This starts of a little dry, but eventually finds its pace.
The writing is very readable, the dialogue flows easily and feels natural. The tension 3.5⭐️
This starts of a little dry, but eventually finds its pace.
The writing is very readable, the dialogue flows easily and feels natural. The tension and pacing were breathtaking once it took off. I almost wanted to skip, just so I could find out what happened next.
The FMC was beautifully flawed, with a more balanced reality, rather than some OTT, special snowflake [I love me some Buffy on occasion, but I need a relatable character also].
Would have loved more background on her, but have no doubt that’s coming in the following novel. This is the introduction, and just a snippet to tease us into continuing, and for me personally, it succeeded.
The few issues I did have, were of a personal preference.
Some like their descriptions brief, limited, allowing their own imaginations to build the worlds Others, want flowery, highly detailed prose. Some even prefer a precise, graphic style.
I like colours, lots of colours, texture and smells. This delivers on the later two, particularly after the start, but lacks the first. It left me feeling like I was in the dark at times.
Also, if you’re French, this will be of no issue, whats so ever, but for poor plebeian, wallflower me, the constant influx of unknown names, places, and references, left me floundering at times. A tighter focus and more details on a few, rather than a little on many, would have helped.
Okay, so Nerd Moment, my absolute fav of this, was the authors note at the end. It gave the details I was missing, both in folktale narratives and origins, but also the descriptions of the surroundings. It was beautiful, evocative, passionate, and contained all the imagery within words, this poor homebody needed to bring it to life.
For the right reader, this would easily be a 5⭐️ ...more
-Think ‘Sons of Anarchy’, but cheesy and rushed. -The dialogue is too wordy, over explained, and comes across Not offensive, just a weak story. DNF 49%
-Think ‘Sons of Anarchy’, but cheesy and rushed. -The dialogue is too wordy, over explained, and comes across as fake. -The story moves too fast, too easy, too fake. -The FMC is copacetic with everything, too cool, too perfect. -Never got a real feel for the MMC, he was too flat. -The MC was a washed out version of S.O.A., and presented as all acceptable ...more
I started this series [all diff authors], because of the PNR MC plots, not the RH, but I’d hoped that would be a fun addition Epic Genre Fail. DNF 88%
I started this series [all diff authors], because of the PNR MC plots, not the RH, but I’d hoped that would be a fun addition [only one I’ve partially enjoyed was B2 so far].
Hard noPe on all accounts with this one.
The FMC has a clear hierarchy of favourites from most to least. Unless the MMC’s are total submissive’s, this won’t work. As an additional personal issue, it was all sex, and no relationship development, no steam, no romance.
As for the MC: the president [FMC], failed to take care of the club, killed without justification, failed to protect the members, and behaved more like a villain that needed to be put down. Add on the fact that she was running around doing work better delegated, instead of work that couldn’t be, and not only is she a dictator, but a lousy one of those as well.
Nearing the end, I just got frustrated and bored, couldn’t even be bother to skim the end, the FMC was just so unlikeable and the whole focus of the story, sooo.....more
FMC is a Special Snowflake Bimbo. Yes, she suffers from brain washing, but the clues are slap you in the face obvious at times, and she respondsDNF 40%
FMC is a Special Snowflake Bimbo. Yes, she suffers from brain washing, but the clues are slap you in the face obvious at times, and she responds by running away, pretending you didn’t say it, understand, or cry’s.
There is so much else I could complain about, but her helpless personality, and soft spoken words, that alone was enough to send me running.
I’m only giving it 2 ⭐️ and not 1, cause the writing was technically well done, and deserves acknowledging. Others may very well find this to their tastes....more
2.5 ⭐️ P.G. Cheesy fluff. Not equal to B1, or even B2.
This is my least fav out of them.
The constant melodrama all through the start. I was so sick of 2.5 ⭐️ P.G. Cheesy fluff. Not equal to B1, or even B2.
This is my least fav out of them.
The constant melodrama all through the start. I was so sick of reading about the ‘incomplete bond’. Being ‘told’ how much pain Greyson was supposedly in despite no sign, no evidence, nothing whatsoever to indicate. Never shown it so we could believe it, or any of the resulting storyline’s.
I’ve mostly lost all respect for Pip with this one, and in parts, just don’t even like her. As a side character, she would still work, but as one of the leads and love interest, nope. She’s too selfish and incredibly immature. Especially with Greyson being older, more mature, and already an established leader. Pip was just too young.
It was blatantly obvious her whole drama was based on fear, and nothing to do with altruistic reasoning for Greyson. Completely selfish and immature reasoning which I could forgive, if she hadn’t been set up as moral support and conflict resolution for the pack, as well as some sort of strategic genius…
Despite the known dangers and all the risks being put on others, she continuously procrastinates doing her part. Whether research, magic practise, not going off on her own, working with others…she fails to treat seriously or own up to, or attempt to deal with any of her issues, dramas and insecurities, it’s all, yeah-later.. ...more
This is VERY British! If you’re familiar with those old Britt sit-coms, the ones that use snarky comments as humour, bleak co2.5 ⭐️DNF 39%. Not for me.
This is VERY British! If you’re familiar with those old Britt sit-coms, the ones that use snarky comments as humour, bleak colours, and lots of tea? That’s this book. Think ‘Open all hours.’, ‘Are you being Served?’, etc..
Combine that with gapping holes in logic, to up the Britt humour and ridiculousness.
The FMC supposedly has been seeing and interacting with ghosts since she was 6, but still doesn’t know how to do so subtley. Instead draws as much attention as possible, and complains about the results. ...more
I’m greatful to have the answers and resolution. But it was so abrupt, so slap happy fast and done.. This was somewhat of a flat clim3⭐️’s on the nose.
I’m greatful to have the answers and resolution. But it was so abrupt, so slap happy fast and done.. This was somewhat of a flat climax. Five episodes, I mean books.. to reach a conclusion that fills a bit over one chapter.. ...more
This wasn’t bad. In fact, it was really well written.
However, for my personal tastes, it didn’t quite work. I like a slow burn, espNot what I hoped for.
This wasn’t bad. In fact, it was really well written.
However, for my personal tastes, it didn’t quite work. I like a slow burn, especially when it’s developing the relationship and personalities. This wasn’t doing that though. It was more hinting at things to come, arguing, and creating fillers. Plus, the plot itself was a total slow burn. We spent an entire book, just making it barely a third of the way through. Action scenes were very few, brief, and very lightly detailed.
The world building is another very low build, dragging things out more than necessary, and making parts confusing [clearly meant to be mysterious and suspenseful, but just frustrating and aggravating for me].
The world is filled with those who lack empathy or any real sense of compassion. Which doesn’t add, considering the whole ideology behind their belief system.
Moreover, a few plot holes I suspect are planned to be resolved [I hope], in upcoming books. But leave me wanting to shout at the story, or swear at how it doesn’t make sense.
Basically, I found the whole experience an unending exercise in frustration.
I liked the story idea, but not the execution. I loved the writing, but not how slow it all was. I liked the suspenseful parts, but there wasn’t enough. I liked so much about the characters, but large chunks seemed missing. I liked the flashes of humour, but again, not enough.
This is a really good book, but I think, just not for me.
I figured out what my problem is with this authors works.
It’s her handling of relationships, and who the FMC are within them. Pretty much2.5 or 3⭐️…???
I figured out what my problem is with this authors works.
It’s her handling of relationships, and who the FMC are within them. Pretty much all of her writing is awesome, outside of that [Though I don’t think much of her friendship support. They repeatedly stand by while horrible things are said or done to their besties. They may fume and a growl in the moment, then poof, nothing. While guys, who are supposed to possessive and protective…nothing.].
Didn’t work for me. It felt very messy, all over the place plot wise, with the characters very immature, chaotic, and sharply edged.
The FMC is sup2.5⭐️
Didn’t work for me. It felt very messy, all over the place plot wise, with the characters very immature, chaotic, and sharply edged.
The FMC is supposed to be a mature cop, but sounds and behaves like a bad trope for an urban fantasy badass, who works alone, swears, does whatever she wants-though highly moral, throws herself at danger-with no clue how-but can ‘take care of herself’, never gets fazed-too cool and tough, 4 out of 5 clichés..
I didn’t dislike anyone exactly, but I definitely didn’t like them either.
Full on contradictions, and continuity issues. The FMC claims, and is said by others, to have strong morals, but is always spying, eavesdropping, snooping, and basically behaving like an entitled teenager.
Too many story threads were introduced, while only one was wrapped up, but only by introducing more with its conclusion. This on top off many others still remaining to be resolved. It felt more like a B-grade 80’s TV action-fantasy.
Some will love this, others will be either bored, or completely put-off.
I prefer something more solid, evidence built, with complicated characters, and more resolution. The world building alone was only halfway done, deliberately. Moreover, despite the supposed age, experience, and their lifestyle, the MC’s felt like living with those encompassing frat house mentality’s , or the ‘cool-mean-kids’, who ‘underneath are all broken, but otherwise decent’, blah blah blah.
Think a more snarky 21 jump St, but way less resolution or real friendships, or feel good morality ...more
So close to either DNFing, or giving this a much lower rating. Funnily, read another review that said the same. They also agreed that it was only savedSo close to either DNFing, or giving this a much lower rating. Funnily, read another review that said the same. They also agreed that it was only saved by a change much later in the book, around chapter 37.
Before: It’s slow. It’s random. It’s shallow. We get moments of action, followed by the FMC being ditsy, clumsy (despite so much training in the previous book?). The ditz humour could have worked, if balanced with more solid personality aspects. But we didn’t get that.. Instead she would cry, go on about her feelings, then put it all aside and indulge herself. Alcohol, food, dancing, you name it. Out of sight, out of mind. It really put me off her.
The MMC’s were always ‘doing’, action, sexy. But we never really learned about them… Their likes, dislikes…we know all of hers, but so little of any of theirs.
So much went wrong at one point, it was depressing. I need my angst and suspense balanced with moments of hope, strength, not silliness and avoidance.
Further, we are given no reason for the FMC’s desire for the A-hole MMC. I really got annoyed with the FMC going on about how he shot her wing with an arrow (book 1), but never mentions the torture when he tied her to the tree…? The arrow, while horrifying, made some sense. She was an unknown, at a distance, and previous circumstances had always led them to expect the worst.
Once she ‘arrived’ [fell] however, it was certainly obvious it was something else. So now, the torture of her wing, leaving her tied for hours, injured, cold, alone…this is the part he really needs to answer for. (He never does).
But then in part he does answer for he behaviour in general (just never specifics). He grovels, he offers explanations, but not excuses.. she realistically hesitates … but then gives in all too quickly … it’s the style-trope-formula ...more
I don’t like Ronak. I don’t like that the other 2 just stood by and allowed him to behave in a way they knew was wrong. I don’t like that she is so naïvI don’t like Ronak. I don’t like that the other 2 just stood by and allowed him to behave in a way they knew was wrong. I don’t like that she is so naïve and forgiving where they are concerned, especially considering all her knowledge and experience that she would have gained.
If somebody could just give them oh so many nut crunches, I would love this story. That they end up doing so many other things right, doesn’t absolve or erase sins of that magnitude. If not for those issues constantly going through my head, issues introduced from the beginning, I could of easily seen this being a 5⭐️. But I hate when alpha-a-holes aren’t required to apologise or make any sort of [aware] amends. Where the FMC always has to be the bigger person, kinder, more forgiving. Especially when they-he doesn’t deserve it.
You know I’m gonna be re-writing conversations in my head all through the next book. Making them say the needed words the author won’t require of any of them… Pshsst, just give ‘em some sad, pathetic backstory, and they’re suddenly absolved of all responsibility, regardless that the female is never given the same leeway, and always has to prove herself ...more
This is so much fun! Really easy to read, some funny moments, great characters, and a strong female lead.
That last part however, is part of my pr3.5⭐️
This is so much fun! Really easy to read, some funny moments, great characters, and a strong female lead.
That last part however, is part of my problem, why I didn’t give it a higher rating. She’s too perfect.
I found it hard to relate to her, to connect. She’s not the fantasy superhero we try to imagine ourselves as. She’s real, easy to imagine in reality, someone we’ve all met before. That perfect, confident, popular, gorgeous, nice ‘girl’. The one we want to hate cause she’s everything we’re not, but you don’t have a good reason for it. You just end up slightly intimidated, trying to please help, while also conversely trying to avoid her..
Ha ha, that about sums up my feelings while reading her. Loving it, while also wishing for her to fall on her face a few times ...more
Enjoyed much of this, but was surprised by the FMC immaturity at points. Plus her unprofessionalism considering her supposed history and training.
Some Enjoyed much of this, but was surprised by the FMC immaturity at points. Plus her unprofessionalism considering her supposed history and training.
Some parts of this just didn’t jell.. But otherwise enjoyed. Very abrupt ending....more
A quick, fun, talented, solid read. Slightly on the ridiculous, touches of dark, evolving mystery, potential romance, good quality snark, and a poeticA quick, fun, talented, solid read. Slightly on the ridiculous, touches of dark, evolving mystery, potential romance, good quality snark, and a poetic demoness. What more do you need?...more
Poor editing. Missed opportunities - dragon onesie!, yet little to no description, no comments, no real reaction from Corrigan either, what a wast2.5⭐️
Poor editing. Missed opportunities - dragon onesie!, yet little to no description, no comments, no real reaction from Corrigan either, what a waste!...more
Has a rough start. The justification for the MMC romantic angst, is flimsy and lessens him as a leading male.
The middle is good, fun, engaging, but mosHas a rough start. The justification for the MMC romantic angst, is flimsy and lessens him as a leading male.
The middle is good, fun, engaging, but mostly disjointed, as if lacking cohesion as a planned story. Rather, it feels haphazard, with everything being made up as it goes.
The writing is still exceptional.
The ending is too easy, too abrupt, too ridiculous in places. I seriously don’t understand the FMC insistence on being present at the end, or why she was ‘the only one’ capable of succeeding, really cheesy ...more