I had no idea that I was signing up for Maverick Insurance Mysteries: Glamping Edition but I'm hereeee for it!
In our series conclusion, we go on a litI had no idea that I was signing up for Maverick Insurance Mysteries: Glamping Edition but I'm hereeee for it!
In our series conclusion, we go on a little adventure to the wilderness and the plot gets that much more wild too. The change of scenery brought some added fun and really mixed things up. Really, the only thing that hasn't changed is Perry and Nate's absolute, perfect, incomparable, steadfast adoration for each other. They're so cute I want to die. So cute that I'm not even that mad that they keep having sexy fun times without letting us in on the fun.
I love that M.J. switched things up this time with the mystery - in previous books, the reader was privy to things that our characters weren't, so it was an anticipation game of us just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This time, we were treated with a completely unpredictable plot twist that was divine, to say the least. It's not often that a mystery can actually kind of surprise me, so it made for a good time.
I'm so sad that Perry & Nate's story is over, but I honestly think it ended perfectly. ...more
"sMuT iS jUsT poRN, iT's NOt inTElLecTuALly stIMulATiNg nOr dOeS iT hAVe tRuE suBStAnCe blah blah blah" Well TODAY, I learned what docking is, so you "sMuT iS jUsT poRN, iT's NOt inTElLecTuALly stIMulATiNg nOr dOeS iT hAVe tRuE suBStAnCe blah blah blah" Well TODAY, I learned what docking is, so you can go fuck yourself (the vanilla way, you square). Just cause it's porn doesn't mean you can't LEARN somethin'. Alexa, play A Whole New World on max volume.
If you think I DIDN'T google it immediately to get a visual on what the fuck I just read (and to make sure it's physically possible), GUESS AGAIN, BITCH AHAHAHAH
If nothing else, I did it so you don't have to. You're welcome.
OKAY FINE, we like Tristan. Love him, actually. Fuckin' adorable ass psycho. AND WHO BETTER to be paired with this emotionally stunted jack-of-trades-you've-never-even-heard-of (WHY DOES HE KNOW THAT THE POSSUM IS AMERICA'S ONLY NATIVE MARSUPIAL LOL) than an even more emotionally stunted scarily large and scarily hot mute mechanic whose maladaptive coping mechanisms seem to match his JUST RIGHT!?
Lord have mercy, the way in which a "Your crazy matches my crazy, let's be crazy together" plotline gets me off is fucking unreal. Signed with my blood, Sealed with my tongue, and Delivered straight to the little folder marked "NOT PORN" in my brain that hides all my weird quirks and kinks.
AND AS IF ERIN RUSSELL WASN'T ALREADY SPEAKING MY KINK-LANGUAGE, we're gonna throw in emergency med references left and right!? Hi, my name is Sarah, BSN, RN and THIS IS MY SHIT. Every reference to trauma-induced compartmentalization, constant dehydration, and THE FUCKING BANE OF MY EXISTENCE THAT IS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE spoke straight to my fucking soul. Erin...lovebug...my sibling in Christ - if there's a hill you chose to die on in this book, I was right there with you, babe. Blood in, blood out.
Maybe will come back to write a legit non-word-vomit review, but until then I hope you enjoyed the ravings of a mad woman. Til next time, sluts.
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own (clearly lol).✧...more
Toxic, Turbulent, and fuckin' Tasty with a Capital T.
FUCKIN- [image] [image]
This is a work of fucToxic, Turbulent, and fuckin' Tasty with a Capital T.
FUCKIN- [image] [image]
This is a work of fucking art and honestly, probably one of the best debut novels I've EVER read. THE FIRST PANCAKE RULE DOES NOT APPLY HERE.
Not only is the writing just stunning on its own, but the characters, the plot elements, the little details, even just the way the story unfolds - EVERYTHING is so unique and refreshing and different and frankly, I could go on and on and on about the things I loved about it.
I FUCKING LOVE ALEK AND IAN WITH MY ENTIRE HEART AND SOUL. If you look up "codependency" in the dictionary, their relationship should be the first example you see and y'all already know how I feel about codependent relationships. [image]
And this isn't any of that sweet, soft, subtle codependency that mentally stable people claim to enjoy, no, no, no, no, this is more akin to something like [image] AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE A SINGLE LETTER OF IT. FUCKING AMAZING. It's deliciously toxic (at least at first) because they're human and they're flawed and imperfect but they're perfectly imperfect TOGETHER and it's so beautiful and so sweet and just GO FUCKING READ IT, it's phenomenal....more
I feel like the story has a solid foundation but there are a lot of things that didn't quite work forBad Things Happen Bingo but it's all in one book.
I feel like the story has a solid foundation but there are a lot of things that didn't quite work for me. The plot, at its core, is Safe Haven (The Gay Remix). Our MC, Bodhi, runs away from his abusive, law enforcement shitstain boyfriend and finds love, family, and safety in a small town.
As a whole, it's just okay.
When you take a closer look, though, there's quite a few plot/character inconsistencies, odd punctuation choices, cringe-worthy moments, and (in my opinion) excessive injury occurrence.
This is one where I have to just list everything out to keep my thoughts organized, so...
∘₊✧─── possible spoilers ahead ───✧₊∘
Okay, so, the first and biggest thing that I found to be pretty jarring (like, literally, I heard my brain come to a screeching halt) was when Atticus undressed Bodhi and literally bathed him naked WITHIN 24 HOURS OF MEETING EACH OTHER!?! I GET that Bodhi has an injured arm and leg but STILL!? I think Bodhi keeping his underwear on while in the bath would've made more sense for PERFECT STRANGERS, tbh. And what makes it worse is that Atticus didn't even stick around to help him get dressed afterwards??? So you're saying it was necessary for Atticus to help Bodhi get undressed but he's not needed for putting his clothes back on, which, arguably, is HARDER TO DO!? Idk, man...it was just weird...very unsexy.
Speaking of unsexy - I'm a little confused by the sex scenes where Atticus is more dominant. I'm all for some dirty talk but it felt like it came out of nowhere. It felt like the author just wanted to write a spicier scene (which is fine and more than welcome) but it has to make sense for the character.
Another character thing that didn't make sense, but for Bodhi, was how he would occasionally be a little bratty or throw some 'tude. There's plenty of examples throughout the book but the one that I can't get out of my head is probably the smallest one. It's the scene where (on their first day of meeting) after spending all day at the hospital, they get some food and Bodhi has to take his pain med. And the line basically says something about Bodhi drinking Atticus' Coke to take his med and looking at Atticus like he's "daring him to protest"? I feel like this is so small and silly, but like, this kid, who has been FREAKING OUT about not having money to pay for hospital bills and not having a job and not being able to pay Atticus back for all his help and who seems so humble, is suddenly like "I'm gonna drink your Coke and I dare you to say something about it!"??? LOOOL I feel so dumb cause it's SO SMALL but again, it is SO not in line with his character and even though it's a literal fucking SIP OF A DRINK, it somehow made ALL of his previous concerns about imposing on Atticus seem insincere. It just seemed bratty and NOT in a cute way.
Omg, SEB GETTING SHOT? And HAVING A STROKE?! And his brother literally describing him as "a shadow of his former self"? JESUS LOL I'm not an idiot - it's abundantly clear that this is the set up for Seb's future romance with his PT but woof, TOO MANY BAD THINGS. I love hurt/comfort more than anything so if I'm the one saying that?! There's literally a scene where the whole fam comes to the hospital because of Atticus' accident and everyone is distraught and all fucked up (poor Theo omg), and then WE HAVE TO DO IT ALL AGAIN FOR ANOTHER BROTHER!? TOO. MUCH. And as sweet as it is that Seb got hurt protecting Atticus from Derek, why the FUCK is Seb getting pulled into their plot? It felt like the closure we got for Derek wasn't true closure because of it and it threw off the entire ending for Atticus & Bodhi's story.
Another thing that I noticed is that there was a lot of telling instead of showing. I find that this is pretty common in most debut novels but basically, instead of writing out a scene with either inner or spoken dialogue to show the MCs growing closer, an author writes something along the lines of "and then we talked for hours".
I'm getting tired of typing so we're just gonna rapid-fire the last few small nit-picky comments.
○ overuse of the word "bro" ○ overuse of exclamation points ○ use of "yes" instead of "yeah" made the dialogue more formal than it needed to be
Rating: 2.5 rounded up to 3
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
Oh, you thought this was gonna be a neat 'n tidy lil trilogy where the villains are thwarted and our MCs get their happily ever after? PSYCH - the ploOh, you thought this was gonna be a neat 'n tidy lil trilogy where the villains are thwarted and our MCs get their happily ever after? PSYCH - the plot thickens.
That intro may have an air of reproach but I assure you it is nothing but the highest praise. I previously found it refreshing that MJ May chose to write a series that follows the same couple and I am once again newly refreshed in that she is not restricting herself to the conventional story structure of a trilogy. The story will take as long as it takes and I'm here for that kind of energy.
In this one, we're back to the main mystery arc and the chess pieces start to fall off the board and into place. I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I actually really enjoy a mystery where the audience already has most of the answers and we're waiting for the characters to catch up. I feel like that's what differentiates between a more traditional mystery/thriller and a cozier mystery. Because we (the audience) already have the answers, it lets us focus on our MCs, their relationship, and how the story unfolds through their eyes.
I knew MJ wasn't going to let me down with some of the much needed spice! It's clearly not the focus of the story but I'm still grateful to see the development in Perry & Nate's relationship. Which, by the way, I am obsessed with. These two are so stinkin' soft for each other and I'm soft for them. I'm also SOOO grateful that we are avoiding any possibility of a miscommunication trope. Perry and Nate are, thankfully, expert communicators; even considering the impediments of Nate's job.
Speaking of characters I love, I was initially very wary of Malcolm and Delia but I've come to absolutely adore them too - especially Delia, that fucking badass of a woman. I would kiss her right on the lips.
I'm both desperately inpatient and very excited for the next in the series! ...more
Which, btw, I don't hate...but idk if I necessarily like it either? The mystery that was the "big revHeads up, this one is more mystery than romance.
Which, btw, I don't hate...but idk if I necessarily like it either? The mystery that was the "big reveal" in the first book takes a massive backseat in this one, and sitting in the back along with it is Perry & Nate's romance. They did not have enough time together - there's a little bit more heat between the two, though (especially towards the end), and for that I am eternally grateful.
I will say, I'm also grateful for the fact that the MCs lack of one-on-one time is part of the plot and addressed in the story. It's not that the author just didn't write enough scenes; it's because Nate is the Superman of detectives and he's busy keeping the world a safe place for Perry to live in.
I love a slow burn but this book brought us to a pace that's damn near glacial. But again, everything that the author is doing makes sense for the characters so I'm not super mad. Regardless, I'm desperately hoping that the next book picks up the pace on the romance front. ...more
Idk about anyone else but I am constantly craving a contemporary mm-romance series that follows the same couple/storyAn excellent start to the series!
Idk about anyone else but I am constantly craving a contemporary mm-romance series that follows the same couple/story in every book. Maybe it's just my selections, but I find that most of the books I read in this particular genre tend to have a different couple featured in each book - and while that's always fun and refreshing, I adooooore a slower burn where we get to see more of the same couple in depth. We all love a one-and-done, but sometimes it feels sooo good to take your time with some literary foreplay.
And that's exactly what this book is: foreplay - for both the MCs and the plot itself. While the plot has legs to stand on its own, its definitely set up as a HFN that hints (read: screams) at much bigger things to come. It's slower going with our MCs relationship development too and truly, I love it. Because of how their Perry & Nate's relationship started and how it's building, it makes sense for them to take their time growing their relationship/learning each other and it makes the story all the sweeter and will (hopefully) make the inevitable spice all the hotter.
I'm actually not usually drawn to mystery stories, but because of the inclusion of most of my favorite tropes, it made this waaay more palatable for me than a mystery/thriller normally would.
As far as the writing goes, I enjoyed the simplicity of it but I also think it made the story slightly predictable and, at times, a little repetitive. I don't mind a bit of predictability in a mystery, though; especially when it's clear that the reader should intuit more than the protagonists and that's part of what makes it thrilling. But I will say, there was a slight naiveté in Perry that encroached juuust past the line of being charmingly naive into more "You can't be this stupid" territory. But also, fuck it; it's for the plot - I get it and I'm not mad at it.
All in all, like I said, a wonderful start to the series! I think there's a perfect balance between the relationship building and the background plot and I can't WAIT to see where both will take our MCs in the next book!...more
What a travesty my life is that I'm not traipsing through the English countryside, seeking a forbidden love which can only be achieved through blatantWhat a travesty my life is that I'm not traipsing through the English countryside, seeking a forbidden love which can only be achieved through blatant flirting and snappy witticisms.
I loved that this one was set exclusively in the countryside - it definitely matched the overall softness of the story. It's more swoony than spicy and very low-angst, but I'm not mad at it.
Our characters are just as sweet and soft! Ben is sunshine itself and I love that Phillip is portrayed as a grump (and still can be in some ways) but Ben breaks down that hard outer shell and gets Phillip to reveal his softer parts. Don't get me wrong, though - he definitely reveals certain hard parts too (ehehe).
I LOVED the dynamic between Ben and the kids and eventually Phillips and the kids. It was so sweet how the three children eventually warmed up to their dad and he was so happy to see them happy! But also, Phillip initially being completely bewildered by Ben's sunny disposition and his children's behavior was kind of hilarious. That scene early on with Ben & the kids in the tree was a riot - it was giving The Sound of Music and I loved every moment of it.
Definitely looking forward to the remaining books in the series! ...more
Tattoo artist meets florist in an ATM vestibule during a thunderstorm and the rest is history. This book absoNever have I ever read such fluffy angst.
Tattoo artist meets florist in an ATM vestibule during a thunderstorm and the rest is history. This book absolutely MELTED my cold black heart - but only after pummeling it with love, inclusion, and acceptance. I love all the representation and the unique characters; there's a good number of them but they're all so distinct, it's surprisingly easy to remember who's who. I can already tell the rest of the books in this series are going to be just as yummy as this one.
I can also tell that Derek and Basil will be that adorable OG couple that I'll be dying to see more of in the rest of the series....more
When I originally read Kissed By The Krampus, I noticed that a lot of reviews referenced that there were marked similarities Edit (Jan 11, 2024):
When I originally read Kissed By The Krampus, I noticed that a lot of reviews referenced that there were marked similarities between this book and another very popular MM book. Because I hadn't read the other book yet, I decided to just rate & review this one based on my genuine thoughts at the time, hoping that the similarities were an exaggeration; especially because I had nothing but good experiences with this author.
I have since read that other book and...oooooh boy. There are some major plot element similarities that can't be ignored. Listen, I'm not stupid enough to think that authors can't be influenced by other authors/books, but there's a line in the sand for every book that shouldn't be crossed and unfortunately, I think that line was crossed this time around.
I'm going to leave my original review & rating below just because that really is how I felt at the time, but I'm removing my official star rating because I don't think it's fair to give this book 5 stars and I don't have it in me to choose an alternate rating - I'd rather just remove it altogether.
I really enjoyed this book when I read it and I still very much value the parts that are different and unique, but I can't in good conscience rate just those parts and ignore the commonalities.
Big sad.
Original Review (Jan 01, 2023):
'Tis the season to get some Krampus dick.
This story had so much more to it than I thought it would!
What I thought I was getting: a quick, sweet, spicy read in which Chris Kringle gets his bells jingled.
What I got:all of that + an action-filled subplot with evil monsters, secret military bases, and fascinating creatures.
I also didn't expect how complex Chris and Ollie would be as characters. At first, I didn't know how I felt about all of the military stuff in the story but I ended up liking Eveland's approach to how they addressed it and how it affected Chris and his role in the story. I also really liked Ollie's backstory! Both Chris and Ollie spent their lives in perpetual loneliness and I thought it was so sweet that they found what they were looking for in each other.
I was truly expecting the plot to just be: hot guy + sexy monster holed up in the South Pole gettin' busy (which, like, yeah) so everything else in the story felt like a wonderful fringe benefit. I can't wait to see where the story takes us in the next one!
Really liked the premise, really didn't like the execution.
The story itself is an intriguing one and it starts off strong with a great set-up, but aloReally liked the premise, really didn't like the execution.
The story itself is an intriguing one and it starts off strong with a great set-up, but along the way it begins to fall off. Not through lack of plot interest, but the writing was just not doing the plot justice.
For one, things happen really fast - it is insta-lovey (which is more than fine), but it's even more than that. A lot of the book is written in summaries. Like, instead of showing back and forth dialogue from their day walking through the forest and getting to know one another, the author just writes "they spent the whole day talking and laughing" (Not an actual quote, just a way of getting my point across). But like, I wanna know what they said! Don't just gloss over the scene when you can build the characters and their relationship at a crucial point in the narrative. It kind of felt like a cop out - like the author couldn't come up with dialogue so they just avoided the details of the scenes altogether.
Speaking of insta-love, the dialogue got real cheesy real quick. Like borderline cringey - I caught myself rewriting quite a few of those lines in my mind to make it a better experience for myself.
There was also something else about the writing style that I didn't vibe with but I don't really know how to explain...it felt oddly formal? But not in the traditional sense. More like the narrative was originally written in another language and was translated to english and some of the casual sentence structure was lost in translation? There were also some oddly placed commas throughout the whole book that created breaks in sentences that made the dialogue feel disjointed and threw me off so much that I had to go back and read the sentences again as if the commas weren't there. Oh, and it was mostly written in past tense. Which shouldn't really be an issue, but the story almost felt like it was one big epilogue - I kept feeling like I was reaching the end of the story even though there was clearly a lot of book left.
Honestly, I'm not even sure if that makes sense because I had trouble pinpointing what exactly I took issue with in the writing style. Again, the plot itself has so much potential to be absolutely wonderful - I hate to sound harsh, but the story deserves to be written better.
Alexis Hall: King of the gloomy-meets-goofy cocktail.
Ash Winters is living in a muted & bleak world of grey when an adorable glitter pirate smashes inAlexis Hall: King of the gloomy-meets-goofy cocktail.
Ash Winters is living in a muted & bleak world of grey when an adorable glitter pirate smashes into his life, grabs him by the hand, and yanks him back to the world of the living through a kaleidoscope of color - salads be damned.
If there's one thing I know I can always depend on, it's Alexis' ability to find beauty in fucking everything. There's beauty in the inner workings of Ash's chaotic and chemically imbalanced mind (see: carrots) and there's beauty in Darian's bright personality and capacity to see through all that chaos to the endearingly lonely man beneath.
Not to mention, he does it all while giving us the most hilarious dialogue and quotable lines of all time. Don't even ask me how many tabs I used for this book.
There's a complexity and depth of flavor to Alexis' characters that I constantly crave and I continuously kick myself for taking so long to read more of his books. I shan't be going this long again!
I'll admit, I would get a lil stockholm-syndrome-y too if I were kidnapped by a sexy, formidable pirate with a big c**k.
I enjoyed this book so much thI'll admit, I would get a lil stockholm-syndrome-y too if I were kidnapped by a sexy, formidable pirate with a big c**k.
I enjoyed this book so much that I couldn't put it down until the early a.m. - which means a lot coming from me because I value my sleep more than anything else.
I love when a book can pull off deliciously sweet and swelteringly sexy at the same time, and, my goodness, did this book deliver on both fronts! *fans self* Seriously, I'm so in love with these two and even more in love with them as a pair.
I was really impressed with the writing! Not only was the prose beautifully written - it seemed very historically correct. Granted, I'm no expert on the early 1700s, but I loved that there weren't any modern colloquialisms that deviated from the narrative. There was also a lot of accuracy with Nathaniel's reading disability. I noticed that the author consulted an SLP when writing the story, and I appreciate the hell out of that! It's so lovely when authors put in that extra effort to ensure their writing is as accurate as possible.
So many of my favorite tropes are included in this story: enemies-to-lovers, age-gap, hurt/comfort, only-one-bed! Although I will say, the age-gap element is more geared towards the dynamic between our two MCs versus any outside judgment/influence. So if you prefer an age-gap romance with a lot of angst due to external societal judgment and the like - just a heads up that this isn't quite like that. Albeit, there's plenty of other types of societal judgment (that is very much internalized on Nathaniel's part), but it isn't because of the age gap. So, no worries, it's still delectably angsty.
This is the first book I've read by Keira Andrews, and I can assure you it will not be the last. I can't wait to read another of her books!...more
So I started something with Soul Eater and now, apparently, I am making it my life's mission to find a monster song for every book in the series. For So I started something with Soul Eater and now, apparently, I am making it my life's mission to find a monster song for every book in the series. For Edin? Couldn't be anything but Purple People Eater, especially cause he ATE.
Edin doesn't have only one eye or one horn (thankfully) but what he does have is one glorious dagger-tipped prehensile tail and he definitely knows how to use it.
This was absolutely adorable. Even in the first book, I thought Edin was the most huggable monster in the world and he deserves all the love. Pairing him with Hunter a.k.a. Mr. GrumpyPants led to some hilarious antics and incredibly delectable sex scenes.
And OMG WE GOT MORE DANNY AND WYN + some VERY satisfying & cathartic revenge. I will say, Danny and Wyn are still (and most likely will always be) my favorite couple but beyond the "first book bias", I still think there was something missing in this one. Can't really put my finger on what but, for a longer book, I feel like the romance wasn't as deep as it could have been? Still VERY good, mind you, but the standards set in Soul Eater weren't quite met for me this time around.
Honestly though, that last spicy scene damn near makes up for anything that might be lacking in the rest of the book, GOOD LORD. *fans self*
I was pulled into the hallways of Casswell Mansion with the promise of a fantastic story: a neuro-divergent found-family comprised of those both livinI was pulled into the hallways of Casswell Mansion with the promise of a fantastic story: a neuro-divergent found-family comprised of those both living and deceased. While I did get to know some beautifully unique characters, the overall plot, unfortunately, fell a bit flat towards the end.
But first, the things that I liked! I'm not sure if it was intentional on the author's part, but I appreciated how slowly we got to know the characters - methodically unpacking their various personalities and traits. Neuro-divergent or not, I feel like people have the habit of putting characters in a box based on whatever unique attribute they might display at the beginning of a book. So it was refreshing to get to know them more organically.
Another thing I enjoyed a lot was the parallels and comparisons made between neurodivergency, queerness, race, and ghosts. Morgan, our main character, makes several comments about how ghosts, while on a different plane of existence, are still people and should be treated with the same care and respect as anyone else. The book's overarching theme is that our differences, even those less corporeal, shouldn't give license to being treated differently or unfairly.
As amazing as it was to get to know the characters, the book's actual plot is where it seemed to be lacking. While slow, I'd say the first 60-ish% of the book was enjoyable because it was so heavily character-driven, but once we started to get to the more plot-driven aspects, it took a bit of a nosedive. What was supposed to be the most climactic and exciting scene in the book felt disjointed. The only way I can describe it is that instead of sitting to watch a movie yourself, it feels more like someone else is watching a movie in the next room with the door cracked, and you only get bits and pieces of what's going on. Furthermore, there are breaks in the writing and fragmented sentences that don't at all fit what's happening in the story. I don't know if that was a stylistic choice on the author's part, but the narrative loses a lot of fluidity and gets muddled and confusing.
Overall, I think the story's premise was fascinating and had a lot of potential, but the actual execution was lacking for me.
Rating: 2.5/5 stars rounded up to 3!
Thank you, NetGalley and Robot Dinosaur Press, for the ARC!...more
Good lord, I did not know a slow burn could be so torturously delicious.
When I tell you - I ADORE the characters in this book. There's Kadou, our gentGood lord, I did not know a slow burn could be so torturously delicious.
When I tell you - I ADORE the characters in this book. There's Kadou, our gentle (but also surprisingly badass) Prince with a caring heart & chronic anxiety (relatable af) and then there's Evemer - our steadfast, rule-following guard with a solid moral compass and a track record so clean you could lick it (I volunteer as tribute).
The writing? Glorious. The prose was elegant with a lovely flow that made the story almost poetic in nature. It was just a smidge clunky in the beginning but only because I had just a little bit of trouble grasping the world-building, but once my brain had the lay of the land it was all uphill from there.
I swear, I lose all sense of coherency with books that I really love so I'm just gonna let myself gush...
The best part of the writing for me was the focus on small touches. I FUCKING LOVE when writers have the ability to make the brush of fingers or the press of a shoulder feel like an internal pressurized volcanic eruption. UGH. There is NOTHING BETTER. It lights a fire in my soul.
OMFG TADEK. Can you say character development? He brought a level of hilarity that I fully did not expect and yet had me literally rolling with laughter on my bed.
There is just one thing that didn't get from this book that I desperately needed: (view spoiler)[ WHERE THE IS THE SCENE WITH EVEMER'S DEFLOWERING? Yes, we had that BEAUTIFULLY SPICY scene in the garden but I'm sorry, we can't all (read: Tadek) make fun of this man's virginity and then NOT GET A RESOLUTION. Someone direct me to the NSFW scene. It has to exist somewhere in some form and I need it like I need air to breathe. Maybe I'm just (read: definitely) a pervert. (hide spoiler)]
But overall, it was a lovely book with lovely characters and a truly fascinating plot. It's always an absolute pleasure when the characters and the plot stand well on their own.
Such a delicious slow burn, I was surprised to find that I didn't singe my fingertips on the pages.
I can always depend on Cat Sebastian to give me a cSuch a delicious slow burn, I was surprised to find that I didn't singe my fingertips on the pages.
I can always depend on Cat Sebastian to give me a comfy, cozy (but still delectably spicy) healing balm of a romance to warm my heart. It's fitting that a good portion of this book takes place in a coffee shop because, much like an excellent cup of coffee, the story is smooth as silk.
I loved everything about this book - Kit and Percy could not be more different, but they fit together so seamlessly. They're both unique and gorgeously complex characters. Every one of their interactions put a smile on my face, and since they are the main characters, it's safe to say I was grinning like a loon from beginning to end.
One thing that Cat really excels at in this one is illustrating how a simple glance can hold so much weight. Seriously, Percy or Kit would just look at each other, and I was all in a tizzy. The gazing, the staring, the leering - it's one thing to have a slow burn with soft touches and softer words, but having that tension in just a look!? Exquisite.
One thing that was a bit of a let-down was their first, um, more physical act together. After all those heady looks and the tension that was slowly built up in the beginning, it felt comparatively rushed. I wanted more for them and, frankly, more for myself. But on another note, that urgency, I suppose you could say, is explained in the narrative, and it relatively makes sense for where the characters are in that moment, so I'm not as upset as I thought I might be.
Another point to note would be that the story's climax didn't quite feel like a climax. But having read a few of Cat Sebastian's books now, I've noticed that her writing style (instead of having a singular large moment) has several, more moderately-sized, moments. While I can see how that might not suit some readers, it's something that I've actually come to appreciate because it provides a more unique reading experience. And really, that's what makes this such a wonderful comfort read.
Yes, Officer, this book right here. This is the one that assaulted me.
When I tell you, I stared at the text cursor on my screen for a good ten minutesYes, Officer, this book right here. This is the one that assaulted me.
When I tell you, I stared at the text cursor on my screen for a good ten minutes as it mockingly flashed at me - every blink coupled with my ever-growing understanding that I can't possibly put into words how this book made me feel. But I'll give it a shot.
A Little Life follows the lives and friendships of Malcolm, JB, Willem, and Jude - melancholy, mysterious, incandescent Jude. Right from the beginning, each character had so much individuality and depth I couldn't help but see tiny, little parts of myself in each of them, for good or bad. The only thing more captivating than their individual parts is the way they meld together in a friendship so profoundly beautiful that I want to cry just thinking about it. The book is aptly named, seeing as I found myself living a little life separate from my own in which I acted as a fifth shadow member of their group. While the purpose of my existence was solely to observe, I couldn't tell you how often I wanted to laugh with them, cry with them, or scream and rage on behalf of them.
As I read the book, I found that the more cracks and bends I made in the spine, the more I found in myself until it was too late; I was a ruined mess. By the last page, I was shattered. But more than the sadness from the actual story, there is a sharper, more acute despair in it being over and having to let go of these characters that I've come to know so deeply and intimately. Because no matter how much heartache and darkness is contained in its 720 pages, there are bursts of light and warmth that help to dull the blow.
I can't in good conscience recommend that anyone and everyone read this book. It's not for everyone; that's part of what makes it, to me, seemingly sacred. But if you do give it a chance, be prepared for the absolute devastation of having your world rocked thoroughly and painfully. I am so grateful to Hanya Yanagihara for creating a story that is the very definition of what it means to be human. To hurt and be hurt, to love and be loved.
“Wasn’t friendship its own miracle, the finding of another person who made the entire lonely world seem somehow less lonely?”