)
подобраться {v pf} :: to tuck, to crouch
подобраться {v pf} :: to straighten oneself up
подобреть {v impf} :: to become kind
по-доброму {adv} :: kindly, friendly
по-доброму {adv} :: amicably, without a fight or quarrel
по-доброму {adv} :: properly, well, seriously
по дов. {adv} :: per pro., p.p. [per procurationem], by proxy
подогнать {v pf} :: to drive; to urge on, to hurry (somebody)
подогнать {v pf} :: to fit, to adjust, to accommodate (to render fit or suitable)
подогнуть {v pf} :: tuck in, tuck under, bend under
подогнуть {v pf} :: to bend (in / down / over)
подогрев {noun} :: warming up
подогрев {noun} :: reheating
подогрев {noun} :: rousing
подогрев {noun} :: intensification, exacerbation
подогревать {v impf} :: to warm up
подогревать {v impf} [engineering] :: to heat
подогревать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stir up, to rouse
подогреть {v pf} :: to warm up
подогреть {v pf} [engineering] :: to heat
подогреть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to stir up, to rouse
пододвигать {v impf} :: to push up (to), to move closer
пододвинуть {v pf} :: to push up (to), to move closer
пододеяльник {noun} :: blanket cover, quilt cover, duvet cover, etc.; generally, an envelope of bedsheet fabric that encloses a blanket, duvet, or doona; historically, a type of sheet that attached to a blanket or duvet from below
подождать {v pf} :: to wait
подозвать {v pf} :: to call up (to), to beckon (to)
подозреваемый {noun} :: suspect
подозревать {v impf} :: to suspect
подозрение {noun} :: suspicion (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong)
подозрительно {adv} :: askance (of look: with disapproval)
подозрительно {adv} :: queerly, questionably, fishily
подозрительность {noun} :: suspiciousness
подозрительный {adj} :: suspicious (arousing suspicion), suspect, shady
подозрительный {adj} :: fishy, doubtful
подозрительный {adj} :: suspicious, distrustful, mistrustful, querulous
подойти {v pf} :: to approach, to come to, to walk to, to draw near
подойти {v pf} :: to fit, to suit, to match, to be right
подоконник {noun} :: windowsill
подол {noun} :: hem (of a skirt), skirt
подолгу {adv} :: long, for hours [days, months, etc]
подолянин {noun} :: native of Podolia
по-домашнему {adv} :: as at home (comfortably, friendly, tasty, etc.)
по-домашнему {adv} [colloquial] :: simply, without ceremony
подонок {noun} [pejorative] :: rogue, bastard, rat, scum, scoundrel
подопечный {adj} :: under wardship, under guardianship
подопечный {noun} :: ward, charge (child or other person under guardianship)
подоплёка {noun} :: hidden motive, underlying reason
подопытный {adj} :: experimental (acting as the subject of an experiment)
подорвать {v pf} :: to blow up, to blast
подорвать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to undermine, to sap
подорваться {vi pf} :: to explode, to blow up
подорваться {v pf} [figurative] :: to be damaged, to deteriorate
подорваться {v pf} [colloquial, neologism] :: to suddenly start (doing something)
подорваться {v pf} [colloquial, neologism] :: to be determined (to do something)
подорлик {noun} :: spotted eagle
подорожать {v pf} :: to rise in price, to go up
подорожник {noun} :: plantain, ribwort
подослать {v pf} :: to send something (secretly)
подоспеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come/arrive/be in time (for)
подоспеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: (time) to come, to arrive
подоспеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be mature/ripe
подостный {adj} :: infraspinate
подострый {adj} [medicine] :: subacute
подотчётность {noun} :: accountability (state of being accountable)
подотчётный {adj} :: accountable [+ dative or перед + instrumental]
подохнуть {v pf} :: (animals) to die, to fall
подохнуть {v pf} [derogatory] :: to peg out, to kick the bucket, to croak
подоходный {adj} [relational] :: income
подошва {noun} :: sole (bottom of the foot or of the shoe)
подошва {noun} :: foot (of the mountain)
подпадать {v impf} [bookish] :: to fall (under)
подпасть {v pf} [bookish] :: to fall (under)
подпевать {v impf} :: to sing the supporting part (in a duet or choir), to sing backup
подпевать {v impf} :: to sing along (with), to harmonize (with)
подпевать {v impf} [colloquial, deprecative] :: to echo
подпереть {v pf} :: to prop up
подпиливать {v impf} :: to shorten by sawing
подпиливать {v impf} :: to saw at the base of
подпилить {v pf} :: to shorten by sawing
подпилить {v pf} :: to saw at the base of
подпирать {v impf} :: to prop up
подписание {noun} :: signing, subscription
подписанный {adj} :: signed
подписать {v pf} :: to sign (one's own name)
подписать {v pf} :: to add to
подписать {v pf} :: to subscribe, to take out a subscription for someone
подписаться {v pf} :: to sign, to put one's name on
подписаться {v pf} :: to subscribe, to take out a subscription
подписка {noun} :: subscription
подписка {noun} :: (charity) collection
подписка {noun} :: engagement, written undertaking
подписной {adj} [relational] :: subscription
подписной {adj} :: by subscription
подписной {adj} :: signed
подписчик {noun} :: subscriber
подписывать {v impf} :: to sign
подписывать {v impf} :: to add to
подписывать {v impf} :: to subscribe, to take out a subscription for someone
подписываться {v impf} :: to sign, to put one's name on
подписываться {v impf} :: to subscribe, to take out a subscription
подпись {noun} :: signature
подпись {noun} :: caption, inscription
подпитать {v pf} :: to supplement [with substances or materials necessary for functioning]
подпитать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to feed, to fuel, to supply additional support to
подпитие {noun} :: intoxication
подпитка {noun} :: supplementation, recharge, replenishment
подпитка {noun} [figuratively] :: feed
подпитывать {v impf} :: to supplement [with substances or materials necessary for functioning]
подпитывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to feed, to fuel, to supply additional support to
подпить {v pf} :: to drink (a certain amount of alcohol), to get somewhat drunk
подплывать {v impf} :: to swim or sail up to
подплыть {v pf} :: to swim or sail up to
подпол {noun} [colloquial] :: cellar, basement
подползать {v impf} :: to crawl under, to creep under [под + accusative]
подползать {v impf} :: to crawl up to, to creep up to [к]
подползти {v pf} :: to crawl under, to creep under [под + accusative]
подползти {v pf} :: to crawl up to, to creep up to [к]
подполковник {noun} [military] :: lieutenant colonel
подполье {noun} :: underground
подпольный {adj} [relational] :: underground
подпольщик {noun} :: underground worker, fighter, etc. (someone engaged in clandestine activities)
подпольщик {noun} [slang, jocular] :: closeted gay person
подпора {noun} :: prop, support
подпорка {noun} :: diminutive of подпора: prop, support
подпортить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spoil somewhat, to ruin somewhat
подпоясать {v pf} :: to gird; to belt
подпоясывать {v impf} :: to gird; to belt
подправить {v pf} :: to correct
подправить {v pf} :: (clothes) to straighten out
подправить {v pf} :: to touch up, to retouch
подправить {v pf} :: (beard, moustache) to trim
подправить {v pf} :: to improve
подправлять {v impf} :: to correct
подправлять {v impf} :: (clothes) to straighten out
подправлять {v impf} :: to touch up, to retouch
подправлять {v impf} :: (beard, moustache) to trim
подправлять {v impf} :: to improve
подпрыгивать {v impf} :: to jump up; to bounce up and down
подпрыгнуть {v pf} :: to jump up
подпункт {noun} :: subparagraph
подпускать {v impf} :: to allow to approach [to come near]
подпускать {v impf} :: to add some, to add a note (of)
подпустить {v pf} :: to allow to approach [to come near]
подпустить {v pf} :: to add some, to add a note (of)
подрабатывать {v impf} :: to make some money on the side
подрабатывать {v impf} :: to work up
подработать {v pf} :: to make some money on the side
подработать {v pf} :: to work up
подрагивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shake, to tremble
подражание {noun} :: imitation (act of imitating)
подражать {v impf} :: to imitate, to copy, to ape
подраздел {noun} :: subsection
подразделение {noun} [military] :: subdivision, sub-unit (refers to subordinate units such as the battalions, companies or platoons of a rifle regiment, or the battalions or batteries of an artillery regiment, etc.)
подразделение {noun} :: division, subdivision, unit, department
подразделить {v pf} :: to subdivide (into)
подразделять {v impf} :: to subdivide (into)
подразделяться {v impf} :: to subdivide (into)
подразнить {v pf} :: to tease, to pester
подразнить {v pf} :: to whet (appetite), to stimulate (curiosity)
подразумевать {v impf} :: to imply, to mean, to have in mind
подразумеваться {v impf} :: to be implied/meant
подрастать {v impf} :: to grow up
подрасти {v pf} :: to grow up
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to rip up, to tear up
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to wear out (shoes, etc.)
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to pull
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to punish by pulling (hair, ears)
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to run away
подрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to devour [of animals]
подраться {v pf} :: to fight, to scuffle
подрезать {v pf} :: to cut, to clip, to trim, to prune, to lop
подрезать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to add, to cut some more
подрезать {v pf} [tennis] :: to undercut, to chop, to slice (the ball)
подрезать {v pf} [colloquial] :: (car) to cut in front (of)
подрезать {v impf} :: to cut, to clip, to trim, to prune, to lop
подрезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to add, to cut some more
подрезать {v impf} [tennis] :: to undercut, to chop, to slice (the ball)
подрезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (car) to cut in front (of)
подрезывать {v impf} :: alternative form of подрезать
подробнее {adv} :: comparative of подробный: more detailed
подробнее {adv} :: comparative of подробно: at greater length, in greater detail, more minutely
подробно {adv} :: in detail
подробность {noun} :: detail
подробность {noun} :: particularity
подробный {adj} :: detailed
подростковый {adj} :: adolescent, teenage
подросток {noun} :: teenager (at the age of puberty)
подросток {noun} :: juvenile, youth
подрочить {v pf} [vulgar, slang] :: to jerk off, to wank, to beat off (to masturbate)
подрочить {v pf} [vulgar, slang] :: to tease, to humiliate, to punish; to train to exhaustion
подруга {noun} :: female friend
подруга {noun} :: girlfriend
по-другому {adv} :: differently, in a different way; otherwise
по-дружески {adv} :: in a friendly way
подружиться {v pf} :: to make friends with, to establish a friendly relationship with
подружка {noun} :: diminutive of подруга
подрукавный {adj} :: located under the sleeve
подручник {noun} :: elbow rest, hand rest, hand tool rest, tool rest
подручный {adj} :: at hand, improvised, makeshift
подручный {noun} :: assistant, mate, apprentice, helper
подрыв {noun} :: (the act of) blowing up, causing to explode
подрыв {noun} :: (the act of) undermining (of influence, government, domination)
подрывать {v impf} :: to blow up, to blast
подрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to undermine, to sap
подрывать {v impf} :: to undermine, to sap
подрываться {vi impf} :: to explode, to blow up
подрываться {v impf} [figurative] :: to be damaged, to deteriorate
подрываться {v impf} [colloquial, neologism] :: to suddenly start (doing something)
подрываться {v impf} [colloquial, neologism] :: to be determineed (to do something)
подрываться {v impf} :: to tunnel [под + accusative, under something]
подрываться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to undermine [под + accusative, someone]
подрывной {adj} [relational] :: blasting, demolition, blowing up
подрывной {adj} [figurative] :: subversive
подрыть {v pf} :: to undermine, to sap
подрыться {v pf} :: to tunnel [под + accusative, under something]
подрыться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to undermine [под + accusative, someone]
подряд {adv} :: in succession, running
подряд {noun} :: contract, outsourcing (transfer business)
подрядный {adj} [relational] :: contract, outsourcing
подрядчик {noun} :: contractor
подсадить {v pf} :: to seat [к next to]
подсадить {v pf} :: to plant (more of) [+ genitive]
подсадить {v pf} :: to help (someone) up [в + accusative into, or на + accusative onto]
подсаживать {v impf} :: to seat [к next to]
подсаживать {v impf} :: to plant (more of) [+ genitive]
подсаживать {v impf} :: to help (someone) up [в + accusative into, or на + accusative onto]
подсаживаться {v impf} :: to take a seat (next to), to sit down (next to)
подсаживаться {v impf} [slang] :: to get hooked (on)
подсветить {v pf} :: to illuminate, to highlight [from below or from the side]
подсветить {v pf} :: to light slightly or additionally
подсветка {noun} :: light, lighting, illumination, booster light, accent light, micro-light
подсветка {noun} [informatics] :: highlight
подсвечивать {v impf} :: to illuminate, to highlight [from below or from the side]
подсвечивать {v impf} :: to light slightly or additionally
подсвечник {noun} :: candlestick, sconce
подсесть {v pf} :: to take a seat (next to), to sit down (next to)
подсесть {v pf} [slang] :: to get hooked (on)
подсистема {noun} :: subsystem
подсказать {v pf} :: to prompt (to), to suggest (to)
подсказать {v pf} :: to kibitz
подсказка {noun} :: hint, tip
подсказка {noun} :: prompt, reminder
подсказчик {noun} :: prompter (someone who prompts)
подсказывать {v impf} :: to prompt (to), to suggest (to)
подсказывать {v impf} :: to kibitz
подскакивать {v impf} :: to jump up
подскакивать {v impf} :: to skyrocket (e.g. of prices)
подскакивать {v impf} :: to come running
подскальзываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of поскальзываться
подскользнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of поскользнуться
подскочить {v pf} :: to jump up
подскочить {v pf} :: to skyrocket (e.g. of prices)
подскочить {v pf} :: to come running
подсластитель {noun} :: sweetener
подслащивать {v impf} :: to sweeten, to sugar
подследственный {adj} :: (of a person) suspect, accused, allegedly guilty
подслушать {v pf} :: to eavesdrop, to overhear, to bug, to intercept
подслушивание {noun} :: eavesdropping (listening to private conversation)
подслушивать {v impf} :: to eavesdrop, to overhear, to bug, to intercept
подсматривать {v impf} :: to peep, to spy, to pry
подсмотреть {v pf} :: to peep, to spy, to pry
подснежник {noun} :: snowdrop
подсобка {noun} [colloquial] :: storeroom, utility room
подсобный {adj} :: ancillary (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory)
подсобный {adj} :: peripheral
подсовывать {v impf} :: to put (under), to shove (under)
подсовывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip (into)
подсовывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to palm off (on / upon)
подсоединение {noun} :: attaching, connecting, porting
подсознание {noun} :: subconsciousness
подсознательно {adv} :: subconsciously (in a manner that lacks conscious awareness)
подсознательный {adj} :: subconscious
подсолнечник {noun} :: sunflower
подсолнечный {adj} [relational] :: sunflower
подсолнух {noun} [colloquial] :: sunflower
подсохнуть {v pf} [also impersonal] :: to dry up [somewhat]
подсохнуть {v pf} :: to dry out
подсохнуть {v pf} [figurative] :: to become thin, to wither up [of a person]
подспорье {noun} :: (a bit of) help, support
подспудный {adj} [literary] :: latent, hidden, secret
подстава {noun} :: setup (to involve an unaware and unwilling person into some illegal or undesirable situation)
подстава {noun} :: practical joke
подстава {noun} [obsolete] :: support
подстава {noun} [obsolete] :: the replacement set of horses for a carriage
подставить {v pf} :: to place under [под]
подставить {v pf} :: to place near [к]
подставить {v pf} :: to hold up to, to offer to, to make accessible to (by bringing or turning something)
подставить {v pf} :: to substitute
подставить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to expose, to leave vulnerable
подставить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial, , criminology] :: to frame, to conspire to incriminate falsely a presumably innocent person
подставка {noun} :: support, rest (object designed to be used to support something else)
подставлять {v impf} :: to place under [под]
подставлять {v impf} :: to place near [к]
подставлять {v impf} :: to hold up to, to offer to, to make accessible to (by bringing or turning something)
подставлять {v impf} :: to substitute
подставлять {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to expose, to leave vulnerable
подставной {adj} :: placed under
подставной {adj} :: placed near
подставной {adj} [figurative] :: false
подстаканник {noun} :: tea glass holder
подстанция {noun} :: substation
подстегать {v pf} :: to hem a quilted lining under (something)
подстегнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fasten, to clip [something to something, usually from below or from the side]
подстегнуть {v pf} :: to whip on, to drive forward by whipping
подстегнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to spur, to motivate to action
подстегнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to intensify; to whet (one's appetite)
подстерегать {v impf} :: to be on the watch (for), to lie in wait (for), to waylay, to catch
подстеречь {v pf} :: to be on the watch (for), to lie in wait (for), to waylay, to catch
подстёгивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fasten, to clip [something to something, usually from below or from the side]
подстёгивать {v impf} :: to whip on, to drive forward by whipping
подстёгивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to spur, to motivate to action
подстёгивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to intensify; to whet (one's appetite)
подстёгивать {v impf} :: to hem a quilted lining under (something)
подстилка {noun} :: bedding
подстилка {noun} :: (for cattle) litter
подстилка {noun} [derogatory, animate] :: (of a woman) broad, whore
подстраивать {v impf} :: to build (to), to add (to)
подстраивать {v impf} :: to tune (up)
подстраивать {v impf} :: to bring about by secret plotting, to contrive, to plot, to cook up
подстраиваться {v impf} :: to adapt (to), to adjust (to)
подстраница {noun} :: subpage
подстраховать {v pf} :: to secure; to insure; to stand by, to spot (in sports)
подстраховывать {v impf} :: to secure; to insure; to stand by, to spot (in sports)
подстрекатель {noun} :: instigator (a person who provokes something)
подстрекательство {noun} :: incitement, instigation, subornation, setting on
подстрекать {v impf} :: to incite, to instigate, to set on, to abet
подстрекать {v impf} :: to stir up, to provoke, to excite
подстрекнуть {v pf} :: to incite, to instigate, to set on, to abet
подстрекнуть {v pf} :: to stir up, to provoke, to excite
подстрелить {v pf} :: to hit, to wound, to wing (a bird)
подстригать {v impf} :: to cut, to clip, to trim, to prune, to lop
подстричь {v pf} :: to cut, to clip, to trim, to prune, to lop
подстроить {v pf} :: to build (to), to add (to)
подстроить {v pf} :: to tune (up)
подстроить {v pf} :: to bring about by secret plotting, to contrive, to plot, to cook up
подстроиться {v pf} :: to adapt (to), to adjust (to)
подстрочный {adj} :: under-the-line
подстрочный {adj} :: subscript
подстрочный {adj} :: bottom-of-the-page
подстрочный {adj} :: verbatim, word-by-word
подступ {noun} :: approach (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access)
подступать {v impf} :: to approach, to come up (to)
подступать {v impf} :: to come (to)
подступаться {v impf} :: to come (near), to approach, to get access (to), to find a way of access (to)
подступаться {v impf} :: to approach, to set (about), to find a way to deal/cope (with)
подступаться {v impf} :: to afford
подступить {v pf} :: to approach, to come up (to)
подступить {v pf} :: to come (to)
подступиться {v pf} :: to come (near), to approach, to get access (to), to find a way of access (to)
подступиться {v pf} :: to approach, to set (about), to find a way to deal/cope (with)
подступиться {v pf} :: to afford
подсудимый {noun} :: the accused, defendant, prisoner at the bar
подсудность {noun} :: cognizance, jurisdiction, suability
подсудный {adj} [law] :: subject to trial
подсудный {adj} [law] :: having jurisdiction
подсудный {adj} [dated] :: on trial, being tried in a court
подсунуть {v pf} :: to put (under), to shove (under)
подсунуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip (into)
подсунуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to palm off (on / upon)
подсушка {noun} :: slight drying
подсчёт {noun} :: calculation, count
подсчитать {v pf} :: to count, to compute, to calculate
подсчитывать {v impf} :: to count, to compute, to calculate
подсылать {v impf} :: to send something (secretly)
подсыпать {v pf} :: to pour a bit more of
подсыпать {v pf} :: to pour stealthily [e.g. poison]
подсыпать {v pf} :: to increase the height of (something) by pouring
подсыпать {v impf} :: to pour a bit more of
подсыпать {v impf} :: to pour stealthily [e.g. poison]
подсыпать {v impf} :: to increase the height of (something) by pouring
подсыхать {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to dry up [somewhat]
подсыхать {v impf} :: to dry out
подсыхать {v impf} [figurative] :: to become thin, to wither up [of a person]
подталкивать {v impf} :: to nudge, to push slightly
подталкивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to encourage, to urge on
подтаскать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to drag [somewhere] in stages
подтаскивать {v impf} :: to drag somewhere
подтаскивать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to drag somewhere in stages
подтасовать {v pf} :: to deceptively shuffle [cards]
подтасовать {v pf} [figurative, pejorative] :: to manipulate/distort [facts]
подтасовка {noun} :: deceptive shuffling [of cards]
подтасовка {noun} [figurative, pejorative] :: manipulation/distortion [of facts]
подтасовывать {v impf} :: to deceptively shuffle [cards]
подтасовывать {v impf} [figurative, pejorative] :: to manipulate/distort [facts]
подтащить {v pf} :: to drag [somewhere]
подтвердить {v pf} :: to confirm, to corroborate, to bear out, to endorse, to ratify, to verify
подтвердиться {v pf} :: to prove true, to be confirmed
подтверждать {v impf} :: to confirm, to corroborate, to bear out, to endorse, to ratify, to verify
подтверждаться {v impf} :: to prove true, to be confirmed
подтверждение {noun} :: confirmation
подтверждение {noun} :: corroboration
подтекать {v pf} :: to flow under [под + accusative]
подтекать {v pf} :: to leak
подтекст {noun} :: implication, underlying theme/sense/idea
подтечь {v pf} :: to flow under [под + accusative]
подтечь {v pf} :: to leak
подтёк {noun} :: bruise
подтёк {noun} :: streak
подтип {noun} :: subtype
подтолкнуть {v pf} :: to nudge, to push slightly
подтолкнуть {v pf} [figurative] :: to encourage, to urge on
подтрунивать {v impf} :: to make a little joke, to poke fun [над + instrumental, about/at someone; in good fun]
подтрунить {v pf} :: to make a little joke, to poke fun [над + instrumental, about/at someone; in good fun]
подтупить {v pf} [figurative] :: to blunt slightly
подтягивать {v impf} :: to pull [to], to pull up [to], to haul up [to]
подтягивать {v impf} :: to bring up, to move closer up (of troops, etc.)
подтягивать {v impf} :: to tighten
подтягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tuck in
подтягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pull up
подтягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to help catch up with the rest
подтягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to join in singing, to join in a song, to sing along, to harmonize
подтягиваться {v impf} :: to tighten one's belt
подтягиваться {v impf} :: to pull oneself up
подтягиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to improve one's standard, to catch up with the rest
подтягиваться {v impf} :: to brace oneself up, to pull oneself together
подтягиваться {v impf} [military] :: to move up, to move in
подтяжка {noun} :: suspender (for holding up clothing)
подтяжка {noun} [colloquial] :: facelift
подтяжки {noun} :: suspenders, braces, galluses (for trousers)
подтянутый {adj} :: fit, sound, toned up, neat
подтянуть {v pf} :: to pull [to], to pull up [to], to haul up [to]
подтянуть {v pf} :: to bring up, to move closer up (of troops, etc.)
подтянуть {v pf} :: to tighten
подтянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tuck in
подтянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pull up
подтянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to help catch up with the rest
подтянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to join in singing, to join in a song, to sing along, to harmonize
подтянуться {v pf} :: to tighten one's belt
подтянуться {v pf} :: to pull oneself up
подтянуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to improve one's standard, to catch up with the rest
подтянуться {v pf} :: to brace oneself up, to pull oneself together
подтянуться {v pf} [military] :: to move up, to move in
подумать {v pf} :: to think, to consider
подумать {v pf} :: to reflect, to ponder
подуматься {v pf} [impersonal, colloquial] :: to occur, to have a thought
подумывать {v impf} :: to think about, to ponder, to contemplate
под утро {adv} :: towards morning
подуть {v pf} :: to blow
подуть {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be drafty
подуть {v pf} :: to go quickly, to scamper
подуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to start blowing
подушечка {noun} :: diminutive of подушка
подушечка {noun} :: (candy or drop) cushion
подушечка {noun} :: pad (of an animal foot)
подушечка {noun} :: (of a finger or toe) ball
подушка {noun} :: pillow, cushion
подушка безопасности {noun} :: airbag (protective system in automobiles)
подушка-пердушка {noun} [colloquial, colloquial, vulgar] :: whoopee cushion
подхалим {noun} :: adulator, toady, lickspittle, bootlicker, sycophant
подхалимничать {v impf} :: to lickspittle; to fawn
подхалимство {noun} :: subservience
подхалимство {noun} :: adulation (flattery; fulsome praise)
подхват {noun} [colloquial] :: picking up
подхват {noun} [colloquial] :: catching
подхват {noun} [colloquial] :: joining in
подхват {noun} :: log supported lengthwise in an adit in a mine
подхватить {v pf} :: to catch (up), to pick up, to grasp, to snatch
подхватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to catch, to pick up (a disease)
подхватить {v pf} :: to pick up (an expression, a song)
подхватить {v pf} :: to join in, to take up, to catch up
подхватывать {v impf} :: to catch (up), to pick up, to grasp, to snatch
подхватывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to catch, to pick up (a disease)
подхватывать {v impf} :: to pick up (an expression, a song)
подхватывать {v impf} :: to join in, to take up, to catch up
подход {noun} :: approach
подход {noun} :: point of view
подходить {v impf} :: to fit (of an object, to match another object)
подходить {v impf} :: to come up (to), to approach, to go up (to)
подходить {v impf} :: to approach
подходить {v impf} :: to do (for); to suit
подходить {v impf} :: to arrive, to come
подходящий {adj} :: suitable, fitting, fit, appropriate
подходящий {adj} :: convenient
подцепить {v pf} :: to hook on, to pick up
подцепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pick up, to get
подцеплять {v impf} :: to hook on, to pick up
подцеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pick (up), to get
подчас {adv} :: at times, sometimes
подчеркнуть {v pf} :: to underline, to underscore
подчеркнуть {v pf} :: to stress, to emphasize, to underscore
подчёркивать {v impf} :: to underline, to underscore
подчёркивать {v impf} :: to stress, to emphasize, to underscore
подчёркнуто {adv} :: exaggeratedly, pronouncedly
подчёркнутый {adj} :: exaggerated [courtesy, dignity, etc.]
подчёркнутый {adj} :: outlined vividly [of eyes, etc.]
подчинение {noun} :: submission, subjecting
подчинение {noun} :: subjection
подчинение {noun} :: subordination
подчинённость {noun} :: subordination
подчинённый {adj} :: subordinate [of a person]
подчинённый {adj} :: subordinate [of a role, position, nature, etc.; inanimate]
подчинённый {noun} :: subordinate, subject, slave
подчинить {v pf} :: to subordinate (to), to place (under), to place under the command
подчинить {v pf} :: to subdue
подчинить {v pf} :: to dedicate
подчинить {v pf} [grammar] :: to subordinate
подчиниться {v pf} :: to obey, to submit to, to surrender, to be subordinate to
подчинять {v impf} :: to subordinate (to), to place (under), to place under the command
подчинять {v impf} :: to subdue
подчинять {v impf} :: to dedicate
подчинять {v impf} [grammar] :: to subordinate
подчиняться {v impf} :: to obey, to submit to, to surrender, to be subordinate to
подшивать {v impf} :: to hem
подшивать {v impf} :: to sew on
подшивать {v impf} :: to sew a sole on, to sole (a shoe)
подшивать {v impf} :: to file (documents, etc.)
подшивка {noun} :: sewing on
подшивка {noun} :: hemming
подшивка {noun} :: soling [of a shoe]
подшивка {noun} :: filing [of documents]
подшивка {noun} :: hem, lining
подшивка {noun} :: set of filed documents
подшипник {noun} :: bearing
подшить {v pf} :: to hem
подшить {v pf} :: to sew on
подшить {v pf} :: to sew a sole on, to sole (a shoe)
подшить {v pf} :: to file (documents, etc.)
подштанники {noun} [colloquial, plural only] :: long underpants, long johns [worn either under normal clothing in cold weather, or as a night dress]
подшутить {v pf} :: to laugh at, to mock, to make fun of
подшутить {v pf} :: to play a joke on
подшучивать {v impf} :: to laugh at, to mock, to make fun of
подшучивать {v impf} :: to play a joke on
подъезд {noun} :: approach, access
подъезд {noun} :: main/front entrance of a building
подъезд {noun} :: stairwell
подъездной {adj} [relational] :: approach
подъезжать {v impf} :: to drive up (to)
подъезжать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drop in, to pay a short visit
подъезжать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get (round), to start a pick up line, to get on the right side (of)
подъехать {v pf} :: to drive up (to)
подъехать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drop in, to pay a short visit
подъехать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get (round), to start a pick up line, to get on the right side (of)
подъём {noun} :: lifting, raise, raising
подъём {noun} :: hoisting (of a flag)
подъём {noun} :: salvaging (of a sunken ship)
подъём {noun} :: ascent, rise, upgrade
подъём {noun} :: climb (of a plane)
подъём {noun} :: slope, rise (of a mountain)
подъём {noun} :: raising, development, upsurge
подъём {noun} :: enthusiasm, animation
подъём {noun} :: instep (of a foot)
подъём {noun} :: reveille
подъём {noun} [phonetics, phonology] :: height (of vowels)
подъёмник {noun} :: lift, elevator
подъёмный {adj} [relational] :: lifting
подъюбник {noun} :: underskirt, slip
подъять {v pf} [archaic, poetic] :: to lift, to raise, to pick up
подыграть {v pf} :: to accompany, to vamp
подыграть {v pf} [theatre] :: to play up (to)
подыграть {v pf} [cards] :: to play into someone's hand
подыграть {v pf} :: to play up (to)
подыгрывать {v impf} :: to accompany, to vamp
подыгрывать {v impf} [theatre] :: to play up (to)
подыгрывать {v impf} [cards] :: to play into someone's hand
подыгрывать {v impf} :: to play up (to)
подымать {v impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of поднимать
подыматься {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rise
подыскать {v pf} :: to seek out, to find, to try to find
подыскивать {v impf} :: to seek out, to find, to try to find
подытоживать {v impf} :: to sum up
подытожить {v pf} :: to sum up
подыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to die, to croak, to kick the bucket
подышать {v pf} :: to breathe
поебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck for a while
поебать {interj} [vulgar] :: (somebody) doesn't give a fuck
поебень {noun} [vulgar] :: thing, object
поедание {noun} :: eating up
поедать {v impf} :: to eat up
поедать {v impf} :: to eat through
поединок {noun} :: duel, rencounter
поединок {noun} :: combat, fight, battle
поединок {noun} [figurative] :: dispute, quarrel, argument
поезд {noun} [dated] :: caravan, convoy, procession
поезд {noun} [railroads] :: train, a line of connected railway cars
поезд {noun} [regional] :: a method of fishing, in which a fishing net is pulled by two side-by-side boats
поезд {noun} [regional] :: a net used for this method of fishing
поездить {v pf} :: to go (by horse or vehicle), to ride, to drive
поездить {v pf} :: to come, to visit
поездить {v pf} :: to travel
поездка {noun} :: tour, journey, trip
поездной {adj} [relational, railroads] :: train, trolley, rail transport
поелику {conj} [archaic] :: because, inasmuch as
поесть {v pf} :: to eat, to have a bite (of something to eat), to try (eat)
поесть {v pf} :: to devour
поехавший {adj} [slang, derogatory] :: crazy, mad, insane
поехали {interj} [slang] :: Let's go!
поехали {interj} [slang] :: Let's do it!
поехать {v pf} :: to go (in a conveyance or on horseback)
поехать {v pf} :: to ride, to drive
поехать {v pf} :: to travel
поёживаться {v impf} :: to cringe slightly
поёжиться {v pf} :: to shiver, to shudder
пожалеть {v pf} :: to feel sorry, to be sorry, to be sad (about something), to regret
пожалеть {v pf} :: to pity, to commiserate
пожалеть {v pf} :: to save, to spare (e.g. time, energy)
пожаловать {v pf} :: to grant (to); to bestow, to confer (on); to reward, to award [stilted style]
пожаловать {v pf} [dated] :: to visit, to come to see [stilted style or jocular]
пожаловать {v pf} :: to favour, to regard with favour; to like
пожаловаться {v pf} :: to complain, to lament
пожалуй {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
пожалуй {adv} :: I suppose
пожалуйста {interj} :: please
пожалуйста {interj} :: you're welcome, not at all, don't mention it, it's a pleasure (reply to thank you)
пожалуйста {interj} :: here you are (when handing something over)
пожар {noun} :: fire, conflagration (occurrence of fire in a certain place)
пожарище {noun} :: place where a fire occurred, burned area
пожарище {m inan} :: augmentative of пожар: large fire
пожарная машина {noun} :: fire engine, fire truck
пожарник {noun} :: fireman, firefighter
пожарный {adj} [relational] :: fire
пожарный {noun} :: fireman
пожароопасный {adj} [relational] :: fire hazard; (fire) hazardous (hazardous due to the risk of fire)
пожатие {noun} :: handshake
пожатие {noun} :: shrug
пожать {v pf} [dated] :: to press, to squeeze (now only used in set idioms below)
пожать {v pf} :: to reap, to crop
пожевать {v pf} :: to chew, to munch
пожевать {v pf} :: to ruminate, to masticate
пожелание {noun} :: wish, desire (especially to someone else)
пожелание {noun} :: advice, recommendation, wish, demand, request
пожелать {v pf} :: to wish, to desire
пожелать {v pf} :: to covet
пожелать {v pf} :: to wish
пожелтеть {v pf} :: to become yellow
поженить {v pf} :: to marry off (to force/make a male relative (to) get married)
пожениться {v pf} :: to marry (as a couple)
по-женски {adv} :: as a woman
по-женски {adv} :: like a woman
пожертвование {noun} :: endowment, donation, contribution, dotation (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause)
пожертвовать {v pf} :: to donate
пожертвовать {v pf} :: to sacrifice, to give, to offer
пожечь {v pf} :: to burn up, to destroy by fire
поживать {v impf} :: to live (in general), to get on, to get along
поживиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to profit, to benefit at someone else's expense [+ instrumental, from something]
поживиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to eat, to avail oneself of [+ instrumental, some food]
пожизненный {adj} [relational] :: life, for life, lifelong
пожилой {adj} :: elderly
пожимать {v impf} [dated] :: to press, to squeeze (now only used in set idioms below)
пожинать {v impf} :: to reap, to crop
пожирать {v impf} :: to devour
пожитки {noun} [colloquial] :: belongings; things
пожить {v pf} :: to live for awhile
пожить {v pf} :: to stay for awhile
пожить {v pf} :: to have seen life
пожня {noun} [dialectal] :: stubble field
пожня {noun} [dialectal] :: meadow
пожрать {v pf} :: to devour
пожрать {v pf} [colloquial, rude] :: to eat, to grab
пожурить {v pf} :: to scold slightly [for awhile]
поза {noun} :: pose, posture, attitude
поза {noun} :: affectation, pretense
позабавить {v pf} :: to amuse, to divert, to entertain (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner)
позаботиться {v pf} :: to care, to take care, to look after
позаботиться {v pf} :: to worry, to be anxious, to trouble
позабывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to forget completely
позабыть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to forget completely
позавидовать {v pf} :: to envy, to be envious
позавтракать {v pf} :: to have breakfast, to breakfast, to lunch
позавчера {adv} :: day before yesterday
позади {prep} :: behind
позаимствовать {v pf} :: to adopt, to borrow
позанимать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take possession of, to occupy (many things, one after the other)
позанимать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to borrow [+ genitive, many things or from many people]
позанимать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to entertain, to keep engaged [for awhile]
позаниматься {v pf} :: to study, to learn [+ instrumental; for awhile]
позаниматься {v pf} :: to be occupied [с + instrumental, with someone; for awhile]
позапрошлый {adj} :: before last
позарез {adv} [colloquial] :: urgently, badly, desperately
позванивать {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to ring periodically, to tinkle
позванивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to call (on the phone) periodically
позвать {v pf} :: to call
позвать {v pf} :: to ask, to invite
позволение {noun} :: permission, leave
позволить {v pf} :: to allow, to permit
позволять {v impf} :: to allow, to permit
позвонить {v pf} :: to ring (to cause to ring) [в + accusative, a bell, someone's house, etc.]
позвонить {v pf} :: to ring (to make a ringing sound) [of a bell, of the telephone, etc.]
позвонить {v pf} :: to call (to contact by telephone) [+ dative, someone]
позвонок {noun} :: vertebra
позвоночник {noun} [anatomy] :: backbone, spinal column, vertebral column, spine (set of bones which connected make up the spine and spinal column)
позвоночное {noun} :: vertebrate
позвоночный {adj} :: vertebral
позвякивать {v pf} :: to clink intermittently, to jingle periodically
по-здешнему {adv} :: according to local custom
позднее {adv} :: comparative of поздний
позднее {adv} :: comparative of поздно
поздний {adj} :: late
поздно {adv} :: late
поздно пить боржоми, когда почки отказали {phrase} [idiomatic] :: being in a situation when nothing can be done to fix a problem, not necessarily a health-related issue (literally: "It's (too) late to drink borjomi when (your) kidneys have failed")
поздороваться {v pf} :: to greet, to salute, to say hello/hi
поздороветь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become healthier or stronger
поздравительный {adj} [relational] :: congratulation; congratulatory
поздравить {v pf} :: to congratulate, to felicitate
поздравление {noun} :: congratulation
поздравлять {v impf} :: to congratulate, to felicitate [с + instrumental]
поздравляю с днём рождения {interj} :: happy birthday
позеленеть {v pf} :: to become green
позеленеть {v pf} :: to grow/turn green
позёмка {noun} :: drifting snow, blowing snow
позёр {noun} :: poseur
позёрство {noun} :: peacockery, swagger, foppery
позже {adv} :: comparative of поздний: later, afterwards
позже {adv} :: comparative of поздно: later, afterwards
по-зимнему {adv} :: as in winter
позировать {v impf} :: to pose, to posture
позитив {noun} [photography] :: positive
позитив {noun} :: positive, positive information, feedback or mood
позитивный {adj} :: positive (definitely laid down)
позитрон {noun} :: positron
позиционирование {noun} :: positioning (measurement of a satellite's location, marketing a product in a certain niche, etc.)
позиционировать {v both} :: to position
позиционный {adj} [relational] :: position; positional
позиция {noun} :: position, attitude
позлатить {v pf} [religious, literary, poetic, dated] :: to gild
позлить {v pf} :: to tease a little
познавательный {adj} :: cognitive
познавательный {adj} :: informative, educational
познавать {v impf} [philosophy] :: to cognize
познавать {v impf} :: to get to know, to learn
познавать {v impf} :: to experience, to get to know
познакомить {v pf} :: to introduce, to acquaint, to familiarize
познакомиться {v pf} :: to meet, to make the acquaintance, to make somebody’s acquaintance, to get acquainted
познакомиться {v pf} :: to familiarize oneself, to go into
познакомиться {v pf} :: to visit, to see
познание {noun} :: cognition, perception
познание {noun} [usually plural] :: experience, knowledge
Познань {prop} :: Познань (city)
познать {v pf} [philosophy] :: to cognize
познать {v pf} :: to get to know, to learn
познать {v pf} :: to experience, to get to know
позолота {noun} :: gilding, gilt
позолотить {v pf} :: to gild
позор {noun} :: shame, disgrace, infamy, humiliation
позорить {v impf} :: to disgrace, to defame
позорище {noun} :: shame, disgrace
позорный {adj} :: disgraceful, shameful
позорный столб {noun} [historical] :: pillory
позыв {noun} :: urge
позыв {noun} [dated] :: call, appeal
позывной {noun} :: call sign (broadcasting, military)
позывной {noun} :: signature tune (TV, radio)
позывные {noun} :: call sign
позывные {noun} :: signature (tune), theme song
позывные {noun} [nautical] :: ship's number
поиграть {v pf} :: to play [for a while]
поигрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of играть: to play a little, to play sometimes
поилка {noun} :: waterer (device from which animals drink)
поиметь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to show (interest, pity, etc.)
поиметь {v pf} [colloquial, vulgar] :: to fuck over (to take advantage of materially or sexually)
поимка {noun} :: capture, catch
по-иному {adv} :: differently, otherwise
поинтересоваться {v pf} :: to be curious
по иронии судьбы {adv} :: ironically (evaluative (sentence-modifying))
поиск {noun} :: search, quest
поиск {noun} :: raid
поискать {v pf} :: to look for, to search (for some time)
поисковый {adj} [relational] :: search, reconnaissance
по-испански {adv} :: in Spanish
поистине {adv} [stilted, literary] :: truly, indeed, in truth
по-итальянски {adv} :: in Italian
поить {v impf} :: to water, to give to drink
пойло {noun} :: nutritious drink for cattle, made with bran and flour
пойло {noun} [figurative, pejorative] :: swill
пойло {noun} [dated] :: any drink
пойма {noun} :: flood plain, water meadow
поймать {v pf} :: to catch
пойменный {adj} [relational] :: flood plain, water meadow
пойнтер {noun} :: pointer (type of dog)
пойнтер {noun} [computing, colloquial] :: pointer (variable that stores the address of another variable), see указатель
пойти {v pf} :: to go
пойти {v pf} :: to walk
пойти {v pf} :: to rain
пойти {v pf} :: to function, to work
пока {adv} :: for the present, for the time being
пока {adv} :: for now (at the moment; until later)
пока {conj} :: so long as, while
пока {interj} :: bye; so long; I’ll see you later; see you soon
показ {noun} :: show, demonstration
показание {noun} :: testimony, evidence, statement
показание {noun} :: indication, reading, readout
показатель {noun} :: indicator, measure, index (sign, indication, token)
показатель {noun} :: exponent, index
показатель {noun} :: figure
показатель {noun} :: rate, ratio
показатель {noun} :: parameter, factor
показательный {adj} :: significant, revealing, indicative
показательный {adj} [relational] :: demonstration
показательный {adj} [relational] :: model
показательный {adj} [math] :: exponential
показательный суд {noun} :: show trial
показатель степени {noun} :: index (mathematics: raised suffix indicating a power)
показать {v pf} :: to show
показать {v pf} :: to display, to reveal, to achieve
показать {v pf} :: to register, to read (of measuring devices)
показать {v pf} :: to point
показать {v pf} :: to depose, to testify, to give evidence
показать кузькину мать {v pf} [pejorative] :: to teach someone a lesson
показаться {v pf} :: to appear, to come into view, to come in sight
показаться {v pf} :: to turn up, to show up
показаться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to seem
показной {adj} :: ostentatious, pretentious
показной {adj} :: flashy, garish, meretricious
показной {adj} :: specious
показной {adj} :: showy, ambitious
показной {adj} :: sporty
показной {adj} :: ostensible
показной {adj} :: affected
показной {adj} :: vain
показной {adj} :: tinsel, theatrical
показуха {noun} [colloquial, disapprovingly] :: window-dressing, ostentation, pretense, (fake) show, veneer, facade
показывать {v impf} :: to show
показывать {v impf} :: to display, to reveal
показывать {v impf} :: to achieve (some result)
показывать {v impf} :: to show, to register, to read
показывать {v impf} :: to point (at)
показывать {v impf} :: to depose, to testify, to give evidence
показываться {v impf} :: to show oneself, to come in sight, to appear
показываться {v impf} :: to show up, to appear
покалечить {v pf} :: to cripple, to maim, to mutilate
покалечить {v pf} :: to pervert, to twist, to warp
покамест {adv} [colloquially] :: till, until
пока не {conj} :: unless, until
покарать {v pf} :: to punish, to chastise, to inflict penalty
покатать {v pf} :: to roll for a while
покатать {v pf} :: to take for a drive
покататься {v pf} :: to go for a drive, to drive
покатить {v pf} :: to roll, to push (some object with wheels)
покатить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drive (quickly)
покатить {v pf} :: (a car etc.) to bowl along
покатиться {v pf} :: to roll
покатиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rush, to tear
покатиться {v pf} :: to sweep, to move, to flow, to stream, to roll
покатушка {noun} [colloquial, usually, plural] :: riding, rolling, going for a merry ride
покатый {adj} :: sloping, slanting, downhill
покачать {v pf} :: to rock, to swing, to shake, to wobble; to dandle
покачать {v pf} :: to pump
покачать {v pf} :: to toss, to roll, to pitch
покачать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lift up, to chair (to toss someone up, like a group of fans their champion)
покачать {v pf} :: to download (for some time)
покачать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to train/pump muscle
покачивать {vt impf} :: to rock slightly
покачиваться {vi impf} :: to rock (from time to time)
покачнуть {v pf} :: to shake (slightly)
покачнуться {v pf} :: to sway, to give a lurch
покачнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take a turn for the worse
пока что {adv} :: for the time being, in the meantime, as yet (up to the present)
покашливание {noun} :: periodic coughing
покашливать {v impf} :: to cough periodically
покаяние {noun} :: repentance, penitence
покаяние {noun} :: confession
покаянный {adj} :: penitential
покаяться {v pf} :: to repent (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do)
покаяться {v pf} :: to confess (to admit to the truth, particularly in the context of sins or crimes committed)
покер {noun} [card games] :: poker
покер {noun} [card games] :: four cards of a kind in a poker hand
покер {noun} [soccer] :: four goals scored by one player in a soccer match
покерный {adj} [relational] :: poker
покивать {v pf} :: to nod a few times
покидать {v impf} :: to leave, to quit, to forsake
покидать {v impf} :: to abandon, to desert
покидать {v pf} :: to throw, to cast
покинутый {adj} :: abandoned (forsaken, deserted)
покинуть {v pf} :: to leave, to quit, to forsake
покинуть {v pf} :: to abandon, to desert
по-китайски {adv} :: in Chinese
по-китайски {adv} :: the Chinese way, in the Chinese fashion
покладать {v impf} :: almost exclusively only in expressions
покладистый {adj} :: flexible, compliant, adaptable
поклажа {noun} [colloquial] :: load
поклажа {noun} [colloquial] :: luggage, baggage, cargo
поклажа {noun} [dated] :: treasure
поклажа {noun} [dated, historical, law] :: contract for storage in prerevolutionary Russia
поклёп {noun} [colloquial, countable] :: slander, calumny
поклон {noun} :: bow (gesture made by bending forward at the waist)
поклон {noun} [obsolete] :: regards
поклонение {noun} :: worship, adoration (an act of religious worship)
поклонение {noun} :: cult
поклонение {noun} :: idolatry
поклониться {v pf} :: to bow (to, before), to greet (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
поклониться {v pf} :: to give/send regards to someone
поклониться {v pf} :: to cringe (before); to humiliate oneself (before); to humbly beg
поклониться {v pf} :: to worship
поклонник {noun} :: admirer
поклонник {noun} :: fan, groupie
поклонник {noun} :: worshipper
поклонница {noun} :: admirer
поклонница {noun} :: fan, groupie
поклонница {noun} :: worshipper
поклонничество {noun} [dated] :: sycophancy, slavish worship
поклоняться {v impf} :: to worship
поклясться {v pf} :: to vow, to swear (to make a vow)
покои {noun} [dated] :: living part of a house
покоиться {v impf} :: to rest (on, upon), to repose (on, upon)
покоиться {v impf} :: (of the dead) to lie
покой {noun} :: calm, rest, peace
покой {noun} :: quiet
покой {noun} :: old name of the letter п in the early Cyrillic alphabet
покой {noun} :: apartment, room, chamber
покойник {noun} :: the deceased
покойница {noun} :: a female deceased
покойно {adv} :: calmly, tranquilly
покойный {adj} [dated] :: calm, tranquil
покойный {adj} :: late, deceased
покойный {noun} :: deceased person
поколебать {v pf} :: to rock, to shake
поколебать {v pf} :: to shake
поколебаться {v pf} :: to oscillate, to vibrate, to vacillate, to sway
поколебаться {v pf} :: to fluctuate, to vary
поколебаться {v pf} :: to hesitate, to waver
поколение {noun} :: generation, age
поколотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to beat, to give a thrashing
покончить {v pf} :: to finish off, to put an end to something, to do away with something, to be through with
покончить с собой {v pf} :: to commit suicide (to kill oneself)
покопаться {v pf} :: to dig for awhile
покопаться {v pf} [figurative] :: to delve (into) for awhile, to spend some time examining carefully
по-корейски {adv} :: in Korean
покорение {noun} :: conquest, subjugation
покоритель {noun} :: conqueror, subjugator
покорить {v pf} :: to subdue, to conquer, to subjugate, to win (over)
покориться {v pf} :: to submit (to), to resign oneself to
покормить {v pf} :: to feed
покорно {adv} :: humbly, submissively, obediently
покорность {noun} :: submissiveness, obedience
покорный {adj} :: submissive (to), obedient (to), resigned
покоробить {v pf} [also impersonal] :: to warp
покоробить {v pf} [figurative] :: to ruin, to disfigure
покоробить {v pf} :: to grate, to jar
покоробить {v pf} [figurative, also impersonal] :: to shock, to disgust
покороче {interj} :: make it snappy
покорять {v impf} :: to subdue, to conquer, to subjugate, to win (over)
покоряться {v impf} :: to submit (to), to resign oneself to
покос {noun} :: mowing
покоситься {v pf} :: to sink to one side, to be lopsided
покоситься {v pf} :: to squint, to look asquint, to look sideways, to cast a sidelong look
покосный {adj} [relational] :: mowing
по крайней мере {adv} :: at least, at any rate
покрасить {v pf} :: to colour, to paint, to dye, to stain
покраска {noun} :: (action of) painting
покраска {noun} :: paint
покраснение {noun} :: reddening, redness
покраснение {noun} :: blushing
покраснеть {v pf} :: to redden, to grow red
покраснеть {v pf} :: to blush, to turn red in the face
покрепчать {vi pf} :: to strengthen, to grow stronger
покривить {v pf} :: to bend, to crook, to curve
покривиться {v pf} :: to become crooked/bent/lopsided
покрикивать {v impf} :: to hout (at), to command around
покрикивать {v impf} :: to chide, to scold
покрикивать {v impf} :: to shriek, to yelp
покричать {v pf} :: to cry, to shout, to scream, to yell for some time
покров {noun} :: cover, covering
покров {noun} :: hearse cloth
покровитель {noun} :: patron, protector, sponsor
покровительство {noun} :: patronage, protection
покровительствовать {v impf} :: to patronize (to provide patronage to); to sponsor; to protect [+ dative]
покровский {adj} [relational] :: Pokrov (name of a city in Ukraine and several settlements in Russia, most notably in Vladimir Oblast)
покрой {noun} :: cut, style (of garments)
покрой {noun} :: kind, breed
покрутить {v pf} :: to twist, to turn, to rotate
покрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to play around (with smb), to have an affair (with smb)
покрывало {noun} :: bedspread, bedcover (topmost covering of a bed)
покрывать {v impf} :: to cover
покрывать {v impf} :: to drown out
покрывать {v impf} [agriculture] :: to mount [an animal to mate]
покрываться {v impf} :: to cover oneself, to get covered
покрываться {v impf} :: to be covered (with)
покрытие {noun} :: covering, coating
покрытие {noun} :: coat, surface
покрытие {noun} :: discharge, payment
покрытие {noun} :: coverage (of insurance etc)
покрыть {v pf} :: to cover, to roof (a house) ; to thatch, to tile
покрыть {v pf} :: to coat (with paint)
покрыть {v pf} :: to cover, to trump (in card games)
покрыть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to scold, to rail (at), to swear (at)
покрыться {v pf} :: to cover oneself, to get covered
покрыться {v pf} :: to be covered (with)
покрышка {noun} [automotive] :: (tire-)cover, tire
покрышка {noun} :: covering
покуда {conj} :: as long as, while, whilst
покупатель {noun} :: buyer, purchaser, customer, client, shopper
покупательная способность {noun} [economics] :: purchasing power, buying power
покупательница {noun} :: female buyer, purchaser, customer, client
покупательный {adj} [relational] :: purchasing
покупать {v impf} :: to buy, to purchase
покупать {v pf} :: to bathe, to bath
покупаться {v impf} :: to sell
покупаться {v pf} :: to have a bathe, to bathe, to have/take a bath
покупка {noun} :: buying, purchasing, purchase (act of purchasing)
покупка {noun} :: purchase, package (something bought)
покуривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smoke (a little, from time to time)
покурить {v pf} :: to smoke, to have a smoke (tobacco)
покусать {v pf} :: to bite (many people or in many places)
покусать {v pf} :: to bite several times due to fear or excitement [e.g. one's lips]
покуситься {v pf} :: to attempt
покуситься {v pf} :: to encroach (on, upon)
покуситься {v pf} :: to attempt on someone's life
покусывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of кусать: to nibble, to bite a little, to bite sometimes
покушать {v pf} :: to eat, to have, to take
покушаться {v impf} :: to attempt
покушаться {v impf} :: to encroach (on, upon)
покушаться {v impf} :: to attempt on someone's life
покушение {noun} :: attempt (attack)
пол- {prefix} :: alternative form of полу-
пол- {prefix} :: [takes ordinal adjective in genitive case, produces compound nouns] half past
пол {noun} :: floor
пол {noun} :: sex, gender
пола {noun} :: skirt, tail, flap, lap (of clothes)
полагать {v impf} :: [transitive] to define
полагать {v impf} [dated] :: [transitive] to apply, to impose
полагать {v impf} :: [intransitive] to infer, to suppose, to guess, to believe, to think, to reckon
полагаться {v impf} :: to rely on, to pin one's hopes on, to bank on
полагаться {v impf} :: to be due to
полагаться {v impf} :: to be proper, to be in order, to be expected
поладить {v pf} :: to come to an understanding (with), to get on (with)
полазать {v pf} :: alternative form of полазить
полазить {v pf} :: to climb (up)
полба {noun} :: spelt (Triticum spelta)
полбутылки {n inan} :: half a bottle
полведра {noun} :: half a bucket
полвека {n inan} :: half a century
полвосьмого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past seven, seven-thirty (hour of the day)
полвторого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past one, one-thirty (hour of the day)
полгода {n inan} :: half-year (period of half a year)
полгорода {n inan} :: half of the city, half of the town (also in exaggeration)
полдвенадцатого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past eleven, eleven-thirty (hour of the day)
полдевятого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past eight, eight-thirty (hour of the day)
полдела {n inan} :: half the job
полдень {noun} :: noon, midday
полдень {noun} [figuratively] :: middle age
полдень {noun} [obsolete] :: south
полдесятого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past nine, nine-thirty (hour of the day)
полдни {noun} :: noon, noontime, midday
полдни {noun} [regional, Southern Russia] :: place to stop herds at midday
полдник {noun} :: afternoon snack, tea (light afternoon meal)
полдня {n inan} :: half a day
полдороги {n inan} :: halfway
полдюжины {n inan} :: half dozen
поле {noun} :: field, ground
поле {noun} [plural] :: margins
поле {noun} [plural] :: brim of the hat
полевать {v impf} [archaic] :: to hunt
полевая артиллерия {noun} :: field artillery (artillery, including guns, howitzers, mortars, rocket artillery, and recoilless guns, intended for direct support on the field of battle.)
полевой {adj} [relational] :: field
полевой {noun} [mythology] :: polevoy, a field spirit or sprite
полегать {v impf} :: to bend to the ground [of cereal grains or trees]
полегать {vi impf} :: to tilt, to lean [of objects]
полегчать {v pf} [vernacular] :: to lessen, to abate
полежать {v pf} :: to lie, to lie down (for a while), to have a lie-down
полезная модель {noun} [legal] :: utility model
полезно {adv} :: beneficially
полезно {adv} :: usefully, helpfully
полезно {pred} :: it is useful, it is healthy, it is wholesome to one
полезность {noun} :: usability, usefulness, utility
полезный {adj} :: useful, helpful, good (having a practical or beneficial use)
полезный {adj} :: wholesome
полезный {adj} :: usable
полезть {v pf} :: to climb (up, on to), to scramble
полезть {v pf} :: to get (into); to thrust the hand (into)
полезть {v pf} :: to thrust oneself (upon); to intrude (upon)
полемика {noun} :: polemic, controversy
полемика {noun} :: polemics
полемический {adj} :: polemical
полемический {adj} :: fervent, passionate
полениться {v pf} :: to be lazy
поленница {noun} :: stack of firewood
полено {noun} :: billet, log, chock (of wood), wood block (for use as firewood)
полено {noun} :: log-shaped cake, e.g. a Yule log
полесье {noun} :: marshy woodlands
полетать {v pf} :: to fly
полететь {v pf} :: to fly, to be flying
по-летнему {adv} :: as in summer
Полетт {prop} {f anim} :: given name
полечь {v pf} [perfective only] :: to die or be killed in battle [of all or many people]
полечь {v pf} [perfective only, colloquial] :: to lie down [of all or many people]
полечь {v pf} :: to bend to the ground [of cereal grains or trees]
полёвка {noun} :: vole, field mouse (mammal)
полёвка {noun} [botany] :: myagrum (Brassicaceae)
полёт {noun} :: flight, flying
полжизни {n inan} :: half a lifetime
ползать {v impf} :: to creep, to crawl
ползти {v impf} :: to creep, to crawl
ползти {v impf} :: to move slowly
ползти {v impf} :: to spread (of rumours)
ползти {v impf} :: to fray, to ravel out (of fabric)
ползти {v impf} :: to slip, to collapse (of soil)
ползучий {adj} :: crawling, creeping
ползучий {adj} :: creeping
полив {noun} :: watering, irrigation, sprinkling
полива {noun} [cooking or ceramics] :: glaze
поливалка {noun} :: waterer (device for watering)
поливальщик {noun} :: waterer (one who waters)
поливать {v impf} :: to pour, to water
поливать грязью {v impf} :: to sling mud
поливаться {v impf} :: to pour on/upon oneself
полигамия {noun} :: polygamy
полиглот {noun} :: polyglot
полигон {noun} :: polygon
полигон {noun} :: firing range, ordnance yard
полиграф {noun} :: polygraph
полиграфический {adj} :: polygraphic; printing
полиграфия {noun} :: polygraphy, printing trades
полиграфия {noun} :: printing arts
поликлиника {noun} :: polyclinic, outpatient clinic
полимер {noun} [chemistry] :: polymer
полимерный {adj} [relational] :: polymer, polymeric, polymerous
Полина {prop} :: given name
Полинезия {prop} :: Полинезия (subregion)
полиомиелит {noun} :: poliomyelitis
полированный {adj} :: polished
полировать {v impf} :: to polish, to shine, to buff
полировка {noun} :: polishing, buffing
полировка {noun} :: shiny, polished surface
полировка {noun} [colloquial] :: veneer [of culture]
полис {noun} :: policy
полис {noun} [historical] :: polis [a Greek city-state]
полис {noun} :: police
полисиндетон {noun} :: polysyndeton
полисмен {noun} :: policeman (usually in foreign, especially English-speaking countries)
полистать {v pf} :: to leaf through
политбюро {n inan} :: politburo, political bureau
Политбюро {n inan} [historical] :: Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
политеизм {noun} [religion] :: polytheism
политеист {noun} :: polytheist
политеистический {adj} [religion] :: polytheistic
политехнический {adj} :: polytechnic
политизирование {noun} :: politicization
политизировать {v both} :: to politicize
политик {noun} :: politician
политика {noun} :: politics
политика {noun} :: policy
политиковать {v impf} [dated, colloquial] :: to act in a cunning way hiding one's true intentions
политинформация {noun} [historical] :: political report or briefing on recent home and international events
политически {adv} :: politically (in a political manner)
политический {adj} :: political
политкаторжанин {noun} :: political convict
политкорректность {noun} :: political correctness
политолог {noun} :: political scientist
политология {noun} :: political science
политотдел {noun} :: political department, political division
политрук {noun} [historical] :: political instructor
политсовет {noun} :: political council (governing body of a political party)
политтехнолог {noun} :: political strategist
полить {v pf} :: to pour, to water
политься {v pf} :: to pour on/upon oneself
политэкономия {noun} :: political economy
полиуретан {noun} [organic chemistry] :: polyurethane
полиуретановый {adj} [relational] :: polyurethane
полифония {noun} :: polyphony
полицай {noun} [historical, offensive] :: collaborationist auxiliary policeman working for the Nazi German occupation forces during World War II
полицай {noun} [slang] :: cop (police officer)
полицейская {noun} :: policewoman
полицейский {adj} [relational] :: police
полицейский {noun} :: policeman
полиция {noun} :: police
поличное {noun} :: corpus delicti
полиэстер {noun} :: polyester (polymer)
полиэтилен {noun} :: polyethylene, polythene
полиэтиленовый {adj} [relational] :: polyethylene
полк {noun} [military] :: regiment
полка {noun} :: shelf
полка {noun} :: (in a passenger railroad car) berth
полкило {n inan} :: half a kilo
полкилометра {noun} :: half a kilometer
полковник {noun} [military] :: colonel
полковничиха {noun} :: colonel's wife
полководец {noun} :: commander, military leader
полковой {adj} [relational, military] :: regiment; regimental
пол-литра {noun} :: half-liter
пол-литра {noun} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: a half-litre bottle of alcohol, usually vodka
поллитра {noun} :: alternative form of пол-литра
полмесяца {n inan} :: half a month
полметра {noun} :: half a metre
полмиллиона {n inan} :: half a million
полминуты {n inan} :: half a minute
-полнить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to fill"
полно {adv} :: fully, in full
полно {adv} :: brim-full, full to the brim
полно {interj} :: okay, stop, that's it, enough (of this)
полновесный {adj} :: full-weight
полновесный {adj} :: heavyweight
полновесный {adj} :: strong, in full force
полновесный {adj} :: full, complete [life, happiness, etc.]
полновесный {adj} :: significant, credible
полногласие {noun} [linguistics] :: pleophony, full-voicing, polnoglasie
полнокровный {adj} :: plethoric, suffering from hyperaemia (excessive blood flow in the body)
полнокровный {adj} :: healthy, blooming [of a person]
полнокровный {adj} :: active, full [life, disclosure, etc.]
полнолуние {noun} :: full moon (phase of moon when in opposition to sun)
полномасштабный {adj} [also figurative] :: full-scale
полномера {n inan} :: half size (of a dress, of shoes, etc.)
полномера {n inan} :: half a room (rented in a hotel)
полномера {n inan} :: half a digit (number)
полномера {n inan} :: half a number plate
полномера {n inan} :: half a number, issue (e.g. of a magazine or a newspaper)
полномера {n inan} :: half an item, turn, trick (e.g., in a circus)
полномочие {noun} :: authorization (formal sanction, permission or warrant)
полномочие {noun} :: authority, power
полномочный {adj} :: plenipotentiary
полноправный {adj} :: enjoying full rights, competent
полноприводный {adj} [relational, vehicles] :: all-wheel drive, four-wheel drive
полностью {adv} :: completely, entirely, utterly, fully
полнота {noun} :: completeness, coverage
полнота {noun} :: fullness, fulness
полнота {noun} :: plenitude
полнота {noun} :: entirety
полнота {noun} :: integrality
полнота {noun} :: integrity
полнота {noun} :: fleshiness
полнота {noun} :: obesity
полнота {noun} :: fat, fatness, plumpness
полнота {noun} :: embonpoint
полнота {noun} :: amplitude (magnitude)
полнота {noun} :: instep
полноценный {adj} :: of full value, valuable, full-fledged, complete, full
полночи {n inan} :: half a night
полночь {f inan} :: midnight
полночь {f inan} [obsolete] :: north
полный {adj} :: full, complete
полный {adj} :: absolute, perfect
полный {adj} :: exhaustive
полный {adj} :: stout, chubby
поло {n inan} [sports] :: polo (ball game)
поло {n inan} :: polo shirt
полова {noun} :: chaff
половец {noun} :: Cuman
половецкий {adj} :: Polovtsian
половик {noun} :: floormat (a mat that is laid on the floor)
половина {noun} :: half, moiety
половинка {noun} :: diminutive of половина
половинка {noun} :: (of a door) leaf
половинка {noun} [colloqial] :: half-size violin
половица {noun} :: floor plank, flooring strip
половник {noun} :: ladle
половодье {noun} :: seasonal flooding [from snowmelt, monsoons, etc.]
половодье {noun} [figurative, poetic] :: flood [e.g. of feelings]
половое сношение {noun} :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction)
половой {adj} [relational] :: floor, flooring [the bottom or lower part of a room]
половой {noun} [historical] :: waiter or servant in a Russian tavern
половой {adj} [relational, biology, sex] :: sex [as an action]; sexual, genital
половой акт {noun} :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction)
половой орган {noun} [anatomy] :: sex organ
половой отбор {noun} [evolutionary theory] :: sexual selection
половой член {noun} :: penis (male organ for copulation and urination)
половый {adj} :: straw-colored, wan, pale yellow [of animal coat color]
полог {noun} :: canopy
пологий {adj} :: gentle, gently sloping
пол-одиннадцатого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past ten, ten-thirty (hour of the day)
положение {noun} :: position, location
положение {noun} :: situation
положение {noun} :: state, condition
положение {noun} :: standing
положение {noun} :: thesis
положение {noun} [plural] :: regulations
положенный {adj} :: due
положено {pred} :: one should, one ought to, one is supposed to
положено {pred} :: it is appropriate
положим {particle} :: let's assume, let's say, suppose (for example)
положительно {adv} :: positively (in various senses)
положительный {adj} :: positive, affirmative
положить {v pf} :: to put, to lay, to lay down, to deposit
положить {v pf} :: to apply
положить {v pf} :: to spend
положиться {v pf} :: to rely on, to pin one's hopes on, to bank on
полоз {noun} :: sled runner
полоз {noun} [technical] :: a smooth, flat surface, bent upwards in the front and meant for sliding, such as a sled runner
полоз {noun} :: racer (snake)
полок {noun} :: shelf
полок {noun} :: dray
поломать {v pf} :: to break, to fracture
поломать {v pf} :: to rack, to cause to ache
поломка {noun} :: breakdown, breakage
полон {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: alternative form of плен
полонез {noun} :: polonaise
полоний {noun} :: polonium
полонить {v both} [archaic] :: to take captive
полонить {v both} [archaic] :: to conquer
полонить {v both} [archaic] :: to captivate, to charm
полонянин {noun} [archaic] :: captive
полоса {noun} :: stripe, strip, streak
полоса {noun} :: belt, zone
полоса {noun} :: bar
полоса {noun} :: field
полоса {noun} :: lane
полосатый {adj} :: striped, stripy
полоска {noun} :: diminutive of полоса
полоскать {v impf} :: to rinse
полоскать {v impf} :: to gargle
полоснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slash [once]
полоснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to whip [once]
полосочка {noun} :: endearing form of полоска
полость {noun} :: cavity (hollow area within the body)
полотенце {noun} :: towel
полотенцесушитель {noun} :: towel dryer
полотнище {noun} :: width, cloth
полотно {noun} :: linen
полотно {noun} :: cloth, bunting
полотно {noun} :: canvas
полотно {noun} :: roadbed (of a railroad); embankment
полотно {noun} :: saw web, saw blade
полотно {noun} :: panel
полотно {noun} :: picture, painting
полотняный {adj} [relational] :: linen
полоть {v impf} :: to weed, to weed out, to pull up (weeds)
полох {noun} [dated, rare] :: fear, fright
полочанин {noun} :: citizen of Polotsk
полочанин {noun} [history] :: Polochan
пол-очка {noun} :: half a point
полочка {noun} :: diminutive of полка
полошить {v impf} :: to worry, to frighten, to arouse
полпервого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past twelve, twelve-thirty (hour of the day)
полпорции {n inan} :: half a serving, half a portion
полпред {noun} :: plenipotentiary
полпути {n inan} :: halfway
полпятого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past four, four-thirty (hour of the day)
полседьмого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past six, six-thirty (hour of the day)
полслова {noun} :: half a word; (a few) word(s)
полсотни {n inan} :: (about) fifty, half a hundred
полставки {n inan} :: half-time, part-time (work)
полстакана {n inan} :: half a glass
полстолька {n inan} [colloquial] :: half as much
полтаблетки {n inan} :: half a tablet
Полтава {prop} :: Полтава (city)
полтавчанин {noun} :: citizen of Poltava
полтергейст {noun} :: poltergeist
полтинник {noun} :: fifty copecks
полтинник {noun} :: fifty-copeck piece
полтинник {noun} [colloquial] :: age of fifty
полтора {num} :: one and a half (1½), sesqui-
полтораста {num} :: one hundred and fifty (150)
полтретьего {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past two, two-thirty (hour of the day)
полтысячи {n inan} :: half a thousand, five hundred
полу- {prefix} [highly productive, takes nouns, produces compound nouns] :: semi-, demi-, half-
полу- {prefix} [highly productive, takes nouns in genitive case, produces compound nouns] :: semi-, demi-, half- paired with пол- form
полу- {prefix} [takes adjective, produces compound adjective] :: semi-, demi-, half-
полу- {prefix} [productive, takes verbs, produces compound verbs] :: incompletely
полу- {prefix} [takes adverb, produces compound adverb] :: incompletely
полубог {noun} :: demigod, half-god
полуботинок {noun} :: low shoe
полуведро {n inan} :: alternative form of полведра
полугодие {noun} :: half-year (period of half a year)
полуголый {adj} :: half-naked
полуденный {adj} [relational] :: noon
полузабытый {adj} :: half-forgotten
полузащитник {noun} [sports] :: midfielder
полуимя {noun} [dated] :: short name, pet name [the simplest diminutive form of a given name, such as Саша, Маша, Миша]
полукомбинезон {noun} :: overall (garment)
полукровка {m anim} {f anim} :: half-blood, half-breed
полукруг {noun} :: semicircle
полукруглый {adj} :: semicircular
полулежать {v impf} :: to recline
полулёжа {adv} :: in a recumbent position, recumbently
полумесяц {noun} :: crescent (figure of the moon)
полумрак {noun} :: twilight, semi-darkness, shade
полуосвещённый {adj} :: half-lit
полуостров {noun} :: peninsula
полуось {noun} :: semiaxis
полуось {noun} [computer slang] :: OS/2
полуоткрытый {adj} :: half open, semiopen
полупетля {noun} :: half-loop
полупетля {noun} :: immelman
полупечальный {adj} :: half-sad, half-mournful, half-doleful, half-wistful
полуплоскость {noun} :: half-plane
полуподвал {noun} :: semi-basement
полупроводник {noun} :: semiconductor
полупрозрачный {adj} :: semitransparent, translucent
полупустой {adj} :: half-empty
полуразвалившийся {adj} :: ramshackle, half-dilapidated, half-broken
полуразрушенный {adj} :: dilapidated, decayed, half-destroyed
полусмерть {noun} :: half-death, near-death state
полусон {noun} :: half-sleep, twilight sleep
полустанок {noun} [railroad] :: halt
полусырой {adj} :: half raw; half baked; half done (of food)
полутень {noun} [astronomy] :: penumbra
полутёмный {adj} :: half-dark, dim, scantily lit
полутон {noun} [music] :: half tone, semitone
полутон {noun} [art] :: halftone
полутон {noun} :: undertone (of sound or color)
полуторка {noun} [colloquial, historical] :: GAZ-AA-brand truck with a 1.5-ton payload
полуторка {noun} [colloquial] :: small apartment consisting of a medium-sized room and a small room
полутьма {noun} :: half-dark, semidarkness
полуфабрикат {noun} :: half-finished/semi-finished product
полуфинал {noun} [sports] :: semifinal
получас {noun} [colloquial] :: half an hour
получатель {noun} :: addressee, recipient
получательница {noun} :: female recipient
получательница {noun} :: female addressee (the person or organization to which something, such as a letter or message, is addressed, for whom the item is intended)
получать {v impf} :: to receive, to get, to obtain, to accept
получаться {v impf} :: to come out, to arrive
получаться {v impf} :: to result
получаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to prove, to turn out
получаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to work out well, to manage
получеловек {noun} :: demihuman, half human
получение {noun} :: receipt
получение {noun} :: acquisition, getting
получение {noun} :: reception
получение {noun} :: obtainment
получить {v pf} :: to receive
получиться {v pf} :: to come in, to arrive
получиться {v pf} :: to result
получиться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to prove, to turn out
получиться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to work out well, to manage
получка {noun} [colloquial] :: pay, sum paid
получше {adv} :: alternative form of лучше
полушарие {noun} :: hemisphere
полушерстяной {adj} :: half-woollen
полушёпот {noun} :: half-whisper
полушубок {noun} :: short sheepskin coat, sheepskin jacket
полцены {f inan} :: half-price
полчанин {noun} [dated] :: brother soldier
полчаса {noun} :: half an hour, half-hour
полчасика {n inan} [colloquial] :: half an hour
полчетвёртого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past three, three-thirty (hour of the day)
полчище {noun} :: horde (a large number of people)
полчок {noun} :: edible dormouse
полшестого {n inan} [colloquial] :: half past five, five-thirty (hour of the day)
полый {adj} :: hollow
полый {adj} [dated, regional] :: naked
полый {adj} :: spilling over after spring ice breakup [of water or a river]
полымя {n inan} [obsolete or poetic] :: synonym of пламя
полынь {noun} :: wormwood, absinthe
полынья {noun} :: polynya
полысеть {v impf} :: to become bald
полыхать {v impf} :: to blaze
полыхать {v impf} :: (war, conflict etc) to blaze, to flare up, to explode, to break out
полыхнуть {v pf} :: to flash, to blaze, to spit fire momentarily
польза {noun} :: use, benefit, advantage, profit, usefulness
пользование {noun} :: use, usage, utilization (+ instrumental case)
пользование {noun} :: enjoyment (of rights)
пользователь {noun} :: user
пользовательница {noun} :: user (girl or woman who uses a computer)
пользовательский {adj} [relational] :: user
пользовательский {adj} [computing] :: custom, user-defined
пользовать {v impf} [literary or dated] :: to benefit
пользовать {v impf} :: to use, to exploit
пользовать {v impf} [literary or dated] :: to treat [of a doctor and patient]
пользоваться {v impf} :: to use, to utilize [+ instrumental]
пользоваться {v impf} :: to enjoy (success)
полька {noun} :: female Pole, Polish girl or woman
полька {noun} [music] :: polka
полька {noun} :: polka (a haircut)
польский {adj} :: Polish
польский {noun} :: Polish language (short for польский язык)
польстить {v pf} :: to flatter, to adulate
польстить {v pf} :: to flatter, to please
Польша {prop} :: Польша (country)
полюбить {v pf} :: to fall in love with, to grow fond of
полюбиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to catch the fancy (of)
полюбоваться {v pf} :: to admire, to feast one's eyes (upon) (for some time)
полюбопытствовать {v pf} :: to be curious, to ask
полюдье {noun} [history] :: poliudie (gathering tribute by the rulers of Kievan Rus' from vassal East Slavic tribes)
полюс {noun} :: pole (extreme of an axis)
полюшко {noun} :: endearing diminutive of поле
поляк {noun} :: Pole, Polish man
поляк {noun} :: Polack
поляна {noun} :: meadow, glade, clearing
полянин {noun} [historical] :: Polan
полянка {noun} :: diminutive of поляна
поляризация {noun} [physics] :: polarization
поляризовать {v both} [physics] :: to polarize
Полярная звезда {prop} [star] :: Polaris, North Star
полярная лисица {noun} :: arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
полярник {noun} :: polar explorer, member of a polar expedition
полярное сияние {noun} :: aurora (an atmospheric phenomenon)
полярный {adj} :: polar
поля смерти {noun} :: Killing Fields (sites in Cambodia where mass slaughter was carried out)
полячить {v impf} [dated, rare] :: to Polonise
полячка {noun} [dated or colloquial] :: female Pole
помада {noun} :: lipstick
помада {noun} [archaic] :: pomade
помазание {noun} :: anointing
помазанник {noun} :: anointed (a person who has been anointed, especially for religious reasons)
помазанник {noun} :: anointed sovereign
помазать {v pf} :: to oil, to grease, to lubricate
помазать {v pf} :: to anoint
помазывать {v impf} :: to anoint
помаленьку {adv} [colloquial] :: little by little, gradually
помаленьку {adv} [colloquial] :: so-so, tolerable
помалкивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hold one's tongue, to keep mum
поманить {v pf} :: to beckon, to wave (to)
поманить {v pf} :: to attract, to lure, to entice, to allure
помахать {v pf} :: to wave, to flap, to fling, to brandish
помахивать {v impf} :: to wave, to whisk, to swing, to wag
по-медвежьи {adv} :: in a bear-like manner
помедленнее {adv} :: alternative form of медленнее
помедлить {v pf} :: to linger (on)
помело {noun} :: broom
помело {n inan} :: pomelo
поменьше {adv} :: alternative form of меньше
по меньшей мере {prep} :: at least (at a lower limit)
по меньшей мере {prep} :: at any rate
поменять {v pf} :: to alter, to change
поменять {v pf} :: to exchange, to change
поменяться {vi pf} :: to change
поменяться {vi pf} :: to exchange, to trade
померанец {noun} :: bitter orange
померанец {noun} :: bitter orange tree
по мере того как {conj} :: as
помереть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to die
померещиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to seem (to), to appear (to)
померкнуть {v pf} :: to grow dark/dim
померкнуть {v pf} :: to fade, to wane
померкнуть {v pf} :: to pale (before)
помести {v pf} :: to sweep [for a while]
помести {v pf} [impersonal] :: to snow strongly, to blizzard
поместить {v pf} :: to place, to put, to locate, to position, to set, to bestow, to stand
поместить {v pf} :: to invest
поместить {v pf} :: to lodge, to accommodate, to put up, to settle
поместить {v pf} :: to insert, to publish
поместиться {v impf} :: to fit
поместиться {v impf} :: to stay, to take a seat
поместный {adj} [relational] :: estate, manor
поместный {adj} [relational] :: land granted temporarily in exchange for military or civil service
поместный {adj} :: occurring in a specific place
поместье {noun} :: estate, manor, hall, property (a manor house)
поместье {noun} :: land granted by the state, originally temporarily (e.g. for life), in exchange for military or civil service
помесь {noun} :: hybrid, crossbreed
помесь {noun} [colloquial] :: mixture
помета {noun} :: mark
пометить {v pf} :: to mark
пометить {v pf} :: to date (add the date)
пометка {noun} :: mark, note
помеха {noun} :: hindrance, barrier (something which hinders)
помеха {noun} [radio] :: (usually plural) noise, interference
помечать {v impf} :: to mark
помечать {v impf} :: to date (add the date)
помечтать {v pf} :: to dream for some time
помешательство {noun} :: madness, insanity
помешательство {noun} [colloquial] :: obsession, passion [for something]
помешать {v pf} :: to disturb, to hinder, to impede
помешать {v pf} :: (transitive) to stir; to mix, to mix up, to mingle, to blend, (something for some time)
помешать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shuffle (playing cards)
помешаться {v pf} :: to go crazy
помешаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be obsessed with, to be a nut about [на something]
помешивать {v impf} :: to stir slowly
помещать {v impf} :: to place, to put, to locate, to position, to set, to bestow, to stand
помещать {v impf} :: to invest
помещать {v impf} :: to lodge, to accommodate, to put up, to settle
помещать {v impf} :: to insert, to publish
помещаться {v impf} :: to be (in a location), to be located [no perfective]
помещаться {v impf} :: to fit
помещение {noun} :: lodgment, premise(s), room, apartment, quarters
помещение {noun} :: investment, location, placement
помещик {noun} :: landlord; a noble who owns landed property
помещик {noun} :: (historical) serfholder
помещичий {adj} [relational] :: landowner
помещичий {adj} [relational] :: manor; manorial
помёт {noun} :: dung, droppings, excrement (usually of animals)
помёт {noun} :: litter, brood, farrow
помидор {noun} :: tomato
помидорчик {noun} :: diminutive of помидор
помилование {noun} :: pardon, mercy
помиловать {v pf} :: to show mercy (to), to pardon, to grant pardon (to)
помимо {adv} :: besides
помимо {prep} :: besides, aside from, apart from, in spite of
помимо {prep} :: beside
помин {noun} :: prayer for the dead, remembrance of the dead in prayer
помин {noun} :: in expressions only
поминальный {adj} [relational] :: remembrance, wake; memorial
поминать {v impf} [dated] :: to remember, to recall
поминать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mention
поминать {v impf} [religion] :: to pray for the health living or the repose of the soul of the dead, to commemorate
поминать {v impf} :: to squeeze, to press, to wrinkle for awhile
поминки {noun} :: wake, funeral repast
поминутно {adv} :: continually, constantly
поминутный {adj} :: occurring every minute
поминутный {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: constant, continual
поминутный {adj} :: per minute
помирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to die
помирить {v pf} :: to reconcile (with)
помириться {v pf} :: to make one's peace (with), to be reconciled (with)
помнить {v impf} :: to remember, to recollect, to think of, to keep in mind
помнить {v pf} [dated or high-style] :: to think, to consider, to imagine
помниться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to remember, to recollect
помножать {v impf} [mathematics or figurative] :: to multiply
помножить {v pf} [mathematics or figurative] :: to multiply
помогать {v impf} :: to help (+ dative)
помогать {v impf} :: to aid, to assist (+ dative)
помогать {v impf} :: to avail (+ dative)
помогите {interj} :: help!
по-моему {adv} [hedge] :: in my opinion; methinks
по-моему {adv} :: (done) my way, the way I want it
помои {noun} :: swill, slops (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps)
помои {noun} :: swill, slops, lap (any disgusting or distasteful food, weak and distasteful drink)
помойка {noun} [colloquial] :: garbage dump, rubbish heap
помойка {noun} [colloquial] :: dustbin, ashcan, garbage can
помойка {noun} [colloquial] :: slovenly place or dwelling
помойка {noun} [colloquial] :: junk (disorderly collection of unnecessary objects)
помойный {adj} [relational] :: garbage, slops, swill
помолвить {v pf} [dated] :: to proclaim as bridegroom or bride
помолвка {noun} :: betrothal, engagement
помолвленный {adj} :: engaged, betrothed
помолиться {v pf} :: to pray (to petition a higher being)
помолодеть {v pf} :: to become younger
помолчать {v pf} :: to keep silent, to be silent (for a while)
поморщиться {v pf} :: to wrinkle (to pucker or become uneven or irregular)
поморщиться {v pf} :: to wince, to make a wry face
по-морю {adv} :: by sea
поморянин {noun} [historical] :: Pomeranian (of Slavic tribe)
поморянин {noun} [dated] :: coaster (a person who originates from or inhabits a coastal area)
помост {noun} :: dais, stage, platform, rostrum
помост {noun} :: scaffold
помотать {v pf} :: to shake (something) for awhile
по мотивам {prep} :: based (on) (a story), after
помочь {v pf} :: to help (+ dative)
помочь {v pf} :: to aid, to assist (+ dative)
помочь {v pf} :: to avail (+ dative)
помочь {noun} :: [usually plural] belt, tape, or restraint to hold, support, or suspend something or someone [also figurative]
помочь {noun} :: [usually plural] suspenders (US), braces (Britain)
помочь {noun} [historical] :: [usually plural] leading-string
помочь {noun} [obsolete or regional] :: a gathering of friends and neighbors to help in some project [such as a quilting bee, a barn-raising bee]
помочь {noun} [obsolete or regional] :: synonymous with помощь: help, assistance, aid, support
помощник {noun} :: associate, assistant, deputy
помощник {noun} :: helper, aid
помощник {noun} :: helpmate
помощница {noun} :: female associate, assistant, deputy
помощница {noun} :: female helper, aid
помощница {noun} :: female helpmate
помощь {noun} :: help, assistance, aid
помощь {noun} :: relief
помпа {noun} :: pump
помпа {noun} :: pomp, state, ostentatious splendor
помпезный {adj} :: pompous
помрачать {v impf} [dated] :: to darken, to cover with gloom
помрачать {v impf} [figurative] :: to obscure
помрачать {v impf} [figurative, dated] :: to outshine, to surpass, to overshadow
помрачать {v impf} [figurative] :: to make sad, to sadden
помрачение {noun} :: darkening
помрачение {noun} [figurative] :: exceeding, overshadowing
помрачение {noun} [figurative] :: obscuring
помрачение {noun} [figurative] :: saddening
помрачение {noun} :: darkness, gloom
помрачить {v pf} [dated] :: to darken, to cover with gloom
помрачить {v pf} [figurative] :: to obscure
помрачить {v pf} [figurative, dated] :: to outshine, to surpass, to overshadow
помрачить {v pf} [figurative] :: to make sad, to sadden
помрачнеть {v pf} :: to become gloomy, to darken
по-мужски {adv} :: as a man
по-мужски {adv} :: like a man
помутить {v pf} :: to cloud (the mind), to dull (the senses)
помутить {v pf} :: to incite to rebel
помутить {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be nauseated
помчаться {v pf} :: to scurry, to dash, to race, to tear along
помысел {noun} :: thought, design, intention
помыслить {v pf} :: to think (about), to dream (of)
помыть {vt pf} :: to wash
помыться {vr pf} :: to wash oneself
помышлять {v impf} :: to think (about), to dream (of)
помянуть {v pf} [dated] :: to remember, to recall
помянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mention
помянуть {v pf} [religion] :: to pray for the health living or the repose of the soul of the dead, to commemorate
помятый {adj} :: rumpled, crumpled, jammed, battered
помятый {adj} [colloquial] :: unkempt, sloppy, seedy
помять {v pf} :: to rumple, to crumple, to wrinkle, to fumble, to crease
помять {v pf} :: to dent
помять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press, to squeeze
помяться {vi pf} :: to crease, to wrinkle
пона- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: a quantity of, a lot of
пона- {prefix} [pejorative, colloquial, productive, used with verbs] :: to indicate pointless action
понаблюдать {v pf} :: to observe for a while, to watch for a while
понадеяться {v pf} :: to hope
понадобиться {v pf} :: to need, to be needed, to become necessary
понадобиться {v pf} :: to come in handy
понаехать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come in large numbers
понарошку {adv} [colloquial or childish] :: for fun, not seriously, in pretence
понаслышке {adv} [colloquial] :: from/by hearsay
по-настоящему {adv} :: properly
понастроить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to build in big quantities
поначалу {adv} :: at first, in the beginning, initially
по-нашему {adv} :: as we would wish, as we would have it, the way we do it, our way
по-нашему {adv} [colloquial] :: as we advise
по-нашему {adv} [colloquial] :: (in) our language, the way we say/put it
по-нашему {pred} :: we think
поневоле {adv} :: against one’s will
понедельник {noun} :: Monday
понеже {conj} [archaic, literary] :: inasmuch as, as, since, because
по-немецки {adv} :: in German
понемногу {adv} :: bit by bit, little by little (small amount at a time)
по-нерусски {adv} [humorous] :: in a language other than Russian
понести {v pf} :: to carry (for a while; on foot)
понести {v pf} :: to bear; to suffer (loss)
понести {v pf} [slang] :: to become pregnant
понестись {v pf} :: to rush off (after), to dash off (after), to tear along (after)
пони {m anim} {f anim} :: pony (small horse)
понижать {v impf} :: to lower, to reduce
понижать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to demote
понижаться {v impf} :: to decrease, to go down, to drop [e.g. of temperature, prices, a rate, etc.]
понижение {noun} :: fall, lowering, drop, reduction
понижение {noun} :: demotion
понижение {noun} [geology] :: depression
пониженный {adj} :: low, reduced
пониженный {adj} :: depressed [of a mood]
понизить {v pf} :: to lower, to reduce
понизить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to demote
понизиться {v pf} :: to decrease, to go down, to drop [e.g. of temperature, prices, a rate, etc.]
поникать {v impf} :: to droop, (plants) to wilt
поникнуть {v pf} :: to droop, (plants) to wilt
понимание {noun} :: comprehension, understanding
понимание {noun} :: conception, sense, interpretation
понимать {v impf} :: to understand, to comprehend, to see
понимать {v impf} :: to realize, to appreciate
понимающе {adv} :: knowingly, consciously
понимающе {adv} :: intelligently
понимающий {adj} :: understanding
по-новому {adv} :: in a new way/fashion; anew
по-новому {adv} :: in the modern fashion
понос {noun} :: diarrhea
понос {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: too much of something that is incapable to stop itself
поносить {vt pf} :: to carry something (for a while)
поносить {vt pf} :: to wear clothes, to shoes (for a while)
поносить {vt impf} :: to vilify, to criticize, to insult
поносить {v impf} [impersonal] :: to cause (bad) diarrhea
поношение {noun} :: insult, offense, slander, vilification, obloquy, defamation
поношение {noun} :: reproach, affront
поношение {noun} :: shame, dishonor
поношенный {adj} :: well-worn, frayed
поношенный {adj} [colloquial] :: prematurely aging
поношенный {adj} [colloquial] :: shabby, tacky
понравиться {v pf} :: to like (the person who likes is the object of the verb, in dative)
понравиться {v pf} :: to please
понт {noun} [historical] :: sea (especially in the name of certain seas known to the Greeks)
понт {noun} [poetic] :: sea
понт {noun} [slang] :: victim of a rook
понт {noun} [slang] :: diverting one's attention during a theft
понт {noun} [slang] :: an act of showing off
понтировать {v impf} [card game] :: to punt (to play against the bank, to bet against the bank)
понтифик {noun} [historical] :: pontiff
понтифик {noun} :: (sovereign) pontiff, the Pope
понудить {v pf} [literary] :: to force (someone to do something)
понуждать {v impf} [literary] :: to force (someone to do something)
пончик {noun} :: doughnut
пончик {noun} :: fat person
поныне {adv} [literary or dated] :: up to the present (time), to this day
понюхать {v pf} :: to smell, to sniff
понятие {noun} :: idea, concept, conception, notion
понятие {noun} :: comprehension
понятийный {adj} :: conceptual
понятливый {adj} :: apt, quick-witted (mentally keen)
понятно {adv} :: understandably, comprehensibly
понятно {adv} :: clearly, plainly
понятно {pred} :: one understands, one sees, it's clear
понятный {adj} :: understandable, intelligible, clear (capable of being understood)
понятой {noun} :: witness (at an official search or arrest)
понять {v pf} :: to understand, to comprehend, to see
понять {v pf} :: to realize, to appreciate
пообедать {v pf} :: to eat lunch; to have lunch
пообещать {v pf} :: to promise
пообщаться {v pf} :: to communicate (with), to converse, to mix (with) (for some time)
по общему признанию {adv} :: admittedly (by admission)
поодаль {adv} :: aloof (at or from a distance)
поодаль {adv} :: further off
поодиночке {adv} :: singly, one by one, one at a time
по одному {adv} :: one at a time (individually)
по отношению к {prep} :: vis-à-vis, as regards, with respect to
по очереди {adv} :: in turn, one after another, taking turns, by turns
поочерёдно {adv} :: alternately (succeeding by turns)
поочерёдно {adv} :: alternatively
поочерёдный {adj} :: alternating, done in turn
по ошибке {adv} :: mistakenly, by mistake
поощрение {noun} :: encouragement, incentive, reward
поощрить {v pf} :: to encourage, to abet (to support, uphold, or aid)
поощрять {v impf} :: to encourage, to abet (to support, uphold, or aid)
поп {noun} [colloquial] :: priest
поп {noun} :: pop, popular music
поп {noun} :: pop art
попа {noun} [anatomy, colloquial] :: rear, bottom, butt (buttocks)
попадание {noun} :: hit
попадать {v impf} :: to hit (a target)
попадать {v impf} :: to get (to), to come (upon), to fall (into), to find oneself (in), to hit (upon)
попадать {v pf} :: to fall one after another
попадаться {v impf} :: to get caught
попадаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come across, to chance (up)on, to meet
попалить {v pf} :: to burn or scorch (for a while)
попалить {v pf} :: to burn or scorch (to some extent)
попалить {v pf} :: same as спалить
попасть {v pf} :: to hit (a target)
попасть {v pf} :: to get (to), to come (upon), to fall (into), to find oneself (in), to hit (upon)
попасть как кур во щи {v pf} [simile, colloquial] :: to get into hot water (literally, “to get like a cock into the soup”)
попасться {v pf} :: to get caught
попасться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come across, to chance (up)on, to meet
попахивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of пахнуть: to smell slightly (of)
попенять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to reproach (with), to blame
попеременно {adv} :: alternately, in turn
попеременный {adj} :: alternate
попеременный {adj} :: alternating (such that it alternates)
попереть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to push forward, to barge [through]
попереть {v pf} [low colloquial, also, figurative] :: to pour out, to flow out, to erupt, to gush out, to burst forth
попереть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to push/thrust/chuck/turn/drive out
попереть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to haul
поперечник {noun} :: diameter
поперечный {adj} :: cross-
поперечный {adj} :: transverse, crosswise
поперечный {adj} :: lateral
поперёк {prep} :: across, athwart
поперёк {adv} :: across, crosswise
поперёк горла {phrase} :: bothersome, fed up [with dative - the bothered person]
поперхнуться {v pf} :: to choke (over)
попеть {v pf} :: to sing for a while
попечение {noun} :: care
попечитель {noun} [law] :: trustee, guardian
попечитель {noun} [historical] :: warden, administrator
попечительство {noun} [law] :: trusteeship, guardianship
попечительство {noun} [historical] :: board of guardians
попёнок {noun} :: priest's son, young son of a priest
попивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drink slowly, to sip
попивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take to drink, to drink occasionally, to take to the bottle
попирать {v impf} [lofty style] :: to trample
попирать {v impf} :: to defy, to flout, to scorn
попирать {v impf} :: to violate
пописать {v pf} :: to write (for some time, for a while), to do some writing
пописать {v pf} :: to paint, to spend some time painting
пописать {v pf} :: to pee, to pee-pee, to tinkle, to wee
пописывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to write [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of писать
попить {v pf} :: to drink (for a while or a little amount)
попка {noun} [anatomy, colloquial, diminutive] :: rear end, bottom, buttocks
попка {m anim} :: parrot
попка {m anim} [criminal, slang] :: supervisor
попка {noun} [technical] :: monkey wrench, pipe wrench, adjustable spanner
попкорн {noun} :: popcorn (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating)
поплавать {v pf} :: to swim for a while, to float for a while
поплавать {v pf} :: to sail for a while
поплавок {noun} :: float (for angling)
поплакать {v pf} :: to cry/weep (for a while, a little), to shed a few tears
поплатиться {v pf} :: to pay (with for)
поплевать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spit several times
поплевать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spit for awhile
поплестись {v pf} [colloquial] :: to push off, to drag oneself along
поплыть {v pf} :: to start swimming, to start floating
поплыть {v pf} :: to start sailing
попович {noun} [colloquial] :: son of a priest; clergyman
попозже {adv} :: a bit later
попойка {noun} :: carousal, drinking party
пополам {adv} :: in two (equal parts)
пополам {adv} [colloquial] :: it’s all the same; it doesn’t matter
поползать {v pf} :: to crawl for some time
поползновение {noun} [literary] :: inclination, impulse
поползновение {noun} :: feeble effort
поползти {v pf} :: to (start) creeping, crawling
поползти {v pf} :: to start moving slowly
поползти {v pf} :: to start spreading (of rumours)
поползти {v pf} :: to start fraying, ravelling out (of fabric)
поползти {v pf} :: to start slipping, collapsing (of soil)
пополнение {noun} :: replenishment
пополнение {noun} [military] :: reinforcement, fresh forces, additional staff
пополнить {v pf} :: to replenish, to fill up, to supplement, to enrich, to widen, to enlarge
пополнить {v pf} [military] :: to reman, to reinforce, to replace, to beef up
пополниться {v pf} :: to increase, to be replenished, (knowledge) to widen
пополнять {v impf} :: to replenish, to fill up, to supplement, to enrich, to widen, to enlarge
пополнять {v impf} [military] :: to reman, to reinforce, to replace, to beef up
пополняться {v impf} :: to increase, to be replenished, (knowledge) to widen
пополудни {adv} :: in the afternoon; p.m.
пополуночи {adv} :: after midnight
попользоваться {v pf} :: to use, to utilize for some time
попортить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spoil
по-португальски {adv} :: in Portuguese
поправимый {adj} :: reparable, remediable
поправить {v pf} :: to correct, to improve, to repair
поправить {v pf} :: to adjust, to put/set right
поправиться {v pf} :: to get well, to recover, to be well again
поправиться {v pf} :: to gain weight, to put on weight
поправиться {v pf} :: to correct oneself
поправиться {vi pf} :: (business etc.) to improve
поправка {noun} :: repairing, mending
поправка {noun} :: correction, amendment
поправка {noun} :: recovery (a return to normal health)
поправлять {v impf} :: to correct, to improve, to repair
поправлять {v impf} :: to adjust, to put/set right
поправляться {v impf} :: to get well, to recover, to be well again
поправляться {v impf} :: to gain weight, to put on weight
поправляться {v impf} :: to correct oneself
поправляться {vi impf} :: (business etc.) to improve
попрать {v pf} :: to violate, to humiliate
попрать {v pf} [dated] :: to trample
попредседательствовать {v pf} :: to be chairman/president (of) (for a while)
попредседательствовать {v pf} :: to chair, to preside (over), to be in the chair, to take the chair (for a while)
по-прежнему {adv} :: as before, (still) as usual, still
попрекать {v impf} :: (disapprovingly) to reproach for not having gratitude for sth. done by the reproacher to the reproached
попрёк {noun} [colloquial] :: reproach, reproof, rebuke (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
поприветствовать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to welcome, to greet, to salute [also figuratively, of a decision or proposal]
по причине {adv} :: [indicating "by reason" of something]
поприще {noun} :: field, arena (figurative sense)
по-приятельски {adv} :: in a friendly way
попробовать {v pf} :: to test, to attempt, to try
попробовать {v pf} :: to taste (to sample the flavor of something)
попросить {v pf} :: to ask, to request
попроситься {v pf} :: to ask
попросту {adv} :: simply, merely
попросту {adv} :: plainly, unceremoniously, simply, without ceremony
попрошайка {m anim} {f anim} :: beggar, cadger, bum (person who begs)
попрощаться {v pf} :: to say goodbye, to bid farewell
попрыгать {v pf} :: to jump, to spring, to leap
попса {noun} :: low-grade pop music
попса {noun} :: profit-oriented music
попса {noun} :: Any contemporary work of art (literature, film etc.), that is created solely to make short-term profits
попугай {noun} :: parrot (bird)
попугай {noun} :: parrot (person)
попугай {noun} :: a showy and gaudily dressed person; popinjay
попугай {noun} [inanimate] :: a jocular unit of length, presumably equal to the length of a parrot [originates from the Soviet animated cartoon "Тридцать восемь попугаев" (1976), where animals measured the length of a boa constrictor comparing him to a parrot]
попугайчик {noun} :: diminutive of попугай
попугать {v pf} :: to scare a little
популизм {noun} :: populism
популист {noun} :: populist
популяризация {noun} :: popularization
популярность {noun} :: popularity
популярный {adj} :: popular
популяция {noun} :: population (usually of animals)
попурри {n inan} [music] :: potpourri
попуститель {noun} :: conniver, condoner
попустительство {noun} [law] :: connivance; permissiveness
попусту {adv} [colloquial] :: in vain, uselessly
попутешествовать {v pf} :: to travel for a while
попутно {adv} :: in passing, on one's way, incidentally, at the same time
попутный {adj} :: passing, following
попутчик {noun} :: fellow traveller
попытаться {v pf} :: to attempt, to try
попытка {noun} :: attempt, try, effort
попыхивать {v impf} :: to blow smoke [occasionally]
попыхивать {v impf} :: to puff on (a pipe, cigar, etc.) [+ instrumental]
по пятам {adv} :: on someone's heels; right behind
попятить {v pf} [nonstandard] :: to push back, to cause to move back or back up
попятить {v pf} [figuratively, nonstandard] :: to expel, to oust
попятить {v pf} [slang] :: to steal
попятиться {v pf} :: to move back [usually slowly]
пора {noun} :: time
пора {noun} :: season
пора {noun} :: weather
пора {noun} :: period
пора {noun} :: pore
поработать {v pf} :: to work for some time, to do some work, to put in some work
поработитель {noun} :: enslaver
поработитель {noun} :: conqueror, oppressor
поработить {v pf} :: to enslave
порабощать {v impf} :: to enslave
порабощение {noun} :: enslavement, enthrallment, servitude, bondage (the act of enslaving or the state of being a slave)
поравняться {v pf} :: to overtake, to come alongside
поравняться {v pf} :: to become evenly
порадеть {v pf} :: [dated] to oblige, to take care
порадовать {v pf} :: to gladden, to please, to rejoice, to make happy
порадоваться {v pf} :: to rejoice (be happy) for awhile
поражать {v impf} :: to hit, to affect, to strike, to defeat (to infect or harm)
поражать {v impf} :: to amaze, to strike, to stagger, to startle
поражаться {v impf} :: to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck (by)
поражающий {adj} :: striking, impressive
пораженец {noun} :: defeatist
поражение {noun} :: defeat
поражение {noun} [legal] :: deprivation
поражение {noun} [military] :: striking, hitting
поражение {noun} [medicine] :: affection, disease
поражённый {adj} [medicine] :: afflicted, stricken
поразительно {adv} :: strikingly
поразительный {adj} :: amazing, striking, startling, astonishing
поразить {v pf} :: to hit, to affect, to strike, to defeat (to infect or harm)
поразить {v pf} :: to amaze, to strike, to stagger, to startle
поразиться {v pf} :: to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck (by)
поразмыслить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to think over, to give some thought (to)
поразмышлять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to ponder for awhile, to meditate for awhile [о + prepositional or над + instrumental, about/over someone/something]
по-разному {adv} :: differently
поранить {v pf} [also impersonal] :: to wound, to injure, to hurt [usually not severely]
порастать {v impf} :: to become overgrown
порасти {v pf} :: to become overgrown
порвать {v pf} :: to tear (rend)
порвать {v pf} :: to tear apart
порвать {v pf} :: to tear out
порвать {v pf} :: to break off (a relationship)
порвать {v pf} :: to break with [с someone]
порваться {v pf} :: to break off, to be torn
поредеть {v pf} :: to thin, to thin out, to get thin
поредеть {v pf} :: to be depleted, to thin out
порез {noun} :: cut
порезать {v pf} :: to cut
порей {noun} :: leek (vegetable)
порекомендовать {v pf} :: to recommend, to advise
порешить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to decide, to settle (on)
порешить {v pf} [vernacular] :: to finish off, to do away (with)
пористый {adj} :: porous
порицание {noun} :: censure, animadversion (criticism, a critical remark)
порицание {noun} :: blame, reprobation
порицание {noun} :: reproof, reproval, reprehension
порицание {noun} :: reflection, reflexion
порицание {noun} :: dispraise
порицать {v impf} :: to blame, to reproach, to censure
порка {noun} :: unstitching
порка {noun} [colloquial] :: whipping, flogging
порно {n inan} :: porn
порнограф {noun} :: pornographer
порнографический {adj} :: pornographic
порнография {noun} :: pornography
порнуха {noun} [slang] :: pornography, porno
порнушка {noun} [slang] :: porn
поровну {adv} :: equally (in equal parts)
порог {noun} :: threshold, doorstep
порог {noun} :: rapid [turbulent flow section in a river]
пороговый {adj} [relational] :: threshold, doorstep
пороговый {adj} :: rapid
порода {noun} [biology] :: breed, kind, race, species, sort (all animals or plants of the same species or subspecies)
порода {noun} [geology] :: rock, layer
породистый {adj} :: thoroughbred, pedigree, pure-bred
породистый {adj} :: (person) of (high) breeding
породить {v pf} :: to give birth
породить {v pf} :: to beget, to cause, to entail, to generate
породить {v pf} :: to engender, to give rise
породнить {v pf} :: to make related
порождать {v impf} :: to give birth
порождать {v impf} :: to beget, to cause, to entail, to generate
порождать {v impf} :: to engender, to give rise
порождение {noun} :: result, outcome, consequence
порождение {noun} :: product, child
порожистый {adj} :: (river) full of rapids
порожний {adj} :: empty (devoid of content)
порознь {adv} :: apart, separately
порозоветь {v pf} :: to turn pink
порой {adv} :: at times, now and then
порок {noun} :: vice (bad or undesirable habit)
порок {noun} :: flaw, defect, blemish
поролон {noun} :: foam rubber (Expanded polyurethane, the padding often used in cars and furniture.)
пором {noun} :: dated spelling of паром
поросёнок {noun} :: piglet, young pig
поросль {noun} :: shoots, young growth, verdure
поросль {noun} :: shrub
поросль {noun} [colloquial] :: youth, young people
порося {n anim} [regional, Ukraine or jocular] :: young pig, piglet
пороть {v impf} :: to rip (a garment) at the seams, to unstitch
пороть {v impf} :: to flog, to flagellate
пороть {v impf} [colloquial] :: (in expressions)
порох {noun} :: gunpowder
пороховой {adj} [relational] :: gunpowder
порочить {v impf} :: to defame, to discredit, to smear
порочность {noun} :: depravity, viciousness
порочность {noun} :: fallaciousness
порочный {adj} :: immoral, vicious, depraved, wanton
порочный {adj} :: faulty, defective, flawed, fallacious
порочный круг {noun} :: vicious circle
пороша {noun} :: freshly-fallen snow
порошить {v impf} [impersonal] :: to snow lightly
порошить {v impf} :: to fall lightly [of snow]
порошковый {adj} [relational] :: powder; powdered
порошковый {adj} :: powderlike
порошкообразный {adj} :: powder-like, powdery
порошок {noun} :: powder
порт {noun} :: port, harbor
портал {noun} :: portal
портал {noun} :: gantry
портативный {adj} :: portable
портвейн {noun} :: port wine
портер {noun} :: porter, stout (a strong, dark ale, originally favored by porters)
портик {noun} :: portico
портить {v impf} :: to spoil, to ruin, to mar, to damage
портить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to corrupt, to spoil, to deflower (virgins)
портиться {v impf} :: to be off, to deteriorate, to go bad
портиться {v impf} :: to spoil
портки {noun} [colloquial] :: pants, trousers
Портленд {prop} :: Портленд (city)
Портленд {prop} :: Портленд (city)
Портленд {prop} :: Портленд (island)
Портленд {prop} :: Портленд (several <<cities>>, <<towns>>, <<unincorporated communities>> and <<census-designated places>> in the <<c/United States>> and elsewhere)
Порт-Луи {prop} {m inan} :: Порт-Луи (capital city)
портмоне {n inan} :: wallet, purse, porte-monnaie
Порт-Морсби {prop} {m inan} :: Порт-Морсби (capital city)
портниха {noun} :: dressmaker (female), tailor (female)
портниха {noun} :: tailorbird
портновский {adj} :: sartorial, tailor's
портной {noun} :: tailor, clothier (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as a profession)
портняжный {adj} :: sartorial, tailor's
портовый {adj} [relational] :: port
Порто-Ново {prop} {m inan} :: Порто-Ново (the official <<capital>> of <<c/Benin>>)
Порт-о-Пренс {prop} :: Порт-о-Пренс (capital city)
Порт-оф-Спейн {prop} :: Порт-оф-Спейн (capital city)
портрет {noun} :: portrait, picture
портрет {noun} :: portrayal (of), picture (of), description (of)
портсигар {noun} :: cigarette case
португалец {noun} :: male Portuguese person
Португалия {prop} :: Португалия (country)
португалка {noun} :: Portuguese girl or woman
португальский {adj} :: Portuguese
портупея {noun} :: swordbelt, knife belt
портфель {noun} :: briefcase
портфель {noun} :: portfolio
портфолио {n inan} :: portfolio
портье {m anim} {f anim} :: porter, doorman, receptionist
портьера {noun} :: curtain, door curtain
портянка {noun} [inanimate] :: footwrap, portyanki (a strip of cloth worn around the feet)
портянка {noun} [animate, pejorative, Russia or Russians] :: a person trusting the government, believing any propaganda, following leaders
порубить {v pf} :: to axe, to fell, to chop, to cut (with an axe)
поругание {noun} :: mocking, taunt, jeer, insult, humiliation
поругание {noun} :: desecration
поругать {v pf} :: to scold
поругаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to quarrel (with), to break (off) (with)
порука {noun} :: bail, surety, guarantee, responsibility
поруководить {v pf} :: to lead, to guide, to direct, to manage, to run (conduct or direct with authority)
по-русски {adv} :: in Russian
поручать {v impf} :: to charge, to commission, to entrust, to instruct
поручаться {v impf} [law] :: to vouch [за + accusative, for someone/something]
поручение {noun} :: assignment, commission, errand
поручение {noun} [economics, financial] :: order
поручень {noun} :: handrail
поручик {noun} [historical] :: lieutenant, first lieutenant
поручик Ржевский {prop} :: lieutenant Rzhevsky (a fictional young cavalry officer, coarse and vulgar, who figures in numerous popular Russian jokes that poke fun at social sophistication and decorum)
поручитель {noun} :: guarantor
поручительство {noun} :: bail, surety
поручительство {noun} :: guarantee, pledge
поручительство {noun} :: reference (statement that vouches for someone)
поручить {v pf} :: to charge, to commission, to entrust, to instruct
поручиться {v pf} :: to warrant, to guarantee, to certify, to answer for, to vouch for [за + accusative, someone/something]
поручиться {v pf} :: to assure, to promise
поручиться {v pf} :: to bet, to be sure
порушить {v pf} :: to destroy
порушить {v pf} [figurative] :: to tear down
порушить {v pf} [figurative] :: to disrupt, to frustrate, to ruin
порфира {noun} :: royal mantle [garment]
порфира {noun} [phycology] :: red alga
Порфирий {prop} :: given name
порхать {v impf} :: to flit, to flutter, to fly about
порхать {v impf} [ironical, deprecative] :: to hop, to move (from place to place)
порхнуть {v pf} :: to flit, to flap one's wings (once), to fly quickly, to dart
порция {noun} :: portion
порча {noun} :: spoiling
порча {noun} :: damage
порча {noun} :: corruption
порча {noun} :: evil curse, hex
поршень {noun} :: piston; sucker, plunger
порыбачить {v pf} :: to fish, to angle (for a while)
порыв {noun} :: gust (a strong, abrupt rush of wind)
порыв {noun} :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion)
порывать {v impf} :: to break (off) (with), to desert
порываться {v impf} :: to try, to endeavour
порывисто {adv} :: impulsively, impetuously
порывистый {adj} :: impulsive, impetuous
порывистый {adj} :: jerky [movement]
порывистый {adj} :: gusty [wind]
порыться {v pf} :: to dig (in)
порыться {v pf} :: to burrow (in), to rake (over, through)
порыться {v pf} :: to rummage (in), to ransack
порядковое числительное {noun} [grammar] :: ordinal number
порядковый {adj} [grammar] :: ordinal
порядковый {adj} :: serial
порядковый номер {noun} :: index number, serial number
порядковый номер {noun} :: atomic number (number of protons)
порядком {adv} [colloquial] :: rather, pretty, a great deal; properly
порядок {noun} :: (proper) order
порядок {noun} :: order, sequence
порядок {noun} :: order, procedure, manner, way, form
порядок {noun} :: order, regime, system
порядок {noun} :: (plural) customs, usages, observances
порядок {noun} [military] :: order, array
порядок {noun} [mathematics] :: order
порядочно {adv} :: honestly
порядочно {adv} [colloquial] :: fairly well
порядочно {adv} [colloquial] :: quite a bit
порядочность {noun} :: decency, honesty, integrity
порядочный {adj} :: decent, honest, respectable
порядочный {adj} [figurative] :: decent, sizable, considerable
порядочный {adj} [colloquial] :: utter, out-and-out
посад {noun} [historical] :: trading quarter (situated outside city wall)
посад {noun} [obsolete] :: suburb
посадить {v pf} :: to seat, to set
посадить {v pf} :: to plant
посадить {v pf} :: to put to jail
посадка {noun} :: planting
посадка {noun} :: embarkation
посадка {noun} [trains, airplanes] :: boarding
посадка {noun} [aviation] :: landing
посадочный {adj} [relational] :: planting
посадочный {adj} [relational] :: boarding
посадочный {adj} [relational] :: landing, alighting
посадочный талон {noun} :: boarding pass (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.)
посаженный {adj} :: planted, seated
посапывать {v impf} :: to snort, to sniff
посверкивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sparkle slightly, to glint [periodically]
посветлеть {v pf} :: to lighten, to become lighter
посвистать {v impf} :: alternative form of посвистеть
посвистеть {v pf} :: to whistle
посвистывать {v impf} :: to whistle
по-своему {adv} :: according to one’s own way
по-своему {adv} :: according to one’s way of thinking
по-своему {adv} :: according to one’s way of doing
посвятить {v pf} :: to devote, to dedicate (various senses)
посвятить {v pf} :: to initiate (into), to let (into)
посвятить {v pf} :: to ordain (into), to consecrate (into)
посвятиться {v pf} :: to be initiated or ordained into (a rank, position, title, etc.)
посвящать {v impf} :: to devote, to dedicate (various senses)
посвящать {v impf} :: to initiate (into), to let (into)
посвящать {v impf} :: to ordain (into), to consecrate (into)
посвящаться {v impf} :: to be initiated or ordained into (a rank, position, title, etc.)
посвящение {noun} :: dedication, devotion
посвящение {noun} :: (a secret) initiation (into)
посвящение {noun} :: consecration (into), initiation (into)
посвящённый {noun} :: initiate
посев {noun} :: sowing
посев {noun} :: crops
посев {noun} [biology] :: plating, seeding, inoculation
посевная {noun} :: (period of) sowing
посевной {adj} [relational] :: sowing
поседеть {v pf} :: to become gray, to turn gray
Посейдон {noun} [Greek god] :: Poseidon
поселенец {noun} :: settler
поселение {noun} :: settlement
поселение {noun} :: colony
поселение {noun} :: location
поселение {noun} :: accommodation
поселить {v pf} :: to settle, to lodge
поселить {v pf} :: to inspire, to engender
поселиться {v pf} :: to settle, to take up one's residence
поселковый {adj} [relational] :: village, settlement
поселянин {noun} [poetic] :: rustic (person from a rural area)
поселять {v impf} :: to settle, to lodge
поселять {v impf} :: to inspire, to engender
поселяться {v impf} :: to settle, to take up one's residence/quarters, to make one's home
посему {adv} :: therefore, thence (office terminology, dated)
посеребрить {v pf} :: to coat with silver, to silver-plate
посеребриться {v pf} :: to become silvery
посередине {adv} :: in the middle, halfway along
посередине {prep} :: in the middle
посереть {v pf} :: to become gray
посереть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to become gloomy
посереть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to fade [e.g. of talent], to become commonplace
посерьёзнеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get serious, to become serious
посетитель {noun} :: visitor, caller
посетительница {noun} :: (female) visitor
посетить {v pf} :: to visit, to call on
посетить {v pf} :: to attend (lectures)
посетовать {v pf} :: to lament, to complain (of)
посещаемость {noun} :: attendance (frequency of one's presence)
посещать {v impf} :: to visit, to call on
посещать {v impf} :: to attend (lectures)
посещение {noun} :: visit, call
посещение {noun} :: attendance
посеять {v pf} :: to sow, to drill
посеять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lose, to squander
посеять {v pf} [figuratively] :: to spread (an idea, fear etc.)
посёлок {noun} :: small settlement, village
посёлок {noun} :: town
посёлок городского типа {noun} :: urban-type settlement
посёлок городского типа {noun} :: workers’ town; factory housing estate
посиделки {noun} [colloquial] :: (village) gathering, sit-round gathering
посидеть {v pf} :: to sit (for a while)
посильный {adj} :: Within one's strength, abilities, powers (of job, task)
посинение {noun} :: turning blue
посинеть {v pf} :: to turn/become blue
посинеть {v pf} :: (skin) to turn blue/livid
поскакать {v pf} :: to gallop away
поскакать {v pf} :: to hop away (somewhere)
поскальзываться {v impf} :: to slip and fall, to especially on ice
поскользнуться {v pf} :: to slip and fall, to especially on ice
поскольку {conj} :: inasmuch as, as
поскольку {conj} :: since
поскорее {adv} :: alternative form of скорее
поскорее {adv} :: quick!; hurry!; hurry up!
поскрести {v pf} :: to scratch for awhile, to scrape for awhile
поскрипывать {v impf} :: to squeak, to creak (faintly)
поскупиться {v pf} :: to be sparing with, to be stingy with, to skimp, to scrimp [на + accusative plural]
послабление {noun} :: indulgence, leniency
посланец {noun} :: messenger, envoy, ambassador
послание {noun} :: message
послание {noun} [literature, religion] :: epistle
посланник {noun} :: messenger, envoy, minister
послать {v pf} :: to send, to dispatch
послать {v pf} :: to swear (at someone), to tell someone to get lost
после- {prefix} :: post-, after-
после {prep} :: after (in time)
после {adv} :: later, afterwards
послевоенный {adj} :: post-war
последний {adj} :: last, latest, recent
последний {adj} :: final, ultimate, definitive
последний {adj} :: latter
последний {adj} [colloquial] :: worst
последователь {noun} :: follower
последовательно {adv} :: consistently (in a consistent manner)
последовательно {adv} :: in series (about connection)
последовательно {adv} :: in sequence (in programming)
последовательность {noun} :: consistency, logicality
последовательность {noun} :: succession, sequence, series
последовательность Фибоначчи {noun} :: Fibonacci sequence (sequence of numbers)
последовательный {adj} :: consistent, logical
последовательный {adj} :: successive
последовательный {adj} :: step-by-step
последовательный {adj} :: sequential
последовать {v pf} :: to follow, to go after
последовать {v pf} :: to follow, to be next
последовать {v pf} :: to follow, to take after
последовать {v pf} :: to follow, to do accordingly
последовать {v pf} :: to follow, to be a consequence
последовать {v pf} :: to be obliged to
после дождичка в четверг {adv} :: when pigs fly ("never", expressed by an idiom describing an event that cannot possibly ever occur)
последствие {noun} :: consequence
последующее {noun} :: the following
последующий {adj} :: following
послезавтра {adv} :: day after tomorrow
послелог {noun} :: postposition
после нас хоть потоп {idiom} :: after us the deluge
послеобеденное время {noun} :: afternoon (part of the day between noon and evening)
послеобеденный {adj} :: postprandial, after-lunch, after-dinner
послереволюционный {adj} :: postrevolutionary
после Рождества Христова {adv} :: Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
после Р. Хр. {adv} :: AD (anno Domini); CE (Common Era)
послесловие {noun} :: afterword (an epilogue)
после того как {conj} :: after
после этого {adv} :: afterwards, thereafter
пословица {noun} :: proverb, saying
пословный {adj} [informatics] :: word-by-word, word-serial
послужить {v pf} :: to serve (for some time)
послужить {v pf} :: to serve, to act, to work (as), to be
послушание {noun} :: obedience
послушание {noun} :: (in a monastery) work of penance
послушать {v pf} :: to listen, to listen to (+ accusative)
послушать {v pf} :: to attend
послушать {v pf} [medicine] :: to auscultate
послушаться {v pf} :: to obey, to take (someone's) advice, to listen to [+ dative]
послушник {noun} [religious] :: novice
послушно {adv} :: obediently
послушный {adj} :: obedient, dutiful, amenable, agreeable (willing to comply with)
послышаться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be heard
послышаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be felt, to be smelled
послышаться {v pf} [impersonal, perfective only] :: to be misheard
посматривать {v impf} :: to look (at)
посмеиваться {v impf} :: to chuckle
посмеиваться {v impf} :: to laugh, to poke fun (над at)
посмертно {adv} :: posthumously (after death)
посмертный {adj} :: posthumous
посметь {v pf} :: to dare, to make bold
посмешище {noun} :: laughing stock
посмеяться {v pf} :: to laugh, to chuckle
посмеяться {v pf} :: to laugh (at), to mock (at), to make fun, to scoff
посмеяться {v pf} :: to joke, to say in jest
посмотреть {v pf} :: to look
по-собачьи {adv} :: in a dog-like manner, like a dog
пособие {noun} :: allowance, benefit, pension, dole; gratuity
пособие {noun} :: handbook, manual, tutorial, textbook
пособник {noun} :: accomplice, abettor
посоветовать {v pf} :: to advise, to council
посоветоваться {v pf} :: to consult
посоветоваться {v pf} :: to confer, to deliberate, to exchange views
посовещаться {v pf} :: to confer for awhile [e.g. of a jury]
посодействовать {v pf} :: to abet (to support, uphold, or aid) (+ dative)
посодействовать {v pf} :: to assist, to promote, to facilitate (+ dative)
посол {noun} :: ambassador; legate
посол {noun} :: salting
посолить {v pf} :: to salt
посолить {v pf} :: to pickle, to corn
посольский {adj} [relational] :: embassy
посольский {adj} :: ambassadorial
посольство {noun} :: embassy
посох {noun} :: staff, stick
посох {noun} :: crozier
посочувствовать {v pf} :: to sympathize (with)
поспать {v pf} :: to sleep, to have some sleep
поспевать {v impf} :: to ripen
поспевать {v impf} :: to make it, to be on time, etc
поспеть {v pf} :: to ripen
поспеть {v pf} :: to make it, to be on time, etc
поспешать {v impf} [dated or low colloquial] :: to hurry, to hasten
поспешить {v pf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to make haste, to be in a hurry
поспешишь — людей насмешишь {proverb} :: haste makes waste
поспешно {adv} :: hastily (in a hasty manner)
поспешность {noun} :: hurry, haste
поспешность {noun} :: rashness
поспешный {adj} :: prompt, hasty, hurried, rash, thoughtless
поспорить {v pf} :: to dispute, to argue (for some time)
поспорить {v pf} :: to discuss, to debate (for some time)
поспорить {v pf} :: to bet, to wager
поспособствовать {v pf} :: to promote, to further, to favour, to be conducive (+ dative)
поспособствовать {v pf} :: to assist (+ dative)
по сравнению с {prep} :: as compared with, as opposed to, in contrast with, against
по сравнению с {prep} :: versus, over against, beside
посрамить {v pf} :: to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor
посрамить {v pf} :: to expose, to debunk
посрамлять {v impf} :: to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor
посрамлять {v impf} :: to expose, to debunk
посреди {prep} :: in the middle of, in the midst of
посредине {adv} :: alternative form of посередине
посредине {prep} :: alternative form of посередине
посредник {noun} :: mediator, intermediary, negotiator
посредник {noun} :: agent, broker, middleman
посредник {noun} :: umpire
посреднический {adj} [relational] :: intermediary, mediator, mediation
посредничество {noun} :: mediation, intermediation, medium, agency
посредственность {noun} :: mediocrity
посредственный {adj} :: mediocre
посредство {noun} :: in expressions only
посредством {prep} :: by means of, with the help of, per, via
поссорить {v pf} :: to embroil (with), to cause to quarrel (with)
поссориться {v pf} :: to quarrel, to fall out (with)
поссум {noun} :: possum
пост- {prefix} :: post- (later)
пост {noun} :: fast (period of restricted eating)
пост {noun} :: post, office, appointment, position, job
пост {noun} :: picket, outpost, guard post, station
пост {noun} [slang] :: post, message (online forums)
постав {noun} :: a pair of millstones or rollers used for grinding grain, one of which is stationary and the other rotates
постав {noun} :: manner of keeping the body in a given position, setting
постав {noun} :: a mill (or loom?) for weaving handicrafts
постав {noun} :: cloth generated on a loom
постав {noun} :: a piece or roll of canvas
постав {noun} :: method of fishing
постав {noun} :: delivery
постав {noun} :: stand (for holding objects up)
постав {noun} :: storage container for spirits
поставить {v pf} :: to put, to place, to set, to stand, to station
поставить {v pf} :: to apply, to put on (a compress)
поставить {v pf} :: to put on stage, to stage, to produce, to present (a play)
поставить {v pf} [gambling] :: to wager, to place a bet, to stake
поставить {v pf} :: to raise, to put (a question)
поставить {v pf} :: to deliver, to supply, to furnish, to market, to purvey
поставка {noun} :: delivery, supply, shipping
поставлять {v impf} :: to supply
поставщик {noun} :: supplier, provider, purveyor; caterer
постамент {noun} :: pedestal, base
постанавливать {v impf} :: alternative form of постановлять
постановить {v pf} :: to decree, to enact, to decide, to resolve
постановка {noun} [theater] :: staging, production
постановка {noun} :: performance, play
постановка {noun} :: raising, erection
постановка {noun} :: organization, arrangement, setting
постановление {noun} :: resolution, decision
постановление {noun} :: decree, enactment
постановлять {v impf} :: to decree, to enact, to decide, to resolve
постановочный {adj} [relational, theater] :: production, staging
постановщик {noun} :: stage manager, director, producer
постанывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of стонать: to groan a little, to groan sometimes
постараться {v pf} :: to try, to attempt
постараться {v pf} :: to endeavour/endeavor, to make an effort
постареть {v pf} :: to grow old, to age, to advance in age
по-старому {adv} :: in an old-fashioned way
постелить {v pf} :: to spread, to lay, to make (bed)
постель {noun} :: bed (a piece of furniture to sleep on)
постель {noun} :: (no plural) bedding (bedclothes)
постельный {adj} [relational] :: bed
постельный {adj} [relational] :: bedroom
постеля {noun} [dated] :: same as постель
постепенно {adv} :: gradually, step by step, by and by, progressively
постепенный {adj} :: gradual, progressive
постер {noun} :: poster
постесняться {v pf} :: to be afraid, to be ashamed to [+ infinitive]
постесняться {v pf} :: to be afraid of [+ genitive]
постигать {v impf} :: to comprehend
постигать {v impf} :: to befall, to happen (to) [esp. of misfortune]
постигнуть {v pf} :: to comprehend
постигнуть {v pf} :: to befall, to happen (to) [esp. of misfortune]
постижение {noun} :: understanding, comprehension, comprehending, grasp
постиндустриальный {adj} :: postindustrial
постирать {v pf} :: to clean, to wash cloth or clothes
поститься {v impf} :: to fast (abstain from food or drink)
постичь {v pf} :: to comprehend
постичь {v pf} :: to befall, to happen (to) [esp. of misfortune]
постлать {v pf} :: to spread, to lay, to make (bed)
постмодернизм {noun} :: postmodernism (a style of art, literature, etc)
постмодернист {noun} :: postmodernist
постмодернистский {adj} :: postmodern
постность {noun} :: leanness (of meat)
постность {noun} :: glumness (jocular, colloquial)
постность {noun} :: piety, sanctimoniousness (figurative, colloquial)
постный {adj} :: Lenten
постный {adj} [colloquial] :: lean
постный {adj} [colloquial] :: pious, hypocritical, glum
постовой {adj} :: on duty
постовой {adj} [relational] :: sentry, guard
постовой {adj} [relational] :: duty
постовой {noun} :: sentry, guard, man on duty
посторониться {v pf} :: to step aside, to make way
посторонний {adj} :: strange, outside, foreign
посторонний {adj} :: unauthorized
посторонний {adj} :: accessory, secondary
посторонний {noun} :: stranger, outsider, foreigner
посторонний {noun} :: unauthorized person
посторонним вход воспрещён {phrase} :: no admittance; authorized personnel only
постоялец {noun} :: lodger
постоялый {adj} [relational] :: coaching (referring to staying in a hotel or the like, especially in pre-Revolutionary Russia)
постоянная {noun} [mathematics] :: constant
постоянная Планка {noun} :: Planck's constant
постоянно {adv} :: constantly, always
постоянный {adj} :: constant, permanent
постоянный {adj} :: continual, continuous
постоянный {adj} :: direct (current)
постоянный ток {noun} [physics, technical] :: constant current (direct current without any variation in magnitude)
постоянство {noun} :: constancy, permanency
постоять {v pf} :: to stand (for a while)
постоять {v pf} :: to stand up (for)
постпанк {noun} [music] :: post-punk
постправда {noun} :: post-truth
пострадавший {adj} :: injured, damaged, suffering, stricken
пострадавший {noun} :: victim
пострадать {v pf} :: to suffer
пострадать {v pf} [perfective only] :: to come to harm
пострелёнок {noun} :: scamp, imp
пострелять {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to shoot [many things]
пострелять {vi pf} :: to shoot [for awhile]
постриг {noun} [religion] :: monastic tonsure (rite of the adoption of monasticism, accompanied by shaving the top of the head)
постригать {v impf} :: to trim, to clip, to crop [usually of hair]
постригать {v impf} :: to tonsure
постричь {v pf} :: to trim, to clip, to crop [usually of hair]
постричь {v pf} :: to tonsure
построение {noun} :: construction, building (process of constructing)
построение {noun} :: plotting
построение {noun} :: structure
построение {noun} :: scheme, construct, reasoning
построить {v pf} :: to build
построить {v pf} :: to upbuild
построиться {v pf} :: to build a house for oneself
построиться {v pf} [military] :: to draw up, to form, to assume formation
постройка {noun} :: construction, structure (anything constructed)
постройка {noun} :: building, construction (process)
постсоветский {adj} :: post-Soviet
посттравматический {adj} :: posttraumatic
посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство {noun} [pathology] :: post-traumatic stress disorder
постукивание {noun} :: tapping, rapping
постукивать {v impf} :: to tap on, to rap on
постулат {noun} :: postulate
постулирование {noun} :: postulation
поступательный {adj} :: forward [motion]
поступательный {adj} [figurative] :: ongoing
поступать {v impf} :: to act, to behave
поступать {v impf} :: to treat (with), to deal (with), to handle
поступать {v impf} :: to enter, to join, to matriculate
поступать {v impf} :: to arrive, to come in, to be received, to be forthcoming
поступаться {v impf} :: to abdicate, to forgo, to waive
поступить {v pf} :: to act, to behave
поступить {v pf} :: to treat (with), to deal (with), to handle
поступить {v pf} :: to enter, to join, to matriculate
поступить {v pf} :: to arrive, to come in, to be received, to be forthcoming
поступиться {v pf} :: to abdicate, to forgo, to waive
поступление {noun} :: entrance, entering, joining
поступление {noun} :: receipt, arrival
поступление {noun} [in the plural] :: proceeds, earnings
поступок {noun} :: act, action, behaviour, conduct, deed
поступь {noun} :: step, tread
постучать {v pf} :: to knock
постучать {v pf} :: to rap, to tap
постучаться {v pf} :: to knock
постфикс {noun} [linguistics] :: postfix
постыдиться {v pf} :: to be ashamed of/to (+ infinitive)
постыдный {adj} :: shameful
постылеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to annoy, to disgust [+ dative]
постылый {adj} [colloquial] :: undesired, disliked
постылый {adj} [colloquial] :: disgusting
постылый {noun} [colloquial] :: disliked person, undesired person
постынуть {v pf} :: alternative form of постыть
постыть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time cooling down
постыть {v pf} [dated or colloquial] :: to become disgusting, to disgust
посуда {noun} :: tableware, dishes
посуда {noun} :: (glass, plastic or metal) container, in which food products or drinks are sold, such as jar, bottle, etc
посудина {noun} [nautical] :: vessel
посудина {noun} :: singulative of посуда: vessel, dish, bowl
посудить {v pf} :: to judge
посудомоечная машина {noun} :: dishwasher
посудомоечный {adj} [relational] :: dishwashing
посудомойка {noun} [animate] :: scullery maid (a woman who washes dishes)
посудомойка {noun} [inanimate, colloquial] :: dishwasher (a machine for washing dishes)
посул {noun} [colloquial] :: promise
посулить {v pf} [literary or dated] :: to promise
по сути {adv} [hedge] :: in an essential manner; in essence
посчастливиться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to have luck, to succeed in [+ perfective infinitive]
посчитать {v pf} :: to calculate
посчитать {v pf} :: to count
посчитать {v pf} :: to think, to opine, to consider
посчитаться {v pf} :: to settle accounts (with), to consider, to take into consideration, to reckon (with)
посчитаться {v pf} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to be considered / reputed (smb.), to be, to pass (for)
посчитывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to count time to time
посыл {noun} :: drive forward; premise; message
посылать {v impf} :: to send
посылать {v impf} :: to dispatch
посылать {v impf} :: to swear (at someone), to tell someone to get lost
посылка {noun} :: dispatching, mailing, sending
посылка {noun} :: package, parcel
посылка {noun} :: premise, sumption
посыльный {noun} :: messenger, commissionaire
посыпать {v pf} :: to pour (of friable/solid objects, such as sands, not liquids; sometimes used figuratively)
посыпать {v pf} :: to sprinkle, to strew
посыпать {v pf} [colloquial] :: (intransitive) to start falling (of precipitation like rain or snow)
посыпать {v pf} [figuratively, colloquial] :: (intransitive) to start saying words frequently
посыпать {v pf} :: to start saying quickly
посыпать {v pf} [colloquial] :: (intransitive) to dash quickly (for many entities)
посыпать {v impf} :: to pour (of friable/solid objects, such as sands, not liquids; sometimes used figuratively)
посыпать {v impf} :: to scatter (on a surface)
посыпать {v impf} :: to sprinkle, to strew
посыпаться {v pf} :: to begin to fall down, to fall down
посыпаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pour down, to rain
посыпка {noun} :: streusels, sprinkles
посягательство {noun} :: encroachment, infringement (intrusion upon another's possessions or rights)
посягать {v impf} :: to encroach on, to infringe on
посягнуть {v pf} :: to encroach on, to infringe on
пот {noun} :: sweat, perspiration
потаённый {adj} [dated] :: hidden, secret
потаить {v pf} [dated or colloquial] :: to hide, to conceal
потаить {v pf} [dated or colloquial] :: to conceal for awhile
потайной {adj} :: hidden, secret
потакать {v impf} :: to connive, to indulge
потанцевать {v pf} :: to have a dance, to dance (for a while)
потасканный {adj} [colloquial] :: shabby, worn, threadbare
потасканный {adj} [colloquial] :: unkempt, seedy
потаскать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to carry, to pull, to drag for some time
потаскать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to carry, to pull, to steal all or many things
потаскуха {noun} [derogatory] :: strumpet, slut, prostitute
потаскушка {noun} :: diminutive of потаскуха
потасовка {noun} [colloquial] :: brawl, fracas, ruckus (fight)
потащить {v pf} :: to start pulling
потащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to start carrying (unwillingly or something heavy)
потащить {v pf} :: to start stealing
потащиться {v pf} :: to trail along
потащиться {v pf} :: to drag oneself along
потащиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to trail along (behind), to follow
потащиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go, to drag oneself (to a place)
по-твоему {adv} :: in [according to] your opinion, to your way of thinking, (in a question) do you think ...?
по-твоему {adv} :: as you wish, as you would have it, as you advise
потвор {noun} [obsolete, mythology] :: beast, monster
потвора {noun} :: alternative form of потвор
потворство {noun} [literary] :: connivance; indulgence
потворствовать {v impf} :: to indulge, to connive (at), to pander
потемневший {adj} :: darkened
потемнеть {vi pf} :: to darken, to become dark
потение {noun} :: perspiration, sweating (process of perspiring)
потенциал {noun} :: potential (currently unrealized ability)
потенциал {noun} [physics] :: potential
потенциально {adv} :: potentially
потенциальный {adj} :: potential
потенция {noun} :: potency (especially sexual)
потепление {noun} :: warming
потеплеть {v pf} :: to become warmer
потереть {v pf} :: to rub
потерпевшая {noun} :: female victim
потерпевший {adj} [law] :: injured, wronged
потерпевший {noun} [law] :: victim
потерпеть {v pf} :: to be patient, to keep one's patience
потерпеть {v pf} :: to suffer
потерпеть {v pf} :: to suffer, to stand, to tolerate
потеря {noun} :: loss (something lost)
потеря {noun} :: casualty
потерянный {adj} :: lost
потерянный {adj} :: embarrassed, perplexed
потерянный {adj} :: hopeless, ruined
потерять {v pf} :: to lose, to waste
потерять {v pf} :: to shed
потерять голову {v pf} :: to lose one's head
потерять лицо {v pf} [figuratively] :: to lose face
потеряться {v pf} :: to get lost, to disappear
потеряться {v pf} :: to lose one's way
потеряться {v pf} :: to lose one's presence of mind, to get flustered
потеснить {v pf} :: to press, to crowd
потесниться {v pf} :: to make room
потесниться {v pf} :: to sit or stand closer, to bunch up
потеть {v impf} :: to sweat, to perspire
потеть {v impf} :: to become misty, to steam up
потеть {v impf} :: to sweat over, to toil over
потеха {noun} :: fun, amusement
потечь {v pf} :: to begin to flow
потечь {v pf} :: to start to leak, to leak
потешать {v impf} :: to amuse, to entertain
потешаться {v impf} :: to amuse oneself, to make fun of
потешить {v pf} :: to amuse, to entertain
потешить {v pf} :: to comfort, to console
потешить {v pf} :: to please
потешиться {v pf} :: to amuse oneself, to have fun
потешиться {v pf} [obsolete] :: to jeer, to mock
потёк {noun} :: streak
потёмки {noun} :: darkness
потёртый {adj} :: shabby, threadbare
потёртый {adj} [long form only, colloquial] :: emaciated
потир {noun} :: chalice
потирать {v impf} :: to rub
потихонечку {adv} [colloquial] :: silently, quietly; slowly; gently; OK; so-so
потихоньку {adv} :: OK, so-so (in answer to the question, "как дела?" ("How are you?"), the response "потихоньку"—"OK" or "I'm getting along okay"—implies that things could be better and could be worse)
потихоньку {adv} :: silently
потихоньку {adv} :: gently
потихоньку {adv} :: on the sly
потлач {noun} :: potlatch
потливость {noun} :: (excessive) sweatiness, hyperhidrosis
потливый {adj} :: sweaty
потливый {adj} :: sweating easily
потный {adj} :: sweaty
поток {noun} :: stream
поток {noun} :: torrent
поток {noun} :: flow
поток {noun} :: assembly line production
поток {noun} [computing] :: thread
поток {noun} [historic] :: a form of punishment in the medieval Russia when a criminal was exiled and property was confiscated, later the criminal was enslaved and property given away
потолковать {v pf} :: to talk (with about), to have a (short) talk (with about)
потолковать {v pf} :: to discuss (with)
потолок {noun} :: ceiling
потолок {noun} [figuratively] :: upper limit
потолок {noun} [figuratively] :: limit in someone's development
потолок {noun} [aviation] :: roof
потом {adv} :: afterwards, afterward, after that
потом {adv} :: then
потом {adv} :: later
потомок {noun} :: descendant, offspring, progeny, scion
потомственный {adj} [dated] :: hereditary, ancestral
потомственный {adj} :: by birth
потомство {noun} :: posterity
потомство {noun} :: descendants
потому {adv} :: therefore, because of that, consequently
потому-то {adv} :: therefore, so
потомучка {m anim} {f anim} :: a person who answers questions
потому что {conj} :: because
потонуть {v pf} :: to sink, to go down
потонуть {v pf} :: to drown
потонуть {v pf} :: to be lost
потоп {noun} :: flood, deluge
потопать {v pf} :: to stamp (one's feet) [+ instrumental]
потопать {v pf} [perfective only, low colloquial, jocular] :: to leave, to go away
потопать {v impf} [low colloquial, regional or dated] :: to sink; to drown; to be lost
потопить {v pf} :: to heat for a while
потопить {v pf} :: to sink
потопить {v pf} :: to ruin, to destroy
потоптать {v pf} :: to tread, to trample
поторопить {v pf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to precipitate, to rush
поторопиться {v pf} :: to hurry, to be in a hurry, to hasten
поточный {adj} [relational] :: assembly line production; streamlined
потравить {v pf} :: to trample down, to spoil, to damage (grass, crops, etc)
потратить {v pf} :: to spend, to expend
потратить {v pf} :: to waste
потратить {v pf} :: to fritter away (time)
потреба {noun} [colloquial] :: need
потребитель {noun} :: consumer (person purchasing goods)
потребительница {noun} :: female consumer (person purchasing goods)
потребительский {adj} [relational] :: consumer
потребить {v pf} :: to consume, to use
потребление {noun} :: consumption (the act of consuming something)
потреблять {v impf} :: to consume, to use
потребно {adv} :: necessarily, obligatorily
потребно {pred} :: it is necessary
потребность {noun} :: need, want
потребность {noun} :: requirement
потребный {adj} :: necessary, required, needed
потребовать {v pf} :: to demand, to request
потребовать {v pf} :: to need, to call for
потребоваться {v pf} :: to need, to require
потребоваться {v pf} :: to take (time, effort, money, etc. for something)
потревожить {v pf} :: to disturb
потрепать {v pf} :: to pull about, to blow about, to flutter, to tousle
потрепать {v pf} :: to pat
потрепать {v pf} :: to beat up, to maul, to pummel
потрепать {v pf} :: to give a hard life/time
потрепать {v pf} :: to mention too often, to make too many references (to), to hackney
потрескаться {v pf} :: to crack, to chap
потрескивание {noun} :: crackling
потрескивание {noun} :: crackle
потрескивать {v impf} :: to crackle
потрёпанный {adj} :: threadbare, shabby
потрогать {v pf} :: to touch
потроха {noun} [colloquial] :: giblets, bowels, viscera (internal organs of the body, especially animals)
потрошить {v impf} :: to disembowel, to eviscerate, to gut
потрошить {v impf} :: to paunch
потрошить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rifle, to ransack
потрудиться {v pf} :: to work, to labor, to toil
потрудиться {v pf} :: to bother (doing something)
потрясать {v impf} :: to shake, to brandish
потрясать {v impf} :: to shake, to rock
потрясать {v impf} :: to amaze, to astound, to shock, to astonish
потрясающе {adv} :: stunningly, breathtakingly, amazingly, astonishingly
потрясающе {adv} :: fantastically, sensationally, shockingly, strikingly
потрясающе {adv} :: appallingly, horribly
потрясающе {interj} :: awesome!, super!
потрясающий {adj} :: awesome, stunning
потрясение {noun} :: shock
потрясённый {adj} :: shocked, astonished, dumbfounded, speechless
потрясный {adj} :: incredible, awesome, zingy, super, tremendous, cool, killer, super-duper, jim-dandy
потрясти {v pf} :: to shake, to brandish
потрясти {v pf} :: to shake, to rock
потрясти {v pf} :: to amaze, to astound, to shock, to astonish
потуга {noun} [colloquial] :: effort, attempt
потупить {v pf} :: to lower (one's eyes, gaze, etc.) (so as not to look at someone)
потупить {v pf} :: to dull a little, to blunt a little
потупиться {v pf} :: to look down, to cast down one's eyes, to drop one's eyes
потуплять {v impf} :: to lower (one's eyes, gaze, etc.) (so as not to look at someone)
потупляться {v impf} :: to look down, to cast down one's eyes, to drop one's eyes
потускнеть {v pf} :: to grow dim, to dull, to lose its lustre
потускнеть {v pf} :: to pale
потускнеть {v pf} :: to wane
потускнеть {v pf} :: to pale (before)
потусторонний {adj} :: supernatural, otherworldly
потухнуть {v pf} :: to go out, to die out [of light, fire, etc.]
потухший {adj} :: extinct (of volcanoes)
потухший вулкан {noun} :: extinct volcano
потушить {v pf} :: to extinguish, to smother
потушить {v pf} [figuratively] :: to turn off (source of light)
потушить {v pf} [cooking] :: to braise, to stew
потчевать {v impf} [dated] :: to regale, to treat
потылица {noun} [obsolete] :: back of the head, occiput
потягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sip
потягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smoke, to pull (at), to draw (at)
потягиваться {vi impf} :: to stretch (of a person, to take a stretch)
потягушки {noun} [familiar] :: stretching
потянуть {v pf} :: to pull, to draw, to haul, to drag
потянуть {v pf} :: to weigh
потянуться {vi pf} :: to stretch (of a person, to take a stretch)
потянуться {v pf} :: to reach [за/к for]
потянуться {v pf} :: to follow in succession
поубавить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to reduce a little, to cause to go down a little [+ accusative or genitive]
поубавиться {vi pf} [colloquial, also impersonal] :: to diminish a little, to go down a little, to get a little less
поужинать {v pf} :: to dine; to have dinner; to have supper [refers to the 3rd meal of the day, served around 7 to 8 p.m.]
по-украински {adv} :: in Ukrainian
поумнеть {v pf} :: to become wiser
по умолчанию {adv} :: by default
поутру {adv} [colloquial] :: in the morning
поучаствовать {v pf} :: to take part, to participate, to collaborate
поучать {v impf} [dated] :: to teach, to instruct
поучать {v impf} :: to preach (at), to lecture, to give a lecture
поучение {noun} :: lecture, sermon, lesson, homily
поучительный {adj} :: instructive, didactic
поучить {v pf} :: to teach for awhile
поучить {v pf} :: to study for awhile
поучиться {v pf} :: to study for awhile
поучиться {v pf} :: to learn for awhile
по фиг {pred} [mildly, vulgar, slang] :: don't care, no matter
пофиг {pred} [nonstandard, mildly, vulgar, slang] :: however, don't care, no matter
пофигизм {noun} [mildly vulgar] :: don't-give-a-damn attitude
пофигист {noun} [colloquial, disapproval] :: one who doesn't care
по-фински {adv} :: in Finnish
по-флотски {adv} :: the navy way, navy-style
по-французски {adv} :: in French
похабщина {noun} :: bawdry; obscenity
похвала {noun} :: praise
похвалить {v pf} :: to compliment, to praise
похвалиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to brag, to boast [+ instrumental of thing boasted about]
похвалиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to boastfully promise to do (something)
похвальный {adj} :: praiseworthy, commendable, laudable
похвальный {adj} :: laudatory
похвалять {v impf} [dated] :: to praise, to compliment
похваляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to brag, to boast [+ instrumental of thing boasted about]
похваляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to boastfully promise to do (something)
похвастать {v pf} :: alternative form of похвастаться
похвастаться {v pf} :: to brag (of/about), to boast
похерить {v pf} [dated] :: to cross out, to X out
похерить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to destroy, to kill off, to put an end to
похерить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to neglect, to forget about
похититель {noun} :: abductor (kidnapper)
похитительница {noun} :: female abductor (kidnapper)
похитить {v pf} :: to abduct, to kidnap
похитить {v pf} :: to purloin, to steal
похищать {v impf} :: to abduct, to kidnap
похищать {v impf} :: to purloin, to steal
похищение {noun} :: theft, kidnapping, abduction, hijacking
похлестче {adv} :: alternative form of хлестче
похлёбка {noun} [colloquial] :: soup, pottage
похлопать {v pf} :: to slap
похлопать {v pf} :: to give a clap
похлопотать {v pf} :: to bother (to do something)
похлопотать {v pf} :: to spend some time bustling about
похлопывать {v impf} :: to pat, to clap, to tap
похмелиться {v pf} :: to take the hair of the dog that bit you, to freshen the nip (to take a shot in the morning to help make one's hangover go away)
похмелье {noun} :: hangover
похмельный {adj} [relational] :: hangover
похмельный {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
похмеляться {v impf} :: to take a hair of the dog that bit you, to freshen the nip (take a shot in the morning to help make one's hangover go away)
поход {noun} [military] :: campaign, march
поход {noun} [nautical] :: cruise
поход {noun} :: trip, walking tour, hike
поход {noun} :: tour
походатайствовать {v pf} :: to solicit (for), to apply (for)
походить {v impf} :: to look like, to resemble
походить {v pf} :: to walk (for a while)
походка {noun} :: gait, walk (manner of walking)
походный {adj} [relational] :: march, marching, route
походный {adj} [relational] :: field, camp
походный {adj} [relational] :: field, mobile
походу {adv} [slang] :: looks like, it seems that, apparently
походя {adv} [colloquial] :: on the move, hastily
походя {adv} [colloquial] :: at the same time, by the way
похождение {noun} :: adventure
похоже {adv} :: it seems, apparently, it looks (as if)
похожесть {noun} :: similarity, likeness, resemblance
похожий {adj} :: similar, alike
по-хозяйски {adv} :: thriftily
похолодание {noun} :: cooling [of the weather], cold snap, cold spell
похолодание {noun} [figurative] :: cooling, worsening [of relations between people]
похолодать {v pf} [impersonal] :: to become colder [of the weather]
похолодать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to become cold or colder
похолодать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to suffer from the cold, to shiver, to get chilled
похолодеть {v pf} :: to grow cold
похоронить {v pf} :: to bury, to inter
похоронить {v pf} :: obsolete,colloquial to hide, to conceal, to lay away
похоронный {adj} [relational] :: funeral; funerary
похоронный {adj} [figurative] :: somber, sad
похороны {noun} :: burial, funeral
по-хорошему {adv} :: properly
по-хорошему {adv} :: thoroughly
по-хорошему {adv} :: in an amicable/friendly way
похорошеть {v pf} :: to become more beautiful, to grow prettier
похотливость {noun} :: lasciviousness, salacity, lewdness, lust
похотливый {adj} :: lustful, lewd, lascivious
похоть {noun} :: lust
похристосоваться {v pf} [Christianity] :: to exchange a triple kiss [as Easter salutation]
похудеть {v pf} :: to grow thin, to lose weight
похуизм {noun} :: State, condition or attitude of not caring about important things
похуист {noun} [vulgar] :: A person who doesn't care about important things
похуй {adv} [vulgar] :: alternative form of по хую
по хую {adv} [vulgar] :: (in expressions)
поц {noun} [slang] :: stupid person, jerk, putz
поц {noun} [slang, less common] :: penis, putz
поцарапать {v pf} :: to scratch slightly, to mar slightly
поцеловать {v pf} :: to kiss, to give a kiss
поцеловаться {v pf} :: to kiss (mutually)
поцелуй {noun} :: kiss
поцелуй {noun} :: kissing sound
по часовой стрелке {adv} :: clockwise
початок {noun} :: maize ear
початок {noun} [textile] :: cop
почать {v pf} [dated or regional] :: to begin
почать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to begin to consume
почва {noun} :: earth, soil, ground (mixture of sand and organic material)
почва {noun} :: basis, base, ground
почвенный {adj} [relational] :: soil
по-человечески {adv} :: humanly
почему {adv} [interrogative adverb] :: why? (on what ground; according to what)
почему бы и нет {phrase} :: why not (to state one has no objection)
почему-то {adv} :: for some reason, somewhy
почемучка {m anim} {f anim} :: a person, often a child, who asks a lot of questions
почерк {noun} :: handwriting, hand (style of penmanship)
почерк {noun} :: (individual manner of doing something) hand, style
почернеть {v pf} :: to turn/become/grow black, to blacken
почерпнуть {v pf} :: to get, to draw, to derive
почесать {v pf} :: to comb
почесать {v pf} [textiles] :: to card, to comb
почесать {v pf} :: to scratch
почесаться {v pf} :: to scratch oneself
почесаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to give oneself the trouble
почести {noun} :: honour, laurels
почесть {noun} :: (often in plural) honour, laurels
почесть {v pf} [dated] :: to consider [+ accusative, + instrumental as]
почесться {v pf} [dated] :: to be considered as [+ instrumental]
почесуха {noun} [pathology] :: prurigo (simplex), pruritus
почесуха {noun} [pathology] :: scrapie (a degenerative prion disease)
почесушки {noun} [familiar] :: scratch (an act of scratching the skin to alleviate an itch or irritation)
почечный {adj} :: renal
почём {adv} :: how much?
почём {adv} :: how much does it cost?
почём {conj} :: how
по-чёрному {adv} :: (of ovens) without a chimney when a smoke goes directly into the house
по-чёрному {adv} [colloquial] :: illegally, without a permit; secretly
по-чёрному {adv} [colloquial] :: severely; cruelly; mercilessly
почёсывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: diminutive of чесать: to scratch a bit or sometimes
почёт {noun} :: honour, esteem, respect
почётный {adj} :: honorable (worthy of respect)
почивальня {noun} [archaic] :: bedchamber
почивать {v impf} :: [dated] to sleep
почин {noun} :: initiative
почин {noun} [colloquial] :: beginning, first sale of the day
починать {v impf} [dated or regional] :: to begin
починать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to begin to consume
починить {v pf} :: to repair, to mend, to fix
починка {noun} :: repair, mending, fixing
почистить {v pf} :: to clean, to scour
почистить {v pf} :: to peel
почитай {adv} [colloquial] :: almost, nearly, nigh on
почитай {adv} [colloquial] :: it seems, seemingly, apparently
почитание {noun} :: honouring, respect, esteem
почитание {noun} :: reverence, worship
почитатель {noun} :: admirer, worshipper
почитательница {noun} :: female admirer, worshipper
почитать {v pf} :: to read (for a while)
почитать {v impf} :: to esteem, to respect, to honour
почитать {v impf} [dated or regional] :: to consider [+ accusative, + instrumental as]
почитаться {v impf} [dated] :: to be considered as [+ instrumental]
почить {v pf} [dated, literary, poetic] :: to rest, to repose, to sleep
почить {v pf} [dated, literary, poetic] :: to die, to pass away [perfective only]
почка {noun} :: kidney
почка {noun} :: bud
почковаться {v impf} :: to bud, to gemmate, to propagate by gemmation
почковаться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to multiply
почта {noun} :: mail (U.S.), post (GB)
почта {noun} :: post office
почтальон {noun} :: mailman, postman, letter carrier, mail carrier (post office employee)
почтальонша {noun} :: postwoman, mailwoman, female letter carrier, mail carrier (woman who delivers the post, woman who delivers the mail)
почтамт {noun} :: post office (place)
почтение {noun} :: respect, esteem, consideration, deference
почтенный {adj} :: respectable, honorable, eminent
почтенный {adj} [colloquial] :: considerable
почти {adv} :: almost, nearly
почти везде {adv} :: almost everywhere
почти всюду {adv} :: almost everywhere
почтительно {adv} :: respectfully
почтительный {adj} :: respectful, deferential
почтительный {adj} [figurative] :: respectable, considerable
почтить {v pf} :: to honor, to revere
почтмейстер {noun} [historical] :: postmaster (in pre-revolutionary Russia and in speaking of other countries)
почтовая марка {noun} :: postage stamp
почтовое отделение {noun} :: post office
почтовый {adj} [relational] :: mail; postal
почтовый {adj} [relational] :: post office
почтовый индекс {noun} :: postcode (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address)
почтовый ящик {noun} :: mailbox, letterbox (box into which mail is put)
почувствовать {v pf} :: to feel
почудачить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to act strange (for a while)
почудиться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to seem (to), to appear (to)
почуять {v pf} :: to smell
почуять {v pf} :: to feel, to sense
почуять {v pf} [regional, colloquial] :: to hear
пошагать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time stepping or pacing
пошагать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to walk with measured steps, to pace
пошаговый {adj} :: step-by-step, stepwise
пошаговый {adj} :: turn-based
пошарить {v pf} :: to search for awhile, to fumble around (for something)
пошатнуть {v pf} :: to shake
пошатнуться {v pf} :: to stagger, to shake, to lean on one side
пошатнуться {v pf} :: to be shaken
пошатываться {v impf} :: to stagger, to reel, to sway on one's feet
по-шведски {adv} :: in Swedish
пошевелить {vt pf} :: to move, to stir, to budge
пошевелиться {vi pf} :: to move, to stir, to budge
пошёл {interj} :: begone!, go away! (to a man)
пошёл на хуй {interj} [vulgar] :: Fuck off! (to a man; replace with "пошла" - to a woman and "пошли" - to a group)
пошив {noun} :: sewing
пошив {noun} :: sewing many things
пошить {v pf} :: to spend time sewing
пошить {v pf} :: to sew (many things)
пошлина {noun} [economics] :: duty (tax; tariff)
пошло {adv} :: commonly, tritely
пошлость {noun} [countable] :: vulgarity
пошлость {noun} [uncountable] :: vulgarism
пошлый {adj} :: vulgar
пошлый {adj} :: commonplace, trivial, banal, trite
пошляк {noun} [colloquial] :: vulgar person
пошляк {noun} [colloquial] :: shallow person
пошутить {v pf} :: to joke, to jest
пошутить {v pf} :: to trifle, to play (with)
пошутить {v pf} :: to make fun (of)
пощада {noun} :: mercy, quarter
пощадить {v pf} :: to spare, to have mercy (on)
пощекотать {vt pf} :: to tickle
пощёлкать {v pf} :: to crack, to snap, to click, etc. for awhile [+ instrumental] (to begin to cause to make such a sound)
пощёлкать {v pf} :: to crack (nuts) for awhile
пощёлкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smack (someone)
пощёчина {noun} :: slap in the face, box on the ear
пощупать {v pf} :: to feel, to touch; to grope
пощупать {v pf} :: to probe
поэзия {noun} :: poetry
поэзия {noun} :: charm, elegance, romantic appeal of something
поэма {noun} :: poem (large poem)
поэт {noun} :: poet
поэтапный {adj} :: phased, stage-by-stage, step-by-step
поэтесса {noun} :: poetess, woman poet
поэтика {noun} :: poetics, theory of poetry
поэтика {noun} :: poetic manner/style
поэтический {adj} :: poetic
поэтому {adv} :: therefore, that is why
поющий {adj} :: singing
появиться {v pf} :: to appear, to show up, to emerge
появление {noun} :: appearance, emergence
появляться {v impf} :: to appear, to show up, to emerge
по-японски {adv} :: in Japanese
пояс {noun} :: belt, girdle, band, waistband, cummerbund
пояс {noun} :: zone, region
пояс {noun} :: flange, collar, hoop
пояс {noun} :: boom (of an arch)
пояс астероидов {noun} :: asteroid belt
-поясать {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "to belt, to gird"
пояснение {noun} :: clarification, explanation, elucidation
пояснить {v pf} :: to clarify, to explain, to illustrate
поясница {noun} :: waist, loins, small of the back
поясничный {adj} :: lumbar (referring to the small of the back or the loins)
пояснять {v impf} :: to clarify, to explain, to illustrate
поясок {noun} :: diminutive of пояс: small belt
пп {m inanp} :: abbreviation of параграфы
пп {f inanp} [chess] :: P (pawn, plural form of п²)
п/пр. {adv} :: initialism of по предъявлению
ппц {noun} [vulgar, colloquial] :: euphemistic spelling of пипец
пра- {prefix} :: great [when used with ancestors and descendants]
пра- {prefix} :: ur-, proto- (primitive, original)
прабабка {noun} [colloquial] :: great-grandmother
прабабушка {noun} :: great-grandmother
права {noun} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of водительские права: driver's license
права человека {noun} :: human rights (the basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed)
правда {noun} :: truth (conformity to fact or reality; true facts)
правда {noun} :: justice
правда {interj} :: sure enough, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, in point of fact
правда {interj} [interrogative] :: is that so?
правда {conj} :: though, however, but
правда {conj} :: admittedly
Правда {prop} :: Pravda ("The Truth") was a leading newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1912 and 1991. Now defunct
правдиво {adv} :: truly (in accordance with the facts)
правдивость {noun} :: truthfulness, uprightness, veracity
правдивый {adj} :: true, truthful
правдоподобие {noun} :: plausibility, credibility, verisimilitude, probability, likelihood
правдоподобный {adj} :: plausible, verisimilar, probable, likely
праведник {noun} :: just/righteous man
праведность {noun} :: piousness
праведность {noun} :: righteousness
праведный {adj} :: pious, religious
праведный {adj} :: just, righteous
правило {noun} :: rule
правило {noun} :: rule, regulations, law, canon
правило {noun} :: rule, method, algorithm
правило {noun} :: rule, principle, habit
правило {noun} :: straightener, reversing rod
правило {noun} :: strickle (for sharpening scythes)
правило {noun} :: [hunters jargon] tail, brush
правило {noun} [obsolete] :: helm, rudder
правильнее {adv} :: comparative of правильный
правильнее {adv} :: comparative of правильно
правильно {adv} :: correctly
правильность {noun} :: rightness, correctness
правильность {noun} :: regularity
правильный {adj} :: right, correct
правильный {adj} [grammar] :: regular
правильный глагол {noun} :: regular verb
правильный многоугольник {noun} [geometry] :: regular polygon (polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral)
правитель {noun} :: ruler (person who rules or governs)
правительственный {adj} [relational] :: government; governmental
правительство {noun} :: government, administration, cabinet
править {v impf} :: to govern, to rule
править {v impf} :: to drive, to steer
править {v impf} :: to correct
править {v impf} :: to strop, to set
править {v impf} [computing] :: to edit, i.e. to change the content of a file, a website or the code of software
правка {noun} :: proof-reading, correcting, correction (act of correcting)
правка {noun} :: trueing, adjustment
правка {noun} :: edit (change of a text, or a document)
правление {noun} :: government, administration
правление {noun} :: board (committee), board of directors
правнук {noun} :: great-grandson
правнук {noun} :: (plural) great-grandchildren
правнучата {m animp} :: great-grandchildren
правнучка {noun} :: great-granddaughter
право {noun} :: right; claim
право {noun} [law] :: law, right
право {noun} :: justice
право {noun} [in the plural] :: license
право {adv} :: indeed, really
правовой {adj} :: legal, lawful, rightful
правовой {adj} :: based on law, constitutional
правозащитник {noun} :: human rights activist, activist
правозащитный {adj} [relational] :: human rights
правомерность {noun} :: legitimacy
правомерный {adj} :: legal, lawful
правомерный {adj} :: legitimate
правомочный {adj} :: competent
правомочный {adj} :: authorized
правомочный {adj} :: recognized
правомочный {adj} :: available (law: valid)
правонарушение {noun} [law] :: violation of the law, offence
правонарушитель {noun} [law] :: lawbreaker, delinquent, offender
правоотношение {noun} [law] :: jural relation, legal relation
правоохранительные органы {noun} :: law enforcement, law enforcement agency (various government agencies involved in the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals)
правоохранительный {adj} [relational] :: law enforcement
правописание {noun} :: spelling, orthography (act, practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words)
правопорядок {noun} :: law and order
правопреемник {noun} [law] :: successor, assignee
правоприменение {noun} :: law enforcement
правоприменительный {adj} [relational] :: law enforcement
праворукий {adj} :: right-handed
православие {noun} :: Orthodoxy
православная церковь {noun} :: Orthodox Church (the Eastern body of Christendom)
православный {adj} [religion] :: Orthodox
православный {noun} [religion] :: an Orthodox (an Orthodox Christian person)
правоспособность {noun} :: legal capacity
правоспособный {adj} [law] :: possessing legal capacity
правосточнославянский {adj} [relational, linguistics] :: Old East Slavic
правосудие {noun} :: justice (the civil power dealing with law)
правота {noun} :: right, rightfulness, correctness
правоэкстремистский {adj} :: right-wing extremist
правша {m anim} {f anim} :: right-hander (one who is right-handed)
правый {adj} :: right, right-hand
правый {adj} [nautical] :: starboard
правый {adj} :: right-wing
правый {adj} :: right, correct
правый {adj} :: righteous
правый {noun} :: rightist
правящий {adj} :: ruling
Прага {prop} :: Прага (caplc)
прагматизм {noun} [pragmatism] :: pragmatism
прагматик {noun} :: pragmatist
прагматический {adj} :: pragmatic
прагматичный {adj} :: pragmatic, practical
прагматичный {adj} :: pragmatic [in reference to the philosophy or theory of pragmatism]
прадед {noun} :: great-grandfather
прадедушка {m anim} :: great-grandfather
пражанин {noun} :: Praguian
пражский {adj} [relational] :: Prague
празднество {noun} :: festival, festivities, celebration
праздник {noun} :: holiday
праздник {noun} :: festival
праздник {noun} [colloquial] :: joy, pleasure
праздничек {noun} :: diminutive of праздник
празднично {adv} :: festively
праздничный {adj} [relational] :: holiday
праздничный {adj} :: festive, festal (having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration)
празднование {noun} :: celebration, celebrating, commemoration, commemorating
праздновать {v impf} :: to celebrate
праздность {noun} :: idleness, indolence
праздный {adj} [dated] :: empty
праздный {adj} :: idle
праздный {adj} :: useless, unnecessary
празеодим {noun} :: praseodymium
праиндоевропеец {noun} :: Proto-Indo-European (person)
праиндоевропейский {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European
прайвеси {n inan} :: privacy (state of being private)
праймер {noun} [biology, genetics] :: primer
праймериз {m inanp} :: primary election (preliminary election to select a candidate)
практик {noun} :: a practical person, a practical worker
практика {noun} :: practice
практика {noun} :: internship
практиковать {v impf} :: to practise something
практиковаться {v impf} :: to practise, to exercise
практически {adv} :: practically, in a practical manner
практически {adv} :: practically, virtually
практический {adj} :: practical
практический {adj} :: applied
практично {adv} :: practically, economically
практичность {noun} :: practicality
практичный {adj} :: practical (having skills or knowledge that are practical)
практичный {adj} :: usable
праматерик {noun} :: supercontinent
пранк {noun} [neologism] :: prank (practical joke or mischievous trick)
пранкстер {noun} [neologism] :: prankster
праотец {noun} [poetic, literary] :: ancestor, forefather (one from whom a person is descended)
прапор {noun} [inanimate, obsolete] :: regimental colours
прапор {noun} [animate, colloquial] :: praporshchik
прапорщик {noun} [military] :: ensign (military rank)
прапрабабушка {noun} :: great-great-grandmother
праправнук {noun} :: great-great-grandson
праправнук {noun} :: (plural) great-great-grandchildren
прапрадед {noun} :: great-great-grandfather
прапрадедушка {m anim} :: great-great-grandfather
прародитель {noun} :: progenitor, primogenitor, forefather, ancestor
Прасковья {prop} :: given name
праславянский {adj} :: Proto-Slavic
прах {noun} [poetic] :: dust, earth
прах {noun} [of the dead] :: ashes, remains
праца {noun} [dialectal] :: work, labour
прачечная {noun} :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done)
прачка {noun} :: A washerwoman
праща {noun} [weapon] :: sling
пращур {noun} :: ancestor, forefather (one from whom a person is descended)
Прая {prop} :: Прая (capital city)
праязык {noun} [linguistics] :: protolanguage
праязык {noun} :: parent language, ancestor language
пре- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: over, across
пре- {prefix} [used with adjectives] :: most, very [superlative degree]
преамбула {noun} :: preamble
пребывание {noun} :: stay, sojourn (abode, holiday or temporary residence)
пребывать {v impf} [literary] :: to be (at some place), to stay, to remain
пребывать {v impf} [literary] :: to be (in some state or condition), to stay, to remain
пребыть {v pf} [literary] :: to be (at some place), to stay, to remain
пребыть {v pf} [literary] :: to be (in some state or condition), to stay, to remain
превалирование {noun} :: domination
превалировать {v impf} [literary] :: to prevail
превентивный {adj} :: preventive, preventative
превентивный {adj} :: preemptive [of a war]
превзойти {v pf} :: to excel, to surpass
превзойти {v pf} :: to surpass, to exceed
превозмогать {v impf} :: to overcome
превозмочь {v pf} :: to overcome
превознести {v pf} :: to extol, to praise
превозносить {v impf} :: to extol, to praise
превосходительство {noun} :: Excellency
превосходить {v impf} :: to excel, to surpass
превосходить {v impf} :: to surpass, to exceed
превосходная степень {noun} [linguistics] :: superlative degree, superlative
превосходно {adv} :: superbly, fine, great, admirably
превосходный {adj} :: excellent, splendid, superior (possessing or displaying splendor)
превосходный {adj} :: first-class, first-rate
превосходный {adj} [grammar] :: superlative
превосходство {noun} :: superiority
превосходство {noun} :: excellence
превратить {v pf} :: to turn into, to change
превратиться {vi pf} :: to turn into, to change into
превратно {adv} :: wrongly (incorrectly; by error)
превратность {noun} :: vicissitude, changeability (a change, especially in one's life or fortunes)
превратный {adj} :: perverse, awry (wrong or distorted; amiss)
превращать {v impf} :: to turn into, to change
превращаться {v impf} :: to turn into, to change into (intransitive)
превращение {noun} :: change, transformation, conversion, transmutation, metamorphosis
превысить {v pf} :: to exceed
превышать {v impf} :: to exceed
превыше {prep} :: (+ genitive) above
превышение {noun} :: exceeding, excess
преграда {noun} :: bar, barrier, obstacle
преградить {v pf} :: to block, to obstruct
преграждать {v impf} :: to block, to obstruct
прегрешение {noun} :: sin, transgression
пред- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: before, fore-, pre-
пред- {prefix} :: cis- (in place names)
пред {prep} [archaic, literary] :: in front of, before [+ instrumental case]
предавать {v impf} :: to betray
предавать {v impf} :: to expose, to subject, to commit, to hand over
предаваться {v impf} :: to give oneself up (to)
предание {noun} :: handing over, committing
предание {noun} :: legend; tradition
преданнее {adv} :: comparative of преданный
преданнее {adv} :: comparative of преданно
преданней {adj} :: comparative of преданный
преданней {adj} :: comparative of преданно
преданно {adv} :: devotedly
преданность {noun} :: loyalty, devotion
преданность {noun} :: attachment (dependence, especially a strong one)
преданный {adj} :: devoted, faithful, loyal, staunch
предатель {noun} :: traitor, betrayer
предательский {adj} :: traitorous, treacherous
предательский {adj} :: treacherous (dangerous, insidious)
предательский {adj} [colloquial] :: revealing, informative
предательский {adj} [colloquial] :: unreliable
предательство {noun} :: betrayal, treason, treachery
предать {v pf} :: to betray
предать {v pf} :: to expose, to subject, to commit, to hand over, to put
предаться {v pf} :: to give oneself up (to)
предбанник {noun} :: dressing-room (in a bathhouse)
предбанник {noun} :: anteroom
предвариловка {noun} [colloquial] :: preventive-detention cell
предварительно {adv} :: preliminarily (in a preliminary manner)
предварительный {adj} :: preliminary, advance
предварить {v pf} :: to forestall, to anticipate
предварить {v pf} :: to premise (with), to begin (by)
предварить {v pf} :: to tell beforehand (about), (fore)to warn (of)
предварять {v impf} :: to forestall, to anticipate
предварять {v impf} :: to premise (with), to begin (by)
предварять {v impf} :: to tell beforehand (about), (fore)to warn (of)
предвесенье {noun} :: prelude to spring, pre-spring, late winter (period from February 15 to March 28)
предвестник {noun} :: harbinger, herald, precursor, forerunner
предвещать {v impf} :: to forebode, to presage, to portend, to betoken, to foretoken, to foreshadow, to herald, to augur
предвзятость {noun} :: bias, prejudice
предвзятый {adj} :: biased, prejudiced
предвидение {noun} :: foresight, prediction, prevision
предвидеть {v impf} :: to foresee, to foreknow
предвидеться {v impf} :: to be expected/foreseen
предвкусить {v pf} :: to look forward (to), to anticipate (with pleasure)
предвкушать {v impf} :: to look forward (to), to anticipate (with pleasure)
предвкушение {noun} :: anticipation, foretaste
предводитель {noun} :: leader, ringleader
предвоенный {adj} :: pre-war
предвосхитить {v pf} [literary] :: to anticipate, to forestall
предвосхищать {v impf} [literary] :: to anticipate, to forestall
предвыборный {adj} :: pre-election, election
предгорье {noun} :: foothill
преддверие {noun} :: threshold
предел {noun} :: limit, boundary, margin
предел {noun} :: border
предел {noun} [in the plural] :: precincts
предел {noun} [mathematics] :: limit
предельно {adv} :: completely, utterly
предельный {adj} [relational] :: limit, maximum
предельный {adj} :: utmost, extreme
предзнаменование {noun} :: omen, augury, presage (a warning of a future event; an omen)
предикат {noun} [linguistics, mathematics, philosophy] :: predicate
предикатив {noun} [linguistics] :: predicative
предикативный {adj} :: predicative
предисловие {noun} :: prologue, foreword, preface, introduction
предкрылок {noun} [aviation] :: slat
предлагать {v impf} :: to offer, to proffer
предлагать {v impf} :: to propose, to suggest
предлог {noun} :: pretext, excuse, pretense
предлог {noun} [grammar] :: preposition
предложение {noun} :: offer
предложение {noun} :: suggestion, proposal (also: marriage proposal), proposition
предложение {noun} [commerce] :: supply
предложение {noun} [parliamentary action] :: motion
предложение {noun} [grammar] :: sentence, clause
предложить {v pf} :: to offer, to profer
предложить {v pf} :: to propose, to suggest, to proposition
предложный {adj} [grammar] :: prepositional
предложный падеж {noun} :: prepositional case
предместье {noun} :: suburb, outskirts, faubourg (an outlying part of a city or town)
предмет {noun} :: object
предмет {noun} :: subject, topic
предмет {noun} :: (academic) subject
предмет {noun} :: (commercial) article, commodity, item
предмет {noun} :: piece of work
предметный {adj} [relational] :: subject
предметный {adj} [relational] :: object
предметный {adj} :: material, physical
предназначать {v impf} :: to appropriate
предназначать {v impf} :: to assign
предназначать {v impf} :: to design (for a specific purpose)
предназначать {v impf} :: to intend (for), to destine (for / to); to mean (for); to set aside (for), to earmark (for)
предназначать {v impf} :: to consign; to reserve
предназначаться {v impf} :: to be intended
предназначение {noun} :: destination, predestination, purpose, designation
предназначенный {adj} :: meant (for, to be), intended (for, to be)
предназначить {v pf} :: to appropriate
предназначить {v pf} :: to assign
предназначить {v pf} :: to design (for a specific purpose)
предназначить {v pf} :: to intend (for), to destine (for / to); to mean (for); to set aside (for), to earmark (for)
предназначить {v pf} :: to consign; to reserve
преднамеренно {adv} :: intentionally (intentional manner, on purpose)
преднамеренный {adj} :: premeditated, intentional, deliberate
предо {prep} :: in front of, before (+ instrumental case) (before awkward consonant clusters)
предок {noun} :: forefather, ancestor
предок {noun} [colloquial] :: parent
предоплата {noun} :: prepayment, advance payment (part of a contractually due sum)
предопределить {v pf} :: to predetermine, to predestine, to foreordain
предопределять {v impf} :: to predetermine, to predestine, to foreordain
предоставить {v pf} :: to let have (to), to leave (to)
предоставить {v pf} :: to give (to), to render (to), to grant (to)
предоставиться {v pf} :: to be allowed, to be permitted
предоставиться {v pf} :: to be provided
предоставление {noun} :: assignment, allotment, placing at smb's disposal
предоставлять {v impf} :: to let have (to), to leave (to)
предоставлять {v impf} :: to give (to), to render (to), to grant (to)
предоставляться {v impf} :: to be allowed, to be permitted
предоставляться {v impf} :: to be provided
предостаточно {adv} [colloquial] :: plenty (of), more than enough
предостаточный {adj} :: more than enough
предостерегать {v impf} :: to warn, to caution, to put on one's guard
предостерегающий {adj} :: admonitory, cautioning, warning
предостережение {noun} :: admonition, warning, caution, caveat
предостеречь {v pf} :: to warn, to caution, to put on one's guard
предостный {adj} :: supraspinate
предосторожность {noun} :: caution, precaution
предосудительный {adj} :: reprehensible, despicable
предотвратить {v pf} :: to avert, to stave off, to prevent
предотвращать {v impf} :: to avert, to stave off, to prevent
предотвращение {noun} :: prevention, staving off
предохранитель {noun} :: safety device, preventer, protector, safeguard
предохранитель {noun} :: safety (on a gun)
предохранительный {adj} [relational] :: safety, protection
предохранить {v pf} :: to protect from harm
предохранять {v impf} :: to protect from harm
предписание {noun} :: regulation, injunction (law or administrative rule)
предписание {noun} :: prescription (written order for the administration of a medicine)
предписать {v pf} :: to prescribe
предписать {v pf} :: to direct, to order (+ dative + infinitive, someone to do something)
предписывать {v impf} :: to prescribe
предписывать {v impf} :: to direct, to order (+ dative + infinitive, someone to do something)
предплечье {noun} :: forearm
предплюсна {noun} :: tarsus
предполагаемый {adj} :: assumed
предполагаемый {adj} :: estimated
предполагаемый {adj} :: alleged, supposed, suppositional, suppositious
предполагаемый {adj} :: expected, anticipated
предполагаемый {adj} :: prospective
предполагаемый {adj} :: implied
предполагаемый {adj} :: presumed, putative
предполагаемый {adj} :: presumptive, reputed
предполагаемый {adj} :: probable
предполагаемый {adj} :: conjecturable
предполагаемый {adj} :: would-be
предполагать {v impf} :: to assume, to suppose
предполагать {v impf} :: to presume, to imply
предполагаться {v impf} :: to be planned
предполагаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be assumed, to be supposed; to be presumed, to be implied
предположение {noun} :: assumption
предположение {noun} :: hypothesis, supposition, guess, speculation, conjecture, surmise
предположение {noun} :: presumption
предположение {noun} :: presupposition
предположение {noun} :: sumption
предположительно {adv} :: supposedly
предположительный {adj} :: conjectural, presumable, hypothetical, estimated
предположительный {adj} :: a priori ((logic) based on hypothesis rather than experiment.)
предположить {v pf} :: to assume, to suppose
предположить {v pf} :: to presume, to imply
предпоследний {adj} :: penultimate
предпоследний {adj} :: last but one, next to last
предпосылка {noun} :: prerequisite, precondition (something that must be gained in order to gain something else)
предпосылка {noun} :: supposition, presupposition, premise, background
предпочесть {v pf} :: to prefer
предпочитать {v impf} :: to prefer
предпочтение {noun} :: preference, predilection (a state being preferred)
предпочтительно {adv} :: preferably
предпочтительный {adj} :: preferable
предпредпоследний {adj} :: antepenultimate, antepenult (two before the last)
предприимать {v impf} [dated or high-style] :: alternative form of предпринимать
предприимчивость {noun} :: initiative, enterprise (willingness to take the initiative, especially in business)
предприимчивый {adj} :: enterprising, businesslike
предприниматель {noun} :: industrialist, businessman, entrepreneur
предпринимательница {noun} :: female industrialist, businessman, entrepreneur (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk)
предпринимательский {adj} [relational] :: business; entrepreneurial
предпринимательство {noun} :: entrepreneurship, enterprise
предпринимать {v impf} :: to undertake, to endeavour
предпринять {v pf} :: to undertake, to endeavour
предприятие {noun} :: enterprise, business, undertaking
предрасполагать {v impf} :: to predispose [accusative + к + dative, someone to something]
предрасположенность {noun} :: predisposition
предрасположенность {noun} :: aptitude (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill)
предрасположенный {adj} :: prone, predisposed [к + dative, to something]
предрасположить {v pf} :: to predispose [accusative + к + dative, someone to something]
предрассветный {adj} [relational] :: predawn
предрассветье {noun} :: predawn
предрассудок {noun} :: prejudice, superstition
предрекать {v impf} [bookish] :: to foretell, to predict, to prognosticate
предречь {v pf} [bookish] :: to foretell, to predict, to prognosticate
предрешать {v impf} :: to prejudge, to predetermine, to predestine
предрешить {v pf} :: to prejudge, to predetermine, to predestine
председатель {noun} :: chairman, president
председательство {noun} :: chairmanship, presidency
председательствовать {v impf} :: to be chairman/president (of)
председательствовать {v impf} :: to chair, to preside (over), to be in the chair, to take the chair
председательствующий {noun} :: chairperson, chair, chairman, moderator
предсердие {noun} :: auricle, atrium (chamber of the heart)
предсказание {noun} :: prediction; forecast; prophecy
предсказание {noun} :: prognostication
предсказание {noun} :: forecasting; prognosis
предсказать {v pf} :: to foretell, to predict, to forecast, to prophesy
предсказуемость {noun} :: predictability
предсказуемый {adj} :: predictable, foreseeable
предсказывать {v impf} :: to foretell, to predict, to forecast, to prophesy
предсмертный {adj} [relational] :: death
предсмертный {adj} :: dying [words, wish, etc.]
представать {v impf} :: to appear (before)
представитель {noun} :: representative
представитель {noun} :: specimen
представительница {noun} :: representative, spokesman
представительница {noun} :: member, representativ
представительный {adj} :: representative
представительный {adj} :: imposing, dignified, impressive
представительский {adj} :: representative
представительство {noun} :: representation, representative office
представить {v pf} :: to present, to offer
представить {v pf} :: to produce, to show
представить {v pf} :: to introduce, to present
представить {v pf} :: to imagine, to picture, to fancy, to conceive
представить {v pf} :: to perform, to act
представить {v pf} :: to represent, to embody, to depict, to envision, to figure, to realize
представить {v pf} :: to represent, to be
представить {v pf} :: to recommend, to put forward
представиться {v pf} :: to occur, to present itself; to offer, to arise
представиться {v pf} :: to introduce oneself
представиться {v pf} :: to seem
представиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pretend (to be), to pass oneself off (as)
представление {noun} :: introduction (a means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another)
представление {noun} :: presentation, submission, introduction
представление {noun} :: performance, show
представление {noun} :: idea, notion, conception
представлять {v impf} :: to present, to offer
представлять {v impf} :: to produce, to show
представлять {v impf} :: to introduce, to present
представлять {v impf} :: to imagine, to picture, to fancy, to conceive
представлять {v impf} :: to perform, to act
представлять {v impf} :: to represent, to embody, to depict, to envision, to figure, to realize
представлять {v impf} :: to represent, to be
представлять {v impf} :: to recommend, to put forward
представляться {v impf} :: to occur, to present itself; to offer, to arise
представляться {v impf} :: to introduce oneself
представляться {v impf} :: to seem
представляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pretend (to be), to pass oneself off (as)
предстать {v pf} :: to appear (before)
предстоять {v impf} :: to lie ahead, to be at hand, to be in the offing
предстоять {v impf} :: to have to do something in the future
предстоящий {adj} :: forthcoming, coming, imminent
предтеча {m anim} {f anim} [literary or dated] :: forerunner, precursor
предубеждение {noun} :: prejudice, bias
предубежденье {noun} :: alternative spelling of предубеждение
предубеждённый {adj} :: prejudiced, biased
предугадать {v pf} :: to divine, to foresee, to foretell
предугадывать {v impf} :: to divine, to foresee, to foretell
предумышленный {adj} :: premeditated, aforethought
предупредительный {adj} :: preventive, precautionary
предупредительный {adj} :: warning
предупредительный {adj} :: obliging, attentive, courteous
предупредить {v pf} :: to warn, to let know beforehand
предупредить {v pf} :: to forestall, to anticipate
предупредить {v pf} :: to avert, to prevent
предупреждать {v impf} :: to warn, to let know beforehand
предупреждать {v impf} :: to forestall, to anticipate
предупреждать {v impf} :: to avert, to prevent
предупреждение {noun} :: notice, warning, notification
предупреждение {noun} :: prevention
предусматривать {v impf} :: to foresee, to envisage, to anticipate
предусматривать {v impf} :: to provide (for), to stipulate (for)
предусмотренный {adj} :: provided, specified
предусмотреть {v pf} :: to foresee, to envisage, to anticipate
предусмотреть {v pf} :: to provide (for), to stipulate (for)
предусмотрительно {adv} :: prudently, with foresight
предусмотрительность {noun} :: prudence, foresight
предусмотрительный {adj} :: prudent, precautionary, far-sighted
предчувствие {noun} :: foreboding, foreshadowing, presentiment, hunch (a premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen)
предчувствовать {v impf} :: to have a presentiment, to have a foreboding (of, about)
предшественник {noun} :: predecessor, precursor, forerunner
предшественник {noun} :: progenitor
предшественник {noun} :: ancestor (an earlier type)
предшественник {noun} :: forbear
предшественник {noun} :: foregoer
предшественница {noun} :: feminine noun of предшественник
предшествовать {v impf} :: to precede, to forego, to forerun, to antedate
предшествующий {adj} :: previous, former
предшествующий {adj} :: preceding
предшествующий {adj} :: prior, anterior
предшествующий {adj} :: foregoing
предшествующий {adj} :: antecedent (earlier in time or order)
предшествующий {adj} :: precedent
предшествующий {adj} :: precursory
предшествующий {adj} :: aforegoing
предшествующий {adj} :: aforetime
предшествующий {adj} :: precedential
предшествующий {adj} :: anteceding
предъявить {v pf} :: to present, to produce, to show
предъявить {v pf} :: to make (a demand, request), to assert (rights)
предъявить {v pf} :: to bring (a lawsuit), to press, to prefer (an accusation, charge)
предъявление {noun} :: producing, presentation
предъявлять {v impf} :: to present, to produce, to show
предъявлять {v impf} :: to make (a demand, request), to assert (rights)
предъявлять {v impf} :: to bring (a lawsuit), to press, to prefer (an accusation, charge)
предыдущий {adj} :: previous
предыдущий {adj} :: antecedent, early (earlier in time or order)
предыстория {noun} :: events preceding, events leading up, prehistory
предыстория {noun} [informatics, ] :: history
предэякулят {noun} :: pre-ejaculate
преемник {noun} :: successor
преемник {noun} :: heir
преемственность {noun} :: succession, continuity
преемственный {adj} :: successive (following one after another)
преемственный {adj} :: inherited by right of succession
преемство {noun} [literary] :: succession (transfer of power)
преемство {noun} [law] :: succession (transfer by inheritance)
прежде {adv} :: previously, before, formerly
прежде {prep} :: before, previously to
преждевременно {adv} :: prematurely, in an untimely manner
преждевременный {adj} :: premature, untimely
прежде всего {adv} :: first of all
прежде всего {adv} :: above all
прежде всего {adv} :: in the first place
прежде всего {adv} :: to begin with
прежде всего {adv} :: primarily
прежде чем {adv} :: previous to, before
прежний {adj} :: former, previous
презент {noun} :: donative, gift, present
презентация {noun} :: presentation
презентовать {v both} [humorous] :: to present, to give as a gift
презерватив {noun} :: condom (flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
президент {noun} :: president (the head of state of a republic, the primary leader of a corporation, male or female)
президентский {adj} [relational] :: president; presidential
президентство {noun} :: presidency
президиум {noun} :: presidium
президиум {noun} :: head of a committee
презик {noun} :: diminutive of презерватив
презик {noun} [pejorative] :: diminutive of президент
презирать {v impf} :: to despise, to hold in contempt
презирать {v impf} :: to scorn, to disdain
презрение {noun} :: contempt, scorn, disdain
презрение {noun} :: defiance
презренный {adj} :: contemptible, despicable, despised, held in contempt
презреть {v pf} :: to despise, to hold in contempt [+ accusative]
презреть {v pf} :: to scorn, to disdain [+ accusative]
презрительно {adv} :: contemptuously (in a disrespectful or discourteous manner)
презрительный {adj} :: contemptuous, scornful, disdainful (showing contempt)
презумпция {noun} [literary] :: presumption
преимущественно {adv} :: predominantly (in a predominant manner)
преимущественно {adv} :: mostly
преимущественный {adj} :: primary
преимущественный {adj} [law] :: preferential
преимущество {noun} :: advantage (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success)
преимущество {noun} :: preference
преисподняя {noun} :: hell, nether world
прейскурант {noun} :: price list
прейти {v pf} [literary, poetic] :: alternative form of перейти
преклонение {noun} :: admiration, worship
преклонить {vt pf} [literary] :: to bend down, to incline, to bow [e.g. one's head]
преклониться {v pf} :: to bow [to, before]
преклониться {v pf} :: to kneel [before]
преклониться {v pf} :: to admire, to worship, to revere
преклонный {adj} :: old, advanced [in age]
преклонять {vt impf} [literary] :: to bend down, to incline, to bow [e.g. one's head]
преклоняться {v impf} :: to bow [to, before]
преклоняться {v impf} :: to kneel [before]
преклоняться {v impf} :: to admire, to worship, to revere
прекословие {noun} [dated] :: precondition, objection
прекраснее {adv} :: comparative of прекрасный
прекраснее {adv} :: comparative of прекрасно
прекрасно {adv} :: beautifully, great, gorgeously, well, nicely
прекрасный {adj} :: beautiful
прекрасный {adj} :: fine, splendid, excellent, nice
прекратить {v pf} :: to stop, to cease, to end, to discontinue
прекратиться {v pf} :: to end, to cease, to stop
прекращать {v impf} :: to stop, to cease, to end, to discontinue
прекращаться {v impf} :: to end, to cease, to stop
прекращение {noun} :: cessation (a ceasing or discontinuance)
прекращение огня {noun} :: armistice (formal agreement to end fighting)
прелат {noun} :: prelate
прелатский {adj} [relational] :: prelate
прелестнее {adv} :: comparative of прелестный
прелестнее {adv} :: comparative of прелестно
прелестно {adv} :: charmingly, delightfully, lovely
прелестный {adj} :: charming, delightful, lovely
прелестный кварк {noun} :: bottom quark, beauty quark
прелесть {noun} :: charm, fascination
прелесть {noun} :: (plural) delights
прелесть {noun} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: spiritual delusion, deception, conceit
прелёгкий {adj} [colloquial] :: very easy
прелёгкий {adj} [colloquial] :: very light (not heavy)
прелиминарии {noun} :: preliminary things, preliminaries
преломить {v pf} [physics] :: to refract
преломить {v pf} [dated] :: to break in two, to fracture
преломить {v pf} [figurative] :: to reinterpret subjectively
преломить {v pf} [perfective only] :: to overcome
преломить {v pf} [perfective only] :: to betray [+ dative]
преломление {noun} [physics] :: refraction
преломление {noun} [dated] :: breaking in two, fracturing
преломление {noun} [figurative] :: subjective reinterpretation
преломлять {v impf} [physics] :: to refract
преломлять {v impf} [dated] :: to break in two, to fracture
преломлять {v impf} [figurative] :: to reinterpret subjectively
прельстить {v pf} :: to charm, to tempt, to entice, to seduce, to captivate, to lure, to attract, to dazzle
прельщать {v impf} :: to charm, to tempt, to entice, to seduce, to captivate, to lure, to attract, to dazzle
прелюбодей {noun} :: adulterer
прелюбодейка {noun} :: adulteress (woman or girl who commits adultery)
прелюбодейный {adj} :: adulterous
прелюбодействовать {v impf} :: to commit adultery, to adulterate, to fornicate
прелюбодеяние {noun} :: adultery (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
прелюдия {noun} [music] :: prelude (short piece of music)
прелюдия {noun} :: foreplay (the acts at the beginning of a sexual encounter)
премаленький {adj} :: very small
премиленький {adj} :: very dear, sweet
преминуть {v pf} :: to fail (to do something)
премирование {noun} :: rewarding, bonus payment
премия {noun} :: bonus, premium, prize, reward (something of value given in return for an act)
премудрость {noun} :: wisdom
премудрость {noun} :: subtlety, intricacy
премудрый {adj} :: (very) wise; sage
премьер {noun} :: ellipsis of премьер-министр: prime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
премьера {noun} :: premiere (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment)
премьер-министр {noun} :: prime minister
пренебрегать {v impf} :: to neglect, to disregard, to disdain, to slight
пренебрегать {v impf} :: to scorn, to ignore, to despise
пренебрежение {noun} :: neglect, disregard
пренебрежение {noun} :: scorn, disdain (feeling of contempt or scorn)
пренебрежительно {adv} :: contemptuously, scornfully, disdainfully
пренебрежительность {noun} :: scorn, disdain, disparagement
пренебрежительный {adj} :: disparaging, contemptuous, disdainful
пренебречь {v pf} :: to neglect, to disregard, to disdain, to slight
пренебречь {v pf} :: to scorn, to ignore, to despise
пренеприятный {adj} [colloquial] :: most unpleasant
прения {noun} :: debate, discussion
преобладание {noun} :: predominance, prevalence
преобладать {v impf} :: to prevail [над over]
преобладать {vi impf} :: to predominate, to dominate
преобладающий {adj} :: prevailing, predominant
преображать {v impf} :: to transform, to transfigure
преображаться {v impf} :: to be transformed, to look different
преображение {noun} :: transformation
преображение {noun} [religion] :: Transfiguration
преображенский {adj} [relational, Christianity] :: Transfiguration
преображенский {adj} [relational] :: Preobrazheniye, Preobrazhensky, Preobrazhenskaya, Preobrazhenskoye (any of various settlements in Russia with these names)
преображенский {adj} [relational] :: Preobrazhensky (surname) (surname of several notable Russians and Soviets)
преображенский {adj} [relational] :: Preobrazhensky Regiment
преобразить {v pf} :: to transform, to transfigure
преобразиться {v pf} :: to be transformed, to look different
преобразование {noun} :: reform
преобразование {noun} :: reformation
преобразование {noun} :: transition
преобразование {noun} :: transformation, conversion
преобразование {noun} :: conversion, translation
преобразователь {noun} :: reformer, reorganizer
преобразователь {noun} [engineering] :: transformer, converter
преобразовать {v both} :: to transform (into), to turn (into), to reform (into), to reorganize (into, as)
преобразовать {v both} [physics, mathematics] :: to transform (into), to convert (to)
преобразовать {v both} [informatics] :: to convert (to), to translate (into)
преобразоваться {vi both} [literary] :: to transform
преобразоваться {vi both} [literary] :: to reform, to undergo radical change
преобразоваться {v both} [dated] :: to be transfigured, to change shape or appearance
преобразовывать {v impf} :: to transform (into), to turn (into), to reform (into), to reorganize (into, as)
преобразовывать {v impf} [physics, mathematics] :: to transform (into), to convert (to)
преобразовывать {v impf} [informatics] :: to convert (to), to translate (into)
преобразовываться {vi impf} [literary] :: to transform
преобразовываться {vi impf} [literary] :: to reform, to undergo radical change
преобразовываться {v impf} [dated] :: to be transfigured, to change shape or appearance
преогромный {adj} :: gigantic, colossal, enormous
преодолевать {v impf} :: to get over, to overcome
преодолевать {v impf} :: to traverse
преодолевать {v impf} :: to negotiate
преодоление {noun} :: overcoming
преодолеть {v pf} :: to get over, to overcome
преодолеть {v pf} :: to traverse
преодолеть {v pf} :: to negotiate
преодолимый {adj} :: surmountable
преосвященный {noun} :: Right Reverend
препарат {noun} :: preparation
препарат {noun} [slang] :: drug
препинание {noun} :: punctuation
препирательство {noun} :: altercation, bickering, argument, dispute, squabbling
препод {noun} [colloquial] :: teacher
преподавание {noun} :: teaching, instruction
преподаватель {noun} :: teacher, lecturer, instructor, professor (a person who teaches)
преподавательница {noun} :: female teacher
преподавательский {adj} :: teacher's
преподавательский {adj} [relational] :: teaching
преподавать {v impf} :: to teach, to lecture
преподать {v pf} :: to give
преподать {v pf} :: to teach
преподнести {v pf} :: to present, to make a present
преподнести {v pf} :: to communicate
преподносить {v impf} :: to present, to make a present
преподносить {v impf} :: to communicate
преподобный {adj} :: reverend, saint
препона {noun} [archaic, literary] :: obstacle, hindrance, impediment
препуциальный {adj} :: preputial
препуций {noun} [anatomy] :: prepuce (foreskin)
препятствие {noun} :: obstacle, impediment
препятствовать {v impf} :: to hinder, to prevent, to prohibit, to impede, to put obstacles
прерванный половой акт {noun} :: coitus interruptus (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis)
прервать {v pf} :: to interrupt, to break off, to sever, to discontinue, to cut short
прерваться {v pf} :: to be interrupted/broken, (voice) to break
пререкаемый {adj} [dated] :: questionable, arguable
пререкаться {v impf} :: to bicker, to quarrel
прерия {noun} :: prairie
прерогатива {noun} :: prerogative
прерывать {v impf} :: to interrupt, to break off, to sever, to discontinue
прерываться {v impf} :: to be interrupted/broken, (voice) to break
прерывающийся {adj} :: that interrupts
прерывистый {adj} :: intermittent
прерывистый {adj} :: irregular
прерывистый {adj} :: broken [line]
пресвитерианин {noun} :: Presbyterian
пресвитерианство {noun} :: Presbyterianism (form of Protestantism)
пресвятой {adj} :: most holy
пресекать {v impf} :: to suppress, to stop
пресечение {noun} :: preclusion, prevention, constraint, restraint, restriction, suppression
пресечь {v pf} :: to suppress, to stop
преследование {noun} :: pursuit, chase (act of pursuing)
преследование {noun} :: persecution
преследователь {noun} :: persecutor, pursuer
преследовать {v impf} :: to pursue, to chase
преследовать {v impf} :: to persecute
преследовать {v impf} :: to torment, to victimize
преследовать {v impf} [law] :: to prosecute
преследовать {v impf} :: to strive (for); to pursue
преследовать {v impf} :: to haunt
пресловутый {adj} [dated] :: proverbial, notorious
пресловутый {adj} :: ill-famed
пресмыкаться {v impf} :: to creep, to crawl
пресмыкаться {v impf} :: to grovel (before), to bow and scrape (before), to fawn (on), to lick the boots (of)
пресмыкающееся {noun} :: reptile
пресная вода {noun} [countable or uncountable] :: fresh water
пресноводный {adj} :: freshwater (living in fresh water)
пресный {adj} :: sweet, fresh (water)
пресный {adj} :: unleavened (bread)
пресный {adj} :: tasteless (food)
пресный {adj} :: stale, insipid, vapid
преспокойно {adv} :: extremely calmly, extremely tranquilly
преспокойный {adj} :: extremely calm, extremely tranquil
пресс {noun} :: press (device used to apply pressure)
пресс {noun} :: prelum, prelum abdominale
пресса {noun} [media] :: press
прессинг {noun} [sports] :: defensive pressure, e.g.:
прессинг {noun} [basketball] :: press (e.g. full-court press)
прессинг {noun} [soccer] :: pressing
прессинг {noun} [hockey] :: pressure
прессинг {noun} [figurative] :: pressure
пресс-конференция {noun} :: press conference (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media)
прессовать {v impf} :: to press, to compress, to apply pressure to [using a press]
прессовать {v impf} [figurative] :: to pressure
пресс-папье {n inan} :: paperweight (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object)
пресс-папье {n inan} :: blotter
пресс-релиз {noun} :: press release (official written media statement)
пресс-секретарша {noun} [colloquial] :: feminine noun of пресс-секретарь
пресс-секретарь {noun} :: press secretary
пресс-служба {noun} :: press service
пресс-центр {noun} :: press-center
преставать {v impf} [dated or religious] :: alternative form of переставать
престарелый {adj} :: aged, advanced in years
престать {v pf} [dated or religious] :: alternative form of перестать
престиж {noun} :: prestige
престижность {noun} :: prestigiousness, prestige
престижный {adj} :: prestigious, prestige
престо {noun} [music] :: presto
престол {noun} :: throne
престол {noun} :: altar
престолонаследник {noun} :: successor to the throne
престранный {adj} :: too strange, very strange, extremely strange, most strange
преступать {v impf} :: to break, to infringe, to violate (laws, regulations, norms, etc.)
преступать {v impf} :: to overstep, to transgress, to trespass
преступить {v pf} :: to break, to infringe, to violate (laws, regulations, norms, etc.)
преступить {v pf} :: to overstep, to transgress, to trespass
преступление {noun} :: crime, criminal act, offense
преступник {noun} :: criminal, delinquent, offender
преступность {noun} :: criminality (state of being criminal)
преступность {noun} :: crime (general crime)
преступный {adj} :: criminal, felonious
пресуществление {noun} [Christianity] :: transubstantiation
претворение {noun} [dated] :: change, transformation
претворить {v pf} :: to implement
претворить {v pf} [obsolete, bookish] :: to turn (into), to change (into), to convert (into)
претвориться {v pf} :: to be realized/implemented
претворять {v impf} :: to implement
претворять {v impf} [obsolete, bookish] :: to turn (into), to change (into), to convert (into)
претворяться {v impf} :: to be realized/implemented
претендент {noun} :: pretender, claimant (to, upon), aspirant (to), applicant (one who applies)
претендентка {noun} :: female pretender, claimant (to, upon), aspirant (to), applicant (one who applies)
претендовать {v impf} :: to claim, to pretend, to aspire, to have pretensions
претензия {noun} :: claim, pretension, title (demand for one's rights, or for someone/something one thinks they have the right to)
претензия {noun} :: complaint, dissatisfaction
претензия {noun} [legal] :: formal complaint of a creditor/purchaser/customer expressing protest to a debtor/supplier/contractor on account of a contract violation
претензия {noun} :: pretense (an attempt to impress others by showing off some positive attributes)
претенциозный {adj} :: pretentious, affected
претенциозный {adj} :: ambitious (showy)
претенциозный {adj} :: grandiose
претенциозный {adj} :: orotund
претенциозный {adj} :: brassy
претенциозный {adj} :: rococo
претенциозный {adj} :: artsy-fartsy
претерпевать {v impf} :: to suffer, to endure, to go (through)
претерпевать {v impf} :: to undergo
претерпеть {v pf} :: to suffer, to endure, to go (through)
претерпеть {v pf} :: to undergo
претить {v impf} [dated] :: to forbid, to ban
претить {v impf} [dated] :: to hinder, to oppose
претить {v impf} :: to sicken, to disgust
преткновение {noun} [dated] :: impediment, obstacle (used almost exclusively in idiomatic expression камень преткновения)
Претория {prop} :: Претория (administrative capital)
преть {v impf} :: to rot
преть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stew
преть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sweat
преть {v impf} [medicine] :: (of skin) to become intertriginous, to become wet and irritated in folds
преувеличение {noun} :: exaggeration
преувеличенный {adj} :: exaggerated
преувеличивать {v impf} :: to exaggerate, to overstate
преувеличить {v pf} :: to exaggerate, to overstate
преуменьшать {v impf} :: to downplay
преуменьшать {v impf} :: to underestimate
преуменьшать {v impf} :: to mince (to suppress or weaken the force of something or somebody)
преуменьшить {v pf} :: to downplay
преуменьшить {v pf} :: to underestimate
преуменьшить {v pf} :: to mince (to suppress or weaken the force of something or somebody)
преупрямый {adj} :: very stubborn
преуспевать {v impf} :: to succeed, to be successful, to prosper
преуспевать {v impf} :: to flourish, to thrive, to prosper
преуспевающий {adj} :: flourishing, forehanded, going, prosperous, successful
преуспеть {v pf} :: to succeed, to be successful, to prosper
преуспеть {v pf} :: to flourish, to thrive, to prosper
преуспеяние {noun} [obsolete] :: success, prosperity
префект {noun} :: prefect
префектура {noun} :: prefecture
преферанс {noun} :: preference (a card game)
преферанс {noun} [obsolete] :: preference for, predilection
преференция {noun} :: preference
префикс {noun} :: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word)
преходить {v impf} [litery, poetic] :: alternative form of переходить
преходящий {adj} :: temporary, transitory, transient, short-lived
прецедент {noun} :: precedent (past act used as example)
прецедент {noun} :: legal authority
прецедент {noun} [legal] :: precedent, example, case
пречистый {adj} [colloquial] :: very clean
пречистый {adj} [colloquial] :: very pure
пречистый {adj} [religion] :: immaculate
при- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: arrival
при- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: attachment, on
при- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: adding to
при- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: slightly, partially
при- {prefix} [place names] :: by, near, next to
при {prep} :: in the presence of
при {prep} :: in the time of
при {prep} :: at, by
приб. {adv} :: approx., approximately
прибабах {noun} [idiomatic colloquial, vulgar, pejorative] :: calling card
прибавить {v pf} :: to add (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition)
прибавиться {v pf} :: to increase, to rise, to swell, to wax
прибавка {noun} :: increase, increment
прибавка {noun} :: raise, rise
прибавка {noun} :: allowance
прибавка {noun} :: annex (addition, an extension)
прибавление {noun} :: increase, raise, rise
прибавление {noun} :: addition, augmentation
прибавление {noun} :: addendum, supplement, appendix
прибавлять {v impf} :: to add (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition)
прибавляться {v impf} :: to increase, to rise, to swell, to wax
прибалт {noun} [colloquial] :: citizen/dweller of one of the Baltic states (usually of Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania)
прибалтийский {adj} :: Baltic (referring to the Baltic States, not the Baltic Sea)
Прибалтика {noun} :: the Baltic states
прибаутка {noun} :: humorous saying
прибаутка {noun} [folklore] :: nursery rhyme, short entertaining story for children, fable
прибегать {v impf} :: to resort, to have recourse, to fall back (upon)
прибегать {v impf} :: to come running
прибегнуть {v pf} :: to resort, to have recourse, to fall back (upon)
прибежать {v pf} :: to come running
прибежище {noun} :: refuge, resort
приберечь {v pf} :: to save, to reserve
прибивать {v impf} :: to nail down (to attach with a nail)
прибивать {v impf} :: to move, to drive somewhere [of the wind or water]
прибивать {v impf} :: to press to the ground [by an impact or by wind or water]
прибивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to kill
прибиваться {v impf} :: to be nailed, to be attached with nails
прибиваться {vi impf} :: to bend down [from wind, rain, etc.]
прибиваться {v impf} :: to get close, to be brought close [from wind, rain, etc.]
прибиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to join [к + dative, a group, a family, etc.]
прибирать {v impf} :: to put in order, to clean up, to tidy (up)
прибирать {v impf} :: to put away
прибить {v pf} :: to nail down (to attach with a nail)
прибить {v pf} :: to move, to drive somewhere [of the wind or water]
прибить {v pf} :: to press to the ground [by an impact or by wind or water]
прибить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to kill
прибиться {v pf} :: to be nailed, to be attached with nails
прибиться {vi pf} :: to bend down [from wind, rain, etc.]
прибиться {v pf} :: to get close, to be brought close [from wind, rain, etc.]
прибиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to join [к + dative, a group, a family, etc.]
приближать {v impf} :: to bring nearer
приближаться {v impf} :: to draw near, to approach
приближаться {v impf} :: to near
приближаться {v impf} :: to approximate
приближение {noun} :: approach (the act of drawing near)
приближение {noun} :: approximation
приближённый {adj} :: close [of people]
приближённый {adj} :: approximate, rough
приближённый {noun} :: person in attendance, retainer
приближённый {noun} [plural] :: retinue
приближивать {v impf} :: alternative form of приближать
приблизительно {adv} :: approximate, approximately, roughly
приблизительный {adj} :: approximate, rough, general
приблизить {v pf} :: to bring nearer
приблизиться {v pf} :: to draw near, to approach
приблизиться {v pf} :: to near
приблизиться {v pf} :: to approximate
прибой {noun} :: surf, breakers
прибор {noun} :: set, device, appliance
прибор {noun} :: tool, instrument, gadget, apparatus
прибор {noun} :: set (collection of objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools)
приборный {adj} [relational] :: instrument
приборостроение {noun} :: instrument making
прибрать {v pf} :: to put in order, to clean up, to tidy (up)
прибрать {v pf} :: to put away
прибрежный {adj} :: coastal
прибрежный {adj} :: riverside
прибрежье {noun} :: coast, shore
прибывать {v impf} :: to arrive
прибывать {v impf} :: to increase, to rise, to grow
прибывать {v impf} :: to rise, to swell [water], to wax [moon]
прибыль {noun} :: rise, increase, growth, increment
прибыль {noun} :: profit, gain, benefit, increment, return, earning
прибыль {noun} [technical] :: runner, riser, head
прибыльность {noun} :: profitability
прибыльный {adj} :: profitable, lucrative
прибытие {noun} :: arrival (act of arriving or something that has arrived)
прибыть {v pf} :: to arrive
прибыть {v pf} :: to increase, to rise, to grow
прибыть {v pf} :: to rise, to swell (water), to wax (moon)
привал {noun} :: halt (in a travel)
приваливать {v impf} :: to lean, to rest
приваливать {v impf} :: (ship) to come alongside
приваливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come, to appear
привалить {v pf} :: to lean, to rest
привалить {v pf} :: (ship) to come alongside
привалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come, to appear
приватизация {noun} :: privatization
приватизировать {v both} :: to privatize
приватный {adj} :: private (individual, not public, or secret)
приватный {adj} [dated] :: unofficial
приведение {noun} :: bringing, leading
приведение {noun} [mathematics] :: reduction
привезти {v pf} :: to bring, to fetch by vehicle ((transitive) to transport toward somebody/somewhere)
привередливый {adj} :: picky, choosy, hard to please, fastidious, squeamish, excessively particular
приверженец {noun} :: adherent, follower, partisan, stickler
приверженка {noun} :: female advocate, adherent, supporter, devotee (person who speaks in support of something)
приверженность {noun} :: adherence, devotion
приверженный {adj} :: committed, devoted, loyal, faithful [+ dative]
привесок {noun} :: appendage (a part that is joined to something larger)
привести {v pf} :: to bring (someone with)
привести {v pf} :: to lead (of a road)
привести {v pf} :: to result, to lead, to bring
привести {v pf} [mathematics] :: to reduce
привести {v pf} :: to quote, to cite, to adduce, to list
привести {v pf} :: to bring, to put, to set (into condition)
привестись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to happen to [+ dative and infinitive]
привестись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to have the occasion to [+ dative and infinitive]
привет {interj} [colloquial] :: hello
привет {noun} :: a greeting, a hello
приветик {interj} [colloquial] :: hi, hey
приветливо {adv} :: friendly (in a friendly manner)
приветливость {noun} :: friendliness, affability
приветливый {adj} :: affable, neighborly, communicable, forthcoming
приветственный {adj} :: salutatory, welcoming
приветствие {noun} :: greeting, salutation
приветствовать {v both} :: to greet, to hail, to welcome
приветствовать {v both} :: to salute
прививать {v impf} [medicine] :: to inoculate, to vaccinate (against)
прививать {v impf} [botany] :: to engraft (upon), to inoculate (with)
прививать {v impf} :: (a habit or property) to inculcate, to impart, to cultivate
прививка {noun} :: [medicine] inoculation, immunization, vaccination
прививка {noun} :: [colloquial] vaccine
прививка {noun} [horticulture] :: grafting
привидение {noun} :: ghost, spectre, apparition, spook
привидеться {v pf} :: to appear (in a dream or vision)
привилегированный {adj} :: privileged
привилегия {noun} :: privilege (a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor)
привинтить {v pf} :: to screw on
привинчивать {v impf} :: to screw on
привить {v pf} [medicine] :: to inoculate, to vaccinate (against)
привить {v pf} [botany] :: to engraft (upon), to inoculate (with)
привить {v pf} :: (a habit or property) to inculcate, to impart, to cultivate
привкус {noun} :: smack, touch, aftertaste
привкус {noun} :: shade, tinge
привлекательность {noun} :: attractiveness, appeal
привлекательный {adj} :: attractive, winning, alluring
привлекать {v impf} :: to attract, to draw (arouse interest)
привлечение {noun} :: effort to attract
привлечение {noun} :: involvement
привлечение {noun} :: impleading, institution
привлечь {v pf} :: to attract, to draw (arouse interest)
привнести {v pf} :: to introduce (into), to add (to)
привносить {v impf} :: to introduce (into), to add (to)
привод {noun} [technology] :: drive, driving gear
привод {noun} [computing] :: drive
привод {noun} :: bringing, leading
привод {noun} [law] :: forcible delivery [of a witness, defendant, etc. to court]
привод {noun} [law] :: arrest
приводить {v impf} :: to bring [someone with]
приводить {v impf} :: to lead [of a road]
приводить {v impf} :: to result, to lead, to bring
приводить {v impf} [mathematics] :: to reduce
приводить {v impf} :: to quote, to cite, to adduce, to list
приводить {v impf} :: to bring, to put, to set [into condition]
приводить в замешательство {v impf} :: to confuse (to puzzle, to bewilder)
приводить в замешательство {v impf} :: to abash (to make ashamed, to embarrass)
приводиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to happen to [+ dative and infinitive]
приводиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to have the occasion to [+ dative and infinitive]
приводнение {noun} :: alighting/landing on water, splashdown
приводной {adj} [relational] :: drive
привоз {noun} :: bringing
привоз {noun} :: import
привозить {v impf} :: to bring, to fetch by vehicle
привокзальный {adj} :: located near the train station
приволжский {adj} [relational] :: Volga region, area near the Volga river
приволочь {v pf} :: to drag (to)
приволочь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring
приволье {noun} :: open space; expanse
приволье {noun} :: freedom, ease; comfort
привольный {adj} :: free; unrestrained; carefree
привольный {adj} :: vast (of a location)
привставать {v impf} :: to half-rise
привстать {v pf} :: to half-rise
привстать {v pf} :: to rise, stand up
привыкание {noun} :: adaptation
привыкание {noun} :: acquired tolerance, addiction, habituation
привыкать {v impf} :: to get used to, to get accustomed to
привыкнуть {v pf} :: to get used to, to get accustomed to
привыкший {adj} :: accustomed
привычка {noun} :: habit, custom
привычно {adv} :: customarily, usually, habitually
привычно {adv} :: in a practiced manner
привычный {adj} :: habitual, customary, usual
привычный {adj} :: accustomed (to)
привязанность {noun} :: attachment, affection
привязать {v pf} :: to tie up, to attach, to fasten, to tether
привязать {v pf} :: to win over, to attach
привязаться {v pf} :: to become/get/be attached (to)
привязаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to attach oneself (to)
привязаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to pester
привязка {noun} :: tying, attaching
привязка {noun} :: linkage, affixment
привязка {noun} [informatics] :: binding
привязывать {v impf} :: to tie up, to attach, to fasten, to tether
привязывать {v impf} :: to win over, to attach
привязываться {v impf} :: to become/get/be attached (to)
привязываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to attach oneself (to)
привязываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to pester
привязь {noun} :: leash, lead
привязь {noun} :: tether, harness, bridle
пригибать {v impf} :: to bend down, to bow
пригибаться {v impf} :: to bend down, to bow
приглагольный {adj} [linguistics] :: adverbial
приглагольный падеж {noun} :: adverbial case (grammatical case)
пригладить {v pf} :: to smooth
пригладить {v pf} :: to slick back (hair)
приглаживать {v impf} :: to smooth
приглаживать {v impf} :: to slick back (hair)
пригласить {v pf} :: to invite
приглашать {v impf} :: to invite
приглашение {noun} :: invitation (act of inviting)
приглашение {noun} :: prompt
приглушать {v impf} :: to muffle, to deaden, to damp down
приглушать {v impf} :: to ease, to relieve, to mitigate
приглушать {v impf} :: to dim, to subdue, to moderate, to soften
приглушённый {adj} :: muffled
приглушённый {adj} :: subdued
приглушить {v pf} :: to muffle, to deaden, to damp down
приглушить {v pf} :: to ease, to relieve, to mitigate
приглушить {v pf} :: to dim, to subdue, to moderate, to soften
приглядеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to look [after], to watch [за + instrumental]
приглядеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to choose, to find
приглядеться {v pf} :: to look hard
приглядеться {v pf} :: to have an eye
приглядеться {v pf} :: to get accustomed/used
приглядеться {v pf} :: to bore
приглядывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look [after], to watch [за + instrumental]
приглядывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to choose, to find
приглядываться {v impf} :: to look hard
приглядываться {v impf} :: to have an eye
приглянуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to catch/take someone's fancy
пригнать {v pf} :: to drive (someone or something here)
пригнать {v pf} :: to adjust
пригнуть {v pf} :: to bend down, to bow
пригнуться {v pf} :: to bend down, to bow
приговаривать {v impf} :: to sentence (to), to convict, to damn
приговаривать {v impf} :: to accompany something with words
приговаривать {v impf} [dated] :: to talk into doing something
приговаривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to repeat, to say again and again, to keep saying/repeating
приговор {noun} :: sentence, verdict
приговор {noun} [figuratively] :: judgement, conviction [of opinion]
приговор {noun} [dated] :: word accompaniment
приговор {noun} [dated] :: decision
приговорить {v pf} :: to sentence (to), to convict, to damn
пригодиться {v pf} :: to come in handy, to prove useful
пригодность {noun} :: fitness, suitability
пригодный {adj} :: suitable (for), fit (for), good (for) (appropriate to a certain occasion)
пригодный {adj} :: applicable, eligible
пригождаться {v impf} :: to come in handy, to prove useful
пригожий {adj} [folklore or poetic] :: beautiful, good-looking
пригожий {adj} :: (of weather) clear, bright, sunny
пригонять {v impf} :: to drive (someone or something here)
пригонять {v impf} :: to adjust
пригорать {v impf} :: to be burnt
пригореть {v pf} :: to be burnt slightly
пригореть {v pf} :: to stick to the (hot) surface as a result of burning
пригород {noun} :: suburb
пригородный {adj} :: suburban
пригородный {adj} :: local
пригорок {noun} :: hillock, knoll
пригоршня {noun} :: hollow of the hand, cupped hand
пригоршня {noun} :: handful, fistful
приготавливать {v impf} :: to prepare, to make ready
приготавливать {v impf} :: to cook
приготавливаться {v impf} :: to get ready, to prepare oneself
приготовить {v pf} :: to prepare, to make ready
приготовить {v pf} :: to cook
приготовиться {v pf} :: to get ready, to prepare oneself
приготовление {noun} :: preparation, arrangement, preparative
приготовлять {v impf} :: to prepare, to make ready
приготовлять {v impf} :: to cook
приготовляться {v impf} :: to get ready, to prepare oneself
приграничный {adj} [relational] :: frontier, border
пригревать {vt impf} :: to warm up
пригревать {vt impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to shelter
пригреть {vt pf} :: to warm up
пригреть {vt pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to shelter
пригрозить {v pf} :: to threaten
пригубить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take a sip, to taste
придавать {v impf} :: to give, to impart; to attach
придавать {v impf} :: to increase, to strengthen
придавить {v pf} :: to press (against), to press down (against), to weigh down (against)
придавливать {v impf} :: to press (against), to press down (against), to weigh down (against)
придание {noun} :: giving, conferring, imparting, communication
приданое {noun} :: dowry, dot, portion
приданое {noun} :: layette
придаток {noun} :: appendage, addition, supplement
придаток {noun} [anatomy] :: appendix
придаток {noun} [anatomy] :: hypophysis
придаточный {adj} :: additional, supplementary
придать {v pf} :: to give, to impart; to attach
придать {v pf} :: to increase, to strengthen
придача {noun} :: in expressions only
придающий {adj} :: giving, imparting
придвигать {v impf} :: to move (up), to draw up
придвигаться {v impf} :: to move up, to draw near
придвинуть {v pf} :: to move (up), to draw up
придвинуться {v pf} :: to move up, to draw near
придворный {adj} [relational] :: court (of a king, etc.)
придворный {noun} :: courtier (person in attendance at a royal court)
придел {noun} [architecture] :: side chapel, side altar (of a church)
приделать {v pf} :: to fasten, to attach [к to]
приделывать {v impf} :: to fasten, to attach [к to]
придержать {v pf} :: to hold, to hold back
придерживать {v impf} :: to hold, to hold back
придерживаться {v impf} :: to hold (to), to keep (to)
придерживаться {v impf} :: to stick (to), to adhere (to)
придираться {v impf} :: to find fault, to carp, to nag, to pick (on) (to criticize excessively)
придираться к словам {vi impf} :: to take things too literally
придирка {noun} :: nitpick, quibble
придирчиво {adv} :: in a hypercritical or faultfinding manner
придирчиво {adv} :: meticulously, rigorously
придирчивый {adj} :: hypercritical, persnickety, nitpicky, faultfinding, quibbling
приднестровский {adj} :: Transnistrian
приднестровский {adj} :: (near) Dniester river, (of) Dniester region
Приднестровье {prop} :: Transnistria
придорожный {adj} :: roadside, wayside
придраться {v pf} :: to find fault, to carp, to nag, to pick (on) (to criticize excessively)
придти {v} :: obsolete spelling of прийти. It had been prevailing until 1920s, when it gradually retreated in favor of притти. In 1956, new editions of officially recognized spelling rules finally eliminated both придти and притти and approved only one form of spelling: прийти
придтись {v} :: alternative form of прийтись
придумать {v pf} :: to make up, to think out, to devise, to contrive, to invent
придумка {noun} [colloquial] :: idea, device
придумывать {v impf} :: to make up, to think out, to devise, to contrive, to invent
придурок {noun} :: moron, imbecile
придурок {noun} :: arsehole (inconsiderate or mean-spirited person)
придушить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to choke, to strangle
придыхание {noun} [phonetics] :: aspiration (burst of air that follows the release of some consonants)
придыхательный {adj} [linguistics] :: aspirate, aspirated
придыхательный согласный {noun} :: aspirate (linguistics: sound produced)
приедаться {v impf} :: to pall on, to become boring [+ dative]
приезд {noun} :: arrival (act of arriving or something that has arrived by car, truck, bus, or train)
приезжать {v impf} :: to arrive, to come (by vehicle or horse)
приезжий {noun} :: visitant, guest, entrant, newcomer, alien, nonresident
приезжий {adj} :: nonresident
приемлемость {noun} :: acceptability, admissability
приемлемый {adj} :: acceptable (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted)
приесться {v pf} :: to pall on, to become boring [+ dative]
приехать {v pf} :: to arrive, to come (by vehicle or horse)
приём {noun} :: reception
приём {noun} :: acceptance, admission
приём {noun} :: consultation
приём {noun} :: engagement
приём {noun} [military] :: enlistment
приём {noun} :: taking
приём {noun} :: dose
приём {noun} :: movement, draught
приём {noun} :: sitting
приём {noun} :: device, trick, gimmick
приём {noun} :: method, way
приём {interj} [ham radio] :: over, do you copy?
приёмка {noun} :: takeover, taking over
приёмка {noun} :: formal acceptance (of a completed construction project, a consignment of goods, etc)
приёмная {noun} :: reception room, waiting room
приёмная {noun} :: reception, reception desk
приёмник {noun} :: receiver, receiving set
приёмник {noun} :: (electrical) transducer
приёмник {noun} :: detector (radiation)
приёмник {noun} :: collector, receptacle, reservoir
приёмник {noun} :: container, vessel, flask, tank
приёмник {noun} [aviation] :: pitot tube
приёмник {noun} :: (gunnery) ammunition feeder
приёмник воздушного давления {noun} :: pitot tube (airplanes)
приёмный {adj} [relational] :: reception, waiting [of a room, etc.]
приёмный {adj} [relational] :: receiving, consulting
приёмный {adj} [relational] :: office [of hours]
приёмный {adj} [relational] :: entrance [of an examination]
приёмный {adj} [relational] :: foster [of a parent or child]
приёмо-сдаточный {adj} [relational] :: acceptance and delivery [of a package, document, shipment, etc.]
приёмчик {noun} :: diminutive of приём
прижать {v pf} :: to press (to), to clasp (to)
прижать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press hard, to put in a tight situation
прижаться {v pf} :: to press oneself (to), to nestle up (to), to snuggle up (to), to cuddle up (to)
прижечь {v pf} :: to burn [by touching something hot]
прижечь {v pf} [medicine] :: to cauterize
прижечь {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to slightly burn
приживальщик {noun} [dated] :: impoverished nobleman, merchant, or intellectual who lived in a rich person's house and entertained them and kept them company
приживальщик {noun} :: toady, sycophant
приживаться {v impf} :: to get accustomed (to a place), to get acclimated/acclimatized
приживаться {v impf} :: to take root, to strike root
прижигание {noun} :: cauterization, searing
прижигать {v impf} :: to burn [by touching something hot]
прижигать {v impf} [medicine] :: to cauterize
прижигать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to slightly burn
прижизненный {adj} [literary] :: occurring during someone's life, not posthumous
прижимать {v impf} :: to press (to), to clasp (to)
прижиматься {v impf} :: to press oneself (to), to nestle up (to), to snuggle up (to), to cuddle up (to)
прижиться {v pf} :: to get accustomed (to a place), to get acclimated/acclimatized
прижиться {v pf} :: to take root, to strike root
приз {noun} :: prize
призадуматься {v pf} :: to become thoughtful/pensive, to give a thought, to consider
призадумываться {v impf} :: to become thoughtful/pensive, to give a thought, to consider
призвание {noun} :: vocation, calling
призвание {noun} :: mission
призванный {adj} :: summoned
призванный {adj} :: urged to, obliged to (+ abstract infinitive)
призванный {noun} :: conscript
призвать {v pf} :: to call, to appeal, to summon
призвать {v pf} :: to call upon (to), to urge (to)
призвать {v pf} :: to draft, to call out, to call up
призвук {noun} :: overtone
приземистый {adj} :: stocky, squat, heavyset, thickset
приземление {noun} :: landing, touchdown
приземлиться {v pf} :: to land, to touch down
приземляться {v impf} :: to land, to touch down
призёр {noun} :: prize-winner, awardee
призма {noun} :: prism
признавать {v impf} :: to recognize (to acknowledge the existence or legality of something)
признавать {v impf} :: to acknowledge, to see, to admit, to own
признавать {v impf} :: to find, to consider, to declare, to pronounce
признаваться {v impf} :: to confess, to admit
признак {noun} :: sign, indication
признак {noun} [grammar] :: characteristic, feature
признание {noun} :: acknowledgement, recognition
признание {noun} :: confession, admission, concession
признание {noun} :: declaration (e.g., of love)
признанный {adj} :: acknowledged, recognized, avowed
признанье {noun} [obsolete or poetic] :: alternative form of признание
признательность {noun} :: appreciation (a just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence)
признательность {noun} :: gratitude, thankfulness
признательность {noun} :: acknowledgment, credit
признательный {adj} :: grateful, appreciative, thankful
признать {v pf} :: to recognize (to acknowledge the existence or legality of something)
признать {v pf} :: to acknowledge, to see, to admit, to own
признать {v pf} :: to find, to consider, to declare, to pronounce
признаться {v pf} :: to confess, to admit
призовой {adj} [relational] :: prize
призрак {noun} :: ghost, spectre
призрачный {adj} :: spectral, phantasmal, shadowy, ghostly
призрачный {adj} :: unreal, illusory
призревать {v impf} [obsolete] :: to support by charity
призрение {noun} :: care, charity
призрение {noun} [Christianity] :: benevolence, mercy
призреть {v pf} [obsolete] :: to support by charity
призыв {noun} :: call, appeal
призыв {noun} :: slogan
призыв {noun} :: conscription, draft
призывать {v impf} :: to call, to appeal, to summon
призывать {v impf} :: to call upon (to), to urge (to)
призывать {v impf} :: to draft, to call out, to call up
призывающий {adj} :: calling, appealing, summoning
призывник {noun} [military] :: draftee, recruit, conscript
призывной {adj} [relational, military] :: draft, conscription
призывной {noun} :: draftee, conscripted person
приимать {v impf} [dated or high-style] :: alternative form of принимать
прииск {noun} :: mine
прийти {v pf} :: to come (to), to arrive (at)
прийти в замешательство {v pf} :: to get confused
прийти в замешательство {v pf} :: to abash (to lose self-possession; to become ashamed)
прийтись {v pf} :: to suit, to fit [по + dative, someone]
прийтись {v pf} :: to fall (on a date)
прийтись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to have to [+ infinitive]
прийтись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to happen (to), to have occasion (to)
прийтись {v pf} [impersonal] :: used in combination with various adverbs
прийтись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to number, to account (for) [на + accusative]
прийтись {v pf} [impersonal] :: to be due
прийтись {v pf} [perfective only] :: to be related (to)
приказ {noun} :: order (oral), command, orders (written)
приказ {noun} [historical] :: board, department, office, chancellery
приказание {noun} :: order, instruction
приказать {v pf} :: to order, to command, to give orders, to direct
приказать долго жить {v pf} [euphemistic, bookish] :: to die
приказать долго жить {v pf} [figurative, ironical, jocular, of a non-living thing] :: to cease to exist
приказчик {noun} [historical] :: shop clerk, shop assistant, salesman (hired worker in a shop in pre-revolutionary Russia)
приказчик {noun} [historical] :: steward (managing landowner’s manor in pre-revolutionary Russia)
приказчик {noun} [figuratively, dated] :: someone who blindly follows and obeys his master
приказывать {v impf} :: to order, to command, to give orders, to direct
прикалывать {v impf} :: to pin, to fasten [к to]
прикалывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stab to death
прикалываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to joke around; to tease; to pull someone's leg
приканчивать {v impf} :: to finish off
прикасаться {v impf} :: to touch (make physical contact with)
прикатать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to press down by rolling, to roll smooth
прикатить {vt pf} :: to roll [somewhere]
прикатить {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to arrive, to come rolling in
прикатывать {vt impf} :: to roll [somewhere]
прикатывать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to arrive, to come rolling in
прикатывать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to press down by rolling, to roll smooth
прикащик {noun} :: archaic spelling of приказчик
приквел {noun} :: prequel
прикид {noun} [slang] :: threads, outfit, clothing, attire
прикидка {noun} [colloquial] :: estimate
прикидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to estimate, to make a rough calculation, to ballpark
прикидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to gauge, to size up, to weigh up
прикидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to try on
прикидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to throw in, to add
прикидываться {v impf} :: to pretend to be, to feign, to act
прикинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to estimate, to make a rough calculation
прикинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to gauge, to size up, to weigh up
прикинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to try on
прикинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw in, to add
прикинуться {v pf} :: to pretend to be, to feign, to act
прикипать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stick (to)
прикипать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take a strong liking (to), to take a fancy (to)
прикипеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to stick (to)
прикипеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take a strong liking (to), to take a fancy (to)
приклад {noun} :: (rifle) butt
приклад {noun} :: trimmings
прикладной {adj} :: applied, practical
прикладывать {v impf} :: to put (next to)
прикладывать {v impf} :: to attach, to enclose, to join
прикладываться {v impf} :: to put oneself (to), to press oneself (against)
прикладываться {v impf} :: to take aim
прикладываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to kiss
приклеивать {v impf} :: to stick, to glue, to paste
приклеиваться {v impf} :: to stick, to adhere, to be glued, to be pasted
приклеить {v pf} :: to stick, to glue, to paste
приклеиться {v pf} :: to stick, to adhere, to be glued, to be pasted
приключаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to happen, to occur
приключение {noun} :: adventure (that which happens without design)
приключенческий {adj} :: adventure, action (movie, novel)
приключенческий фильм {noun} :: action movie (a type of motion picture)
приключиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to happen, to occur
приковать {v pf} :: to chain
приковать {v pf} :: to rivet
приковать {v pf} :: to pin down
приковывать {v impf} :: to chain
приковывать {v impf} :: to rivet
приковывать {v impf} :: to pin down
прикол {interj} [popular speech] :: not bad!
прикол {noun} [colloquial] :: joke
прикол {noun} [nautical] :: storage
приколоть {v pf} :: to pin, to fasten [к to]
приколоть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to stab to death
приколоться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to joke around; to tease; to pull someone's leg
прикольный {adj} :: funny, amusing
прикольный {adj} :: curious, odd
прикончить {v pf} :: to finish off
прикосновение {noun} :: touch
прикоснуться {v pf} :: to touch (make physical contact with)
прикрепить {v pf} :: to fasten, to attach (also figurative)
прикрепить {v pf} :: to register
прикрепиться {v pf} :: to fasten
прикрепиться {v pf} :: to register
прикрепление {noun} :: attachment (process or means by which something is physically attached)
прикрепление {noun} :: insertion
прикреплять {v impf} :: to fasten, to attach (also figurative)
прикреплять {v impf} :: to register
прикрепляться {v impf} :: to fasten
прикрепляться {v impf} :: to register
прикрикивать {v impf} :: to shout (at), to raise one's voice
прикрикнуть {v pf} :: to shout (at), to raise one's voice
прикрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spin on, to tie on, to attach by spinning or tying
прикрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to screw in, to tighten by screwing
прикрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn down (a lantern, lamp, etc.) (to reduce the power of by turning a screw or lever)
прикрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shorten (a wick) by twisting
прикручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spin on, to tie on, to attach by spinning or tying
прикручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to screw in, to tighten by screwing
прикручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn down (a lantern, lamp, etc.) (to reduce the power of by turning a screw or lever)
прикручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shorten (a wick) by twisting
прикрывать {v impf} :: to cover, to screen, to close / shut softly
прикрывать {v impf} :: to protect, to shelter, to cover, to shield
прикрывать {v impf} :: to cover up, to conceal
прикрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to liquidate, to close down
прикрываться {v impf} :: to cover (oneself) (with)
прикрываться {v impf} :: to use as a cover, to take refuge
прикрываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to close down
прикрытие {noun} :: cover, escort
прикрытие {noun} :: screen, cloak, covering, disguise, false front
прикрыть {v pf} :: to cover, to screen, to close / shut softly
прикрыть {v pf} :: to protect, to shelter, to cover, to shield
прикрыть {v pf} :: to cover up, to conceal
прикрыть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to liquidate, to close down
прикрыться {v pf} :: to cover (oneself) (with)
прикрыться {v pf} :: to use as a cover, to take refuge
прикрыться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to close down
прикуп {noun} [cards] :: widow (cards played face down in some card games)
прикупить {v pf} :: to buy (some more)
прикуриватель {noun} :: cigarette lighter (of an automobile)
прикуриватель {noun} :: jumper cable
прикуривать {v impf} :: to light a cigarette
прикуривать {v impf} :: to get a light from someone's cigarette
прикуривать {v impf} :: to jumpstart an automobile (with jumper cables)
прикурить {v pf} :: to light a cigarette
прикурить {v pf} :: to get a light from someone's cigarette
прикурить {v pf} :: to jumpstart an automobile (with jumper cables)
прикусить {v pf} :: to bite
прикусывать {v impf} :: to bite
прил. {n inan} :: abbreviation of прилагательное
прилавок {noun} :: counter, desk, shopboard, stall, stand
прилагательное {noun} :: adjective
прилагательный {adj} :: adjective
прилагательный {adj} [rare, proscribed] :: adjectival
прилагать {v impf} :: to apply, to use
прилагать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smack, to smite, to whack
прилагать {v impf} :: to attach to [+ к]
прилагаться {v impf} :: to be attached, to be supplemented
приладить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to attach, to fasten [к + dative, to something]
приладить {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to fit (clothing)
прилаживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to attach, to fasten [к + dative, to something]
прилаживать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to fit (clothing)
приласкать {v pf} :: to caress (touch, kiss or stroke lovingly)
приласкать {v pf} :: to fondle
приласкать {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to be nice to someone, to show a friendly disposition
прилегать {v impf} :: to adjoin, to border
прилегать {v impf} :: to fit snugly on, to fit closely
прилегать {v impf} :: to cling to
прилегающий {adj} :: adjacent, adjoining (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring)
прилежание {noun} :: diligence, industry
прилежно {adv} :: diligently (in a diligent manner)
прилежность {noun} :: diligence, industry
прилежный {adj} :: diligent, industrious, assiduous
прилепить {vt pf} :: to stick to, to attach to
прилепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give (a nickname) to
прилепиться {vi pf} :: to stick to [к]
прилеплять {vt impf} :: to stick to, to attach to
прилеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to give (a nickname) to
прилепляться {vi impf} :: to stick to [к]
прилетать {v impf} [aviation] :: to land; to touch down
прилетать {v impf} :: to descend to soil (flying)
прилетать {v impf} :: (used figuratively) to arrive swiftly, to abruptly (sometimes unexpectedly)
прилететь {v pf} :: to fly (here), to arrive (by flying)
прилечь {v pf} :: to lie down (for a short period)
прилёт {noun} :: arrival by air (act of arriving or something that has arrived, by airplane)
прилив {noun} :: tide
прилив {noun} :: high tide
прилив {noun} :: flood, flow
прилив {noun} [figuratively] :: rush
прилив {noun} :: congestion
прилипать {v impf} :: to stick, to adhere, to cleave
прилипнуть {v pf} :: to stick, to adhere, to cleave
приличие {noun} :: decency, propriety, decorum, convenances
прилично {adv} :: decently, properly
прилично {adv} :: quite, rather
приличный {adj} :: decent, proper
приличный {adj} :: respectable
приложение {noun} :: appendix, supplement [text added to the end of a book or an article]
приложение {noun} :: apposition
приложение {noun} [grammar] :: appositive
приложение {noun} :: application [general sense]
приложение {noun} [computing, calque] :: application, app
приложить {v pf} :: to put (next to)
приложить {v pf} :: to enclose, to join, to attach
приложить {v pf} :: to apply, to use
приложить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smack, to whack
приложиться {v pf} :: to put oneself (to), to press oneself (against)
приложиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to kiss
прильнуть {v pf} :: to cling (to), to stick (to)
прима {noun} [music] :: tonic, unison interval
прима {noun} [music, ballet] :: principal female soloist
примадонна {noun} [opera] :: prima donna
примак {noun} [regional] :: live-in son-in-law (man who marries and lives with his wife's family)
приманивать {v impf} :: to lure, to entice, to allure, to decoy
приманить {v pf} :: to lure, to entice, to allure, to decoy
приманка {noun} :: bait, lure (anything which allures)
примат {noun} :: primate
примат {noun} :: primacy
примачивать {v impf} :: to moisten a little
примачивать {v impf} :: to apply lotion (or other wet substance) to
примащивать {v impf} [nonstandard] :: to pave with a second layer
примащивать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to place/perch in a hard-to-reach spot
примелькаться {v pf} :: to become commonplace by frequent usage
применение {noun} :: application, use, usage (the manner or the amount of use)
применимость {noun} :: applicability, suitability
применимый {adj} :: applicable, suitable
применительно {adv} :: with reference, as applied (к to)
применить {v pf} :: to apply, to use, to employ
примениться {v pf} :: to adapt oneself, to conform, to adjust
применять {v impf} :: to apply, to use, to employ
применяться {v impf} :: to adapt oneself, to conform, to adjust
пример {noun} :: example, instance
пример {noun} :: praxis
примеривать {v impf} :: alternative form of примерять
примериваться {v impf} :: alternative form of примеряться
примерить {v pf} :: to try on (clothes)
примериться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to try [to do something]
примериться {v pf} :: to adapt, to adjust [к + dative, to something]
примерка {noun} :: trying on
примерка {noun} :: fitting [of clothes]
примерно {adv} :: about, approximately
примерно {adv} :: exemplarily
примерный {adj} :: approximate, rough
примерный {adj} [relational] :: exemplary; model
примерочная {noun} :: fitting room
примерять {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of примерить
примерять {v impf} :: to try on (clothes)
примеряться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to try [to do something]
примеряться {v impf} :: to adapt, to adjust [к + dative, to something]
примеряться {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of примериться
примесь {noun} :: admixture, tinge, dash
примесь {noun} :: touch
примета {noun} :: omen, sign, token
приметить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to notice, to take note
приметный {adj} :: conspicuous, prominent, noticeable
приметный {adj} :: perceptible, visible
примечание {noun} :: note, notice, annotation, comment (marginal comment or explanation)
примечательно {adv} :: notably
примечательный {adj} :: notable, noteworthy, remarkable
примечать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to notice, to take note
примирение {noun} :: reconciliation (the reestablishment of friendly relations; conciliation or rapprochement)
примирительно {adv} :: in a conciliatory manner
примирительный {adj} :: conciliatory, reconciliatory
примирительный {adj} :: pacifying
примирительный {adj} :: arbitration
примирить {v pf} :: to reconcile
примирить {v pf} :: to conciliate
примириться {v pf} :: to be reconciled (with smb), to make up (with smb)
примириться {v pf} :: to reconcile oneself
примирять {v impf} :: to reconcile
примирять {v impf} :: to conciliate
примиряться {v impf} :: to be reconciled (with smb), to make up (with smb)
примиряться {v impf} :: to reconcile oneself
примитив {noun} [literary] :: primitive object; anything simple or undeveloped
примитив {noun} [art] :: primitive work of art, artwork from a primitive culture
примитив {noun} [computers] :: primitive (basic graphical element)
примитивный {adj} :: primitive
примкамера {noun} :: acronym of примирительная камера: industrial arbitration board
примкнуть {vt pf} :: to affix, to join together, to close
примкнуть {vi pf} :: to join ranks, to side with someone; to stand next to
примкнуть {vt pf} [dated] :: to include amongst
примолкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become silent
примолкнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become silent
Приморские Альпы {prop} :: Приморские Альпы (department)
приморский {adj} :: coastal, maritime, seaside, littoral
Приморский край {prop} :: Приморский край (krai)
приморье {noun} :: seaside, seaboard
Приморье {prop} :: informal name given to the Russian Primorsky Krai
примостить {v pf} [nonstandard] :: to pave with a second layer
примостить {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to place/perch in a hard-to-reach spot
примоститься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to find room [a place] for oneself, to perch oneself
примочить {v pf} :: to moisten a little
примочить {v pf} :: to apply lotion (or other wet substance) to
примочка {noun} :: moistening, soaking
примочка {noun} [medical] :: medicinal lotion
примочка {noun} [figurative, slang] :: gadget
примус {noun} :: primus stove
примчаться {v pf} :: to come tearing along, to be in no minute
примыкание {noun} :: junction
примыкать {v impf} :: to join, to side (with)
примыкать {v impf} :: to adjoin, to border, to abut
примыкать {v impf} [grammar] :: to adjoin
примыкающий {adj} :: adjacent, adjoining (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring)
принадлежать {v impf} :: to belong (to)
принадлежать {v impf} :: to pertain
принадлежность {noun} :: belonging, membership, affiliation
принадлежность {noun} :: accessory, article, implement
принадлежность {noun} :: characteristic, attribute, property
принесение {noun} :: bringing, fetching (the act by which something is brought)
принесение {noun} :: bearing, yielding (the act by which something is produced)
принесение {noun} :: offering (the act by which something is offered)
принести {v pf} :: to bring (by foot), to fetch ((transitive) to transport toward somebody/somewhere)
принести {v pf} :: to yield, to bear
принести {v pf} :: to offer (apologies, thanks, etc.)
принижать {v impf} :: to humiliate, to degrade
принижать {v impf} :: to belittle, to downplay
принизить {v pf} :: to humiliate, to degrade
принизить {v pf} :: to belittle, to downplay
приникать {v impf} :: to press oneself (against), to press oneself close (to), to nestle (against, to), to nestle close (to)
приникнуть {v pf} :: to press oneself (against), to press oneself close (to), to nestle (against, to), to nestle close (to)
принимать {v impf} :: to take
принимать {v impf} :: to admit, to accept
принимать {v impf} :: to receive
принимать {v impf} :: to assume
приниматься {v impf} :: to start doing something
приниматься {v impf} :: to take root
приноровиться {v pf} :: to get used to, to get accustomed to
приноровиться {v pf} :: to learn how to do something, to get the hang of it
приносить {v impf} :: to bring (by foot), to fetch
приносить {v impf} :: to yield, to bear
приносить {v impf} :: to offer [apologies, thanks, etc.]
приношение {noun} :: gift
принтер {noun} [computing] :: printer (device that prints images and text on paper)
принудительные работы {noun} :: forced labor
принудительный {adj} :: forced, coercive
принудительный {adj} [technical] :: forced (by mechanical means)
принудить {v pf} :: to force, to compel, to coerce
принуждать {v impf} :: to force, to compel, to coerce
принуждение {noun} :: compulsion, coercion, constraint
принужденье {noun} [obsolete or poetic] :: alternative form of принуждение
принуждённый {adj} :: forced, constrained, obliged [to do something; of a person]
принуждённый {adj} :: forced [laugh, manner, etc.; inanimate]
принц {noun} :: prince, crown prince (male ruler or head of a principality)
Принц Альберт {noun} :: Prince Albert (piercing)
принцесса {noun} :: princess
принцип {noun} :: principle (fundamental assumption)
принципиально {adv} :: in principle, in essence
принципиально {adv} :: fundamentally
принципиально {adv} :: on principle, on purpose
принципиальность {noun} :: adherence to one's principles
принципиальный {adj} :: (of) principle
принципиальный {adj} :: fundamental
принюхаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sniff [к; so as to recognize a smell]
принюхаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become accustomed to the smell [к of something]
принюхиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sniff [к; so as to recognize a smell]
принюхиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become accustomed to the smell [к of something]
приняв всё во внимание {adv} :: all things considered (all in all)
принятие {noun} :: acceptance, adoption (an agreeing to terms or proposals)
принятие {noun} :: reception (act of receiving something)
принятие на себя {noun} :: assumption (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon one's self)
принято {pred} :: it is customary, accepted, acceptable, appropriate
принятый {adj} :: accepted
принятый {adj} :: adopted
принять {v pf} :: to take
принять {v pf} :: to admit, to accept
принять {v pf} :: to receive
принять {v pf} :: to assume
приняться {v pf} :: to set about, to start doing (something)
приняться {v pf} :: to take root
приобнимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hug a little, to embrace somewhat
приобнять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hug a little, to embrace somewhat
приободрить {vt pf} :: to cheer up somewhat
приободриться {vi pf} :: to cheer up somewhat
приободрять {vt impf} :: to cheer up somewhat
приободряться {vi impf} :: to cheer up somewhat
приобрести {v pf} :: to purchase, to gain
приобретать {v impf} :: to acquire, to purchase, to gain
приобретение {noun} :: acquisition, gain, acquiring (act of gaining)
приобщать {v impf} :: to accustom, to familiarize (with)
приобщать {v impf} :: to join (to)
приобщать {v impf} [church] :: to administer the sacrament (to), to communicate
приобщаться {v impf} :: to join
приобщаться {v impf} :: to become familiar (with), to familiarize oneself (with), to learn to use, to enjoy
приобщаться {v impf} :: to communicate
приобщение {noun} :: familiarization, communion, attaching, inclusion, introduction
приобщить {v pf} :: to accustom, to familiarize (with)
приобщить {v pf} :: to join (to)
приобщить {v pf} [church] :: to administer the sacrament (to), to communicate
приобщиться {v pf} :: to join
приобщиться {v pf} :: to become familiar (with), to familiarize oneself (with), to learn to use, to enjoy
приобщиться {v pf} :: to communicate
приоритет {noun} :: priority
приоритет {noun} :: right of way (a right to proceed first in traffic)
приоритетность {noun} [literary] :: priority
приоритетный {adj} [relational] :: priority
приоритетный {adj} :: high-priority, paramount, most important
приостанавливать {v impf} :: to suspend, to stop, to call a halt (to), to check
приостанавливаться {v impf} :: (temporarily) to halt, to come to a halt, to pause
приостановить {v pf} :: to suspend, to stop, to call a halt (to), to check
приостановиться {v pf} :: (temporarily) to halt, to come to a halt, to pause
приостановка {noun} :: suspension, interruption, delay, letup (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation)
приостановление {noun} :: suspension (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation)
приоткрывать {v impf} :: to open slightly, to set ajar
приоткрываться {vi impf} :: to open a bit, to become ajar (of a door)
приоткрытый {adj} :: ajar (slightly turned or opened)
приоткрыть {v pf} :: to open slightly, to set ajar
приоткрыться {vi pf} :: to open a bit, to become ajar (of a door)
припадать {v impf} :: to fall down (to), to press oneself (to)
припадать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to limp (slightly)
припадок {noun} :: seizure
припадок {noun} :: fit, paroxysm
припадок {noun} :: attack (medicine: sudden onset of a disease)
припадок {noun} :: bout, turn
припадок {noun} :: access
припарка {noun} :: poultice, fomentation
припарковать {v pf} :: to park
припарковаться {v pf} :: to park [intransitive]
припарковывать {v impf} :: to park
припас {noun} [often, in the plural] :: supply, provision
припас {noun} [plural] :: provisions, victuals
припасать {v impf} :: to lay in store, to lay up, to prepare, to provide
припасти {v pf} :: to lay in store, to lay up, to prepare, to provide
припасть {v pf} :: to fall down (to), to press oneself (to)
припасы {noun} :: supplies
припев {noun} [music] :: refrain, chorus, burden
припевать {v impf} :: to sing along
припеваючи {adv} [colloquial] :: happily; with clover; as a prince (literally: singing along)
припекать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to roast with fire
припекать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to harass, to offend
припекать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative, also impersonal] :: to be very hot [of the sun, fire, etc.]
припереть {v pf} :: to secure (a door, etc.), to close tightly so it can't be opened
припереть {v pf} :: to press (something) firmly against [к]
припереть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to set ajar (a door, window, etc.)
припереть {v pf} [pejorative, low colloquial] :: to carry, to take
припереть {v pf} [pejorative, low colloquial] :: to come
припереться {v pf} [pejorative, low colloquial] :: to come [uninvited or inappropriately]
припечь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to roast with fire
припечь {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to harass, to offend
припечь {v pf} [rare, figurative, also impersonal] :: to be very hot [of the sun, fire, etc.]
припирать {v impf} :: to secure (a door, etc.), to close tightly so it can't be opened
припирать {v impf} :: to press (something) firmly against [к]
припирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to set ajar (a door, window, etc.)
припирать {v impf} [rude, low colloquial] :: to carry, to take
припирать {v impf} [rude, low colloquial] :: to come
припираться {v impf} [pejorative, low colloquial] :: to come [uninvited or inappropriately]
приписать {v pf} :: to add [by writing]
приписать {v pf} :: to attach, to register
приписать {v pf} :: to arrogate, to ascribe, to attribute, to impute
приписаться {v pf} :: to become a member of, to register for [к + dative]
приписка {noun} :: addition, postscript
приписка {noun} :: registration
приписка {noun} :: doctoring, distortions, doctored records
приписывание {noun} :: attribution, ascription (act of ascribing a quality to someone or something)
приписывать {v impf} :: to add [by writing]
приписывать {v impf} :: to attach, to register
приписывать {v impf} :: to arrogate, to ascribe, to attribute, to impute
приписываться {v impf} :: to become a member of, to register for [к + dative]
приплести {v pf} :: to plait in, to weave in, to weave together
приплести {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to bring up, to drag in [e.g. an irrelevant subject]
приплести {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to invent, to come up with [a fanciful detail for one's story]
приплод {noun} :: litter, offspring
приплывать {v impf} :: to swim up, to come swimming, to sail up
приплыть {v pf} :: to swim up, to come swimming, to sail up
приплясывать {v impf} :: to dance up and down
приподнимать {v impf} :: to raise, to lift (a little)
приподниматься {v impf} :: to raise oneself, to lift oneself (a little)
приподниматься {v impf} :: to sit up
приподнятый {adj} :: elevated [language, style]
приподнятый {adj} :: exultant [mood]
приподнять {v pf} :: to raise, to lift (a little)
приподняться {v pf} :: to raise oneself, to lift oneself (a little)
приподняться {v pf} :: to sit up
припой {noun} :: solder
приползать {v impf} :: to get (somewhere) by crawling [к]
приползти {v pf} :: to get (somewhere) by crawling [к]
припоминать {v impf} :: to remember, to recall
припоминать {v impf} :: to get even, to revenge
припомнить {v pf} :: to remember, to recall
припомнить {v pf} :: to get even, to revenge
при помощи {adv} :: by means of, with the help of
приправа {noun} :: seasoning, relish, condiment, flavouring (something used to enhance flavor)
приправить {v pf} :: to season, to flavor
приправить {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to spice up (a story or speech with jokes, anecdotes, etc.)
приправить {v pf} [printing] :: to adjust the printing pressure to obtain the correct impression
приправлять {v impf} :: to season, to flavor
приправлять {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to spice up (a story or speech with jokes, anecdotes, etc.)
приправлять {v impf} [printing] :: to adjust the printing pressure to obtain the correct impression
припрятать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hide, to secrete
припрятать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lay up, to store up, to put by
припрятывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hide, to secrete
припрятывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lay up, to store up, to put by
припухать {v impf} :: to be slightly swollen
припухнуть {v pf} :: to be slightly swollen
приравнивать {v impf} :: to equate, to put/place on the same footing, to give the same status [someone/something, к + dative, to/as someone/something]
приравнивать {v impf} :: to level
приравниваться {vi impf} :: to equate to, to have the same status as
приравниваться {v impf} :: to be like
приравнять {v pf} :: to equate, to put/place on the same footing, to give the same status [someone/something, к + dative, to/as someone/something]
приравняться {vi pf} :: to equate to, to have the same status as
приравняться {v pf} :: to be like
прирасти {v pf} :: to adhere to , to grow to
прирасти {v pf} :: to grow, to increase, to accrue
прирастить {vt pf} :: to increase (something), to cause to grow
прирастить {v pf} :: to cultivate, to nurture (emotions, knowledge, etc.)
прирастить {v pf} :: to unite, to join (something to something else)
приращение {noun} :: increase, growth
приращение {noun} [mathematics] :: increment
приращение {noun} [linguistics] :: augment
приращивать {vt impf} :: to increase (something), to cause to grow
приращивать {v impf} :: to cultivate, to nurture (emotions, knowledge, etc.)
приращивать {v impf} :: to unite, to join (something to something else)
прировнять {v pf} :: to level
природа {noun} :: nature
природный {adj} [relational] :: nature; natural
природный {adj} :: born, innate, inherent
природный {adj} :: native, indigenous
природный газ {noun} :: natural gas
природоохранный {adj} [relational] :: conservation, nature protection
природопользование {noun} :: environmental management, wildlife management, use of natural resources
прирождённый {adj} :: innate, inborn
прирождённый {adj} :: born [leader, poet, etc.]
прирост {noun} :: increase, increment
приручать {v impf} :: to tame
приручаться {v impf} :: to tame, to become tame
приручение {noun} :: taming
приручить {v pf} :: to tame
приручиться {v pf} :: to tame, to become tame
присадка {noun} :: additive, amendment (that which is added)
присаживаться {v impf} :: to sit down
присваивать {v impf} :: to appropriate; to claim or use something as property especially when it belongs to someone else
присваивать {v impf} :: to give, to confer (on), to award (to)
присваивать {v impf} :: to assign
присвистнуть {v pf} :: to give a whistle
присвистывать {v impf} :: to whistle
присвистывать {v impf} :: to sibilate
присвоение {noun} :: appropriation, assumption, grab, acquisition
присвоение {noun} :: awarding, conferment
присвоить {v pf} :: to appropriate; to claim or use something as property especially when it belongs to someone else
присвоить {v pf} :: to give, to confer (on), to award (to)
присвоить {v pf} :: to assign
присед {noun} :: squat
приседание {noun} :: crouching, squatting
приседание {noun} [exercise] :: squat
приседание {noun} [dated] :: curtsey
приседать {v impf} :: to squat
приседать {v impf} :: to cower
приседать {v impf} :: to curtsy
приселить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to settle (somewhere else)
приселять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to settle (somewhere else)
присесть {v pf} :: to sit down
присесть {v pf} :: to squat
присесть {v pf} :: to cower
присесть {v pf} :: to curtsy
присказка {noun} :: (story-teller's) prelude, introduction
присказка {noun} :: (interesting or funny) saying, expression; proverb, adage
прискорбный {adj} :: lamentable, deplorable, grievous, regrettable, sorrowful, tragic
прислать {v pf} :: to send (here, to this place)
присловье {noun} :: saying
прислонить {v pf} :: to lean (against), to rest (against)
прислониться {v pf} :: to lean against
прислонять {v impf} :: to lean (against), to rest (against)
прислоняться {v impf} :: to lean against
прислуга {m anim} {f anim} :: servant (female), maidservant
прислуга {m anim} {f anim} [collective] :: servants, domestics, household servants {m}{f}
прислуга {m anim} {f anim} [military, collective] :: crew, gunners, gun detachment
прислуживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to provide services to [out of courtesy, politeness, or trying to curry favor] [+ dative]
прислуживать {v impf} [dated] :: to perform the duties of a servant
прислужить {v pf} [dated, rare] :: to provide services to [out of courtesy, politeness, or trying to curry favor] [+ dative]
прислужить {v pf} [dated, rare] :: to perform the duties of a servant
прислушаться {v pf} :: to listen to (carefully), to lend an ear
прислушаться {v pf} :: to listen to, to heed, to pay attention to
прислушиваться {v impf} :: to listen to (carefully), to lend an ear
прислушиваться {v impf} :: to listen to, to heed, to pay attention to
присматривать {v impf} :: to keep an eye on (to watch and pay attention to)
присматривать {v impf} :: to find, to look for, to seek
присматриваться {v impf} :: to look closely/attentively (at), to watch
присматриваться {v impf} :: to get accustomed/used (to)
при смерти {adv} :: at death's door
присмотр {noun} :: care, tending, looking after, superintendence, supervision
присмотреть {v pf} :: to keep an eye on (to watch and pay attention to)
присмотреть {v pf} :: to find, to look for, to seek
присмотреться {v pf} :: to look closely/attentively (at), to watch
присмотреться {v pf} :: to get accustomed/used (to)
присниться {v pf} :: to dream (the person who dreams is the object of the verb - dative case)
присно {adv} [church] :: always, ever
присные {noun} :: associates
присоединение {noun} :: joining, connection, connecting
присоединение {noun} :: annexation
присоединение {noun} :: accession, joining (a coming to)
присоединительный {adj} :: conjunctive
присоединить {v pf} :: to join, to link, to add, to connect, to attach
присоединить {v pf} :: to annex (territory)
присоединиться {v pf} :: to join [к + dative]
присоединиться {v pf} :: to accede
присоединиться {v pf} :: to associate oneself (with)
присоединиться {v pf} :: to endorse, to subscribe, to go in
присоединять {v impf} :: to join, to link, to add, to connect, to attach
присоединять {v impf} :: to annex (territory)
присоединяться {v impf} :: to join [к + dative]
присоединяться {v impf} :: to accede
присоединяться {v impf} :: to associate oneself (with)
присоединяться {v impf} :: to endorse, to subscribe, to go in
присоска {noun} :: sucker (organ or device)
присоска {noun} :: suction cup
приспешник {noun} :: accomplice, stooge, henchman
приспичить {v pf} [slang] :: to urgently need to do
приспосабливание {noun} :: adaptation
приспосабливать {v impf} :: to fit, to adapt, to adjust, to accommodate
приспосабливать {v impf} :: to convert
приспосабливаться {v impf} :: to adjust oneself, to adapt oneself, to accommodate oneself
приспособить {v pf} :: to fit, to adapt, to adjust, to accommodate
приспособить {v pf} :: to convert
приспособиться {v pf} :: to adjust oneself, to adapt oneself, to accommodate oneself
приспособление {noun} :: adaptation, accommodation, adjustment
приспособление {noun} :: device, contrivance, contraption, appliance, gadget
приспособляемость {noun} :: adaptability
приспособлять {v impf} :: alternative form of приспосабливать
приспособляться {v impf} :: alternative form of приспосабливаться
пристав {noun} [historical] :: the local police chief or constable in pre-Revolutionary Russia
пристав {noun} [historical] :: bailiff, in Moscow in historical times
пристав {noun} [anatomy] :: in animals, the shape of the connection between the head or neck and the breast
приставать {v impf} :: to stick, to adhere
приставать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to pester
приставать {v impf} :: to hit on, to accost
пристав-исполнитель {noun} :: bailiff
приставить {v pf} :: to put (against), to set (against, to), to lean (against)
приставить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to appoint to look (after)
приставка {noun} [linguistic morphology, lexicography, grammar] :: prefix
приставка {noun} :: video game console
приставлять {v impf} :: to put (against), to set (against, to), to lean (against)
приставлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to appoint to look (after)
приставочный {adj} [grammar] :: prefixal
пристально {adv} :: fixedly, intently
пристальный {adj} :: intent (look)
пристальный {adj} :: rapt, steadfast (attention)
пристанище {noun} :: refuge, haven, shelter, asylum
пристань {noun} :: wharf, pier
пристать {v pf} :: to stick, to adhere
пристать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to pester
пристегнуть {v pf} :: to buckle up, to zip up, to button up, to fasten
пристёгивать {v impf} :: to buckle up, to zip up, to button up, to fasten
пристойный {adj} :: seemly, proper, not indecent or obscene
пристраивать {v impf} :: to attach (a building, room, etc.) [к + dative, onto]
пристраивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put, to place, to set (something somewhere)
пристраивать {v impf} [military] :: to place into formation
пристраиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get a place, to be settled, to be fixed up
пристраиваться {v impf} :: to join up (with), to form up (with), to join formation (with)
пристрастие {noun} :: addiction, predilection (for), propensity
пристрастие {noun} :: passion (for), weakness (for)
пристрастие {noun} :: bias (towards), partiality (to/for)
пристрастить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make passionate about
пристрастить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to addict, to cause to be addicted
пристраститься {v pf} :: to develop passion (for), to take (to), to conceive a liking (for)
пристраститься {v pf} :: to get addicted to
пристрастный {adj} :: biased, partial
пристрастный {adj} :: addicted
пристращать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to threaten, to intimidate
пристращать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make passionate about
пристращать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to addict, to cause to be addicted
пристращаться {v impf} :: to develop passion (for), to take (to), to conceive a liking (for)
пристращаться {v impf} :: to get addicted to
пристращивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to threaten, to intimidate
пристреливать {v impf} :: to shoot (down)
пристреливать {v impf} :: to calibrate, to align (a firearm)
пристреливать {v impf} :: to fire test shots at (a target, landmark, etc.) to adjust a gun's sights
пристрелить {v pf} :: to shoot (down)
пристрелять {v pf} :: to calibrate, to align (a firearm)
пристрелять {v pf} :: to fire test shots at (a target, landmark, etc.) to adjust a gun's sights
пристроить {v pf} :: to attach (a building, room, etc.) [к + dative, onto]
пристроить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put, to place, to set (something somewhere)
пристроить {v pf} [military] :: to place into formation
пристроиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get a place, to be settled, to be fixed up
пристроиться {v pf} :: to join up (with), to form up (with), to join formation (with)
пристройка {noun} :: annex (addition or extension to a building)
пристройка {noun} :: ell (addition or extension to a building)
пристройка {noun} :: outbuilding
пристройка {noun} :: enlargement
приступ {noun} :: assault, onset, onslaught, storm
приступ {noun} :: fit, attack
приступ {noun} [colloquial] :: access
приступать {v impf} :: to begin, to proceed, to start
приступить {v pf} :: to set about, to start, to begin
приступить {v pf} :: to proceed
приступка {noun} :: foothold
приступка {noun} :: step (of a stairway)
приступка {noun} :: stepping ladder
приступок {noun} [colloquial] :: foothold
пристыженный {adj} :: ashamed, abashed [experiencing shame; of a person]
пристыженный {adj} :: ashamed, abashed, hangdog [expressing shame; of a look, tone, face, etc.]
присудить {v pf} :: to sentence (to), to condemn (to)
присудить {v pf} :: to award, to adjudge, to confer (on)
присуждать {v impf} :: to sentence (to), to condemn (to)
присуждать {v impf} :: to award, to adjudge, to confer (on)
присуждение {noun} :: award (decision of arbitrators)
присуждение {noun} :: conferment
присуждение {noun} :: adjudgment
присутственный {adj} [stilted, dated] :: public; office, related to hours of attendance
присутствие {noun} :: presence (the fact or condition of being present)
присутствие {noun} [obsolete] :: the duties of government service
присутствие {noun} [historical] :: a government office or bureau
присутствовать {v impf} :: to be present
присутствующий {adj} :: present (in the immediate vicinity)
присутствующий {noun} :: present (person)
присущий {adj} :: inherent
присчитать {v pf} :: to add on
присчитывать {v impf} :: to add on
присылать {v impf} :: to send (here, to this place)
присыпать {v pf} :: to put, to pour some more
присыпать {v pf} :: to sprinkle (with), to powder '(with), to dust (with)
присыпать {v impf} :: to put, to pour some more
присыпать {v impf} :: to sprinkle (with), to powder '(with), to dust (with)
присяга {noun} :: oath (solemn pledge), oath of allegiance
присягать {v impf} :: to swear (to), to take one's oath, to swear an oath
присягнуть {v pf} :: to swear (to), to take one's oath, to swear an oath
присяжный {adj} [relational] :: oath
присяжный {adj} :: oath-bound, sworn under an oath
присяжный {noun} :: juror
притаить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hide, to conceal
притаиться {v pf} :: to lurk, to hide, to conceal oneself, to keep quiet
пританцовывать {v impf} :: to dance, to make dancing movements
пританцовывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to move the feet restlessly
притаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring, to drag, to haul
притащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring, to drag, to haul
притвор {noun} :: vestibule [in a church]
притвориться {vi pf} :: to shut, to close
притвориться {v pf} :: to pretend, to feign, to dissemble, to simulate, to sham
притворный {adj} :: mock, feigned
притворный {adj} :: sham, pretended, assumed
притворный {adj} :: fictive
притворный {adj} :: simulated
притворный {adj} :: affected
притворный {adj} :: artificial (false, misleading)
притворный {adj} :: hypocritical
притворный {adj} :: shoddy
притворный {adj} :: seeming
притворный {adj} :: bastard
притворный {adj} [relational, architecture] :: rabbet, window rabbet
притворство {noun} :: pretense, dissimulation, sham
притворяться {v impf} :: to shut, to close
притворяться {v impf} :: to passive of притворять
притворяться {v impf} :: to pretend, to feign, to dissemble, to simulate, to sham
притеснение {noun} :: oppression
притин {noun} [obsolete] :: point to which something is attached
притин {noun} [dialectal] :: highest point in the sky to which the sun rises
притин {noun} [archaic] :: sentry post
притихать {v impf} :: to grow quiet, to hush
притихать {v impf} :: to abate (of wind, noise, pain, etc.)
притихнуть {v pf} :: to grow quiet, to hush
притихнуть {v pf} :: to abate (of wind, noise, pain, etc.)
приткнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pin, to fasten
приткнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to place hastily or haphazardly, to stick (somewhere)
приткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lean [к + dative, against]
приткнуться {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to perch, to settle
приткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crash (somewhere), to stay temporarily
приткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to nestle, to be squeezed in [somewhere awkward or cramped]
приток {noun} :: inflow, afflux
приток {noun} :: tributary, confluent [river]
притолка {noun} :: alternative form of притолока
притолока {noun} [architecture] :: lintel
притом {adv} :: in addition, furthermore, besides
притон {noun} :: disorderly house, den, nest (hideout)
притон {noun} :: haunt, hangout
притормаживать {v impf} :: to apply the brake, to slow down, to brake (slightly)
притормозить {v pf} :: to apply the brake, to slow down, to brake (slightly)
приторный {adj} :: saccharine, syrupy
приторный {adj} :: sentimental, cloying
притрагиваться {v impf} :: to touch
притронуться {v pf} :: to touch
притулить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to set down haphazardly, to stick [somewhere]
притулиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to settle, to take up a position [somewhere secluded or uncomfortable]
притулять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to set down haphazardly, to stick [somewhere]
притуляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to settle, to take up a position [somewhere secluded or uncomfortable]
притупить {v pf} :: to dull somewhat, to blunt somewhat
притупить {v pf} [figurative] :: to dull, to blunt (feelings, one's mind, etc.)
притуплять {v impf} :: to dull somewhat, to blunt somewhat
притуплять {v impf} [figurative] :: to dull, to blunt (feelings, one's mind, etc.)
притча {noun} :: parable, fable
притча во языцех {noun} [idiomatic] :: talk of the town (a topic or person discussed by many people)
притыкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pin, to fasten
притыкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to place hastily or haphazardly, to stick (somewhere)
притыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lean [к + dative, against]
притыкаться {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to perch, to settle
притыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crash (somewhere), to stay temporarily
притыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to nestle, to be squeezed in [somewhere awkward or cramped]
притягательность {noun} :: attractiveness
притягательный {adj} :: attractive, inviting, magnetic
притягать {v impf} [archaic] :: alternative form of притягивать
притягивать {v impf} :: to draw, to pull, to attract
притягивать {v impf} :: to summon
притяжательное местоимение {noun} [linguistics] :: possessive pronoun
притяжательный {adj} [grammar] :: possessive
притяжательный падеж {noun} :: possessive case
притяжение {noun} :: attraction (tendency to attract)
притяжение {noun} :: gravitation, gravity
притязание {noun} :: pretension, claim
притянуть {v pf} :: to draw, to pull, to attract
притянуть {v pf} :: to summon
приукрашивать {v impf} :: to embellish
приукрашивать {v impf} :: to gloss over, to omit or add details to make something appear better than it actually is
приунывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become despondent, to get depressed
приуныть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become despondent, to get depressed
приурочивать {v impf} :: to time (to)
приурочить {v pf} :: to time (to)
приусадебный {adj} [relational] :: homestead, farmstead
приусадебный {adj} :: located on a homestead or farmstead
приучать {v impf} :: to train (to), to school (to)
приучить {v pf} :: to train, to teach, to inure, to accustom
прихватизация {noun} [pejorative, ironic] :: privatization
прихватить {v pf} :: to catch up, to seize up, to grab, to borrow, to grip
прихватить {v pf} :: to fasten, to tie up
прихватить {v pf} :: to nip, to damage, to touch (of frost)
прихватить {v pf} :: to tack
прихватывать {v impf} :: to catch up, to seize up, to grab, to borrow, to grip
прихватывать {v impf} :: to fasten, to tie up
прихватывать {v impf} :: to nip, to damage, to touch (of frost)
прихватывать {v impf} :: to tack
прихвостень {noun} [derogatory] :: henchman; stooge; lackey; lickspittle; toady
прихлебнуть {v pf} :: to take a sip
прихлёбывать {v impf} :: to sip
прихлопнуть {v pf} :: to slam (a door)
прихлопнуть {v pf} :: to bang, to slap
прихлопнуть {v pf} :: to catch (one's finger in a door)
прихлопывать {v impf} :: to slam (a door)
прихлопывать {v impf} :: to bang, to slap
прихлопывать {v impf} :: to catch (one's finger in a door)
прихлопывать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to clap in rhythm
приход {noun} :: arrival, coming; trip
приход {noun} [accounting] :: receipt, credit, income
приход {noun} [religion] :: parish, congregation
приход {noun} [slang] :: onset of a drug, immediately preceding the buzz
приходить {v impf} :: to come (to), to arrive (at) (place, conclusion, state of abandonment, anger, insanity)
приходиться {v impf} :: to suit, to fit [по + dative, someone]
приходиться {v impf} :: to fall (on a date)
приходиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to have to [+ infinitive]
приходиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to happen (to), to have occasion (to)
приходиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: used in combination with various adverbs
приходиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to number, to account (for) [на + accusative]
приходиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be due
приходский {adj} [relational] :: parish, congregation
прихожанин {noun} :: parishioner
прихожая {noun} :: vestibule, hall, antechamber
прихотливый {adj} :: whimsical, capricious, fastidious (difficult to please)
прихотливый {adj} :: fanciful, intricate
прихоть {noun} :: whim, caprice, whimsy, fancy
прихрамывать {v impf} :: to limp, to hobble
прицел {noun} :: sight (device used in aiming a firearm)
прицеливаться {v impf} :: to aim, to take aim
прицелиться {v pf} :: to aim, to take aim
прицельный {adj} [military] :: sighting, aiming
прицельный {adj} :: well-aimed, precision, pinpoint
прицеп {noun} :: trailer (vehicle towed behind another)
прицепить {v pf} :: to hitch (to), to hook (on to), (railroad cars) to couple (to), (locomotive) to tie on (to), to make fast (to)
прицепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (brooch, bow etc) to pin (on to), to fasten (to), to tack (to), to tag (on to)
прицепиться {vi pf} :: to hook onto
прицепиться {v pf} [pejorative] :: to pester
прицепиться {v pf} [pejorative] :: to find fault with
прицепиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to linger [of a disease]
прицеплять {v impf} :: to hitch (to), to hook (on to), (railroad cars) to couple (to), (locomotive) to tie on (to), to make fast (to)
прицеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: (brooch, bow etc) to pin (on to), to fasten (to), to tack (to), to tag (on to)
прицепляться {vi impf} :: to hook onto
прицепляться {v impf} [pejorative] :: to pester
прицепляться {v impf} [pejorative] :: to find fault with
прицепляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to linger [of a disease]
прич. {n inan} :: abbreviation of причастие
причал {noun} :: pier, mooring, berth, quay, dock, wharf, marina
причаливать {vt impf} :: to moor, to land
причаливать {vi impf} :: to tie up (at), to moor (to)
причалить {vt pf} :: to moor, to land
причалить {vi pf} :: to tie up (at), to moor (to)
причастие {noun} [grammar] :: participle
причастие {noun} [religion] :: communion; Eucharist (ceremony, sacrament, or substances)
причастие настоящего времени {noun} :: present participle
причастие прошедшего времени {noun} :: past participle
причастить {v pf} [Christianity] :: to give Communion to
причастить {v pf} [literary] :: to connect (someone or something) to (something), to bring (someone) into communication with (something), to accustom, to familiarize
причаститься {v pf} [Christianity] :: to take Communion
причастность {noun} :: participation, involvement, complicity
причастный {adj} :: participating, concerned, involved, privy
причастный {adj} :: participial
причащать {v impf} [Christianity] :: to give Communion to
причащать {v impf} [literary] :: to connect (someone or something) to (something), to bring (someone) into communication with (something), to accustom, to familiarize
причащаться {v impf} [Christianity] :: to take Communion
причащение {noun} [Christianity] :: Communion; communication
Причерноморье {prop} :: alternative form of Черноморье
причесать {v pf} :: to do someone's hair, to brush someone's hair, to comb someone's hair
причесать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to edit, to polish, to touch up, to smooth out, to doctor
причесаться {v pf} :: to comb one's hair
причесть {v pf} :: to add; to attach (when counting or calculating)
причём {conj} :: moreover, and, at that, with
причёска {noun} :: haircut, coiffure, hairdo, hair dress, hair style
причёсывать {v impf} :: to do someone's hair, to brush someone's hair, to comb someone's hair
причёсывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to edit, to polish, to touch up, to smooth out, to doctor
причёсываться {v impf} :: to comb one's hair
причина {noun} :: cause (source or reason of an event or action)
причина {noun} :: reason
причинение {noun} [law] :: infliction, civil injury, injurious action, tort, trespass, wrongdoing
причинить {v pf} :: to cause, to do
причинно-следственный {adj} :: causal
причинность {noun} :: causality (agency of cause)
причинный {adj} :: causal, causative
причинять {v impf} :: to cause, to do
причислить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to add on (to)
причислить {v pf} :: to reckon (among, in), to number (among), to rank (among, with)
причислить {v pf} :: to attach (to)
причислять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to add on (to)
причислять {v impf} :: to reckon (among, in), to number (among), to rank (among, with)
причислять {v impf} :: to attach (to)
причитание {noun} :: lamentation, wail
причитать {v impf} :: to lament (for, over), to bewail, to keen (over)
причитать {v impf} :: to add; to attach (when counting or calculating)
причитаться {v impf} :: to be due
причитывать {v impf} :: alternative form of причитать: to lament (for, over), to bewail, to keen (over)
причитывать {v impf} :: alternative form of причитать: to add; to attach (when counting or calculating)
причмокивать {v impf} :: to smack one's lips [usually out of pleasure or surprise]
причмокнуть {v pf} :: to smack one's lips once [usually out of pleasure or surprise]
причуда {noun} :: whim, whimsy, freak, caprice, fancy
причуда {noun} :: oddity, vagary
причудливо {adv} :: fancifully, whimsically, capriciously
причудливо {adv} :: bizarrely, fantastically
причудливый {adj} :: fancy, complicated
причудливый {adj} :: cute, quaint
причудливый {adj} :: bizarre, weird, peculiar (strangely unconventional)
причудливый {adj} [dated] :: whimsical
пришелец {noun} :: newcomer, stranger
пришелец {noun} :: space alien, extraterrestrial
пришествие {noun} :: Advent (coming of the Christ)
пришёл, увидел, победил {phrase} :: I came, I saw, I conquered
пришибать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to strike down, to strike dead
пришибить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to strike down, to strike dead
пришибить {v pf} [colloquial, figurative, perfective only] :: to depress, to dispirit
пришивать {v impf} :: to sew on; to nail on
пришивать {v impf} [slang] :: to kill, to murder, to waste
пришивать {v impf} [slang] :: to falsely accuse of a crime, to pin an accusation
пришить {v pf} :: to sew on; to nail on
пришить {v pf} [slang] :: to kill, to murder, to waste
пришить {v pf} [slang] :: to falsely accuse of a crime, to pin an accusation
пришла беда — отворяй ворота {proverb} :: when it rains, it pours
пришлый {adj} :: alien, foreign, nonlocal
пришпиливать {v pf} :: to pin, to fasten [with pin, needle, etc.]
пришпилить {v pf} :: to pin, to fasten [with pin, needle, etc.]
Приштина {prop} :: Приштина (capital city)
прищепка {noun} :: clothes peg, clothespin
прищур {noun} :: squint (an expression in which the eyes are partly closed)
прищуривать {v impf} :: to cause to squint
прищуриваться {v impf} :: to squint
прищурить {v pf} :: to cause to squint
прищуриться {v pf} :: to squint
при этом {adv} :: at that (in addition), (and) at the same time
при этом {adv} :: in the process, in doing so
при этом {adv} :: on top of that, withal, for good measure
приют {noun} :: refuge, shelter
приют {noun} :: asylum, orphanage
приют {noun} :: flophouse, doss-house
приютить {v pf} :: to shelter, to give refuge
приязненный {adj} :: friendly, amiable
приязнь {noun} :: friendship, friendliness, goodwill
приятель {noun} :: friend, chum
приятель {noun} [colloquial] :: buddy, pal, mate (informal address)
приятельница {noun} :: (female) friend, acquaintance
приятельский {adj} :: friendly
приятельство {noun} :: casual friendship, acquaintanceship, amicable relations
приятие {noun} :: acceptance, receiving, taking
приятно {adv} :: pleasantly, pleasingly, agreeably
приятного аппетита {interj} :: bon appétit!
приятно познакомиться {interj} :: pleased to meet you
приятность {noun} :: pleasantness
приятность {noun} :: amenity
приятность {noun} :: gratefulness
приятность {noun} :: jocundity
приятность {noun} :: prettiness
приятный {adj} :: pleasant, pleasing, agreeable
приять {v pf} [literary or dated] :: alternative form of принять
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: through, past (describing an action of passing through a space or an object)
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an action of covering a whole object
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an action of passing by an entity and moving further from an entity
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an action that entails completeness, exhaustiveness, or accuracy
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing a momentary action with a short duration
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an action that lasts for a certain period of time
про- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: describing an action that describes losses, expenses, wasting, or forgetting
про- {prefix} [used with nouns] :: describing a state of being that is located between two entities or among more than two entities
про- {prefix} [used with adjectives or nouns] :: describing an initial appearance or insufficiency of characteristics
про {prep} :: about, concerning
про {prep} :: (in the expression про себя) to (oneself)
ПРО {f inan} :: missile defense
проанализировать {v pf} :: to analyse
проассистировать {v pf} :: to assist (help)
проба {noun} :: trial, test
проба {noun} :: assay, sample
проба {noun} :: standard, hallmark
пробалтывать {vti impf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to spill the beans; to blurt out (something)
пробалтывать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to shake completely, to shake thoroughly
пробалтывать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to shake [for a specified quantity of time]
пробалтываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to spill the beans
пробасить {v pf} :: to say or sing in a deep voice, to say or sing in a bass voice
пробег {noun} :: run (distance)
пробег {noun} [sport] :: run, race
пробег {noun} :: total distance passed
пробегать {v impf} :: to run past, to run through
пробегать {v impf} :: to run a certain distance or for some time
пробегать {v impf} :: to skim, to scan, to look through
пробегать {v pf} :: to spend some time running
пробежать {v pf} :: to run past, to run through
пробежать {v pf} :: to run a certain distance or for some time
пробежать {v pf} :: to skim, to scan, to look through
пробежаться {v pf} :: to run a little
пробежаться {v pf} :: to travel along the runway [of a plane]
пробежаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slide [over something; of the hands or fingers]
пробежка {noun} :: jog, run (a single exercise)
пробел {noun} :: space, blank, gap
пробел {noun} :: flaw, defect
пробивать {v impf} :: to punch out
пробивать {v impf} :: to pierce, to go (through)
пробивать {v impf} :: to break (through)
пробивать {v impf} :: to make (a road, a tunnel)
пробивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to issue a check/chit
пробивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pay to the cashier
пробивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to press (for), to push (for), to struggle (for), to win, to bring off, to put across
пробиваться {v impf} :: to fight/force/make one's way through, to break/win/strike through
пробиваться {v impf} :: to shoot, to show, to push up [of plants]
пробирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to feel strong coldness of the air or wind
пробирать {v impf} :: to scold
пробираться {v impf} :: to make one's way, to thread one's way, to pick one's way, to edge through
пробирка {noun} :: test tube, test glass, vial
пробить {v pf} :: to punch out
пробить {v pf} :: to pierce, to go (through)
пробить {v pf} :: to break (through)
пробить {v pf} :: to make (a road, a tunnel)
пробить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to issue a check/chit
пробить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pay to the cashier
пробить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press (for), to push (for), to struggle (for), to win, to bring off, to put across
пробить {v pf} :: to strike, to sound
пробиться {v pf} :: to fight/force/make one's way through, to break/win/strike through
пробиться {v pf} :: (of plants) to shoot, to show, to push up
пробка {noun} :: plug
пробка {noun} :: cork
пробка {noun} :: congestion
пробка {noun} :: traffic jam
пробка {noun} [colloquial] :: fuse (device preventing overloading of a circuit)
пробка на дороге {noun} :: traffic jam
пробковый {adj} [relational] :: cork; corky
проблема {noun} :: problem (difficulty)
проблематика {noun} :: range of problems, agenda, subject matter
проблематичный {adj} :: problematic
проблемный {adj} [relational] :: problem, problematic
проблеск {noun} :: flash
проблеск {noun} :: gleam, ray
проблесковый {adj} :: flashing
проблесковый маячок {noun} :: emergency vehicle lighting, flashing light, flashing beacon (emergency vehicle lighting)
пробный {adj} [relational] :: sample, trial, test
пробный {adj} :: hallmarked
пробовать {v impf} :: to test, to attempt, to try
пробовать {v impf} :: to taste (to sample the flavor of something), to feel
пробоина {noun} :: (rupture) hole, breach, leak (e.g. in a ship or airplane)
пробой {noun} :: (for a lock) holdfast, clamp, hasp
пробой {noun} :: rupture, breakdown, punch-through, runaway, puncture, disruption, burst
проболтать {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to chatter away, to spend time chatting or talking idly
проболтать {vti pf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to spill the beans; to blurt out (something)
проболтать {vt pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to talk for awhile about (something)
проболтать {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to shake completely, to shake thoroughly
проболтать {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to shake [for a specified quantity of time]
проболтаться {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to spend (some time) [somewhere; usually idly or in vain]
проболтаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to spill the beans
пробор {noun} :: parting (of hair)
пробормотать {v pf} :: to mutter, to murmur, to babble
пробрать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to feel strong coldness of the air or wind
пробрать {v pf} :: to scold
пробрать {v pf} [colloquial, dated] :: to part (hair)
пробраться {v pf} :: to make one's way, to thread one's way, to pick one's way, to edge through
пробубнить {v pf} [colloquial, deprecative] :: to mutter
пробудить {vt pf} [literary, also figurative] :: to arouse, to awaken
пробудить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend some time trying to awaken (someone)
пробудить {v pf} [literary] :: to engender (a feeling)
пробудиться {vi pf} [literary] :: to awaken, to wake up
пробудиться {v pf} [literary, figurative] :: to come to life [about nature, humanity, etc.]
пробудиться {v pf} [literary, figurative] :: to arise [of a feeling]
пробуждать {v impf} :: to waken, to rouse, to wake up, to awake
пробуждать {v impf} :: to rouse, to excite
пробуждаться {v impf} :: to awake, to wake up
пробуждаться {v impf} :: to be aroused, to be awakened
пробуждение {noun} :: awakening, waking
пробуждение {noun} :: arousal (the act of arousing or the state of being aroused)
пробурчать {v pf} :: to grumble, to rumble (to make a low growling or rumbling stomach noise)
пробурчать {v pf} :: to grumble, to complain
пробурчать {v pf} :: to mutter, to mumble
пробывать {v impf} [dated] :: to stay (somewhere)
пробыть {v pf} :: to stay (somewhere)
провайдер {noun} [computing] :: Internet provider
провал {noun} :: collapse
провал {noun} :: hole, depression
провал {noun} :: failure, flop
проваливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to botch up, to ruin, to mess up
проваливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fail
проваливать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only, in the imperative] :: to get lost
проваливаться {v impf} :: to fall through, to come down
проваливаться {v impf} :: to fail, to flunk (on an exam)
провалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to botch up, to ruin, to mess up
провалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fail
провалиться {v pf} :: to fall through, to come down
провалиться {v pf} :: to fail, to flunk (on an exam)
Прованс — Альпы — Лазурный Берег {prop} {m inan} :: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (a region in France)
проведать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come to see, to call (on)
проведать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to find out, to learn (of, about)
проведение {noun} :: construction, building, laying [of roads, cables, pipes, etc.]
проведение {noun} :: organization, holding [of a meeting, event, activity]
проведение {noun} :: carrying out, realization, implementation
проведение {noun} :: adoption [of a resolution, law]
проведывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come to see, to call (on)
проведывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to find out, to learn (of, about)
провезти {v pf} :: to transport, to convey
проверенный {adj} :: proved, proven, reliable, tried-and-true
проверить {v pf} :: to examine, to check, to control, to verify, to test, to audit
проверка {noun} :: check, verification
проверка {noun} :: inspection
провернуть {v pf} :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
провернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
провернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crank
провернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn with difficulty
провернуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to quickly do or arrange
проверочный {adj} :: verifying, checking
проверочный {adj} :: test, checkup
провертеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
провертеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
провертеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crank
провертеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn with difficulty
проверчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
проверчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
проверчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crank
проверчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn with difficulty
проверять {v impf} :: to examine, to check, to control, to verify, to test, to audit
проверяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to do a checkup (usually medical)
проверяться {v impf} [rare, colloquial] :: to check information about oneself
провести {v pf} :: to lead, to conduct, to guide, to steer, to take
провести {v pf} :: to lay, to construct, to build, to install a road, a pipe, a wire etc.
провести {v pf} :: to carry out, to carry through, to realize, to put into practice, to conduct
провести {v pf} :: to pass over, to run over
провести {v pf} :: to spend, to pass (time)
провести {v pf} :: to book, to register, to enter
провести {v pf} :: to draw a line
провести {v pf} :: to cheat, to take in, to trick, to fool
проветривать {v impf} :: to air, to ventilate
проветрить {v pf} :: to air, to ventilate
провёртывать {v impf} :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
провёртывать {v impf} :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
провёртывать {v impf} :: to crank
провёртывать {v impf} :: to turn with difficulty
провёртывать {v impf} [low colloquial, figurative] :: to quickly do or arrange
провзаимодействовать {v pf} :: to interact, to act reciprocally, to cooperate
провиант {noun} [literary] :: food, provisions, victuals
провидение {noun} :: foresight, foreknowledge
провидение {noun} [religion] :: providence; Providence
провидеть {v impf} :: to foresee
провидец {noun} :: seer, prophet
провизия {noun} [collective] :: provisions, food
провиниться {v pf} :: to be at fault, to commit an offence (in), to be guilty (of)
провинность {noun} :: duty
провинность {noun} [colloquial] :: fault, offence, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanour
провинциал {noun} :: provincial person, country bumpkin
провинциальный {adj} :: provincial
провинция {noun} :: province (Ancient Rome)
провинция {noun} :: province (administrative region)
провинция {noun} :: area located far from the capital or large urban centers
провод {noun} :: wire, lead, conductor
провод {noun} :: leading, conducting, steering
провод {noun} :: denoting, marking, indicating [by means of a long line or track]
провод {noun} :: construction [of canals, roads, etc.]
проводимость {noun} :: conductivity, conduction
проводить {v impf} :: to spend (time), to pass
проводить {v impf} [electricity] :: to conduct
проводить {v impf} :: to conduct, to lead, to guide
проводить {v impf} :: to carry out, to carry through, to realize, to put into practice, to conduct
проводить {v impf} :: to put through, to get through
проводить {v impf} :: to draw (a line)
проводить {v impf} [engineering] :: to lay road, to construct
проводить {v impf} :: to develop, to pursue
проводить {v impf} [bookkeeping] :: to enter
проводить {v impf} :: to cheat, to deceive
проводить {v pf} :: to escort, to accompany, to see off
проводиться {v impf} :: to be carried out; to be held, to be conducted; to be in progress
проводка {noun} :: conducting, steering
проводка {noun} :: (of roads or communication) construction, building, laying
проводка {noun} :: (of wiring or canalization) installation
проводка {noun} :: wires, wiring
проводка {noun} [accounting] :: posting
проводник {noun} :: guide (person)
проводник {noun} :: conductor, guard, train attendant (on a train)
проводник {noun} :: conductor (physical, electrical)
проводница {noun} :: female guide (person)
проводница {noun} :: female conductor, guard, train attendant (on a train)
проводящий {adj} :: conductive
провожатый {noun} :: escort, guide, chaperone
провожать {v impf} :: to escort, to accompany, to see off
провождать {v impf} [dated] :: alternative form of провожать
провоз {noun} :: the act of transporting; lift
провозгласить {v pf} :: to proclaim, to promulgate, to declare, to enunciate (solemnly or officially)
провозгласить {v pf} :: to acclaim (to declare by acclamations)
провозглашать {v impf} :: to proclaim, to promulgate, to declare, to enunciate (solemnly or officially)
провозглашать {v impf} :: to acclaim (to declare by acclamations)
провозглашение {noun} :: proclamation, enunciation
провозить {v impf} :: to transport, to convey
провозить {v pf} :: to carry around (for a certain time)
провокатор {noun} :: provocateur, provoker (one who engages in provocative behavior)
провокационный {adj} :: provocative
провокация {noun} :: provocation
проволка {noun} [non-standard] :: alternative form of проволока
проволока {noun} :: wire (thin thread of metal)
проволока {noun} :: red tape, drag, delay
проволочка {noun} :: diminutive of проволока: a little piece of wire
проволочка {noun} :: delay, protraction
проволочка {noun} [colloquial] :: dressing-down
проволочный {adj} [relational] :: wire
проворачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
проворачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
проворачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crank
проворачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn with difficulty
проворачивать {v impf} [low colloquial, figurative] :: to quickly do or arrange
проворить {v impf} [colloquial, rare] :: to do multiple or cumbersome tasks very quickly
проворно {adv} :: nimbly, dexterously, adroitly
проворно {adv} :: quickly, briskly
проворный {adj} :: quick, swift, brisk, expeditious
проворный {adj} :: nimble, deft, agile, adroit, dexterous
проворотить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to drill a hole in, to perforate
проворотить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to twist (something) through (something) [esp. meat through a meat grinder]
проворотить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to crank
проворотить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to turn with difficulty
проворотить {v pf} [low colloquial, figurative] :: to quickly do or arrange
проворство {noun} :: agility, nimbleness, legerity, lightness
проворство {noun} :: quickness, adroitness, deftness
проворство {noun} :: dexterity
проворство {noun} :: promptness, promptitude
проворство {noun} :: fleetness
проворчать {v pf} :: to mutter, to grumble
провоцировать {v both} :: to provoke
прога {noun} [computing, slang] :: computer program, app
прогиб {noun} :: buckling, flexure, caving
прогиб {noun} :: concession; giving in to someone's demands
прогибать {vt impf} :: to bend [under the action of gravity or pressure]
прогибаться {vi impf} :: to bend [under the action of gravity or pressure]
прогибаться {v impf} :: to straighten and arch one's back
прогибаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flatter [перед + instrumental, someone]
проглатывать {v impf} :: to swallow
проглатывать {v impf} :: to swallow, to bolt, to gulp down
проглатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (accept without protest) to swallow, to pocket
проглатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to swallow, to mutter
проглатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (book) to devour
проглотить {v pf} :: to swallow
проглотить {v pf} :: to swallow, to bolt, to gulp down
проглотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (accept without protest) to swallow, to pocket
проглотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to swallow, to mutter
проглотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (book) to devour
проглядеть {v pf} :: to look (through), to skim
проглядеть {v pf} :: to overlook, to miss
проглядывать {v impf} :: to look (through), to skim
проглядывать {v impf} :: to show, to appear, to peep out
проглядывать {v impf} :: to be discernible
проглянуть {v pf} :: to show, to appear, to peep out
проглянуть {v pf} :: to be discernible
прогнать {v pf} :: to drive (cattle)
прогнать {v pf} :: to chase away
прогнать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cause to disappear, to banish
прогнать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fire
прогнивать {v impf} :: to rot to the core
прогнить {v pf} :: to rot to the core
прогноз {noun} :: forecast, projection
прогноз {noun} :: prognosis
прогнозирование {noun} :: forecasting, prognostication
прогнозировать {v impf} :: to predict, to foretell, to prognosticate
прогнозный {adj} :: prognostic
прогнозный {adj} :: anticipated, expected, predictable
прогнуть {vt pf} :: to bend [under the action of gravity or pressure]
прогнуться {vi pf} :: to bend [under the action of gravity or pressure]
прогнуться {v pf} :: to straighten and arch one's back
прогнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flatter [перед + instrumental, someone]
проговаривать {v impf} :: to say, to utter
проговаривать {v impf} :: to talk (for a while)
проговариваться {v impf} :: to let out a secret, to blab (out), to let the cat out of the bag
проговорить {v pf} :: to say, to utter
проговорить {v pf} :: to talk (for a while)
проговориться {v pf} :: to let out a secret, to blab (out), to let the cat out of the bag
проголодаться {v pf} :: to feel/get/grow hungry
проголосовать {v pf} :: to vote (assert a formalised choice)
прогон {noun} :: driving of animals
прогон {noun} :: architecture purlin, bearer, baulk
прогон {noun} :: stairs well, well shaft
прогон {noun} :: run-through
прогон {noun} :: pass, passage
прогонять {v impf} :: to drive (cattle)
прогонять {v impf} :: to chase away
прогонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cause to disappear, to banish
прогонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fire
прогонять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drive for a while
прогонять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to distill for a while
прогонять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to chase for a while, to pursue for a while
прогорать {vi impf} :: to burn up, to burn completely [of wood]
прогорать {v impf} :: to be damaged by fire
прогорать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to go bankrupt
прогореть {vi pf} :: to burn up, to burn completely [of wood]
прогореть {v pf} :: to be damaged by fire
прогореть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to go bankrupt
програмка {noun} :: diminutive of программа
програмка {noun} :: program (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity)
программа {noun} :: program/programme
программа {noun} [academic] :: syllabus, curriculum
программа {noun} :: program, agenda
программа {noun} [TV, radio] :: program, broadcast, show
программа {noun} [TV, radio] :: channel
программа-дополнение {noun} :: add-on (extension of core application)
программатор {noun} [computing] :: programmer (a device that installs a software program into some other machine)
программирование {noun} :: programming
программировать {v impf} :: to program
программист {noun} [computing] :: programmer (one who designs software)
программка {noun} :: diminutive of программа: (small) programme; app, applet; TV guide, theatre programme
программное обеспечение {noun} [computing] :: software (encoded computer instructions)
программный {adj} [relational] :: program
прогревать {v impf} :: to warm, to heat, to warm up
прогреметь {v pf} :: to thunder
прогреметь {v pf} :: to resound, to ring out
прогреметь {v pf} [figuratively] :: to roar, to speak loudly
прогреметь {v pf} [figuratively] :: to roar past (while driving)
прогресс {noun} :: progress (a moving forward)
прогрессивно {adv} :: progressively
прогрессивность {noun} :: progressiveness
прогрессивный {adj} :: progressive
прогрессировать {v impf} :: to progress [also of an illness]
прогрессия {noun} :: progression (mathematical sequence)
прогреть {v pf} :: to warm, to heat, to warm up
прогудеть {v pf} :: to hum, to buzz (to make a droning sound)
прогудеть {v pf} :: to sound [of a horn, etc.]
прогул {noun} :: unexcused absence, truancy, shirking
прогул {noun} [plural] :: absenteeism
прогуливать {v impf} :: to walk (children, pets)
прогуливать {v impf} :: to miss (class), to wag (to not go to school)
прогуливаться {v impf} :: to take a walk/stroll, to promenade
прогуливаться {v impf} :: to stroll, to saunter, to ramble
прогулка {noun} :: walk, outing (trip made by walking)
прогулочный {adj} [relational] :: pleasure, leisure
прогулочный {adj} [relational] :: walk, promenade
прогулочный {adj} :: leisurely, walking
прогулять {v pf} :: to walk, to stroll (for some time or some distance)
прогулять {v pf} :: to walk (children, pets for some time or some distance)
прогулять {v pf} :: to miss (class), to wag (to not go to school)
прогуляться {v pf} :: to take a walk/stroll, to promenade
прогуляться {v pf} :: to stroll, to saunter, to ramble
продавать {v impf} :: to sell
продавать {v impf} :: to sell out, to betray
продаваться {v impf} :: to sell (intransitive)
продаваться {v impf} :: to sell oneself, to betray
продавец {noun} :: seller, salesman, vendor
продавец {noun} :: shop assistant (shop employee)
продавить {v pf} :: to crush/break through, to squeeze/press through
продавить {v pf} :: (seat, sofa etc) to cause to sink [sag down]
продавить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press (for), to ram, to win, to bring off, to put across, to push (through)
продавливать {v impf} :: to crush/break through, to squeeze/press through
продавливать {v impf} :: (seat, sofa etc) to cause to sink [sag down]
продавливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to press (for), to ram, to win, to bring off, to put across, to push (through)
продавщица {noun} :: female seller, salesman, vender
продавщица {noun} :: female shop assistant (shop employee)
продажа {noun} :: sale, selling (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit)
продажность {noun} :: ability to sell
продажность {noun} [pejorative] :: selling out
продажность {noun} [pejorative] :: venality
продажный {adj} :: venal (willing to take bribes)
продажный {adj} :: sale, selling
продать {v pf} :: to sell
продать {v pf} :: to sell out, to betray
продаться {v pf} :: to sell (intransitive)
продаться {v pf} :: to sell oneself, to betray
продвигать {v impf} :: to move or to push ahead (on, forward, further)
продвигать {v impf} :: to promote, to advance, to further (to encourage growth)
продвигать {v pf} :: to spend some time moving (something)
продвигаться {v impf} :: to advance, to move/push forward/on/further, to gain/make ground, to make headway
продвигаться {v impf} :: to advance, to make progress/headway
продвижение {noun} :: advancement
продвижение {noun} [military] :: advance, progress
продвинутый {adj} :: advanced (at or close to state of the art)
продвинуть {v pf} :: to move or to push ahead (on, forward, further)
продвинуть {v pf} :: to promote, to advance, to further (to encourage growth)
продвинуться {v pf} :: to advance, to move/push forward/on/further, to gain/make ground, to make headway
продвинуться {v pf} :: to advance, to make progress/headway
продекламировать {v pf} :: to declaim, to recite
проделать {v pf} :: to make (a hole), to break through (a hole)
проделать {v pf} :: to do (a trick)
проделать {v pf} :: to carry out (a task; work)
проделка {noun} :: prank, trick
проделывать {v impf} :: to make (a hole), to break through (a hole)
проделывать {v impf} :: to do (a trick)
проделывать {v impf} :: to carry out (a task; work)
продемонстрировать {v pf} :: to demonstrate, to exhibit, to show
продержать {v pf} :: to keep, to hold [an amount of time]
продержаться {v pf} :: to hold out, to stand
продержаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: (food) to keep (fresh)
продиктовать {v pf} [literal and figurative] :: to dictate (to)
продирать {v impf} :: to hole, to tear holes (in), to wear out
продираться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tear [be worn] into holes
продираться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze/make/force one's way (through)
продлевать {v impf} :: to extend, to prolong, to elongate, to make longer
продлевать {v impf} :: to renew, to extend (e.g. subscriptions, books in a library)
продление {noun} :: prolongation, extension
продлить {v pf} :: to extend, to prolong, to elongate, to make longer
продлить {v pf} :: to renew, to extend (e.g. subscriptions, books in a library)
продлиться {v pf} :: to last (for some time), to draw out
продовольственный {adj} [relational] :: food
продовольственный {adj} [relational, military] :: rations
продовольствие {noun} :: food (supply); foodstuffs, provisions, rations
продолговатый {adj} :: elongated, oblong
продолжатель {noun} :: continuator, continuer, successor
продолжать {v impf} :: to continue, to proceed (with), to go on
продолжать {v impf} :: to keep on
продолжаться {v impf} :: to last, to continue/be continued, to go on, to endure, to lengthen
продолжение {noun} :: continuation (act or state of continuing)
продолжительность {noun} :: duration; continuance
продолжительность жизни {noun} :: lifespan, lifetime (the typical length of time that any particular organism can be expected to live)
продолжительный {adj} :: long
продолжительный {adj} :: prolonged, extended
продолжительный {adj} :: [of sound] protracted
продолжить {v pf} :: to continue, to proceed (with), to go on
продолжить {v pf} :: to keep on
продолжиться {v pf} :: to last, to continue/be continued, to go on, to endure, to lengthen
продольный {adj} :: longitudinal
продольный {adj} :: lengthwise
продрать {v pf} :: to hole, to tear holes (in), to wear out
продраться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tear [be worn] into holes
продраться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze/make/force one's way (through)
продрогнуть {v pf} :: to be cold, to become frozen, to feel chilly; to freeze, to numb (by coldness), to shiver
продувать {v impf} :: to clean by blowing, to blow clean
продувать {v impf} [impersonal] :: to cause to catch a cold from the wind
продувать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to lose [in sports or gambling]
продувать {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to blow through
продукт {noun} :: product (commodity for sale)
продукт {noun} [in the plural] :: foods, edibles
продуктивность {noun} :: productivity (state of being productive)
продуктивный {adj} :: productive; effective, efficient; fruitful
продуктовый {adj} [relational] :: food
продукция {noun} :: production, product(s), commodity, output
продуманный {adj} :: (well) thought-out, considered
продумать {v pf} :: to think over, to think through, to consider carefully
продумывать {v impf} :: to think over, to think through, to consider carefully
продуть {v pf} :: to clean by blowing, to blow clean
продуть {v pf} [impersonal] :: to cause to catch a cold from the wind
продуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to blow [for a specified amount of time]
продуть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to lose [in sports or gambling]
продуть {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to run [a specified distance]
продуцировать {v both} :: to produce, to generate
продюсер {noun} :: (film) producer (male or female)
проебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck (for a certain period of time)
проебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to botch, to mess up, to fuck up
проебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to miss (an opportunity, target)
проебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to lose (in a game, in a war)
проезд {noun} :: journey
проезд {noun} :: passage, thoroughfare
проезд {noun} :: lane, passage
проездной {adj} [relational] :: travel; serving for travel
проезжать {v impf} :: to go through/by (by horse or vehicle), to ride through/by, to drive through/by
проезжать {v impf} :: to drive past/along/across
проезжать {v impf} :: to travel a certain distance
проезжаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drive, to ride [for a short distance; for pleasure]
проезжаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mock
проезжая часть {noun} :: carriageway (part of a road that carries traffic)
проезжий {adj} :: passing by, through (traveller)
проезжий {adj} :: fit, used for traffic
проект {noun} :: project (planned endeavor)
проект {noun} :: design
проект {noun} :: draft
проектирование {noun} :: designing, projecting, projection, planning
проектировать {v impf} :: to design, to project, to plan
проектировать {v impf} :: to plan
проектировщик {noun} :: planner, designer, developer
проектный {adj} :: planned, designed
проектный {adj} [relational] :: project, design, planning
проектор {noun} :: projector
проекция {noun} :: projection; (graphical) view, perspective
проехать {v pf} :: to go through/by [by horse or vehicle], to ride through/by, to drive through/by
проехать {v pf} :: to drive past/along/across
проехать {v pf} :: to travel (a certain distance)
проехаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drive, to ride [for a short distance; for pleasure]
проехаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mock
проецировать {v impf} :: to project (onto)
проём {noun} :: opening, aperture
прождать {v pf} :: to wait for [an amount of time; + accusative or (dated) genitive]
прожевать {v pf} :: to chew/masticate well
прожект {noun} [dated] :: project (same as проект /proékt/, проект /proékt/, the modern term)
прожект {noun} [colloquial] :: plan(s) for the future (usually plural)
прожектор {noun} :: (a larger) spotlight, floodlight, searchlight; projector (=проектор)
прожечь {v pf} :: to burn a hole in (something)
прожечь {v pf} :: to burn clean
прожечь {v pf} :: to warm strongly
прожечь {v pf} [also impersonal] :: to burn (to cause a painful, burning sensation)
прожечь {v pf} :: to burn (e.g. a lamp, a candle) [for a specified amount of time]
прожёвывать {v impf} :: to chew/masticate well
проживание {noun} :: residing, inhabitation, residence
проживать {vti impf} :: to live, to reside, to dwell
проживать {vt impf} :: to spend, to run through
прожигать {v impf} :: to burn a hole in (something)
прожигать {v impf} :: to burn clean
прожигать {v impf} :: to warm strongly
прожигать {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to burn (to cause a painful, burning sensation)
прожигать {v impf} :: to burn (e.g. a lamp, a candle) [for a specified amount of time]
прожидь {noun} [derogatory] :: admixture of Jewish blood
прожилка {noun} :: streak, vein
прожитие {noun} :: subsistence, living
прожиток {noun} :: subsistence, living
прожиточный {adj} [relational] :: subsistence
прожиточный минимум {noun} :: living wage
прожить {v pf} :: to live, to outlast
прожить {v pf} :: to reside (for some time)
прожить {vt pf} :: to spend, to run through
прожорливый {adj} :: gluttonous, voracious
проза {noun} :: prose
проза {noun} :: prosaic aspect, monotony
прозаик {noun} :: prose writer, prosaist
прозаический {adj} [relational] :: prose
прозаический {adj} :: prosaic, matter-of-fact, prosy
прозвать {v pf} :: to name someone/something as something, to make a name or a nickname (to someone or something); to nickname
прозвенеть {v pf} :: to resound, to ring out (to make a loud sound)
прозвище {noun} :: nickname, sobriquet, byname, cognomen, soubriquet
прозвище {noun} :: alias (another name; an assumed name)
прозвище {noun} [archaic] :: surname
прозвучать {v pf} :: to sound
прозвучать {v pf} :: to be heard (of sound, voice)
прозвучать {v pf} :: to be discernible (of emotion, mood in a voice or words)
прозвучать {v pf} :: to sound (of impression)
прозвучать {v pf} :: to be known widely
прозевать {v pf} :: to miss (a train, a stop, a chance, an opportunity, etc.)
прозорливость {noun} :: acumen, sagacity, astuteness
прозорливый {adj} :: insightful, shrewd, perspicacious
прозрачность {noun} :: transparence, transparency, limpidity, pellucidity
прозрачный {adj} :: transparent, clear, see-through, lucent
прозрачный {adj} :: limpid, liquid
прозрачный {adj} [figuratively] :: obvious
прозревать {v impf} :: to recover one's sight
прозревать {v impf} :: to begin to see clearly
прозрение {noun} :: recovery of sight
прозрение {noun} :: enlightenment, insight, epiphany
прозреть {v pf} :: to recover one's sight
прозреть {v pf} :: to begin to see clearly
прозывать {v impf} :: to nickname, to name
прозябать {v impf} :: to vegetate
проигнорировать {v pf} :: to ignore, to disregard (to deliberately pay no attention to), to igg
проигравший {noun} :: loser (person who fails to win)
проигравший {noun} :: underdog
проигранный {adj} :: lost (as in "lost battle" or "lost game")
проиграть {v pf} :: to lose
проиграть {v pf} :: to play, to play through, to play over
проигрыватель {noun} :: gramophone, record player
проигрыватель {noun} :: (media) player (e.g. CD, DVD, mp3)
проигрывать {v impf} :: to lose
проигрывать {v impf} :: to play, to play through, to play over
проигрыш {noun} :: loss, losing [in a game or war]
проигрыш {noun} :: loss, what is lost, the lost sum
проигрыш {noun} [music] :: musical part of a song without singing
произведение {noun} :: creation
произведение {noun} :: work of art, work (a literary, artistic, or intellectual production)
произведение {noun} [mathematics] :: product
произведение искусства {noun} :: work of art (product of the fine arts)
произвести {v pf} :: to make, to carry out, to execute, to effect
произвести {v pf} :: to give birth
произвести {v pf} :: to produce
произвести {v pf} :: to promote
произвести {v pf} :: to cause, to produce, to create
производитель {noun} :: manufacturer (one who manufactures)
производитель {noun} :: stud (male animal used for breeding)
производительность {noun} :: productivity (state of being productive)
производительность {noun} :: efficiency
производительность {noun} :: performance
производительность {noun} [biology] :: reproduction
производительный {adj} :: productive
производить {v impf} :: to make, to carry out, to execute, to effect
производить {v impf} :: to give birth
производить {v impf} :: to promote
производить {v impf} :: to cause, to produce, to create
производная {noun} [mathematics] :: derivative (value)
производный {adj} :: derivative
производственник {noun} :: production worker (worker directly involved in the production process)
производственный {adj} :: manufacturing, industrial
производство {noun} :: production, manufacture
производство {noun} :: plant, works, factory
произвол {noun} :: free will
произвол {noun} :: power abuse; arbitrary will, behaviour or rule
произвол {noun} :: lawlessness
произвольно {adv} :: arbitrarily, randomly
произвольно {adv} :: ad hoc (on the spur of the moment)
произвольный {adj} :: arbitrary, random, any given (determined by impulse)
произнесение {noun} :: pronouncing, utterance
произнести {v pf} :: to pronounce, to articulate
произнести {v pf} :: to deliver, to utter
произносимый {adj} :: pronounceable
произносить {v impf} :: to pronounce, to articulate
произносить {v impf} :: to deliver, to utter
произношение {noun} :: pronunciation
произношение {noun} :: articulation
произойти {v pf} :: to take place, to happen, to occur
произойти {v pf} :: to derive, to be descended, to descend, to originate
произойти {v pf} :: to spring, to arise, to result, to take place
произрастание {noun} :: growing, sprouting
произрастать {v impf} :: to grow, to spring up, to sprout
произрасти {v pf} :: to grow, to spring up, to sprout
проиллюстрировать {v pf} :: to illustrate
проиндексировать {v pf} :: to index (to arrange an index)
проинформировать {v pf} :: to inform, to notify, to advertise (to give public notice of; to announce publicly)
происки {noun} :: intrigues, scheming, underhand plotting
проистекать {v impf} :: to result (from), to spring (from)
проистечь {v pf} :: to result (from), to spring (from)
происходить {v impf} :: to take place, to happen, to occur
происходить {v impf} :: to derive, to be descended, to descend, to originate
происходить {v impf} :: to spring, to arise, to result, to take place
происходящее {noun} :: what's happening, what's going on
происходящий {adj} :: ongoing, occurring, happening
происхождение {noun} :: origin
происхождение {noun} :: provenance
происхождение {noun} :: lineage
происхождение {noun} :: birth, extraction, parentage, descent,
происшедшее {noun} :: what has happened, incident
происшествие {noun} :: incident, event, occurrence
пройдоха {noun} [low colloquial] :: scoundrel, swindler, rogue, cheat
пройти {v pf} :: to pass, to go, to walk
пройти {v pf} :: to pass by
пройти {v pf} :: (time) to pass, to go by, to elapse, to slip by
пройти {v pf} :: to be over
пройти {v pf} :: (meeting, gathering) to go off, to be held
пройти {v pf} :: to study, to cover (in a course)
пройтись {v pf} :: to (go for a) walk, to stroll
пройтись {v pf} :: to go over; to scrutinize; to analyze
прок {noun} :: use, benefit
прокажённый {adj} [relational] :: leprosy
прокажённый {adj} :: leprous
прокажённый {noun} :: leper
проказа {noun} [disease] :: leprosy
проказа {noun} :: prank, trick, mischief, roguery
проказить {v impf} :: alternative form of проказничать
проказить {v pf} :: to afflict with leprosy
проказник {noun} :: rogue; prankster, mischiefmaker
проказничать {v impf} :: to play pranks, to make mischief
проказничать {v impf} :: to horse around
прокалывать {v impf} :: to pierce, to puncture, to prick, to perforate, to punch
прокалывать {v impf} :: to run a knife (through), to stab
прокат {noun} :: (of goods) hire, rental
прокат {noun} :: rolling
прокат {noun} :: rolled metal
прокат {noun} :: distribution (of films)
прокатать {v pf} :: to smooth out with a roller
прокатать {v pf} :: to roll smooth (a road or path)
прокатать {v pf} [technical] :: to subject to a rolling process
прокатать {v pf} :: to transport [for a period of time]
прокатать {v pf} [figure skating] :: to perform (a figure skating program)
прокатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend (money) on a trip
прокатить {v pf} :: to roll (somewhere)
прокатить {v pf} :: to entertain
прокатить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to blackball, to vote against, to reject (a candidate at an election)
прокатить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to criticize sharply and publicly
прокатить {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to quickly drive by/past
прокатиться {v pf} :: to go for a ride
прокатный {adj} :: for rent
прокатный {adj} [relational] :: rental
прокатный {adj} [metallurgy] :: rolled [metal]
прокатный {adj} [relational, metallurgy] :: rolling
прокатывать {v impf} :: to roll (somewhere)
прокатывать {v impf} :: to entertain
прокатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blackball, to vote against, to reject (a candidate at an election)
прокатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to criticize sharply and publicly
прокатывать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to quickly drive by/past
прокатывать {v impf} :: to smooth out with a roller
прокатывать {v impf} :: to roll smooth (a road or path)
прокатывать {v impf} [technical] :: to subject to a rolling process
прокатывать {v impf} :: to transport [for a period of time]
прокатывать {v impf} [figure skating] :: to perform (a figure skating program)
прокатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spend (money) on a trip
прокачать {v pf} :: to pump (through/over)
прокачать {v pf} :: to flush
прокачать {v pf} :: to pump, to swing, etc. [describes the verb качать that lasts for a certain period of time]
прокачивать {v impf} :: to pump (through/over)
прокачивать {v impf} :: to flush
прокачивать {v impf} :: to pump, to swing, etc. [describes the verb качать that lasts for a certain period of time]
прокиснуть {v pf} :: to turn sour (e.g. a milk product)
прокладка {noun} :: laying, building, construction [of roads, pipes, communications, etc.]
прокладка {noun} :: packing, lining, gasket
прокладка {noun} :: sanitary napkin [US], sanitary towel [British]
прокладывать {v impf} :: (a road, pipe etc.) to build, to construct, to lay
прокладывать {v impf} :: to clear
прокладывать {v impf} :: to map
прокладывать {v impf} :: to interlay (with)
прокламация {noun} :: proclamation
проклинать {v impf} :: to curse, to damn
проклясть {v pf} :: to curse, to damn
проклятие {noun} [religion] :: damnation, condemnation, excommunication
проклятие {noun} :: anathema
проклятие {noun} :: curse, imprecation, malediction
проклятие {noun} :: extreme and imminent misfortune; continuous state of trouble
проклятие {interj} :: dammit!, damnation! (expressing strong negative emotions)
проклятый {adj} :: damned, cursed
проклятый {adj} [rude] :: damned, damn (used as an expletive)
проклятье {noun} :: alternative form of проклятие
проклятье {interj} :: alternative form of проклятие
прокол {noun} :: puncture, pinhole
прокол {noun} [colloquial] :: blunder, boner, goof, failure, washout
проколоть {v pf} :: to pierce, to puncture, to prick, to perforate, to punch
проколоть {v pf} :: to run a knife (through), to stab
прокомментировать {v pf} :: to comment (various senses)
проконсультировать {v pf} :: to advise, to act as a consultant
проконсультироваться {v pf} :: to consult [с + instrumental]
проконтролировать {v pf} :: to control, to check
проконтролировать {v pf} :: to monitor, to supervise
прокормить {v pf} :: to feed (e.g. a family)
прокорректировать {v pf} :: to correct, to adjust
прокорректировать {v pf} :: to proofread
прокрадываться {v impf} :: to sneak [somewhere]
прокрадываться {v impf} [figurative] :: to arise imperceptibly, to sneak in [of thoughts or feelings]
прокрасться {v pf} :: to sneak [somewhere]
прокрасться {v pf} [figurative] :: to arise imperceptibly, to sneak in [of thoughts or feelings]
прокричать {v pf} :: to shout, to cry out, to yell
прокричать {v pf} :: to shout (for a certain time), to scream
прокричать {v pf} [pejorative] :: to trumpet, to tout
Прокруст {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Procrustes
прокрутить {v pf} :: to turn over
прокрутить {v pf} :: to play back, to replay
прокрутить {v pf} :: to scroll
прокрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put across, to put through
прокрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get turned over, to make a quick gain
прокрутка {noun} :: turning
прокрутка {noun} :: scroll, scrolling
прокручивать {v impf} :: to turn over
прокручивать {v impf} :: to play back, to replay
прокручивать {v impf} :: to scroll
прокручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put across, to put through
прокручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get turned over, to make a quick gain
прокуратор {noun} [Ancient Rome] :: procurator
прокуратура {noun} [legal] :: office of public prosecutor, public prosecution office
прокуривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fill with tobacco smoke, to smoke up
прокуривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spend on smoking
прокурить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fill with tobacco smoke, to smoke up
прокурить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend on smoking
прокурор {noun} :: prosecutor, district attorney (a lawyer who decides whether to charge a person with a crime)
прокурорский {adj} :: public prosecutor's
проламывать {v impf} :: to break through, to penetrate, to pierce, to make a hole in
проламывать {v impf} :: to fracture (one's skull)
пролегать {v impf} :: to lie, to run
пролежать {v pf} :: to lie (for a certain time)
пролежать {v pf} :: to remain (for a certain time)
пролежать {v pf} :: to get a bedsore (on)
пролежать {v pf} :: to cause to sink/sag down (by lying on it)
пролежень {noun} [pathology] :: pressure ulcer, bedsore
пролезать {v impf} :: to get through, to wriggle through, to climb through, to squeeze through
пролезать {v impf} :: to go (through)
пролезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to worm oneself (into)
пролезть {v pf} :: to get through, to wriggle through, to climb through, to squeeze through
пролезть {v pf} :: to go (through)
пролезть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to worm oneself (into)
пролепетать {v pf} :: to babble, to murmur
пролесье {noun} :: type of terrain that is characterized by forest plots interleaved with fields and meadows
пролетариат {noun} :: proletariat (working class or lower class)
пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь {phrase} :: workers of the world, unite!
пролетарий {noun} :: proletarian, worker
пролетарский {adj} [relational] :: proletarian, proletariat
пролетать {v impf} :: to fly (by, past, through), to fly (over)
пролетать {v impf} :: to overfly, to overshoot
пролетать {v impf} :: to cover, to pass rapidly
пролетать {v impf} :: (time) to fly by
пролетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be passed over (for), to miss the mark, to miss the boat
пролететь {v pf} :: to fly (by, past, through), to fly (over)
пролететь {v pf} :: to overfly, to overshoot
пролететь {v pf} :: to cover, to pass rapidly
пролететь {v pf} :: (time) to fly by
пролететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be passed over (for), to miss the mark, to miss the boat
пролечь {v pf} :: to lie, to run
пролёживать {v impf} :: to lie (a certain time), to spend a certain time somewhere lying
пролёт {noun} :: flight, flyby
пролёт {noun} :: migration (of birds)
пролёт {noun} :: aperture, bay, aisle (open space between anything)
пролёт {noun} :: gap, span (distance between adjacent members in any structure or device)
пролёт {noun} :: space between any two balusters of a flight of stairs
пролёт {noun} :: section of railway track between stations or stops
пролив {noun} :: strait, channel
проливать {v impf} :: to spill
проливать {v impf} :: to shed (light, tears, blood)
проливать свет {v impf} :: to shed light on
проливаться {v impf} :: to spill
проливной {adj} :: pouring, torrential [of rain]
пролить {v pf} :: to spill
пролить {v pf} :: to shed (light, tears, blood)
пролиться {v pf} :: to spill
пролог {noun} :: (type of religious book?)
пролог {noun} :: prologue
проложить {v pf} :: (a road, pipe etc.) to build, to construct, to lay
проложить {v pf} :: to clear
проложить {v pf} :: to map
проложить {v pf} :: to interlay (with)
пролом {noun} :: breach, gap, break
проломать {v pf} :: to break through/penetrate in stages
проломать {v pf} :: to spend time breaking
проломить {v pf} :: to break through, to penetrate, to pierce, to make a hole in
проломить {v pf} :: to fracture (one's skull)
пролысина {noun} :: a bald spot (e.g. on a head)
пролысина {noun} :: an empty spot (e.g. in a forest or field)
промазать {v pf} :: to smear, to plaster, to anoint, to grease, to oil [properly, thoroughly; deep into]
промазать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to miss (the target)
промасленный {adj} :: oiled, impregnated with oil
промасленный {adj} [colloquial] :: greasy, oily (dirty and stained with grease or oil)
промах {noun} :: (when shooting or throwing) miss
промах {noun} :: blunder, slip
промах есть промах {phrase} :: a miss is as good as a mile (literally, a miss is a miss)
промахиваться {v impf} :: to miss (one's aim), to miss the mark, to fail to hit, to miscue
промахиваться {v impf} :: to miss the mark, to be wide of the mark
промахнуться {v pf} :: to miss (one's aim), to miss the mark, to fail to hit, to miscue
промахнуться {v pf} :: to miss the mark, to be wide of the mark
промашка {noun} [low colloquial] :: blunder, mistake
промедление {noun} :: procrastination, protraction, delay (act of postponing, delaying or putting off)
промеж {prep} [dated or colloquial] :: between, among
промежность {noun} [anatomy] :: perineum
промежуток {noun} :: gap, interval, period, space, stretch, span (a distance in space)
промежуточный {adj} :: intermediate
промелькнуть {v pf} :: to flash, to fly by, to flit by
промелькнуть {v pf} :: to be perceptible
променивать {v impf} :: to exchange (for), to trade (for), to barter (for), to truck (for)
променивать {v impf} :: to change (for)
променять {v pf} :: to exchange (for), to trade (for), to barter (for), to truck (for)
променять {v pf} :: to change (for)
промер {noun} :: survey
промерзать {v impf} :: to freeze through, to be frozen solid
промерзать {v impf} :: to be chilled through
прометий {noun} :: promethium
промёрзнуть {v pf} :: to freeze through, to be frozen solid
промёрзнуть {v pf} :: to be chilled through
промилле {n inan} :: per mille, per mil
промозглый {adj} :: piercingly cold and damp
промоина {noun} :: ravine, scour
промокать {v impf} :: to get wet/soaked, to be soaking, to be sopping wet
промокать {v impf} :: to let water (through), to not be impervious to water, to not be waterproof
промокать {v impf} :: to blot
промокашка {noun} [colloquial] :: blotting paper (absorbent paper used to dry ink)
промокнуть {v pf} :: to get wet/soaked, to be soaking, to be sopping wet
промокнуть {v pf} :: to let water (through), to not be impervious to water, to not be waterproof
промокнуть {v pf} :: to blot
промолвить {v pf} [archaic, poetic] :: to say, to declare, to quethe
промолчать {v pf} :: to keep silent, to say nothing
промфинплан {noun} :: industrial-financial plan of an enterprise, drawn up for a certain period of time, setting economic production and fiscal management goals
промчаться {v pf} :: to tear/ sweep (by, past, through)
промчаться {v pf} :: (time) to fly by, to frit by
промывание {noun} :: ablution, abstersion, douche, irrigation, lavement
промывать {v impf} :: to wash (well/properly/thoroughly)
промывать {v impf} :: to rinse, to bathe, to irrigate
промывать {v impf} :: to jig
промывать {v impf} :: to wash out, to wash away, to make (a hole, ravine, etc)
промывка {noun} :: ablution, sluice
промысел {noun} :: obtainment of resources [usually wild animals, birds, fish]; hunting, fishing
промысел {noun} :: small-scale handicraft production [pottery, forging, etc.]
промысел {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: obtainment of something through ill-gotten means
промысел {noun} [usually plural] :: industrial mining enterprise
промысел {noun} :: providence
промыслить {v pf} [dated] :: to get, to obtain
промыслить {v pf} [dated] :: to worry about (someone or something)
промысловый {adj} :: commercial
промысловый {adj} :: producer's
промысловый {adj} :: sold commercially
промыть {v pf} :: to wash (well/properly/thoroughly)
промыть {v pf} :: to rinse, to bathe, to irrigate
промыть {v pf} :: to jig
промыть {v pf} :: to wash out, to wash away, to make (a hole, ravine, etc)
промычать {v pf} :: to moo
промычать {v pf} :: to bellow
промычать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mumble
промышленник {noun} :: industrialist (person involved in the ownership or management of an industrial enterprise)
промышленность {noun} :: industry
промышленный {adj} :: industrial
промышленный образец {noun} :: production piece, industrial standard
промышленный образец {noun} [law] :: industrial design right [as an object of intellectual property law]
промышленный переворот {noun} :: Industrial Revolution
промышлять {v impf} :: to make a living (by), to support oneself (with)
промышлять {v impf} :: to hunt
промышлять {v impf} [dated] :: to worry about
промямлить {v pf} :: to mumble
пронести {v pf} :: to carry (by, past, through), to smuggle, to sneak
пронести {v pf} :: to carry with one (for a length of time)
пронести {v pf} [impersonal, colloquial] :: to cause (bad) diarrhea
пронестись {v pf} :: to rush by/past/through, to fly
пронзать {v impf} :: to pierce, to stab, to impale
пронзать {v impf} :: to run through
пронзительно {adv} :: shrilly, piercingly, stridently
пронзительно {adv} :: poignantly, stirringly
пронзительный {adj} :: piercing, penetrating
пронзительный {adj} :: shrill, strident
пронзить {v pf} :: to pierce, to stab, to impale
пронзить {v pf} :: to run through
пронизать {v pf} :: to pierce (through), to transpierce
пронизать {v pf} :: to penetrate, to permeate
пронизать {v pf} :: to run (through)
пронизывать {v impf} :: to pierce (through), to transpierce
пронизывать {v impf} :: to penetrate, to permeate
пронизывать {v impf} :: to run (through)
пронизывающий {adj} :: raw, bitter (wind, cold)
пронизывающий {adj} [figuratively] :: piercing, sharp (look, glance)
проникание {noun} :: penetration (act of penetrating)
проникать {v impf} :: to penetrate
проникать {v impf} :: to permeate
проникать {v impf} :: to infiltrate
проникать {v impf} :: to perforate
проникаться {v impf} :: to be imbued (with), to imbue one's mind (with), to be filled (with)
проникновение {noun} :: penetration (act of penetrating), infiltration
проникновение {noun} :: sincerity, heartfeltness
проникновенно {adv} :: with emotion, with conviction, sincerely
проникновенный {adj} :: penetrating, piercing
проникновенный {adj} :: heartfelt, sincere
проникнутый {adj} :: imbued, inspired, full
проникнуть {v pf} :: to penetrate
проникнуть {v pf} :: to permeate
проникнуть {v pf} :: to infiltrate
проникнуть {v pf} :: to perforate
проникнуться {v pf} :: to be imbued (with), to imbue one's mind (with), to be filled (with)
пронимать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to penetrate [of the cold, the wind, etc.]
пронимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to impress, to make a big impression on
проницаемость {noun} :: permeability, penetrability, perviousness, pellucidity
проницательность {noun} :: perspicacity, insight, acumen (the human faculty or power to mentally grasp or understand clearly)
проницательный {adj} :: perspicacious, acute, shrewd, astute
проницать {v impf} [dated] :: to penetrate, to permeate
проницать {v impf} [figurative] :: to guess, to understand, to comprehend
проносить {v impf} :: to carry (something through something)
проносить {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to cause (bad) diarrhea
проносить {v pf} :: to carry, to have
проносить {v pf} :: to wear out
проноситься {v impf} :: to shoot/sweep past, to rush/scud past
проноситься {v impf} :: to fly by, to blow over
проноситься {v impf} :: to spread (quickly)
пронумеровать {v pf} :: to number, to enumerate
пронюхать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sniff out; to get wind of (to hear about; to learn of, especially with respect to facts intended to have been kept confidential or secret)
пронюхивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sniff out; to get wind of (to hear about; to learn of, especially with respect to facts intended to have been kept confidential or secret)
пронянчить {v pf} :: to nurse, to fuss over (for a while)
пронять {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to penetrate [of the cold, the wind, etc.]
пронять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to impress, to make a big impression on
прообраз {noun} :: prototype
прооперировать {v pf} [medicine] :: to operate on (someone)
проохать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to complain, to whinge, to say "ох" for a while
пропаганда {noun} :: propaganda
пропагандирование {noun} :: promotion
пропагандировать {v impf} :: to propagandize, to advocate
пропагандировать {v impf} :: to popularize, to promote
пропагандист {noun} :: propagandist
пропагандистский {adj} [relational] :: propaganda
пропагандистский {adj} :: propagandistic
пропадать {v impf} :: to get lost, to be done
пропадать {v impf} :: to disappear, to vanish
пропадать {v impf} :: to lose, to fail
пропадать {v impf} :: to perish, to die
пропадать {v impf} :: to be wasted
пропадать {v impf} :: to fall over some time, to fall for a while
пропажа {noun} :: loss
пропалить {v pf} :: [прожечь]
пропалывать {v impf} [agriculture] :: to weed (a garden, etc.)
пропалывать {v impf} :: to pull up (weeds)
пропан {noun} :: propane
пропант {noun} :: alternative form of проппант
пропасть {noun} :: precipice, abyss, chasm
пропасть {noun} :: lots, tons
пропасть {v pf} :: to get lost, to be done
пропасть {v pf} :: to disappear, to vanish
пропасть {v pf} :: to lose, to fail
пропасть {v pf} :: to perish, to die
пропасть {v pf} :: to be wasted
пропахать {v pf} :: to plough, to plow, to cultivate
пропахать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to work (through), to slog away (at), to plough/plow one's way (through)
пропахивать {v impf} :: to plough, to plow, to cultivate
пропахивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to work (through), to slog away (at), to plough/plow one's way (through)
пропахивать {v impf} :: to smell of, to become permeated with the smell of [+ instrumental]
пропахивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stink as a result of having spoiled
пропахнуть {v pf} :: to smell of, to become permeated with the smell of [+ instrumental]
пропахнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to start to stink due to having spoiled
пропеллер {noun} :: propeller, airscrew, propulsive screw (mechanical device used to propel)
пропеть {v pf} :: to sing
пропеть {v pf} :: to sing (for some time)
пропивать {v impf} :: to spend/squander on drink
пропивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to ruin through drinking
прописать {v pf} [medical] :: to prescribe (medicine)
прописать {v pf} :: to register (tenants, documentation)
прописать {v pf} :: to record (information)
прописка {noun} :: propiska, residence permit, (mandatory) registration (USSR)
прописка {noun} :: the stamp in the Soviet internal passport (serving as a personal ID) with the registered address
прописка {noun} [by extension] :: place where one lives (as stated in the stamp)
прописная буква {noun} :: capital letter (upper-case letter A B C (Latin) or А Б В (Cyrillic), etc.)
прописной {adj} :: conventional, trivial, commonplace, common
прописной {adj} :: upper-case, capital (letter)
прописной {adj} :: cursive (letter)
прописывать {v impf} [medical] :: to prescribe (medicine)
прописывать {v impf} :: to register (tenants, documentation)
прописывать {v impf} :: to record (information)
пропись {noun} [medicine] :: prescription
пропись {noun} [dated, usually plural] :: cursive sample sheet
пропись {noun} [dated, figurative] :: cliche, platitude
пропись {noun} :: handwriting among printed text
пропись {noun} :: font imitating handwriting, such as true italics
пропись {noun} [painting] :: preliminary drawing on canvas, used to guide the finished painting
пропитание {noun} :: subsistence
пропитать {v pf} :: to feed, to nourish
пропитать {v pf} :: to impregnate (with), to saturate (with), to soak (in), to steep (in)
пропитаться {v pf} :: to be imbued, to be saturated, to be soaked
пропитаться {v pf} :: to be impregnated
пропитывать {v impf} :: to impregnate (with), to saturate (with), to soak (in), to steep (in)
пропитываться {v impf} :: to be imbued, to be saturated, to be soaked
пропитываться {v impf} :: to be impregnated
пропить {v pf} :: to spend/squander on drink
пропить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to ruin through drinking
проплывать {v impf} :: to swim by, to float by, to sail by
проплывать {v impf} :: to swim (a certain distance or time), to sail (a certain distance or time)
проплыть {v pf} :: to swim by, to float by, to sail by
проплыть {v pf} :: to swim (a certain distance or time), to sail (a certain distance or time)
проповедать {v pf} [church] :: to preach, to sermonize
проповедать {v pf} :: to propagate, to advocate
проповедник {noun} :: preacher
проповеднический {adj} [relational] :: preaching; preacher's
проповеднический {adj} :: preachy, predicant, homiletic
проповедовать {v impf} [church] :: to preach, to sermonize
проповедовать {v impf} :: to propagate, to advocate
проповедь {noun} :: sermon, homily
проповедь {noun} :: propagation (of ideas), advocacy
проползать {v impf} :: to creep, to crawl
проползать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crawl/creep along
проползать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (rumor etc) to spread
проползать {v impf} :: to spend time crawling
проползти {v pf} :: to creep, to crawl
проползти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crawl/creep along
проползти {v pf} [colloquial] :: (rumor etc) to spread
прополка {noun} :: weeding
прополоть {v pf} :: to weed (a garden, etc.)
прополоть {v pf} :: to pull up (weeds)
прополоть {v pf} :: to weed [for a specified amount of time]
пропорционально {adv} :: proportionally, pro rata (in proportion)
пропорциональность {noun} :: proportionality (the property of being proportional)
пропорциональный {adj} :: proportional, proportionate
пропорциональный {adj} :: well-proportioned
пропорция {noun} :: proportion
проппант {noun} :: proppant
пропуск {noun} :: entry permit, pass
пропуск {noun} :: omission
пропуск {noun} :: gap, blank
пропускание {noun} [engineering] :: passing, transmission
пропускать {v impf} :: to let pass in, to let pass through, to admit
пропускать {v impf} :: to run through, to pass through
пропускать {v impf} :: to omit, to leave out
пропускать {v impf} :: to miss, to fail to attend, to let slip
пропускной {adj} [relational] :: throughput
пропускной {adj} :: access, pass
пропустить {v pf} :: to let pass in, to let pass through, to admit
пропустить {v pf} :: to run through, to pass through
пропустить {v pf} :: to omit, to leave out
пропустить {v pf} :: to miss, to skip, to fail to attend, to let slip
прораб {noun} :: foreman, leadman, ganger (leader of a work crew)
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to master [in detail], to study [in detail], to work through
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to discuss
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to prepare (a role, scene, etc.) for execution
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to finish the details of (a painting or sculpture)
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to think through, to work out the details of
прорабатывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to chew out, to criticize harshly
прорабатывать {vi impf} :: to work [for a while, for some time]
проработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to master [in detail], to study [in detail], to work through
проработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to discuss
проработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to prepare (a role, scene, etc.) for execution
проработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to finish the details of (a painting or sculpture)
проработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to think through, to work out the details of
проработать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to chew out, to criticize harshly
проработать {vi pf} :: to work [for a while, for some time]
проработка {noun} [colloquial] :: study, examination
проработка {noun} [colloquial] :: criticism, slating, talking-to, tongue-lashing
проработка {noun} :: work on the details, elaboration
прорастать {v impf} :: to germinate, to sprout, to shoot
прорасти {v pf} :: to germinate, to sprout, to shoot
прорва {noun} [colloquial] :: large amount
прорва {noun} [dated] :: chasm, abyss
прорва {noun} [regional] :: new channel dug by a river
прорва {noun} [regional] :: river whirlpool, deep place in a river
прорва {noun} [regional] :: dank place, pit in a swamp, ravine with water
прорвать {vt pf} :: to break through
прорвать {vt pf} :: to tear
прорвать {vt pf} :: to burst open
прорвать {v pf} :: to force one’s way
прорваться {vi pf} :: to burst open, to break
прорваться {v pf} :: to force one's way through, to break through
прорваться {vi pf} :: to tear (e.g. of clothing)
прорезать {v pf} :: to cut through
прорезать {v impf} :: to cut through
прорезаться {vi impf} :: to cut through [of teeth]
прорезаться {vi pf} :: to cut through [of teeth]
прорезывать {v impf} :: alternative form of прорезать
прорезь {noun} :: cut, opening, slit
проректор {noun} :: prorector, vice-chancellor [in a university]
прореха {noun} :: rent, tear, slit, hole
прореха {noun} :: lapse, gap
прорецензировать {v pf} :: to review, to give feedback on
прорицатель {noun} :: diviner
прорицатель {noun} :: augur (diviner who foretells events by unusual occurrences)
пророк {noun} :: prophet
проронить {v pf} :: to utter, to breathe, to shed
пророческий {adj} :: prophetic, oracular
пророчество {noun} :: prophecy
пророчить {v impf} :: to prophesy
прорубать {v impf} :: to cut through
прорубать {v impf} :: to cut (a passage, swath, etc.) through trees
прорубить {v pf} :: to cut through [with an axe]
прорубить {v pf} :: to cut (a passage, swath, etc.) through trees
прорубь {noun} :: ice-hole, hole in the ice (usually artificial)
прорыв {noun} :: break, bursting
прорыв {noun} :: breakthrough, breach
прорывать {v impf} :: to break through
прорывать {v impf} :: to tear
прорывать {v impf} :: to burst open
прорывать {v impf} :: to force one’s way
прорывать {v impf} :: to dig through, to dig across
прорывать {v impf} :: to burrow through, to burrow across
прорываться {vi impf} :: to burst open, to break
прорываться {v impf} :: to force one's way through, to break through
прорываться {vi impf} :: to tear (e.g. of clothing)
прорыть {v pf} :: to dig through, to dig across
прорыть {v pf} :: to burrow through, to burrow across
прорычать {v pf} :: to grumble, to growl, to snarl (to make a low growling or rumbling animal noise)
прорычать {v pf} [figuratively] :: to speak rudely, to growl
прорычать {v pf} :: to growl, to snarl [for a specified amount of time]
просачиваться {v impf} :: to percolate, to leak, to ooze, to seep out, to exudate, to soak, to trickle (through), to filter
просачиваться {v impf} :: to filter (into), to infiltrate (into)
просвет {noun} :: clear space, ray of light (in the clouds)
просвет {noun} :: ray of hope
просвет {noun} :: (on shoulder strap) space
просвет {noun} [engineering] :: gap
просвет {noun} [architecture] :: bay, aperture, opening
просвет {noun} :: transparency
просветитель {noun} :: enlightener
просветитель {noun} :: educator
просветительский {adj} :: educational, enlightening
просветить {v pf} :: to shine light through (something) [e.g. using an X-ray or backlight]
просветить {v pf} :: to shine for an amount of time [e.g. of the sun]
просветить {v pf} :: to enlighten, to educate, to illuminate
просветление {noun} :: enlightenment
просветление {noun} :: clarification
просветлеть {v pf} :: to clear up
просветлеть {v pf} :: (person) to brighten up
просветлеть {v pf} :: (conscience, mind etc) to get/become lucid
просветлённый {adj} :: bright
просветлённый {adj} :: serene
просветлить {v pf} :: to clarify
просветлить {v pf} :: to elucidate
просветлять {v impf} :: to clarify
просветлять {v impf} :: to elucidate
просвечивать {v impf} :: to X-ray
просвечивать {v impf} :: to be translucent, to be transparent
просвечивать {v impf} :: to appear through, to show trough, to be seen through, to be visible through
просвещать {v impf} :: to enlighten, to educate
просвещение {noun} :: enlightenment; education
просвещенческий {adj} [relational] :: enlightenment; enlightened
просвещённый {adj} :: enlightened, educated
просвира {noun} :: prosphora (a holy bread; a small loaf of leavened bread used for communion in the Russian Orthodox Church. It usually consists of two layers, symbolizing the dual nature of Christ)
просвистать {v pf} [perfective only] :: to make a short whistling sound, to whistle for a short time
просвистать {v pf} :: to whistle (a musical piece)
просвистать {v pf} :: to whizz, to whistle while flying by
просвистать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fritter away, to waste
просвистать {v pf} :: to whistle [for a specified amount of time]
просвистать {v pf} [colloquial, also impersonal] :: to penetrate, to blow through [of strong winds]
просвистеть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to make a short whistling sound, to whistle for a short time
просвистеть {v pf} :: to whistle (a musical piece)
просвистеть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to whizz, to whistle while flying by
просвистеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fritter away, to waste
просвистеть {v pf} :: to whistle [for a specified amount of time]
просвистывать {v impf} :: to whistle (a musical piece)
просвистывать {v impf} :: to whizz, to whistle while flying by
просвистывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fritter away, to waste
про себя {adv} :: See: ru про себя
про себя {adv} :: silently, to oneself (of reading)
про себя {adv} :: inwardly (of thinking)
проседь {noun} :: graying hair or fur
просека {noun} :: glade, clearing
просека {noun} :: cleared path in a forest
про серого речь, а серый навстречь {idiom} :: speak of the devil
просёлок {noun} :: country road/track, dirt road
просёлочный {adj} [relational] :: country road, dirt road
просигнализировать {v pf} :: to signal, to indicate [+ accusative or о + prepositional or + clause, something; + dative, to someone/something]
просигнализировать {v pf} :: to warn
просигналить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to signal
просигналить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to honk (a horn)
просидеть {v pf} :: to sit (for a while)
просидеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be imprisoned, to do time (for some time)
просиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit (for some time), to sit up (for some time), to spend one's time in a sitting position, to spend one's time under confinement, to stay (for some time)
просипеть {v pf} :: to say hoarsely
просипеть {v pf} :: to be hoarse for awhile
проситель {noun} :: petitioner, applicant, suppliant
просительница {noun} :: female petitioner, applicant, suppliant
просить {v impf} :: to ask, to request, to beg, to pray
проситься {v impf} :: to ask
проситься {v impf} :: to long (for), to yearn (for), to thirst (for)
проситься {v impf} :: to ask (+ to passive), to cry out (for)
просиять {v pf} :: (sun) to come out, to begin to shine, to shine
просиять {v pf} :: to brighten (with), to light up (with), to beam (with)
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rush, to dart, to dash, to fly, to shoot
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go (past), to leave (behind), to cross, to make it (across)
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to miss, to overshoot
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fall (through, between)
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip in, to sneak in, to slip (into), to sneak (into)
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to manage to become (smb), to manage to get (somewhere)
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make it (through), to manage, to cope (with), to hurdle
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
проскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip by, to pass quickly
проскальзывать {v impf} :: to steal, to sneak, to slip
проскальзывать {v impf} :: to slip out, to be discernible
проскользнуть {v pf} :: to steal, to sneak, to slip
проскользнуть {v pf} :: to slip out, to be discernible
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rush, to dart, to dash, to fly, to shoot
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go (past), to leave (behind), to cross, to make it (across)
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to miss, to overshoot
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fall (through, between)
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip in, to sneak in, to slip (into), to sneak (into)
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manage to become (smb), to manage to get (somewhere)
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make it (through), to manage, to cope (with), to hurdle
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
проскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip by, to pass quickly
проскрипеть {v pf} :: to creak, to screech, to squeak
прославить {v pf} :: to glorify, to sing the praises of
прославить {v pf} :: to make famous
прославить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slander, to defame
прославиться {v pf} :: to become famous (for)
прославиться {v pf} [ironic] :: to become notorious (for)
прославление {noun} :: glorification, apotheosis (exaltation; crediting someone with extraordinary power or status)
прославление {noun} :: blazon
прославленный {adj} :: famous, illustrious, celebrated, renowned
прославливать {v impf} :: alternative form of прославлять
прославлять {v impf} :: to glorify, to sing the praises of
прославлять {v impf} :: to make famous
прославлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slander, to defame
проследить {v pf} :: to spy (on), to track
проследить {v pf} :: to trail, to follow
проследить {v pf} :: to trace, to retrace (to track the development of)
проследить {v pf} :: to observe, to see to (it), to make sure
проследовать {v pf} :: to proceed, to go/pass in state
прослеживать {v impf} :: to spy (on), to track
прослеживать {v impf} :: to trail, to follow
прослеживать {v impf} :: to trace, to retrace (to track the development of)
прослеживать {v impf} :: to observe, to see to (it), to make sure
прослезиться {v pf} :: to shed a few tears, to have tears in one's eyes
прослойка {noun} :: layer
прослойка {noun} :: stratum
прослужить {v pf} :: for a certain time to serve, to work, to be in the services
прослужить {v pf} :: to be in use
прослушать {v pf} :: to listen to from start to finish
прослушивание {noun} :: audition (performance by an aspiring performer)
прослушивание {noun} :: listening (act of listening)
прослушивать {v impf} :: to hear, to listen to
прослушивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to miss, to not to catch (what was said)
прослушивать {v impf} :: to audition [of actors or performers]
прослушивать {v impf} :: to tap, to listen in
прослушка {noun} [colloquial] :: eavesdropping, bugging, (phone) interception
прослушка {noun} [colloquial] :: bug, wire (electronic listening device)
прослыть {v pf} :: to pass (for), to have the reputation (for), to be said / reputed
прослышать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to learn about, to hear about (something) from rumors [+ accusative or о + prepositional or про + accusative]
просматривать {v impf} :: to look over, to look through, to glance over, to run over
просматривать {v impf} :: to view, to watch
просматривать {v impf} :: to check, to review, to go (over)
просматривать {v impf} :: (file) to view, (directory, web page) to browse
просматриваться {v impf} :: to be visible, to be in/within view
просматриваться {v impf} :: to be noticeable/discernible/perceptible
просмотр {noun} :: viewing, browsing, examination, review, revision
просмотр {noun} :: oversight
просмотр {noun} :: lookup, scan
просмотреть {v pf} :: to look over, to look through, to glance over, to run over
просмотреть {v pf} :: to view, to watch
просмотреть {v pf} :: to check, to review, to go (over)
просмотреть {v pf} :: (file) to view, (directory, web page) to browse
просмотреть {v pf} :: to overlook, to miss
просмотреть {v pf} :: to neglect, to fail to take proper care (of)
проснувшийся {adj} :: awake, woken up (conscious)
проснуться {v pf} :: to awake, to wake up
просо {noun} :: millet (grain)
просовывать {v impf} :: to put/push through/in, to force through, to shove through/in, to thrust through/in, to pass through/in
просодический {adj} [linguistics, poetry] :: prosodic
просодия {noun} [linguistics, poetry] :: prosody
просохнуть {v pf} :: to dry up
просочиться {v pf} :: to percolate, to leak, to ooze, to seep out, to exudate, to soak, to trickle (through), to filter
просочиться {v pf} :: to filter (into), to infiltrate (into)
проспать {v pf} :: to oversleep, to sleep in
проспект {noun} :: avenue
проспект {noun} :: prospectus, outline
проспект {noun} :: booklet, folder, advertisement
просрочивать {v impf} :: to let expire
просрочить {v pf} :: to let expire
просрочка {noun} :: delinquency, delay, missing of a deadline [especially for payment of a debt]
проставить {v pf} :: to enter (data or information)
проставлять {v impf} :: to enter (data or information)
простаивать {v impf} :: to stand, to stay (for some time)
простаивать {v impf} :: to stand idle
простаивать {v impf} :: to stand, to remain (for buildings)
простак {noun} :: simpleton (simple person lacking common sense)
простата {f inan} :: prostate, prostate gland
простенок {noun} :: the part of a wall between a window and a door, or between two windows
простенок {noun} [regional] :: partition, bulkhead
простенький {adj} :: diminutive of простой
простереть {v pf} :: to stretch, to extend, to hold/reach (out)
простереться {v pf} :: to stretch, to reach, to range
простец {noun} [colloquial] :: simpleton
простецкий {adj} [colloquial] :: basic, simple, modest
простецкий {adj} [colloquial] :: simple, easygoing
прости {interj} :: sorry
прости {interj} :: excuse me
простимулировать {v pf} :: to stimulate (to encourage into action)
простирать {v impf} :: to stretch, to extend, to hold/reach (out)
простирать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wash
простираться {v impf} [literary] :: to stretch, to reach, to range
простираться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wash oneself well
простирывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wash
простительно {adv} :: excusably, forgivably
простительный {adj} :: excusable, pardonable, forgivable, venial
проститутка {noun} :: whore, prostitute
проституция {noun} :: prostitution (having sex for profit)
простить {v pf} :: to excuse, to forgive, to pardon
проститься {v pf} :: to say goodbye (to), to take (one's) leave (of), to bid adieu, to bid farewell
просто {adv} :: simply, plainly, just
простоватый {adj} [colloquial] :: rustic, naive, unsophisticated
простоватый {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid
простоватый {adj} [colloquial] :: somewhat mediocre, not great
простодушие {noun} :: simpleness, naivete, innocence, simple-heartedness, open-heartedness
простодушно {adv} :: artlessly, simply
простодушный {adj} :: openhearted, simple-hearted, simple-minded, artless, unsophisticated
простое вещество {noun} :: elementary substance
простое число {noun} :: prime number
простой {adj} :: simple, ordinary
простой {adj} :: basic
простой {adj} [mathematics] :: prime
простой {noun} :: standstill, stoppage, idle time, downtime
простокваша {noun} :: prostokvasha, (thick) soured milk, sour clotted milk, amasi (sour milk)
простолюдин {noun} :: commoner
просто-напросто {adv} [colloquial] :: simply, just
простонать {v pf} :: to groan, to moan (for a certain time)
простонать {v pf} :: to utter a groan/moan
простор {noun} :: open space, expanse
простор {noun} :: freedom
простор {noun} :: scope, range
просторечие {noun} [linguistics] :: an informally spoken idiom that is considered to be non-standard (often related to uneducated people); vernacular speech
просторечный {adj} [linguistcs, relational] :: colloquial, popular
просторно {adv} :: spaciously
просторно {adv} :: loosely, in a loose-fitting manner
просторный {adj} :: spacious, roomy
просторный {adj} :: loose (not fitting tightly)
простота {noun} :: simplicity
просто так {adv} :: just like that; for no reason
простофиля {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: dupe, ninny, duffer, klutz
простоять {v pf} :: to stand, to stay [for some time]
простоять {v pf} :: to stand idle
простоять {v pf} :: to stand, to remain [of buildings]
пространный {adj} [dated] :: extensive, vast
пространный {adj} :: diffuse, verbose, wordy
пространственный {adj} :: spatial
пространство {noun} :: space (intervening contents of a volume)
пространство {noun} :: spacing, space, gap, distance between two points
пространство имён {noun} [computing] :: namespace
прострация {noun} [medical] :: prostration (exhaustion, typically from heat or anxiety)
прострачивать {v impf} :: to stitch
простреливать {v impf} :: to shoot through, to pierce with an arrow or bullet
простреливать {v impf} :: to rake/sweep with fire
простреливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to test-fire (a weapon)
простреливать {v impf} :: to spend (some time) shooting
прострелить {v pf} :: to shoot through, to pierce with an arrow or bullet
прострелять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to test-fire (a weapon)
прострелять {v pf} :: to spend (some time) shooting
простроить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take some time building (something), to build (something) over a period of time
простроить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend money building (something)
простроиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend money (often too much money) building
прострочить {v pf} :: to stitch
простуда {noun} :: cold, common cold, chill (illness)
простудить {v pf} :: to let catch cold, to let take/catch a chill
простудиться {v pf} :: to catch a cold
простужать {v impf} :: to let catch cold, to let take/catch a chill
простужаться {v impf} :: to catch a cold
проступать {v impf} :: to become faintly visible, to exude, to ooze
проступать {v impf} :: to appear (from under of something)
проступить {v pf} :: to exude, to ooze
проступить {v pf} :: to become faintly visible
проступить {v pf} :: to appear (from under of something)
проступок {noun} :: misdemeanour, offense, misdeed
простывать {v impf} :: to get cold
простывать {v impf} :: to catch a cold
простынуть {v pf} :: alternative form of простыть
простынь {noun} [colloquial] :: alternative form of простыня
простыня {noun} :: sheet, bedsheet
простыня {noun} [chiefly Internet slang] :: wall of text
простыть {v pf} :: to get cold
простыть {v pf} :: to catch a cold
просунуть {v pf} :: to put/push through/in, to force through, to shove through/in, to thrust through/in, to pass through/in
просушивать {vt impf} :: to dry, to make dry
просушить {vt pf} :: to dry, to make dry
просушка {noun} :: drying
просуществовать {v pf} :: to exist (for a certain time), to last
просфора {noun} :: prosphora
просчёт {noun} :: checking
просчёт {noun} :: error, miscalculation
просчитать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to count, to calculate, to work out
просчитать {v pf} :: to estimate, to calculate, to consider
просчитать {v pf} :: to spend some time calculating
просчитаться {v pf} :: to make an error in counting, to go wrong counting
просчитаться {v pf} :: to miscalculate
просчитывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to count, to calculate, to work out
просчитывать {v impf} :: to estimate, to calculate, to consider
просчитывать {v impf} :: to spend some time calculating
просчитываться {v impf} :: to make an error in counting, to count wrongly
просчитываться {v impf} :: to miscalculate
просыпать {v impf} :: to oversleep, to sleep in
просыпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to miss (an opportunity, a chance etc.)
просыпать {v pf} :: to spill (something solid)
просыпать {v impf} :: to spill (something solid)
просыпаться {v impf} :: to wake up, to awaken
просыпаться {v pf} :: to spill
просыпаться {v impf} :: to spill
просьба {noun} :: request, entreaty, plea
просьба {noun} :: petition, application
протагонист {noun} :: protagonist
протактиний {noun} :: protactinium
проталкивать {v impf} :: to push (something) forward, to push (something) through or in
проталкивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to push through (an action, decision, matter, case, etc.) (to speed up the implementation of)
протаскивать {v impf} :: to pull through, to drag, to trail
протаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to push through
протащить {v pf} :: to pull through, to drag, to trail
протащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to push through
протеже {m anim} {f anim} :: protégé
протез {noun} :: prosthesis, artificial limb
протезирование {noun} :: prosthetics
протеин {noun} :: protein
протекание {noun} :: fluxion, passage, percolation, passing
протекать {v impf} :: to flow, to run
протекать {v impf} :: to leak, to ooze
протекать {v impf} :: to be leaky
протекать {v impf} :: to elapse, to fly
протекать {v impf} :: to progress
протекторат {noun} :: protectorate
протекция {noun} :: nepotism, favoritism
протереть {v pf} :: to wear through, to wear into holes, to fray, to rub a hole (in)
протереть {v pf} :: to wipe, to rub
протереть {v pf} :: to rub through, to grate
протест {noun} :: protest, remonstrance (formal objection)
протестант {noun} [Christianity] :: Protestant
протестантский {adj} [relational, religion] :: Protestant
протестантство {noun} :: Protestantism (Protestant Christian denomination)
протестировать {v pf} :: to test
протестный {adj} [relational] :: protest
протестный {adj} :: protesting
протестовать {v impf} :: to protest, to object, to remonstrate
протечь {v pf} :: to flow, to run
протечь {v pf} :: to leak, to ooze
протечь {v pf} :: to be leaky
протечь {v pf} :: to elapse, to fly
против {prep} :: against
против {prep} :: opposite
против ветра {adv} :: aback (said of sails pressed backward)
против ветра {adv} :: upwind, windward
противень {noun} :: baking tray, sheet pan
противиться {v impf} :: to oppose, to object, to resist, to stand up (against), to set one's face (against)
противник {noun} :: enemy, adversary
противник {noun} :: opponent, antagonist
противница {noun} :: female opponent, adversary
противница {noun} :: female enemy
противно {adv} :: disgustingly
противно {prep} [obsolete] :: against
противный {adj} :: disgusting, repulsive, nasty
противный {adj} :: contrary, adverse
противный {adj} [jocular] :: naughty, mischievous
противо- {prefix} :: counter, anti-
противоборство {noun} :: confrontation, opposition, resistance
противоборство {noun} :: antagonism
противоборствовать {v impf} :: to expostulate, to fight, to resist
противовес {noun} :: counterbalance, counterpoise
противовирусный {adj} :: antiviral (medicine)
противовоздушный {adj} :: antiaircraft (intended to attack aircraft)
противогаз {noun} :: gas mask, breathing mask, respirator
противоглистный {adj} :: anthelmintic, vermicidal (destructive to parasitic intestinal worms)
противодействие {noun} :: counteraction, opposition, resistance (action)
противодействовать {v impf} :: to counteract, to oppose
противодействующий {adj} :: bucking, opposed, counteracting
противоестественный {adj} :: unnatural, perverted
противопожарный {adj} :: fire prevention
противопоказание {noun} :: contraindication
противопоказанный {adj} [medicine] :: contraindicated, not recommended
противоположить {v pf} :: to contrast, to compare, to oppose
противоположность {noun} :: contrast, opposition
противоположный {adj} :: opposite
противоположный {adj} :: contrary, opposed
противоположный пол {noun} :: the opposite sex (the other gender to which one is referring)
противопоставить {v pf} :: to oppose
противопоставить {v pf} :: to contrast (with), to set off (against), to compare (to)
противопоставление {noun} :: contrast, contrasting, contraposition, opposition
противопоставлять {v impf} :: to oppose
противопоставлять {v impf} :: to contrast (with), to set off (against), to compare (to)
противоправный {adj} [law] :: wrongful, unlawful, illegal
противоракетная оборона {noun} :: missile defense (antimissile defense system)
противоракетный {adj} :: antimissile
противоречивость {noun} :: inconsistency
противоречивый {adj} :: contradictory, conflicting, discrepant (that is itself a contradiction)
противоречие {noun} :: contradiction (act of contradicting)
противоречить {v impf} :: to contradict
противоречить {v impf} :: to contrary, to be at variance, to conflict
противостояние {noun} :: confrontation, face-off
противостояние {noun} [astronomy] :: opposition
противостоять {v impf} :: to counter, to contradict, to oppose, to confront, to withstand, to resist (+ dative case)
противотанковый {adj} [military] :: antitank
противотанковый ёж {noun} [military] :: Czech hedgehog
противоядие {noun} :: antidote (remedy to counteract a poison)
против часовой стрелки {adv} :: anticlockwise, counter-clockwise
протирать {v impf} :: to wear through, to wear into holes, to fray, to rub a hole (in)
протирать {v impf} :: to wipe, to rub
протирать {v impf} :: to rub through, to grate
протискивать {v impf} :: to push/shove through
протискиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to force/push/shoulder/elbow one's way (through), to squeeze (oneself) through
протиснуть {v pf} :: to push/shove through
протиснуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to force/push/shoulder/elbow one's way (through), to squeeze (oneself) through
проткнуть {v pf} :: to pierce (through), to transfix, to pink, to spit, to skewer
прото- {prefix} :: proto- (first)
протоиерей {noun} :: archpriest (religious title/rank, Orthodox church)
проток {noun} :: duct
проток {noun} :: channel
протока {noun} :: channel [of a river or brook]; (artificial) canal
протокол {noun} :: minutes, record
протокол {noun} :: protocol
протоколирование {noun} :: record-keeping
протокольный {adj} [relational] :: protocol
протолкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to push (something) forward, to push (something) through or in [using several actions]
протолкнуть {v pf} :: to push (something) forward, to push (something) through or in
протолкнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to push through (an action, decision, matter, case, etc.) (to speed up the implementation of)
протон {noun} [physics] :: proton
проторить {v pf} :: to tread, to clear (a path or road) [by frequent walking or traveling]
проторить {v pf} [figurative] :: to blaze (a trail, path, road, etc.), to make easier for others to follow
проторять {v impf} :: to tread, to clear (a path or road) [by frequent walking or traveling]
проторять {v impf} [figurative] :: to blaze (a trail, path, road, etc.), to make easier for others to follow
прототип {noun} :: prototype
проточный {adj} :: flowing, not standing [of water]
проточный {adj} :: with flowing water
проточный {adj} [relational, technical] :: flow
протрезветь {v pf} :: to sober (up), to become/grow sober
протухший {adj} :: foul, rotten, putrid, bad (of food), tainted, addled, rotten (of eggs)
протыкать {v impf} :: to pierce (through), to transfix, to pink, to spit, to skewer
протыкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make many (holes) in
протыкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pierce in several places
протягивать {v impf} :: to stretch, to extend
протягивать {v impf} :: to hold / stretch / reach out; to extend
протягивать {v impf} :: to delay, to drag out
протягивать {v impf} :: to drawl, to prolong, to sustain
протягивать {v impf} :: to hold out, to live a while longer, to last (survive)
протягивать {v impf} :: in expressions
протягиваться {v impf} :: to stretch out, to reach out
протягиваться {v impf} :: to extend, to reach, to stretch
протяжение {noun} :: extent, stretch, length
протяжённость {noun} :: extent, length
протяжённый {adj} :: long, extended
протяжённый {adj} [figurative] :: detailed, verbose
протяжно {adv} :: in a prolonged or slow manner [sound, speech, etc.]
протяжный {adj} :: prolonged, slow [sound, speech, etc.]
протянуть {v pf} :: to stretch, to extend
протянуть {v pf} :: to hold / stretch / reach out; to extend
протянуть {v pf} :: to delay, to drag out
протянуть {v pf} :: to drawl, to prolong, to sustain
протянуть {v pf} :: to hold out, to live a while longer, to last (survive)
протянуть {v pf} :: in expressions
протянуться {v pf} :: to stretch out, to reach out
протянуться {v pf} :: to extend, to reach, to stretch
проулок {noun} :: lane, alleyway, pass
проучивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to teach (someone) a lesson
проучить {v pf} [perfective only] :: to teach [for some time]
проучить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to teach (someone) a lesson
проучиться {v pf} :: to study [for a specified amount of time]
профан {noun} :: ignoramus (totally ignorant person)
профан {noun} :: layman, outsider
профанация {noun} :: profanation, desecration, blasphemy
профанировать {v both} :: to profane
профессионал {noun} :: professional, pro
профессионализм {noun} :: professionalism
профессионально {adv} :: professionally
профессиональный {adj} :: professional
профессия {noun} :: profession, occupation, trade
профессор {noun} :: professor
профессорский {adj} :: professorial
профессура {noun} :: faculty (scholarly staff at colleges or universities)
профи {m anim} [colloquial] :: pro
профилактика {noun} :: prevention, preventive measures, precautions, prophylaxis
профилактический {adj} :: prophylactic, preventative
профиль {noun} [geography, mathematics] :: profile
профильный {adj} [relational] :: profile
профильный {adj} :: main, core
профинансировать {v pf} :: to finance, to fund
профит {noun} [antiquated] :: profit, gain, interest
профицит {noun} [economics, finance] :: surplus
профком {noun} :: trade-union committee
профорг {noun} :: trade union boss
профсоюз {noun} :: trade union
профсоюзник {noun} :: trade unionist {m}
профсоюзница {noun} :: female trade unionist
профсоюзный {adj} :: trade-union
профстандарт {noun} :: acronym of профессиональный стандарт
профукать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to let go to waste, to miss the opportunities that life gives you
профукать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squander, to fritter away
прохаживаться {v impf} :: to (go for a) walk, to stroll
прохвост {noun} [colloquial] :: scoundrel, rascal, fraud
прохиндей {noun} [colloquial] :: swindler, fraudster, crook, rogue
прохлада {noun} :: coolness (the state of being cool)
прохладно {adv} :: coolly
прохладно {pred} :: it is cool
прохладно {pred} :: one is chilly
прохладный {adj} :: cool (temperature)
проход {noun} :: passage, pass, aisle
проходимец {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rascal, rogue, scoundrel
проходимость {noun} :: permeability
проходимость {noun} :: ability to carry traffic [of a surface]
проходимость {noun} :: ability to travel cross-country [of a vehicle]
проходимый {adj} :: passable, practicable, permeable
проходить {v impf} :: to pass, to go, to walk
проходить {v impf} :: to pass by
проходить {v impf} :: (time) to pass, to go by, to elapse, to slip by
проходить {v impf} :: to be over
проходить {v impf} :: (meeting, gathering) to go off, to be held
проходить {v impf} :: to study
проходная {noun} :: control post, pass-through (checkpoint in a building)
проходная {noun} [chess] :: passed pawn, passer
проходной {adj} :: through, pass-through
проходной {adj} :: (giving right to pass somewhere) access
проходной {adj} :: (work of art) run-of-the-mill, commonplace, routine, undistinguished, unimaginative
проходной {adj} :: anadromous (of migratory fish)
прохождение {noun} :: passing, passage
прохождение {noun} [video games] :: walkthrough
прохожий {adj} :: passing, in transit
прохожий {noun} :: passer-by (a person who is passing by)
процветание {noun} :: prosperity (prosperity)
процветать {v impf} :: to prosper, to thrive, to flourish
процедить {v pf} :: to filter, to strain
процедура {noun} :: procedure (set of established forms or methods of an organized body)
процедурный {adj} [relational] :: procedure; procedural
процеживать {v impf} :: to filter, to strain
процент {noun} :: percent, percentage, rate
процент {noun} :: (plural) lobe, share
процент {noun} :: (plural) interest
процентный {adj} [relational] :: percentage
процентный {adj} [relational] :: (bank) interest
процентщик {noun} :: usurer, pawnbroker (informal, obsolete)
процентщица {noun} :: female usurer, pawnbroker (informal, obsolete)
процесс {noun} :: process
процесс {noun} :: trial, legal proceedings, lawsuit
процессия {noun} :: procession
процессор {noun} :: processor (device which processes)
процессуальный {adj} [relational] :: processual, process
процессуальный {adj} [law] :: judicial
процессуальный {adj} [law] :: legal
процессуальный {adj} [law] :: procedural
процитировать {v pf} :: to quote, to cite
прочее {noun} :: the rest
прочертить {v pf} :: to draw (a line)
прочертить {v pf} :: to spend some (specific amount of) time carousing
прочесть {v pf} :: to finish reading, to read through
прочесть {v pf} :: to recite
прочий {adj} :: other
прочистить {v pf} :: to clean out, to clean the inside of
прочистить {v pf} :: to clear (one's throat)
прочистить {v pf} :: to blow (one's nose)
прочистить {v pf} :: to clear (a passage, a path)
прочистить {v pf} [perfective only] :: to clean [for a specified amount of time]
прочитать {v pf} :: to read, to read through
прочитать {v pf} :: to recite
прочитывать {v impf} :: to read through
прочитывать {v impf} :: to recite
прочить {v impf} :: to intend (for)
прочить {v impf} :: to expect (to become), to consider as the most likely candidate (for)
прочить {v impf} :: to expect (to have, to)
прочищать {v impf} :: to clean out, to clean the inside of
прочищать {v impf} :: to clear (one's throat)
прочищать {v impf} :: to blow (one's nose)
прочищать {v impf} :: to clear (a passage, a path)
прочно {adv} :: durably, enduringly
прочность {noun} :: durability, solidity, firmness, strength, fastness
прочный {adj} :: durable, strong, firm
прочтение {noun} :: reading, perusal
прочтение {noun} :: reading, interpretation
прочувствовать {v pf} :: to feel deeply/acutely/keenly
прочь {adv} :: away, aside
прочь {interj} :: be off, get out
прочь {interj} :: begone, away with you
прочь {interj} :: beat it, scat
прочь {interj} :: hence
прошагать {v pf} :: to walk, to step
прошагать {v pf} :: to walk for some time
прошедшее {noun} :: the past
прошедшее время {noun} [grammar] :: past tense
прошедший {adj} :: past
прошедший {adj} :: last
прошелестеть {v pf} :: to rustle
прошелестеть {v pf} [figurative] :: to whisper
прошение {noun} :: petition, application (a verbal or written request)
прошептать {v pf} :: to whisper (to talk in a quiet voice)
прошествие {noun} :: in expressions only
прошибать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to break through (a door, etc.)
прошибать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to affect, to come over [someone, of a sweat, a chill, a pain, etc.]
прошибать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to penetrate [of the cold or wind]
прошибить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to break through (a door, etc.)
прошибить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to affect, to come over [someone, of a sweat, a chill, a pain, etc.]
прошибить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to penetrate [of the cold or wind]
прошивать {v impf} :: to stitch, to sew
прошивать {v impf} :: to riddle [with bullets, bombs, etc.]
прошивать {v impf} [engineering] :: to broach
прошивать {v impf} [computing] :: to modify/flash/upgrade firmware (in)
прошивка {noun} :: insert (clothing)
прошивка {noun} [computing] :: firmware
прошипеть {v pf} :: to hiss
прошипеть {v pf} :: (cat) to spit, (snake, goose) to hiss
прошипеть {v pf} :: to sizzle, to fizz, to sputter
прошипеть {v pf} [colloquial, disapproving] :: to scold maliciously, to nag, to give the rough edge of one's tongue
прошить {v pf} :: to stitch, to sew
прошить {v pf} :: to riddle [with bullets, bombs, etc.]
прошлогодний {adj} [relational] :: last year; last year's
прошлое {noun} :: the past
прошлый {adj} :: last, past
прошлый {adj} :: former
прощай {interj} :: farewell, adieu, good-bye (said to wish a fond farewell; good-bye) [informal to one person]
прощайте {interj} :: farewell, adieu, good-bye (said to wish a fond farewell; good-bye) [formal or to a group of people]
прощальный {adj} [relational] :: farewell
прощание {noun} :: parting, leave-taking, farewell
прощанье {noun} :: alternative form of прощание
прощать {v impf} :: to forgive, to pardon, to excuse
прощать {v impf} :: to remit
прощать {v impf} :: to condone, to overlook
прощать {v impf} [imperative only] :: to farewell
прощаться {v impf} :: to say goodbye, to bid farewell
проще {adv} :: comparative of простой
проще {adv} :: comparative of просто
проще говоря {adv} [idiomatic, hedge] :: in layman's terms; phrased simply, without jargon
прощение {noun} :: forgiveness, pardon (forgiveness for an offence)
прощенье {noun} :: alternative form of прощение
прощупать {v pf} :: to feel by touching
прощупать {v pf} :: to probe
прощупывать {v impf} :: to feel by touching
прощупывать {v impf} :: to probe
проявитель {noun} [photography] :: developer (liquid used in chemical film processing)
проявить {v pf} :: to show, to display, to evince, to manifest, to reveal
проявить {v pf} [photography] :: to develop
проявиться {v pf} :: reflexive of проявить: to show oneself, to reveal oneself
проявление {noun} :: manifestation, display, demonstration
проявление {noun} [photography] :: development
проявлять {v impf} :: to show, to display, to evince, to manifest, to reveal
проявлять {v impf} :: (photograph) to develop
проявляться {v impf} :: to become apparent
прояснение {noun} [of an image, view] :: clearing
прояснение {noun} [weather] :: clearing up
прояснение {noun} :: clarification
прояснить {v pf} :: to clear up (make easy to see)
прояснить {v pf} :: to clear up, to clarify (by expressing ideas into words)
прояснить {vi pf} :: [of the weather] to clear up
проясниться {v pf} :: to clear (become better seen)
проясниться {v pf} :: (face) to brighten (up)
проясниться {v pf} :: (weather) to clear (up)
проясниться {v pf} :: to clear (up), to clarify, to become clearer
прояснять {v impf} :: to clear up (make easy to see)
прояснять {v impf} :: to clear up, to clarify (by expressing ideas into words)
прояснять {v impf} [impersonal] :: to become clear, to become bright [of the weather]
проясняться {v impf} :: to clear (become better seen)
проясняться {v impf} :: (face) to brighten (up)
проясняться {v impf} :: (weather) to clear (up)
проясняться {v impf} :: to clear (up), to clarify, to become clearer
пру {interj} :: whoa (when commanding a horse or imitative thereof)
пруд {noun} :: pond
прудик {noun} :: diminutive of пруд
прудить {v impf} :: to dam up
пружина {noun} :: spring (device made of flexible material)
пружинить {v impf} :: to be elastic, to be springy, to spring back, to yield
пружинить {v impf} :: to tense (one's muscles)
пружинка {noun} :: diminutive of пружина
прусак {noun} :: alternative form of пруссак
прусак {noun} :: cockroach, especially red one
пруссак {noun} :: Prussian
пруссак {noun} :: alternative form of прусак
Пруссия {prop} :: Prussia (historical area)
прусский {adj} :: Prussian, Old Prussian
прут {noun} :: twig, switch
прут {noun} :: rod
прут {noun} :: wicker
прутик {noun} :: thin/short switch, small twig
пруток {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of прут; small stick, twig
пруток {noun} [engineering] :: bar, stick, rod
прыг {pred} [familiar] :: jump
прыгать {v impf} :: to jump, to spring, to leap
прыгнуть {v pf} :: to jump, to spring, to leap
прыг-скок {interj} :: Used to describe or encourage jumping and skipping
прыжок {noun} :: jump, leap, bound
прыжок {noun} :: dive
прыжок в высоту {noun} :: high jump (athletics event)
прыскать {v impf} :: to burst into laughter
прыскать {v impf} :: to dart, to dash
прыскать {v impf} :: to sprinkle [+ instrumental]
прыскать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to drizzle, to fall in small drops [of rain]
прыснуть {v pf} :: to burst into laughter
прыснуть {v pf} :: to dart, to dash
прыснуть {v pf} :: to sprinkle [+ instrumental]
прыснуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to gush, to spurt
прыткий {adj} :: agile, nimble, prompt, quick
прыть {noun} [colloquial] :: agility, quickness
прыщ {noun} :: pimple, spot, pustule
прыщавый {adj} [colloquial] :: pimply; spotty
прыщик {noun} :: small pimple, spot
прядать {v impf} [dated or regional] :: to jump
прядильня {noun} :: spinning mill
прядка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of прядь
прядь {noun} :: lock [of hair]
прядь {noun} :: strand
пряжа {noun} :: yarn (fiber strand for knitting or weaving)
пряжка {noun} :: buckle, clasp
прялка {noun} :: spinning wheel
прям {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of прямо
прямая {noun} :: straight line
прямая {noun} :: straight (a part of a racecourse or running track that is not curved)
прямая кишка {noun} :: rectum
прямая речь {noun} [grammar] :: direct speech (the writing of speech)
прямик {noun} [dialectal, inanimate] :: straight path
прямик {noun} [dialectal, animate] :: direct, frank person
прямиком {adv} [colloquial] :: across country
прямиком {adv} [colloquial] :: directly, straight
прямиком {adv} [colloquial] :: straightforwardly
прямить {v impf} [rare] :: to straighten
прямить {v impf} [aviation] :: to travel forward on a straight path
прямо {adv} :: straight
прямо {adv} :: openly, blankly, frankly
прямо {adv} :: real, really, truly
прямо {adv} :: exactly, downright
прямой {adj} :: straight
прямой {adj} :: direct
прямой {adj} :: straightforward
прямой {adj} :: through [of a train]
прямой {adj} :: downright
прямой {adj} :: outspoken, frank
прямой угол {noun} :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees)
прямолинейность {noun} :: straightness, rectilinearity
прямолинейность {noun} :: straightforwardness, frankness (in a way that lacks sensitivity)
прямолинейный {adj} :: rectilinear
прямолинейный {adj} [figurative] :: straightforward
прямота {noun} :: straightforwardness, plain dealing
прямо-таки {adv} [colloquial] :: really, actually
прямоугольник {noun} [geometry] :: rectangle (quadrilateral)
прямоугольный {adj} :: right-angled
прямоугольный {adj} :: rectangular
прямоугольный треугольник {noun} :: right triangle (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles)
прямоугольчатый {adj} :: rectangular; only used in Пикассо прямоугольчатый
пряник {noun} :: gingerbread, spice cake
пряность {noun} [cooking] :: spice (plant matter used to season or flavour food)
пряность {noun} :: spiciness
прянуть {v pf} [dated or regional] :: to jump
пряный {adj} :: spicy (containing spice)
прясть {v impf} :: to spin (to make yarn)
прятать {vt impf} :: to conceal, to hide
прятаться {v impf} :: to hide, to conceal oneself, to hide away (intransitive)
прятки {noun} :: hide and seek (a game)
-прячь {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to yoke, to join, to stretch"
псалмописец {noun} :: psalmist, psalm writer
псалом {noun} [music, religion] :: psalm
псалтырь {noun} [religion] :: psalter
псарня {noun} :: kennel
псевдо- {prefix} :: pseudo-
псевдокод {noun} [computing] :: pseudocode
псевдокод {noun} [computing, colloquial] :: bytecode, p-code
псевдонаука {noun} :: pseudoscience
псевдоним {noun} :: pseudonym, alias, pen name, stage name
псевдослучайный {adj} :: pseudorandom
псевдоэфедрин {noun} :: pseudoephedrine
псина {noun} :: dogmeat, dog flesh
псина {noun} :: smell of a dog, doggy odor
псина {noun} :: dog
псинка {noun} :: diminutive of псина: little dog
псих {noun} [pejorative, slang] :: psycho, lunatic, psychopath (a person who is psychotic or otherwise insane)
псих {noun} [pejorative, slang] :: nut (a person who acts in a bizarre or dangerous manner)
психиатр {noun} [medicine] :: psychiatrist
психиатрическая больница {noun} :: asylum (mental asylum)
психиатрический {adj} :: psychiatric
психиатрия {noun} :: psychiatry (branch of medicine dealing with mental illness)
психика {noun} :: psyche, mind, mentality
психика {noun} :: psychics
психически {adv} :: mentally
психически {adv} :: psychically
психический {adj} :: mental, psychic
психоанализ {noun} :: psychoanalysis
психоаналитик {noun} :: psychoanalyst
психовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become hysterical, to freak out
психоз {noun} :: psychosis (mental disorder)
психозотерапия {noun} :: "psychosotherapy" (seems to be a protologism). This is a pseudoscientific medical discipline allegedly created by supporters of неврозотерапия that purports to replace medically incurable neuroses with more easily treatable psychoses. The concept is discredited
психолог {noun} :: psychologist
психологически {adv} :: psychologically (in a psychological manner)
психологический {adj} :: psychological
психология {noun} :: psychology
психопат {noun} :: psychopath
психопатология {noun} :: abnormal psychology (academic study)
психосоматический {adj} [medicine, psychology] :: psychosomatic (of physical effects with mental causes)
психотерапевт {noun} :: psychotherapist (who practices psychotherapy, male or female)
психотерапия {noun} :: psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics
психотический {adj} [medical] :: psychotic
психотропный {adj} [medicine] :: psychotropic, psychoactive
психофизика {noun} :: psychophysics
психофизиолог {noun} :: psychophysiologist
психофизиологический {adj} :: psychophysiological
психофизиология {noun} :: psychophysiology
психофизический {adj} :: psychophysical
психушка {noun} [colloquial] :: mental hospital
Псков {prop} :: Псков (city/administrative center)
псковитянин {noun} [archaic] :: citizen of Pskov
пскович {noun} :: citizen of Pskov
псковский {adj} [relational] :: Pskov
птах {noun} [dated] :: bird
птаха {noun} [colloquial] :: (a small) bird
пташка {noun} :: birdie, little bird, diminutive of птаха
птенец {noun} :: chick, nestling, fledgling, baby bird
птеродактиль {noun} :: pterodactyl
птица {noun} :: bird
птица-адъютант {noun} :: adjutant (bird)
птицефабрика {noun} :: poultry factory, industrial poultry farm
птичий {adj} [relational] :: bird
птичий {adj} [relational] :: poultry
птичий язык {noun} :: language of the birds
птичий язык {noun} [uncountable] :: Greek (incomprehensible speech or text overloaded with special terminology)
птичка {noun} :: diminutive of птица: birdie, little bird, birdling
птичник {noun} :: aviary (confinement for keeping birds)
птичник {noun} :: poultry-man
птичье молоко {noun} :: hen’s teeth (something extremely rare)
птичье молоко {noun} [also capitalised] :: "Ptichye moloko", (name of) popular chocolate candies, also known in the West under the Polish name ptasie mleczko (birds’ milk), and in Germany as Vogelmilch (birds’ milk)
ПТУ {n inan} :: initialism of профессиональное техническое училище: institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level, college
п.т.ч. {conj} :: initialism of потому что
публика {noun} :: audience (a group of people seeing or hearing a performance)
публикация {noun} :: publication (what is published)
публикация {noun} :: publishing
публикация {noun} :: notice, advertisement
публиковать {v impf} :: to publish, to issue
публиковаться {v impf} :: to publish one's work/paper
публиковаться {v impf} :: to be published
публицист {noun} :: publicist, commentator, columnist
публицистика {noun} :: publicizing, opinion journalism
публицистический {adj} :: journalistic
публично {adv} :: openly, overtly, publicly, candidly, frankly
публичность {noun} :: publicity
публичный {adj} :: public
публичный дом {noun} :: house of prostitution, brothel; parlor house (literally: "public house")
пугало {noun} :: scarecrow
пугало {noun} :: bugaboo, bugbear
пугало {noun} [figuratively] :: fright
пуганый {adj} :: intimidated, cowed
пуганый {adj} :: not so easily scared
пугать {v impf} :: to frighten, to scare
пугаться {v impf} :: to be frightened (of), to be startled (of), to take fright (at); to shy (at)
пугач {noun} :: toy pistol
пугающий {adj} :: scary, frightening
пугливый {adj} :: timid, fearful
пугнуть {v pf} :: to frighten, to scare
пуговица {noun} :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
пуговка {noun} :: diminutive of пуговица: (small) button (on clothing)
пуд {noun} :: pood (an obsolete Russian unit of mass equal to 40 фунт, or 16.3804815 kg (36.1127 pounds))
пуд {noun} :: pood (in modern kettlebells, rounded off to 16 kg (35.2739 pounds))
пуд {noun} [slang] :: percent
Пудауэль {prop} :: Пудауэль (city/and/commune)
пудель {noun} :: poodle
пудинг {noun} :: pudding
пудожанин {noun} :: citizen of Pudozh
пудра {noun} :: powder
пудра {noun} :: face powder
пудреница {noun} :: compact
пудреный {adj} :: powdered
пузатый {adj} :: potbellied, paunchy
пузатый {adj} :: (vessel, jar etc) pounchy
пузо {noun} [colloquial] :: belly
пузырёк {noun} :: diminutive of пузырь: (small) bubble; vial, phial; vesicle
пузыриться {v impf} :: to bubble
пузыриться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to billow
пузырь {noun} :: bubble
пузырь {noun} [pathology] :: blister
пузырь {noun} [anatomy] :: bladder
пузырь {noun} [colloquial] :: bottle
пузырьковый {adj} [relational] :: bubble
пук {noun} :: wisp, bunch, bundle, tuft
пук {noun} :: poot, fart (children’s speech)
пукать {v impf} :: to fart (mild or childish)
пукля {noun} [usually plural, dated] :: curl of hair?
пукля {noun} [historical] :: wig made of curls of hair, in the 18th and 19th centuries?
пукнуть {v pf} :: to fart (mild or childish)
пуктяй {m inan} :: pukjai (a kind of soup, similar to the South Korean doenjangjjigae, but usually eaten among Soviet Koreans)
пул {noun} [economy] :: pool
пул {noun} :: (kind of billiards) pool
пулемёт {noun} :: machine gun
пулемётный {adj} [relational] :: machine gun
пулемётчик {noun} :: gunner, machine-gunner
пуловер {noun} :: pullover (sweater)
пульверизатор {noun} :: atomizer (instrument for reducing a liquid to spray)
пулькоги {n inan} :: bulgogi, a Korean dish of shredded beef with vegetables
пульмонолог {noun} :: pulmonologist
пульмонология {noun} :: pulmonology
пульпа {noun} :: pulp
пульс {noun} :: pulse (regular beat caused by the heart)
пульсар {noun} [astronomy] :: pulsar
пульсация {noun} :: pulsation, throbbing, pulse
пульсация {noun} :: ripple
пульсирование {noun} :: throbbing
пульсировать {v impf} :: to pulsate
пульсировать {v impf} :: to beat, to throb
пульсирующий {adj} [medical, astronomy, physics] :: pulsing, pulsating
пульсирующий {adj} :: throbbing
пульсирующий воздушно-реактивный двигатель {noun} :: pulsejet
пульт {noun} :: lectern, music stand
пульт {noun} :: console, (control) panel, benchboard
пульт {noun} :: remote control
Пульхерия {prop} :: given name
пуля {noun} :: bullet
пума {noun} [zoology] :: cougar, puma, mountain lion (Puma concolor)
пункт {noun} [geometry] :: point
пункт {noun} :: point, station
пунктир {noun} :: dotted line
пунктуальность {noun} :: punctuality (state of being punctual)
пунктуальный {adj} :: punctual, precise
пунктуация {noun} [grammar] :: punctuation
пунцовый {adj} :: crimson
пунш {noun} :: punch (a hot alcoholic beverage made from wine, rum, fruit juice, sugar or honey, and hot water and spices)
пунш {noun} :: punch (an alcoholic beverage mixed in a large bowl and generally containing a mixture of fruit juice and some other beverage)
пуп {noun} [anatomy] :: belly button, navel, umbilicus
пуп земли {noun} [figuratively] :: center of the world
пуповина {noun} :: umbilical cord (cord between foetus and placenta)
пупок {noun} [anatomy] :: navel, belly button, umbilicus
пупс {noun} :: doll, puppet (shaped as a human)
пупс {noun} [colloquial] :: little child; kid; baby
пупсик {noun} :: diminutive of пупс doll (shaped as a small baby)
пупсик {noun} [humorous, way of address] :: sweetie, cutie, cutie pie
пупырышек {noun} [colloquial] :: pimple
пупырышек {noun} [colloquial] :: protrusion, bump
пурга {noun} :: blizzard, snowstorm
пурист {noun} :: purist
пуританин {noun} :: Puritan
пурпур {noun} [historical] :: Tyrian purple [dye or dyed cloth]
пурпур {noun} :: crimson
пурпурно-красный цвет {noun} :: amaranth (color/dye)
пурпурный {adj} [relational, historical] :: Tyrian purple [relating to the dye]
пурпурный {adj} :: crimson, purple
пурпурный {adj} :: magenta [e.g. in the CMYK color model]
пурпурный {adj} [chemistry] :: purpuric
Пусан {prop} :: Пусан (major port city)
пуск {noun} :: startup (act)
пуск {noun} :: launch
пускай {particle} :: same as пусть
пускай {conj} :: same as пусть
пускать {v impf} :: to let go, to relinquish
пускать {v impf} :: to set going, to set in motion, to set in operation, to start, to set working
пускать {v impf} :: to let in
пускать {v impf} :: to launch, to throw
пускать {v impf} :: to sprout, to put out, to put forth
пускаться {v impf} :: to start, to set out
пускаться {v impf} :: to start
пускаться {v impf} :: to go (into), to plunge (into)
пускаться во все тяжкие {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to engage in a reprehensible activity without restraint, to indulge in vices (e.g. drinking, dissoluteness, etc.), to break bad
пускаться во все тяжкие {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to not scruple to use any means, to not be squeamish about any means one uses
пусковой {adj} [relational] :: starting, launching, launch
пустельга {noun} :: kestrel (any small falcon of genus Falco)
пустельга {noun} [colloquial] :: shallow, frivolous person ({m}{f})
пустеть {v impf} :: to become empty
пустеть {v impf} :: to become deserted
пустить {v pf} :: to let (go), to allow, to permit, to release
пустить {v pf} :: to set going, to set in motion, to set in operation, to start, to set working
пустить {v pf} :: to let in
пустить {v pf} :: to launch, to throw
пустить {v pf} :: (botany) to sprout, to put out, to put forth
пуститься {v pf} :: to start, to set out
пуститься {v pf} :: to start
пуститься {v pf} :: to go (into), to plunge (into)
пуститься во все тяжкие {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to engage in a reprehensible activity without restraint, to indulge in vices (e.g. drinking, dissoluteness, etc.), to break bad
пуститься во все тяжкие {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to not scruple to use any means, to not be squeamish about any means one uses
пусто {adv} :: in an empty manner, emptily
пусто {adv} :: in an idle manner
пусто {adv} :: in a shallow or vain manner [of one's personality]
пусто {adv} :: futilely
пусто {pred} :: it is empty, it is deserted
пусто {pred} :: one is lonely
пустовать {v impf} :: to be/stand empty, to be tenantless, to be uninhabited, to lie fallow
пустое множество {noun} [mathematics] :: empty set
пустой {adj} :: empty, void, hollow
пустой {adj} :: idle [of talk]
пустой {adj} :: shallow [of one's personality]
пустой {adj} :: futile, frivolous
пустой {adj} :: vain, ungrounded
пустомеля {noun} [colloquial] :: twaddler, babbler
пустословный {adj} :: void of meaning, nonsensical
пустота {noun} :: emptiness, void
пустоцвет {noun} :: barren flower, unfertile flower
пустоцвет {noun} [figuratively] :: useless person
пустошь {noun} :: wasteland; uninhabited, abandoned or uncultivated area
пустынный {adj} :: deserted (desolate)
пустынь {noun} :: hermitage
пустынь {noun} :: a small monastery
пустыня {noun} :: desert, wilderness
пустыня {noun} [figuratively, colloquial] :: unpopulated area
пустырь {noun} :: wasteland
пустышка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [inanimate] :: pacifier, dummy
пустышка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [animate, masculine or feminine] :: shallow person
пусть {particle} :: let + subject + conjugated verb
пусть {conj} :: though, even (if), although
пусть {conj} [mathematics] :: let
пустяк {noun} :: trifle
пустяковый {adj} [colloquial] :: trifling, trivial
пустячный {adj} :: trifling, trivial
пустячок {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of пустяк
путана {noun} [slang] :: prostitute
путаница {noun} :: confusion, hash (confused mess)
путаница {noun} :: muddiness
путаница {noun} :: mess, muss
путаница {noun} :: tangle, maze, snarl
путаница {noun} :: mix
путаница {noun} :: jumble
путаница {noun} :: mishmash
путаница {noun} :: mingle-mangle
путаница {noun} :: imbroglio
путаница {noun} :: embroilment
путаница {noun} :: disorder
путаница {noun} :: mull
путаница {noun} :: bewilderment
путанка {noun} :: alternative form of путана
путаный {adj} :: tangled, interwoven
путаный {adj} :: inconsistent, illogical, unclear, confused, difficult to understand
путаный {adj} [colloquial] :: frivolous
путаный {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid
путать {v impf} :: to tangle
путать {v impf} :: to mix up (with), to confuse (with)
путать {v impf} :: to confuse
путать {v impf} :: to get mixed up, to confuse
путать {v impf} :: to involve in, to embroil
путать {v impf} :: (horses) to hobble, to fetter
путаться {v impf} :: to get tangled
путаться {v impf} :: to be misled, to get confused, to get mixed up
путаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to interfere (in), to meddle (in)
путаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to keep company (with), to get mixed up (with)
путаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sleep (with), to go to bed (with)
путеводитель {noun} :: guide, guide book
путеводный {adj} :: guiding, leading
путевой {adj} [relational] :: path, road
путевой {adj} [relational] :: track
путевой {adj} [relational] :: direction; directional
путевой {adj} [relational] :: travel, journey
путепровод {noun} :: overpass
путепровод {noun} :: underpass
путепровод {noun} :: railroad overbridge
путешественник {noun} :: traveller, voyager (the one who travels)
путешествие {noun} :: travels, journey
путешествовать {v impf} :: to travel
путёвка {noun} :: tourist voucher
путёвка {noun} :: waybill
путёвый {adj} [colloquial] :: reasonable, sensible
путёвый {adj} [colloquial] :: good, decent, usable, worthwhile
путём {adv} :: by means of
путинг {noun} [derogatory] :: Puting (a political rally to support Vladimir Putin)
путинизм {noun} :: Putinism (the political policies of Vladimir Putin)
путинизм {noun} [colloquial] :: (partisan) joking characterization of Vladimir Putin supporters as if they are having a disease called "путинизм", sounding much like some officially recognized diseases, ex. aneurysm
путинский {adj} [relational] :: Vladimir Putin
Путлер {prop} [derogatory] :: Putler (derogatory name of Vladimir Putin)
путлеровец {noun} :: Putlerite (Vladimir Putin's supporter)
путля {noun} :: a belt that attaches stirrups to the saddle
путник {noun} :: traveler, wayfarer
путница {noun} :: traveller, wayfarer (female)
путный {adj} [colloquial] :: reasonable, good
путный {adj} [colloquial] :: worthwhile, good, decent, usable
путунхуа {m inan} :: Mandarin, Putonghua
путч {noun} :: coup d'état, armed uprising, putsch
путы {noun} :: hobble (of horses)
путы {noun} :: fetters, chains
путы {noun} :: trammels
путь {noun} :: way, path, road
путь {noun} :: track, line
путь {noun} :: means
путь {noun} :: trip, journey
путь {noun} :: route
путь в тысячу вёрст начинается с первого шага {proverb} :: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
пуукко {m inan} :: puukko (a type of sharp, pointed knife of Nordic heritage)
пуф {noun} :: ottoman, pouf (low, padded stool)
пуфик {noun} :: diminutive of пуф
пух {noun} :: down (feathers)
пух {noun} :: fluff
пухленький {adj} :: diminutive of пухлый
пухлый {adj} :: plump, chubby
пухлый {adj} :: swollen, puffy
пухнуть {v impf} :: to swell
пуховик {noun} :: down jacket
пуховик {noun} :: down bed
пуховка {noun} :: powder puff
пуховый {adj} [relational] :: down (soft feathers); downy
пучина {noun} :: gulf, abyss
пучина {noun} :: eddy
пучина {noun} :: the deep
пучить {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to swell, to inflate
пучить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to open wide, to bulge, to goggle (the eyes)
пучить {v impf} :: to burst from the inside
пучок {noun} :: bundle, bunch, sheaf (any collection of things bound together)
пучок {noun} :: fascicle, wisp
пушечный {adj} [relational] :: gun, cannon
пушинка {noun} [colloquial] :: fuzz, fluff
пушинка {noun} [colloquial] :: tiny snowflake
пушинка {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: cinch (something easy)
пушистый {adj} :: furry (covered with fur), fluffy, light, airy, fuzzy
пушистый {noun} :: mascot (person in a furry animal suit)
пушка {noun} [military] :: gun, cannon
пушка {noun} [colloquial] :: gun, handgun
пушка {noun} :: hoax (informal)
пушка-гаубица {noun} :: gun-howitzer (a Russian weapon that combines characteristics of a gun and a howitzer, providing both a flat trajectory of fire and steep angles of ascent and descent).
Пушкин {prop} :: Пушкин (municipal town)
пушкинизм {noun} :: Pushkinism
пушкинский {adj} [relational] :: Pushkin (Russian surname, especially referring to Alexander Pushkin, Russian poet, novelist and playwright); Pushkin's
пушок {noun} :: down
пушок {noun} :: fluff
пушок {noun} :: bloom (on fruit)
пушонка {noun} :: lime, slaked lime (calcium hydroxide)
пушту {m inan} :: Pashto; one of the official languages of Afghanistan
пуштунский {adj} :: Pashto, Pashtun
пуща {noun} :: thick forest
пуще {adv} [colloquial] :: more than, worse than
пущий {adj} [dated or ironic] :: greater
пуэр {noun} :: Pu-erh tea
пуэрториканский {adj} :: Puerto Rican
Пуэрто-Рико {prop} {n inan} :: Puerto Rico
Пхеньян {prop} :: Пхеньян (capital city)
Пхукет {prop} :: Пхукет (island/and/province)
Пхукет {prop} :: Пхукет (capital)
пчела {noun} :: bee
пчела медоносная {noun} :: honey bee
пчелиный {adj} [relational] :: bee
пчеловод {noun} :: beekeeper
пчеловодство {noun} :: apiculture, beekeeping (keeping and maintenance of bees)
пчелоед {noun} :: bee-eater (Meropidae, Accipitridae, Old-World insectivorous birds)
пчелоед {noun} :: sand wasp, bee wolf (Bembicinae, species of wasp that kills bees)
пчелояд {noun} :: bee-eater
пчельник {noun} :: apiary (a place where bees and hives are kept)
пчёлка {noun} :: diminutive of пчела: (small) bee
пшек {noun} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] :: a Pole, Polack
пшеница {noun} :: wheat
пшеничный {adj} [relational] :: wheat, wheaten
пшено {noun} :: millet
пшёнка {noun} :: millet porridge (breakfast cereal)
пшённый {adj} [relational] :: millet
пыж {noun} :: wad (soft plug; also in firearm charges)
пыжовник {noun} :: wad hook, gun worm
пыл {noun} :: heat
пыл {noun} :: ardour, zeal, blaze (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion)
пылать {v impf} :: to blaze, to flame, to be aflame
пылать {v impf} :: to glow
пылать {v impf} :: to burn (with a feeling)
пылающий {adj} :: ablaze, ignescent, glowing
пылевлагонепроницаемость {noun} :: resistance to dust and moisture
пылесос {noun} :: vacuum cleaner
пылинка {noun} :: speck of dust
пылить {v impf} :: to raise dust, to fill the air with dust
пылиться {v impf} :: to become covered in dust, to get dusty
пылиться {v impf} [figurative, imperfective only] :: to gather dust (to lie unused for a long period of time)
пылиться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to raise dust, to produce dust [of dry land, a dry road, etc.]
пылкий {adj} :: ardent, fervent, fiery, impassioned, fervid
пылкий {adj} :: torrid
пылкий {adj} :: perfervid
пылкий {adj} :: passionate
пылкий {adj} :: spunky
пылкий {adj} :: mettlesome
пылкий {adj} :: impetuous
пылкий {adj} :: ablaze, glowing
пылкий {adj} :: flaming
пылкий {adj} :: vivid
пылкий {adj} :: hot
пыль {noun} :: dust
пыльник {noun} [botany] :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen)
пыльник {noun} :: duster, smock (a light, loose-fitting long coat)
пыльник {noun} :: dustcover (a protective hood or cover to protect joints or assemblies from dust, sand, dirt, etc.)
пыльность {noun} :: dustiness
пыльный {adj} :: dusty
пыльца {noun} :: pollen
пырей {noun} :: couch grass, dog grass, quitch grass (Elymus repens)
пырнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to stab, to jab
пытать {v impf} :: to torture (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims)
пытать {v impf} [dated or colloquial] :: to ask, to inquire
пытать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to try, to attempt, to check
пытаться {v impf} :: to attempt, to try
пытаться {v impf} :: to assay
пытаться {v impf} :: to seek
пытаться {v impf} :: to endeavour
пытка {noun} :: torture, torment (intentional infliction of pain or suffering)
пытливый {adj} :: inquisitive, curious, searching, keen
пыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blaze, to burn brightly, to glow
пыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to radiate [+ instrumental; heat, fire, etc.]
пыхать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to project, to radiate, to be bursting with [+ instrumental; health, happiness, malice, etc.]
пыхать {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to emit smoke, to puff [+ instrumental, on]
пыхать {vt impf} [slang] :: to huff, to inhale (drugs)
пыхнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to blaze once, to burn brightly (once) [of a fire]
пыхнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flash [of a fire]
пыхнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to puff once
пыхнуть {v pf} [slang] :: to smoke a spliff, to smoke a joint
пыхтеть {v impf} :: to puff, to pant
пышка {noun} [inanimate] :: doughnut, puff, bun (deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
пышка {noun} [animate, colloquial] :: dumpling (a plump person, especially a girl or a woman)
пышность {noun} :: splendor, pomp
пышный {adj} :: fluffy, luxuriant
пышный {adj} :: magnificent, splendid, sumptuous (suggesting abundance and great expense, and having a flavour of debauchery)
пьедестал {noun} :: pedestal
пьемонтский {adj} :: Piedmontese
пьемонтский {noun} :: Piedmontese (language)
пьеса {noun} :: play (theatrical performance)
пьеса {noun} [music] :: piece (small instrumental composition)
пьютер {noun} :: pewter (alloy of tin, copper and antimony)
пьющий {adj} [colloquial] :: loving to drink alcohol, alcoholic
пьяненький {adj} :: endearing diminutive of пьяный
пьянеть {v impf} :: to get intoxicated/tipsy/inebriated
пьянеть {v impf} :: to get intoxicated (with joy, success etc)
пьянить {v impf} :: to make drunk
пьяница {m anim} {f anim} :: drunkard, drunk
пьянка {noun} :: carousal
пьянка {noun} :: drinking bout, spree, binge
пьянство {noun} :: drunkenness, heavy drinking
пьянствовать {v impf} :: to be drunk often
пьянчуга {m anim} {f anim} :: drunkard (person who is habitually drunk)
пьяный {adj} :: drunk
пьяный {noun} :: drunk person, drunk, drunkard
пьянь {noun} [colloquial, collective, pejorative] :: drunks, drunkards
пьянь {noun} [abusive] :: drunkenness
пэ {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter П, п
пэ {n inan} :: The Roman letter P, p
пэр {noun} :: peer
Пюи-де-Дом {prop} :: Пюи-де-Дом (department)
пюпитр {noun} :: music stand, lectern; desk
пюре {n inan} :: purée
пюре {n inan} :: mashed potato
пядень {noun} [historical] :: span (Old Russian unit of length corresponding to the distance between the spaced ends of the thumb and index fingers, seven inches, 17.78 cm)
пядень {noun} [archaic] :: small area of land
пядень {noun} [archaic] :: hand
пядень {noun} [archaic] :: sole of the foot, foot
пядь {noun} [historical] :: span (Old Russian unit of length corresponding to the distance between the spaced ends of the thumb and index fingers, seven inches, 17.78 cm)
пядь {noun} [archaic] :: small area of land
пядь {noun} [archaic] :: hand
пядь {noun} [archaic] :: sole of the foot, foot
пялить {v impf} :: to stretch tight, to put on (clothing) with difficulty
пялиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stare, to gaze
пяльцы {noun} :: embroidery hoop, tambour frame
пясть {noun} [anatomy] :: metacarpus
пята {noun} [archaic] :: heel; foot
пята {noun} :: wide foot of a support, mainstay, pier, or buttress
пятак {noun} :: five-kopeck coin
пятак {noun} :: five roubles, five dollars, etc
пятак {noun} [slang] :: muzzle, mug (face); schnozzle, conk, honker, schnoz, snoot (nose)
пятачок {noun} :: diminutive of пятак: five-kopeck coin [out of use]
пятачок {noun} [colloquial] :: pig's snout
пятачок {noun} [colloquial] :: a small patch of land
Пятачок {prop} :: Piglet (from Winnie-the-Pooh)
пятая {noun} :: fifth (one of five equal parts of a whole)
пятерня {noun} :: all five fingers, palm with five fingers, five
пятеро {num} :: five (in a group together), fivesome, five of them
пятёрка {noun} :: a grade in school of five, where five is the highest grade
пятёрка {noun} :: the figure five written out
пятёрка {noun} :: fiver
Пятигорск {prop} :: Пятигорск (city)
пятидесятилетие {noun} :: fifty-year period
пятидесятилетие {noun} :: fiftieth anniversary, fiftieth birthday
пятидесятилетний {adj} [relational] :: fifty-year
пятидесятилетний {adj} :: fifty-year-old
пятидесятый {adj} :: fiftieth
пятизвёздный {adj} :: having five stars (e.g. star system; decorations)
пятизвёздный {adj} :: five-star (hotel)
пятилетие {noun} :: five-year period, half-decade
пятилетие {noun} :: fifth anniversary, fifth birthday
пятилетка {noun} :: period of five years
пятилетка {noun} :: five-year plan [for the national economy of the USSR]
пятилетний {adj} [relational] :: five-year
пятилетний {adj} :: five-year-old
пятить {v impf} :: to push back, to cause to move back or back up
пятить {vt impf} :: to stick out (chest, abdomen, lip, etc.)
пятить {vi impf} [rarely] :: to move back, to back up
пятиться {v impf} :: to move back [usually slowly]
пятиугольник {noun} :: pentagon
пятиэтажка {noun} [colloquial] :: five-storey building
пятиэтажный {adj} :: five-story
пятка {noun} [anatomy] :: heel
пятнадцатигранник {noun} [geometry] :: pentadecahedron
пятнадцатилетие {noun} :: fifteen-year period
пятнадцатилетие {noun} :: fifteenth anniversary, fifteenth birthday
пятнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: fifteen-year
пятнадцатилетний {adj} :: fifteen-year-old
пятнадцатиугольник {noun} :: pentadecagon
пятнадцатый {adj} :: fifteenth
пятнадцать {num} :: fifteen (15)
пятнадцатью {adv} :: 15x, fifteen times as much
пятнать {v impf} :: to tag [in a game]
пятнать {v impf} :: to disgrace, to defame, to dishonor
пятнашки {noun} :: tag (children's game)
пятнашки {noun} :: 15 puzzle
пятнистость {noun} :: specling, spottiness
пятнистый {adj} :: spotty, spotted, dappled
пятница {noun} :: Friday
пятно {noun} :: spot
пятно {noun} :: blot, blemish, stain
пятнышко {noun} :: diminutive of пятно: (small) speck, spot, blot, blemish, stain
пяток {noun} [colloquial] :: (about) five
пяточное сухожилие {noun} :: Achilles tendon (strong tendon in the calf of the leg)
пяточный {adj} [relational] :: heel; calcaneal
пятый {adj} :: fifth
-пять {affix} :: Combining form used to form perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to crucify". Secondarily derived verbs often have the meaning "to kick"
пять {num} :: five (5)
пять баллов {interj} [slang] :: excellent! (literally, five points; the same as A grade in U.S. schools)
пятьдесят {num} :: fifty (50)
пятьдесят восемь {num} :: fifty-eight (58)
пятьдесят два {num} :: fifty-two (52)
пятьдесят девять {num} :: fifty-nine (59)
пятьдесят один {num} :: fifty-one (51)
пятьдесят пять {num} :: fifty-five (55)
пятьдесят семь {num} :: fifty-seven (57)
пятьдесят три {num} :: fifty-three (53)
пятьдесят четыре {num} :: fifty-four (54)
пятьдесят шесть {num} :: fifty-six (56)
пятьсот {num} :: five hundred (500)
пятью {adv} :: 5x, five times as much
пятьюдесятью {adv} :: 50x, fifty times as much