—Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities (1859)
While that timeless statement may be true of all time, and while there are many challenges in the world today for humanity, we are experiencing a renaissance of sorts back to the original Space Age and Space Race. This new Space Age is being pioneered by Elon Musk, who in case you missed it, last week launched the single largest rocket or flying object in history (397 Feet Long), which is named the Space X "Starship Super Heavy". The Booster rocket is so large it at launch it contains 10 Million pounds of rocket fuel!?!!
The most remarkable fact the way the booster rocket landed back on earth, not on the ground, or in the ocean but was caught in mid air-flight with chopsticks by Space X's Mechzilla as you can see for yourself in the following video:
Bigger Than Bigtime!
For frame-of-reference, Starship is even bigger than the NASA Saturn rockets used during the Apollo Missions to take astronauts to the moon. The video above offers a great overview of the significance of this amazing feat. In the photo below we see NASA's Werner von Braun standing in front of the F-1 engines on the Saturn V Rocket in 1969.
Many people, particularly in the United States are freaked out about the upcoming election, but there is a lot of optimism about the future, and speaking of Elon Musk, Tesla stock was up 21.92% today alone, which as I add this paragraph, two hours before the auction is over for this Rolex watch, I notice the current bid is at 1,730,559!!!!
Rolex's Outer Space History
If you have followed Jake's Rolex World over the past few decades, you know I have been passionately obsessed with capturing all of Rolex's Outer Space History. As a matter of fact, I have been working for years on putting together a series of 15 books, which have yet to be published, which cover the ENTIRE Rolex history Arc.
My upcoming books are a veritable encyclopedia of Rolex history and I have one volume dedicated exclusively to Rolex's Conquest of Space, and below we see the working cover art for my upcoming book and it's named "Rolex, Space Conquest: From Switzerland to the Moon and Beyond, by Jake Ehrlich."
The Apollo 14 mission to the moon came just after the crazy Apollo 13 mission, in which Jack Swigert, who is pictured above wore his Pepsi GMT-Master to the Moon. Jack Swigert's Rolex has been located in the Rolex private museum collection in Geneva, Switzerland for many decades as is pictured below.
The Rolex Space Race
When many people think about NASA and Astronauts, they think about OMEGA watches, but the truth is many, many, many NASA astronauts chose Rolex to keep the time of their life personally, as well as in space and on the moon with Rolex watches. I think it would be safe to say, if OMEGA was the choice of made by NASA for watches for Astronauts to wear in space on the outside of their spacesuits, Rolex was the personal choice of NASA Astronauts to wear in their everyday lives, as well as in space, and on the moon itself.
There is much more to the Rolex Space Race History than many people are aware of, and in my upcoming book series, I really bring these brilliant chapters to life. The photo above appeared in a book published by James Dowling (Mr. Rolex), and it shows the old ROLEX AND NASA homage wall that used to be on display at Rolex International Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
“The vision recurs; the eastern sun has a second rise; history repeats her tale unconsciously, and goes off into a mystic rhyme; ages are prototypes of other ages, and the winding course of time brings us round to the same spot again.”
—Mystic Rhyme (1845)
One of my favorite Rolex Space stories that comes to mind covers NASA Astronaut, Dr. Leroy Chiao who I interviewed in 2008. Dr. Chiao is a really cool guy and is one of the most decorated astronauts in history. Dr. Chiao is pictured below as he prepares for take-off on the Russian Soyuz Rocket on its way to the International Space Station.
In the picture above you first notice the American Flag on Dr. Chiao's arm, and if you zoom in closely you might notice he is rocking a Pepsi GMT-Master on a Jubilee bracelet.
It turns out it's a small world after all. Dr. Chiao mentioned to me in his 2008 interview that when he was a kid he fell in love with the Pepsi Rolex GMT-Master when he first saw it being worn on a Star Trek episode titled "Assignment: Earth" on the wrist of a mysterious time traveler from the future named Gary Seven who is pictured below in the next two photos.
Time Traveler
The Star Trek Gary Seven character was played by Robert Lansing and he appeared in an episode of Star Trek as a human from the 24th century, undertaking a mission on Earth in 1968. Gary Seven famously wore a Pepsi GMT-Master, and I always thought he looks like Steve McQueen.
I have an exciting secret to share with you. This article focuses on Apollo 14 and Dr. Edgar Mitchell's GMT-Master, but I have some over-the-top, game-changing crazy Rolex Apollo news coming up soon, that will forever change the moonscape for the Apollo moon missions, and I plan to reveal it soon on Jake's Rolex World, so stay tuned...
Actually, I was saving it for my upcoming Rolex Space Conquest book, but I think it's too important not to share sooner than later. If you want to know the truth, I am terrible at keeping secrets as I love sharing with people, so I am like a kid who keeps trying to open Christmas presents long before they are supposed to be opened...
In the photo above we see the prime crew of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission. Pictured from left to right we see mission commander, Stuart Roosa, Alan Shephard Jr., and lunar module pilot, Dr Edgar Mitchell.
It turns out—rather fascinatingly, I might add—that all three Apollo 14 Astronauts wore Rolex Pepsi GMT-Master Models as their personal watches!?!! I mean, what are the odds that all three of the NASA Astronauts pictured above all not only wear Rolex watches, but all chose the exact same model of Rolex, which is the Pepsi Rolex GMT-Master.
In the image above we see Alan Shepard Jr. wearing his GMT-Master as he posses with his fellow prime team members in front of the Saturn Rocket which would soon take them to the moon.
Before we take a closer look at Dr. Edgar Michell's Rolex, let's take a closer look at the Apollo 14 mission.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell
First, we see Dr. Edgar Mitchell rocking his Pepsi GMT-Master as he wore it on his right wrist. This is the same GMT-Master that is currently being auctioned.
NASA Apollo 14 Lunar Module Pilot Dr. Edgar Mitchell pictured in 1971 wearing his Pepsi GMT-Master he wore to the moon. (Photo: USN)
Dr. Mitchell was born in Texas, and was a U.S. Navy Test Pilot and officer. Dr. Mitchell was extremely smart and well educated, as he achieved a doctoral degree in aeronautics and astronautics. Mitchell was also a highly respected mathematician, and educator.
In this next photo we see Alan Shepard (light blue shirt) and Ed Mitchell (cap) on a geology field trip, at Craters of the Moon, Idaho on August 22, 1969. Notice that Ed Mitchell is wearing his trademark Pepsi Rolex GMT on his left wrist.
Alan Shepard
Alan Shepard was one of the original NASA Mercury Seven astronauts in 1959 (pictured below), and in May of 1961 he achieved the first crewed Project Mercury flight, named Mercury Redstone 3, in his spacecraft named Freedom 7.
Less than a month after the Soviet's launched their first cosmonaut into space, the American's followed by launching astronaut, Alan Shepard into space. President Kennedy, with his wife Jackie, and Vice President Johnson are pictured below as they watch the first American astronaut, Alan Shepard as he takes off on May 5, 1961.
Several days later, JFK invited the Mercury astronauts to the White House for a congratulatory ceremony for Alan Shepard. President Kennedy was in awe of Alan Shepard's accomplishment and suddenly it appeared as if the United States may take the lead in the space race.
Below we see Apollo 14 Commander, Alan Shepard JR. rocking his Rolex GMT-Master.Shepard became the second person, as well as the first American to travel into space.
NASA Apollo 14 Commander Alan Shepard pictured above on October 27, 1971 at the United Nations (Photo: AP/UN)
Shepard went on to become designated as the commander of the first crewed Project Gemini mission, that was unfortunately grounded in October of 1963, due to an inner-ear ailment. His Ménière's disease was surgically corrected in 1968, and in 1971, Shepard became the commander of the Apollo 14 Mission, thus piloting the Apollo Lunar Module Antares. Shepard was the only original Mercury Seven astronaut to walk on the Moon.
In the photo below taken on November 9, 1970, we see the Apollo 14 mission primary team at the cape, and Alan Shepard is rocking his GMT-Master on a watch strap.
In the photo below we get a crystal-clear positive identification shot of Alan Shepard rocking his GMT-Master.

In this article I mentioned several times how Rolex was the choice of many NASA Astronauts as their personal watches, but it didn't stop there as we see in the picture below, even Alan Shepard's NASA Doctor. William K. Douglas appears to be rocking a GMT-Master as he gave Alan Shepard a pre-flight medical examination taken on May 5, 1961 just before he flew his NASA Mercury mission.
Stuart Roosa
Next up we see Stuart Roosa wearing his GMT-Master, which is also flipped around, just like Alan Shephard's pictured above.
NASA Apollo 14 Command Module Pilot pictured wearing his Pepsi GMT-Master (Photo: AP/UN)
In that article I published the photographic evidence confirming Roosa wore his Rolex in the Command Service Module aboard Apollo 14, when I published the photo below:
In that article I wrote: "The newly discovered screenshot (pictured above) was originally filmed on February 7, 1971, as the CSM Kitty Hawk made its way back to earth. This photo shows Stuart Roosa wearing his Pepsi GMT-Master. It is a fact all three Apollo 14 prime crew members wore Pepsi Rolex GMT-Master models, but this appears to be the first evidence that shows and confirms Roosa doing so!!!" I also included the screenshot below that shows NASA Command Pilot, Stuart Roosa wearing his Pepsi GMT-Master on his right wrist while working in the CSM.

Years after I published my discovery of Stuart Roosa rocking his Rolex GMT-Master aboard Apollo 14, seemingly as if from out of nowhere, Rolex shared the signed photo seen below from him that brilliantly reads, "MY GMT MASTER 200,000 MILES FROM GENEVA. STUART O ROOSA, APOLLO 14, and ironically it has the same photo I independently discovered. I can tell you Rolex would have made my life a lot easier, if they shared this kind of stuff with me, but I imagine the blessing in disguise is that in the final analysis, it's about the journey, and not the destination. As the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu once said, "The paths are many, but the way is one..."
Apollo 14 Mission
In the photo below we see Dr. Edgar Mitchell wearing his Pepsi GMT while training with fellow Apollo 14 Astronaut, Commander Alan Shepard.

In the next photo we see Alan Shepard also rocking his Pepsi GMT-Master on his left wrist on a watch strap.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell took the photo below of Alan Shepard on the moon surface, posing with the American flag, and in this photo we see Dr. Mitchell's shadow in the front of the photo.
Dr. Mitchell would go on to take the longest recorded moon walk in history which exceeded nine hours, during which he specifically stated he wore his Pepsi GMT-Master on his right wrist.
This next NASA photo is of the NASA Apollo 14 Lunar Module parked on the Moon surface which delivered Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Alan Shepard to the moon surface and returned them to the Service Module.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell's
Rolex GMT-Master
Coming to Auction
Photo above of Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Rolex GMT-Master appears courtesy of RR Auction and shows Dr. Mitchels Pepsi GMT-Master which is a Reference 1675.
This is an interesting type of auction as RR Auction opened up the biding online on September 26, 2024, while informing the world the action would culminate on October 24, 2024 at 7PM EDT, and told the world that bidders must register and bid by 6PM EDT, on October 24th to be allowed to bid in the final 30 minutes of the live auction.