This was such a twisted tale that ending just the way it should have. Myst and Wroth both did unspeakable things to each other, however I was completeThis was such a twisted tale that ending just the way it should have. Myst and Wroth both did unspeakable things to each other, however I was completely on Wroth's side the entire time. In my eyes, she deserved everything she got, just like he said. She was beyond manipulative. How dare she get mad when he realizes how she blindsided him! In all reality he was completely honest in what he was doing and why he was doing it. ...more
This is the toughest series i have had to get through in a long time. It is so tragic. No i know on some level, darkness runs through me. I usually fiThis is the toughest series i have had to get through in a long time. It is so tragic. No i know on some level, darkness runs through me. I usually find enjoyment in something this demented, not to say that I didn't. I just found it hard to concentrate. There was definitely pleasure, however, there was sadness and pain. I feel for Aaron, he does everything in his power to hold on and survive. ...more
Where do we begin???? I had no idea what would happen with Norah and Liam. I figured everything would end with rainbows and unicorns but apparently soWhere do we begin???? I had no idea what would happen with Norah and Liam. I figured everything would end with rainbows and unicorns but apparently someone had something different in mind.
Here we go agin down this long path of how do we be a couple! The beginning was unnecessary and obviously overdone, no matter how hot it was. Norah has no spine when it really matters. I don't see how standing your ground leads you to orgasm in only 5 minutes. I'm just saying!
On the other hand, they are a very complicated couple. Things are never quite how I expected them to be. I actually get a little surprise every now and then. The thing that pissed me off the most is how unreasonable Norah was when Liam found her. I get it, honestly, but how can you repeatedly say how much you miss him and how you miss his touch and on and on, just to neglect the person who is killing themselves trying to help. Ugh why???? It contradicts itself.
OAN: It would have been better if we were kept in the dark about the kidnapper until Liam found the book. A little suspense goes a long way. Especially with Tiffany's wild assumptions being thrown around. ...more
This was extreme! This was all about how intensity can shape you and either turn you into who you are meant to be or who into who you new master wantsThis was extreme! This was all about how intensity can shape you and either turn you into who you are meant to be or who into who you new master wants you to be. Which will it be????
I had a hard time answering that question myself. Jonathan was just beyond dominant. He was on a level all by himself. I wasn't sure if how he went about things was right. I was just as confused as Bran. He was lost with no real understanding of the foundation Jonathan was laying out for him.
As a Dom, Jonathan failed. The keys to a healthy lifestyle and relationship is communication. Without communication you have chaos. No safety, no limits, no security.
This book hit a lot of nerves for me. Good and bad, on a sexual and mental level. Definitely an enlightened experience of how much the small things matter. ...more
I am speechless. Where do i start??? This book had me in tears by the end. I wasn't ready to handle the situation without the happily ever after. Big I am speechless. Where do i start??? This book had me in tears by the end. I wasn't ready to handle the situation without the happily ever after. Big spoiler i know, sorry.
I had a hard time getting into it. It took me days to get through the first 12 chapters. But after that, it seems like everything went south. Shit just started happening left and right. I was trying to keep up it. Abuse, kidnapping, coercion, blackmail, murder, suicide, family, love. So much packed into a small package.
What i must say to all, DO NOT be discouraged by the slow beginning or the quirky writing style. This is a must read for those who love hot sex with a twist and plenty of action. Once you get past the introductions you will not want to put it down!!!!!...more
This has actually been on my shelf for a long time. It was a pretty good read. I might go back and read the rest of the books even though Ben's story This has actually been on my shelf for a long time. It was a pretty good read. I might go back and read the rest of the books even though Ben's story just seems to have been the darkest. ...more