I had no idea that I was signing up for Maverick Insurance Mysteries: Glamping Edition but I'm hereeee for it!
In our series conclusion, we go on a litI had no idea that I was signing up for Maverick Insurance Mysteries: Glamping Edition but I'm hereeee for it!
In our series conclusion, we go on a little adventure to the wilderness and the plot gets that much more wild too. The change of scenery brought some added fun and really mixed things up. Really, the only thing that hasn't changed is Perry and Nate's absolute, perfect, incomparable, steadfast adoration for each other. They're so cute I want to die. So cute that I'm not even that mad that they keep having sexy fun times without letting us in on the fun.
I love that M.J. switched things up this time with the mystery - in previous books, the reader was privy to things that our characters weren't, so it was an anticipation game of us just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This time, we were treated with a completely unpredictable plot twist that was divine, to say the least. It's not often that a mystery can actually kind of surprise me, so it made for a good time.
I'm so sad that Perry & Nate's story is over, but I honestly think it ended perfectly. ...more
Nico's milkshake brings all the alphas to the yard and Charles is like... [image]
Moo-ving. Udderly amazingThis is cream of the crop PWP (pun intended).
Nico's milkshake brings all the alphas to the yard and Charles is like... [image]
Moo-ving. Udderly amazing. Legen-dairy.
Listen, I don't always use homoerotic male lactation to bring myself out of a reading slump, but when I do - that shit apparently works like a charm. This was as hot as it was absolutely fucking ridiculous (in a fun way) cause like- [image]
As short and plot-lite as it was, I still really liked our MCs. It was a quick, fun, horny read and I enjoyed it. There isn't really much more to say.
Kink Spoiler: (view spoiler)[ Also, there's mention of mpreg, knotting, & fisting in this but it's not what I would call a TRUE mpreg/knotting/fisting book so I'm not adding those tags; but it's in there if that's your jam. (hide spoiler)]...more
There are very few books that inspire me to create a new GR shelf, but this is one of them. The title of the shelf, you ask? Medically Inadvisable SexThere are very few books that inspire me to create a new GR shelf, but this is one of them. The title of the shelf, you ask? Medically Inadvisable Sex.
This book is somehow simultaneously exactly what I expected and not at all what I expected.
I expected this to be a fairly simple read (we're all familiar with palate cleanser books by now), and it was! If I'm being honest, the writing was almost a little toooo simple? Enough that, once I started, I was tempted to stop almost immediately. The story seems to call for more formal/fantasy-esque language but the vernacular was, at times, glaringly modern and colloquial. But, I'm not here for the next great american novel, I'm here for green goblin butt porn (I said what I said).
Now, normally, a book like this is almost immediately placed on my "cliterature" shelf but there's something about this book that stops me from shelving it as such: it's more quality than quantity in nature (though, fair warning, the quality isn't anything amazing either). Not only does it take a while before our MCs so much as touch each other with any kind of heat; once they do, it's really only a few times. The sex scenes themselves aren't anything particularly amazing but what IS amazing is some of the...shall we say, positional choices(?) that our MCs make. I'm trying really hard not to spoil it but there are some things that (anatomically) don't quite make sense but that I also find deeply intriguing - hence, "medically inadvisable sex".
As far as the plot goes, it was just okay and I felt most of it was really unnecessary. Frankly, I don't choose books like this for the plot - especially when there is significantly more plot than smut. Seriously, this book is like 90% actual plot and 10% smut and that, to me, is woefully imbalanced with my own expectations. Like I said, the plot itself wasn't anything particularly amazing so I found myself wanting to skim more often than not.
I'm also tempted to shelve this as "mpreg" because there are some thrown in mpreg elements in the epilogue but, if it's not a main attraction in the actual storyline, I don't like officially categorizing it that way.
Overall, it was okay. I'm tempted to rate this as a two because the writing/plot was fairly mediocre but the MCs are sweet and the interesting(?) sex choices I mentioned before (that I truly can't decide if I like or not) are enough to bump it up just a bit, so...
Rating: 2.5 rounded up to 3 stars!
Merged review:
There are very few books that inspire me to create a new GR shelf, but this is one of them. The title of the shelf, you ask? Medically Inadvisable Sex.
This book is somehow simultaneously exactly what I expected and not at all what I expected.
I expected this to be a fairly simple read (we're all familiar with palate cleanser books by now), and it was! If I'm being honest, the writing was almost a little toooo simple? Enough that, once I started, I was tempted to stop almost immediately. The story seems to call for more formal/fantasy-esque language but the vernacular was, at times, glaringly modern and colloquial. But, I'm not here for the next great american novel, I'm here for green goblin butt porn (I said what I said).
Now, normally, a book like this is almost immediately placed on my "cliterature" shelf but there's something about this book that stops me from shelving it as such: it's more quality than quantity in nature (though, fair warning, the quality isn't anything amazing either). Not only does it take a while before our MCs so much as touch each other with any kind of heat; once they do, it's really only a few times. The sex scenes themselves aren't anything particularly amazing but what IS amazing is some of the...shall we say, positional choices(?) that our MCs make. I'm trying really hard not to spoil it but there are some things that (anatomically) don't quite make sense but that I also find deeply intriguing - hence, "medically inadvisable sex".
As far as the plot goes, it was just okay and I felt most of it was really unnecessary. Frankly, I don't choose books like this for the plot - especially when there is significantly more plot than smut. Seriously, this book is like 90% actual plot and 10% smut and that, to me, is woefully imbalanced with my own expectations. Like I said, the plot itself wasn't anything particularly amazing so I found myself wanting to skim more often than not.
I'm also tempted to shelve this as "mpreg" because there are some thrown in mpreg elements in the epilogue but, if it's not a main attraction in the actual storyline, I don't like officially categorizing it that way.
Overall, it was okay. I'm tempted to rate this as a two because the writing/plot was fairly mediocre but the MCs are sweet and the interesting(?) sex choices I mentioned before (that I truly can't decide if I like or not) are enough to bump it up just a bit, so...
J.F. Miev is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
This book is SOOOOOO unserious and I fucking loved every delectable second of it. Having a maJ.F. Miev is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
This book is SOOOOOO unserious and I fucking loved every delectable second of it. Having a mafia romance book with a double bi-awakening between two himbo-but-badass, kinky cinnamon roll MCs is the delicious chocolate cake that that I was craving and it's (YUM) frosted with the sweetest, whippiest lightheartedness.
Really, this book was just so much fun. I AM OBSESSED WITH LEO - THAT ADORABLE ASS MOTHERFUCKER WHO COULD ALSO IMPRESSIVELY BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA ANYONE. His character is just a riot of color and his golden retriever energy paired with Chai's wickedly-sexy-black-panther-but-is-really-just-a-cuddly-house-cat WAS SO STINKIN' ADORABLEEEEE.
Literally, this is Chai when he's on mafia duty: [image]
This is Chai when Leo is around: [image]
And this is Leo 24/7: [image] [image]
But if the adorableness is impressive, THE HEATTTTTTT IS- [image]
Even just reading these two FANTASIZING about each other was getting me all hot and bothered, GOOD LORD. And then we add the fact that both of these men are just immediately unbothered at how gay they are for each other and how they're so unapologetically eager to explore their interests and kinks?? [image]
Not to mention the banter and humor! It was so much fun and sweet without being cheesy and once you get past the "climax" (of the background plot cause Leo & Chai had more than one climax, rest assured *wink wink*), it just gets even more silly and ridiculous from there. It was really refreshing to read a book that has traditionally darker themes that isn't dark at all - it's a ray of fucking sunshine and I'm happy to bask in it any day.
ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOO [image] Just gonna leave that there.....iykyk and if you DON'T know, go fucking find out if you wanna laugh your ass off.
(view spoiler)[THE ONLY TEENY TINY LITTLE ITTY BITTY part that I had a problem with is that Leo made Chai wait SIX FUCKING MONTHS before he finally topped him and that is a long fucking time to make him wait, Leo. Do better. (hide spoiler)]
Rating 4.5 rounded up to 5!
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
Dude...LITERALLY, I don't KNOW how I feel. This is gonna be a hard one to rate...
Cause here's the thing: Book 1? FabHmm...I don't know, y'all.
Dude...LITERALLY, I don't KNOW how I feel. This is gonna be a hard one to rate...
Cause here's the thing: Book 1? Fabulous. Amazing. Wouldn't change a word of it. And you would THINK the vibes and energy of Book 1 would flow into Book 2...but they don't, really. SOMETHING is off and I think I'm having trouble pinning it down because it's more than just one thing.
The book starts strong af; right where Silk & Sand left off. And I was even excited because Seth and Raider IMMEDIATELY communicated any and all misunderstandings which was a FUCKIN' RELIEF cause if that carried through the whole book, I would've literally died. But then that conversation seems to just happen over and over and over again throughout the book? As in, they have small disagreements/arguments but talk and come back together. Which, like, DUH, that's the definition of a relationship, but it felt like EVERYTHING ELSE in the book took a back seat to those conversations? And also their make-up sex?
Like even Seth and Raider as characters seemed to take a backseat to all the fucking and crying and FEELINGS.
DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I still love those two with my whole fucking heart and I love a good Soft Dom/Brat Sub sex scene (more than you know) but there were SO MANY OF THEM that it overshadowed everything else. There is a reason why this book is on my "cliterature" shelf and Silk & Sand was not.
Guys. Girls. Gays. If I, Sarah the Smut Slut™, am saying there are too many sex scenes!? That means something.
And where that gets difficult is that all of these scenes are STILL SO SO SOOO GOOD. But the quantity and timing of them all makes for a book that lacks...finesse.
Though, what I'm truly most upset about is Raider (my fav character, obvs). I know that he goes through a lot more because he's confronting his past for most of the book but it made me sad that a lot of his vibrancy and sassiness was lost in this one. Again, after all the trauma he's been through, I can understand some of a difference in behavior and personality but he almost seemed like a different person. Because of that, we hardly get any of the banter and humor between him and Seth that we got in the first book.
Everything outside of their relationship (i.e. the plot lol) was still REALLY good - I liked the things that happened but because of the PACING of those things and how it all became background noise(?), it didn't quite reach the potential that was outlined in Book 1. Things happened fast and the ending, especially, felt SUPERRR rushed.
UGHGH, I'm on the verge of rambling but BASICALLY, if I had to summarize it, Silk & Sand contained and promised a lot of depth that Silver & Gold just didn't quite deliver.
BUT AGAIN, I still very much love these books and these characters which is why I'm so torn between ratings. I might end up changing my rating after letting it settle more but for now...
Rating: 3.5 rounded up to 4!
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
Drinking Game: Take a shot every time the MCs get lost in each other's eyes.
And if you need something to soak up all the booze, don't worry - you canDrinking Game: Take a shot every time the MCs get lost in each other's eyes.
And if you need something to soak up all the booze, don't worry - you can make a pretty impressive charcuterie board with ALL THE CHEESE.
Honestly, it probably would've helped if I was drunk for this one. It's all the social anxiety and awkwardness of losing your virginity for the first time but on steroids because the MCs are in their 30s. Which, by the way, I'm not judging. What I AM judging is the awkwardness paired with CLOYING SWEETNESS that makes me want to book a dentist appointment. I've read many a low-angst/insta-love book, but this one...wow. It's a Hallmark Christmas movie minus the Christmas & heavy on the Hallmark.
(view spoiler)[How was no one mad!? At any point?? The one moment of contention/angst was brushed under the rug like it never happened. I get that Drew had his reasons and if Zach chose to forgive Drew for LITERALLY LEAVING HIM ALONE IN A HOTEL ROOM WITH NO EXPLANATION AFTER LOSING THEIR VIRGINITIES TO EACH OTHER AND FUCKING MERGING SOULS OR WHATEVER, fine. But not even Jen, his guard-dog BFF, is going to be REASONABLY upset with Drew on his behalf!?? I'm all for her being #TeamDrew but AT LEAST BE MAD AT FIRST!? (hide spoiler)]
Is it still a cute story and did I at least avoid DNFing? Yeah, sure. But, authors, listen up. NEW RULE: A scene where a character *says an awkward thing* and then goes "Oh my god, did I say that out loud?" SHOULD ONLY HAPPEN ONCE IN AN ENTIRE BOOK. I don't give a FUCK. If it happens more than once, YA LOST ME. You had me at "hello" and you lost me at "omg I didn't mean to verbalize my thoughts but you're just so hot, look how cute and quirky I am."
Tl;dr Gay Virgins with Big Feelings.
Rating: 2.5 but, I'm sorry, I have to round down on this one cause I'm not feeling 3 energy.
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
"sMuT iS jUsT poRN, iT's NOt inTElLecTuALly stIMulATiNg nOr dOeS iT hAVe tRuE suBStAnCe blah blah blah" Well TODAY, I learned what docking is, so you "sMuT iS jUsT poRN, iT's NOt inTElLecTuALly stIMulATiNg nOr dOeS iT hAVe tRuE suBStAnCe blah blah blah" Well TODAY, I learned what docking is, so you can go fuck yourself (the vanilla way, you square). Just cause it's porn doesn't mean you can't LEARN somethin'. Alexa, play A Whole New World on max volume.
If you think I DIDN'T google it immediately to get a visual on what the fuck I just read (and to make sure it's physically possible), GUESS AGAIN, BITCH AHAHAHAH
If nothing else, I did it so you don't have to. You're welcome.
OKAY FINE, we like Tristan. Love him, actually. Fuckin' adorable ass psycho. AND WHO BETTER to be paired with this emotionally stunted jack-of-trades-you've-never-even-heard-of (WHY DOES HE KNOW THAT THE POSSUM IS AMERICA'S ONLY NATIVE MARSUPIAL LOL) than an even more emotionally stunted scarily large and scarily hot mute mechanic whose maladaptive coping mechanisms seem to match his JUST RIGHT!?
Lord have mercy, the way in which a "Your crazy matches my crazy, let's be crazy together" plotline gets me off is fucking unreal. Signed with my blood, Sealed with my tongue, and Delivered straight to the little folder marked "NOT PORN" in my brain that hides all my weird quirks and kinks.
AND AS IF ERIN RUSSELL WASN'T ALREADY SPEAKING MY KINK-LANGUAGE, we're gonna throw in emergency med references left and right!? Hi, my name is Sarah, BSN, RN and THIS IS MY SHIT. Every reference to trauma-induced compartmentalization, constant dehydration, and THE FUCKING BANE OF MY EXISTENCE THAT IS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE spoke straight to my fucking soul. Erin...lovebug...my sibling in Christ - if there's a hill you chose to die on in this book, I was right there with you, babe. Blood in, blood out.
Maybe will come back to write a legit non-word-vomit review, but until then I hope you enjoyed the ravings of a mad woman. Til next time, sluts.
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own (clearly lol).✧...more
Maybe one day I'll manage to get my irritation under control enough that I can write an actual review...but today is not that dLiterally, I'm so mad.
Maybe one day I'll manage to get my irritation under control enough that I can write an actual review...but today is not that day.
Not a SINGLE character was likable and instead of having to think about them to type out a review, I'd rather work towards erasing this book from my memory all-together.
Here's a bunch of gifs that summarize how I felt, instead:
Not only is Roe the absolute KING of all things dirty-nasty-delicious-smutty-smuCause of Death: Cuteness Overload
Roe, you BRILLIANT ass motherfucker.
Not only is Roe the absolute KING of all things dirty-nasty-delicious-smutty-smut, APPARENTLY, he has another jewel in his crown (that I was not yet aware of) in the form of the CUTEST WRITING I'VE EVER READ!?!
And, yeah, we've all read cute ass books but HERE's where it gets fuckin' wild - not a SINGLE line in this book even encroaches into cringe territory. This is MILES away from cringe. DO YOU KNOW how talented an author has to be to make my heart feel like it's hemorrhaging sparkly pink goo at every page turn WITHOUT including at least one line that makes me flinch from secondhand embarrassment?? THIS CHEESE HAS NO MOLD. THIS FLUFF WILL NOT CLOG YOUR LINT TRAP.
It's cute, it's cozy, it's charming, it's sweet BUT, true to every Roe classic, the SEX IS SEXING. It's not as wild or cum-guzzly as some of his other books but (in my totally unbiased opinion), I think the heat level matches the story PERFECTLY. Wouldn't change a word of it.
This is just one of those books that makes you LOVE love, ya know?
Whoever said fucking the guy that murdered your fiancée wasn't an effective coping mechanism can take a seat.
This is my first book by this author so Whoever said fucking the guy that murdered your fiancée wasn't an effective coping mechanism can take a seat.
This is my first book by this author so I really had no idea what to expect but what I truly did NOT expect was becoming ABSOLUTELY ADDICTED to this story.
Here's the thing - I have always, always, always had a thing for sci-fi romance books. Make it MM? Sign me up. Make it a unique & thrilling murder-mystery-meets-convoluted-intragalactic-coup-d'état? Fuck me up, fam. Throw in a dash of toxicity, a heaping scoop of vacillating power imbalances, and a limitless amount of uncontrollable attraction? Run that shit through my veins.
While we do get some higher heat towards the end, this is definitely a slooow burn as advertised. I actually really enjoyed the pacing of Aiden & Darren's relationship; I think it works for the plot and their characters and I like how hard Aiden tries to fight his growing attraction - it'll make their relationship development in the second book all the more satisfying. Especially since all Aiden really gives into is the physical side of the attraction so I'm eager to see how things change for them emotionally.
As far as the plot goes, I like to think I've read enough space operas to know when I've found something unique and this is definitely within that realm. While the details of the plot are delightfully innovative, the book still follows the traditional track of a true space opera in that it still has a considerable amount of non-romance elements. Which, in this case, I actually prefer. While I anticipate the second book being a lot more romance-heavy, I like that I kind of have to work for it.
In terms of critique, the only one I really have is that the writing could be a tad rough and, at times, repetitive. But it wasn't enough to discourage me from keeping the nit-picky part of my brain firmly in the "off" position and letting myself just enjoy the story.
I need the second book NOOOOOW.
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
I know we're getting an Erasmus spin-off, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to some of these characters just yet.
I know we're getting an Erasmus spin-off, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to some of these characters just yet.
Okay, so as far as the review goes...I feel like my feelings towards our main couple versus my feelings towards the overall story/past couples need to be separated to effectively discuss the book.
While I think Phlox and Leon are very sweet and I enjoyed reading their scenes together, I wasn't completely invested the way I've been with past couples. Even though it's written strictly through their two POVs, I found I was more interested in everything going on outside of their relationship. Especially because theirs is a fated-mates type relationship, it kind of felt quick and like we didn't get enough time to really get invested in their romance before the overarching plot takes over the story. If I'm JUST rating their romance? 3 stars.
HOWEVER, all that shit goin' on in the background? Easily 5 stars. I loved the interactions between all the couples and how their individual personalities/talents stood out.
The only thing that I wish was different about this book was that - since there was a point in the book where it transitioned from Phlox & Leon's romance to being about everyone, I kind of desperately wish we got POVs from past characters in the second half of the book. ESPECIALLY SEDRICK AND PHIL OH MY GAWDDDDDD I would sell my soul to the devil to get more of those two and see those last few scenes through their POV. Actually, if I let myself be really real and really selfish, I want a version of this book written completely in their POV plus a little more at the end. I'm a perpetual victim of the first-couple-in-a-series bias but I don't even care. Phil & Sedrick > everything; fight me on it.
But, since those are all just musings of a desperate woman (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me), I'm not gonna count any of it against the book and just average out the two separate ratings I mentioned before. ...more
Pairing the absolute sweetest with the absolute scariest just HITS DIFFERENT *chef's kiss*
I HAVE BEEN DYINGGG for Hellfire Rayburn's chance at love anPairing the absolute sweetest with the absolute scariest just HITS DIFFERENT *chef's kiss*
I HAVE BEEN DYINGGG for Hellfire Rayburn's chance at love and MJ did not disappoint.
Even though he's the literal embodiment of all things hot fire flames, Ray is ICE. COLD. And who better to melt his chilly fairy heart than the cutest, sweetest, most selfless zombie boi to ever exist.
Guys, I wanna live in this world sooo bad. The fact that I don't have a scuttlebutt perched on my shoulder at all times of the day is truly a travesty. I loved that Trinket was basically a living personification of their relationship: absolutely adorable meets terrifying as hell. Didn't think I'd ever yell "GOOD GIRL" as a fictional fuzzball rips out a grown man's throat but here we are.
MY ONLY QUALM...I feel like the spice kind of flip-flops in these books? It kind of seemed like they were increasing in spice level as the series went on (like the author was getting more adventurous in adding in spicy elements) but, for how much Wendall talks about wanting to be intimate with Ray, the spice is virtually nonexistent and we're kind of just left imagining what it WOULD be like. Idk, I just feel like if you're gonna have the characters talk/think about intimacy a lot and frequently use the word "cock" in the writing, it teases the idea that we'll have closure in the form of a spicy scene. But instead, we're blue-balled to the point of pain.
BUT, with that said, I feel like docking an entire star just because I'm a horny, horny goblin monster is mildly extreme (PLUS I reeeeally loved everything else) so...
Toxic, Turbulent, and fuckin' Tasty with a Capital T.
FUCKIN- [image] [image]
This is a work of fucToxic, Turbulent, and fuckin' Tasty with a Capital T.
FUCKIN- [image] [image]
This is a work of fucking art and honestly, probably one of the best debut novels I've EVER read. THE FIRST PANCAKE RULE DOES NOT APPLY HERE.
Not only is the writing just stunning on its own, but the characters, the plot elements, the little details, even just the way the story unfolds - EVERYTHING is so unique and refreshing and different and frankly, I could go on and on and on about the things I loved about it.
I FUCKING LOVE ALEK AND IAN WITH MY ENTIRE HEART AND SOUL. If you look up "codependency" in the dictionary, their relationship should be the first example you see and y'all already know how I feel about codependent relationships. [image]
And this isn't any of that sweet, soft, subtle codependency that mentally stable people claim to enjoy, no, no, no, no, this is more akin to something like [image] AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE A SINGLE LETTER OF IT. FUCKING AMAZING. It's deliciously toxic (at least at first) because they're human and they're flawed and imperfect but they're perfectly imperfect TOGETHER and it's so beautiful and so sweet and just GO FUCKING READ IT, it's phenomenal....more
“You ready for another mistake?” his deep voice whispers harshly in my ear.
Me: [image]
Well, this was a sweet lil firecracker of a story.
I really
“You ready for another mistake?” his deep voice whispers harshly in my ear.
Me: [image]
Well, this was a sweet lil firecracker of a story.
I really liked it! It's not anything complex, but the story is juuust detailed and long enough to be an excellent read. While I haven't read Immoral (yet), it wasn't hard to jump on to the love train and see the relationships and how everyone connects.
I loved Waylon & Justin as characters and I especially loved that, even though they've been pining for each other for the better part of a decade, the story starts off nice 'n quick with hardly any delay (especially in the spice department). I gotta say, there's something about a frantic fuck that really does it for me; nothing is hotter than characters who just can't keep their hands off each other.
Also, I don't know if this is common for Nicole Dyke's writing since this is the first of her work that I've read, but I really appreciated how, when one the boys felt hurt or rejected or scared, they'd react with a little bit of bitterness. Not only was it hot to see just the dashiest-dash of toxicity, but it made their characters feel all the more authentically imperfect. I looove a character with flaws!!
Overall, a cute lil read! And after seeing Waylon's relationship with Grady & Ryan, I will definitely be reading Immoral very soon!
✧While I received a free e-arc from GRR, all thoughts are my own.✧...more
Bro, pour me some wine, cause you could make one helluva charcuterie charDUDErie board with all that cheese.
Angst? Conflict? Who're they? Never met 'Bro, pour me some wine, cause you could make one helluva charcuterie charDUDErie board with all that cheese.
Angst? Conflict? Who're they? Never met 'em. It's just familial love, brother bonding, and doggy-style boning as far as the eye can see. I ain't even mad.
Brad is still balls deep in his Soft Boi Era™ (except for when he's in active labor lol), Raul is still the ever-adoring alpha, but the focus is very clearly shifting (hehe, pun) away from their love story. I'm excited to see the dynamic between Devon & Constantine and I'm kind of glad that the author kept most of it from us and saved it for their own series.
MY ONLY QUALM is that we were TEASED with the fact that male omegas can lactate, and yet, we never got to see Brad's flabbergasted (and I'm sure colorfully vulgar) reaction to seeing milk come out of his nips. Like, fine, he's a daddy now - but he's still BRAD.
Which, like, is very sweet obvi but respectfully, BRING BACK THE 'TUDE.
WHAT DO WE WANT!?SASSY-AND-EMOTIONALLY-COBrad has entered his Soft Boi Era™.
Which, like, is very sweet obvi but respectfully, BRING BACK THE 'TUDE.
Yo, also - FUCK that bitch Catalina. What I wouldn't give to just [image] BRAD WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU. Fuckin' lemme in this book, I'll kill her myself.
Also, big fan of when intense/serious conversations are happening and I suddenly remember that everyone is having this convo buck-ass naked because they just shifted. I wouldn't last a minute in this world, I'd just be standing there [image] [image]...more