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This article is mostly accurate for the current version (7.38b) of the game.

20 + 2.8
17 + 2.5
22 + 3.5
Grants the following bonuses per level:
+61.6HP and +0.28HP regeneration
+0.42 armor and 2.5 attack speed
+42MP and +0.175MP regeneration
+0.1% base magic resistance
+3.5 Main Attack Damage
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(688.69 EHP)
Magic Resist
(769.23 EHP)
Projectile Speed
Melee Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it.
100 (117)
(1.7 BAT)
Base Attack Time Attacks per Second is defined as
ΣAS / BAT / 100
0.4 + 0.6
Turn Rate This unit takes 0.175s to turn 180°.
This ability component has a different effect during daytime. 1800 / This ability component has a different effect during nighttime. 800
Gib Type
Competitive Span
2011-07-16 — Present
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Can deal heavy damage in an aura around himself.
Once a worldly philosopher, the hideous truth at the heart of existence emanated Nihilism and twisted Leshrac into the vile being he is today. The Split Earth beneath his hooves opens to consume the unsuspecting, while Lightning Storms strike down entire fields of foes. He pronounces a Diabolic Edict, saturating the air with bouts of magical explosions. Warping the structure of spacetime, Leshrac emits a continuous Pulse Nova, disintegrating and scouring nearby foes without ever lifting a finger.
Split Earth
Split Earth
Diabolic Edict
Lightning Storm
Pulse Nova
Roles:Carry Carry Support Support Nuker Nuker Pusher Pusher Disabler Disabler
AdjectivesBlue, Horns, Nose
Legs ( 4 )


Chronoptic Nourishment
The nihilist's attacks restore his mana corresponding to the attack damage dealt.
Diabolic Edict
Diabolic Edict has a shorter explosion interval, but no longer affects buildings.
×0 Building Damage Factor
-4s Duration



Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Nihilism ability.

Leshrac and all enemy units within the radius turns ethereal. They cannot attack, have their movement speed slowed, and reduces all affected enemy units' magic resistance.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Split Earth
Causes Split Earth to echo in the same location with a delay duration, increasing its effect radius per instance. The echo location is visible to everyone.


+20 Diabolic Edict Explosions25 Pulse Nova Procs Lightning Storm
+30 Pulse Nova Damage20+1 Diabolic Edict Max Affected Units
+10% Pulse Nova Active Damage Reduction15+80 Lightning Storm Damage
+4 Armor10+1.5 Mana Regen
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
+2 All / / Attributes


Imbalance demands it.
▶️  Leshrac, the Tormented Soul
Leshrac, Tormented Soul, is an entity torn from the heart of nature, a liminal being that exists half in one plane of existence, half in another. His penetrating intelligence is such that he can never ignore for a moment the agonizing horror at the heart of all creation. Once a great philosopher who sought the meaning of existence, he plumbed the depths of nature with the haunted Chronoptic Crystals, and was forever altered by the hideous mysteries thereby revealed to him. Now the darkest depths of his enlightenment are illumined only by the fitful glare of his arrogance. Like other elemental characters, he is completely at one with nature, but in his case it is a nature lurid and vile. He alone sees the evil truth of reality, and has no use for those who believe the cosmos reserves a special reward for those who practice benevolence.

Innate. Innate[edit]


Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Grants flat bonus area-of-effect per current Intelligence intelligence.
Radius Bonus per Int: 0.7

Chronoptic Nourishment[edit]

  Chronoptic Nourishment
Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
The nihilist's attacks restore his mana corresponding to the attack damage dealt.
Attack Damage to Mana Restore Factor: Affected by Mana Restore Manipulation sources. 0.14/0.21/0.28/0.35
Chronoptic Nourishment is less effective on creeps.
Creep Mana Restore Factor: 0.5


Split Earth[edit]

Split Earth
Enemy Units
Spell / Magical
Splits the earth under enemies. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration.
Cast Animation: 0.7 + 0.67
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 650
Base Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 135/160/185/210
Number of Instances: 1 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 4)
Effect Delay: 0.35
Damage: 115/170/225/280
Stun Duration: 1.7
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Causes Split Earth to echo in the same location with a delay duration, increasing its effect radius per instance. The echo location is visible to everyone.
Radius Increase per Instance: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 55)
Radius Increase Interval: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 5)
Mana Cost
Twisting nature to his vile will, the shifting earth consumes those unlucky enough to cross Leshrac's path.

Diabolic Edict[edit]

Diabolic Edict
Enemy Units
Spell / Pure
Saturates the area around Leshrac with magical explosions that deal pure damage to enemy units. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take.
Cast Animation: 0.5 + 0.87
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 450
Number of Explosions: 40 (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 60)
Max Affected Units: 1 (With level 20 Right Talent.With level 20 Right Talent. 2)
Damage Interval: 0.25 (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 0.17)
Damage per Explosion: Certain component of this ability affects buildings.Certain component of this ability affects buildings. 10/18/26/34
Building Damage Factor: 1
Duration: 10
Mana Cost
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Lightning Storm[edit]

Lightning Storm
Enemy Units
Spell / Magical
Summons a lightning storm that blasts the target enemy unit, then jumps to nearby enemy units. Struck units have their movement speed slowed.
Cast Animation: 0.3 + 1.04
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 600
Jump Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 450
Storm Instances per Unit: 1
Number of Jumps: 5/7/9/11
Effect Delay: 0.25
Damage: 90/140/190/240 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 170/220/270/320)
Move Speed Slow: 75%
Slow Duration: 0.45/0.7/0.95/1.2
As the Pulse Nova pulsates, it applies a single-strike Lightning Storm of its corresponding level within a larger radius.
Storm Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. (With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 700)
Number of Targets: (With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 1)
Applies a single-strike Lightning Storm after a fixed duration and is not affected by any cooldown manipulation sources.
Downtime: (With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 2)
Mana Cost
The Tormented Soul's mastery of the elements is evident in the massive storms that strike down armies before him.


Enemy Units / Self
Leshrac and all enemy units within the radius turns ethereal. They cannot attack, have their movement speed slowed, and reduces all affected enemy units' magic resistance.
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 500
Magic Resist Reduction: 30%
Move Speed Slow: 30%
Ethereal Duration: 4
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Grants Leshrac bonus movement speed, without reducing his magic resistance.
Self Move Speed Bonus: 30%
Mana Cost

Pulse Nova[edit]

Pulse Nova
Enemies / Self
Spell / Magical
Creates pulse of damaging energy that affects enemy units around Leshrac once per second. Drains Leshrac's mana per pulse.
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 500
Damage per Second: 80/135/180 (With level 20 Left Talent.With level 20 Left Talent. 110/165/210)
Damage Reduction: (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 10%)
As the Pulse Nova pulsates, it applies a single-strike Lightning Storm of its corresponding level within a larger radius.
Toggling Pulse Nova off puts the ability on a fixed downtime. Can be reset with cooldown reset sources, but it is not affected by percentage-based cooldown reductions.
Downtime: 1
Mana Cost
The current mana loss per second is fixed and cannot be affected by mana loss manipulation sources.
Mana Loss as Cost per Interval 25/45/65 s-1
If necessary, the Tormented Soul can manipulate space time itself, ravaging lesser beings.

Recent Matches[edit]

Main Article: Leshrac/Matches
DateTierTournamentPicksScorevs. Picks
Mar 19, 2025 - 14:00 PETTier 3EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World AM S15Terrorblade Crystal Maiden Leshrac Pangolier Abaddon
White DragonsWhite Dragons
1 : 0
Team CompromisoTeam Compromiso
Tidehunter Weaver Tiny Shadow Shaman Lifestealer
Mar 16, 2025 - 14:00 PETTier 3EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World AM S15Faceless Void Weaver Tiny Beastmaster Leshrac
0 : 1
Team CompromisoTeam Compromiso
Abaddon Muerta Slardar Bane Ember Spirit
Mar 16, 2025 - 14:00 PETTier 3EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World AM S15Dark Seer Bane Tusk Terrorblade Leshrac
Team CompromisoTeam Compromiso
1 : 0
Weaver Tiny Silencer Tidehunter Monkey King
Mar 15, 2025 - 12:55 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Nature's Prophet Night Stalker Terrorblade Shadow Shaman Leshrac
Aurora GamingAurora Gaming
0 : 1
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports
Abaddon Phoenix Windranger Dark Seer Monkey King
Mar 14, 2025 - 10:00 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Abaddon Nature's Prophet Dragon Knight Silencer Leshrac
Aurora GamingAurora Gaming
1 : 0
Team TideboundTeam Tidebound
Jakiro Terrorblade Muerta Monkey King Centaur Warrunner

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

Dota Plus Progress[edit]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Leshrac's Relics Voice Lines

Diabolic Edict Building Damage

Three Hero Lightning Storm

Pulse Nova Kills

Cyclone Leading To Kills

Stuns Leading To Kills

Slows Leading To Kills

Triple Kills

Mega Kill Streaks

Towers Destroyed

Wards Placed

Kill Assists






  • ▶️ A thousand of your kind have fallen before me.




  • The name Leshrac comes from a Planeswalker from the "Magic: the Gathering" multiverse.
    • Diabolic Edict is the name of an iconic black card in that game; much like the Dota 2 spell, the Magic card was more effective when there were fewer targets, as your opponent got to choose which target got hit.
    • When meeting Leshrac as an enemy or an ally, Spirit Breaker (who also happens to be a planeswalker or planeshifter in Dota 2's lore) will reference this in his lines towards Leshrac.
  • Leshrac is an anagram of "Charles", a reference to the middle name of early Magic playtester Chris Page. An ultimately unpublished Armada comic would have expanded on Leshrac's story, tying him to the magic of Estark and confronting Taysir in the "Magic: the Gathering" universe.
  • Leshrac's response ▶️ "An evil wind rises." is a reference to the real-life mazuku, which is Swahili for "evil wind". A mazuku is a toxic pocket of air that is rich in carbon dioxide which is lethal to anyone inside the pocket. It originates from vents in the earth such as lava tunnels where it rises into the low lying areas on the surface, or beneath lakes rich in CO2 where it rises into the air of the surrounding area via limnic eruptions.[1]
  • Nihilism is the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.

