Movement Speed

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 Speed is the heart of battle.
Dark Seer

Movement Speed (sometimes abbreviated as Move Speed) is the speed or distance at which a unit can move over a second.

The default movement speed limit is at 100 on the low end, and 550 on the high end, which can be bypassed by only a few abilities. Only units capable of moving can have a movement speed. This means granting a non-mobile unit movement speed from movement speed bonus sources do not allow them to move still.

A unit's movement speed can be increased by abilities, items or TalentsTalents talents granting either flat (e.g. Boots of Speed) or percentage-based values (e.g. Yasha).


Movement Speed Mechanics Definition Examples
  • Sets the unit's base movement speed by overriding it with another value.
  • Other bonuses and reductions within the move speed limits can still affect the value.


  • Sets the unit's base movement speed by overriding it with another value.
  • The fixed value cannot be modified in any way.
Toggle Movement
  • Sets the unit's both min and max move speed to a value.
  • Neither increase nor unlocks the min and max movement speed values respectively.
  • The unit is immune to move speed bonus and reduction sources.
  • Has a higher priority than absolute move speed sources.
Haste Rune
  • Every unit that can move has a base move speed.
  • Other bonuses and reductions within the move speed limits can still affect the value.
  • Move speed bonus or reduction sources from abilities, items, TalentsTalents talents.
  • Percentage-based values stack independently of each other.
Skeleton Walk
Flat Bonus/Reductions
  • Move speed bonus or reduction sources from abilities, items, TalentsTalents talents.
  • Flat values stack independently of each other with some restrictions.
Chemical Rage
  • Sets the unit's minimum move speed to a value. Cannot reduce the unit's move speed below this value.
  • Does not modify current move speed in any way.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Starbreaker
Unlock Maximum
  • Removes the maximum move speed limit.
  • Does not modify current move speed in any way.

Total Movement Speed[edit]

Calculating the total movement speed of a unit involves using a few values and a multiplier.

Set Movement Speed overrides the unit's original base movement speed, the value is still fully affected by flat and percentage-based movement speed changes within the movement speed limits. If the set value is absolute, the absolute value is now the unit's Total Movement Speed.

Absolute Movement Speed can only be overridden by Haste sources.

Flat movement speed bonuses from items, abilities, and TalentsTalents talents stack independently of each other on the unit's base movement speed with restrictions, percentage-based bonuses and reductions are summed up, then applied to the unit's base movement speed as a multiplier.

All movement speed modifying sources may not exceed the minimum and maximum movement speed limits, unless either the limits are modified by min movement speed sources or max movement speed unlocking sources. For example, in cases where the minimum movement speed is higher than the absolute movement speed value, the absolute value can only set the movement speed to the new minimum movement speed value of the unit.

The total movement speed displayed on the HUD is calculated using a few variables and multipliers and can be defined as:

  • Movement Speed Total Movement Speed
    • = Set Move Speed Value
      • = Absolute Move Speed Value
      • = Haste Value, when Haste > Min Move Speed; else Min Move Speed Value = Base Move Speed Value
    • = Base Move Speed Value
    • ± Flat Bonuses/Reductions (with Stacking Restrictions)
    • × Move Speed Multiplier


Movement Speed Total Move Speed = (Base + MAX( Boots of Speed-based) + Flat Changes) × Move Speed Multiplier

Move Speed Multipler = 1 + Percentage-Based Changes i + MAX( Yasha-%based)

Move Speed Range ⇒ { 100 ≤ x ≤ 550 }


Both flat and percentage-based movement speed bonuses, except percentage-based from abilities, have stacking restrictions and are separated into 4 groups. The flat movement speed bonuses from the same group do not stack with each other, with the one with a higher value taking priority. However, flat movement speed bonus sources from different groups stack independently of each other.

  • Group 1: Boots of Speed-based items.
  • Group 2: Yasha-based items.
  • Group 3: Wind Lace itself.
  • Group 4: Miscellaneous — Sources that do not belong to any of the first 3 groups fully stack with each other, with multiple of themselves, and with other item bonuses, including Wind Lace.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Boots of Speed-based Yasha-based Wind Lace Misc
  1. Force Boots (115)
  2. Boots of Travel 2 (110)
  3. Boots of Travel 1 (90)
  4. Boots of Bearing (65)
    Tranquil Boots (65)
  5. Power Treads (MeleeMelee 55)
  6. Guardian Greaves (50)
    Phase Boots (50)
  7. Power Treads (RangedRanged 45)
    Arcane Boots (45)
    Boots of Speed (45)
  8. Tranquil Boots (Broken) Tranquil Boots (Broken) (40)
  1. Sange and Yasha (12%)
    Yasha and Kaya (12%)

  2. Manta Style (10%)
    Yasha (10%)

Example 1a
Within the Movement Speed Limits
While with level 4 Windrun active and affected by a level 4 Tether, Windranger has Boots of Travel 2, a Wind Waker and Manta Style. What is her current movement speed?
Flat Movement Speed Values
Base Move Speed: 290
Boots of Travel 2: 110
Wind Waker: 30
Movement Speed Multiplier
Windrun: 0.00025
Manta Style: 0.1
Tether: Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Total Movement Speed
= (290 + 110 + 30) * (1 + 0.00025 + 0.1 + Expression error: Unexpected / operator.)
= Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Windranger has Movement Speed Expression error: Unexpected < operator. movement speed from abilities and items in this example, but it gets capped at 550, so long she is not affected by anything that unlocks maximum movement speed.

Example 1b
Movement Speed Limits is Applied After All Calculations
Brewmaster initiates and casts a level 3 Thunder Clap, and the same Windranger from the previous example is affected. What is her current movement speed?
Movement Speed Multiplier
Windrun: 0.00025
Manta Style: 0.1
Tether: Expression error: Unexpected / operator.
Thunder Clap: -0.45
Total Movement Speed
= (290 + 110 + 30) * (1 + 0.00025 + 0.1 + Expression error: Unexpected / operator. - 0.45)
= Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Windranger now has a movement speed of Movement Speed Expression error: Unexpected < operator. in this example, which again gets capped at 550. Therefore, the movement speed limits are only applied after the total movement speed calculations.

Set Movement Speed[edit]

Set Movement Speed sets a unit's total movement speed to a fixed value for the duration. The units are still fully affected by flat and percentage-based movement speed changes. The movement speed is still bound to the minimum and maximum movement speed limits. If a unit is affected by multiple abilities in this list, the lowest value takes priority.

The following abilities are able to override a unit's base movement speed, setting it at a certain value.

Set Move Speed Abilities
  • Sets the Self's movement speed equal to the Zet's for its duration.
  • Self Set Move Speed: 215 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 0)
    Sets the caster's movement speed equal to a fixed value while the ability is active.
  • Sets the Astral Spirit's base movement speed equal to the caster's current movement speed upon cast. The speed does not adapt.
  • Remnant Travel Speed: 45 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. )
    Fire Remnants move to their targeted location at a speed set upon cast based on the caster's current movement speed. The speed does not adapt.
  • Grants the target movement speed bonus while the caster copies the target's movement speed while active.
  • Set Move Speed: 380
    Set the unit's base movement speed to a fixed value.
  • Set Move Speed: 4
    Set the unit's base movement speed to a fixed value.
  • If the target is a creep, Consume periodically sets its base movement speed equal to that of the caster.
  • Sets the unit's base movement speed equal to that of the target upon cast.


Main Article: Hex

Besides disabling, hex also directly sets the target's movement speed to a fixed value for the duration. The units are still fully affected by flat and percentage-based movement speed changes. Other movement speed notes fully apply.

1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.

Absolute Movement Speed[edit]

  • Movement Speed Total Movement Speed
    • = Set Move Speed Value
      • = Absolute Move Speed Value
      • = Haste Value, when Haste > Min Move Speed; else Min Move Speed Value = Base Move Speed Value

The following sources set a unit's movement speed to an absolute value. No other values can change them, except for in cases where the min movement speed is higher than the absolute movement speed value, the absolute value can only set the movement speed to the new minimum movement speed value of the unit, this also includes all haste sources unless explicitly stated.

Absolute Move Speed Sources
  • Set Move Speed (Default): 0.1
    Set Move Speed (Courier): 0
    Sets the caster's movement speed to a fixed value based on what it transformed into.
  • Enemy Pull Speed: 7
    Has priority over haste sources.
    Moves all affected enemies' within the radius to the Will-O-Wisp by setting movement speed to the given value.
  • Distance Moved: 32%/38%/44%/50%
    Has priority over haste sources.
    Sets all affected enemies' movement speed to a percentage of the distance between them and the caster based on the duration.
  • Roll Speed: 600
    The roll speed is fixed and cannot be altered in any way.
  • Roll Speed: 75/150/225
    The roll speed is fixed and cannot be altered in any way.
  • Set Move Speed: 0
    Has priority over haste sources.
    Sets the caster's movement speed to 0 while active.
  • Set Move Speed: 250
    This ability is only active while having Sun Ray buff on.
  • Set Move Speed: 0
    Has priority over haste sources.
    Sets the caster's movement speed to 0 while active.
  • Set Move Speed: 4
    Has priority over haste sources.
  • Distance Moved:
    Has priority over haste sources.
    Sets all affected enemy's movement speed to a percentage of the distance between them and the remnant based on the duration.

Base Movement Speed[edit]

Every unit capable of moving has a base movement speed value. This value is fixed, and can only be altered by set movement speed sources.


The following list shows the base movement speed of all heroes, and their movement speeds with any Boots of Speed-based items. Does not include the innate DaytimeDaytime nighttime movement speed bonus.

MeleeMelee Heroes RangedRanged Heroes Movement Speed Base Boots of Travel 2 (4500) Boots of Travel 1 (2500) Tranquil Boots (925)Boots of Bearing (4275) Power Treads (1400)Force Boots Guardian Greaves (5050)Phase Boots (1500) Power Treads (1400)Arcane Boots (1400)Boots of Speed (500) Tranquil Boots (Broken) (925)
(110) (90) (65) (55) [?] (50) (45) [?] (40)

Hero Movement Animations[edit]

Main Article: Hero Animations

Heroes with varying move animations based on movement speed are tagged with MovementSpeedActivityModifiers in their hero attributes, and may have the following move animations:

Walk < Run < Run Fast/Sprint < Haste
Heroes with varying Move Animations based on Movement speed Run Run Fast/Sprint Haste
320 345
- 430
345 373
- 385
- 400
345 400
350 400
390 440
350 440 540
Not all heroes listed above have a unique animation present for different move animations.


UnitMovement Speed
Kobold Soldier, Hill Troll Berserker, Vhoul Assassin, Satyr Mindstealer, Ogre Bruiser, Ogre Frostmage, Hill Troll, Skeleton Warrior, Ancient Rock Golem, Ancient Granite Golem, Ancient Rumblehide, Ancient Thunderhide, Roshan270
Harpy Scout280
Ancient Ice Shaman, Kobold, Hill Troll Priest, Satyr Tormenter290
Ancient Frostbitten Golem, Satyr Banisher, Wildwing, Dark Troll Summoner, Ancient Black Dragon, Treant300
Minor Imp300/315/330/345/360
Warpine Raider, Harpy Stormcrafter, Mud Golem, Shard Golem310
Ghost, Centaur Courser, Centaur Conqueror, Hellbear, Hellbear Smasher, Wildwing Ripper, Forged Spirit320
Kobold Foreman330
Greater Treant, Fell Spirit, Giant Wolf, Alpha Wolf, Ancient Black Drake, Spiderling, Spiderite, Wraith King Skeleton350
Necronomicon Archer350/385/425
Necronomicon Warrior370/375/380
Undying Zombie375
Lycan Wolf400/420/440/460


SummonsMovement Speed
Mars Soldier0
Spirit Bear0/2/4/6
Astral Spirit315
Warlock Golem320/340/360

Movement Speed Limits[edit]

By default, the lower limit for movement speed is at 100, while the upper limit lies at 550. These values are the same for all units and cannot be exceeded by flat or percentage movement speed bonuses or reductions. Base movement speed changes cannot exceed these either.

Minimum Movement Speed[edit]

The following abilities are able to change a unit's minimum movement speed, preventing it from ever being lower than the set value. If a unit is affected by multiple abilities that change the minimum value, the higher value takes priority.

Minimum Move Speed Changing Abilities

Maximum Movement Speed[edit]

The following abilities are able to change a unit's maximum movement speed (of 550), allowing it to reach even higher values. If a unit is affected by multiple abilities that change the maximum value, the higher value takes priority.

Maximum Move Speed Changing Abilities


Hastes increase a unit's minimum and maximum movement speed to a specific value. Hasted units cannot be slowed below the hasted value.

1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.

Haste Animations[edit]

Main Article: Hero Animations

When a unit is hasted, the Run animation is replaced by Haste animation.

Heroes with Haste Animations

Haste Talents[edit]

There is no description for this ability.
Haste Speed: 550

  • Grants the hero phase and haste movement, meaning they cannot be slowed below the hasted value.

The following heroes have a TalentsTalents talent that grants them Haste.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right

Flat Changes[edit]

These abilities increase or decrease a unit's movement speed by a constant value.

  • These bonuses and reductions can not exceed the minimum and maximum movement speed limits.
  • These are applied before percentage-based movement speed bonuses and reductions.
Flat Bonus Sources
Flat Move Speed Bonus Sources
1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.
3 Grants flat movement speed bonus to Persuaded units only.
4a Grants flat movement speed bonus to all player-controlled units by Beastmaster.
4b Grants flat movement speed bonus only to Visage and his Familiars.
Flat Reduction Sources
Flat Move Speed Reductions Sources
  • Move Speed Reduction: 25
    Reduces the wielder's movement speed by a flat amount upon successfully landing an attack on an enemy hero, or when any enemy successfully lands an attack on the wielder.

Flat Bonus Item Sources[edit]

These items passively grant the wielder a flat movement speed bonus.

Flat Bonuses from Items
Item Value Item Cost Cost/Value Point
Arcane Boots 45 1400 Gold 31.11 Gold
Aviana's Feather 30 N/A N/A
Boots of Bearing 65 4275 Gold 65.77 Gold
Boots of Speed 45 500 Gold 11.11 Gold
Dandelion Amulet 25 N/A N/A
Eul's Scepter of Divinity 20 2625 Gold 131.25 Gold
Faded Broach 15 N/A N/A
Force Boots 115 N/A N/A
Giant's Ring 45 N/A N/A
Gossamer Cape 20 N/A N/A
Guardian Greaves 50 5050 Gold 101 Gold
Ninja Gear 20 N/A N/A
Phase Boots 50 1500 Gold 30 Gold
Pirate Hat 15 N/A N/A
Solar Crest 25 2600 Gold 104 Gold
Stormcrafter 35 N/A N/A
Tranquil Boots 65 925 Gold 14.23 Gold
Wind Lace 20 250 Gold 12.5 Gold
Wind Waker 30 6825 Gold 227.5 Gold
Values do not include portions from actives or auras.

Flat Bonus Talents[edit]

Flat Movement Speed
There is no description for this ability.
Move Speed Bonus: Varies
5958, 5917, 5918, 5919, 6141, 6077, 6093, 6249, 6306, 6373, 7130, 6355, 6706, 6422

  • Grants the hero a flat movement speed bonus.
  • Has the following values:
    • 10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/60/65/75/90/100

The following heroes have a TalentsTalents talent that grants them a flat movement speed bonus.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Movement Speed
  • +20
  • +25
  • +20
  • +30

Nighttime Bonus[edit]

Nighttime Move Speed Bonus
All units now gain 15 movement speed during the night. The effect is doubled for heroes, but it can be broken for seconds upon attacking or taking damage from player-controlled sources.
Effect Radius: Global
Night Move Speed Bonus: 15
Hero Speed Multiplier: 2

  • The DaytimeDaytime nighttime movement speed bonus is lost upon units' attack point and also upon taking player-based damage, including from Roshan or the Fountain, regardless of factions.

Percentage-Based Changes[edit]

Percentage Movement Speed Changes can not exceed the minimum and maximum movement speed limits and are applied after flat movement speed bonuses and reductions. There are stacking restrictions for items, but no restrictions on stacking percentage movement speed bonus from abilities.

Percentage Bonuses[edit]

Percentage Bonuses From Abilities
1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.
4a Grants movement speed bonus to only to Broodmother, her Spiderlings and Spiderites.
4b Grants movement speed bonus to only to Visage and his Familiars.

Percentage-Based Item Sources[edit]

These items passively grant the wielder a flat movement speed bonus.

Flat Bonuses from Items
Item Value Item Cost Cost/Value Point
Elven Tunic 7% N/A N/A
Light Collector 5% N/A N/A
Manta Style 10% 4650 Gold 465 Gold
Sange and Yasha 12% 4200 Gold 350 Gold
Yasha 10% 2100 Gold 210 Gold
Yasha and Kaya 12% 4200 Gold 350 Gold
Values do not include portions from actives or auras.

Percentage-Based Bonus Talents[edit]

Percentage Movement Speed
There is no description for this ability.
Move Speed Bonus: Varies
831, 832, 783, 784

  • Grants the hero a percentage-based movement speed bonus.
  • Has the following values:
    • 5%/6%/8%/10%

The following heroes have a TalentsTalents talent that grants them a percentage-based movement speed bonus.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Movement Speed Percent

Percentage Reductions[edit]

Percentage Reductions From Abilities
1 Requires TalentsTalents talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard.

Abilities Based on Movement Speed[edit]

Movement Speed Based Ability Effects
  • Move Speed as Damage: 25%/30%/35%/40% (TalentsTalents 50%/55%/60%/65%)
    Deals damage based on the hero's movement speed.

Move Commands[edit]

There are several different orders which make the unit move.

The default move command is bound to Right Click or M, it can also be bound to a Hotkey. Targeting the ground with this command makes the unit move to that point, or until unable to get closer to the point (i.e. the target is out of reach). During a move command, the unit does not automatically attack enemies on the way.

The follow command is merged in with the default M move command and is executed with the same keys. To follow a unit, the move command has to be targeted at the desired unit to follow. Targeting an allied unit with the move command makes the unit follow the allied unit, until a new order is given or until the targeted unit dies.

The follow range for most units is 100, meaning a unit ordered to follow another unit attempts to stay within the 100 range of the targeted unit.

Units with Different Follow Range
  • Follow Range: 250
    In order to follow enemy units, the follow Hotkey must be used, since Right Click on an enemy automatically orders an attack on it.


The patrol command makes the unit move back and forth between its starting location and the targeted point until it is given another order. A unit can be given multiple points to patrol. When doing so, the unit moves to the targeted points in the same order in which they were given. Upon reaching the last point, it moves back in reversed order. Just like the move command, the unit will automatically attack enemies it crosses while patrolling.

The default hotkey for the Patrol Command is <blank>.

Attack-Move Command[edit]

Movement speed advantage required for a given attack efficiency when chasing

The default Attack-Move command is bound to A, it can also be bound to a Hotkey.

Identical to the move command, with the difference being the ordered unit attacking any enemy they cross while moving. This order can be given by giving an attack order on the ground. To do this, the attack Hotkey must be used. If the unit crosses no enemies during an attack move order, it essentially acts as a move order. When an enemy gets within the unit's acquisition range, it goes towards that enemy and attacks it. If the target can no longer be attacked for any reason (upon death, becomes ethereal or invulnerable, turns invisible or loss of sight over target), the unit resumes moving towards the targeted point, continuing from its current location. It does not trace its way back to where it left the path to attack an enemy.

Slow Resistance[edit]

Recent Changes[edit]

  • DaytimeDaytime Nighttime bonus movement speed is now disabled when a hero damages an enemy controlled unit.
  • All units now gain 15 movement speed during DaytimeDaytime nighttime.
    • Effect is doubled for heroes, but it can be broken for 5 seconds upon attacking or taking damage from player-controlled sources.
  • No longer grants 0.05% movement speed per agility .