Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

20mm Prussian Napoleonic army

Partly because I'm still finding it difficult to motivate myself painting the 7YW figures I thought I'd look at some of the early Garrison Napoleonic figures I did about 5 years ago.

Starting with the Prussians...

Prussian artillery. The guns are Rose French Napoleonic guns, the crew are simply Prussian heads put on French bodies.

The command stand officer is another conversion - slightly modified Austrian officer.

Pretty much a generic regiment, possibly Pomeranian. 1st Generation PN8, Line infantrymarching. 

Landwehr, officer and standard bearer are conversions.

The main unit consists of PN12, Landwehr marching

This lot seem to be Russian cuirassiers mounted on Prussian horses. They paint up quite well as Prussian cuirassiers. I don't think this figure was ever issued.

It also works well as Prussian Dragoons.

Prussian Hussars, simple head swap with a Prussian head on a ? hussar - can't remember what!

General of unknown nationality - don't have it in any catalogues but it's quite useful as generals and senior offices. Which is why I painted a few up.

If I ever got round to it, must paint up some Guard figures.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

7 Years War infantry


I'm pretty much treating this army as a glorified DBX unit with 12 figures per infantry unit, 6 figures per cavalry unit - the cavalry representing 2 squadrons in the WRG Wargames Rules 1685-1845.

My complete army so far is one infantry regiment and 3 guns, a limber and 1 gun crew. By putting the crews on individual bases I don't need crews for every gun!

I'm also painting up a unit of cuirassiers - must remember that the trumpeter doesn't have a cuirass...

Naturally my main reference, including copying the flag, is the Greenwood & Ball 1st edition of Uniforms of the Seven Years War. (Well, the book was included with Garrison...) A second, slightly extended, version is available from 18th Century Press. I should note I have no connection with these other than letting them use materials I hold copyright for! When I come to do a Dragoon unit I'll be using a British drummer figure as the book says the Dragoons used drummers ):

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

 From Steven:

'I’ve been meaning to send some photos of Beach Head since I was there earlier last month. By my

standards, I didn’t spend too much. I’m not short of figures to paint right now, so I just got some

replacement grass tufts (used a lot recently), some dice, a few paints, a starter set of pigments (to

try something new). I did get a 15mm Orc house (Baueda) which should do well as a prehistoric

building too, and a book about German tank markings. I have plenty already, but it looked good, and

I felt like I would regret not buying it.' 

Monday, 10 March 2025

25mm French Napoleonic infantry


Infantry now done. I'll get this lot and the cavalry posted on 'Pages' later.

Friday, 7 March 2025

25mm French Napoleonic cavalry

Not getting much painting done at the moment, but having a good go at getting photos sorted.... currently working on the last 25mm Garrison Napoleonics, specifically the French cavalry.

Probably two thirds of the way there so far...


Thursday, 27 February 2025

Garrison Byzantines

This lot have now been added to the Pages menu: and


Monday, 24 February 2025

7 Years War Prussian artillery

 In a bit of a messy period re periods and painting. I've got the Byzantine moulds back so should be getting on with then, meanwhile sidetracked by the 7 Years War...

Prussian gun crew, very much basic wargames standard!

There are four artillery figures for each of the powers.

I'm thinking of doing small armies of four nations - Austria, Prussia, Britain and France. Garrison don't do Russians and I probably won't do  a Hanoverian army. The Austrian one will be done last because I already have an Austrian army that I bought on ebay - very low chance of doing another...

One thing I will be looking at is very small armies - 3 12 man infantry units, 2 6 man cavalry squadrons and 1 gun crew with a choice of 3 guns!