Holy-frickin'-shit did I love this book. Not only do I love how much RHATE SEX IS THE BEST SEX. FIGHT ME ON IT. I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS PIRATE SHIP.
Holy-frickin'-shit did I love this book. Not only do I love how much Rylee Hale stuck to the original story as much as possible but I LOVE THAT PETER IS A LIL PRAISE KINK BRAT! That TRACKS! It fits his character so well and UGH, JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL it made the story (and the spice *fans self*) so good.
Forget everything you know about fairytale retellings (and also the Disney cartoon versions of these characters cause that is NOT what we have here, people. NO SIREE.), then proceed to stop everything you're doing and read this immediately.
The only, teeny-tiny criticism that I may provide is that the final fight scene felt very quick? Almost a little bit too easy? But ya know what, that's not what I came here for and it was still done well so *throws inconsequential critique out the window*
Thank you, Rylee Hale, for this magnificent love-to-hate-you-but-also-I-love-you lust-filled masterpiece....more
I'll admit, I would get a lil stockholm-syndrome-y too if I were kidnapped by a sexy, formidable pirate with a big c**k.
I enjoyed this book so much thI'll admit, I would get a lil stockholm-syndrome-y too if I were kidnapped by a sexy, formidable pirate with a big c**k.
I enjoyed this book so much that I couldn't put it down until the early a.m. - which means a lot coming from me because I value my sleep more than anything else.
I love when a book can pull off deliciously sweet and swelteringly sexy at the same time, and, my goodness, did this book deliver on both fronts! *fans self* Seriously, I'm so in love with these two and even more in love with them as a pair.
I was really impressed with the writing! Not only was the prose beautifully written - it seemed very historically correct. Granted, I'm no expert on the early 1700s, but I loved that there weren't any modern colloquialisms that deviated from the narrative. There was also a lot of accuracy with Nathaniel's reading disability. I noticed that the author consulted an SLP when writing the story, and I appreciate the hell out of that! It's so lovely when authors put in that extra effort to ensure their writing is as accurate as possible.
So many of my favorite tropes are included in this story: enemies-to-lovers, age-gap, hurt/comfort, only-one-bed! Although I will say, the age-gap element is more geared towards the dynamic between our two MCs versus any outside judgment/influence. So if you prefer an age-gap romance with a lot of angst due to external societal judgment and the like - just a heads up that this isn't quite like that. Albeit, there's plenty of other types of societal judgment (that is very much internalized on Nathaniel's part), but it isn't because of the age gap. So, no worries, it's still delectably angsty.
This is the first book I've read by Keira Andrews, and I can assure you it will not be the last. I can't wait to read another of her books!...more
Consider me officially a huge fan of Megan Van Dyke because I loved every second of this book. To saThe fairytale reimagining I didn't know I needed.
Consider me officially a huge fan of Megan Van Dyke because I loved every second of this book. To say that it was a pleasant surprise is such an understatement - there's just so much to unpack!
First off, I always know I'm in for a good time when our MCs meet within the first few pages like, yes, straight to the good stuff, thank you! Tink is a feisty little spitfire, and Hook is cool and smooth as the ocean on a tranquil day. And what happens when you add water to fire, people? That's right - steam. And oh boy, does it get steamy. *fans self*
I don't know about the rest of you, but I was very much casting Killian Jones as Hook in my mind's eye. 10/10 would recommend. *fans self more aggressively*
The writing was just as pleasant a surprise as the plot, if not more so. The book's pace is quick, and the story moves along at a gorgeous pace, all without even remotely taking away from the even more gorgeous slow burn between Tink & Hook. Of course, there were small moments here and there that felt a little superfluous or repetitive, but they were tiny little bumps that didn't take away from the story - at least not for me.
(view spoiler)[I'm all for a man with a sexy 5 o'clock shadow, but I think referencing Hook rubbing the stubble on his chin multiple times within a few pages wasn't needed. Also, I dissociated a little at the words "damp forest," but, luckily, I was immediately brought back with phrases like "his tight ass could inspire sonnets." (hide spoiler)]
The story is so much more intricate and complex than I expected from a fairytale reimagining - there's love, adventure, betrayal, twists and turns galore, but so much sweetness and tenderness at the same time! Tink and Hook have so much depth to their characters I could drown in them. Willingly, I might add. Ugh - there's just so much to appreciate! Even little things stood out to me, like Tink's unique way of cursing - it was so endearing and a lovely addition to the narrative. Or the quippy pirate puns scattered through the story like delicious chocolate chips in a pancake (or blueberries if that's your preference, I'm not here to judge your breakfast proclivities).
Another thing that I want to point out is that, as with any classic enemies-to-lovers, there are miscommunications and misunderstandings in the story, but they're short-lived! I get so frustrated with romances that rely on miscommunication as the core foundation of the plot, so Second Star was blissfully refreshing.
Evidently, I could rave about this book forever, but I'll sum it up with the fact that I was so beautifully bewitched by this book you'd think Megan slipped a bit of pixie dust between the pages (yeah, it was an e-book, but whatever, you get the point).
Rating: 4.5/5 stars rounded up to 5!
Thank you, NetGalley and City Owl Press, for the ARC!...more