New official posters from Avatar Studios!
Source: The official Avatar: The Last Airbender Displate shop
Avatar: The Last Airbender Imbalance trilogy omnibus (all three parts in one paperback) hits shelves on August 8th, 2023. Check out the official cover art!
Live-action Appa, Momo, and other creatures will be a combination of practical effects on-set and CGI in post-production
This could potentially mean puppetry, although we don’t know that for sure. Something similar was done with “Baby Yoda”/Grogu in Disney+’s The Mandalorian. Puppetry on-set can sometimes help actors have something to act off of, and can then be enhanced in post-production with CGI to make the creature feel fully alive and natural.
We don’t yet have confirmation of what creatures will show up in the live-action Season 1, but some, besides Appa and Momo, that were featured in the animated Book One: Water were:
- Otter penguins (penguin sledding!)
- Platypus bears
- Ostrich horses
- Komodo rhinos
- Shirshu (Bounty hunter June’s pet Nyla)
- Dragons (Avatar Roku’s animal guide Fang)
We could also see creatures from Book 2 and 3. For example, we know that Fire Nation nobility will have expanded roles in live-action Season 1, which could mean we’ll encounter turtle ducks in the Fire Nation capital (Hari Bulkan) in live-action Season 1 whereas they weren’t seen until animated Book 2.
We could even see creatures from The Legend of Korra or other parts of the franchise! Polar bear dogs (like Korra’s animal guide Naga) in the South Pole wouldn’t be out of place, for example. We know the live-action cast and crew has studied and referenced expanded material from the rest of the franchise like the Kyoshi novels and Avatar Legends TTRPG, but we don’t yet know if the live-action show has the adaptation rights to other stuff or just strictly what’s in the first animated show. It’ll be really exciting to find out!
Official high-resolution renders of Aang and Appa in SMITE, from 3D character artist Jonathan Kuo.
New book revealed: Beasts of the Four Nations — Creatures From Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
The mysterious sixth artbook has been revealed, and this one is a brand-new release, not a re-release!
Listings for both a standard and deluxe version of a brand-new book called Beasts of the Four Nations have gone up on trade websites. The official description is:
Part of what everyone loves about the Four Nations is all the strange and wonderful (and sometimes scary!) creatures that inhabit them! From the Air Nomads’ flying bison, to Kyoshi Island’s elephant koi, to the Earth Kingdom’s singing groundhogs and the little purple pentapus, look to this hardcover collection for images and information on Avatar and Korra’s creatures large and small, including many from the spirit world!
• The deluxe edition includes a gorgeous slipcase, a deluxe cover treatment, an art print, and folio to celebrate the unique and wonderful creatures of the Avatar world.
The GORGEOUS cover art is by Devin Elle Kurtz.
Like the other artbooks in this series (all of which, except this one, are re-releases) there is a standard version which is just the book, and a deluxe version that comes with a print and slipcase. The spines of the slipcases of all the deluxe versions go together to make one big image.
No preview pages from inside yet, so it remains to be seen what exactly we have on our hands here. If it’s the same quality as the other artbooks, we’re probably in for quite a treat!
Beasts of the Four Nations will be available on October 13th, 2021.
The previous artbooks revealed so far in this series are:
Team Avatar! This and tons more awesome content available for preorder now in Avatar The Last Airbender: Legacy of the Fire Nation.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Funko Pops are here!!!
Finally the whole set is revealed!! Here’s the official description:
Aang on airscooter with a glow in the dark Chase is available as a Hot Topic exclusive.
Azula is available through the Funko Insider Club at GameStop.
Coming in January!
They look SO GOOD, these things are ridiculously cute. And there’s so many!! Which ones are you after?
Avatar series
Season 1
the Air
Part Three
the Fire
Part Two
Part Three
Part One
Part Two
Part One
Part Three
Part 2
Part 1
Part 3
in the archive