Not to be dramatic (narrator: she couldn't remember the last time she wasn't dramatic), but if Lee McCormick asked me to slit my throat so they could Not to be dramatic (narrator: she couldn't remember the last time she wasn't dramatic), but if Lee McCormick asked me to slit my throat so they could use my blood as ink for their next book, I would strongly consider it.
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHH. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - this one did things to me. Things I should probably run past a licensed psychiatrist. Like, should I probably unpack the fact that my immediate reaction to a serial killer dicing up a guy because he had the audacity to touch the killer's love interest (possession? obsession?) be "Awww, that's so sweet!"? Most likely. But I've been raw-doggin' life for 30 years so...
But why am I talking about homicidal codependency as my preferred love language instead of this GLORIOUS. ASS. BOOK!?!
I'd call it a guilty pleasure but there's ZERO guilt and ALL the pleasure. Jonah and Levi really ticked all the right boxes for me (and then some). There's touch-him-and-die and then there's so-much-as-look-in-his-direction-and-you'll-wish-you-were-born-without-eyes.
I LOOOOOVE the way the story hits the ground running and it's a fucking ALL OUT SPRINT to the finish line the whole way through. Jonah is just the cutest most adorablest murderous psychopath I ever did see & Levi is a brilliant, beautiful BRAT and I love him with my whole heart.
The set up for the plot and the way everything played out was perfection. Better yet, it was even more than I expected. Cause here's the thing - I am my own worst nightmare when it comes to plot twists; most of the time I guess the plot twist WELL before it's revealed (or even hinted at in some cases). But this time?! Even AS THE PLOT TWIST WAS UNFOLDING I was like "Wait, literally what is happening right now and where the FUCK is this going!?" Levi's confusion was my confusion and I haven't had that feeling in a loooooong time. I ate that shit up.
AND ALL THE LITTLE THINGS!? Levi's relationship with his dad (MYYY HEAAARRTTTT ...more
Three words, babe: Blood as lube. Yeah, I fuck with that heavy.
This was such a great time but I sooo wish it was a full-fledged novel; it has so muchThree words, babe: Blood as lube. Yeah, I fuck with that heavy.
This was such a great time but I sooo wish it was a full-fledged novel; it has so much potential! Even so, there's just enough backstory to get invested in the characters and I loved Seb & Tate - especially Tate's lifelong obsession with Sebastian that eclipses any moral compass he could have. Sebastian is his moral compass. Toxic? Absolutely. We love to see it.
Sidenote: I really like when authors create vampires in modern novels have attributes found in older folklore; having to claw out of a grave, bursting into a colony of bats, being completely nocturnal, etc. - sooo much better than glittering in the sunlight, if you ask me.
Also, sex scenes were hot & I am pro dick-biting. Don't @ me....more
This book has a violent chokehold on me and all I can do is beg for it to squeeze tighter.
I am absolutely floored. Shadow Yor, a.k.a. Shade, is an intThis book has a violent chokehold on me and all I can do is beg for it to squeeze tighter.
I am absolutely floored. Shadow Yor, a.k.a. Shade, is an interplanetary detective with a loose hold on his empathic powers and an even weaker hold on his self-deprecating tendencies. Following the meager breadcrumbs left behind in a string of murders has him falling right into the alluring clutches of Apollo - a charming art reporter that just happens to moonlight as a psychopathic serial killer. I am dangerously enamored with flawed characters, so when these two living embodiments of a psychiatrist's wet dream come together? Holy-fucking-shit.
This book feels like a love letter to every sick, depraved, and filthy hidden desire I've ever had and I'm not afraid to admit it. What can I say, I like my romances how I like my coffee - dark, bitter, and strong enough to get my blood pumping. And this is just to my taste; there's a perfect balance of darkness and sweetness in this story. But listen, this is not traditional sweetness. It's not gentle touches and honeyed words; it's a white-knuckled grip - possessive and manipulative and fucked up. If that's not your jam, move right along. If it is: hi, let's be friends.
This is the second book I've read by Chani Lynn Feener (the first was also amazing) and after this delectable masterpiece, it most certainly will not be the last. I have been unquestionably conditioned - if Chani is ringing the bell, you better believe that I am salivating on command.
Thank you to BookSirens for the advanced readers copy. All thoughts are my own....more
There were some really great things about it and things that I felt like either weren't necessary or could have beeThe Good Liar was just that - good.
There were some really great things about it and things that I felt like either weren't necessary or could have been better. Overall, though, I really enjoyed Jasper & Cole's story; their history, their obsession, their jealousy - yummy. As far as plots go, it was a fairly simple one but well-written & definitely enjoyable.
With that said, let's get into what didn't quite work for me as much. Physical touch is my #1 love language so I loooved that they couldn't keep their hands off each other. BUT, as hot as the sex scenes were, I felt like I wasn't really feeling it the way I wanted to. I don't know if it's because there were, at times, a lack of physical descriptors that could really paint the scene or something else entirely, but something was missing for me; I just can't quite pin down what it was. Don't get me wrong, still very hot (esp that first time omg); just would've liked to have been more invested.
Daniel's POVs...totally unnecessary. I will say, having tiny POV chapters for the "bad guy" is a great idea if it maintains a level of mystery/suspense. But the ending was pretty darn predictable even without those chapters.
P.S. I spy with my little eye another taboo romance on the horizon between two characters we've already met - their story will be deliciously angst-ridden, especially if our MCs from this book have anything to say about it. Can't wait....more
UGH, THIS WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!! *insert millions of fire emojis*
Fucking hell, I love Avi and Felix. If you look up the phrase *screams into the void*
UGH, THIS WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!! *insert millions of fire emojis*
Fucking hell, I love Avi and Felix. If you look up the phrase "wined, dined, and 69'ed" it should just be photos of these two beautiful ass murder men.
Reading an Onley James book is like getting punched in the fucking face (but you like it, obvi). Which is why I need to read other books in between Onley's - it's more fun to let the bruises heal before getting punched again so we can start all over. ...more