
From Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
The talent selection interface. Some complex talents have additional information that appear when hovering over the talent, or when holding ALT.

Talents TalentsTalents are traits unique to each hero which can enhance the hero's attributes, stats, and abilities. Each hero has a set of 8 talents, which are unlocked over the course of the match.

The talents are divided into 4 tiers, with 2 talents being available on each tier. The tiers are unlocked upon reaching levels 10/15/20/25 respectively, with level 10 unlocking the first tier, and level 25 the last tier. A special sound ▶️ is played upon unlocking each tier. Once unlocked, the player can choose one of the 2 talents within that tier. The chosen talent's effects are applied immediately, while the other remaining talent is locked. Locked talents may be selected at levels 27/28/29/30, in the order that they were unlocked.

Talents are leveled up using the same ability points as the hero's abilities and the Attribute Bonus, meaning the player must decide whether to spend the ability point on an ability, a talent, or on the Attribute Bonus. Players are not required to unlock talents the same level they are unlocked. Similarly, lower-tiered talents are not a pre-requisite for unlocking higher tiered talents. This means that, if the player decides to skip the talents within a lower tier completely, they are still able to choose a talent from any of the higher tiers once unlocking them.

Tier one talents could, for example, be delayed until level 16 - in this case, the player would have allocated 4 points into each basic ability, 2 points into the player's ultimate and chosen the tier 2 (level 15) talent. This strategy is common for heroes like Rubick.

Illusions and clones of the hero copy the choices made by the hero at the point which the illusion was created, and do not update if the hero makes further choices.

A table of heroes sorted by bonus gained can be viewed here.

List of Talents[edit]

Hero Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Abaddon Abaddon +11 Aphotic Shield Health Regen +35 Mist Coil Heal/Damage +100 Borrowed Time Immolation Damage per Second +350 Mist Coil Radius
+10% Withering Mist Restoration Reduction +50 Curse of Avernus Damage per Second +80 Aphotic Shield All Damage Barrier Barrier +80 Curse of Avernus Attack Speed Bonus
Alchemist Alchemist +125 Unstable Concoction Radius +2 Attack Damage per Greevil's Greed Stack +400 Unstable Concoction Max Damage +50 Chemical Rage Health Regen
+1 Acid Spray Armor Reduction Acid Spray Grants Allies Armor -0.1s Chemical Rage Base Attack Time +50 Chemical Rage Move Speed
Ancient Apparition Ancient Apparition +2 Cold Feet Death Rime Stacks +300 Cold Feet Break Radius +80 Chilling Touch Damage +4% Ice Blast Health Kill Threshold
+300 Chilling Touch Attack Range -2s Ice Vortex Cooldown +5s Ice Blast Duration +50% Death Rime Slow/Damage
Anti-Mage Anti-Mage +200 Mana Void Radius +5% Persecutor Min Slow +15% Persecutor Max Slow +0.7s Mana Void Stun Duration -50s Mana Void Cooldown
+3 Health Regen +1% Mana Break Max Mana Burn +0.2x Mana Void Damage Factor +200 Blink Cast Range
Arc Warden Arc Warden +200 Health +25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed -7s Magnetic Field Cooldown -1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay
+200 Flux Cast Range +20% Flux Slow +40% Spark Wraith Damage Tempest Double No Penalties
Axe Axe +10% Self Move Speed per Battle Hunger Debuff +10 Berserker's Call Armor +25 Counter Helix Damage 2x Battle Hunger Armor Factor
+3s Culling Blade Speed Duration +10% Battle Hunger Move Speed Slow +100 Culling Blade Damage +100 Berserker's Call Radius
Bane Bane +20% Enfeeble Cast Range Reduction +5% Fiend's Grip Max Mana Drain +30 Move Speed +3s Fiend's Grip Duration
+125 Brain Sap Cast Range +13 Enfeeble Damage per Second -3s Nightmare Cooldown +275 Brain Sap Damage/Heal
Batrider Batrider +50 Flamebreak Knockback Distance -7s Flaming Lasso Cooldown 2 Flamebreak Charges Flamebreak Applies 2 Sticky Napalm Stacks
+50 Sticky Napalm Radius +20 Move Speed +2s Smoldering Resin Duration +15 Sticky Napalm Proc Damage
Beastmaster Beastmaster +2% Wild Axes Damage Amp per Stack +10 Inner Beast Attack Speed +250 Max Health to Beastmaster and His Units -30s Primal Roar Cooldown
-5s Call of the Wild Hawk Cooldown -5s Call of the Wild Boar Cooldown +20 Move Speed to Beastmaster and His Units +30 Damage to Beastmaster and His Units No Wild Axes Cooldown
Bloodseeker Bloodseeker +15% Bloodrage Spell Amp +100 Blood Rite Damage -0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second +18% Thirst Max Move Speed
+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed +8% Rupture Current Health to Damage +425 Rupture Cast Range 2 Rupture Charges
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter +20 Attack Damage +50 Track Gold +50 Jinada Gold Steal No Jinada Cooldown
+0.65s Shuriken Toss Slow -30% Shadow Walk Incoming Damage Track Grants Shared Vision +250 Shuriken Toss Damage
Brewmaster Brewmaster +1.5s Thunder Clap Duration +1x Drunken Brawler Brewed Up Factor +100 Attack Speed Cinder Brew Applies Fear Upon Proc
+10 Brewlings Attack Damage +30% Cinder Brew Damage/Duration +1200 Brewlings Health Grants Brewlings Drunken Brawler Passive
Bristleback Bristleback +1.5 Mana Regen +8%/4% Bristleback Back/Side Damage Reduction +20 Quill Stack Damage +18 Warpath Damage Per Stack
+25 Attack Speed +250 Viscous Nasal Goo Cast Range +25 Health Regen 12% Spell Lifesteal
Broodmother Broodmother +0.5% Spider's Milk Enemy Max Health as Heal +125 Spiderlings Health +35 Attack Speed +30% Incapacitating Bite Slow/Miss Chance
+80 Spawn Spiderlings Damage -5s Spin Web Restore Time +12 Incapacitating Bite Attack Damage -0.25s Insatiable Hunger Base Attack Time
Centaur Warrunner Centaur Warrunner +15 Move Speed +30% Double Edge Strength Strength as Damage -25s Stampede Cooldown +0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration
+4 Health Regen +12 Strength +45 Retaliate Damage Grants Retaliate Aura
Chaos Knight Chaos Knight +225 Reality Rift Pull Distance +10 Strength Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity +10s Phantasm Duration
+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal -3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown +0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration +10% Chaos Strike Chance
Chen Chen +150 Summon Convert Attack Speed +14% Penitence Slow +1200 Persuaded Creep Min Health Hand of God Full Health Restore for Chen and all Player-controlled Units
Penitence Deals 175 Damage +12 Persuaded Creep Attack Damage -30s Hand of God Cooldown Hand of God Dispellable by Strong Dispel sources. Strong Dispels
Clinkz Clinkz -4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown +1 Death Pact Charges +40 Strafe Attack Speed Tar Bomb Multishot
+0.75s Strafe Duration +75 Attack Range +350 Death Pact Health -9s Strafe Cooldown
Clockwerk Clockwerk +75 Hookshot Damage +24 Battery Assault Damage +75 Rocket Flare Damage -0.25s Battery Assault Interval
+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration +2 Power Cogs Hit Count Rocket Flare Applies Render invisible sources null. True Sight Power Cogs Grants Debuff Immune Aura
Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden +12 Intelligence Intelligence -4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown +50 Freezing Field Damage +300 Crystal Nova Damage
+200 Health +100 Frostbite Cast Range +225 Attack Speed +1s Frostbite Duration
Dark Seer Dark Seer +65 Ion Shell Radius Ion Shell Grants +250 Max Health +50 Ion Shell Damage +350 Surge Radius
+20% Wall of Replica -based Illusion Damage +75 Vacuum Radius -40s Wall of Replica Cooldown 2 Ion Shell Charges
Dark Willow Dark Willow +10 Intelligence +150 Cursed Crown Radius -7s Bramble Maze Cooldown +2 Bedlam Attack Targets
+1s Bedlam Duration +30 Bedlam Damage +1.5s Shadow Realm Duration +500 Terrorize Damage
Dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker +15% Celestial Hammer Slow -20s Solar Guardian Cooldown -1 Luminosity Attacks Required +80% Celestial Hammer Max Distance/Speed
+12 Attack Damage +40% Luminosity Critical Damage +150 Solar Guardian Radius -4s Starbreaker Cooldown
Dazzle Dazzle +1.75 Mana Regen +90 Attack Speed +75 Poison Touch Damage per Second +60 Poison Touch Split Damage +1 Weave Armor Reduction/Bonus
+300 Poison Touch Attack Range +45 Shadow Wave Heal/Damage -4s Shallow Grave Cooldown +40% Poison Touch Slow
Death Prophet Death Prophet +12% Magic Resist -2.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown +25 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal +8 Exorcism Spirits
+40 Attack Speed +75 Silence Radius +400 Health -22s Spirit Siphon Restore Time
Disruptor Disruptor +15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike +1.5s Static Storm Duration +6 Static Storm Damage Instances +0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration +150 Static Storm Radius
+20 Move Speed +10% Glimpse Distance to Damage +300 Glimpse Max Damage +2s Kinetic Field Duration +1 Kinetic Fence Charge -12s Glimpse Cooldown
Doom Doom +0.2 Infernal Blade Stun Duration Can Devour Ancient Creeps +2.5% Infernal Blade Max Health to Damage Doom Applies A status effect that specifically disables passive abilities, excluding item abilities. Break
+15% Devour Self Magic Resistance +5% Scorched Earth Move Speed -0.2s Infernal Blade Bash Duration Doom Applies Units affected by Mute sources cannot cast item abilities. Does not affect spells. Mute
Dragon Knight Dragon Knight 30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction +300 Health +85% This ability's value is affected by Elder Dragon Form. Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range +50% This ability's value is affected by Elder Dragon Form. Wyrm's Wrath Effects
+15 Attack Damage +0.4s Dragon Tail Stun +150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range +12 Dragon Blood Health Regen/Armor
Drow Ranger Drow Ranger +1 Multishot Arrow per Wave -6s Multishot Cooldown +50% Gust Self Move Speed +1 Multishot Waves
No Gust Mana Cost +75 Attack Range +25% Multishot Damage +10% Marksmanship Chance
Earth Spirit Earth Spirit +150 Rolling Boulder Distance +80 Boulder Smash Damage +160 Rolling Boulder Damage -3s Boulder Smash Cooldown
-2s Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown +0.3s Rolling Boulder Stun Duration +30% Magnetize Damage/Duration Magnetize Cannot Be Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Dispelled
Earthshaker Earthshaker +90 Fissure Damage +50 Aftershock Damage +50% Enchant Totem Damage -1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown
+25 Base Attack DamageBase Attack Damage Base Attack Damage +200 Fissure Range +50 Echo Slam Damage -50% Echo Slam Cooldown
Elder Titan Elder Titan +25 Attack Speed +25 Astral Spirit Attack Damage per Hero +100 Natural Order Radius +100% Cleave
+2% Astral Spirit Move Speed per Hero +75 Echo Stomp Damage +350 Echo Stomp Wake-up Damage -60s Earth Splitter Cooldown
Ember Spirit Ember Spirit +165 Flame Guard Magical Damage Barrier Barrier +1s Searing Chains Duration +50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage -12s Fire Remnant Restore Time
+12 Attack Damage 2x Flame Guard Damage per Second +60 Searing Chains Damage +2 Sleight of Fist Charges
Enchantress Enchantress +30 Nature's Attendants Self Move Speed +8 Nature's Attendants Heal +150/+25 Health/Attack Damage to Enchantress and Her Units +12 Nature's Attendants Wisps
+10 Enchanted Creep Armor +30 Attack Speed to Enchantress and Her Units +60 Untouchable Attack Speed Slow +6.5% Impetus Damage
Enigma Enigma +50 Black Hole Damage per Second +50 Malefice Damage +40 Eidolon Damage +4 Demonic Summoning Eidolons
+10 Eidolon Attack Speed +250 Health +200 Midnight Pulse Radius +4 Malefice Instances
Faceless Void Faceless Void +0.5s Time Walk Damage Timer +12% Time Dilation Move Speed Slow +12 Time Dilation Attack Speed Slow -1s Time Walk Cooldown +140 Chronosphere Radius +200 Time Zone Radius
+7 Time Dilation Damage per Second +30 Time Lock Damage +80 Chronosphere / Time Zone Self Attack Speed +20% Backtrack
Grimstroke Grimstroke -4s Ink Swell Cooldown +12% Ink Swell Speed +3 Phantom Hit Count +70% Stroke of Fate Speed/Travel Range
+65 Phantom's Embrace Damage per Second +25% Soulbind Spell Damage Amp +80% Stroke of Fate Damage +150 Ink Swell Radius
Gyrocopter Gyrocopter +175 Health +25 Flak Cannon Damage +14 Rocket Barrage Damage -30s Call Down Cooldown
+25% Homing Missile Damage +0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration +3 Flak Cannon Attacks -5s Flak Cannon Cooldown
Hoodwink Hoodwink +1.5 Mana Regen +1 Acorn Shot Bounces -3 Armor Corruption +400 Sharpshooter Damage
+1 Scurry Charge +60 Bushwhack Damage Sharpshooter Grants Vision and Render invisible sources null. True Sight During The longer the wind-up the greater the ability effects. Wind-up 2 Acorn Shot Charges
Huskar Huskar +2s Life Break Slow Duration 15% Lifesteal -5s Life Break Cooldown +6s Burning Spear Duration
+0.75s Inner Fire Duration +5 Burning Spear Damage per Second +30% Berserker's Blood Health Regen Factor +25% Life Break Damage
Invoker Invoker -4s Tornado Cooldown -5s Cold Snap Cooldown +30 Alacrity Damage/Attack Speed 2x Quas / Wex / Exort Active Bonuses
+50 Ice Wall Damage per Second -4s Sun Strike Cooldown +2 Chaos Meteors Radial Deafening Blast
Io Io +12 Tethered Unit Attack Damage +60 Spirits Hero Damage -30s Relocate Cooldown Instant Attack Tethered Ally's Target
+1.5s Overcharge Duration +5% Tether Move Speed +0.2% Overcharge Max Health as Health Regen Bonus 100% Overcharge Set Move Speed
Jakiro Jakiro -2s Dual Breath Cooldown +60 Ice Path First Damage +20 Macropyre Damage per Second +2.5% Liquid Fire / Liquid Frost Max Health as Damage
+150 Attack Range +50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow +10 Liquid Frost Proc Damage +0.4s Ice Path Duration/Stun Duration 2x Dual Breath Damage/Range
Juggernaut Juggernaut +4% Duelist Damage Amp +40 Blade Fury Move Speed -3s Blade Fury Cooldown +50% Blade Dance Lifesteal
-12s Healing Ward Cooldown +1% Healing Ward Max Health as Health Regen +2 Healing Ward Hit Count +1s Omnislash Duration
Keeper of the Light Keeper of the Light -2s Illuminate Cooldown -5s Blinding Light Cooldown +200 Chakra Magic Mana Restore +200 Illuminate Damage
+40% Blinding Light Miss -3s Chakra Magic Cooldown +10% Spirit Form Move Speed Chakra Magic Applies Dispellable by Strong Dispel sources. Strong Dispel
Kez Kez +1.5 Mana Regen Raven's Veil Applies Shodo Sai Parry Debuff +50% Falcon Rush Evasion +1 Echo Slash Attack -0.6 Echo Slash Interval
+12% Magic Resist +2 Falcon Rush Duration +5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per Second +75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike
Kunkka Kunkka -15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown +70 Tidebringer Damage +15% Admiral's Rum / Ghostship Damage Reduction +120% Tidebringer Cleave
+1s Tidebringer 60% Slow +25% Torrent Damage/Stun Duration -4s Torrent Cooldown +100 Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. Area-of-Effect Bonus
Legion Commander Legion Commander +12% Press the Attack Move Speed +35 Overwhelming Odds Damage per Hero +8% Moment of Courage Chance +1.5s Press the Attack Debuff Immune Duration
-2s Overwhelming Odds Cooldown +40 Press the Attack Health Regen +300 Press the Attack Radius +75% Moment of Courage Lifesteal
Leshrac Leshrac +4 Armor +10% Pulse Nova Active Damage Reduction +30 Pulse Nova Damage +20 Diabolic Edict Explosions
+1.5 Mana Regen +80 Lightning Storm Damage +1 Diabolic Edict Max Affected Units Pulse Nova Procs Lightning Storm
Lich Lich +125 Frost Blast Radius/Damage -3.5s Frost Blast Cooldown +4s Frost Shield Duration +100 Chain Frost Increment Damage
+10% Frost Shield Damage Reduction +0.3s Sinister Gaze Duration Chain Frost Upon Death +50 Frost Shield Health Regen
Lifestealer Lifestealer +3% Ghoul Frenzy Move Speed +15% Open Wounds Slow +25% Open Wounds Lifesteal +1s Rage Duration
+4 All Stats +50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed +15% Infest Ally Move Speed/Health +1% Feast Lifesteal/Damage
Lina Lina -3s Dragon Slave Cooldown +150 Light Strike Array Damage +10 Fiery Soul Attack Speed per Stack +1% Fiery Soul Move Speed per Stack +150% Fiery Soul Self Critical Strike to Lina 's Abilities
+25 Attack Damage +5% Fiery Soul Magic Resist per Stack -20s Laguna Blade Cooldown +60% Combustion Overheat Damage
Lion Lion +20 Move Speed +15% To Hell and Back Spell Damage Amp +2 Earth Spike Multishot +250 Hex Radius
+10% Mana Drain Slow -2.5s Hex Cooldown +20 Finger of Death Damage per Kill +600 Earth Spike Cast Range/Travel Distance
Lone Druid Lone Druid +30 Spirit Bear Move Speed +5 Spirit Bear Armor +30 Entangling Claws Damage +45 Spirit Link Attack Speed
+200 Health -7s Savage Roar Cooldown +150 Savage Roar Radius -50s True Form Cooldown
Luna Luna +0.4s Lucent Beam Stun Duration -40s Eclipse Cooldown -2s Lucent Beam Cooldown Lucent Beam Hits an Additonal Target
-5% Moon Glaives Damage Reduction +1 Lunar Orbit glaive +110 Lucent Beam Damage +1 Lunar Blessing Damage per Luna Level
Lycan Lycan +10 Summon Wolves Health +6 Spirit Wolves Damage per Wolf -15s Shapeshift Cooldown +25% Feral Impulse Damage +2 Summon Wolves / Spirit Wolves
+3 Howl Armor Reduction +350 Summon Wolves Health +250 Spirit Wolves Health per Wolf +6s Shapeshift Duration Howl Reduces Total Attack Damage
Magnus Magnus +1.25s Skewer Slow Duration -5s Skewer Cooldown +0.15× Skewer Distance to Damage +0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration
+1.5 Mana Regen +12 All Universal Attributes per Reverse Polarity Hero Hit +125 Shockwave Damage +10% Empower Damage/Cleave
Marci Marci +75 Rebound Landing Radius +10% Rebound Move Speed +10% Unleash Move Speed +20% Bodyguard Damage
+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration +100 Dispose Damage +0.75s Rebound Stun Duration +6s Unleash Duration per Hero Kill
Mars Mars +10% Dauntless Health Regen Amp +100 Spear of Mars Damage +0.4s Spear of Mars Stun +180 Arena of Blood Ally Health Regen
+100 God's Rebuke Cast Range/Effect Radius -2s God's Rebuke Cooldown -20s Arena of Blood Cooldown +65% God's Rebuke Critical Damage
Medusa Medusa +8% Stone Gaze Damage Amp -3s Mystic Snake Cooldown +1.5s Stone Gaze Duration +40 Intelligence
×1.2 Gorgon's Grasp Radius -8% Split Shot Attack Damage Reduction +3 Mystic Snake Bounces +1 Gorgon's Grasp Arrows
Meepo Meepo +50 Poof Damage -2.5s Earthbind Cooldown +8 Ransack Health Steal -1s Poof Cast Point
+7 Strength +15% Evasion Earthbind True Strike +350 Health
Mirana Mirana +150 Leap Distance +90 Leap Attack Speed +35 Base Attack DamageBase Attack Damage Base Attack Damage +250 Starstorm Damage
-2s Starstorm Cooldown +20% Moonlight Shadow Evasion -20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown Sacred Arrow Multishot
Monkey King Monkey King +0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration +110 Jingu Mastery Damage +60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage +1 Wukong's Command Ring
+100 Primal Spring Max Damage +450 Tree Dance Cast Range No Primal Spring Cooldown -1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits
Morphling Morphling +12s Morph Duration +75 Attack Range +20 Agility +35 Strength
+15% Magic Resist +250 Waveform Cast Range/Distance -3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown -40% Waveform Cooldown
Muerta Muerta +150 Health +55 Gunslinger Damage +2 The Calling Revenants +25% Magic Resist
+300 Dead Shot Cast Range +3% The Calling Self Max Health Regen 2 Dead Shot Charges +20% Gunslinger Proc Chance
Naga Siren Naga Siren +30% Rip Tide Damage +30% Deluge Damage -50% Mirror Image Illusion Damage Taken +1 Mirror Image Illusion Ensnare Applies A status effect that specifically disables passive abilities, excluding item abilities. Break
+100 Reel In Move Speed +10% Mirror Image Damage -20s Song of the Siren Cooldown -10s Mirror Image Cooldown
Nature's Prophet Nature's Prophet +25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage +100 Teleportation All Damage Barrier Barrier +170 Sprout Damage 3x Treant Health/Damage 3x Ironwood Treant Factor
-10s Nature's Call Cooldown +50 Treant Move Speed -15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown No Teleportation Cooldown
Necrophos Necrophos +2s Sadist Stack Duration +50 Death Pulse Heal +25% Heartstopper Aura Health Regen Reduction -2.5s Death Pulse Cooldown
+125 Reaper's Scythe Cast Range +20% Ghost Shroud Slow +15% Ghost Shroud Self Restore Amp +0.5% Heartstopper Aura Damage
Night Stalker Night Stalker +5s Dark Ascension Duration +30% Hunter in the Night Status Resist +20 Strength -40s Dark Ascension Cooldown
-1s Void Cooldown +25 Dark Ascension Attack Damage +20 Crippling Fear Damage per Second +100 Hunter in the Night Attack Speed
Nyx Assassin Nyx Assassin +0.2s Impale Stun Duration -3s Mind Flare Cooldown +100 Impale Damage +80 Agility
+0.25× Spiked Carapace Reflect Damage Factor +40 Vendetta Damage +0.5s Spiked Carapace Buff Duration +600 Mind Flare Radius
Ogre Magi Ogre Magi -1s Fireblast Cooldown -1s Unrefined Fireblast Cooldown +2/+0.01 Dumb Luck Max Mana/Regen per Strength Strength +30 Bloodlust Attack Speed +220 Fireblast Damage
+12 Ignite Damage per Second +80 Attack Damage +30 Strength 17% Fireblast Proc Chance
Omniknight Omniknight +35 Base Attack DamageBase Attack Damage Base Attack Damage -20s Guardian Angel Cooldown -3s Purification Cooldown +75% Hammer of Purity Damage
+1s Repel Duration +5 Repel Strength Strength /Health Regen per Debuff +2s Guardian Angel Duration +160 Purification Damage/Heal
Oracle Oracle +8 False Promise Armor -1s Purifying Flames Cooldown +30% Purifying Flames Enemy Damage +1.5s False Promise Duration
+0.5s Fortune's End Duration +80 Fortune's End Heal/Damage per Debuff Dispelled -20s False Promise Cooldown Fortune's End Constantly Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Basic Dispels
Outworld Destroyer Outworld Destroyer +250 Mana +1% of Current Mana as Movement Speed +0.2 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier -60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown
+100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range +8% Astral Imprisonment Enemy Max Mana Loss +450 Health +1.5% Arcane Orb Damage
Pangolier Pangolier +200 Swashbuckle Slash Range +80 Shield Crash Barrier per Enemy +125 Shield Crash Radius/Damage -15s Rolling Thunder Cooldown
+4 Lucky Shot Armor Reduction +15% Attack Damage to Swashbuckle Damage +2s Rolling Thunder Duration -4s Swashbuckle Cooldown
Phantom Assassin Phantom Assassin -1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown +15% Stifling Dagger Instant Attack Damage +60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed Triple Stifling Dagger Strikes
+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration +15% Immaterial Evasion +200 Phantom Strike Cast Range +10% Coup de Grace Chance -1 Methodical Required Attacks
Phantom Lancer Phantom Lancer +10 Phantom Rush Agility Agility -1s Spirit Lance Cooldown +10% Juxtapose Damage +20% Illusory Armaments Bonus Damage
+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow Duration +2.5s Phantom Rush Duration +300 Phantom Rush Distance -4s Doppelganger Cooldown
Phoenix Phoenix +0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance +20 Health Regen +0.5s Supernova Stun Duration +1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range
+25% Icarus Dive Slow +20 Fire Spirits Damage per Second +1.5% Sun Ray Max Health to Damage +2 Supernova Hit Count
Primal Beast Primal Beast +25% Trample Self Magic Resistance Active Uproar Dispels +7 Armor per Uproar Stack +67% Pulverize Duration
attack damage -5s Trample Cooldown +20% Trample Attack Factor Trample Ignores A status effect that prevents affected units from moving, and from casting most mobility abilities. Root Sources 100% Trample Set Move Speed
Puck Puck +1.25s Waning Rift Silence Duration +60 Waning Rift Damage +200 Dream Coil Initial/Break Damage +350 Waning Rift Radius/Max Distance
+40 Illusory Orb Damage -15s Dream Coil Cooldown -3s Waning Rift Cooldown Dream Coil Pierces Debuff Immunity
Pudge Pudge +10% Rot Slow +150 Meat Hook Damage -4s Meat Hook Cooldown +1.5x Flesh Heap Strength Strength Bonus +1.5x Meat Shield Damage Negation
+5 Armor 8% Spell Lifesteal +0.75s Dismember Duration 1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal
Pugna Pugna +2 Nether Ward Hit Count +350 Health +1.5s Decrepify Duration +1.9 Mana Flare Mana to Damage Factor
-1s Nether Blast Cooldown +30% Decrepify Ally Speed +20% Life Drain Heal +180 Nether Blast Damage
Queen of Pain Queen of Pain +7 Strength +30 Attack Damage -45s Sonic Wave Cooldown +250 Sonic Wave Damage
+35 Shadow Strike Attack Speed -1s Shadow Strike Damage Interval +100 Scream of Pain Damage -2s Blink Cooldown
Razor Razor 10% Spell Lifesteal +12 Strength -0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval Static Link Steals Attack Speed
+0.75s Plasma Field Slow Duration +5 Static Link Damage Change +25% Storm Surge Damage/Slow Secondary Plasma Field
Riki Riki +8% Cloak and Dagger Move Speed -3s Smoke Screen Cooldown -4s Blink Strike Restore Time Tricks of the Trade Applies Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Basic Dispel
+50 Smoke Screen Radius +50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Agility +0.3 Backstab Agility Agility Factor -1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay
Ringmaster Ringmaster +200 Escape Act Cast Range Tame the Beasts Grants Debuff Immunity +75 Tame the Beasts Min Damage +300 Tame the Beasts Max Damage Escape Act Applies Dispellable by Strong Dispel sources. Strong Dispel Escape Act Grants Units with unobstructed movement can move over impassable terrain, but does not have unobstructed vision.Units with unobstructed movement can move over impassable terrain, but does not have unobstructed vision. Unobstructed Movement
+75 Tame the Beasts Radius +1 Impalement Arts Penetrate Target +1s Impalement Arts Debuff/Slow Duration +100 Wheel of Wonder Radius/Distance
Rubick Rubick +0.25% Might and Magus Ability Values +0.5s Telekinesis Lift/Stun Duration -5s Telekinesis Cooldown +40% Stolen Spells Spell Damage Amp
+150 Telekinesis Land Damage -25% Stolen Spells Cooldown -5s Fade Bolt Cooldown +400 Telekinesis Land Distance
Sand King Sand King +100s Caustic Finale Radius +150 Burrowstrike Cast Range +100 Base Epicenter Radius +12 Incremental Epicenter Radius +35% Sand Storm Slow/Blind
+8% Stinger Slow +20 Sand Storm Damage per Second -2s Burrowstrike Cooldown +10 Epicenter Pulses
Shadow Demon Shadow Demon +10 Strength -1s Shadow Poison Cooldown +150 Demonic Purge Damage 2 Disruption Charges
+15% Shadow Poison Damage +25 Move Speed +15% Disseminate Shared Damage -30s Demonic Purge Cooldown
Shadow Fiend Shadow Fiend +30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed +120 Shadowraze Base Damage +0.2s Requiem of Souls Debuff Duration per Line Shadowraze Instant Attack Instant Attacks
+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage Presence of the Dark Lord Affects BuildingsBuildings Buildings +2 Necromastery Attack Damage per Stack +30% Feast of Souls Cast Animation Speed
Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman +1.75 Mana Regen Hex Applies A status effect that specifically disables passive abilities, excluding item abilities. Break +50% Serpent Ward Hit Count +1 Serpent Ward Attack Target
+170 Shackles Total Damage +160 Serpent Ward Attack Range +1.5s Shackles Duration +250 Ether Shock Damage
Silencer Silencer +20 Attack Speed +2s Arcane Curse Base Duration +1s Arcane Curse Penalty Duration +250 Last Word radius 2 Arcane Curse Charges
+0.5x Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier -20s Global Silence Cooldown Glaives of Wisdom Bounces +25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage
Skywrath Mage Skywrath Mage +0.5x Arcane Bolt Intelligence Intelligence Factor +15% Concussive Shot Slow +10% Ancient Seal Magic Resist Reduction +400 Mystic Flare Damage
+1.5 Mana Regen -7s Ancient Seal Cooldown Global Concussive Shot Arcane Bolt Pierces Debuff Immunity
Slardar Slardar +12 Seaborn Sentinel Attack Damage +40 Bash of the Deep Damage -4 Corrosive Haze Armor Corrosive Haze Cannot Be Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Dispelled
+2s Guardian Sprint Duration +300 Health +125 Slithereen Crush Damage -3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown
Slark Slark +0.5s Pounce Leash +50 Barracuda Regen +100 Shadow Dance Attack Speed +35s Essence Shift Duration
-0.5s Dark Pact Cooldown +70 Dark Pact Damage +1 Agility Agility Change per Essence Shift Stack +1.25s Shadow Dance Duration
Snapfire Snapfire +25 Mortimer Kisses Damage per Second -4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown +60 Mortimer Kisses Damage +8 Mortimer Kisses Globs
+70 Scatterblast Damage +2 Lil' Shredder Attacks 3x Lil' Shredder Multishot +70% Attack Damage to Lil' Shredder Damage
Sniper Sniper +30 Headshot Damage +150 Assassinate Damage +30% Shrapnel Damage +50 Max Headshot Knock Distance
+55 Take Aim Attack Range +45 Take Aim Attack Speed +2s Take Aim Duration -30s Shrapnel Restore Time
Spectre Spectre +5 Health Regen +80 Spectral Dagger Damage +12% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus +5% Dispersion Reflection/Reduction
-4s Spectral Dagger Cooldown +15 Desolate Damage +350 Health +25% All Illusion Properties. Illusions Damage Dealt
Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker +4 Armor +45 Attack Damage +400 Bulldoze All Damage Barrier Barrier -4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown
+500 Night Vision -3s Bulldoze Cooldown -0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown +20% Greater Bash Damage
Storm Spirit Storm Spirit +1.5 Mana Regen +60 Static Remnant Damage -1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown 450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning
+20% Overload Move Speed Slow +20 Overload Attack Speed Slow +250 Health +0.2s Electric Vortex Duration 2x Overload Attack Bounce
Sven Sven +10% Vanquisher Damage +25% Great Cleave Damage +8 Warcry Active Armor +1s Storm Hammer Stun Duration
+5s Warcry Duration -12s God's Strength Cooldown +20% God's Strength Slow Resist +50% God's Strength Damage
Techies Techies -3s Proximity Mines Cooldown +3 Mana Regen -15s Blast Off! Cooldown -0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay
+20% Magic Resist +200 Blast Off! Damage +125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius +252 Attack Damage
Templar Assassin Templar Assassin +5% Psionic Trap Slow +100 Psi Blades Attack Range/Spill Range +40 Refraction Damage +3 Refraction Instances
+2.5s Meld Debuff Duration Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled Refraction Applies Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Basic Dispel +1s Meld This unit has a chance to stun its target on attack.This unit has a chance to stun its target on attack. Bash
Terrorblade Terrorblade -2s Conjure Image Cooldown +10% Reflection Move Speed Slow/Damage +10 Reflection Attack Speed Slow +10s Conjure Image Duration +30s Metamorphosis Duration
+1s Reflection Duration -20s Metamorphosis Cooldown +10 all stats -30s Sunder Cooldown
Tidehunter Tidehunter +15% Gush Slow +30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction -4 Gush Armor Reduction 50% Anchor Smash Proc Chance
+40 Anchor Smash Damage +100 Gush Damage Anchor Smash Affects BuildingsBuildings Buildings +0.8s Ravage Stun Duration
Timbersaw Timbersaw +1.5 Mana Regen +6 Reactive Armor Max Stacks +1 Reactive Armor Stack per Hero Attack +5% Chakram Slow +5% Twisted Chakram Slow +75% Timber Chain Range/Projectile Speed
+0.2 Reactive Armor Health Regen per Stack +3% Whirling Death Attributes Reduction Exposure Therapy Heals for 7 HP Per Tree Destroyed +75 Whirling Death Tree Bonus Damage
Tinker Tinker +8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction +50 Laser Damage -0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time +10s Defense Matrix Duration
+1s March of the Machines Duration +75 Defense Matrix All Damage Barrier Barrier +10% Defense Matrix Status Resist +200 Laser Radius
Tiny Tiny +8 Strength +70 Avalanche Damage No Target Toss 2 Toss Charges
+200 Avalanche Cast Range -8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction +60 Tree Grab Unit Attack Damage Bonus -8s Avalanche Cooldown
Treant Protector Treant Protector +2.5% Nature's Guise Move Speed +25 Nature's Grasp Damage +45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal +450 Living Armor Radius
+2 Living Armor Heal per Second +18% Leech Seed Slow +8 Living Armor Bonus Armor -35s Overgrowth Cooldown
Troll Warlord Troll Warlord +25 Berserker's Rage Move Speed +100 Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Damage +9 Berserker's Rage Armor Battle Trance Applies Dispellable by Strong Dispel sources. Strong Dispel
+2.5s Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Debuff Duration +5 Fervor Attack Speed +1.5s Battle Trance Duration Whirling Axes in Melee Form. Whirling Axes in Ranged Form. Whirling Axes Pierce Debuff Immunity
Tusk Tusk +0.75s Walrus PUNCH! Stun Duration +120 Snowball Damage +75% Walrus PUNCH! Critical Damage -8s Snowball Cooldown
+2s Tag Team / Drinking Buddies Buff Duration +325 Health -6s Ice Shards Cooldown 12% Walrus PUNCH! Chance
Underlord Underlord +15s Atrophy Aura Duration -3s Firestorm Cooldown +10% Atrophy Aura Damage Reduction/Bonus +100 Fiend's Gate Damage per Second
+5% Invading Force Move Speed/Damage Reduction +25% Pit of Malice Slow +0.6% Firestorm Max Health as Damage +0.4s Pit of Malice Root
Undying Undying -15s Tombstone Cooldown +10 Soul Rip Damage/Heal -2s Decay Cooldown +6 Tombstone Hit Count
+40 Decay Damage +20 Zombie Base Attack Damage Tombstone On Death +50% Flesh Golem Strength Strength Bonus
Ursa Ursa +1.75 Mana Regen +20% Enrage Status Resist Earthshock Applies 2 Fury Swipes Stacks +3 Overpower Attacks
+12s Fury Swipes Duration +5 Fury Swipes Damage +400 Earthshock Radius 2 Earthshock Charges
Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit +100 Magic Missile Cast Range +0.3s Magic Missile Stun Wave of Terror Steals 20% Reduced Damage/Armor -18s Nether Swap Cooldown
+150 Nether Swap Damage/Barrier -4 Wave of Terror Armor -2s Magic Missile Cooldown +16% Vengeance Aura Attack Damage Bonus
Venomancer Venomancer +15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction +5% Poison Sting Slow Gale Creates Plague Wards 2.5x Plague Ward Health/Damage
-5 Venomous Gale Cooldown -1s Plague Ward Cooldown +1% Noxious Plague Max Health as Damage +200 Noxious Plague Attack Speed Slow Aura
Viper Viper +20 Corrosive Skin Damage per Second +15% Poison Attack Move Speed Slow/Damage +0.2 Predator Health Loss to Damage Factor -50% Viper Strike Mana Cost/Cooldown
+1s Viper Strike Duration +40 Nethertoxin Min/Max Damage +80 Viper Strike Damage per Second +25 Nethertoxin Radius every 0.5s
Visage Visage +6 Attack Damage to Visage and Familiars Soul Assumption Multishot +1 Armor Corruption to Visage and Familiars +1 Summoned Familiars
+4 Lurker Max Stacks +2s Grave Chill Duration +25 Soul Assumption Damage per Charge +10 Gravekeeper's Cloak Armor
Void Spirit Void Spirit +50 Aether Remnant Damage +70 Resonant Pulse Damage -4s Astral Step Charge Restore Time +2s Dissimilate Root Duration
+1.75 Mana Regen +475 Remnant True Sight Radius Outer Dissimilate Ring 140% Astral Step Crit Damage
Warlock Warlock +50 Upheaval Radius +150 Shadow Word Radius +40 Upheaval Damage Increment +40 Upheaval Max Damage +80% Warlock Golem Magic Resist
+4% Fatal Bonds Damage +10 Upheaval Attack Speed per Second +70 Upheaval Max Attack Speed Chaotic Offering on Death +20 Warlock Golem Armor
Weaver Weaver +7 Strength +2 Beetles Hit Count +0.5 The Swarm Armor Reduction +1 Geminate Attack Count
+60 Shukuchi Damage +20 Mana Break +70 Geminate Attack Damage -3s Shukuchi Cooldown
Windranger Windranger +25 Easy Breezy Min Move Speed -15% Powershot Damage Reduction -10% Focus Fire Damage Reduction -18s Focus Fire Cooldown per Kill
+1s Powershot Slow Duration -2s Windrun Cooldown +0.75s Shackleshot Duration Windrun Cannot Be Dispellable by any Dispel sources. Dispelled
Winter Wyvern Winter Wyvern +30 Attack Damage +400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius +100 Splinter Blast Damage +1.5s Splinter Blast Stun
+25 Cold Embrace Heal per Second +3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration +17% Arctic Burn Slow +55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed
Witch Doctor Witch Doctor +200 Health +125 Maledict Radius +1% Voodoo Restoration Max Health as Heal +45 Death Ward Damage
-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana per Second +2 Paralyzing Cask Bounces +75 Death Ward Attack Range +8s Maledict Duration +2 Maledict Intervals
Wraith King Wraith King +25%/-25% Bone Guard Duration / Cooldown -25% Spectral Blade Curse Cooldown +400 Health +5 Bone Guard Skeletons Spawned +15% Spectral Blade Curse Damage Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast
+10% Vampiric Spirit Lifesteal +1s Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration +60 Attack Speed -2s Mortal Strike Cooldown
Zeus Zeus +200 Health +1 Heavenly Jump Target +0.5s Lightning Bolt Mini-Stun +1% Static Field Damage
+1.75 Mana Regen +75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage +60 Arc Lightning Damage +325 Lightning Bolt Radius

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Article: Talents/Changelogs
  • Reaching level 30 no longer unlocks the talents the player did not choose. [?]
  • Reaching level 27/28/29/30 now allows the player to choose the remaining level 10/15/20/25 talent. [?]
  • REMOVED REPLACED all generic cast range TalentsTalents talents. [?]
  • All talents are now about 20% weaker. [?]