176 results sorted by ID
Multi-Authority Functional Encryption: Corrupt Authorities, Dynamic Collusion, Lower Bounds, and More
Rishab Goyal, Saikumar Yadugiri
Public-key cryptography
Decentralization is a great enabler for adoption of modern cryptography in real-world systems. Widespread adoption of blockchains and secure multi-party computation protocols are perfect evidentiary examples for dramatic rise in deployment of decentralized cryptographic systems. Much of cryptographic research can be viewed as reducing (or eliminating) the dependence on trusted parties, while shielding from stronger adversarial threats. In this work, we study the problem of multi-authority...
Predicate Encryption from Lattices: Enhanced Compactness and Refined Functionality
Yuejun Wang, Baocang Wang, Qiqi Lai, Huaxiong Wang
In this work, we explore the field of lattice-based Predicate Encryption (PE), with a focus on enhancing compactness and refining functionality.
First, we present a more compact bounded collusion predicate encryption scheme compared to previous constructions, significantly reducing both the per-unit expansion and fixed overhead, while maintaining an optimal linear blow-up proportional to $Q$.
Next, we propose a Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption (P-IPFE) scheme based on our...
Privately Constrained PRFs from DCR: Puncturing and Bounded Waring Rank
Amik Raj Behera, Pierre Meyer, Claudio Orlandi, Lawrence Roy, Peter Scholl
Public-key cryptography
A privately constrained pseudorandom function (pCPRF) is a PRF with the additional property that one can derive a constrained key that allows evaluating the PRF only on inputs satisfying a constraint predicate $C$, without revealing $C$ itself or leaking information about the PRF’s output on inputs that do not satisfy the constraint.
Existing privately constrained PRFs face significant limitations: either (1) they rely on assumptions known to imply fully-homomorphic encryption or...
Assumption-Free Fuzzy PSI via Predicate Encryption
Erik-Oliver Blass, Guevara Noubir
Cryptographic protocols
We present the first protocol for efficient Fuzzy Private Set Intersection (PSI) that achieves linear communication complexity, does not depend on restrictive assumptions on the distribution of party inputs, and abstains from inefficient fully homomorphic encryption. Specifically, our protocol enables two parties to compute all pairs of elements from their respective sets that are within a given Hamming distance, without constraints on how these sets are structured.
Our key insight is...
Multi-Key Homomorphic Secret Sharing
Geoffroy Couteau, Lalita Devadas, Aditya Hegde, Abhishek Jain, Sacha Servan-Schreiber
Cryptographic protocols
Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) is a distributed analogue of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) where following an input-sharing phase, two or more parties can locally compute a function over their private inputs to obtain shares of the function output.
Over the last decade, HSS schemes have been constructed from an array of different assumptions. However, all existing HSS schemes, except ones based on assumptions known to imply multi-key FHE, require a public-key infrastructure (PKI) or...
MultiReg-FE: Registered FE for Unbounded Inner-Product and Attribute-Weighted Sums
Qiuyan Du, Qiaohan Chu, Jie Chen, Man Ho Au, Debiao He
Public-key cryptography
Recently, Francati et al. (Asiacrypt 2023) provided the first registered functional encryption (Reg-FE) beyond predicates. Reg-FE addresses the key escrow problem in functional encryption by allowing users to generate their own key pairs, effectively replacing the traditional private-key generator with a key curator. The key curator holds no secret information and runs deterministic algorithms to generate master public key for encryption and helper keys for decryption. However, existing...
Multi-Client Attribute-Based and Predicate Encryption from Standard Assumptions
David Pointcheval, Robert Schädlich
Public-key cryptography
Multi-input Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a generalization of key-policy ABE where attributes can be independently encrypted across several ciphertexts, and a joint decryption of these ciphertexts is possible if and only if the combination of attributes satisfies the policy of the decryption key. We extend this model by introducing a new primitive that we call Multi-Client ABE (MC-ABE), which provides the usual enhancements of multi-client functional encryption over multi-input...
On the Black-Box Complexity of Private-Key Inner-Product Functional Encryption
Mohammad Hajiabadi, Roman Langrehr, Adam O'Neill, Mingyuan Wang
We initiate the study of the black-box complexity of private-key functional encryption (FE). Of central importance in the private-key setting is the inner-product functionality, which is currently only known from assumptions that imply public-key encryption, such as Decisional Diffie-Hellman or Learning-with-Errors. As our main result, we rule out black-box constructions of private-key inner-product FE from random oracles. This implies a black-box separation between private-key...
Pseudorandom Multi-Input Functional Encryption and Applications
Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) schemes for pseudorandom functionalities, where the output of the functionality is pseudorandom for every input seen by the adversary. Our MIFE scheme relies on LWE and evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) for constant arity functions, and a strengthening of evasive LWE for polynomial arity. Thus, we obtain the first MIFE and iO schemes for a nontrivial...
HADES: Range-Filtered Private Aggregation on Public Data
Xiaoyuan Liu, Ni Trieu, Trinabh Gupta, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Dawn Song
Cryptographic protocols
In aggregation queries, predicate parameters often reveal user intent. Protecting these parameters is critical for user privacy, regardless of whether the database is public or private. While most existing works focus on private data settings, we address a public data setting where the server has access to the database. Current solutions for this setting either require additional setups (e.g., noncolluding servers, hardware enclaves) or are inefficient for practical workloads. Furthermore,...
Unbounded ABE for Circuits from LWE, Revisited
Valerio Cini, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography
We introduce new lattice-based techniques for building ABE for circuits with unbounded attribute length based on the LWE assumption, improving upon the previous constructions of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan (CRYPTO 16) and Goyal, Koppula, and Waters (TCC 16). Our main result is a simple and more efficient unbounded ABE scheme for circuits where only the circuit depth is fixed at set-up; this is the first unbounded ABE scheme for circuits that rely only on black-box access to cryptographic...
SACfe: Secure Access Control in Functional Encryption with Unbounded Data
Uddipana Dowerah, Subhranil Dutta, Frank Hartmann, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Sayantan Mukherjee, Tapas Pal
Cryptographic protocols
Privacy is a major concern in large-scale digital applications, such as cloud-computing, machine learning services, and access control. Users want to protect not only their plain data but also their associated attributes (e.g., age, location, etc). Functional encryption (FE) is a cryptographic tool that allows fine-grained access control over encrypted data. However, existing FE fall short as they are either inefficient and far from reality or they leak sensitive user-specific...
A Modular Approach to Registered ABE for Unbounded Predicates
Nuttapong Attrapadung, Junichi Tomida
Public-key cryptography
Registered attribute-based encryption (Reg-ABE), introduced by Hohenberger et al. (Eurocrypt’23), emerges as a pivotal extension of attribute-based encryption (ABE), aimed at mitigating the key-escrow problem. Although several Reg-ABE schemes with black-box use of cryptography have been proposed so far, there remains a significant gap in the class of achievable predicates between vanilla ABE and Reg-ABE. To narrow this gap, we propose a modular framework for constructing Reg-ABE schemes for a...
LINE: Cryptosystem based on linear equations for logarithmic signatures
Gennady Khalimov, Yevgen Kotukh, Maksym Kolisnyk, Svitlana Khalimova, Oleksandr Sievierinov
Public-key cryptography
The discourse herein pertains to a directional encryption cryptosystem predicated upon logarithmic signatures interconnected via a system of linear equations (we call it LINE). A logarithmic signature serves as a foundational cryptographic primitive within the algorithm, characterized by distinct cryptographic attributes including nonlinearity, noncommutativity, unidirectionality, and factorizability by key. The confidentiality of the cryptosystem is contingent upon the presence of an...
Updatable Policy-Compliant Signatures
Christian Badertscher, Monosij Maitra, Christian Matt, Hendrik Waldner
Cryptographic protocols
Policy-compliant signatures (PCS) are a recently introduced primitive by Badertscher et
al. [TCC 2021] in which a central authority distributes secret and public keys associated with sets of attributes (e.g., nationality, affiliation with a specific department, or age) to its users. The authority also enforces a policy determining which senders can sign messages for which receivers based on a joint check of their attributes. For example, senders and receivers must have the same nationality,...
Leakage-Resilient Attribute-Based Encryption with Attribute-Hiding
Yijian Zhang, Yunhao Ling, Jie Chen, Luping Wang
Public-key cryptography
In this work, we present two generic frameworks for leakage-resilient attribute-based encryption (ABE), which is an improved version of ABE that can be proven secure even when part of the secret key is leaked. Our frameworks rely on the standard assumption ($k$-Lin) over prime-order groups. The first framework is designed for leakage-resilient ABE with attribute-hiding in the bounded leakage model. Prior to this work, no one had yet derived a generic leakage-resilient ABE framework with...
Registered Attribute-Based Signature
Yijian Zhang, Jun Zhao, Ziqi Zhu, Junqing Gong, Jie Chen
Public-key cryptography
This paper introduces the notion of registered attribute-based signature (registered ABS). Distinctly different from classical attribute-based signature (ABS), registered ABS allows any user to generate their own public/secret key pair and register it with the system. The key curator is critical to keep the system flowing, which is a fully transparent entity that does not retain secrets. Our results can be summarized as follows.
-This paper provides the first definition of registered...
IDEA-DAC: Integrity-Driven Editing for Accountable Decentralized Anonymous Credentials via ZK-JSON
Shuhao Zheng, Zonglun Li, Junliang Luo, Ziyue Xin, Xue Liu
Decentralized Anonymous Credential (DAC) systems are increasingly relevant, especially when enhancing revocation mechanisms in the face of complex traceability challenges. This paper introduces IDEA-DAC, a paradigm shift from the conventional revoke-and-reissue methods, promoting direct and Integrity-Driven Editing (IDE) for Accountable DACs, which results in better integrity accountability, traceability, and system simplicity. We further incorporate an Edit-bound Conformity Check that...
Attribute-based Keyed (Fully) Homomorphic Encryption
Keita Emura, Shingo Sato, Atsushi Takayasu
Public-key cryptography
Keyed homomorphic public key encryption (KHPKE) is a variant of homomorphic public key encryption, where only users who have a homomorphic evaluation key can perform a homomorphic evaluation. Then, KHPKE satisfies the CCA2 security against users who do not have a homomorphic evaluation key, while it satisfies the CCA1 security against users who have the key. Thus far, several KHPKE schemes have been proposed under the standard Diffie-Hellman-type assumptions and keyed fully homomorphic...
Monotone Policy BARGs from BARGs and Additively Homomorphic Encryption
Shafik Nassar, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
A monotone policy batch $\mathsf{NP}$ language $\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{R}, P}$ is parameterized by a monotone policy $P \colon \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}$ and an $\mathsf{NP}$ relation $\mathcal{R}$. A statement $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ is a YES instance if there exists $w_1, \ldots, w_k$ where $P(\mathcal{R}(x_1, w_1), \ldots, \mathcal{R}(x_k, w_k)) = 1$. For example, we might say that an instance $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ is a YES instance if a majority of the statements are true. A monotone policy batch...
Using Predicate Extension for Predicate Encryption to Generically Obtain Chosen-Ciphertext Security and Signatures
Marloes Venema, Leon Botros
Public-key cryptography
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed, which typically target...
Updatable Privacy-Preserving Blueprints
Bernardo David, Felix Engelmann, Tore Frederiksen, Markulf Kohlweiss, Elena Pagnin, Mikhail Volkhov
Cryptographic protocols
Privacy-preserving blueprint schemes (Kohlweiss et al., EUROCRYPT'23) offer a mechanism for safeguarding user's privacy while allowing for specific legitimate controls by a designated auditor agent.
These schemes enable users to create escrows encrypting the result of evaluating a function $y=P(t,x)$, with $P$ being publicly known, $t$ a secret used during the auditor's key generation, and $x$ the user's private input. Crucially, escrows only disclose the blueprinting result $y=P(t,x)$...
Registered ABE via Predicate Encodings
Ziqi Zhu, Kai Zhang, Junqing Gong, Haifeng Qian
Public-key cryptography
This paper presents the first generic black-box construction of registered attribute-based encryption (Reg-ABE) via predicate encoding [TCC'14]. The generic scheme is based on $k$-Lin assumption in the prime-order bilinear group and implies the following concrete schemes that improve existing results:
- the first Reg-ABE scheme for span program in the prime-order group; prior work uses composite-order group;
- the first Reg-ABE scheme for zero inner-product predicate from $k$-Lin...
Fine-Grained Secure Attribute-Based Encryption
Yuyu Wang, Jiaxin Pan, Yu Chen
Fine-grained cryptography is constructing cryptosystems in a setting where an adversary’s resource is a-prior bounded and an honest party has less resource than an adversary. Currently, only simple form of encryption schemes, such as secret-key and public-key encryption, are constructed in this setting.
In this paper, we enrich the available tools in fine-grained cryptography by proposing the first fine-grained secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme. Our construction is adaptively...
Attribute-Based Multi-Input FE (and more) for Attribute-Weighted Sums
Shweta Agrawal, Junichi Tomida, Anshu Yadav
Public-key cryptography
Recently, Abdalla, Gong and Wee (Crypto 2020) provided the first functional encryption scheme for attribute-weighted sums (AWS), where encryption takes as input $N$ (unbounded) attribute-value pairs $\{\vec{x}_i, \vec{z}_i\}_{I \in [N]}$ where $\vec{x}_i$ is public and $\vec{z}_i$ is private, the secret key is associated with an arithmetic branching programs $f$, and decryption returns the weighted sum ${\sum}_{{i \in [N]}} f(\vec{x}_i)^\top \vec{z}_i$, leaking no additional information...
Arithmetic Sketching
Dan Boneh, Elette Boyle, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai
Cryptographic protocols
This paper introduces arithmetic sketching, an abstraction of a primitive that several previous works use to achieve lightweight, low-communication zero-knowledge verification of secret-shared vectors. An arithmetic sketching scheme for a language $\mathcal{L} \in \mathbb{F}^n$ consists of (1) a randomized linear function compressing a long input x to a short “sketch,” and (2) a small arithmetic circuit that accepts the sketch if and only if $x \in \mathcal{L}$, up to some small error. If...
Constant Input Attribute Based (and Predicate) Encryption from Evasive and Tensor LWE
Shweta Agrawal, Melissa Rossi, Anshu Yadav, Shota Yamada
Cryptographic protocols
Constructing advanced cryptographic primitives such as obfuscation or broadcast encryption from standard hardness assumptions in the post quantum regime is an important area of research, which has met with limited success despite significant effort. It is therefore extremely important to find new, simple to state assumptions in this regime which can be used to fill this gap. An important step was taken recently by Wee (Eurocrypt '22) who identified two new assumptions from lattices, namely...
Unbounded Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption from Pairings
Uddipana Dowerah, Subhranil Dutta, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Sayantan Mukherjee, Tapas Pal
Public-key cryptography
Predicate inner product functional encryption (P-IPFE) is essentially attribute-based IPFE (AB-IPFE) which additionally hides attributes associated to ciphertexts. In a P-IPFE, a message x is encrypted under an attribute w and a secret key is generated for a pair (y, v) such that recovery of ⟨x, y⟩ requires the vectors w, v to satisfy a linear relation. We call a P-IPFE unbounded if it can encrypt unbounded length attributes and message vectors.
• zero predicate IPFE. We construct the first...
A Framework for UC Secure Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication using Efficient Functional Encryption
Johannes Ernst, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Cryptographic protocols
Despite its popularity, password based authentication is susceptible to various kinds of attacks, such as online or offline dictionary attacks. Employing biometric credentials in the authentication process can strengthen the provided security guarantees, but raises significant privacy concerns. This is mainly due to the inherent variability of biometric readings that prevents us from simply applying a standard hash function to them. In this paper we first propose an ideal functionality for...
Registered FE beyond Predicates: (Attribute-Based) Linear Functions and more
Pratish Datta, Tapas Pal, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
This paper introduces the first registered functional encryption RFE scheme tailored for linear functions. Distinctly different from classical functional encryption (FE), RFE addresses the key-escrow issue and negates the master key exfiltration attack. Instead of relying on a centralized trusted authority, it introduces a “key curator” - a fully transparent entity that does not retain secrets. In an RFE framework, users independently generate secret keys and subsequently register their...
Registered (Inner-Product) Functional Encryption
Danilo Francati, Daniele Friolo, Monosij Maitra, Giulio Malavolta, Ahmadreza Rahimi, Daniele Venturi
Public-key cryptography
Registered encryption (Garg $et\ al.$, TCC'18) is an emerging paradigm that tackles the key-escrow problem associated with identity-based encryption by replacing the private-key generator with a much weaker entity known as the key curator. The key curator holds no secret information, and is responsible to:
(i) update the master public key whenever a new user registers its own public key to the system;
(ii) provide helper decryption keys to the users already registered in the system, in...
Verifiable Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Inner Product
Dinh Duy Nguyen, Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval
Public-key cryptography
Joint computation on encrypted data is becoming increasingly crucial with the rise of cloud computing. In recent years, the development of multi-client functional encryption (MCFE) has made it possible to perform joint computation on private inputs, without any interaction. Well-settled solutions for linear functions have become efficient and secure, but there is still a shortcoming: if one user inputs incorrect data, the output of the function might become meaningless for all other users...
Certified Everlasting Secure Collusion-Resistant Functional Encryption, and More
Taiga Hiroka, Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki, Tapas Pal, Takashi Yamakawa
Public-key cryptography
We study certified everlasting secure functional encryption (FE) and many other cryptographic primitives in this work.
Certified everlasting security roughly means the following.
A receiver possessing a quantum cryptographic object (such as ciphertext) can issue a certificate showing that the receiver has deleted the cryptographic object and information included in the object (such as plaintext) was lost.
If the certificate is valid, the security is guaranteed even if the receiver becomes...
One-out-of-Many Unclonable Cryptography: Definitions, Constructions, and More
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Ryo Nishimaki
The no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics enables us to achieve amazing unclonable cryptographic primitives, which is impossible in classical cryptography. However, the security definitions for unclonable cryptography are tricky. Achieving desirable security notions for unclonability is a challenging task. In particular, there is no indistinguishable-secure unclonable encryption and quantum copy-protection for single-bit output point functions in the standard model. To tackle this...
Pattern Matching in Encrypted Stream from Inner Product Encryption
Élie Bouscatié, Guilhem Castagnos, Olivier Sanders
Public-key cryptography
Functional encryption features secret keys, each associated with a key function $f$, which allow to directly recover $f(x)$ from an encryption of $x$, without learning anything more about $x$. This property is particularly useful when delegating data processing to a third party as it allows the latter to perfom its task while ensuring minimum data leakage. However, this generic term conceals a great diversity in the cryptographic constructions that strongly differ according to the functions...
Attribute-Based Signatures for Range of Inner Product and Its Applications
Masahito Ishizaka, Kazuhide Fukushima
Public-key cryptography
In attribute-based signatures (ABS) for inner products, the digital signature analogue of attribute-based encryption for inner products (Katz et al., EuroCrypt'08), a signing-key (resp. signature) is labeled with an $n$-dimensional vector $\mathbf{x}\in\mathbf{Z}_p^n$ (resp. $\mathbf{y}\in\mathbf{Z}_p^n$) for a prime $p$, and the signing succeeds iff their inner product is zero, i.e., $ \langle \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \rangle=0 \pmod p$. We generalize it to ABS for range of inner product...
Efficient and Generic Transformations for Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Predicate Encryption
Marloes Venema, Leon Botros
Public-key cryptography
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed. However, these...
(Inner-Product) Functional Encryption with Updatable Ciphertexts
Valerio Cini, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks, Erkan Tairi
Public-key cryptography
We propose a novel variant of functional encryption which supports ciphertext updates, dubbed ciphertext-updatable functional encryption (CUFE). Such a feature further broadens the practical applicability of the functional-encryption paradigm and allows for fine-grained access control even after a ciphertext is generated. Updating ciphertexts is carried out via so-called update tokens which a dedicated party can use to convert ciphertexts. However, allowing update tokens requires some care...
Fully Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke Functional Encryption for Arbitrary Identities
Fucai Luo, Saif Al-Kuwari, Haiyan Wang, Xingfu Yan
Public-key cryptography
Functional Encryption (FE) has been extensively studied in the recent years, mainly focusing on the feasibility of constructing FE for general functionalities, as well as some realizations for restricted functionalities of practical interest, such as inner-product. However, little consideration has been given to the issue of key leakage on FE. The property of FE that allows multiple users to obtain the same functional keys from the holder of the master secret key raises an important...
Multi-Input Attribute Based Encryption and Predicate Encryption
Shweta Agrawal, Anshu Yadav, Shota Yamada
Cryptographic protocols
Motivated by several new and natural applications, we initiate the study of multi-input predicate encryption (${\sf miPE}$) and further develop multi-input attribute based encryption (${\sf miABE}$). Our contributions are:
1. Formalizing Security: We provide definitions for ${\sf miABE}$ and ${\sf miPE}$ in the {symmetric} key setting and formalize security in the standard indistinguishability (IND) paradigm, against unbounded collusions.
2. Two-input ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$...
On Access Control Encryption without Sanitization
Cecilia Boschini, Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi
Cryptographic protocols
Access Control Encryption (ACE) allows to control information flow between parties by enforcing a policy that specifies which user can send messages to whom. The core of the scheme is a sanitizer, i.e., an entity that ''sanitizes'' all messages by essentially re-encrypting the ciphertexts under its key. In this work we investigate the natural question of whether it is still possible to achieve some meaningful security properties in scenarios when such a sanitization step is not...
Multi-key and Multi-input Predicate Encryption from Learning with Errors
Danilo Francati, Daniele Friolo, Giulio Malavolta, Daniele Venturi
We put forward two natural generalizations of predicate encryption (PE), dubbed multi-key and multi-input PE. More in details, our contributions are threefold.
- Definitions. We formalize security of multi-key PE and multi-input PE following the standard indistinguishability paradigm, and modeling security both against malicious senders (i.e., corruption of encryption keys) and malicious receivers (i.e., collusions).
- Constructions. We construct adaptively secure multi-key and...
Refuting the Dream XOR Lemma via Ideal Obfuscation and Resettable MPC
Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Yuval Ishai, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai, Daniel Wichs
We provide counterexamples to the ``dream'' version of Yao's XOR Lemma. In particular, we put forward explicit candidates for hard predicates, such that the advantage of predicting the XOR of many independent copies does not decrease beyond some fixed negligible function, even as the number of copies gets arbitrarily large.
We provide two such constructions:
1) Our first construction is in the ideal obfuscation model (alternatively, assuming virtual black-box obfuscation for a concrete...
Conditional Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption: Definitions and Constructions from LWE
Lisha Yao, Jian Weng, Pengfei Wu, Xiaoguo Li, Yi Liu, Junzuo Lai, Guomin Yang, Robert H. Deng
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (AB-PRE) is one of the essential variants for proxy re-encryption. It allows a proxy with a re-encryption key to transform a ciphertext associated with an access policy and decryptable by a delegator into another ciphertext associated with a new access policy, thereafter other delegatees can decrypt. However, with AB-PRE, the proxy is to switch the underlying policies of all ciphertexts indiscriminately. The delegator cannot decide which ciphertext would...
Failing gracefully: Decryption failures and the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform
Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, Christian Majenz
Public-key cryptography
In known security reductions for the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation, decryption failures are handled via a reduction solving the rather unnatural task of finding failing plaintexts \emph{given the private key}, resulting in a Grover search bound. Moreover, they require an implicit rejection mechanism for invalid ciphertexts to achieve a reasonable security bound in the QROM. We present a reduction that has neither of these deficiencies:
We introduce two security games related to finding...
Waldo: A Private Time-Series Database from Function Secret Sharing
Emma Dauterman, Mayank Rathee, Raluca Ada Popa, Ion Stoica
Cryptographic protocols
Applications today rely on cloud databases for storing and querying time-series data. While outsourcing storage is convenient, this data is often sensitive, making data breaches a serious concern. We present Waldo, a time-series database with rich functionality and strong security guarantees: Waldo supports multi-predicate filtering, protects data contents as well as query filter values and search access patterns, and provides malicious security in the 3-party honest-majority setting. In...
A Note on P/poly Validity of GVW15 Predicate Encryption Scheme
Yupu Hu, Siyue Dong, Baocang Wang, Jun Liu
Cryptographic protocols
Predicate encryption (PE) is a cutting-edge research topic in cryptography, and an essential component of a research route: identity-based encryption (IBE)→attribute-based encryption (ABE)→predicate encryption (PE)→functional encryption (FE). GVW15 predicate encryption scheme is a major predicate encryption scheme. The bottom structure is BGG+14 attribute-based encryption scheme, which is combined with a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme. A crucial operation of the scheme is modulus...
A Generic Construction of CCA-secure Attribute-based Encryption with Equality Test
Kyoichi Asano, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu, Yohei Watanabe
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based encryption with equality test ($\mathsf{ABEET}$) is an extension of the ordinary attribute-based encryption ($\mathsf{ABE}$), where trapdoors enable us to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same message.
Thus far, several CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes have been proposed for monotone span programs satisfying selective security under $q$-type assumptions.
In this paper, we propose a generic construction of CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ from delegatable...
Policy-Compliant Signatures
Christian Badertscher, Christian Matt, Hendrik Waldner
We introduce policy-compliant signatures (PCS). A PCS scheme can be used in a setting where a central authority determines a global policy and distributes public and secret keys associated with sets of attributes to the users in the system. If two users, Alice and Bob, have attribute sets that jointly satisfy the global policy, Alice can use her secret key and Bob's public key to sign a message. Unforgeability ensures that a valid signature can only be produced if Alice's secret key is known...
Cryptocurrencies with Security Policies and Two-Factor Authentication
Florian Breuer, Vipul Goyal, Giulio Malavolta
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies offer an appealing alternative to Fiat currencies, due to their decentralized and borderless nature. However the decentralized settings make the authentication process more challenging: Standard cryptographic methods often rely on the ability of users to reliably store a (large) secret information. What happens if one user's key is lost or stolen? Blockchain systems lack of fallback mechanisms that allow one to recover from such an event, whereas the...
Master-Key KDM-Secure ABE via Predicate Encoding
Shengyuan Feng, Junqing Gong, Jie Chen
In this paper, we propose the first generic framework for attribute-based encryptions (ABE) with master-secret-key-dependent-message security (mKDM security) for affine functions via predicate encodings by Chen, Gay and Wee [Eurocrypt 2015]. The construction is adaptively secure under standard $k$-Lin assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. By this, we obtain a set of new mKDM-secure ABE schemes with high expressiveness that have never been reached before: we get the first hierarchical...
Generic Negation of Pair Encodings
Miguel Ambrona
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic primitive which supports fine-grained access control on encrypted data, making it an appealing building block for many applications. Pair encodings (Attrapadung, EUROCRYPT 2014) are simple primitives that can be used for constructing fully secure ABE schemes associated to a predicate relative to the encoding.
We propose a generic transformation that takes any pair encoding scheme (PES) for a predicate $P$ and produces a PES for its negated...
Cross-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control Encryption
Mahdi Sedaghat, Bart Preneel
Public-key cryptography
Logic access control enforces who can read and write data; the enforcement is typically performed by a fully trusted entity. At TCC 2016, Damg\aa rd et al. proposed Access Control Encryption (ACE) schemes where a predicate function decides whether or not users can read (decrypt) and write (encrypt) data, while the message secrecy and the users' anonymity are preserved against malicious parties. Subsequently, several ACE constructions with an arbitrary identity-based access policy have been...
CP-ABE for Circuits (and more) in the Symmetric Key Setting
Shweta Agrawal, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
The celebrated work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee provided the first key policy attribute based encryption scheme (ABE) for circuits from the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption. However, the arguably more natural ciphertext policy variant has remained elusive, and is a central primitive not yet known from LWE.
In this work, we construct the first symmetric key ciphertext policy attribute based encryption scheme (CP-ABE) for all polynomial sized circuits from the learning with...
Multi-Party Functional Encryption
Shweta Agrawal, Rishab Goyal, Junichi Tomida
Public-key cryptography
We initiate the study of multi-party functional encryption (MPFE) which unifies and abstracts out various notions of functional encryption which support distributed ciphertexts or secret keys, such as multi-input FE, multi-client FE, decentralized multi-client FE, multi-authority FE, dynamic decentralized FE, adhoc multi-input FE and such others. Using our framework, we identify several gaps in the literature and provide some constructions to fill these:
1) Multi-Authority ABE with Inner...
Multi Random Projection Inner Product Encryption, Applications to Proximity Searchable Encryption for the Iris Biometric
Chloe Cachet, Sohaib Ahmad, Luke Demarest, Serena Riback, Ariel Hamlin, Benjamin Fuller
Cryptographic protocols
Biometric databases collect people’s information and allow users to perform proximity searches (finding all records within a bounded distance of the query point) with few cryptographic protections. This work studies proximity searchable encryption applied to the iris biometric.
Prior work proposed inner product functional encryption as a technique to build proximity biometric databases (Kim et al., SCN 2018). This is because binary Hamming distance is computable using an inner product. This...
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Attribute-Hiding Non-Zero Inner Product Encryptions and Its Applications
Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with an attribute vector and a receiver holding a secret-key associated to a predicate vector can recover the message from the ciphertext if the inner product between the attribute and predicate vectors is non-zero. The main focus is to hide messages in most of the existing NIPEs and the
associated attribute is trivially included in the ciphertext. In this work, we investigate the design of NIPEs that are capable of...
Efficient Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Conjunctive Equality and Range Queries
Kwangsu Lee
Public-key cryptography
In multi-client functional encryption (MC-FE) for predicate queries, clients generate ciphertexts of attributes $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ binding with a time period $T$ and store them on a cloud server, and the cloud server receives a token corresponding to a predicate $f$ from a trusted center and learns whether $f(x_1, \ldots, x_n) = 1$ or not by running the query algorithm on the multiple ciphertexts of the same time period. MC-FE for predicates can be used for a network event or medical data...
Robust Channels: Handling Unreliable Networks in the Record Layers of QUIC and DTLS 1.3
Marc Fischlin, Felix Günther, Christian Janson
Cryptographic protocols
The common approach in secure communication channel protocols is to rely on ciphertexts arriving in-order and to close the connection upon any rogue ciphertext. Cryptographic security models for channels generally reflect such design. This is reasonable when running atop lower-level transport protocols like TCP ensuring in-order delivery, as for example is the case with TLS or SSH. However, protocols like QUIC or DTLS which run over a non-reliable transport such as UDP, do not---and in fact...
A Generic Construction of Predicate Proxy Key Re-encapsulation Mechanism
Yi-Fan Tseng, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso
Public-key cryptography
Proxy re-encryption (PRE), formalized by Blaze et al. in 1998, allows a proxy entity to delegate the decryption right of a ciphertext from one party to another without obtaining the information of the plaintext. In recent years, many studies have explored how to construct PRE schemes that support fine-grained access control for complex application scenarios, such as identity-based PRE and attribute-based PRE. Besides, in order to achieve more flexible access control, the predicate proxy...
Practical Predicate Encryption for Inner Product
Yi-Fan Tseng, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso
Public-key cryptography
Inner product encryption is a powerful cryptographic primitive, where a private key and a ciphertext are both associated with a predicate vector and an attribute vector, respectively. A successful decryption requires the inner product of the predicate vector and the attribute vector to be zero. Most of the existing inner product encryption schemes suffer either long private key or heavy decryption cost. In this manuscript, an efficient inner product encryption is proposed. The length for a...
Unbounded Dynamic Predicate Compositions in ABE from Standard Assumptions
Nuttapong Attrapadung, Junichi Tomida
Public-key cryptography
At Eurocrypt'19, Attrapadung presented several transformations that dynamically compose a set of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for simpler predicates into a new ABE scheme for more expressive predicates. Due to the powerful unbounded and modular nature of his compositions, many new ABE schemes can be obtained in a systematic manner. However, his approach heavily relies on $q$-type assumptions, which are not standard. Devising such powerful compositions from standard assumptions...
SodsBC: A Post-quantum by Design Asynchronous Blockchain Framework
Shlomi Dolev, Bingyong Guo, Jianyu Niu, Ziyu Wang
Cryptographic protocols
We present a novel framework for asynchronous permissioned blockchain with high performance and post-quantum security for the first time. Specifically, our framework contains two asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (aBFT) protocols SodsBC and SodsBC++. We leverage concurrently preprocessing to accelerate the preparation of three cryptographic objects for the repeated consensus procedure, including common random coins as the needed randomness, secret shares of symmetric encryption keys for...
A New Encoding Framework for Predicate Encryption with Non-Linear Structures in Prime Order Groups
Jongkil Kim, Willy Susilo, Fuchun Guo, Joonsang Baek, Nan Li
Public-key cryptography
We present an advanced encoding framework for predicate encryption (PE) in prime order groups. Our framework captures a wider range of adaptively secure PE schemes such as non-monotonic attribute-based encryption by allowing PE schemes to have more flexible structures. Prior to our work, frameworks featuring adaptively secure PE schemes in prime order groups require strong structural restrictions on the schemes. In those frameworks, exponents of public keys and master secret keys of PE...
FastSwap: Concretely Efficient Contingent Payments for Complex Predicates
Mathias Hall-Andersen
Cryptographic protocols
FastSwap is a simple and concretely efficient contingent payment scheme for complex predicates, inspired by FairSwap.
FastSwap only relies on symmetric primitives (in particular symmetric encryption and cryptographic hash functions) and avoids `heavy-weight' primitives such as general ZKP systems.
FastSwap is particularly well-suited for applications where the witness or predicate is large (on the order of MBs / GBs) or expensive to calculate.
Additionally FastSwap allows predicates to be...
A Practical Model for Collaborative Databases: Securely Mixing, Searching and Computing
Shweta Agrawal, Rachit Garg, Nishant Kumar, Manoj Prabhakaran
Cryptographic protocols
We introduce the notion of a Functionally Encrypted Datastore which collects data anonymously from multiple data-owners, stores it encrypted on an untrusted server, and allows untrusted clients to make select-and-compute queries on the collected data. Little coordination and no communication is required among the data-owners or the clients. Our notion is general enough to capture many real world scenarios that require controlled computation on encrypted data, such as is required for contact...
Simplifying Constructions and Assumptions for $i\mathcal{O}$
Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Amit Sahai
Public-key cryptography
The existence of secure indistinguishability obfuscators ($i\mathcal{O}$) has far-reaching implications, significantly expanding the scope of problems amenable to cryptographic study. A recent line of work
[Ananth, Jain, and Sahai, 2018; Aggrawal, 2018; Lin and Matt, 2018; Jain, Lin, Matt, and Sahai, 2019] has developed a new theory for building $i\mathcal{O}$~from simpler building blocks, and represents the state of the art in constructing $i\mathcal{O}$~from succinct and...
Predicate Encryption from Bilinear Maps and One-Sided Probabilistic Rank
Josh Alman, Robin Hui
Public-key cryptography
In predicate encryption for a function $f$, an authority can create ciphertexts and secret keys which are associated with `attributes'. A user with decryption key $K_y$ corresponding to attribute $y$ can decrypt a ciphertext $CT_x$ corresponding to a message $m$ and attribute $x$ if and only if $f(x,y)=0$. Furthermore, the attribute $x$ remains hidden to the user if $f(x,y) \neq 0$.
We construct predicate encryption from assumptions on bilinear maps for a large class of new functions,...
Non-zero Inner Product Encryptions: Strong Security under Standard Assumptions
Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta
Cryptographic protocols
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with its attribute vector and decryption is possible using a secret-key associated with a predicate vector if the inner product of the vectors is non-zero. The concept of NIPE was put forth by Katz, Sahai and Waters (EUROCRYPT 2008). Following that many NIPE constructions were proposed along with interesting applications. The security of all these works is based on hardness assumptions in pairing-friendly groups....
Public-Key Function-Private Hidden Vector Encryption (and More)
James Bartusek, Brent Carmer, Abhishek Jain, Zhengzhong Jin, Tancrède Lepoint, Fermi Ma, Tal Malkin, Alex J. Malozemoff, Mariana Raykova
Public-key cryptography
We construct public-key function-private predicate encryption for the ``small superset functionality,'' recently introduced by Beullens and Wee (PKC 2019). This functionality captures several important classes of predicates:
- Point functions. For point function predicates, our construction is equivalent to public-key function-private anonymous identity-based encryption.
- Conjunctions. If the predicate computes a conjunction, our construction is a public-key function-private hidden vector...
Attribute Based Encryption (and more) for Nondeterministic Finite Automata from LWE
Shweta Agrawal, Monosij Maitra, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
Constructing Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) [SW05] for uniform models of computation from standard assumptions, is an important problem, about which very little is known. The only known ABE schemes in this setting that i) avoid reliance on multilinear maps or indistinguishability obfuscation, ii) support unbounded length inputs and iii) permit unbounded key requests to the adversary in the security game, are by Waters from Crypto, 2012 [Wat12] and its variants.
Waters provided the first...
Watermarking Public-Key Cryptographic Primitives
Rishab Goyal, Sam Kim, Nathan Manohar, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
Public-key cryptography
A software watermarking scheme enables users to embed a message or mark within a program while preserving its functionality. Moreover, it is difficult for an adversary to remove a watermark from a marked program without corrupting its behavior. Existing constructions of software watermarking from standard assumptions have focused exclusively on watermarking pseudorandom functions (PRFs).
In this work, we study watermarking public-key primitives such as the signing key of a digital signature...
Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption from LWE in the OT Model
Sam Kim
Public-key cryptography
In a (ciphertext policy) attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme, a ciphertext is associated with a predicate $\phi$ and a secret key is associated with a string $x$ such that a key decrypts a ciphertext if and only of $\phi(x) = 1$. Moreover, the scheme should be collusion-resistant meaning that no colluding set of users can learn about the message if none of their secret keys can individually decrypt the ciphertext. Traditionally, in an ABE scheme, there exists a central authority that...
Unbounded Dynamic Predicate Compositions in Attribute-Based Encryption
Nuttapong Attrapadung
We present several transformations that combine a set of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for simpler predicates into a new ABE scheme for more expressive composed predicates. Previous proposals for predicate compositions of this kind, the most recent one being that of Ambrona et.al. at Crypto'17, can be considered static (or partially dynamic), meaning that the policy (or its structure) that specifies a composition must be fixed at the setup. Contrastingly, our transformations are...
Arithmetic Garbling from Bilinear Maps
Nils Fleischhacker, Giulio Malavolta, Dominique Schröder
Public-key cryptography
We consider the problem of garbling arithmetic circuits and present a garbling scheme for inner-product predicates over exponentially large fields. Our construction stems from a generic transformation from predicate encryption which makes only blackbox calls to the underlying primitive. The resulting garbling scheme has practical efficiency and can be used as a garbling gadget to securely compute common arithmetic subroutines. We also show that inner-product predicates are complete by...
Leakage-resilient Identity-based Encryption in Bounded Retrieval Model with Nearly Optimal Leakage-Ratio
Ryo Nishimaki, Takashi Yamakawa
We propose new constructions of leakage-resilient public-key encryption (PKE) and identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes in the bounded retrieval model (BRM). In the BRM, adversaries are allowed to obtain at most $\ell$-bit leakage from a secret key and we can increase $\ell$ only by increasing the size of secret keys without losing efficiency in any other performance measure. We call $\ell/|\textsf{sk}|$ leakage-ratio where $|\textsf{sk}|$ denotes a bit-length of a secret key.
Function Private Predicate Encryption for Low Min-Entropy Predicates
Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Somindu C. Ramanna
Public-key cryptography
In this work, we propose new predicate encryption schemes for zero inner-product encryption (ZIPE) and non-zero inner-product encryption (NIPE) predicates from prime-order bilinear pairings, which are both attribute and function private in the public-key setting.
Our ZIPE scheme is adaptively attribute private under the standard Matrix DDH assumption for unbounded collusions. It is additionally computationally function private under a min-entropy variant of the Matrix DDH assumption for...
Large Universe Subset Predicate Encryption Based on Static Assumption (without Random Oracle)
Sanjit Chatterjee, Sayantan Mukherjee
Cryptographic protocols
In a recent work, Katz et al. (CANS'17) generalized the notion of Broadcast Encryption to define Subset Predicate Encryption (SPE)
that emulates \emph{subset containment} predicate in the encrypted domain. They proposed
two selective secure constructions of SPE in the small universe settings. Their first construction
is based on $q$-type assumption while the second one is based on DBDH.
% which can be converted to large universe using random oracle.
Both achieve constant size secret key...
Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption
Pratish Datta, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Katsuyuki Takashima
Public-key cryptography
This paper demonstrates how to achieve simulation-based strong attribute hiding against adaptive adversaries
for predicate encryption (PE) schemes supporting expressive predicate families under standard
computational assumptions in bilinear groups. Our main result is a simulation-based adaptively strongly
partially-hiding PE (PHPE) scheme for predicates computing arithmetic branching programs (ABP) on
public attributes, followed by an inner-product predicate on private attributes. This...
On Tightly Secure Primitives in the Multi-Instance Setting
Dennis Hofheinz, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
We initiate the study of general tight reductions in cryptography. There already exist a variety of works that offer tight reductions for a number of cryptographic tasks, ranging from encryption and signature schemes to proof systems. However, our work is the first to provide a universal definition of a tight reduction (for arbitrary primitives), along with several observations and results concerning primitives for which tight reductions have not been known.
Technically, we start from the...
On the Inner Product Predicate and a Generalization of Matching Vector Families
Balthazar Bauer, Jevgēnijs Vihrovs, Hoeteck Wee
Motivated by cryptographic applications such as predicate encryption, we consider the problem of representing an arbitrary predicate as the inner product predicate on two vectors. Concretely, fix a Boolean function $P$ and some modulus $q$. We are interested in encoding $x$ to $\vec x$ and $y$ to $\vec y$ so that $$P(x,y) = 1 \Longleftrightarrow \langle\vec x,\vec y\rangle= 0 \bmod q,$$ where the vectors should be as short as possible. This problem can also be viewed as a generalization of...
New Techniques for Efficient Trapdoor Functions and Applications
Sanjam Garg, Romain Gay, Mohammad Hajiabadi
We develop techniques for constructing trapdoor functions (TDFs) with short image size and advanced security properties. Our approach builds on the recent framework of Garg and Hajiabadi [CRYPTO 2018]. As applications of our techniques, we obtain
-- The first construction of deterministic-encryption schemes for block-source inputs (both for the CPA and CCA cases) based on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. Moreover, by applying our efficiency-enhancing techniques, we obtain...
Realizing Chosen Ciphertext Security Generically in Attribute-Based Encryption and Predicate Encryption
Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters
We provide generic and black box transformations from any chosen plaintext secure Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) or One-sided Predicate Encryption system into a chosen ciphertext secure system.
Our transformation requires only the IND-CPA security of the original ABE scheme coupled with a pseudorandom generator (PRG) with a special security property.
In particular, we consider a PRG with an $n$ bit input $s \in {0,1}^n$ and $n\cdot \ell$ bit output $y_1, ..., y_n$ where each $y_i$ is an...
Decentralized Policy-Hiding Attribute-Based Encryption with Receiver Privacy
Yan Michalevsky, Marc Joye
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables limiting access to encrypted data to users with certain attributes. Different aspects of ABE were studied, such as the multi-authority setting (MA-ABE), and policy hiding, meaning the access policy is unknown to unauthorized parties. However, no practical scheme so far provably provides both properties, which are often desirable in real-world applications: supporting decentralization, while hiding the access policy. We present the first practical...
Simpler Constructions of Asymmetric Primitives from Obfuscation
Pooya Farshim, Georg Fuchsbauer, Alain Passelègue
We revisit constructions of asymmetric primitives from obfuscation and give simpler alternatives. We consider public-key encryption, (hierarchical) identity-based encryption ((H)IBE), and predicate encryption. Obfuscation has already been shown to imply PKE by Sahai and Waters (STOC'14) and full-fledged functional encryption by Garg et al. (FOCS'13). We simplify all these constructions and reduce the necessary assumptions on the class of circuits that the obfuscator needs to support. Our PKE...
Multi-client Predicate-only Encryption for Conjunctive Equality Tests
Tim van de Kamp, Andreas Peter, Maarten H. Everts, Willem Jonker
We propose the first multi-client predicate-only encryption scheme capable of efficiently testing the equality of two encrypted vectors. Our construction can be used for the privacy-preserving monitoring of relations among multiple clients. Since both the clients’ data and the predicates are encrypted, our system is suitable for situations in which this information is considered sensitive. We prove our construction plaintext and predicate private in the generic bilinear group model using...
New Lower Bounds on Predicate Entropy for Function Private Public-Key Predicate Encryption
Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Public-key cryptography
We present function private public-key predicate encryption schemes from standard cryptographic assumptions, that achieve new lower bounds on the min-entropy of underlying predicate distributions. Existing function private predicate encryption constructions in the public-key setting can be divided into two broad categories. The first category of constructions are based on standard assumptions, but impose highly stringent requirements on the min-entropy of predicate distributions, thereby...
ABE with Tag Made Easy: Concise Framework and New Instantiations in Prime-order Groups
Jie Chen, Junqing Gong
Among all existing identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes in the bilinear group, Wat-IBE proposed by Waters [CRYPTO, 2009] and JR-IBE proposed by Jutla and Roy [AsiaCrypt, 2013] are quite special. A secret key and/or ciphertext in these two schemes consist of several group elements and an integer which is usually called tag. A series of prior work was devoted to extending them towards more advanced attribute-based encryption (ABE) including inner-product encryption (IPE), hierarchical IBE...
On the Untapped Potential of Encoding Predicates by Arithmetic Circuits and Their Applications
Shuichi Katsumata
Public-key cryptography
Predicates are used in cryptography as a fundamental tool to control the disclosure of secrets. However, how to embed a particular predicate into a cryptographic primitive is usually not given much attention. In this work, we formalize the idea of encoding predicates as arithmetic circuits and observe that choosing the right encoding of a predicate may lead to an improvement in many aspects such as the efficiency of a scheme or the required hardness assumption. In particular, we develop two...
Lightweight Symmetric-Key Hidden Vector Encryption without Pairings
Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Cryptographic protocols
Hidden vector encryption (HVE), introduced by Boneh and Waters in TCC'07, is an expressive sub-class of predicate encryption, that allows conjunctive, subset, range and comparison queries over encrypted data. All existing HVE constructions in the cryptographic literature use bilinear pairings over either composite order or prime order groups. In this paper, we address the open problem of constructing a lightweight symmetric-key HVE scheme that does not use bilinear pairings, but only...
Private Constrained PRFs (and More) from LWE
Zvika Brakerski, Rotem Tsabary, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Hoeteck Wee
In a constrained PRF, the owner of the PRF key K can generate constrained keys K_f that allow anyone to evaluate the PRF on inputs x that satisfy the predicate f (namely, where f(x) is “true”) but reveal no information about the PRF evaluation on the other inputs. A private constrained PRF goes further by requiring that the constrained key Kf hides the predicate f.
Boneh, Kim and Montgomery (EUROCRYPT 2017) presented a construction of private constrained PRF for point function constraints,...
A Note on Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption
Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick
Public-key cryptography
Group Homomorphic Encryption (GHE), formally defined by Armknecht, Katzenbeisser and Peter, is a public-key encryption primitive where the decryption algorithm is a group homomorphism. Hence it supports homomorphic evaluation of a single algebraic operation such as modular addition or modular multiplication. Most classical homomorphic encryption schemes such as as Goldwasser-Micali and Paillier are instances of GHE. In this work, we extend GHE to the attribute-based setting. We introduce and...
CCA-secure Predicate Encryption from Pair Encoding in Prime Order Groups: Generic and Efficient
Sanjit Chatterjee, Sayantan Mukherjee, Tapas Pandit
Attrapadung (Eurocrypt 2014) proposed a generic framework called pair encoding to simplify the design and proof of security of CPA-secure predicate encryption (PE) in composite order groups.
Later Attrapadung (Asiacrypt 2016) extended this idea in prime order groups.
Yamada et al. (PKC 2011, PKC 2012) and Nandi et al. (ePrint Archive: 2015/457, AAECC 2017) proposed generic conversion frameworks to achieve CCA-secure PE from CPA-secure PE provided the encryption schemes have properties like...
Lower Bounds on Obfuscation from All-or-Nothing Encryption Primitives
Sanjam Garg, Mohammad Mahmoody, Ameer Mohammed
Indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) enables many heretofore out-of-reach applications in cryptography. However, currently all known constructions of
IO are based on multilinear maps which are poorly understood. Hence, tremendous research effort has been put towards basing obfuscation on better-understood computational assumptions. Recently, another path to IO has emerged through functional encryption [Anath and Jain, CRYPTO 2015; Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan, FOCS 2015] but such FE schemes...
A Unified Framework for Secure Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data
Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, Mahmoud Alewiwi
This paper presents a unified framework that supports different types of privacy-preserving search queries over encrypted cloud data. In the framework, users can perform any of the multi-keyword search, range search and k-nearest neighbor search operations in a privacy-preserving manner. All three types of queries are transformed into predicate-based search leveraging bucketization, locality sensitive hashing and homomorphic encryption techniques. The proposed framework is implemented using...
Access Control Encryption for General Policies from Standard Assumptions
Sam Kim, David J. Wu
Functional encryption enables fine-grained access to encrypted data. In many scenarios, however, it is important to control not only what users are allowed to read (as provided by traditional functional encryption), but also what users are allowed to send. Recently, Damgård et al. (TCC 2016) introduced a new cryptographic framework called access control encryption (ACE) for restricting information flow within a system in terms of both what users can read as well as what users can write....
Subtleties in Security Definitions for Predicate Encryption with Public Index
Johannes Blömer, Gennadij Liske
Public-key cryptography
We take a critical look at established security definitions for predicate encryption (PE) with public index under chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) and under chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA). In contrast to conventional public-key encryption (PKE), security definitions for PE have to deal with user collusion which is modeled by an additional key generation oracle. We identify three different formalizations of key handling in the literature implicitly assumed to lead to the same security notion....
Conditional Disclosure of Secrets via Non-Linear Reconstruction
Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Hoeteck Wee
We present new protocols for conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS),
where two parties want to disclose a secret to a third party if and
only if their respective inputs satisfy some predicate.
- For general predicates $\text{pred} : [N] \times [N] \rightarrow \{0,1\}$,
we present two protocols that achieve $o(N^{1/2})$ communication: the
first achieves $O(N^{1/3})$ communication and the second achieves
sub-polynomial $2^{O(\sqrt{\log N \log\log N})} = N^{o(1)}$
- As a...
Embed-Augment-Recover: Function Private Predicate Encryption from Minimal Assumptions in the Public-Key Setting
Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
We present a new class of public-key predicate encryption schemes that are provably function private in the standard model under well-known cryptographic assumptions, and assume predicate distributions satisfying realistic min-entropy requirements. More concretely, we present public-key constructions for identity-based encryption (IBE) and inner-product encryption (IPE) that are computationally function private in the standard model under a family of weaker variants of the DLIN assumption....
Obfuscating Compute-and-Compare Programs under LWE
Daniel Wichs, Giorgos Zirdelis
Public-key cryptography
We show how to obfuscate a large and expressive class of programs, which we call compute-and-compare programs, under the learning-with-errors (LWE) assumption. Each such program $CC[f,y]$ is parametrized by an arbitrary polynomial-time computable function $f$ along with a target value $y$ and we define $CC[f,y](x)$ to output $1$ if $f(x)=y$ and $0$ otherwise. In other words, the program performs an arbitrary computation $f$ and then compares its output against a target $y$. Our obfuscator...
Decentralization is a great enabler for adoption of modern cryptography in real-world systems. Widespread adoption of blockchains and secure multi-party computation protocols are perfect evidentiary examples for dramatic rise in deployment of decentralized cryptographic systems. Much of cryptographic research can be viewed as reducing (or eliminating) the dependence on trusted parties, while shielding from stronger adversarial threats. In this work, we study the problem of multi-authority...
In this work, we explore the field of lattice-based Predicate Encryption (PE), with a focus on enhancing compactness and refining functionality. First, we present a more compact bounded collusion predicate encryption scheme compared to previous constructions, significantly reducing both the per-unit expansion and fixed overhead, while maintaining an optimal linear blow-up proportional to $Q$. Next, we propose a Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption (P-IPFE) scheme based on our...
A privately constrained pseudorandom function (pCPRF) is a PRF with the additional property that one can derive a constrained key that allows evaluating the PRF only on inputs satisfying a constraint predicate $C$, without revealing $C$ itself or leaking information about the PRF’s output on inputs that do not satisfy the constraint. Existing privately constrained PRFs face significant limitations: either (1) they rely on assumptions known to imply fully-homomorphic encryption or...
We present the first protocol for efficient Fuzzy Private Set Intersection (PSI) that achieves linear communication complexity, does not depend on restrictive assumptions on the distribution of party inputs, and abstains from inefficient fully homomorphic encryption. Specifically, our protocol enables two parties to compute all pairs of elements from their respective sets that are within a given Hamming distance, without constraints on how these sets are structured. Our key insight is...
Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) is a distributed analogue of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) where following an input-sharing phase, two or more parties can locally compute a function over their private inputs to obtain shares of the function output. Over the last decade, HSS schemes have been constructed from an array of different assumptions. However, all existing HSS schemes, except ones based on assumptions known to imply multi-key FHE, require a public-key infrastructure (PKI) or...
Recently, Francati et al. (Asiacrypt 2023) provided the first registered functional encryption (Reg-FE) beyond predicates. Reg-FE addresses the key escrow problem in functional encryption by allowing users to generate their own key pairs, effectively replacing the traditional private-key generator with a key curator. The key curator holds no secret information and runs deterministic algorithms to generate master public key for encryption and helper keys for decryption. However, existing...
Multi-input Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a generalization of key-policy ABE where attributes can be independently encrypted across several ciphertexts, and a joint decryption of these ciphertexts is possible if and only if the combination of attributes satisfies the policy of the decryption key. We extend this model by introducing a new primitive that we call Multi-Client ABE (MC-ABE), which provides the usual enhancements of multi-client functional encryption over multi-input...
We initiate the study of the black-box complexity of private-key functional encryption (FE). Of central importance in the private-key setting is the inner-product functionality, which is currently only known from assumptions that imply public-key encryption, such as Decisional Diffie-Hellman or Learning-with-Errors. As our main result, we rule out black-box constructions of private-key inner-product FE from random oracles. This implies a black-box separation between private-key...
We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) schemes for pseudorandom functionalities, where the output of the functionality is pseudorandom for every input seen by the adversary. Our MIFE scheme relies on LWE and evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) for constant arity functions, and a strengthening of evasive LWE for polynomial arity. Thus, we obtain the first MIFE and iO schemes for a nontrivial...
In aggregation queries, predicate parameters often reveal user intent. Protecting these parameters is critical for user privacy, regardless of whether the database is public or private. While most existing works focus on private data settings, we address a public data setting where the server has access to the database. Current solutions for this setting either require additional setups (e.g., noncolluding servers, hardware enclaves) or are inefficient for practical workloads. Furthermore,...
We introduce new lattice-based techniques for building ABE for circuits with unbounded attribute length based on the LWE assumption, improving upon the previous constructions of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan (CRYPTO 16) and Goyal, Koppula, and Waters (TCC 16). Our main result is a simple and more efficient unbounded ABE scheme for circuits where only the circuit depth is fixed at set-up; this is the first unbounded ABE scheme for circuits that rely only on black-box access to cryptographic...
Privacy is a major concern in large-scale digital applications, such as cloud-computing, machine learning services, and access control. Users want to protect not only their plain data but also their associated attributes (e.g., age, location, etc). Functional encryption (FE) is a cryptographic tool that allows fine-grained access control over encrypted data. However, existing FE fall short as they are either inefficient and far from reality or they leak sensitive user-specific...
Registered attribute-based encryption (Reg-ABE), introduced by Hohenberger et al. (Eurocrypt’23), emerges as a pivotal extension of attribute-based encryption (ABE), aimed at mitigating the key-escrow problem. Although several Reg-ABE schemes with black-box use of cryptography have been proposed so far, there remains a significant gap in the class of achievable predicates between vanilla ABE and Reg-ABE. To narrow this gap, we propose a modular framework for constructing Reg-ABE schemes for a...
The discourse herein pertains to a directional encryption cryptosystem predicated upon logarithmic signatures interconnected via a system of linear equations (we call it LINE). A logarithmic signature serves as a foundational cryptographic primitive within the algorithm, characterized by distinct cryptographic attributes including nonlinearity, noncommutativity, unidirectionality, and factorizability by key. The confidentiality of the cryptosystem is contingent upon the presence of an...
Policy-compliant signatures (PCS) are a recently introduced primitive by Badertscher et al. [TCC 2021] in which a central authority distributes secret and public keys associated with sets of attributes (e.g., nationality, affiliation with a specific department, or age) to its users. The authority also enforces a policy determining which senders can sign messages for which receivers based on a joint check of their attributes. For example, senders and receivers must have the same nationality,...
In this work, we present two generic frameworks for leakage-resilient attribute-based encryption (ABE), which is an improved version of ABE that can be proven secure even when part of the secret key is leaked. Our frameworks rely on the standard assumption ($k$-Lin) over prime-order groups. The first framework is designed for leakage-resilient ABE with attribute-hiding in the bounded leakage model. Prior to this work, no one had yet derived a generic leakage-resilient ABE framework with...
This paper introduces the notion of registered attribute-based signature (registered ABS). Distinctly different from classical attribute-based signature (ABS), registered ABS allows any user to generate their own public/secret key pair and register it with the system. The key curator is critical to keep the system flowing, which is a fully transparent entity that does not retain secrets. Our results can be summarized as follows. -This paper provides the first definition of registered...
Decentralized Anonymous Credential (DAC) systems are increasingly relevant, especially when enhancing revocation mechanisms in the face of complex traceability challenges. This paper introduces IDEA-DAC, a paradigm shift from the conventional revoke-and-reissue methods, promoting direct and Integrity-Driven Editing (IDE) for Accountable DACs, which results in better integrity accountability, traceability, and system simplicity. We further incorporate an Edit-bound Conformity Check that...
Keyed homomorphic public key encryption (KHPKE) is a variant of homomorphic public key encryption, where only users who have a homomorphic evaluation key can perform a homomorphic evaluation. Then, KHPKE satisfies the CCA2 security against users who do not have a homomorphic evaluation key, while it satisfies the CCA1 security against users who have the key. Thus far, several KHPKE schemes have been proposed under the standard Diffie-Hellman-type assumptions and keyed fully homomorphic...
A monotone policy batch $\mathsf{NP}$ language $\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{R}, P}$ is parameterized by a monotone policy $P \colon \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}$ and an $\mathsf{NP}$ relation $\mathcal{R}$. A statement $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ is a YES instance if there exists $w_1, \ldots, w_k$ where $P(\mathcal{R}(x_1, w_1), \ldots, \mathcal{R}(x_k, w_k)) = 1$. For example, we might say that an instance $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ is a YES instance if a majority of the statements are true. A monotone policy batch...
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed, which typically target...
Privacy-preserving blueprint schemes (Kohlweiss et al., EUROCRYPT'23) offer a mechanism for safeguarding user's privacy while allowing for specific legitimate controls by a designated auditor agent. These schemes enable users to create escrows encrypting the result of evaluating a function $y=P(t,x)$, with $P$ being publicly known, $t$ a secret used during the auditor's key generation, and $x$ the user's private input. Crucially, escrows only disclose the blueprinting result $y=P(t,x)$...
This paper presents the first generic black-box construction of registered attribute-based encryption (Reg-ABE) via predicate encoding [TCC'14]. The generic scheme is based on $k$-Lin assumption in the prime-order bilinear group and implies the following concrete schemes that improve existing results: - the first Reg-ABE scheme for span program in the prime-order group; prior work uses composite-order group; - the first Reg-ABE scheme for zero inner-product predicate from $k$-Lin...
Fine-grained cryptography is constructing cryptosystems in a setting where an adversary’s resource is a-prior bounded and an honest party has less resource than an adversary. Currently, only simple form of encryption schemes, such as secret-key and public-key encryption, are constructed in this setting. In this paper, we enrich the available tools in fine-grained cryptography by proposing the first fine-grained secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme. Our construction is adaptively...
Recently, Abdalla, Gong and Wee (Crypto 2020) provided the first functional encryption scheme for attribute-weighted sums (AWS), where encryption takes as input $N$ (unbounded) attribute-value pairs $\{\vec{x}_i, \vec{z}_i\}_{I \in [N]}$ where $\vec{x}_i$ is public and $\vec{z}_i$ is private, the secret key is associated with an arithmetic branching programs $f$, and decryption returns the weighted sum ${\sum}_{{i \in [N]}} f(\vec{x}_i)^\top \vec{z}_i$, leaking no additional information...
This paper introduces arithmetic sketching, an abstraction of a primitive that several previous works use to achieve lightweight, low-communication zero-knowledge verification of secret-shared vectors. An arithmetic sketching scheme for a language $\mathcal{L} \in \mathbb{F}^n$ consists of (1) a randomized linear function compressing a long input x to a short “sketch,” and (2) a small arithmetic circuit that accepts the sketch if and only if $x \in \mathcal{L}$, up to some small error. If...
Constructing advanced cryptographic primitives such as obfuscation or broadcast encryption from standard hardness assumptions in the post quantum regime is an important area of research, which has met with limited success despite significant effort. It is therefore extremely important to find new, simple to state assumptions in this regime which can be used to fill this gap. An important step was taken recently by Wee (Eurocrypt '22) who identified two new assumptions from lattices, namely...
Predicate inner product functional encryption (P-IPFE) is essentially attribute-based IPFE (AB-IPFE) which additionally hides attributes associated to ciphertexts. In a P-IPFE, a message x is encrypted under an attribute w and a secret key is generated for a pair (y, v) such that recovery of ⟨x, y⟩ requires the vectors w, v to satisfy a linear relation. We call a P-IPFE unbounded if it can encrypt unbounded length attributes and message vectors. • zero predicate IPFE. We construct the first...
Despite its popularity, password based authentication is susceptible to various kinds of attacks, such as online or offline dictionary attacks. Employing biometric credentials in the authentication process can strengthen the provided security guarantees, but raises significant privacy concerns. This is mainly due to the inherent variability of biometric readings that prevents us from simply applying a standard hash function to them. In this paper we first propose an ideal functionality for...
This paper introduces the first registered functional encryption RFE scheme tailored for linear functions. Distinctly different from classical functional encryption (FE), RFE addresses the key-escrow issue and negates the master key exfiltration attack. Instead of relying on a centralized trusted authority, it introduces a “key curator” - a fully transparent entity that does not retain secrets. In an RFE framework, users independently generate secret keys and subsequently register their...
Registered encryption (Garg $et\ al.$, TCC'18) is an emerging paradigm that tackles the key-escrow problem associated with identity-based encryption by replacing the private-key generator with a much weaker entity known as the key curator. The key curator holds no secret information, and is responsible to: (i) update the master public key whenever a new user registers its own public key to the system; (ii) provide helper decryption keys to the users already registered in the system, in...
Joint computation on encrypted data is becoming increasingly crucial with the rise of cloud computing. In recent years, the development of multi-client functional encryption (MCFE) has made it possible to perform joint computation on private inputs, without any interaction. Well-settled solutions for linear functions have become efficient and secure, but there is still a shortcoming: if one user inputs incorrect data, the output of the function might become meaningless for all other users...
We study certified everlasting secure functional encryption (FE) and many other cryptographic primitives in this work. Certified everlasting security roughly means the following. A receiver possessing a quantum cryptographic object (such as ciphertext) can issue a certificate showing that the receiver has deleted the cryptographic object and information included in the object (such as plaintext) was lost. If the certificate is valid, the security is guaranteed even if the receiver becomes...
The no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics enables us to achieve amazing unclonable cryptographic primitives, which is impossible in classical cryptography. However, the security definitions for unclonable cryptography are tricky. Achieving desirable security notions for unclonability is a challenging task. In particular, there is no indistinguishable-secure unclonable encryption and quantum copy-protection for single-bit output point functions in the standard model. To tackle this...
Functional encryption features secret keys, each associated with a key function $f$, which allow to directly recover $f(x)$ from an encryption of $x$, without learning anything more about $x$. This property is particularly useful when delegating data processing to a third party as it allows the latter to perfom its task while ensuring minimum data leakage. However, this generic term conceals a great diversity in the cryptographic constructions that strongly differ according to the functions...
In attribute-based signatures (ABS) for inner products, the digital signature analogue of attribute-based encryption for inner products (Katz et al., EuroCrypt'08), a signing-key (resp. signature) is labeled with an $n$-dimensional vector $\mathbf{x}\in\mathbf{Z}_p^n$ (resp. $\mathbf{y}\in\mathbf{Z}_p^n$) for a prime $p$, and the signing succeeds iff their inner product is zero, i.e., $ \langle \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \rangle=0 \pmod p$. We generalize it to ABS for range of inner product...
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed. However, these...
We propose a novel variant of functional encryption which supports ciphertext updates, dubbed ciphertext-updatable functional encryption (CUFE). Such a feature further broadens the practical applicability of the functional-encryption paradigm and allows for fine-grained access control even after a ciphertext is generated. Updating ciphertexts is carried out via so-called update tokens which a dedicated party can use to convert ciphertexts. However, allowing update tokens requires some care...
Functional Encryption (FE) has been extensively studied in the recent years, mainly focusing on the feasibility of constructing FE for general functionalities, as well as some realizations for restricted functionalities of practical interest, such as inner-product. However, little consideration has been given to the issue of key leakage on FE. The property of FE that allows multiple users to obtain the same functional keys from the holder of the master secret key raises an important...
Motivated by several new and natural applications, we initiate the study of multi-input predicate encryption (${\sf miPE}$) and further develop multi-input attribute based encryption (${\sf miABE}$). Our contributions are: 1. Formalizing Security: We provide definitions for ${\sf miABE}$ and ${\sf miPE}$ in the {symmetric} key setting and formalize security in the standard indistinguishability (IND) paradigm, against unbounded collusions. 2. Two-input ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$...
Access Control Encryption (ACE) allows to control information flow between parties by enforcing a policy that specifies which user can send messages to whom. The core of the scheme is a sanitizer, i.e., an entity that ''sanitizes'' all messages by essentially re-encrypting the ciphertexts under its key. In this work we investigate the natural question of whether it is still possible to achieve some meaningful security properties in scenarios when such a sanitization step is not...
We put forward two natural generalizations of predicate encryption (PE), dubbed multi-key and multi-input PE. More in details, our contributions are threefold. - Definitions. We formalize security of multi-key PE and multi-input PE following the standard indistinguishability paradigm, and modeling security both against malicious senders (i.e., corruption of encryption keys) and malicious receivers (i.e., collusions). - Constructions. We construct adaptively secure multi-key and...
We provide counterexamples to the ``dream'' version of Yao's XOR Lemma. In particular, we put forward explicit candidates for hard predicates, such that the advantage of predicting the XOR of many independent copies does not decrease beyond some fixed negligible function, even as the number of copies gets arbitrarily large. We provide two such constructions: 1) Our first construction is in the ideal obfuscation model (alternatively, assuming virtual black-box obfuscation for a concrete...
Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (AB-PRE) is one of the essential variants for proxy re-encryption. It allows a proxy with a re-encryption key to transform a ciphertext associated with an access policy and decryptable by a delegator into another ciphertext associated with a new access policy, thereafter other delegatees can decrypt. However, with AB-PRE, the proxy is to switch the underlying policies of all ciphertexts indiscriminately. The delegator cannot decide which ciphertext would...
In known security reductions for the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation, decryption failures are handled via a reduction solving the rather unnatural task of finding failing plaintexts \emph{given the private key}, resulting in a Grover search bound. Moreover, they require an implicit rejection mechanism for invalid ciphertexts to achieve a reasonable security bound in the QROM. We present a reduction that has neither of these deficiencies: We introduce two security games related to finding...
Applications today rely on cloud databases for storing and querying time-series data. While outsourcing storage is convenient, this data is often sensitive, making data breaches a serious concern. We present Waldo, a time-series database with rich functionality and strong security guarantees: Waldo supports multi-predicate filtering, protects data contents as well as query filter values and search access patterns, and provides malicious security in the 3-party honest-majority setting. In...
Predicate encryption (PE) is a cutting-edge research topic in cryptography, and an essential component of a research route: identity-based encryption (IBE)→attribute-based encryption (ABE)→predicate encryption (PE)→functional encryption (FE). GVW15 predicate encryption scheme is a major predicate encryption scheme. The bottom structure is BGG+14 attribute-based encryption scheme, which is combined with a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme. A crucial operation of the scheme is modulus...
Attribute-based encryption with equality test ($\mathsf{ABEET}$) is an extension of the ordinary attribute-based encryption ($\mathsf{ABE}$), where trapdoors enable us to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same message. Thus far, several CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes have been proposed for monotone span programs satisfying selective security under $q$-type assumptions. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ from delegatable...
We introduce policy-compliant signatures (PCS). A PCS scheme can be used in a setting where a central authority determines a global policy and distributes public and secret keys associated with sets of attributes to the users in the system. If two users, Alice and Bob, have attribute sets that jointly satisfy the global policy, Alice can use her secret key and Bob's public key to sign a message. Unforgeability ensures that a valid signature can only be produced if Alice's secret key is known...
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies offer an appealing alternative to Fiat currencies, due to their decentralized and borderless nature. However the decentralized settings make the authentication process more challenging: Standard cryptographic methods often rely on the ability of users to reliably store a (large) secret information. What happens if one user's key is lost or stolen? Blockchain systems lack of fallback mechanisms that allow one to recover from such an event, whereas the...
In this paper, we propose the first generic framework for attribute-based encryptions (ABE) with master-secret-key-dependent-message security (mKDM security) for affine functions via predicate encodings by Chen, Gay and Wee [Eurocrypt 2015]. The construction is adaptively secure under standard $k$-Lin assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. By this, we obtain a set of new mKDM-secure ABE schemes with high expressiveness that have never been reached before: we get the first hierarchical...
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic primitive which supports fine-grained access control on encrypted data, making it an appealing building block for many applications. Pair encodings (Attrapadung, EUROCRYPT 2014) are simple primitives that can be used for constructing fully secure ABE schemes associated to a predicate relative to the encoding. We propose a generic transformation that takes any pair encoding scheme (PES) for a predicate $P$ and produces a PES for its negated...
Logic access control enforces who can read and write data; the enforcement is typically performed by a fully trusted entity. At TCC 2016, Damg\aa rd et al. proposed Access Control Encryption (ACE) schemes where a predicate function decides whether or not users can read (decrypt) and write (encrypt) data, while the message secrecy and the users' anonymity are preserved against malicious parties. Subsequently, several ACE constructions with an arbitrary identity-based access policy have been...
The celebrated work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee provided the first key policy attribute based encryption scheme (ABE) for circuits from the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption. However, the arguably more natural ciphertext policy variant has remained elusive, and is a central primitive not yet known from LWE. In this work, we construct the first symmetric key ciphertext policy attribute based encryption scheme (CP-ABE) for all polynomial sized circuits from the learning with...
We initiate the study of multi-party functional encryption (MPFE) which unifies and abstracts out various notions of functional encryption which support distributed ciphertexts or secret keys, such as multi-input FE, multi-client FE, decentralized multi-client FE, multi-authority FE, dynamic decentralized FE, adhoc multi-input FE and such others. Using our framework, we identify several gaps in the literature and provide some constructions to fill these: 1) Multi-Authority ABE with Inner...
Biometric databases collect people’s information and allow users to perform proximity searches (finding all records within a bounded distance of the query point) with few cryptographic protections. This work studies proximity searchable encryption applied to the iris biometric. Prior work proposed inner product functional encryption as a technique to build proximity biometric databases (Kim et al., SCN 2018). This is because binary Hamming distance is computable using an inner product. This...
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with an attribute vector and a receiver holding a secret-key associated to a predicate vector can recover the message from the ciphertext if the inner product between the attribute and predicate vectors is non-zero. The main focus is to hide messages in most of the existing NIPEs and the associated attribute is trivially included in the ciphertext. In this work, we investigate the design of NIPEs that are capable of...
In multi-client functional encryption (MC-FE) for predicate queries, clients generate ciphertexts of attributes $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ binding with a time period $T$ and store them on a cloud server, and the cloud server receives a token corresponding to a predicate $f$ from a trusted center and learns whether $f(x_1, \ldots, x_n) = 1$ or not by running the query algorithm on the multiple ciphertexts of the same time period. MC-FE for predicates can be used for a network event or medical data...
The common approach in secure communication channel protocols is to rely on ciphertexts arriving in-order and to close the connection upon any rogue ciphertext. Cryptographic security models for channels generally reflect such design. This is reasonable when running atop lower-level transport protocols like TCP ensuring in-order delivery, as for example is the case with TLS or SSH. However, protocols like QUIC or DTLS which run over a non-reliable transport such as UDP, do not---and in fact...
Proxy re-encryption (PRE), formalized by Blaze et al. in 1998, allows a proxy entity to delegate the decryption right of a ciphertext from one party to another without obtaining the information of the plaintext. In recent years, many studies have explored how to construct PRE schemes that support fine-grained access control for complex application scenarios, such as identity-based PRE and attribute-based PRE. Besides, in order to achieve more flexible access control, the predicate proxy...
Inner product encryption is a powerful cryptographic primitive, where a private key and a ciphertext are both associated with a predicate vector and an attribute vector, respectively. A successful decryption requires the inner product of the predicate vector and the attribute vector to be zero. Most of the existing inner product encryption schemes suffer either long private key or heavy decryption cost. In this manuscript, an efficient inner product encryption is proposed. The length for a...
At Eurocrypt'19, Attrapadung presented several transformations that dynamically compose a set of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for simpler predicates into a new ABE scheme for more expressive predicates. Due to the powerful unbounded and modular nature of his compositions, many new ABE schemes can be obtained in a systematic manner. However, his approach heavily relies on $q$-type assumptions, which are not standard. Devising such powerful compositions from standard assumptions...
We present a novel framework for asynchronous permissioned blockchain with high performance and post-quantum security for the first time. Specifically, our framework contains two asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (aBFT) protocols SodsBC and SodsBC++. We leverage concurrently preprocessing to accelerate the preparation of three cryptographic objects for the repeated consensus procedure, including common random coins as the needed randomness, secret shares of symmetric encryption keys for...
We present an advanced encoding framework for predicate encryption (PE) in prime order groups. Our framework captures a wider range of adaptively secure PE schemes such as non-monotonic attribute-based encryption by allowing PE schemes to have more flexible structures. Prior to our work, frameworks featuring adaptively secure PE schemes in prime order groups require strong structural restrictions on the schemes. In those frameworks, exponents of public keys and master secret keys of PE...
FastSwap is a simple and concretely efficient contingent payment scheme for complex predicates, inspired by FairSwap. FastSwap only relies on symmetric primitives (in particular symmetric encryption and cryptographic hash functions) and avoids `heavy-weight' primitives such as general ZKP systems. FastSwap is particularly well-suited for applications where the witness or predicate is large (on the order of MBs / GBs) or expensive to calculate. Additionally FastSwap allows predicates to be...
We introduce the notion of a Functionally Encrypted Datastore which collects data anonymously from multiple data-owners, stores it encrypted on an untrusted server, and allows untrusted clients to make select-and-compute queries on the collected data. Little coordination and no communication is required among the data-owners or the clients. Our notion is general enough to capture many real world scenarios that require controlled computation on encrypted data, such as is required for contact...
The existence of secure indistinguishability obfuscators ($i\mathcal{O}$) has far-reaching implications, significantly expanding the scope of problems amenable to cryptographic study. A recent line of work [Ananth, Jain, and Sahai, 2018; Aggrawal, 2018; Lin and Matt, 2018; Jain, Lin, Matt, and Sahai, 2019] has developed a new theory for building $i\mathcal{O}$~from simpler building blocks, and represents the state of the art in constructing $i\mathcal{O}$~from succinct and...
In predicate encryption for a function $f$, an authority can create ciphertexts and secret keys which are associated with `attributes'. A user with decryption key $K_y$ corresponding to attribute $y$ can decrypt a ciphertext $CT_x$ corresponding to a message $m$ and attribute $x$ if and only if $f(x,y)=0$. Furthermore, the attribute $x$ remains hidden to the user if $f(x,y) \neq 0$. We construct predicate encryption from assumptions on bilinear maps for a large class of new functions,...
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with its attribute vector and decryption is possible using a secret-key associated with a predicate vector if the inner product of the vectors is non-zero. The concept of NIPE was put forth by Katz, Sahai and Waters (EUROCRYPT 2008). Following that many NIPE constructions were proposed along with interesting applications. The security of all these works is based on hardness assumptions in pairing-friendly groups....
We construct public-key function-private predicate encryption for the ``small superset functionality,'' recently introduced by Beullens and Wee (PKC 2019). This functionality captures several important classes of predicates: - Point functions. For point function predicates, our construction is equivalent to public-key function-private anonymous identity-based encryption. - Conjunctions. If the predicate computes a conjunction, our construction is a public-key function-private hidden vector...
Constructing Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) [SW05] for uniform models of computation from standard assumptions, is an important problem, about which very little is known. The only known ABE schemes in this setting that i) avoid reliance on multilinear maps or indistinguishability obfuscation, ii) support unbounded length inputs and iii) permit unbounded key requests to the adversary in the security game, are by Waters from Crypto, 2012 [Wat12] and its variants. Waters provided the first...
A software watermarking scheme enables users to embed a message or mark within a program while preserving its functionality. Moreover, it is difficult for an adversary to remove a watermark from a marked program without corrupting its behavior. Existing constructions of software watermarking from standard assumptions have focused exclusively on watermarking pseudorandom functions (PRFs). In this work, we study watermarking public-key primitives such as the signing key of a digital signature...
In a (ciphertext policy) attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme, a ciphertext is associated with a predicate $\phi$ and a secret key is associated with a string $x$ such that a key decrypts a ciphertext if and only of $\phi(x) = 1$. Moreover, the scheme should be collusion-resistant meaning that no colluding set of users can learn about the message if none of their secret keys can individually decrypt the ciphertext. Traditionally, in an ABE scheme, there exists a central authority that...
We present several transformations that combine a set of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for simpler predicates into a new ABE scheme for more expressive composed predicates. Previous proposals for predicate compositions of this kind, the most recent one being that of Ambrona et.al. at Crypto'17, can be considered static (or partially dynamic), meaning that the policy (or its structure) that specifies a composition must be fixed at the setup. Contrastingly, our transformations are...
We consider the problem of garbling arithmetic circuits and present a garbling scheme for inner-product predicates over exponentially large fields. Our construction stems from a generic transformation from predicate encryption which makes only blackbox calls to the underlying primitive. The resulting garbling scheme has practical efficiency and can be used as a garbling gadget to securely compute common arithmetic subroutines. We also show that inner-product predicates are complete by...
We propose new constructions of leakage-resilient public-key encryption (PKE) and identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes in the bounded retrieval model (BRM). In the BRM, adversaries are allowed to obtain at most $\ell$-bit leakage from a secret key and we can increase $\ell$ only by increasing the size of secret keys without losing efficiency in any other performance measure. We call $\ell/|\textsf{sk}|$ leakage-ratio where $|\textsf{sk}|$ denotes a bit-length of a secret key. Several...
In this work, we propose new predicate encryption schemes for zero inner-product encryption (ZIPE) and non-zero inner-product encryption (NIPE) predicates from prime-order bilinear pairings, which are both attribute and function private in the public-key setting. Our ZIPE scheme is adaptively attribute private under the standard Matrix DDH assumption for unbounded collusions. It is additionally computationally function private under a min-entropy variant of the Matrix DDH assumption for...
In a recent work, Katz et al. (CANS'17) generalized the notion of Broadcast Encryption to define Subset Predicate Encryption (SPE) that emulates \emph{subset containment} predicate in the encrypted domain. They proposed two selective secure constructions of SPE in the small universe settings. Their first construction is based on $q$-type assumption while the second one is based on DBDH. % which can be converted to large universe using random oracle. Both achieve constant size secret key...
This paper demonstrates how to achieve simulation-based strong attribute hiding against adaptive adversaries for predicate encryption (PE) schemes supporting expressive predicate families under standard computational assumptions in bilinear groups. Our main result is a simulation-based adaptively strongly partially-hiding PE (PHPE) scheme for predicates computing arithmetic branching programs (ABP) on public attributes, followed by an inner-product predicate on private attributes. This...
We initiate the study of general tight reductions in cryptography. There already exist a variety of works that offer tight reductions for a number of cryptographic tasks, ranging from encryption and signature schemes to proof systems. However, our work is the first to provide a universal definition of a tight reduction (for arbitrary primitives), along with several observations and results concerning primitives for which tight reductions have not been known. Technically, we start from the...
Motivated by cryptographic applications such as predicate encryption, we consider the problem of representing an arbitrary predicate as the inner product predicate on two vectors. Concretely, fix a Boolean function $P$ and some modulus $q$. We are interested in encoding $x$ to $\vec x$ and $y$ to $\vec y$ so that $$P(x,y) = 1 \Longleftrightarrow \langle\vec x,\vec y\rangle= 0 \bmod q,$$ where the vectors should be as short as possible. This problem can also be viewed as a generalization of...
We develop techniques for constructing trapdoor functions (TDFs) with short image size and advanced security properties. Our approach builds on the recent framework of Garg and Hajiabadi [CRYPTO 2018]. As applications of our techniques, we obtain -- The first construction of deterministic-encryption schemes for block-source inputs (both for the CPA and CCA cases) based on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. Moreover, by applying our efficiency-enhancing techniques, we obtain...
We provide generic and black box transformations from any chosen plaintext secure Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) or One-sided Predicate Encryption system into a chosen ciphertext secure system. Our transformation requires only the IND-CPA security of the original ABE scheme coupled with a pseudorandom generator (PRG) with a special security property. In particular, we consider a PRG with an $n$ bit input $s \in {0,1}^n$ and $n\cdot \ell$ bit output $y_1, ..., y_n$ where each $y_i$ is an...
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables limiting access to encrypted data to users with certain attributes. Different aspects of ABE were studied, such as the multi-authority setting (MA-ABE), and policy hiding, meaning the access policy is unknown to unauthorized parties. However, no practical scheme so far provably provides both properties, which are often desirable in real-world applications: supporting decentralization, while hiding the access policy. We present the first practical...
We revisit constructions of asymmetric primitives from obfuscation and give simpler alternatives. We consider public-key encryption, (hierarchical) identity-based encryption ((H)IBE), and predicate encryption. Obfuscation has already been shown to imply PKE by Sahai and Waters (STOC'14) and full-fledged functional encryption by Garg et al. (FOCS'13). We simplify all these constructions and reduce the necessary assumptions on the class of circuits that the obfuscator needs to support. Our PKE...
We propose the first multi-client predicate-only encryption scheme capable of efficiently testing the equality of two encrypted vectors. Our construction can be used for the privacy-preserving monitoring of relations among multiple clients. Since both the clients’ data and the predicates are encrypted, our system is suitable for situations in which this information is considered sensitive. We prove our construction plaintext and predicate private in the generic bilinear group model using...
We present function private public-key predicate encryption schemes from standard cryptographic assumptions, that achieve new lower bounds on the min-entropy of underlying predicate distributions. Existing function private predicate encryption constructions in the public-key setting can be divided into two broad categories. The first category of constructions are based on standard assumptions, but impose highly stringent requirements on the min-entropy of predicate distributions, thereby...
Among all existing identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes in the bilinear group, Wat-IBE proposed by Waters [CRYPTO, 2009] and JR-IBE proposed by Jutla and Roy [AsiaCrypt, 2013] are quite special. A secret key and/or ciphertext in these two schemes consist of several group elements and an integer which is usually called tag. A series of prior work was devoted to extending them towards more advanced attribute-based encryption (ABE) including inner-product encryption (IPE), hierarchical IBE...
Predicates are used in cryptography as a fundamental tool to control the disclosure of secrets. However, how to embed a particular predicate into a cryptographic primitive is usually not given much attention. In this work, we formalize the idea of encoding predicates as arithmetic circuits and observe that choosing the right encoding of a predicate may lead to an improvement in many aspects such as the efficiency of a scheme or the required hardness assumption. In particular, we develop two...
Hidden vector encryption (HVE), introduced by Boneh and Waters in TCC'07, is an expressive sub-class of predicate encryption, that allows conjunctive, subset, range and comparison queries over encrypted data. All existing HVE constructions in the cryptographic literature use bilinear pairings over either composite order or prime order groups. In this paper, we address the open problem of constructing a lightweight symmetric-key HVE scheme that does not use bilinear pairings, but only...
In a constrained PRF, the owner of the PRF key K can generate constrained keys K_f that allow anyone to evaluate the PRF on inputs x that satisfy the predicate f (namely, where f(x) is “true”) but reveal no information about the PRF evaluation on the other inputs. A private constrained PRF goes further by requiring that the constrained key Kf hides the predicate f. Boneh, Kim and Montgomery (EUROCRYPT 2017) presented a construction of private constrained PRF for point function constraints,...
Group Homomorphic Encryption (GHE), formally defined by Armknecht, Katzenbeisser and Peter, is a public-key encryption primitive where the decryption algorithm is a group homomorphism. Hence it supports homomorphic evaluation of a single algebraic operation such as modular addition or modular multiplication. Most classical homomorphic encryption schemes such as as Goldwasser-Micali and Paillier are instances of GHE. In this work, we extend GHE to the attribute-based setting. We introduce and...
Attrapadung (Eurocrypt 2014) proposed a generic framework called pair encoding to simplify the design and proof of security of CPA-secure predicate encryption (PE) in composite order groups. Later Attrapadung (Asiacrypt 2016) extended this idea in prime order groups. Yamada et al. (PKC 2011, PKC 2012) and Nandi et al. (ePrint Archive: 2015/457, AAECC 2017) proposed generic conversion frameworks to achieve CCA-secure PE from CPA-secure PE provided the encryption schemes have properties like...
Indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) enables many heretofore out-of-reach applications in cryptography. However, currently all known constructions of IO are based on multilinear maps which are poorly understood. Hence, tremendous research effort has been put towards basing obfuscation on better-understood computational assumptions. Recently, another path to IO has emerged through functional encryption [Anath and Jain, CRYPTO 2015; Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan, FOCS 2015] but such FE schemes...
This paper presents a unified framework that supports different types of privacy-preserving search queries over encrypted cloud data. In the framework, users can perform any of the multi-keyword search, range search and k-nearest neighbor search operations in a privacy-preserving manner. All three types of queries are transformed into predicate-based search leveraging bucketization, locality sensitive hashing and homomorphic encryption techniques. The proposed framework is implemented using...
Functional encryption enables fine-grained access to encrypted data. In many scenarios, however, it is important to control not only what users are allowed to read (as provided by traditional functional encryption), but also what users are allowed to send. Recently, Damgård et al. (TCC 2016) introduced a new cryptographic framework called access control encryption (ACE) for restricting information flow within a system in terms of both what users can read as well as what users can write....
We take a critical look at established security definitions for predicate encryption (PE) with public index under chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) and under chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA). In contrast to conventional public-key encryption (PKE), security definitions for PE have to deal with user collusion which is modeled by an additional key generation oracle. We identify three different formalizations of key handling in the literature implicitly assumed to lead to the same security notion....
We present new protocols for conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS), where two parties want to disclose a secret to a third party if and only if their respective inputs satisfy some predicate. - For general predicates $\text{pred} : [N] \times [N] \rightarrow \{0,1\}$, we present two protocols that achieve $o(N^{1/2})$ communication: the first achieves $O(N^{1/3})$ communication and the second achieves sub-polynomial $2^{O(\sqrt{\log N \log\log N})} = N^{o(1)}$ communication. - As a...
We present a new class of public-key predicate encryption schemes that are provably function private in the standard model under well-known cryptographic assumptions, and assume predicate distributions satisfying realistic min-entropy requirements. More concretely, we present public-key constructions for identity-based encryption (IBE) and inner-product encryption (IPE) that are computationally function private in the standard model under a family of weaker variants of the DLIN assumption....
We show how to obfuscate a large and expressive class of programs, which we call compute-and-compare programs, under the learning-with-errors (LWE) assumption. Each such program $CC[f,y]$ is parametrized by an arbitrary polynomial-time computable function $f$ along with a target value $y$ and we define $CC[f,y](x)$ to output $1$ if $f(x)=y$ and $0$ otherwise. In other words, the program performs an arbitrary computation $f$ and then compares its output against a target $y$. Our obfuscator...