
18 Pins
Dr. Jacob Van Den Meerendonk, PT, DPT on Instagram: "Hip mobility exercises for “tight quads” 1. Hip IR with pole: 3x10 with 2-3s holds 2. Hip ER stretch: 3x 30 seconds 3. Hip IR active range (w/ band): 3x10 4. Hip flexor up and overs: 3x10 #hipmobility #hipmobilityexercise"
Ravash Nahavandi on Instagram: "Here are the 7-way hip stretches and benefits. Hip mobility is essential to the proper full functioning of the hip joint. Make sure you internally rotate the femur prior to these motions! This is an important part! You can do some straight leg internal rotation pails & rails to kind of “open up” Space if you don’t have it! Start with 3-5 reps each direction and work your way up baby! Your glute medius should feel like it’s abducted and tested by ALIENS at the end of it! But In a good way! Some of his favourite exercises and stretches include: * Hip abduction * Hip flexion * Hip extension * Flexion / Extension C * Circles forward and backward * Bicycles #mobilitytraining #mobility #mobilityexercises #hipmobility #kneepain #kneepainrelief #hipflexors #hi
Cory Payne | Online Posture & Movement Coach on Instagram: "Is pinch in the front of your right hip getting in the way? Our inherent asymmetries can cause movement limitations in our body that can affect our everyday lives. Let’s get that hip feeling better with this simple exercise! #hippain #righthip #asymmetries #hipsolution #posture #mobility #hippain #impingement #physicaltherapy"
Lauren Ohayon | Pelvic Floor Empowerment on Instagram: "This is a wonderful sequence for your low back, pelvic floor and hips. It is nourishing, gentle, strengthening and mobilizing. Targets main players of tension in #pelvicfloor and #lowback issues. Inner thigh Hips Glutes Core Outer hips No rushing please. The set up matters. 💡 You begin by finding your range and getting your body familiar with this movement. No need to mimic my range. Settle in to your body and be curious and open about what you find. 💡Your left foot is active in pressing the block and active in spreading the left thigh outward. That is where we target the glutes and inner thighs. 💡After you roll back to the semi circle - find the “top” of the circle. Get the spread again. So you have 2 touch points to fi
246K views · 5.5K likes | Taylor & Alisha Kruse on Instagram: "Does your IT band still feel tight!? 😤 Well let’s get to work! This exercise may be a big help!🙋🏻‍♂️ Step 1: Assess your IT band to see how it’s moving and feeling! Step 2: Perform this lateral femoral cutaneous nerve glide on the side that’s bothering you! (8-10 reps) Step 3: Reassess how your IT band is moving and feeling! Better same or worse!? 🤔 Did that work for you? Let me know in the comments! Hope this helps! - Taylor 👊🏻"
426K views · 13K likes | Kasie Tedrick LMT, CSCS, CFL3 on Instagram: "💡Hip Mobility💡 . If I could pick only one small mobility drill for the hips, it would be this simple shin box routine. A lot of people lack adequate rotation in the hips, and you need good rotation to get deep into both hip flexion and hip extension. I find a lot of lower back dysfunction actually stems from poor hip functioning. Additionally, the rotational capacity of the hips tells us a a lot about the health of the joints. Do yourself a favor, get on the floor and work your hips. . External rotation: 3-5 sets of :10 isometric + :15 sec passive stretch Internal rotation lift offs: 3-5 sets of :10 isometric . #Mobility #ManualTherapy #HipMobility #Stretch"
127K views · 2.8K likes | Megan Dahlman on Instagram: "🙋‍♀️ Do you have SI Joint pain? Piriformis syndrome? Sciatica? Low back pain? Or even knee pain? Stop what you’re doing and try this 👆. Seriously. This slight tweak to a traditional hamstring stretch will be a game changer for you. [💥 PLEASE NOTE: If kneeling is too difficult, you can do this same stretch standing with your heel up on a chair.] The trick is in the “windshield wiper” action. Here are your steps: ✅ Make sure you pelvis is arched out (stick your tailbone out) ✅ Feel the classic hamstrings stretch ✅ Then rotate your foot inwards and outwards without losing your posture. You should feel this along the inner and outer edges of the back of your thigh. Amazing, right?! Is hip pain or back pain something you’ve
4.2M views · 335K likes | Deependra singh shekhawat on Instagram: "•Strengthening your hip flexors can help you maintain good posture and core stability. •Can improve mobility and prevent injury. •Draw knees toward the chest. . . #hipmobility #hipflexorstrength #hipflexorexercises #trackandfield #sprinter #athlete #workworkworkworkwork #gym #gymmotivation #fyp #trending #trendingreels #trendingaudio #explore #reels #consistency #keepsupporting"
Elena | movement specialist on Instagram: "HIP MOBILITY Try this movement to improve your internal hip rotation and hip mobility. This can help relieving tension in your hip and might help alleviating lower back pain. Go for 2 sets of 8-10 reps daily. #hippain #mobility #move #movement #heup #hippainrelief #pijn #mobiliteit #mobiliteitstraining #pijn #beveging"
762K views · 18K likes | VICTORIA ROSE on Instagram: "Improve your hip mobility with these 3 stretches👇🏼! 1. 90/90 - 3 Way Stretch 👉🏼 30 sec each position. 2. Laying Pretzel Stretch 👉🏼 60 seconds each. 3. Laying Internal Hip Rotations 👉🏼 6 each (5 sec hold). Complete 1-2 sets of each exercise DAILY to improve your hip mobility and learn how to go from sitting to standing without using your hands! YOU got this! 🧘🏽‍♀️ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✨ Clinical Exercise Physiologist. ✨ I help people lose weight, get stronger, and live healthier lives. ✨ 1-on-1 coaching with custom online workout & meal plans. ✨ DM “learn more” to take the first step in becoming the healthiest version of yourself! 💛"
Anabelen Aranton on Instagram: "The one thing that helped me get to a stronger deep Core ,Glutes , mobile and flexible hips with a lengthened and functional pelvic floor ❤️ If you are suffering from pelvic floor and deep core issues, check out my Free 6 part video Series and comment "core back immersion" and i Will send you the link to your inbox and access the Free series 🦋 Experience the benefits of the single leg bridge in a figure of 4 position, alternating with the knee to chest piriformis stretch and hamstring stretch, while also targeting your pelvic floor muscles! Strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, and pelvic floor, improve hip mobility, and alleviate tension in the hips, lower back, and pelvic floor. Let's prioritize flexibility, mobility, and pelvic floor health! 💪 1️⃣ Sing
2M views · 57K likes | James Moore on Instagram: "WEAK glutes can cause as much lower back discomfort as tight glutes can, so working in occupations or positions that require prolonged sitting can lead to tightness in the lower back area and weakness in the glutes! Try this exercise to strengthen your glutes. 3 sets of 8 each leg! FOLLOW to relax your body! #backpain"
Kristen Bos | Doctor of Physical Therapy on Instagram: "Stubborn Sacroiliac joint pain? LETS FIX THAT 💪🏻 ✅ This pain frequently is caused by a stiffness and/or a weakness in the hip! This results in extra load being placed on the sacroiliac joint that it is not designed to handle causing extra friction, irritation and pain. Give this simple exercise a try at home for the next 2 weeks and watch your pain melt away. #sacroiliacjoint #sacroiliacjointdysfunction #SIJ #SIJpain #sacroiliacjointpain #sacroiliacjointexercise #treatyourpain #treatyourself #hipmobility #hipstrength #PRI #functionalstrengthening #painfreeliving #painfree #physiotherapy #PT #choosept #physicaltherapy #movementismedicine Disclaimer: this is not medical advice"
Rune Åbø on Instagram: "Se selvbehandling for lysk og stramme lår med et kosteskaft. Hvis du ikke har et kosteskaft kan du bruke albuen eller noe annet som ligner. Husk at det du bruker er butt eller rundt i enden. Husk å ikke overdrive. #lyskestrekk #lyskeskade #lår #hofte #smerter #skade #selvbehandling #smertefri #vondt #kosteskaft #behandling #helse #bedrehelse #skadefri #frisk"