50th Anniversary Jubilee Celebration
March On Washington
August 28, 1963
This coming Wednesday, August 28th marks the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, as well as the extremely iconic I Have A Dream Speech. This event is of great significance and arguably represents the last great moral moment in American history. This entire week, I will be covering the significance of this event in detail.
If you read my super-detailed story, posted below this story, you will see I pointed out that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in my opinion, is the greatest hero in history to wear a Rolex.
In Rolex's most recent ad campaign, as seen below, Rolex has included Dr. King in their ad campaign. I must admit that when I saw this, it not only brought tears to my eyes, but also made the tens of thousands of hours I have spent researching and chronicling Rolex history completely worth while.
A few months ago, I put together a Photoshop Rolex Magazine Ad Design Contest, and in it I created this mock-up. Just to be clear, this is not a Rolex ad, it is one I created, which I would love to see in magazines and on billboards. It also seems fitting that somehow that Dr. King, has the Rolex crown next to him. Something about a King needs his Rolex Crown, or something like that?
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
1964 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
I also created the Rolex ad mock-up below, which shows Dr. Martin Luther King holding his Nobel Peace Prize, and you can see his trademark yellow gold Rolex Datejust on his wrist. I used an actual Rolex advertising slogan that was popular at the time this photo was taken in 1964. I don't believe the Rolex slogan from the mid 1960s, could be any more apropos and on-point in 1964 when the photo below was taken, and in hindsight, it is even more so today.
Another supreme irony with the Rolex slogan "WHEN A MAN HAS A WORLD IN HIS HANDS YOU EXPECT TO FIND A ROLEX ON HIS WRIST", is that gospel singer Mahalia Jackson sang the song "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", just before Dr. King gave his "I Have A Dream Speech." This is likely a coincidence, but it sure does resonate beautifully. In the video piece at the end of this post you can see a short snipped of Mahalia Jackson singing "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands."
I highly recommend watching Dr. King's Nobel Prize Acceptance speech which is very profound.
This next photo shows Dr. Martin Luther King in the White House Oval Office with President Kennedy just after Dr. King gave his iconic I Have A Dream Speech.
“One cannot help but be impressed with the deep fervor and the quiet dignity that characterized the thousands who have gathered in the Nation’s Capital…this Nation can properly be proud of the demonstration that has occurred here today.” - President Kennedy, Remarks following the March on Washington
I Have A Dream Speech
March On Washington D.C.
August 28, 1963
This next image is extremely profound as it offers an unusual view from behind Abraham Lincoln's statue located in the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington D.C., and we witness Abraham Lincoln witnessing what he set out to achieve. The symbology behind this image is amazing if you think about it!!! It is also a profound irony that Abraham Lincoln was also likely assassinated for trying to protect people that could not protect themselves.
"Beyond the reflecting pool, stand the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial. Whoever would understand in his heart the meaning of America will find it in the life of Abraham Lincoln." –U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

The Greatest & Most Iconic Speech In History
Martin Luther King Jr's, I Have A Dream speech is one of the deepest and most profound speeches any man has ever given. I very, very, very highly recommend you watch and enjoy Dr. Martin Luther King's complete speech as seen in the video below.
Below is a great video discussion about the historical significance of Dr. Kings Legendary Speech, as seen in the video above.