
From Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Version Control

This article is mostly accurate for the latest version of the game (7.38), in which this hero/item was changed.
It has no changes in the current game version — 7.38b.

24 + 3.8
15 + 1.5
15 + 1.7
Grants the following bonuses per level:
+83.6HP and +0.38HP regeneration
+3.8 Main Attack Damage
+0.25 armor and 1.5 attack speed
+20.4MP and +0.085MP regeneration
+0.1% base magic resistance
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(822.96 EHP)
Magic Resist
(881.63 EHP)
Projectile Speed
Melee Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it.
100 (115)
(1.9 BAT)
Base Attack Time Attacks per Second is defined as
ΣAS / BAT / 100
0.5 + 0.7
Turn Rate This unit takes 0.175s to turn 180°.
This ability component has a different effect during daytime. 1800 / This ability component has a different effect during nighttime. 800
Gib Type
Competitive Span
2011-07-01 — 2015-12-16
2015-12-20 — Present
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Can prevent a single enemy from using abilities and healing.
Wings branded and visage twisted, the Fallen One bears little resemblance to his former self. Banished from the realm of light, Lucifer now walks the earth, bringing misery to all who stand against him. The towering demon Devours creeps in a single bite, digesting them whole and assimilating their abilities. The fires of Hell smolder at Lucifer's feet, leaving in his wake fields of Scorched Earth. When the bell of Vashundol tolls, an enemy's downfall is sure to follow. Raising his Infernal Blade, Lucifer places upon his adversary an enduring curse, burning away at its health and rendering it utterly powerless as it staggers towards its inevitable Doom.
Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth
Infernal Blade
Devoured Ability 1
Devoured Ability 2
Roles:Carry Carry Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator Durable Durable Nuker Nuker
AdjectivesArachnophobic, Demon, Fiery, Horns, Red, Wings
Legs ( 2 )


Devour is now a charged-based ability with a replenish time corresponding to the the ability's current cooldown.

Has a greater creep digest duration. Increases the level of certain devoured creeps' abilities.
+10s Digest Duration
Devil's Bargain
Devil's Bargain
All items bought can be refunded at a higher price, with a cost — Lucifer now has a higher buyback cost.
Impending Doom
Increases the duration per in-game interval.



Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Allied units within the radius around the Doomed target also suffer the effects of Doom.

Lucifer can now self-cast to affect enemy units around himself.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Scorched Earth
Grants Doom and his player-controlled units a lifesteal-based heal while active.


Doom Applies A status effect that specifically disables passive abilities, excluding item abilities. Break25 Doom Applies Units affected by Mute sources cannot cast item abilities. Does not affect spells. Mute
+2.5% Infernal Blade Max Health to Damage20-0.2s Infernal Blade Bash Duration
Can Devour Ancient Creeps15+5% Scorched Earth Move Speed
+0.2 Infernal Blade Stun Duration10+15% Devour Self Magic Resistance
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
+2 All / / Attributes


Hehm ehme meh heh heh, speak of me, and I shall appear. Face me and face the furnace!
▶️  Lucifer, the Doom
He that burns and is not consumed, devours and is never sated, kills and is beyond all judgment--Lucifer brings doom to all who would stand against him. Bearing away souls on the tip of a fiery sword, he is the Fallen One, a once-favored general from the realm behind the light, cast out for the sin of defiance: he would not kneel.

Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. Now he attacks without mercy, without motive, the only living being able to move freely between the seven dark dominions. Lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, Doom carries his own hell with him wherever he goes. Defiant to the last. Eventually, the world will belong to Doom.

Innate. Innate[edit]

Lvl ? Pain[edit]

Lvl ? Pain
This ability can be bestowed by Illusions. Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
Self / Enemy Units
Applies an outgoing attack damage amplifcation to heroes whose level is lower than Lucifer's current hero level.
Attack Damage Amp: Affects the outgoing ability value positively of the affected unit. 25%
The bonus amplification is always applied when Lucifer is at max level.

Devil's Bargain[edit]

  Devil's Bargain
This ability is not bestowed by Illusions. Neither affected nor disabled by Break.
All items bought can be refunded at a higher price, with a cost — Lucifer now has a higher buyback cost.
Set Items Sell-Back Factor: 0.9
Lucifer must pay a greater fee to buy himself back to life.
Base Gold Cost: 200
Networth Factor: 13
Buyback Factor: 1.2

Hero Model[edit]

Hero Model
Passive / Channeling
Lucifer's hero model has the following hidden Innate. innate abilities.

He may only perform or utilize the ability's functions upon a successful channeling, excluding passive innate abilities.
Hidden Innate Abilities
Watch Tower
Lantern of Sight
Damage Block (Melee)
Tap on the Innate. innate abilities for more details.



Instant Kill
Consumes an enemy or neutral creep, acquiring any special abilities that it possessed.
Cast Animation: 0.3 + 0.5
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 300
Max Creep Level: 4/5/6/6
Gold Bonus: 40/80/120/160
XP Factor: Grants this unit experience bonus.Grants this unit experience bonus. 1
Digest Duration: 70
Magic Resist Bonus: (With level 10 Right Talent.With level 10 Right Talent. 15%)
Lucifer consumes the affected enemy or neutral creep, and does not acquire any special abilities that it possessed with Alt-Cast toggled off.
Mana Cost
Lucifer's appetite and greed are never sated.

Devoured Ability 1[edit]

Devoured Ability 1
This slot will be replaced by abilities acquired with Devour.
Ability Slot Cast Animation Time: 1.17
Acquired Ability Duration: IndefiniteIndefinite

Devoured Ability 2[edit]

Devoured Ability 2
This slot will be replaced by abilities acquired with Devour.
Ability Slot Cast Animation Time: 1.17
Acquired Ability Duration: IndefiniteIndefinite
Increases the level of certain Devoured Creeps' Abilities.
Ability Level Bonus: 1

  • Appears in the       fifth ability slot ability slot upon Devour cast.

Upgradeable Creep Abilities[edit]

The following Gluttony Devour acquired abilities' levels are increased by 1 and unlocks the 4th ability level.

Devour Upgradable Abilities

Scorched Earth[edit]

Scorched Earth
No / Aura
Spell / Magical
Carpets the nearby earth in flames which damage enemies, while also granting Doom increased movement speed.
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 600
Damage per Second: 20/35/50/65
Move Speed Bonus: 7%/8%/9%/10% (With level 15 Right Talent.With level 15 Right Talent. 12%/13%/14%/15%)
Duration: 10/12/14/16
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade
Grants Doom and his player-controlled units a lifesteal-based heal while active.
Damage as Heal per Second Factor: Affected by Lifesteal Manipulation sources. (Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. 0.6)
Mana Cost
The Fallen One spreads destruction in his wake, sparing none from the flame which sustains him.

Infernal Blade[edit]

Infernal Blade
Autocast / Active Attack Modifier
Enemy Units
Spell / Magical
Applies a bash and burns for a base damage plus a percentage of the target's max health as damage per second.
Cast Animation: 0.5 + 0.7
Cast RangeAffected by Attack Range increasing sources. 200
Base Damage per Second: 15/30/45/60
Max Health as Damage per Second: 1%/2%/3%/4% (With level 20 Left Talent.With level 20 Left Talent. 3.5%/4.5%/5.5%/6.5%)
Damage Duration: 4
Bash Duration: 0.6 (With level 10 Left Talent.With level 10 Left Talent. 0.8)
Neither can be cast on Roshan or the Tormentor.
Mana Cost
Lucifer shares the fire branding bestowed upon him at the time of his exile.


Unit / Aura
Enemy Units / Self
Inflicts a curse that dispels an enemy hero, prevents them from casting spells or healing in any way, while taking damage over time.
Cast Animation: 0.5 + 0.4
Cast RangeAffected by Cast Range increasing sources. 400
Aura Radius: Affected by AoE Radius increasing sources. 0 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 300)
Damage per Second: 25/45/65
Duration: 12/14/16
Break Duration: (With level 25 Left Talent.With level 25 Left Talent. 12/14/16)
Mute Duration: (With level 25 Right Talent.With level 25 Right Talent. 12/14/16)
Aura Linger Duration: (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 0)
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade
Allied units within the radius around the Doomed target also suffer the effects of Doom.

Lucifer can now self-cast to affect enemy units around himself.
Mana Cost
When a name is tolled from the bell of Vashundol, Doom is sure to follow.

Recent Matches[edit]

Main Article: Doom/Matches
DateTierTournamentPicksScorevs. Picks
Mar 16, 2025 - 17:00 PETTier 3EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World Series: America Season 15EPL World AM S15Tinker Magnus Zeus Tiny Doom
Lava EsportsLava Esports
1 : 0
Perro NegroPerro Negro
Weaver Silencer Phantom Assassin Dawnbreaker Puck
Mar 16, 2025 - 11:00 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Phantom Assassin Muerta Doom Phoenix Tiny
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports
1 : 0
Team FalconsTeam Falcons
Bristleback Chen Shadow Shaman Pangolier Tidehunter
Mar 14, 2025 - 13:30 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Terrorblade Muerta Tusk Viper Doom
Team SpiritTeam Spirit
0 : 1
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators
Abaddon Silencer Ember Spirit Keeper of the Light Broodmother
Mar 13, 2025 - 18:45 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Nature's Prophet Doom Shadow Shaman Elder Titan Invoker
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports
1 : 0
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators
Phantom Assassin Night Stalker Silencer Mirana Queen of Pain
Mar 11, 2025 - 14:30 EETTier 1PGL Wallachia Season 3PGL Wallachia S3Dazzle Dragon Knight Weaver Doom Ringmaster
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports
0 : 1
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming
Ancient Apparition Magnus Jakiro Faceless Void Venomancer

The International[edit]

  • Doom has won the following final matches in The International of the following years:

Recent Changes[edit]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Increased Lvl ? Pain attack damage bonus from 15% to 25%.
  • Devour Gluttony
    • Reduced charge restore time from 85 to 80.
    • U Reduced digest duration from 85 to 80.
  • Rescaled Infernal Blade base damage per second 20/30/40/50 to 15/30/45/60.
  • Doom
    • Reduced cast range from 500 to 400.
    • Reduced damage per second from 30/50/70 to 25/45/65.
    • Rescaled Impending Doom damage per second from 30/45/60 to 25/45/65. [?]
  • CHANGED Lvl ? Pain from granting outgoing damage amplification to conditional bonus attack damage .
  • Devour Gluttony
    • Reduced charge restore time from 90 to 85.
    • U Reduced digest duration from 90 to 85.

Dota Plus Progress[edit]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Doom's Relics Voice Lines

Devour Gold Earned

Damage During Scorched Earth

Infernal Blade Burn Kills

Crit Damage

Damage From Invisibility

Long Range Kills

Double Stuns

Silences Leading To Kills

Slows Leading To Kills

Triple Kills

Mega Kill Streaks

Kill Assists










  • Prior the January 10, 2013 Patch, Doom's title was Doom Bringer, matching his title in DotA. The reason for this change us unknown.
  • Several of Doom's abilities are inspired by Final Fantasy's Blue Mages.
    • LVL? Death was based on the Level 5 Death ability and the mechanics of a LVL? S-flare.
    • Devour is highly similar to Quina Quen's Eat and Cook ability from Final Fantasy IX, although it may also be based on the Warcraft 3 ability of the same name.
    • His ultimate, Doom, also shares the same name of another Blue Mage ability, but the mechanics differ, though it is more likely to be based on the Warcraft ability of the same name.
  • His name, Lucifer, is taken from the Bible's Book of Isaiah and translates to "Lightbringer", from Latin lux[1] and fero[2]. It is often used to refer to the Biblical Devil (or Satan), thus fitting Doom's evil and demonic image.
  • Doom's icon depicts a pentacle which, despite its popular connotation as Satanic/"evil" mark, is actually a Pagan symbol of protection. For its common "evil" symbolism to apply, the pentagram has to be inverted; this only occasionally occurs in-game, as the "star" inside the circle of the ability's particle effect slowly rotates.
  • Doom's response upon taking an Invisibility Rune, ▶️ "Heheheh, see no evil.", refers to the Three wise monkeys and their associated phrase: "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." Riki also has this line.
  • Warcraft 3 similarities:
    • In DotA, Doom is based on and inspired by the Doom Guards, a powerful demon that can be summoned by the Pit Lord.
      • Doom's ultimate, Doom, is also based on the aforementioned ability of the Pit Lord, which is named Doom as well, both dealing damage over time and silencing the target.
    • Devour is based on Devour, an ability of the Kodo Beasts, as well as several neutral Dragons.
