Hari ni genap SETAHUN re-u hubby dgn geng sekolah dia. Please excuse me for the long overdue post. But better late than never right?
Let me share what happened on that day so that we can always remember and cherish the beautiful and sweet memories we shared.
The stage.
Sinilah tempat berucap, bagi hadiah, main game, karaoke, photo session dsbnya.
Ucapan aluan dari Sdr Muni (now Datuk) mewakili 'Cikgu Jo' |
Semua orang excited sebab mostly memang tak pernah jumpa after they left school. Masing2 dah dewasa, punya family dan kerjaya masing2. After more than 2 decades of course lah banyak benda dah berubah. But friendship remains. Cikgu2 depa pun ada jugak yg joined this event. Surely they are proud of their students.
Mujoq ada clown, leka sikit budak2 |
Food memang superb, banyak pilihan, sampai tak termakan semua. Maklumlah kita dah lunch kat rumah before the event.
Bayaq rm50 kalau tak silap utk setiap family. Selain makan minum yg mewah (banyak & pelbagai), hadiah lucky draw dan door gift pun mewah! Memang all out betul committee buat kerja. Thumbs up guys!
We took home this.
It was not a touch and go event but a kick start to more gatherings afterwards. Masa aqiqah Nadeen hari tu pun few of B's friends in this group came.
Dengarnya depa tengah planning utk 2nd re-u @ Penang. Patutlah kita macam terbau nasi kandaq ja :p