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This article is mostly accurate for the current version (7.38c) of the game.

17 + 2
25 + 3.6
21 + 2.9
Grants the following bonuses per level:
+44HP and +0.2HP regeneration
+0.6 armor and 3.6 attack speed
+3.6 Main Attack Damage
+34.8MP and +0.145MP regeneration
+0.1% base magic resistance
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(617.6 EHP)
Magic Resist
(677.64 EHP)
Projectile Speed
Melee Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it.
100 (125)
(2 BAT)
Base Attack Time Attacks per Second is defined as
ΣAS / BAT / 100
0.4 + 1.5
Turn Rate This unit takes 0.116s to turn 180°.
This ability component has a different effect during daytime. 1800 / This ability component has a different effect during nighttime. 800
Gib Type
Competitive Span
2021-04-09 — Present
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Shackles her enemies to trees.
Always at hand when trouble's afoot, Hoodwink lives to tangle with the threats that fill the haunted forest she adopted as her home. A natural Sharpshooter toting a massive crossbow and firing Acorn Shots while still able to Scurry through the woodland with the greatest of ease, Hoodwink is nearly impossible to keep tabs on in battle and Bushwhacks her foes when they least expect her to. Losing track of her once, she will use the opportunity to mislead her foes by sending out a Decoy, only to pop out holding her Boomerang behind them — their stunned carcasses already dangling in one of her nets.
Acorn Shot
Hunter's Boomerang
Hunter's Boomerang
Roles:Support Support Nuker Nuker Escape Escape Disabler Disabler
AdjectivesCute, Female, Fuzzy, Green, Nose
Legs ( 4 )


Go Nuts
Scurry grants both bonus cast range and bonus attack range upon cast. Increases buff duration.
+1.5s Duration
Sharpshooter has a greatly reduced cooldown. Damage, debuff duration, turn rate penalty, and wind-up times are also reduced.
x0.75 Max Wind-Up Time
x0.75 Max Damage
x0.75 Max Debuff Duration
x1.33 Turn Rate during Wind-Up
x0.5 Cooldown



Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Decoy ability.

Turns invisible instantaneously while increasing her movement speed.

Creates a Decoy-based illusion that starts winding up Sharpshooter at the nearest enemy hero. If the Decoy-based illusion is attacked or hit by a unit-targeted ability, it is destroyed and throws a lesser Bushwhack toward the enemy.
The bolt flies through creeps and damages them, albeit the damage being less effective.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Hunter's Boomerang
Grants the Hunter's Boomerang ability.

Tosses a boomerang in an arc that deals damage as it pass through enemy units.


+400 Sharpshooter Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges
-3 Armor Corruption20 Sharpshooter Grants Vision and Render invisible sources null. True Sight During The longer the wind-up the greater the ability effects. Wind-up
+1 Acorn Shot Bounces15+60 Bushwhack Damage
+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Charge
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
+2 All / / Attributes


Who said you could stroll in my woods?
▶️  Hoodwink
HW, Squirrel
Hoodwink's earliest years were spent in the idyllic expanse of green that once filled the edges of Krimwohl. But as that kingdom grew, and the needs of both her citizens and her armies became ravenous, rival ore and timber barons scratched and clawed to outpace each other in devouring the natural beauty of the border forests, gorging themselves to meet the demands of the changing land.

To those living in the ancient timberlands, the choice came down to following the line of refugees into the pacified zones, falling to Krimwohl's black powder and steel while defending their homes, or fleeing further north to tempt fate in the haunted glens and groves of the misty Wood Tomo'kan.

So it was in those treacherous northern mistwoods that Hoodwink came of age, dodging the horrific predators of the Tomo'kan, ingratiating herself with some of the local banditry whilst antagonizing others, and finding absolutely every which way to be underfoot whenever some interesting mischief arose--often allegedly the cause of it.

But when the faintest whiff of Krimwohl's fires eventually drifted into her adopted home, Hoodwink's thoughts turned to any family and friends who might have survived the invasion--now made to eke out lives in the razed lands whose wounds scarred her very soul--and she couldn't help but approach the edges of civilization to get a glimpse of the devils that had destroyed her old life.

There, she saw that the monsters from her childhood weren't monsters at all. They were just...people. Soldiers, laborers, merchants...and refugees. And the soldiers, even with their black powder and steel, were nothing compared to the dangers of the Tomo'kan--real dangers with tentacles and teeth--dangers she danced around like a twirling maple seed.

Knowing she can always find safe passage in the tangles of the Tomo'kan, where most warm-blooded folk wisely fear to tread, Hoodwink now strikes out against those who dare try to further pacify the wilds, happily taking what she likes from their belongings, destroying what she has no use for, and helping guide any kindred survivors back to a life in the green once again.

Innate. Innate[edit]

Mistwoods Wayfarer[edit]

Mistwoods Wayfarer
Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Self / Trees
Has a chance to redirect incoming attacks to a nearby tree, destroying it in the process.

The tree search radius is centered around Hoodwink.
Tree Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 275
Proc Chance: 14%/21%/28%/35%

Hero Model[edit]

Hero Model
Passive / Channeling
Hoodwink's hero model has the following hidden Innate. innate abilities.

She may only perform or utilize the ability's functions upon a successful channeling.
Hidden Innate Abilities
Watch Tower
Lantern of Sight
Tap on the Innate. innate abilities for more details.

Armor Corruption[edit]

Armor Corruption
Does not pierce Debuff Immunity sources. This ability is not bestowed by Illusions. Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Granted by learning a talent. Hoodwink's attacks now reduce the affected target's armor by a certain amount.
Armor Reduction: (With level 20 Left Talent.With level 20 Left Talent. 3)
Duration: (With level 20 Left Talent.With level 20 Left Talent. 10)


Acorn Shot[edit]

Point / Unit
Enemy Units
Instant Attack / Physical
Fires an acorn attack on the target enemy. The acorn bounces to nearby targets, slowing them and dealing a percentage of Hoodwink's attack with bonus damage.
Cast Animation: 0.2 + 1.37
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. Affected by Attack Range increasing sources. 675
Bounce Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 525
Number of Bounces: 3/4/5/6 (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 4/5/6/7)
Instant Attack Factor: 0.8
Instant Attack Damage Bonus: 45/90/135/180
Move Speed Slow: 100%
Slow Duration: 0.3
A ground-targeted cast creates a planted tree at the targeted location and Acorn Shot will bounce to nearby target within the planted tree radius.

Acorn Shot defaults to this behavior with Alt-Cast toggled on.
Number of Planted Trees: 1
Number of Bounces: 2/3/4/5 (With level 15 Left Talent.With level 15 Left Talent. 3/4/5/6)
Tree Duration: 20
Charge Replenish Time
(With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. Cooldown)
Number of Charges
(With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 2)
16/14/12/10 (With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 0)
Mana Cost
Though she'll make do with almost anything, Oak and Ironwood acorns make the most effective projectiles — and the bulk of Hoodwink's stash.


Enemy Units / Trees
Spell / Magical
Tosses a net trap that stuns enemy heroes if they are near a tree in the area. Affected enemies take damage over time.
Cast Animation: 0.2 + 1.07
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 1000
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 265
Total Damage: 90/180/270/360 (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 150/240/330/420)
Stun Duration: 1.4/1.6/1.8/2
Units trapped within the radius are pulled towards the tree nearest to them, and have their vision reduced to nil for its duration.
Enemy Pull Speed: 1000
Set Vision Range: 0
Debuff Duration: 1.4/1.6/1.8/2
Tree Extend Duration: 1.4/1.6/1.8/2
Mana Cost
Hoodwink favors Ironwood groves for ambushes, but the wary step carefully in all areas of the mistwoods.


No / Passive
When activated, Hoodwink gains bonus movement speed, evasion, attack and cast range, phased movement, and tree-walking for a brief time.
Move Speed Bonus: 20%/25%/30%/35%
Duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5
Self Evasion Factor: 2
Mistwoods Wayfarer Proc Chance: 0.28/0.42/0.56/0.7
When Hoodwink is near trees, she can move through trees.
Tree Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 275
Cannot recast the ability until the current Scurry cast finishes.
Downtime: Varies
Charge Replenish Time
Number of Charges
2 (With level 10 Left Talent.With level 10 Left Talent. 3.5)
Mana Cost
There's not a nook or cranny in the Wood Tomo'kan out of reach of Hoodwink's paws.


Enemy Heroes / Self
Spell / Magical / Instant Kill
Turns invisible instantaneously while increasing her movement speed.
Fade Time: This ability component happens instantaneously. 0
Move Speed Bonus: 15%
Invisibility Duration: 6
Creates a Decoy-based illusion that starts winding up Sharpshooter at the nearest enemy hero.
Number of Illusions: 1
Damage Taken: Affects the incoming ability value negatively of the affected unit. 200%
Sharpshooter Damage Factor: 0.6
Projectile Speed: 2750
Max Wind-up Time: 2.25
Max Duration: 6
If the Decoy-based illusion is attacked or hit by a unit-targeted ability, it is destroyed and throws a lesser Bushwhack toward the enemy.
Max Distance: 1000
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 250
Stun Duration: 1.6
Tree Duration: 20
The decoy illusion innately Scurries.
Mana Cost

Hunter's Boomerang[edit]

Hunter's Boomerang
Point / Unit
Enemy Units
Spell / Magical
Tosses a boomerang in an arc that deals damage as it pass through enemy units.
Cast Animation: 0.2 + 1.03
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 1100
Boomerang Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 150
Min Travel Distance: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 400
Min Boomerang Duration: 0.5
Max Boomerang Duration: 1.2
Damage: 250
The Hunter's mark applied slows the affected enemy units' movement speed and be more vulnerable to spell damage.

The boomerang then returns to Hoodwink at the tip of the arc.
Move Speed Slow: 25%
Spell Damage Amp: Affects the incoming ability value negatively of the affected unit. 25%
Debuff Duration: 7
Mana Cost


Enemy Heroes / Self
Spell / Magical
Charges up and fires a deadly bolt from her crossbow.

After winding up for a while, the bolt is fired automatically and Hoodwink is knocked back for a distance from the force of the shot.
Cast Range: 3000
Travel Distance: 3000
Projectile Speed: 2200 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 2750)
Collision Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 125
Max Wind-up Time: 3
Max Aim Time: 5
Self Knock Distance: 350
Self Knock Duration: 0.4
Disarms and limits Hoodwink's turn rate while winding-up.
Set Self Turn Rate: 60°
Max Self Disarm Time: 9.5
The damage, movement speed slow, and break duration applied on the affected enemy hero scale up to the max values based on the wind-up time.
Min Damage: 120/195/270 (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 200/275/350)
Max Damage: 600/975/1350 (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 1000/1375/1750)
Move Speed Slow: 30%/40%/50% (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 50%/60%/70%)
Min Slow Duration: 1
Max Slow Duration: 5
Min Break Duration: 1
Max Break Duration: 5
The bolt flies through creeps and damages them, albeit the damage being less effective.
Creep Damage Factor: 0.5
Talent Upgrade
Grants vision and True Sight ahead of Hoodwink during its wind-up time.
Radius Buffer: 15
Hoodwink Sharpshooter
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Increases the bolt projectile speed and the enemy movement speed slow applied.
Projectile Speed Factor: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 0.25)
Movement Speed Slow Bonus: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 20%)
Mana Cost
While her first arbalest was a chance discovery, Hoodwink now takes great care in carving and caring for her own — of course with some necessary components pilfered or otherwise cleverly procured.

End Sharpshooter[edit]

End Sharpshooter
Release the charged shot, regain ability to move and attack.
  • This ability functionally supplements its parent ability.
    • Replaces Sharpshooter until the This ability functionally supplements its parent ability. sub-ability is used, or until the The ability's projectile properties.The ability's projectile properties. projectile is released.
    • Hoodwink is unable to level Sharpshooter up while this sub-ability is active.
    • Interrupts Hoodwink's Requires unit to stand still for certain ability effects to occur.Requires unit to stand still for certain ability effects to occur. channeling abilities upon cast.

Recent Matches[edit]

Main Article: Hoodwink/Matches
DateTierTournamentPicksScorevs. Picks
Mar 28, 2025 - 18:55 CESTQualifierDreamLeague Season 26: Western Europe Open Qualifier 1DreamLeague Season 26: Western Europe Open Qualifier 1DreamLeague S26 WEU OQ1Pangolier Warlock Phantom Assassin Hoodwink Doom
0 : 1
Mafia PowerMafia Power
Invoker Crystal Maiden Tiny Tidehunter Windranger
Mar 28, 2025 - 17:30 EETQualifierDreamLeague Season 26: Eastern Europe Open Qualifier 1DreamLeague Season 26: Eastern Europe Open Qualifier 1DreamLeague S26 EEU OQ1Primal Beast Hoodwink Phoenix Pangolier Slark
Action TakersAction Takers
0 : 1
Nature's Prophet Jakiro Tiny Storm Spirit Lifestealer
Mar 28, 2025 - 13:30 CETTier 1FISSURE Universe: Episode 4FISSURE Universe 4Silencer Hoodwink Storm Spirit Primal Beast Phantom Assassin
Team LiquidTeam Liquid
0 : 1
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports
Windranger Razor Chen Dragon Knight Lycan
Mar 28, 2025 - 10:00 CETTier 1FISSURE Universe: Episode 4FISSURE Universe 4Beastmaster Warlock Hoodwink Monkey King Troll Warlord
Team SpiritTeam Spirit
1 : 0
Phantom Assassin Bounty Hunter Crystal Maiden Storm Spirit Bristleback
Mar 27, 2025 - 21:45 CETTier 1FISSURE Universe: Episode 4FISSURE Universe 4Ancient Apparition Monkey King Bristleback Hoodwink Centaur Warrunner
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators
1 : 0
Team LiquidTeam Liquid
Magnus Muerta Beastmaster Sniper Tusk

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Increased Acorn Shot instant attack damage bonus from 40/80/120/160 to 45/90/135/180.
  • Increased Sharpshooter max damage from 550/900/1250 to 600/975/1350.
  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Hunter's Boomerang
      • Increased movement speed slow from 20% to 25%.
      • Increased spell damage amplification from 20% to 25%.
  • Rescaled Bushwhack cooldown from 14 on each level to 15/14/13/12.
  • Rescaled Mistwoods Wayfarer proc chance from 5%/20%/25%/30% to 14%/21%/28%/35%.
  • Acorn Shot
    • Rescaled attack range bonus from 75/150/225/300 to 100 on each level.
    • Increased instant attack factor from 0.75 to 0.8.
    • REMOVED the Treebounce Trickshot facet.
  • Scurry
    • Now has a 2 active evasion factor.
    • Now has a 2 active Mistwoods Wayfarer proc chance factor.
    • Go Nuts
      • Rescaled active cast range bonus from 100/150/200/250 to 75/150/225/300.
      • Rescaled active attack range bonus from 100/150/200/250 to 75/150/225/300.
  • Sharpshooter
    • ADDED new Hipshot facet.
      • Has a 50% cooldown reduction.
      • Has a 1.33 self-turn rate factor.
      • Has a 0.75 max damage factor.
      • Has a 0.75 max debuff duration factor.
      • Has a 0.75 max wind-up time factor.
  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Sharpshooter
      • No longer has a 0.75 max wind-up time factor. [?]
      • Now also increases movement speed slow by 20%.

Dota Plus Progress[edit]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Hoodwink's Relics Voice Lines

Acorn Shot Multi-Bounce On Hero

Fully Charged Sharpshooter Hits

Multi Hero Bushwhack Stuns

Acorn Shot Damage

Damage From Invisibility

Stun Leading To Kills

Long Range Kills

Triple Kills

Mega Kill Streaks

Wards Placed

Kill Assists










  • Hoodwink was teased in the Diretide 2020 trailer, where she appeared briefly with an unknown bird character in a newspaper article Snapfire is reading.[1]
  • Hoodwink's response upon buying Gleipnir, ▶️ "Wait, if the Gleipnir's here. Then he's... I gotta go." is a reference to Primal Beast who she had chained up with it.
    • This in return may be a reference to the item being based on the Gleipnir artifact from Norse mythology that leashed the demon wolf Fenrir to prevent him from starting Ragnarok.



  1. Diretide 2020 trailer in which Hoodwink was teased. Hoodwink is visible in the newspaper. Snapfire is reading beginning at the 25th-second mark.