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This article is mostly accurate for the current version (7.38b) of the game.

23 + 3.7
19 + 2
17 + 1.6
Grants the following bonuses per attribute point:
+22HP and +0.1HP regeneration
+0.17 armor and 1 attack speed
+12MP and +0.05MP regeneration
+0.1% base magic resistance
+0.45 Main Attack Damage per attribute
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(745.07 EHP)
Magic Resist
(854.02 EHP)
Projectile Speed
Melee Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it.
100 (119)
(1.7 BAT)
Base Attack Time Attacks per Second is defined as
ΣAS / BAT / 100
0.35 + 0.65
Turn Rate This unit takes 0.175s to turn 180°.
This ability component has a different effect during daytime. 1800 / This ability component has a different effect during nighttime. 800
Gib Type
Competitive Span
2012-04-26 — Present
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Splits into elemental spirits with unique abilities.
For nine days Mangix fought the master of his order, both warriors swilling and striking in equal measure, until at last the elder collapsed into a drunken stupor. Having claimed the title of Brewmaster, Mangix now wanders the land as a Drunken Brawler, swinging and evading with unpredictable finesse. Under one arm he holds a great keg, and not merely for storing his Cinder Brew. Mangix drenches himself and enemies in alcohol, strengthening himself in an advanced state of inebriation based on his stance, while disorienting enemies before slamming the barrel down with a Thunder Clap. Rumor around taverns is that the Brewmaster is actually composed of Elemental Spirits, each with their own unique abilities, and should one catch him sufficiently intoxicated, one may just witness this Primal Split in action.
Thunder Clap
Cinder Brew
Drunken Brawler
Primal Companion
Primal Companion
Primal Split
Primal Split
Roles:Carry Carry Initiator Initiator Durable Durable Disabler Disabler Nuker Nuker
AdjectivesFiery, Fuzzy, Potbelly, Red, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Roll Out the Barrel
Cinder Brew
Cinder Brew is now a point-targeted ability, and rolls the whole barrel toward the direction upon cast.

Upon reaching the impact location, the barrel explodes, deals damage while drenching enemy units with the debuff within the radius.
Drunken Master
Brewed Up
Moves with a varying amount of movement speed, alternating between moving slower and faster when the Drunken Master is !
-15% Move Speed
+50% Move Speed



Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Primal Companion
Grants the Primal Companion ability.

Summons a permanent companion corresponding of the current Drunken Brawler element, and of Primal Split's corresponding level.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Primal Split Cancel
Grants the Primal Split Cancel ability.

The fragments grants Brewmaster the ability to reunite all spiritual schisms back to one.

Ends Primal Split immediately, Brewmaster reappears correspondingly to the Primal Split Brewlings priority.
Primal Split
Increases duration.


Cinder Brew Applies Fear Upon Proc25Grants Brewlings Drunken Brawler Passive
+100 Attack Speed20+1200 Brewlings Health
+1x Drunken Brawler Brewed Up Factor15+30% Cinder Brew Damage/Duration
+1.5s Thunder Clap Duration10+10 Brewlings Attack Damage
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
+2 All / / Attributes


Shall we call this off and have a friendly round?
▶️  Mangix, the Brewmaster
BM, Magnix
Deep in the Wailing Mountains, in a valley beneath the Ruined City, the ancient Order of the Oyo has for centuries practiced its rites of holy reverie, communing with the spirit realm in grand festivals of drink. Born to a mother's flesh by a Celestial father, the youth known as Mangix was the first to grow up with the talents of both lineages. He trained with the greatest aesthetes of the Order, eventually earning, through diligent drunkenness, the right to challenge for the title of Brewmaster, that appellation most honored among the contemplative malt-brewing sect.

As much drinking competition as mortal combat, Mangix for nine days drank and fought the elder master. For nine nights they stumbled and whirled, chugged and struck, until at last the elder warrior collapsed into a drunken stupor, and a new Brewmaster was named. Now the new, young Brewmaster calls upon the strength of his Oyo forebears to speed his staff. When using magic, it is to his spirit ancestors that he turns. Like all Brewmasters before him, he was sent out from his people with a single mission. He wanders the land, striving toward enlightenment through drink, searching for the answer to the ancient spiritual schism. Hoping to think the single thought that will unite the spirit and physical planes again.

Innate. Innate[edit]


This ability is not bestowed by Illusions. Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Grants bonus attack damage for a period of time upon respawning.
Attack Damage Bonus: 25%
Respawn Buff Duration: 45
Grants bonus attack damage for a shorter period of time upon reassembling himself from Primal Split.
Buff Duration: 15

Hero Model[edit]

Hero Model
Passive / Channeling
Brewmaster's hero model has the following hidden Innate. innate abilities.

He may only perform or utilize the ability's functions upon a successful channeling, excluding passive innate abilities.
Hidden Innate Abilities
Watch Tower
Lantern of Sight
Pluck Lotus
Damage Block (Melee)
Tap on the Innate. innate abilities for more details.


Thunder Clap[edit]

Thunder Clap
Enemy Units
Spell / Magical
Slams the ground, dealing damage and applies a movement speed slow and attack speed slow within the radius.
Cast Animation: 0.4 + 0.4
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 325/350/375/400 (With level 10 Left Talent.With level 10 Left Talent. 326.5/351.5/376.5/401.5)
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Move Speed Slow: 15%/30%/45%/60%
Attack Speed Slow: 15/30/45/60
Duration: 4
Mana Cost
A slam of Mangix' mighty keg starts the festivities.

Cinder Brew[edit]

Area / Point
Enemy Units / Self
Spell / Magical / Physical
Drenches himself and an area in alcohol, causing enemy units to move slower and ignited once they take any spell damage.
Cast Animation: 0.2 + 0.4
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 700
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 400
Move Speed Slow: 24%/28%/32%/36%
Total Damage Instances: 8
Total Proc Damage: 80/160/240/320 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 104/208/312/416)
First Debuff Duration: 5 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 6.5)
Fear Duration: (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 1.5)
Anytime an enemy unit is ignited, the debuff duration is increased.
Debuff Duration Increase: 3
The Drunken Brawler stances are stronger when the drunken master is Brewed Up!
Buff Duration: 5 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 6.5)
Mana Cost
The Order of the Oyo's solution to all problems - another round!

Drunken Brawler[edit]

Drunken Brawler
No / Toggle / Passive
Self / Enemy Units / Brewlings
Switches stance based on the element the Brewmaster controls, granting bonuses and adapting to the battlefield.
All ability effects are exaggerated two-folds or possibly more while being affected by Cinder Brew.
Cinder Brew Factor: 2.5 (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 3.5)

Grants bonus armor and bonus magic resistance.
Armor Bonus: 2/4/6/8
Magic Resist Bonus: 5%/10%/15%/20%

Grants bonus evasion and bonus movement speed.
Evasion: 15%/20%/25%/30%
Move Speed Bonus: 4%/6%/8%/10%

Grants bonus attack speed. Additionally, Brewmaster's attacks has a chance to critical strike.
Attack Speed Bonus: 10/15/20/25
Proc Chance: 20%
Crit Damage: 120%/140%/160%/180%

Grants bonus status resistance. Additionally, every successful attack applies a movement speed slow debuff on the affected enemy unit.
Status Resist Bonus: 5%/10%/15%/20%
Move Speed Slow: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Slow Duration: 2
When Mangix won his title as the Brewmaster of the Order of Oyo, he also claimed his place in the mastery of inebriation.

Primal Companion[edit]

Primal Companion
Self / Brewlings
Instant Kill
Summons a permanent companion corresponding of the current Drunken Brawler element, and of Primal Split's corresponding level.
Cast Animation: 0.3 + 0.33
Number of Brewlings: 1
Duration: IndefiniteIndefinite
Companion Death Set Cooldown: 70
This ability cannot be acquired by the Grand Magus by design.
The primal companion cannot be resummoned if the current summon receive damage from player-controlled units.

Can be reset with cooldown reset sources, but it is not affected by percentage-based cooldown reductions.
Downtime: 3
Mana Cost
Mangix doesn't hold to it by rule, but he vaguely recalls an old master musing that, if one could manage, scaring up a companion was always preferable to drinking alone.

Primal Split[edit]

Primal Split
Instant Kill
Splits Brewmaster into elements of nature, forming various specialized Brewling warriors, each with their own abilities.

If any of them survives until the end of its summoned timer, the Brewmaster reborns.
Cast Animation: 0.55 + 0
Split Time: 0.6
Spawn Distance: 100
Duration: 16/18/20 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 24/26/28)
The Brewlings are able unable to activate runes, but they can attack and destroy them.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Resets Primal Companion's cooldown and instant kills the current Brewling companion as the drunken master splits itself and summon the other elements.
Current Health as Damage: 100%
Cast Cooldown: 0
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Increases duration.
Talent Upgrade
Grants certain stat bonuses tailored for the elements.
Attack Damage Bonus: (With level 10 Right Talent.With level 10 Right Talent. 10)
Health Bonus: (With level 20 Right Talent.With level 20 Right Talent. 1200)
Mana Cost
It isn't clear whether Mangix is consciously aware of his potent bond with nature, as it often occurs in the midst of a drunken stupor.

Primal Split Cancel[edit]

Primal Split Cancel
Instant Kill
The fragments grants Brewmaster the ability to reunite all spiritual schisms back to one.

Ends Primal Split immediately, Brewmaster reappears correspondingly to the Primal Split Brewlings priority.
Current Health to Damage: 100%

Recent Matches[edit]

Main Article: Brewmaster/Matches
DateTierTournamentPicksScorevs. Picks
Mar 01, 2025 - 10:00 CETTier 3CCT Series 7CCT Series 7Magnus Brewmaster Leshrac Bristleback Puck
Level UPLevel UP
0 : 1
One MoveOne Move
Ember Spirit Dark Seer Clockwerk Phantom Assassin Muerta
Feb 18, 2025 - 11:00 PETTier 4Universal LeagueUniversal LeagueMagnus Zeus Brewmaster Marci Ursa
The SleepersThe Sleepers
0 : 1
Winter BearWinter Bear
Warlock Nyx Assassin Tidehunter Gyrocopter Puck
Feb 18, 2025 - 11:00 PETTier 4Universal LeagueUniversal LeagueTiny Warlock Brewmaster Muerta Dragon Knight
The SleepersThe Sleepers
1 : 0
Winter BearWinter Bear
Magnus Batrider Tusk Lina Void Spirit
Feb 17, 2025 - 11:00 PETTier 4Universal LeagueUniversal LeagueDragon Knight Zeus Brewmaster Snapfire Bloodseeker
The SleepersThe Sleepers
1 : 0
Pacific EsportsPacific Esports
Tiny Tusk Muerta Gyrocopter Primal Beast
Feb 17, 2025 - 11:00 PETTier 4Universal LeagueUniversal LeagueAbaddon Hoodwink Dragon Knight Queen of Pain Brewmaster
The SleepersThe Sleepers
1 : 0
Pacific EsportsPacific Esports
Bristleback Chen Monkey King Shadow Demon Lina

The International[edit]

  • Brewmaster has won the following final matches in The International of the following years:

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Increased Belligerent respawn buff duration from 30 to 45.

Dota Plus Progress[edit]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Brewmaster's Relics Voice Lines

Cinder Brew Duration

Split Hurl Boulder Cyclone Combos

Brewling Hero Damage

Crit Damage

Slows Leading To Kills

Triple Kills

Mega Kill Streaks

Kill Assists










  • Cinder Brew's ability in 7.20 originally ignites when the target is hit with any fire-based spell, making the first and only instance of an interaction based on a specific set of abilities as well as the only mechanic where a spell's element directly affects the gameplay. This is quickly dropped staring from 7.20c where Cinder Brew is now ignited after hitting a set number of magic damage with any spells.
