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For the actual bubbles that appear Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly in Ocarina of Time, see Shabom. For the recurring enemies similar in appearance, see Wisp.
Bubbles,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | FSFour Swords | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TPTwilight Princess | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[1][2] also known as Anti-Fairies,(ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages)[1] are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series. They are flying skulls that are usually seen engulfed in flames. They appear primarily in dungeons.
A Bubble is a spirit in the form of an animated skull with Fire surrounding it, sometimes also depicted with bat-like wings that it uses for flight. In many games, the main threat behind the Bubble is the Curse they inflict to those they touch, leaving the victim unable to wield a blade and sometimes other items for a brief period of time.[3] This leaves the victim open to attack from any nearby enemies and monsters. While this is their most dangerous curse, the actual effects of touching a Bubble vary from game to game; sometimes they steal Magic, in others they will simply set Link on fire or merely cause damage. Depending on the game, Bubbles may either be completely invincible to all attack, can only be affected by certain items, or can simply be killed with the Sword. Their erratic and sometimes unpredictable flight patterns, however, can make them a tricky enemy to deal with.
In several games, Bubbles come in various shapes, types, and color of flame. These different variants often feature varying characteristics, ranging between movement and attack method. Some of the most common color variants include the Red Bubble and the Blue Bubble, which appear in several games. Fire Bubbles and Ice Bubbles are another common variant, which are Fire and Ice-based, respectively.
The Legend of Zelda
In The Legend of Zelda, Bubbles are spirits of the dead which appear as animated skulls with rapid flames surrounding them.[3] They inhabit Dungeons, appearing in Level 3, Level 4, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, and Level-9 of the First Quest and Second Quest, as well as Level 1 and Level 5 of the Second Quest. They often appear in swarms along with other enemies. They move in erratic patterns and are invincible to all attacks. Instead of inflicting damage to Link upon contact like other enemies, Bubbles curse Link, disabling his ability to use his Sword for a short period of time. Link can use the Recorder to immediately dispel the curse.
Two special varieties of Bubble, the Blue Bubble and the Red Bubble, appear in the Second Quest. They can be found in Level-4, Level-5, Level-6, Level-7, Level-8, and Level-9. Red Bubbles curse Link permanently upon contact, while Blue Bubbles dispel the curse. Link must touch a Blue Bubble to end the curse, as the Recorder will not work. For this reason, Blue Bubbles are often found near Red Bubbles.
The Adventure of Link
In The Adventure of Link, Bubbles inhabit several palaces as an enemy and a type of obstacle. As previously, Bubbles retain their erratic flight patterns, but differ as they now bounce off the walls, floor, and ceiling in diagonal paths as they move. Their quick movement makes them difficult to avoid, especially in tight corridors with little space. These Bubbles no longer curse Link when they collide, but instead drain a little of his Magic and inflict some damage. While Bubbles are not invincible in this game and can be attacked with the Sword, they are one of the most resilient enemies in the game, and take numerous hits of the Sword to defeat. When they are hit, however, they briefly stop in place, allowing Link to strike it repeatedly at a rapid rate until it is defeated or until he stops.
A Link to the Past
In A Link to the Past, Bubbles appear as obstacle-like monsters that inhabit dungeons in both the Light World and the Dark World. They take on a slightly different appearance than before, as instead of a skull engulfed in flames, they resemble regular skulls with four fireballs orbiting around them. This incarnation of the Bubble behaves very much like the Bubbles of The Adventure of Link, as they bounce off the walls in a diagonal direction as they fly. They are typically located in enclosed rooms or narrow spaces where there is little room to dodge their movements. Anti-Fairies in A Link to the Past also do not curse Link upon contact, instead draining some of Link's Magic in addition to inflicting some damage. Generally, Anti-Fairies are invincible to nearly all items; with the exception of Magic Powder. If Link manages to sprinkle them with Magic Powder, they are instantly transformed into Fairies. These Fairies can then be used immediately to heal Link's injuries or be captured and put into a Bottle for later use.
There also appears a congregation of four Anti-Fairies in the Eastern Palace, known as a Bubble GroupThis name is derived from Japanese text..[name references needed] They swarm around a lone Pot in the room housing the dungeon's Big Key. The pot sits atop a Switch that needs to be hit to get the Big Key, but the pot cannot be reached with the Anti-Fairies protecting it. To dispel the group, Link must defeat all other enemies in the room except for them, at which point the group will split and fly around the room as normal Anti-Fairies.
Link's Awakening
In Link's Awakening, Bubbles share their appearance and behavior with the Anti-Fairies of A Link to the Past, as skulls that bounce off the walls of Dungeon]s. As before, they are nearly invincible Enemies that tend to occupy narrow spaces. Due to the lack of a Magic Meter, these Enemies do not drain Link of any vitals, and instead merely inflict damage when they fly into him. Bubbles can be dispelled by Magic Powder and the Boomerang, both of which destroy them instantly. In Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch, sprinkling Magic Powder on one transforms it into a Fairy. This cannot occur in Hero Mode.
Ocarina of Time
In Ocarina of Time, Bubbles appear in four different varieties known as Red Bubbles, Blue Bubbles, Green Bubbles, and White Bubbles. They take on a slightly different form as skulls surrounded in flames that fly using a pair of bat-like wings on the sides of their head. Bubbles behave much differently compared to earlier incarnations, as they no longer curse Link or drain Magic upon impact but instead burn him, and tend to fly in more predictable patterns based on the type. Bubbles come in various different colors, with each differing in their movement and approach. Bubbles can be killed with the Sword, though usually only when their flames vanish, which act as a protective barrier. They can be stunned with items such as the Boomerang to instantly extinguish their flames, making them vulnerable. They can otherwise also be killed with the Slingshot or Arrows as well. They mainly inhabit Dungeons.
Blue Bubbles can be found in the Forest Temple, hovering in place in certain rooms. If Link approaches them, they will aggressively fly toward him. Link can defend himself with a Shield to extinguish their flame and knock them to the ground.[4] On the ground, they helplessly hop around and attempt to escape Link while vulnerable. If Link places a Bomb near a Blue Bubble, they will be attracted to it, circling around the Bomb until it explodes.
Red Bubbles leap out of pits or from the lava of the Death Mountain Crater and the Fire Temple, bouncing around in an attempt to hit Link and set him on fire. They often appear at ledges that Link must jump across in attempt to hit him as he jumps. Link can defend himself with a Shield to knock the Red Bubble back.[5]
White Bubbles bear no flames of any color. They are simply the animated skull of a Bubble with no additional features, yet are still able to fly with their bat-like wings. White Bubbles swiftly glide through the air, stopping only midway to spin around before moving to another spot. They only appear in the Spirit Temple, where they appear as a pair. Since they have no flames to dispel, they can be easily destroyed with just the Sword. White Bubbles do not appear in Master Quest, making them the only enemy from the original version to be excluded from it.
Majora's Mask
Main articles: Red Bubble and Blue Bubble
In Majora's Mask, Red and Blue Bubbles based on their Ocarina of Time incarnation appear. Both types behave similarly as before: Red Bubbles will leap out from pits of lava, while Blue Bubbles chase after Link when he comes near. Blue Bubbles, however, now possess the ability to curse its victims by coming into contact with its blue flames. If Link becomes cursed, he will be unable to use his Sword for a short while, although the curse can be instantly removed by playing the "Song of Storms". The best method of dealing with both types is to defend with the Shield, which will knock out their flames and leave them vulnerable. Blue Bubbles appear throughout Termina at night, most commonly around the Ikana region, while Red Bubbles appear from the lava pits of Snowhead Temple.
Bubbles will drop different items depending on how they are defeated. They normally drop three Hearts. If defeated with a Fire Arrow, they drop a bundle of 20 Arrows. If defeated with a melee attack, they drop three Green Rupees. If defeated with a Light Arrow, they drop a Purple Rupee.[verification needed]
Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages
In Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, Bubbles appear as a skull with fireballs revolving around it. They bounce off of walls diagonally and merely damage Link when they come into contact with him. These enemies are invincible to most attacks, but can be removed by throwing the Boomerang at them.[6] They can also be blown away with Gale Seeds as well.
Four Swords
Bubbles appear in the Death Mountain stage in Four Swords. They leap out of certain pits of lava onto land and bounce around as they attack. Attacking Bubbles with the Sword will cause them to split into two smaller Bubbles that fly around at great speed. If the Links are touched by a Bubble, they will get burned and run around until another Link extinguishes the fire. Bubbles also appear in the Hero's Door stage of the Hero's Trial in Four Swords Anniversary Edition.
The Wind Waker
Red Bubble & Blue Bubble
Habitat: Tower of the Gods
Stronger Form: Blue Bubble
The cursed blue flames of the Blue Bubble steal the power away from all of your attacks. Bubbles can be easily blown away by the Deku Leaf.
Stronger Form: Blue Bubble
The cursed blue flames of the Blue Bubble steal the power away from all of your attacks. Bubbles can be easily blown away by the Deku Leaf.
In The Wind Waker, Red Bubbles and Blue Bubbles appear as floating skulls surrounded by curling flames. They fly around at their own leisure, but immediately chase after Link when they spot him, attempting to catch him on their fire. They emit cackling laughter whenever they spy or attack him. The flames of a Bubble serve as a protective barrier that shields them from Link's attacks. These flames, however, can be blown away with the Deku Leaf, causing the Bubble to lose all power as it falls to the ground as a regular skull, where it can be attacked normally. They can also be shot down with the Hero's Bow as well.
Red Bubbles appear in the Tower of the Gods and Ganon's Castle. When they come into contact with Link, they burn and set him on fire. They can also sometimes be summoned by Wizzrobes. Blue Bubbles instead curse Link when they collide into him. This sets Link on blue-colored fire and prevents him from using any items so long as the flames remain. These flames can be instantly removed by stepping into a light source. Blue Bubbles appear in the Earth Temple. The temple's Blue Fog has an identical effect.
Four Swords Adventures
In Four Swords Adventures, Bubbles are closely based on those from A Link to the Past. They are invincible enemies that bounce off of walls as a type of obstacle. Bubbles appear in the Dark World, which is accessed through Moon Gates. In the Light World, Bubbles inhabiting the relative area simply appear as shadows that will pass through the Links harmlessly. Since they cannot be harmed or dispelled, they must simply be avoided.
Twilight Princess
Bubbles in Twilight Princess closely resemble their counterparts from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, appearing as skulls with bat-like wings they use to fly with. They at first appear as regular skulls on the ground, but then grow wings and take to the air when Link approaches. Regular Bubbles do not have any flames and as such can be attacked normally with the Sword or alternately with projectile weapons, but two newer varieties, the Fire Bubble and Ice Bubble, are surrounded by flames of their element. These forms are more dangerous as they can set Link on fire and freeze him on the spot, respectively. Their flames can be extinguished with the Gale Boomerang, allowing Link to slash back with the Sword. Regular and Fire Bubbles appear in Arbiter's Grounds, while Ice Bubbles appear in Snowpeak Ruins. All three types appear in the Cave of Ordeals.
Phantom Hourglass
In Phantom Hourglass, Bubbles appear similarly to those in The Wind Waker. They come in Fire and Ice varieties, which have red flames and icy mist, respectively. If they collide into Link, they will set him on fire or freeze him. If Link is frozen, the screen will have to be rubbed with the stylus to thaw him out. Like the Bubbles of The Wind Waker, they are completely invulnerable to direct attacks while they are on fire or covered in ice mist. They can be defeated by stunning them with the Boomerang, removing their flames and rendering them as hopping skulls. They can then be attacked in any manner. The Bubbles can also be shot down with a single Arrow as well.
Spirit Tracks
In Spirit Tracks, only one kind of Bubble appears, which inhabits the Forest Temple. This Bubble closely resembles those from Phantom Hourglass, but is covered in a purple mist that is local to the temple. They simply fly about in no particular path. If they collide with Link, they simply inflict minor damage onto him. Like the rest of the purple fog in the temple, the Bubble's mist is impenetrable and protects them from being attacked directly. Their mist can be blown away by using the Whirlwind on them, stunning them and turning them into regular skulls.
A Link Between Worlds
In A Link Between Worlds, Bubbles appear in a Fire and Ice variety. They behave and look similar to the Anti-Fairies of A Link to the Past, as hovering skulls with flames of their element circling around them. They bounce off of the walls in a diagonal path as they move. Fire Bubbles appear in the House of Gales, where Link must defeat them to obtain a Small Key, while Ice Bubbles appear in the Ice Ruins. Unlike the Anti-Fairies of A Link to the Past, these Bubbles are susceptible to some weapons and can be defeated. Fire Bubbles can have their flames put out with the Tornado Rod, rendering them as hopping skulls that can be attacked normally. They will try to hop away from Link until their flames return. Ice Bubbles are unaffected by the Tornado Rod, but can have their icy mists dispelled with the Fire Rod, which will also turn them into regular skulls.
Other Appearances
Ancient Stone Tablets
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Link's Crossbow Training
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Bubbles appear as enemies in the Smash Run mode and as a Trophy.
# | Trophy | Appears in | Description | How to unlock | |
207 | N/A | Ocarina of Time Ocarina of Time 3D |
A kull wreathed in flames. If that wasn't hardcore enough for you, in Brawl they'd leave a curse on anyone who touched them. In Smash Run, the red ones attack with shocks and are weak against ice, and the blue ones attack with ice and are weak against fire. Just keep that in mind when you're taking them on, and you'll be fine. | RandomCan be obtained in Classic Mode, in All-Star Mode, in Trophy Rush, in Smash Run, or purchased from the Trophy Shop | |
Bubble |
Cadence of Hyrule
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
- Bubbles appear as unused enemies in the code of The Minish Cap; they are programmed to split into smaller versions when struck.[7]
- Skullropes in Tri Force Heroes are referred to as "Bubble Ropes" in their internal file name.[citation needed]
- While the original Bubble sprite and program behavior return in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, they are called Wisps instead.
- In the NTSC version of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Bubble's trophy claims that it appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl despite not appearing in any capacity in Brawl (they do not even have unused data within the game). This stems from a mistranslation of the original Japanese line, which actually referred to their role in the original The Legend of Zelda: 原作では、触れると剣が抜けなくなる等、呪われたような状態になる。, meaning "In the original game, when you touched them, you'd be placed under a curse where you couldn't take your sword out." The reference to Brawl is changed to refer to the Zelda series in the PAL version.
- The trophy also shows green and white Bubbles, which do not appear in the game's Smash Run.
Language | Names | Meanings |
バブル (Baburu) (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past)[11][12][13] | Same as English. | |
泡泡 (Pào pào) (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX | LANSLink's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) | OoSOracle of Seasons | FSFour Swords | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TPTwilight Princess | TPHDTwilight Princess HD)[16] | Same as English. | |
Vuurbal (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda)[14] | ||
| ||
| ||
This table was generated using translation pages. To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference. |
Other Names
These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
A Green Bubble from Ocarina of Time
An unused sprite of a Bubble, as it would have appeared, from The Minish Cap
An unused sprite of a Bubble, as it would have appeared after being struck and splitting, from The Minish Cap
A Fire Bubble from Twilight Princess
An Ice Bubble from Twilight Princess
An Ice Bubble from Phantom Hourglass
An Ice Bubble from A Link Between Worlds
Concept artwork of a Bubble from Twilight Princess
A Bubble from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
See Also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 169 (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TPTwilight Princess | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | ALBWA Link Between Worlds)
- ↑
(Cadence of Hyrule v1.0.0, Nintendo Switch (United States of America)) - ↑ 3.0 3.1
The spirit of the dead. When it clings onto Link, he won't be able to unsheath his sword for a while.
(The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 38) - ↑
Guard against its blue flame with your shield!
— Navi (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
Guard against its attack with your shield!
— Navi (Ocarina of Time) - ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 34
- ↑ "Another enemy from Four Swords. The Podoboo bounces around a lot and splits into two Mini-Podoboos when hit." — The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap , The Cutting Room Floor.
- ↑ Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 168
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 169
- ↑ L'arte di una leggenda, Magazzini Salani, pg. 119
- ↑ Hyrule Encyclopedia, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., pg. 193
- ↑ Nintendo Official Guidebook: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1, Shogakukan, pg. 134
- ↑ Famicom Dojo of Victory 13—Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Kodansha, 1987, pg. 6
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 38
- ↑ Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 210
- ↑ 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 201
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 110
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 101
- Enemies
- Bat-Like Enemies
- Bubbles
- Fire-Related Enemies
- Flying Enemies
- Ice-Related Enemies
- Invulnerable Enemies
- Stals
- Traps
- Enemies in The Legend of Zelda
- Enemies in The Adventure of Link
- Enemies in A Link to the Past
- Enemies in Link's Awakening
- Enemies in Link's Awakening DX
- Enemies in Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)
- Enemies in Oracle of Seasons
- Enemies in Oracle of Ages
- Enemies in Four Swords
- Enemies in Four Swords Anniversary Edition
- Enemies in Four Swords Adventures
- Enemies in Twilight Princess
- Enemies in Twilight Princess HD
- Enemies in Phantom Hourglass
- Enemies in Spirit Tracks
- Enemies in A Link Between Worlds
- Enemies in Zelda's Adventure
- Enemies in Ancient Stone Tablets
- Enemies in Cadence of Hyrule
- Enemies in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition