"Evil deeds do return to their source. They always come full circle, and their evil will never end until the circle is broken."- Dungeon Master (Dungeons & Dragons, The Animated Series)
Every now and then patterns emerge in my
reading. They have varied over the years from unwittingly picking up detective
stories, one after another, featuring magicians or medieval armory, but they're
usually nothing more than coincidences – either that or the ghost of Harry Stephen Keeler has been hanging around longer than we thought.
The mystery novel set at a convention is
now officially a pattern, having previously reviewed Isaac Asimov's Murder at the ABA (1976) and Matt Forbeck's The Con Job (2012), with this
additional review of Sharyn McCrumb's Bimbos of the Death Sun (1987) –
which won the Edgar statuette in 1988 for "Best Paperback Original." Except
this time it was premeditated and have no regrets!
Dungannon can be called a commercial success, whose books have spawned games and a Saturday morning
cartoon show Dungannon's Dragons, but ignored when it's time to pass around the
awards. Granted, Dungannon's vile temper also does very little for his
popularity, however, they make for great anecdotes and draws larger crowds to
cons. And I have to admit, I took a liking to that fire-breathing pixy when he
spit a verbal dress down at his fans during a costume contest: "shut up,
cretin, I'm vilifying you." Delivered like a comedian!
The first hundred or so pages are devoted
to these sorts of events that happened at Rubicon, and even though it wasn't my
world at all, I appreciated the guided tour that spun a background for murder.
I'm always willing to take peek in a strange and different world, and
SF/Fantasy fandom is a strange and different world to say the least! Bimbos
of the Death Sun takes its time to show you around and meet many peculiar
characters roaming the place. Like the visiting Scottish folksinger, Donnie
McRory, who stumbles around the con like Arthur Dent slogged through space and
time or Monk Malone, who's really good at being a fan, and than there are
Clifford Morgan, only man brave/stupid enough to cosplay as Tratyn Runewind
while Dungannon is in attendance and the "Guarantuan Femmefan," Brenda
Lindenfeld – among other aspiring writers, fanzine editors, wargame players and more fans. I should also mention that the book has a bunch of nifty, comic-style
illustrations of most of the characters that you meet.
Another thing worth mentioning is that
characters discuss "electronic mail" and deem paper mail as a thing of the
past. Home computers, portable printers and technology were firmly present in
this story, but they hadn't quite caught up yet with the ideas of their
creators/users. But the most interesting part was perhaps to see that these
SF/Fantasy cons, from Mack Reynolds' The Case of the Little Green Men
(1951) to Matt Forbeck's The Con Job, have stayed the same in spirit.
Well, at least in the realm of fiction.