Attack Techniques[edit]
Name | Kanji/Kana | Romanization | Dub | Description | |
Heat Viper | [6] | ヒートバイパー | Hīto Baipā | Heat Viper/Poison Wing/Sizzling Viper[7] | Shoots heat rays from its mouth or four hands. Even if an opponent tried to dodge this, the shock-waves of this attack would knock them to the side. |
Hybrid Arms | [6] | ハイブリッドアームズ | Haiburiddo Āmuzu | Attacks with its four arms. |
Evolves From[edit]
- Airdramon (with Monochromon, Garurumon, Skull Greymon, Kuwagamon and Kabuterimon)[8]
- Algomon (Adult) (with a Vaccine or Data Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Angemon[10]
- Any Adult Digimon from the Battle Spirits Card Game (excluding Chrysalimon, Numemon, and Scumon)
- Any Composite Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[11]
- Any Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[12] (with or without any Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game)[12]
- Aquilamon[13]
- Bakemon[14]
- Betel Gammamon[15] (with or without a Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[15])
- Birdramon[10]
- Blade Kuwagamon[16]
- Coelamon[16]
- Cyclomon[17][18][19]
- Dark Tyranomon[20]
- Deltamon[4][21][17][18][22][23][24]
- Devidramon[25]
- Devimon[26][7] (with or without Kabuterimon[27] or Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Greymon and Garurumon[28] or with a Vaccine or Data Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- DigiXros from certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[29]
- Dobermon (with a Data or Virus Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Flare Lizamon (with a Data or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Garurumon[21][10][26] (with or without Monochromon, Kabuterimon, Skull Greymon, Kuwagamon and Airdramon[8], Greymon, Greymon (2010 Anime Version), Greymon (Blue), or Greymon (X-Antibody)[27] or Devimon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon and Kuwagamon)[28]
- Garurumon (Black)[21] (with or without Greymon, Greymon (2010 Anime Version), Greymon (Blue), or Greymon (X-Antibody)[27])
- Garurumon (X-Antibody)[21] (with or without Greymon, Greymon (2010 Anime Version), Greymon (Blue), or Greymon (X-Antibody)[27])
- Greymon[21][20][17][18][26] (with or without Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), or Garurumon (X-Antibody)[27], or Devimon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon and Garurumon)[28]
- Greymon (2010 Anime Version)[21] (with or without Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), or Garurumon (X-Antibody)[27])
- Greymon (Blue)[21] (with or without Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), or Garurumon (X-Antibody)[27])
- Greymon (X-Antibody)[21] (with or without Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), or Garurumon (X-Antibody)[27])
- Guardromon[17][18]
- Gulus Gammamon[15]
- Kabuterimon[10][26] (with or without Monochromon, Garurumon, Skull Greymon, Kuwagamon and Airdramon[8] or Devimon[27] or Devimon, Kuwagamon, Greymon and Garurumon)[28]
- Kuwagamon[26][7] (with or without Monochromon, Garurumon, Skull Greymon, Kabuterimon and Airdramon[8] or Devimon, Kabuterimon, Greymon and Garurumon)[28]
- Kyubimon[5]
- Kyubimon (Silver)[5]
- Lopmon (with Warp Evolution)[30]
- Meicoomon[31]
- Mojyamon (with a Data or Virus Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Monochromon (with Kabuterimon, Garurumon, Skull Greymon, Kuwagamon and Airdramon)[8]
- Monodramon (Warp Evolution)[32]
- Nanimon[33][6]
- Nefertimon[13]
- Orgemon[34]
- Rinkmon[5]
- Rukamon[19]
- Scumon[34]
- Sephirothmon[35]
- Shellmon[34]
- Skull Greymon[36] (with or without Monochromon, Garurumon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon and Airdramon)[8]
- Stingmon (with a Data Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Togemogumon[5]
- Unimon[14][34]
- Whamon Adult[19][10]
- Witchmon (with a Data or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Yukidarumon[10]
Evolves To[edit]
- Anubimon (with a Vaccine Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from any Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Lv.6 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Armagemon[13]
- Bancho Leomon[16][34]
- Chaosdramon[15]
- Chaosmon (with Darkdramon)[37]
- Crossmon[38] (with or without Metal Greymon, Metal Greymon (Virus), or Metal Greymon (X-Antibody)[39])
- Deathmon (with a Data or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Deathmon (Black) (with Nanomon)[40]
- Done Devimon (with a Virus Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[9])
- Grandis Kuwagamon (with Triceramon and Kumbhiramon or Triceramon (X-Antibody) and Kumbhiramon)[41]
- Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode[13]
- Megidramon[9]
- Metal Etemon[16]
- Millenniumon[24][36][42] (with or without Mugendramon[43][44][45][22][28][34][42], Moon Millenniumon[35], or certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[42])
- Moon Millenniumon[25] (with or without Mugendramon)[22]
- Mugendramon[20][46][47] (with or without certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[47])
- Omegamon (X-Antibody)[16]
- Plesiomon[19]
- Rosemon[19]
- Seraphimon[14]
- Tonosama Mamemon[10]
- Tyrant Kabuterimon (with Metallife Kuwagamon)[16]
- Ultimate Brachimon[15]
- Valkyrimon[48][13]
- Zeed Millenniumon[23] (with or without Millenniumon and Mugendramon)[49]
- Zhuqiaomon (with Any Perfect Digimon)[50]
Digimon Adventure 02[edit]
The Digimon Kaiser used data of many Digimon (The torso of Greymon; the head of Kabuterimon; the hair of Metal Greymon; the legs of Garurumon; the wings of Angemon and Airdramon; the tail of Monochromon; and the arms of Kuwagamon, Skull Greymon and Devimon) to create Chimairamon to be his servant and obliterate the Chosen Children. He eventually realized that he lost control of Chimairamon due to the dark power of Devimon. The only thing that saved both Ken and the Chosen Children from it was Magnamon, with some aid from Wormmon, obliterated him with Extreme Jihad.
Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]
A Chimairamon is shown as part of Tobari Ren's Collection in "The Honor Student is Being Targeted! Blossomon's Smile".
Digimon Adventure:[edit]
In "The God of Evil Descends, Millenniumon", Sephirothmon evolved into an incomplete Chimairamon. During the episode, its body formed, and once it was fully formed, it fused with Moon Millenniumon to become its new body, Millenniumon.
Digimon Xros Wars[edit]
Shademon (as Shademon (Nene Ver.)) Force DigiXrossed several captured Digimon (including a Monochromon, a Garurumon, a Skull Greymon, a Kuwagamon, and an Airdramon) into a Chimairamon in "Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles". She then DigiXrossed it with a Mugendramon to form Millenniumon.
Several more DigiXrossed Chimairamon were used by Twilight in "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!".
Digimon Dreamers[edit]
Chimairamon makes a cameo in "Steal Pulsemon!", as a Digimon in Dr. Vademon's monitors, with Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon in stasis tanks. Dr. Vademon is also researching a Super Chimairamon and wants to use Pulsemon's Localized Evolution data for it.
Digimon Liberator[edit]
Chimairamon is the Partner Digimon of Horaiji Chitose and the first Level 5 Digimon to rampage in Lacuna in the past.
During "Shinjuku Giant", at the start of the seen part of the fight, Horaiji had a BT18-015 Chimairamon in his Raising Area. Horaiji had another Chimairamon in his Security, which was revealed by Altea's BT20-052 Oblivimon's effect, then destroyed thanks to the Jamming he inherited from BT20-005 Caprimon. At the start of the next turn, Horaiji evolved his Chimairamon into BT18-073 Mugendramon. He then DigiXrossed three Deltamon[N 1] in his hand into BT19-070 Chimairamon, which then deleted both Horaiji's Mugendramon and Altea's BT20-050 Hover Espimon. He then used said Mugendramon's When Destroyed effect to Jogress Evolve it and Chimairamon into BT18-019 Millenniumon.
During the last turn, Horaiji had another Chimairamon in his hand, which he intended to DigiXros into another Millenniumon, but ultimately didn't do so.
Video Games[edit]
Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan[edit]
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]
A Chimairamon and a Mugendramon, stated to have been previously defeated by Taichi and his friends, are mentioned to have fused unexpectedly to create Millenniumon. In Anode Tamer's storyline, Chimairamon is a lesser form assumed by Millenniumon, serving as the pre-final boss before revealing its true form.
Chimairamon is an obtainable Digimon, unusually treated as an Ultimate in the game. It is exclusive to Anode Tamer, and can only be obtained on the sixth floor of the third post-game dungeon, which appears behind Gennai's house after reaching a total play time of 20 hours. It requires 400 Digivice points to recruit. When a Chimairamon and Millenniumon befriended by Ryo are deployed together in battle, they can learn Apocalymon's Ankoku Variable, which is the strongest of all damaging Variable Techniques.
Pocket Digimon World series[edit]
Chimairamon can evolve from Dark Tyranomon or Greymon in the first version, Unimon or Bakemon in Wind Version, Rukamon or Whamon in Cool Version, or Cyclomon or Leomon in Nature Version. It can evolve into Raremon (any Version), Mugendramon (first version), Seraphimon (Wind Version), Plesiomon (Cool Version), or Rosemon (Nature Version).
Digimon World 2[edit]
Chimairamon is an unavailable Digimon normally in the game, but can be obtained by transferring a Chimairamon from Pocket Digimon World by using save file on Memory Card. Unlike on Pocket Digimon World, it is treated as Ultimate level instead of Perfect level. It does not evolve from any Digimon.
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]
Digimon World 3[edit]
Chimairamon is a wild Digimon that can be found on Asuka Dark Dungeon, and is also used by A.o.A's Qing Long Chief and the real Qing Long Leader. Its attack may be able to put Digimon into sleep.
Chimairamon is also available as a Perfect Red card with 29 AP / 27 HP. Three or more Chimairamon cards on the field will create a Mugendramon combo.
Digimon Story[edit]
As Babamon explains to the Player and Pagumon, Old Canyon was originally an area in the Digital World known as File Island, but then an evil Chimairamon appeared and turned it into an evil place. Then, a Tamer and an Andiramon fought the Chimairamon, but they lost.
After Pagumon evolved into Andiramon, an urgent mail arrived from the Union, warning Tamers that Chimairamon had appeared at Junk Factory and they should not go there as it was too dangerous. Andiramon has one last request for the Player which they know without being told - to battle Chimairamon. The Player points out that someone has to do it, and Andiramon decides to go and protect the Digital World. Culumon then gives the Player the address to Junk Factory.
Deep in Junk Factory, the Player and Andiramon come face-to-face with Chimairamon. The Player could feel its overwhelming power, but Andiramon refused to lose, and both charged at the beast. After defeating it, the Player congratulates Andiramon for finally doing it, but Andiramon points out it was thanks to the Player. Last time, his Tamer had gotten so scared that he ran away and left Andiramon behind, then he died and was reborn with a sense of despair towards Tamers, but the Player stayed with him to the end and gave him strength and encouragement, so Andiramon had complete trust in them. However, Unknown-D's voice suddenly boomed, questioning Andiramon's faith. The Player blamed Unknown-D for creating this Chimairamon, which he admitted to, so it'd defeat them and prove Digimon didn't need Tamers to Andiramon and the rest of the Digimon, but his efforts ended in failure.
Chimairamon serves as a Machine-type, unobtainable boss Digimon. It occupies three spaces on the battlefield.
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]
Chimairamon can be evolved from Devidramon if above Level 44, Dark EXP 11000, and already befriended Chimairamon. It can evolve to Moon Millenniumon if above Level 66, Spirit 370, and already befriended Moon Millenniumon.
Digimon Masters[edit]
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]
Digimon Life[edit]
Digimon Xros Arena[edit]
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]
Digimon Collectors[edit]
Digimon Crusader[edit]
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]
Digimon Fortune[edit]
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]
Chimairamon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]
Chimairamon is available as a Digimon Card.
Digimon Linkz[edit]
Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]
Chimairamon is available as a Digimon Card.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]
Chimairamon is available as a Digimon Medal. It also has an unused model in the game files.
Digimon ReArise[edit]
Digimon RPG[edit]
Digimon New Century[edit]
Digimon Super Rumble[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
D-Ark Version 1.0/1.5[edit]
D-Scanner 2.0[edit]
Digimon Accel Justice Genome[edit]
Chimairamon evolves from Blade Kuwagamon or Coelamon. It can evolve to Bancho Liomon or Metal Etemon. It can also Jogress with Metallife Kuwagamon to evolve into Tyrant Kabuterimon.
Digimon Xros Loader[edit]
Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]
D-3 Ver.15th[edit]
Digimon Pendulum Z[edit]
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]
Digital Monster COLOR Ver.3[edit]
Vital Bracelet BE[edit]
Hyper Colosseum |
| ||||
Digimon Jintrix | |||||
Battle Spirits | |||||
Digimon Card Game | |||||
Image Gallery[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02 | Sketches for Digimon Adventure 02 Model Sheet (Digimon Adventure 15th Anniversary Blu-ray) |
Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers (battle) |
Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers (icon) |
Digimon Story (battle) |
Digimon Story (map) |
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight (battle) |
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight (map) |
Digimon ReArise (dot) |
Digimon Masters | Digimon Linkz | Digimon New Century |
Digimon Collectors (Card) |
Digimon Collectors (EX Card) |
Digimon Collectors (EX-2 Card) |
Digimon Collectors (RE Card) |
Digimon Crusader (Card) |
Digimon Crusader (Card) |
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer (Carddass promo card) |
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer (Carddass promo card) |
Illustration for the Battle Spirits Collaboration Booster 11 |
Virtual Pets[edit]
D-Terminal | Digimon Accelerator (Blast Mode) |
D-Spirit | Digimon Xros Loader | Digimon Pendulum Z | Vital Bracelet Digital Monster |
Digital Monster COLOR |
Additional Information[edit]
- Featured Articles
- Digimon
- Digimon with profiles on Digimon Reference Book
- Digimon added to the Digimon Reference Book in 2007
- Digimon with profiles on Digimon Life
- Perfect Level
- Ultimate Level
- Data Attribute
- Composite Type
- Nightmare Soldiers
- Unknown
- Digimon introduced in 1999
- List of Digimon in Digital Monster Card Game
- List of Digimon in Digimon Card Game