996 results sorted by ID
Masking-Friendly Post-Quantum Signatures in the Threshold-Computation-in-the-Head Framework
Thibauld Feneuil, Matthieu Rivain, Auguste Warmé-Janville
Cryptographic protocols
Side-channel attacks pose significant threats to cryptographic implementations, which require the inclusion of countermeasures to mitigate these attacks. In this work, we study the masking of state-of-the-art post-quantum signatures based on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. More precisely, we focus on the recent threshold-computation-in-the-head (TCitH) framework that applies to some NIST candidates of the post-quantum standardization process. We first provide an analysis of side-channel attack...
Max Bias Analysis: A New Approach on Computing the Entropy of Free Ring-Oscillator
Nicolas David, Eric Garrido
This work introduce a new approach called Max bias analysis for the entropy computation of structures of Free Ring Oscillator-based Physical Random Number Generator. It employs the stochastic model based on the well-established Wiener process, specifically adapted to only capture thermal noise contributions while accounting for potential non-zero bias in the duty cycle.
Our analysis is versatile, applicable to combinations of multiple sampled Ring Oscillator (RO) filtering by any function....
Fast Scloud+: A Fast Hardware Implementation for the Unstructured LWE-based KEM - Scloud+
Jing Tian, Yaodong Wei, Dejun Xu, Kai Wang, Anyu Wang, Zhiyuan Qiu, Fu Yao, Guang Zeng
Scloud+ is an unstructured LWE-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) with conservative quantum security, in which ternary secrets and lattice coding are incorporated for higher computational and communication efficiency. However, its efficiencies are still much inferior to those of the structured LWE-based KEM, like ML-KEM (standardized by NIST). In this paper, we present a configurable hardware architecture for Scloud+.KEM to improve the computational efficiency. Many algorithmic and...
Post Quantum Migration of Tor
Denis Berger, Mouad Lemoudden, William J Buchanan
Shor's and Grover's algorithms' efficiency and the advancement of quantum computers imply that the cryptography used until now to protect one's privacy is potentially vulnerable to retrospective decryption, also known as harvest now, decrypt later attack in the near future. This dissertation proposes an overview of the cryptographic schemes used by Tor, highlighting the non-quantum-resistant ones and introducing theoretical performance assessment methods of a local Tor network. The...
Verifiable Decapsulation: Recognizing Faulty Implementations of Post-Quantum KEMs
Lewis Glabush, Felix Günther, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Douglas Stebila
Public-key cryptography
Cryptographic schemes often contain verification steps that are essential for security. Yet, faulty implementations missing these steps can easily go unnoticed, as the schemes might still function correctly. A prominent instance of such a verification step is the re-encryption check in the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform that plays a prominent role in the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) considered in NIST's PQC standardization process. In KEMs built from FO, decapsulation...
AI for Code-based Cryptography
Mohamed Malhou, Ludovic Perret, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We introduce the use of machine learning in the cryptanalysis of code-based cryptography. Our focus is on distinguishing problems related to the security of NIST round-4 McEliece-like cryptosystems, particularly for Goppa codes used in ClassicMcEliece and Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density Parity-Check (QC-MDPC) codes used in BIKE. We present DeepDistinguisher, a new algorithm for distinguishing structured codes from random linear codes that uses a transformer. The results show that the new...
Exploring How to Authenticate Application Messages in MLS: More Efficient, Post-Quantum, and Anonymous Blocklistable
Keitaro Hashimoto, Shuichi Katsumata, Guillermo Pascual-Perez
Cryptographic protocols
The Message Layer Security (MLS) protocol has recently been standardized by the IETF. MLS is a scalable secure group messaging protocol expected to run more efficiently compared to the Signal protocol at scale, while offering a similar level of strong security. Even though MLS has undergone extensive examination by researchers, the majority of the works have focused on confidentiality.
In this work, we focus on the authenticity of the application messages exchanged in MLS. Currently, MLS...
Pencil: A Domain-Extended PRF with Full $n$-bit Security \\ for Strengthening GCM and More
Ritam Bhaumik, Jean Paul Degabriele
Secret-key cryptography
We consider the problem of constructing efficient pseudorandom functions with Beyond-Birthday-Bound (BBB) security from blockciphers. More specifically, we are interested in variable-output-length pseudorandom functions (PRF) whose domain is twice that of the underlying blockcipher. We present two such constructions, $\textsf{Pencil}$ and $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$, which provide weak PRF and full PRF security, respectively, where both achieve full $n$-bit security. While several recent works...
The Security of Hash-and-Sign with Retry against Superposition Attacks
Haruhisa Kosuge, Keita Xagawa
Public-key cryptography
Considering security against quantum adversaries, while it is important to consider the traditional existential unforgeability (EUF-CMA security), it is desirable to consider security against adversaries making quantum queries to the signing oracle: Plus-one security (PO security) and blind unforgeability (BU security) proposed by Boneh and Zhandry (Crypto 2013) and Alagic et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), respectively. Hash-and-sign is one of the most common paradigms for constructing EUF-CMA-secure...
A Note on Zero-Knowledge Simulator of the CROSS Identification Protocol
Shai Levin
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We point out flaw in zero-knowledge of the CROSS identification protocol, $\textsf{CROSS-ID}$, which allows a distinguisher to distinguish real and simulated transcripts given access to the witness. Moreover, we show that the real and simulated transcripts are not statistically indistinguishable, and therefore the protocol can only satisfy weak computational (rather than strong, statistical or perfect) Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge. This issue is still present in version 2.0 updated on...
Random Number Generation from Pulsars
Hayder Tirmazi
Pulsars exhibit signals with precise inter-arrival times that are on the order of milliseconds to seconds depending on the individual pulsar. There is subtle variation in the timing of pulsar signals, primarily due to the presence of gravitational waves, intrinsic variance in the period of the pulsar, and errors in the realization of Terrestrial Time (TT). Traditionally, these variations are dismissed as noise in high-precision timing experiments. In this paper, we show that these variations...
Thorough Power Analysis on Falcon Gaussian Samplers and Practical Countermeasure
Xiuhan Lin, Shiduo Zhang, Yang Yu, Weijia Wang, Qidi You, Ximing Xu, Xiaoyun Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Falcon is one of post-quantum signature schemes selected by NIST for standardization. With the deployment underway, its implementation security is of great importance. In this work, we focus on the side-channel security of Falcon and our contributions are threefold.
First, by exploiting the symplecticity of NTRU and a recent decoding technique, we dramatically improve the key recovery using power leakages within Falcon Gaussian samplers. Compared to the state of the art (Zhang, Lin, Yu...
Single Trace Side-Channel Vulnerabilities Discovery Using Statistical Leakage Simulator
Jinyi Qiu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This paper presents a novel single-trace side-channel attack on FALCON—a lattice-based post-quantum digital signature protocol recently approved for standardization by NIST. We target the discrete Gaussian sampling operation within the FALCON key generation scheme and use a single power measurement trace to succeed. Notably, negating the ‘shift right 63-bit’ operation (for 64-bit values) leaks critical information about the ‘-1’ vs. ‘0’ assignments to intermediate coefficients. These leaks...
Towards Optimally Secure Deterministic Authenticated Encryption Schemes
Yu Long Chen, Avijit Dutta, Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
The public comments received for the review process for NIST (SP) 800-38A pointed out two important issues that most companies face: (1) the limited security that AES can provide due to its 128-bit block size and (2) the problem of nonce-misuse in practice. In this paper, we provide an alternative solution to these problems by introducing two optimally secure deterministic authenticated encryption (DAE) schemes, denoted as DENC1 and DENC2 respectively. We show that our proposed constructions...
Lattice-based Cryptography: A survey on the security of the lattice-based NIST finalists
Koen de Boer, Wessel van Woerden
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This survey, mostly written in the years 2022-2023, is meant as an as short as possible description of the current state-of-the-art lattice attacks on lattice-based cryptosystems, without losing the essence of the matter.
The main focus is the security of the NIST finalists and
alternatives that are based on lattices, namely CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium and Falcon. Instead of going through these cryptosystems case by case, this survey considers attacks on the underlying hardness...
Stateless Hash-Based Signatures for Post-Quantum Security Keys
Ruben Gonzalez
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
recently standardized the first set of post-quantum cryptography algo-
rithms. These algorithms address the quantum threat, but also present
new challenges due to their larger memory and computational footprint.
Three of the four standardized algorithms are lattice based, offering good
performance but posing challenges due to complex implementation and
intricate security assumptions. A more conservative choice for quantum-
Securely Instantiating 'Half Gates' Garbling in the Standard Model
Anasuya Acharya, Karen Azari, Mirza Ahad Baig, Dennis Hofheinz, Chethan Kamath
Garbling is a fundamental cryptographic primitive, with numerous theoretical and practical applications. Since the first construction by Yao (FOCS’82, ’86), a line of work has concerned itself with reducing the communication and computational complexity of that construction. One of the most efficient garbling schemes presently is the ‘Half Gates’ scheme by Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt’15). Despite its widespread adoption, the provable security of this scheme has been based on...
Finding and Protecting the Weakest Link: On Side-Channel Attacks on Masked ML-DSA
Julius Hermelink, Kai-Chun Ning, Richard Petri
Attacks and cryptanalysis
NIST has standardized ML-KEM and ML-DSA as replacements for pre-quantum key exchanges and digital signatures. Both schemes have already seen analysis with respect to side-channels, and first fully masked implementations of ML-DSA have been published. Previous attacks have focused on unprotected implementations or assumed only hiding countermeasures to be in-place. Thus, in contrast to ML-KEM, the threat of side-channel attacks for protected implementations of ML-DSA is mostly unclear.
cuFalcon: An Adaptive Parallel GPU Implementation for High-Performance Falcon Acceleration
Wenqian Li, Hanyu Wei, Shiyu Shen, Hao Yang, Wangchen Dai, Yunlei Zhao
The rapid advancement of quantum computing has ushered in a new era of post-quantum cryptography, urgently demanding quantum-resistant digital signatures to secure modern communications and transactions. Among NIST-standardized candidates, Falcon—a compact lattice-based signature scheme—stands out for its suitability in size-sensitive applications. In this paper, we present cuFalcon, a high-throughput GPU implementation of Falcon that addresses its computational bottlenecks through adaptive...
Two Is All It Takes: Asymptotic and Concrete Improvements for Solving Code Equivalence
Alessandro Budroni, Andre Esser, Ermes Franch, Andrea Natale
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The Linear Code Equivalence ($\mathsf{LCE}$) problem asks, for two given linear codes $\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{C}'$, to find a monomial $\mathbf{Q}$ mapping $\mathcal{C}$ into $\mathcal{C}'$. Algorithms solving $\mathsf{LCE}$ crucially rely on a (heuristic) subroutine, which recovers the secret monomial from $\Omega(\log n)$ pairs of codewords $(\mathbf{v}_i, \mathbf{w}_i)\in \mathcal{C} \times \mathcal{C}'$ satisfying $\mathbf{w}_i = \mathbf{v}_i\mathbf{Q}$. We greatly improve on this known...
A note on the genus of the HAWK lattice
Daniël M. H. van Gent
Public-key cryptography
The cryptographic scheme and NIST candidate HAWK makes use of a particular module lattice and relies for its security on the assumption that finding module lattice isomorphisms (module LIP) is hard. To support this assumption, we compute the mass of the HAWK lattice, which gives a lower bound on the number of isometry classes of module lattices which cannot be distinguished from the HAWK lattice by an easily computed invariant called the genus. This number turns out to be so large that an...
SHIFT SNARE: Uncovering Secret Keys in FALCON via Single-Trace Analysis
Jinyi Qiu, Aydin Aysu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This paper presents a novel single-trace side-channel attack on FALCON---a lattice-based post-quantum digital signature protocol recently approved for standardization by NIST. We target the discrete Gaussian sampling operation within the FALCON key generation scheme and use a single power measurement trace to succeed. Notably, negating the 'shift right 63-bit' operation (for 64-bit values) leaks critical information about the '-1' vs. '0' assignments to intermediate coefficients. These leaks...
A Revision of CROSS Security: Proofs and Attacks for Multi-Round Fiat-Shamir Signatures
Michele Battagliola, Riccardo Longo, Federico Pintore, Edoardo Signorini, Giovanni Tognolini
Public-key cryptography
Signature schemes from multi-round interactive proofs are becoming increasingly relevant in post-quantum cryptography. A prominent example is CROSS, recently admitted to the second round of the NIST on-ramp standardisation process for post-quantum digital signatures. While the security of these constructions relies on the Fiat-Shamir transform, in the case of CROSS the use of the fixed-weight parallel-repetition optimisation makes the security analysis fuzzier than usual. A recent work has...
NTRU+Sign: Compact NTRU-Based Signatures Using Bimodal Distributions
Joo Woo, Jonghyun Kim, Ga Hee Hong, Seungwoo Lee, Minkyu Kim, Hochang Lee, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography
We present a new lattice-based signature scheme, called ‘NTRU+Sign’, using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts framework. The proposed scheme is designed based on a novel NTRU-based key structure that fits well with bimodal distributions, enabling efficiency improvements compared to its predecessor, BLISS. The novel NTRU-based key structure is characterized by: (1) effectively changing a modulus from 2q to q, which is different from the existing usage of 2q for bimodal distributions, and (2)...
Further Improvements in AES Execution over TFHE: Towards Breaking the 1 sec Barrier
Sonia Belaïd, Nicolas Bon, Aymen Boudguiga, Renaud Sirdey, Daphné Trama, Nicolas Ye
Making the most of TFHE advanced capabilities such as programmable or circuit bootstrapping and their generalizations for manipulating data larger than the native plaintext domain of the scheme is a very active line of research. In this context, AES is a particularly interesting benchmark, as an example of a nontrivial algorithm which has eluded "practical" FHE execution performances for years, as well as the fact that it will most likely be selected by NIST as a flagship reference in its...
Treating dishonest ciphertexts in post-quantum KEMs -- explicit vs. implicit rejection in the FO transform
Kathrin Hövelmanns, Mikhail Kudinov
Public-key cryptography
We revisit a basic building block in the endeavor to migrate to post-quantum secure cryptography, Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs). KEMs enable the establishment of a shared secret key, using only public communication. When targeting chosen-ciphertext security against quantum attackers, the go-to method is to design a Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme and then apply a variant of the PKE-to-KEM conversion known as the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform, which we revisit in this work....
On the Independence Assumption in Quasi-Cyclic Code-Based Cryptography
Maxime Bombar, Nicolas Resch, Emiel Wiedijk
Cryptography based on the presumed hardness of decoding codes -- i.e., code-based cryptography -- has recently seen increased interest due to its plausible security against quantum attackers. Notably, of the four proposals for the NIST post-quantum standardization process that were advanced to their fourth round for further review, two were code-based. The most efficient proposals -- including HQC and BIKE, the NIST submissions alluded to above -- in fact rely on the presumed hardness of...
New Quantum Cryptanalysis of Binary Elliptic Curves (Extended Version)
Kyungbae Jang, Vikas Srivastava, Anubhab Baksi, Santanu Sarkar, Hwajeong Seo
Public-key cryptography
This paper improves upon the quantum circuits required for the Shor's attack on binary elliptic curves. We present two types of quantum point addition, taking both qubit count and circuit depth into consideration.
In summary, we propose an in-place point addition that improves upon the work of Banegas et al. from CHES'21, reducing the qubit count – depth product by more than $73\%$ – $81\%$ depending on the variant. Furthermore, we develop an out-of-place point addition by using...
Sneaking up the Ranks: Partial Key Exposure Attacks on Rank-Based Schemes
Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Andre Esser, Andrea Gangemi, Carlo Sanna
Attacks and cryptanalysis
A partial key exposure attack is a key recovery attack where an adversary obtains a priori partial knowledge of the secret key, e.g., through side-channel leakage. While for a long time post-quantum cryptosystems, unlike RSA, have been believed to be resistant to such attacks, recent results by Esser, May, Verbel, and Wen (CRYPTO ’22), and by Kirshanova and May (SCN ’22), have refuted this belief.
In this work, we focus on partial key exposure attacks in the context of rank-metric-based...
Optimally Secure TBC Based Accordion Mode
Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Shibam Ghosh, Hrithik Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
The design of tweakable wide block ciphers has advanced significantly over the past two decades. This evolution began with the approach of designing a wide block cipher by Naor and Reingold. Since then, numerous tweakable wide block ciphers have been proposed, many of which build on existing block ciphers and are secure up to the birthday bound for the total number of blocks queried. Although there has been a slowdown in the development of tweakable wide block cipher modes in last couple of...
Decompressing Dilithium's Public Key with Fewer Signatures Using Side Channel Analysis
Ruize Wang, Joel Gärtner, Elena Dubrova
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The CRYSTALS-Dilithium digital signature scheme, selected by NIST as a post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standard under the name ML-DSA, employs a public key compression technique intended for performance optimization. Specifically, the module learning with error instance $({\bf A}, {\bf t})$ is compressed by omitting the low-order bits ${\bf t_0}$ of the vector ${\bf t}$. It was recently shown that knowledge of ${\bf t_0}$ enables more effective side-channel attacks on Dilithium...
Efficient Error-tolerant Side-channel Attacks on GPV Signatures Based on Ordinary Least Squares Regression
Jaesang Noh, Hyunseo Choi, Dongwoo Han, Dong-Joon Shin
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntanathan (GPV) framework is utilized for constructing practical digital signatures, which is proven to be secure in both the classical/quantum random-oracle models. Falcon is such a signature scheme, recognized as a compact and efficient signature among NIST-standardized signature schemes. Recently, Guerreau et al. (CHES 2022) and Zhang et al. (Eurocrypt 2023) proposed the secret key recovery attack on Falcon utilizing signatures filtered by simple power analysis...
Security Analysis of ASCON Cipher under Persistent Faults
Madhurima Das, Bodhisatwa Mazumdar
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This work investigates persistent fault analysis on ASCON
cipher that has been recently standardized by NIST USA for lightweight
cryptography applications. In persistent fault, the fault once injected
through RowHammer injection techniques, exists in the system during
the entire encryption phase. In this work, we propose a model to mount
persistent fault analysis (PFA) on ASCON cipher. In the finalization
round of the ASCON cipher, we identify that the fault-injected S-Box
Bounded CCA2 Secure Proxy Re-encryption Based on Kyber
Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a semi-honest party (called a proxy) to convert ciphertexts under a public key into ciphertexts under another public key. Due to this functionality, there are various applications such as encrypted email forwarding, key escrow, and secure distributed file systems. On the other hand, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is one of the most important research areas. However, there is no post-quantum PRE scheme with security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks...
SoK: Security of the Ascon Modes
Charlotte Lefevre, Bart Mennink
Secret-key cryptography
The Ascon authenticated encryption scheme and hash function of Dobraunig et al (Journal of Cryptology 2021) were recently selected as winner of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. The mode underlying Ascon authenticated encryption (Ascon-AE) resembles ideas of SpongeWrap, but not quite, and various works have investigated the generic security of Ascon-AE, all covering different attack scenarios and with different bounds. This work systemizes knowledge on the mode security of...
Shifting our knowledge of MQ-Sign security
Lars Ran, Monika Trimoska
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest, simplest, and most studied ad-hoc multivariate signature schemes. UOV signature schemes are attractive because they have very small signatures and fast verification. On the downside, they have large public and secret keys. As a result, variations of the traditional UOV scheme are usually developed with the goal to reduce the key sizes. Seven variants of UOV were submitted to the additional call for digital signatures by NIST, prior to...
A Fault Analysis on SNOVA
Gustavo Banegas, Ricardo Villanueva-Polanco
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA, a post-quantum signature scheme with compact key sizes, is a second-round NIST candidate. This paper conducts a fault analysis of SNOVA, targeting permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We propose fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure, enabling key recovery with as few as $22$ to $68$ faulty signatures, depending on security levels. A novel fault-assisted reconciliation attack is introduced that effectively extracts the secret key space by...
Single Trace Side-Channel Attack on the MPC-in-the-Head Framework
Julie Godard, Nicolas Aragon, Philippe Gaborit, Antoine Loiseau, Julien Maillard
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this paper, we present the first single trace side-channel attack that targets the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework based on threshold secret sharing, also known as Threshold Computation in the Head (TCitH) in its original version. This MPCitH framework can be found in 5 of the 14 digital signatures schemes in the recent second round of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) call for digital signatures. In this work, we start by highlighting a side-channel...
mUOV: Masking the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Digital Sigital Signature Scheme at First- and Higher-Order
Suparna Kundu, Quinten Norga, Uttam Kumar Ojha, Anindya Ganguly, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization procedure for additional digital signatures and recently announced round-2 candidates for the PQ additional digital signature schemes. The multivariate digital signature scheme Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest post-quantum schemes and has been selected by NIST for Round 2. Although UOV is mathematically secure, several side-channel attacks (SCA) have been shown on the UOV or UOV-based...
The LaZer Library: Lattice-Based Zero Knowledge and Succinct Proofs for Quantum-Safe Privacy
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler, Patrick Steuer
The hardness of lattice problems offers one of the most promising
security foundations for quantum-safe cryptography. Basic schemes
for public key encryption and digital signatures are already close to
standardization at NIST and several other standardization bodies,
and the research frontier has moved on to building primitives with
more advanced privacy features. At the core of many such primi-
tives are zero-knowledge proofs. In recent years, zero-knowledge
proofs for (and using)...
Classic McEliece Hardware Implementation with Enhanced Side-Channel and Fault Resistance
Peizhou Gan, Prasanna Ravi, Kamal Raj, Anubhab Baksi, Anupam Chattopadhyay
In this work, we propose the first hardware implementation of Classic McEliece protected with countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). Classic Mceliece is one of the leading candidates for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) in the ongoing round 4 of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we implement a range of generic countermeasures against SCA and FIA, particularly protected the vulnerable operations...
SoK: On the Physical Security of UOV-based Signature Schemes
Thomas Aulbach, Fabio Campos, Juliane Krämer
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Multivariate cryptography currently centres mostly around UOV-based signature schemes: All multivariate round 2 candidates in the selection process for additional digital signatures by NIST are either UOV itself or close variations of it: MAYO, QR-UOV, SNOVA, and UOV. Also schemes which have been in the focus of the multivariate research community, but are broken by now - like Rainbow and LUOV - are based on UOV. Both UOV and the schemes based on it have been frequently analyzed regarding...
Masking Gaussian Elimination at Arbitrary Order, with Application to Multivariate- and Code-Based PQC
Quinten Norga, Suparna Kundu, Uttam Kumar Ojha, Anindya Ganguly, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Digital signature schemes based on multivariate- and code-based hard problems are promising alternatives for lattice-based signature schemes, due to their small signature size. Gaussian Elimination (GE) is a critical operation in the signing procedure of these schemes. In this paper, we provide a masking scheme for GE with back substitution to defend against first- and higher-order attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to analyze and propose masking techniques for...
Improved Attacks for SNOVA by Exploiting Stability under a Group Action
Daniel Cabarcas, Peigen Li, Javier Verbel, Ricardo Villanueva-Polanco
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is a post-quantum digital signature scheme based on multivariate polynomials. It is a second-round candidate in an ongoing NIST standardization process for post-quantum signatures, where it stands out for its efficiency and compactness. Since its initial submission, there have been several improvements to its security analysis, both on key recovery and forgery attacks. All these works reduce to solving a structured system of quadratic polynomials, which we refer to as SNOVA...
On the Sample Complexity of Linear Code Equivalence for all Code Rates
Alessandro Budroni, Andrea Natale
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In parallel with the standardization of lattice-based cryptosystems, the research community in Post-quantum Cryptography focused on non-lattice-based hard problems for constructing public-key cryptographic primitives. The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has gained attention regarding its practical applications and cryptanalysis.
Recent advancements, including the LESS signature scheme and its candidacy in the NIST standardization for additional signatures, supported LCE as a...
PQNTRU: Acceleration of NTRU-based Schemes via Customized Post-Quantum Processor
Zewen Ye, Junhao Huang, Tianshun Huang, Yudan Bai, Jinze Li, Hao Zhang, Guangyan Li, Donglong Chen, Ray C.C. Cheung, Kejie Huang
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has rapidly evolved in response to the emergence of quantum computers, with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) selecting four finalist algorithms for PQC standardization in 2022, including the Falcon digital signature scheme. The latest round of digital signature schemes introduced Hawk, both based on the NTRU lattice, offering compact signatures, fast generation, and verification suitable for deployment on resource-constrained...
A graph-theoretic approach to analyzing decoding failures of BIKE
Sarah Arpin, Tyler Raven Billingsley, Daniel Rayor Hast, Jun Bo Lau, Ray Perlner, Angela Robinson
Public-key cryptography
We present experimental findings on the decoding failure rate (DFR) of BIKE, a fourth-round candidate in the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization process, at the 20-bit security level using graph-theoretic approaches. We select parameters according to BIKE design principles and conduct a series of experiments using Rust to generate significantly more decoding failure instances than in prior work using SageMath. For each decoding failure, we study the internal state of the decoder at each...
OT-PCA: New Key-Recovery Plaintext-Checking Oracle Based Side-Channel Attacks on HQC with Offline Templates
Haiyue Dong, Qian Guo
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this paper, we introduce OT-PCA, a novel approach for conducting Plaintext-Checking (PC) oracle based side-channel attacks, specifically designed for Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC). By calling the publicly accessible HQC decoder, we build offline templates that enable efficient extraction of soft information for hundreds of secret positions with just a single PC oracle call. Our method addresses critical challenges in optimizing key-related information extraction, including maximizing...
Do Not Disturb a Sleeping Falcon: Floating-Point Error Sensitivity of the Falcon Sampler and Its Consequences
Xiuhan Lin, Mehdi Tibouchi, Yang Yu, Shiduo Zhang
Public-key cryptography
Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel...
Full Key-Recovery Cubic-Time Template Attack on Classic McEliece Decapsulation
Vlad-Florin Drăgoi, Brice Colombier, Nicolas Vallet, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Vincent Grosso
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Classic McEliece is one of the three code-based candidates in the fourth round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category. As such, its decapsulation algorithm is used to recover the session key associated with a ciphertext using the private key. In this article, we propose a new side-channel attack on the syndrome computation in the decapsulation algorithm that recovers the private key, which consists of the private Goppa...
On the practicality of quantum sieving algorithms for the shortest vector problem
Joao F. Doriguello, George Giapitzakis, Alessandro Luongo, Aditya Morolia
Attacks and cryptanalysis
One of the main candidates of post-quantum cryptography is lattice-based cryptography. Its cryptographic security against quantum attackers is based on the worst-case hardness of lattice problems like the shortest vector problem (SVP), which asks to find the shortest non-zero vector in an integer lattice. Asymptotic quantum speedups for solving SVP are known and rely on Grover's search. However, to assess the security of lattice-based cryptography against these Grover-like quantum speedups,...
Modelings for generic PoK and Applications: Shorter SD and PKP based Signatures
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni
Public-key cryptography
The Multi-Party Computation in the Head (MPCitH) paradigm has proven to be a versatile tool to design proofs of knowledge (PoK) based on variety of computationally hard problems. For instance, many post-quantum signatures have been designed from MPC based proofs combined with the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Over the years, MPCitH has evolved significantly with developments based on techniques such as threshold computing and other optimizations. Recently, Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation...
Tightly Secure Threshold Signatures over Pairing-Free Groups
Renas Bacho, Benedikt Wagner
Cryptographic protocols
Threshold signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years. Of particular interest are threshold signatures that are proven secure under adaptive corruptions (NIST Call 2023). Sadly, existing constructions with provable adaptive security suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) strong idealizations such as the algebraic group model (AGM), (ii) an unnatural restriction on the corruption threshold being $t/2$ where $t$ is the signing threshold, or (iii)...
The module action for isogeny based cryptography
Damien Robert
We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...
MAYO Key Recovery by Fixing Vinegar Seeds
Sönke Jendral, Elena Dubrova
Attacks and cryptanalysis
As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...
Robust AE With Committing Security
Viet Tung Hoang, Sanketh Menda
Secret-key cryptography
There has been a recent interest to develop and standardize Robust Authenticated Encryption (Robust AE) schemes. NIST, for example, is considering an Accordion mode (a wideblock tweakable blockcipher), with Robust AE as a primary application. On the other hand, recent attacks and applications suggest that encryption needs to be committing. Indeed, committing security isalso a design consideration in the Accordion mode. Yet it is unclear how to build a Robust AE with committing security....
Mind the Faulty Keccak: A Practical Fault Injection Attack Scheme Apply to All Phases of ML-KEM and ML-DSA
Yuxuan Wang, Jintong Yu, Shipei Qu, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Chi Zhang, Dawu Gu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
ML-KEM and ML-DSA are NIST-standardized lattice-based post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. In both algorithms, Keccak is the designated hash algorithm extensively used for deriving sensitive information, making it a valuable target for attackers. In the field of fault injection attacks, few works targeted Keccak, and they have not fully explored its impact on the security of ML-KEM and ML-DSA. Consequently, many attacks remain undiscovered. In this article, we first identify various fault...
A Note on the SNOVA Security
Lih-Chung Wang, Chun-Yen Chou, Jintai Ding, Yen-Liang Kuan, Jan Adriaan Leegwater, Ming-Siou Li, Bo-Shu Tseng, Po-En Tseng, Chia-Chun Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is one of the submissions in the NIST Round 1 Additional Signature of the Post-Quantum Signature Competition. SNOVA is a UOV variant that uses the noncommutative-ring technique to educe the size of the public key. SNOVA's public key size and signature size are well-balanced and have good performance. Recently, Beullens proposed a forgery attack against SNOVA, pointing out that the parameters of SNOVA can be attacked. Beullens also argued that with some slight adjustments his attacks...
Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}
Jipeng Zhang, Yuxing Yan, Junhao Huang, Çetin Kaya Koç
With the standardization of NIST post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes, optimizing these PQC schemes across various platforms presents significant research value. While most existing software implementation efforts have concentrated on ARM platforms, research on PQC implementations utilizing various RISC-V instruction set architectures (ISAs) remains limited.
In light of this gap, this paper proposes comprehensive and efficient optimizations of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on...
Lattice-Based Vulnerabilities in Lee Metric Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Anna-Lena Horlemann, Karan Khathuria, Marc Newman, Amin Sakzad, Carlos Vela Cabello
Public-key cryptography
Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...
$\Pi$-signHD: A New Structure for the SQIsign Family with Flexible Applicability
Kaizhan Lin, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao, Yunlei Zhao
Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes.
In this paper, we propose a...
Efficient Asymmetric PAKE Compiler from KEM and AE
You Lyu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han
Cryptographic protocols
Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a secure session key with a shared low-entropy password pw. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) extends PAKE in the client-server setting, and the server only stores a password file instead of the plain password so as to provide additional security guarantee when the server is compromised.
In this paper, we propose a novel generic compiler from PAKE to aPAKE in the Universal Composable (UC) framework by making use of Key...
Lifting approach against the SNOVA scheme
Shuhei Nakamura, Yusuke Tani, Hiroki Furue
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In 2022, Wang et al. proposed the multivariate signature scheme SNOVA as a UOV variant over the non-commutative ring of $\ell \times \ell $ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$.
This scheme has small public key and signature size and is a first round candidate of NIST PQC additional digital signature project.
Recently, Ikematsu and Akiyama, and Li and Ding show that the core matrices of SNOVA with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables are regarded as the representation matrices of UOV with...
Uncompressing Dilithium's public key
Paco Azevedo Oliveira, Andersson Calle Viera, Benoît Cogliati, Louis Goubin
Public-key cryptography
The Dilithium signature scheme – recently standardized by NIST under the name ML-DSA – owes part of its success to a specific mechanism that allows an optimizaion of its public key size. Namely, among the data of the MLWE instance $\bf (A,\bf{t})$, which is at the heart of the construction of Dilithium, the least significant part of $\bf{t}$ -- denoted by $\bf{t}_0$ -- is not included in the public key. The verification algorithm had been adapted accordingly, so that it should not require...
A Better Kyber Butterfly for FPGAs
Jonas Bertels, Quinten Norga, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum
Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This
means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt
these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in
Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for
optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design
with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design,
through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs
and 1 DSP...
SoK: The Engineer’s Guide to Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Devices
Maximilian Pursche, Nikolai Puch, Sebastian N. Peters, Michael P. Heinl
Embedded systems are flexible and cost-effective and thus have found a use case in almost every part of our daily lives. Due to their widespread use, they have also become valuable targets for cyber attacks. However, translating cutting-edge cyber security from servers and desktops to the embedded realm can be challenging due to the limited computational power and memory of embedded devices. Although quantum computing is still in early research and development, it threatens to break...
Quantum-safe Signatureless DNSSEC
Aditya Singh Rawat, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
Cryptographic protocols
We present $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$: a backward-compatible protocol that leverages a quantum-safe KEM and a MAC to perform signature-less $\mathsf{(SL)}$ DNSSEC validations in a single UDP query/response style. Our experiments targeting NIST level I security for QTYPE A query resolution show that $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ is practically equivalent to the presently deployed RSA-2048 in terms of bandwidth usage and resolution speeds. Compared to post-quantum signatures,...
Improved Cryptanalysis of SNOVA
Ward Beullens
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is a multivariate signature scheme submitted to the NIST project for additional signature schemes by Cho, Ding, Kuan, Li, Tseng, Tseng, and Wang. With small key and signature sizes good performance, SNOVA is one of the more efficient schemes in the competition, which makes SNOVA an important target for cryptanalysis.
In this paper, we observe that SNOVA implicitly uses a structured version of the ``whipping'' technique developed for the MAYO signature scheme. We show that the...
Raccoon: A Masking-Friendly Signature Proven in the Probing Model
Rafaël del Pino, Shuichi Katsumata, Thomas Prest, Mélissa Rossi
Public-key cryptography
This paper presents Raccoon, a lattice-based signature scheme submitted to the NIST 2022 call for additional post-quantum signatures. Raccoon has the specificity of always being masked. Concretely, all sensitive intermediate values are shared into 𝑑 parts. The main design rationale of Raccoon is to be easy to mask at high orders, and this dictated most of its design choices, such as the introduction of new algorithmic techniques for sampling small errors. As a result, Raccoon achieves a...
Basic Lattice Cryptography: The concepts behind Kyber (ML-KEM) and Dilithium (ML-DSA)
Vadim Lyubashevsky
Public-key cryptography
This tutorial focuses on describing the fundamental mathematical concepts and design decisions used in the two ``main'' lattice schemes standardized by NIST and included in the CNSA 2.0 algorithmic suite. They are the KEM / encryption scheme CRYSTALS-Kyber (ML-KEM) and the signature scheme CRYSTALS-Dilithium (ML-DSA) . In addition, we will also give the main ideas behind other lattice-based KEMs like Frodo and NTRU.
NTRU+PKE: Efficient Public-Key Encryption Schemes from the NTRU Problem
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography
We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...
Concrete Analysis of Schnorr-type Signatures with Aborts
Theo Fanuela Prabowo, Chik How Tan
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Lyubashevsky’s signature can be viewed as a lattice-based adapation of the Schnorr signature, with the core difference being the use of aborts during signature generation process. Since the proposal of Lyubashevsky’s signature, a number of other variants of Schnorr-type signatures with aborts have been proposed, both in lattice-based and code-based setting. In this paper, we examine the security of Schnorr-type signature schemes with aborts. We give a detailed analysis of when the expected...
FELIX (XGCD for FALCON): FPGA-based Scalable and Lightweight Accelerator for Large Integer Extended GCD
Sam Coulon, Tianyou Bao, Jiafeng Xie
The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...
A Not So Discrete Sampler: Power Analysis Attacks on HAWK signature scheme
Morgane Guerreau, Mélissa Rossi
Attacks and cryptanalysis
HAWK is a lattice-based signature scheme candidate to the fourth call of the NIST's Post-Quantum standardization campaign. Considered as a cousin of Falcon (one of the future NIST post-quantum standards) one can wonder whether HAWK shares the same drawbacks as Falcon in terms of side-channel attacks. Indeed, Falcon signature algorithm and particularly its Gaussian sampler, has shown to be highly vulnerable to power-analysis attacks. Besides, efficiently protecting Falcon's signature...
Tailorable codes for lattice-based KEMs with applications to compact ML-KEM instantiations
Thales B. Paiva, Marcos A. Simplicio Jr, Syed Mahbub Hafiz, Bahattin Yildiz, Eduardo L. Cominetti, Henrique S. Ogawa
Public-key cryptography
Compared to elliptic curve cryptography, a main drawback of lattice-based schemes is the larger size of their public keys and ciphertexts. A common procedure for compressing these objects consists essentially of dropping some of their least significant bits. Albeit effective for compression, there is a limit to the number of bits to be dropped before we get a noticeable decryption failure rate (DFR), which is a security concern. To address this issue, this paper presents a family of...
EagleSignV3 : A new secure variant of EagleSign signature over lattices
Abiodoun Clement Hounkpevi, Sidoine Djimnaibeye, Michel Seck, Djiby Sow
Public-key cryptography
With the potential arrival of quantum computers, it is essential to build cryptosystems resistant to attackers with the computing power of a quantum computer. With Shor's algorithm, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms and factorization become obsolete. Reason why NIST has launching two competitions in 2016 and 2023 to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems (such as KEM and signature ) based on problems supposed to resist attacks using quantum computers. EagleSign was prosed to NIT...
Binding Security of Implicitly-Rejecting KEMs and Application to BIKE and HQC
Juliane Krämer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl
Public-key cryptography
In this work, we continue the analysis of the binding properties of implicitly-rejecting key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) obtained via the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform. These binding properties, in earlier literature known under the term robustness, thwart attacks that can arise when using KEMs in larger protocols. Recently, Cremers et al. (ePrint'24) introduced a framework for binding notions, encompassing previously existing but also new ones. While implicitly-rejecting KEMs have...
Benchmarking Attacks on Learning with Errors
Emily Wenger, Eshika Saxena, Mohamed Malhou, Ellie Thieu, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Lattice cryptography schemes based on the learning with errors (LWE) hardness assumption have been standardized by NIST for use as post-quantum cryptosystems, and by HomomorphicEncryption.org for encrypted compute on sensitive data. Thus, understanding their concrete security is critical. Most work on LWE security focuses on theoretical estimates of attack performance, which is important but may overlook attack nuances arising in real-world implementations. The sole existing concrete...
Automated Software Vulnerability Static Code Analysis Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models
Elijah Pelofske, Vincent Urias, Lorie M. Liebrock
Generative Pre-Trained Transformer models have been shown to be surprisingly effective at a variety of natural language processing tasks -- including generating computer code. However, in general GPT models have been shown to not be incredibly effective at handling specific computational tasks (such as evaluating mathematical functions).
In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of open source GPT models, with no fine-tuning, and with context introduced by the langchain and localGPT...
A short-list of pairing-friendly curves resistant to the Special TNFS algorithm at the 192-bit security level
Diego F. Aranha, Georgios Fotiadis, Aurore Guillevic
For more than two decades, pairings have been a fundamental tool for designing elegant cryptosystems, varying from digital signature schemes to more complex privacy-preserving constructions. However, the advancement of quantum computing threatens to undermine public-key cryptography. Concretely, it is widely accepted that a future large-scale quantum computer would be capable to break any public-key cryptosystem used today, rendering today's public-key cryptography obsolete and mandating the...
Quantum Implementation and Analysis of ARIA
Yujin Oh, Kyungbae Jang, Yujin Yang, Hwajeong Seo
The progression of quantum computing is considered a potential threat to traditional cryptography system, highlighting the significance of post-quantum security in cryptographic systems. Regarding symmetric key encryption, the Grover algorithm can approximately halve the search complexity. Despite the absence of fully operational quantum computers at present, the necessity of assessing the security of symmetric key encryption against quantum computing continues to grow. In this paper, we...
Applying Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms to a DLT-Based CBDC Infrastructure: Comparative and Feasibility Analysis
Daniel de Haro Moraes, Joao Paulo Aragao Pereira, Bruno Estolano Grossi, Gustavo Mirapalheta, George Marcel Monteiro Arcuri Smetana, Wesley Rodrigues, Courtnay Nery Guimarães Jr., Bruno Domingues, Fábio Saito, Marcos Simplício
This article presents an innovative project for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) infrastructure. Focusing on security and reliability, the proposed architecture: (1) employs post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms for long-term security, even against attackers with access to cryptographically-relevant quantum computers; (2) can be integrated with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to safeguard the confidentiality of transaction contents as they are processed by third-parties; and...
ECO-CRYSTALS: Efficient Cryptography CRYSTALS on Standard RISC-V ISA
Xinyi Ji, Jiankuo Dong, Junhao Huang, Zhijian Yuan, Wangchen Dai, Fu Xiao, Jingqiang Lin
The field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is continuously evolving. Many researchers are exploring efficient PQC implementation on various platforms, including x86, ARM, FPGA, GPU, etc. In this paper, we present an Efficient CryptOgraphy CRYSTALS (ECO-CRYSTALS) implementation on standard 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The target schemes are two winners of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC competition: CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium,...
Hardware Implementation and Security Analysis of Local-Masked NTT for CRYSTALS-Kyber
Rafael Carrera Rodriguez, Emanuele Valea, Florent Bruguier, Pascal Benoit
The rapid evolution of post-quantum cryptography, spurred by standardization efforts such as those led by NIST, has highlighted the prominence of lattice-based cryptography, notably exemplified by CRYSTALS-Kyber. However, concerns persist regarding the security of cryptographic implementations, particularly in the face of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The usage of operations like the Number Theoretic
Transform (NTT) in CRYSTALS-Kyber introduces vulnerabilities to SCA, especially single-trace...
Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan
Amin Abdulrahman, Felix Oberhansl, Hoang Nguyen Hien Pham, Jade Philipoom, Peter Schwabe, Tobias Stelzer, Andreas Zankl
This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan's Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and...
Fast computation of 2-isogenies in dimension 4 and cryptographic applications
Pierrick Dartois
Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien...
Towards Quantum-Safe Blockchain: Exploration of PQC and Public-key Recovery on Embedded Systems
Dominik Marchsreiter
Blockchain technology ensures accountability,
transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ-
ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on
public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to
quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent
need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post-
Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks.
Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro-
cess, we aim to fortify...
Grafted Trees Bear Better Fruit: An Improved Multiple-Valued Plaintext-Checking Side-Channel Attack against Kyber
Jinnuo Li, Chi Cheng, Muyan Shen, Peng Chen, Qian Guo, Dongsheng Liu, Liji Wu, Jian Weng
Attacks and cryptanalysis
As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they...
Rudraksh: A compact and lightweight post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanism
Suparna Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreyas Sen, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Public-key cryptography
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. However, due to the impending threat of quantum computers on our existing public-key cryptographic schemes and the limited resources available on IoT devices, it is important to design lightweight post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes suitable for these devices.
In this work, we...
Finding Practical Parameters for Isogeny-based Cryptography
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography
Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$.
We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find...
Improved High-Order Masked Generation of Masking Vector and Rejection Sampling in Dilithium
Jean-Sébastien Coron, François Gérard, Tancrède Lepoint, Matthias Trannoy, Rina Zeitoun
In this work, we introduce enhanced high-order masking techniques tailored for Dilithium, the post-quantum signature scheme recently standardized by NIST. We improve the masked generation of the masking vector $\vec{y}$, based on a fast Boolean-to-arithmetic conversion modulo $q$. We also describe an optimized gadget for the high-order masked rejection sampling, with a complexity independent from the size of the modulus $q$. We prove the security of our gadgets in the classical ISW...
Cryptanalysis of EagleSign
Ludo N. Pulles, Mehdi Tibouchi
Attacks and cryptanalysis
EagleSign is one of the 40 “Round 1 Additional Signatures” that is accepted for consideration in the supplementary round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process, organized by NIST. Its design is based on structured lattices, and it boasts greater simplicity and performance compared to the two lattice signatures already selected for standardization: Falcon and Dilithium.
In this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we...
Finding Bugs and Features Using Cryptographically-Informed Functional Testing
Giacomo Fenzi, Jan Gilcher, Fernando Virdia
In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under...
Collision-Based Attacks on Block Cipher Modes - Exploiting Collisions and Their Absence
John Preuß Mattsson
Secret-key cryptography
Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks...
Masked Vector Sampling for HQC
Maxime Spyropoulos, David Vigilant, Fabrice Perion, Renaud Pacalet, Laurent Sauvage
Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with three others already standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by applying an algorithm to...
Strong Existential Unforgeability and BUFF Securities of MPC-in-the-Head Signatures
Mukul Kulkarni, Keita Xagawa
Public-key cryptography
NIST started the standardization of additional post-quantum signatures in 2022. Among 40 candidates, a few showed stronger security than existential unforgeability, strong existential unforgeability, and BUFF (beyond unforgeability features) securities. Recently, Aulbach, Düzlü, Meyer, Struck, and Weishäupl (PQCrypto 2024) examined the BUFF securities of 17 out of 40 candidates. Unfortunately, on the so-called MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) signature schemes, we have no knowledge of strong...
Adaptively Secure 5 Round Threshold Signatures from MLWE/MSIS and DL with Rewinding
Shuichi Katsumata, Michael Reichle, Kaoru Takemure
Cryptographic protocols
T-out-of-N threshold signatures have recently seen a renewed interest, with various types now available, each offering different tradeoffs.
However, one property that has remained elusive is adaptive security. When we target thresholdizing existing efficient signatures schemes based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm such as Schnorr, the elusive nature becomes clear. This class of signature schemes typically rely on the forking lemma to prove unforgeability. That is, an adversary is rewound and...
GRASP: Accelerating Hash-based PQC Performance on GPU Parallel Architecture
Yijing Ning, Jiankuo Dong, Jingqiang Lin, Fangyu Zheng, Yu Fu, Zhenjiang Dong, Fu Xiao
$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of...
Side-Channel and Fault Resistant ASCON Implementation: A Detailed Hardware Evaluation (Extended Version)
Aneesh Kandi, Anubhab Baksi, Peizhou Gan, Sylvain Guilley, Tomáš Gerlich, Jakub Breier, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Ritu Ranjan Shrivastwa, Zdeněk Martinásek, Shivam Bhasin
In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON AEAD and also the ASCON hash function. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the...
Provably Secure Butterfly Key Expansion from the CRYSTALS Post-Quantum Schemes
Edward Eaton, Philippe Lamontagne, Peter Matsakis
This work presents the first provably secure protocol for Butterfly Key Expansion (BKE) -- a tripartite protocol for provisioning users with pseudonymous certificates -- based on post-quantum cryptographic schemes. Our work builds upon the CRYSTALS family of post-quantum algorithms that have been selected for standardization by NIST. We extend those schemes by imbuing them with the additional functionality of public key expansion: a process by which pseudonymous public keys can be derived by...
Side-channel attacks pose significant threats to cryptographic implementations, which require the inclusion of countermeasures to mitigate these attacks. In this work, we study the masking of state-of-the-art post-quantum signatures based on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. More precisely, we focus on the recent threshold-computation-in-the-head (TCitH) framework that applies to some NIST candidates of the post-quantum standardization process. We first provide an analysis of side-channel attack...
This work introduce a new approach called Max bias analysis for the entropy computation of structures of Free Ring Oscillator-based Physical Random Number Generator. It employs the stochastic model based on the well-established Wiener process, specifically adapted to only capture thermal noise contributions while accounting for potential non-zero bias in the duty cycle. Our analysis is versatile, applicable to combinations of multiple sampled Ring Oscillator (RO) filtering by any function....
Scloud+ is an unstructured LWE-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) with conservative quantum security, in which ternary secrets and lattice coding are incorporated for higher computational and communication efficiency. However, its efficiencies are still much inferior to those of the structured LWE-based KEM, like ML-KEM (standardized by NIST). In this paper, we present a configurable hardware architecture for Scloud+.KEM to improve the computational efficiency. Many algorithmic and...
Shor's and Grover's algorithms' efficiency and the advancement of quantum computers imply that the cryptography used until now to protect one's privacy is potentially vulnerable to retrospective decryption, also known as harvest now, decrypt later attack in the near future. This dissertation proposes an overview of the cryptographic schemes used by Tor, highlighting the non-quantum-resistant ones and introducing theoretical performance assessment methods of a local Tor network. The...
Cryptographic schemes often contain verification steps that are essential for security. Yet, faulty implementations missing these steps can easily go unnoticed, as the schemes might still function correctly. A prominent instance of such a verification step is the re-encryption check in the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform that plays a prominent role in the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) considered in NIST's PQC standardization process. In KEMs built from FO, decapsulation...
We introduce the use of machine learning in the cryptanalysis of code-based cryptography. Our focus is on distinguishing problems related to the security of NIST round-4 McEliece-like cryptosystems, particularly for Goppa codes used in ClassicMcEliece and Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density Parity-Check (QC-MDPC) codes used in BIKE. We present DeepDistinguisher, a new algorithm for distinguishing structured codes from random linear codes that uses a transformer. The results show that the new...
The Message Layer Security (MLS) protocol has recently been standardized by the IETF. MLS is a scalable secure group messaging protocol expected to run more efficiently compared to the Signal protocol at scale, while offering a similar level of strong security. Even though MLS has undergone extensive examination by researchers, the majority of the works have focused on confidentiality. In this work, we focus on the authenticity of the application messages exchanged in MLS. Currently, MLS...
We consider the problem of constructing efficient pseudorandom functions with Beyond-Birthday-Bound (BBB) security from blockciphers. More specifically, we are interested in variable-output-length pseudorandom functions (PRF) whose domain is twice that of the underlying blockcipher. We present two such constructions, $\textsf{Pencil}$ and $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$, which provide weak PRF and full PRF security, respectively, where both achieve full $n$-bit security. While several recent works...
Considering security against quantum adversaries, while it is important to consider the traditional existential unforgeability (EUF-CMA security), it is desirable to consider security against adversaries making quantum queries to the signing oracle: Plus-one security (PO security) and blind unforgeability (BU security) proposed by Boneh and Zhandry (Crypto 2013) and Alagic et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), respectively. Hash-and-sign is one of the most common paradigms for constructing EUF-CMA-secure...
We point out flaw in zero-knowledge of the CROSS identification protocol, $\textsf{CROSS-ID}$, which allows a distinguisher to distinguish real and simulated transcripts given access to the witness. Moreover, we show that the real and simulated transcripts are not statistically indistinguishable, and therefore the protocol can only satisfy weak computational (rather than strong, statistical or perfect) Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge. This issue is still present in version 2.0 updated on...
Pulsars exhibit signals with precise inter-arrival times that are on the order of milliseconds to seconds depending on the individual pulsar. There is subtle variation in the timing of pulsar signals, primarily due to the presence of gravitational waves, intrinsic variance in the period of the pulsar, and errors in the realization of Terrestrial Time (TT). Traditionally, these variations are dismissed as noise in high-precision timing experiments. In this paper, we show that these variations...
Falcon is one of post-quantum signature schemes selected by NIST for standardization. With the deployment underway, its implementation security is of great importance. In this work, we focus on the side-channel security of Falcon and our contributions are threefold. First, by exploiting the symplecticity of NTRU and a recent decoding technique, we dramatically improve the key recovery using power leakages within Falcon Gaussian samplers. Compared to the state of the art (Zhang, Lin, Yu...
This paper presents a novel single-trace side-channel attack on FALCON—a lattice-based post-quantum digital signature protocol recently approved for standardization by NIST. We target the discrete Gaussian sampling operation within the FALCON key generation scheme and use a single power measurement trace to succeed. Notably, negating the ‘shift right 63-bit’ operation (for 64-bit values) leaks critical information about the ‘-1’ vs. ‘0’ assignments to intermediate coefficients. These leaks...
The public comments received for the review process for NIST (SP) 800-38A pointed out two important issues that most companies face: (1) the limited security that AES can provide due to its 128-bit block size and (2) the problem of nonce-misuse in practice. In this paper, we provide an alternative solution to these problems by introducing two optimally secure deterministic authenticated encryption (DAE) schemes, denoted as DENC1 and DENC2 respectively. We show that our proposed constructions...
This survey, mostly written in the years 2022-2023, is meant as an as short as possible description of the current state-of-the-art lattice attacks on lattice-based cryptosystems, without losing the essence of the matter. The main focus is the security of the NIST finalists and alternatives that are based on lattices, namely CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium and Falcon. Instead of going through these cryptosystems case by case, this survey considers attacks on the underlying hardness...
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recently standardized the first set of post-quantum cryptography algo- rithms. These algorithms address the quantum threat, but also present new challenges due to their larger memory and computational footprint. Three of the four standardized algorithms are lattice based, offering good performance but posing challenges due to complex implementation and intricate security assumptions. A more conservative choice for quantum- safe...
Garbling is a fundamental cryptographic primitive, with numerous theoretical and practical applications. Since the first construction by Yao (FOCS’82, ’86), a line of work has concerned itself with reducing the communication and computational complexity of that construction. One of the most efficient garbling schemes presently is the ‘Half Gates’ scheme by Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt’15). Despite its widespread adoption, the provable security of this scheme has been based on...
NIST has standardized ML-KEM and ML-DSA as replacements for pre-quantum key exchanges and digital signatures. Both schemes have already seen analysis with respect to side-channels, and first fully masked implementations of ML-DSA have been published. Previous attacks have focused on unprotected implementations or assumed only hiding countermeasures to be in-place. Thus, in contrast to ML-KEM, the threat of side-channel attacks for protected implementations of ML-DSA is mostly unclear. In...
The rapid advancement of quantum computing has ushered in a new era of post-quantum cryptography, urgently demanding quantum-resistant digital signatures to secure modern communications and transactions. Among NIST-standardized candidates, Falcon—a compact lattice-based signature scheme—stands out for its suitability in size-sensitive applications. In this paper, we present cuFalcon, a high-throughput GPU implementation of Falcon that addresses its computational bottlenecks through adaptive...
The Linear Code Equivalence ($\mathsf{LCE}$) problem asks, for two given linear codes $\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{C}'$, to find a monomial $\mathbf{Q}$ mapping $\mathcal{C}$ into $\mathcal{C}'$. Algorithms solving $\mathsf{LCE}$ crucially rely on a (heuristic) subroutine, which recovers the secret monomial from $\Omega(\log n)$ pairs of codewords $(\mathbf{v}_i, \mathbf{w}_i)\in \mathcal{C} \times \mathcal{C}'$ satisfying $\mathbf{w}_i = \mathbf{v}_i\mathbf{Q}$. We greatly improve on this known...
The cryptographic scheme and NIST candidate HAWK makes use of a particular module lattice and relies for its security on the assumption that finding module lattice isomorphisms (module LIP) is hard. To support this assumption, we compute the mass of the HAWK lattice, which gives a lower bound on the number of isometry classes of module lattices which cannot be distinguished from the HAWK lattice by an easily computed invariant called the genus. This number turns out to be so large that an...
This paper presents a novel single-trace side-channel attack on FALCON---a lattice-based post-quantum digital signature protocol recently approved for standardization by NIST. We target the discrete Gaussian sampling operation within the FALCON key generation scheme and use a single power measurement trace to succeed. Notably, negating the 'shift right 63-bit' operation (for 64-bit values) leaks critical information about the '-1' vs. '0' assignments to intermediate coefficients. These leaks...
Signature schemes from multi-round interactive proofs are becoming increasingly relevant in post-quantum cryptography. A prominent example is CROSS, recently admitted to the second round of the NIST on-ramp standardisation process for post-quantum digital signatures. While the security of these constructions relies on the Fiat-Shamir transform, in the case of CROSS the use of the fixed-weight parallel-repetition optimisation makes the security analysis fuzzier than usual. A recent work has...
We present a new lattice-based signature scheme, called ‘NTRU+Sign’, using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts framework. The proposed scheme is designed based on a novel NTRU-based key structure that fits well with bimodal distributions, enabling efficiency improvements compared to its predecessor, BLISS. The novel NTRU-based key structure is characterized by: (1) effectively changing a modulus from 2q to q, which is different from the existing usage of 2q for bimodal distributions, and (2)...
Making the most of TFHE advanced capabilities such as programmable or circuit bootstrapping and their generalizations for manipulating data larger than the native plaintext domain of the scheme is a very active line of research. In this context, AES is a particularly interesting benchmark, as an example of a nontrivial algorithm which has eluded "practical" FHE execution performances for years, as well as the fact that it will most likely be selected by NIST as a flagship reference in its...
We revisit a basic building block in the endeavor to migrate to post-quantum secure cryptography, Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs). KEMs enable the establishment of a shared secret key, using only public communication. When targeting chosen-ciphertext security against quantum attackers, the go-to method is to design a Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme and then apply a variant of the PKE-to-KEM conversion known as the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform, which we revisit in this work....
Cryptography based on the presumed hardness of decoding codes -- i.e., code-based cryptography -- has recently seen increased interest due to its plausible security against quantum attackers. Notably, of the four proposals for the NIST post-quantum standardization process that were advanced to their fourth round for further review, two were code-based. The most efficient proposals -- including HQC and BIKE, the NIST submissions alluded to above -- in fact rely on the presumed hardness of...
This paper improves upon the quantum circuits required for the Shor's attack on binary elliptic curves. We present two types of quantum point addition, taking both qubit count and circuit depth into consideration. In summary, we propose an in-place point addition that improves upon the work of Banegas et al. from CHES'21, reducing the qubit count – depth product by more than $73\%$ – $81\%$ depending on the variant. Furthermore, we develop an out-of-place point addition by using...
A partial key exposure attack is a key recovery attack where an adversary obtains a priori partial knowledge of the secret key, e.g., through side-channel leakage. While for a long time post-quantum cryptosystems, unlike RSA, have been believed to be resistant to such attacks, recent results by Esser, May, Verbel, and Wen (CRYPTO ’22), and by Kirshanova and May (SCN ’22), have refuted this belief. In this work, we focus on partial key exposure attacks in the context of rank-metric-based...
The design of tweakable wide block ciphers has advanced significantly over the past two decades. This evolution began with the approach of designing a wide block cipher by Naor and Reingold. Since then, numerous tweakable wide block ciphers have been proposed, many of which build on existing block ciphers and are secure up to the birthday bound for the total number of blocks queried. Although there has been a slowdown in the development of tweakable wide block cipher modes in last couple of...
The CRYSTALS-Dilithium digital signature scheme, selected by NIST as a post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standard under the name ML-DSA, employs a public key compression technique intended for performance optimization. Specifically, the module learning with error instance $({\bf A}, {\bf t})$ is compressed by omitting the low-order bits ${\bf t_0}$ of the vector ${\bf t}$. It was recently shown that knowledge of ${\bf t_0}$ enables more effective side-channel attacks on Dilithium...
The Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntanathan (GPV) framework is utilized for constructing practical digital signatures, which is proven to be secure in both the classical/quantum random-oracle models. Falcon is such a signature scheme, recognized as a compact and efficient signature among NIST-standardized signature schemes. Recently, Guerreau et al. (CHES 2022) and Zhang et al. (Eurocrypt 2023) proposed the secret key recovery attack on Falcon utilizing signatures filtered by simple power analysis...
This work investigates persistent fault analysis on ASCON cipher that has been recently standardized by NIST USA for lightweight cryptography applications. In persistent fault, the fault once injected through RowHammer injection techniques, exists in the system during the entire encryption phase. In this work, we propose a model to mount persistent fault analysis (PFA) on ASCON cipher. In the finalization round of the ASCON cipher, we identify that the fault-injected S-Box operation...
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a semi-honest party (called a proxy) to convert ciphertexts under a public key into ciphertexts under another public key. Due to this functionality, there are various applications such as encrypted email forwarding, key escrow, and secure distributed file systems. On the other hand, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is one of the most important research areas. However, there is no post-quantum PRE scheme with security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks...
The Ascon authenticated encryption scheme and hash function of Dobraunig et al (Journal of Cryptology 2021) were recently selected as winner of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. The mode underlying Ascon authenticated encryption (Ascon-AE) resembles ideas of SpongeWrap, but not quite, and various works have investigated the generic security of Ascon-AE, all covering different attack scenarios and with different bounds. This work systemizes knowledge on the mode security of...
Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest, simplest, and most studied ad-hoc multivariate signature schemes. UOV signature schemes are attractive because they have very small signatures and fast verification. On the downside, they have large public and secret keys. As a result, variations of the traditional UOV scheme are usually developed with the goal to reduce the key sizes. Seven variants of UOV were submitted to the additional call for digital signatures by NIST, prior to...
SNOVA, a post-quantum signature scheme with compact key sizes, is a second-round NIST candidate. This paper conducts a fault analysis of SNOVA, targeting permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We propose fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure, enabling key recovery with as few as $22$ to $68$ faulty signatures, depending on security levels. A novel fault-assisted reconciliation attack is introduced that effectively extracts the secret key space by...
In this paper, we present the first single trace side-channel attack that targets the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework based on threshold secret sharing, also known as Threshold Computation in the Head (TCitH) in its original version. This MPCitH framework can be found in 5 of the 14 digital signatures schemes in the recent second round of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) call for digital signatures. In this work, we start by highlighting a side-channel...
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization procedure for additional digital signatures and recently announced round-2 candidates for the PQ additional digital signature schemes. The multivariate digital signature scheme Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest post-quantum schemes and has been selected by NIST for Round 2. Although UOV is mathematically secure, several side-channel attacks (SCA) have been shown on the UOV or UOV-based...
The hardness of lattice problems offers one of the most promising security foundations for quantum-safe cryptography. Basic schemes for public key encryption and digital signatures are already close to standardization at NIST and several other standardization bodies, and the research frontier has moved on to building primitives with more advanced privacy features. At the core of many such primi- tives are zero-knowledge proofs. In recent years, zero-knowledge proofs for (and using)...
In this work, we propose the first hardware implementation of Classic McEliece protected with countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). Classic Mceliece is one of the leading candidates for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) in the ongoing round 4 of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we implement a range of generic countermeasures against SCA and FIA, particularly protected the vulnerable operations...
Multivariate cryptography currently centres mostly around UOV-based signature schemes: All multivariate round 2 candidates in the selection process for additional digital signatures by NIST are either UOV itself or close variations of it: MAYO, QR-UOV, SNOVA, and UOV. Also schemes which have been in the focus of the multivariate research community, but are broken by now - like Rainbow and LUOV - are based on UOV. Both UOV and the schemes based on it have been frequently analyzed regarding...
Digital signature schemes based on multivariate- and code-based hard problems are promising alternatives for lattice-based signature schemes, due to their small signature size. Gaussian Elimination (GE) is a critical operation in the signing procedure of these schemes. In this paper, we provide a masking scheme for GE with back substitution to defend against first- and higher-order attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to analyze and propose masking techniques for...
SNOVA is a post-quantum digital signature scheme based on multivariate polynomials. It is a second-round candidate in an ongoing NIST standardization process for post-quantum signatures, where it stands out for its efficiency and compactness. Since its initial submission, there have been several improvements to its security analysis, both on key recovery and forgery attacks. All these works reduce to solving a structured system of quadratic polynomials, which we refer to as SNOVA...
In parallel with the standardization of lattice-based cryptosystems, the research community in Post-quantum Cryptography focused on non-lattice-based hard problems for constructing public-key cryptographic primitives. The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has gained attention regarding its practical applications and cryptanalysis. Recent advancements, including the LESS signature scheme and its candidacy in the NIST standardization for additional signatures, supported LCE as a...
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has rapidly evolved in response to the emergence of quantum computers, with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) selecting four finalist algorithms for PQC standardization in 2022, including the Falcon digital signature scheme. The latest round of digital signature schemes introduced Hawk, both based on the NTRU lattice, offering compact signatures, fast generation, and verification suitable for deployment on resource-constrained...
We present experimental findings on the decoding failure rate (DFR) of BIKE, a fourth-round candidate in the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization process, at the 20-bit security level using graph-theoretic approaches. We select parameters according to BIKE design principles and conduct a series of experiments using Rust to generate significantly more decoding failure instances than in prior work using SageMath. For each decoding failure, we study the internal state of the decoder at each...
In this paper, we introduce OT-PCA, a novel approach for conducting Plaintext-Checking (PC) oracle based side-channel attacks, specifically designed for Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC). By calling the publicly accessible HQC decoder, we build offline templates that enable efficient extraction of soft information for hundreds of secret positions with just a single PC oracle call. Our method addresses critical challenges in optimizing key-related information extraction, including maximizing...
Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel...
Classic McEliece is one of the three code-based candidates in the fourth round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category. As such, its decapsulation algorithm is used to recover the session key associated with a ciphertext using the private key. In this article, we propose a new side-channel attack on the syndrome computation in the decapsulation algorithm that recovers the private key, which consists of the private Goppa...
One of the main candidates of post-quantum cryptography is lattice-based cryptography. Its cryptographic security against quantum attackers is based on the worst-case hardness of lattice problems like the shortest vector problem (SVP), which asks to find the shortest non-zero vector in an integer lattice. Asymptotic quantum speedups for solving SVP are known and rely on Grover's search. However, to assess the security of lattice-based cryptography against these Grover-like quantum speedups,...
The Multi-Party Computation in the Head (MPCitH) paradigm has proven to be a versatile tool to design proofs of knowledge (PoK) based on variety of computationally hard problems. For instance, many post-quantum signatures have been designed from MPC based proofs combined with the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Over the years, MPCitH has evolved significantly with developments based on techniques such as threshold computing and other optimizations. Recently, Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation...
Threshold signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years. Of particular interest are threshold signatures that are proven secure under adaptive corruptions (NIST Call 2023). Sadly, existing constructions with provable adaptive security suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) strong idealizations such as the algebraic group model (AGM), (ii) an unnatural restriction on the corruption threshold being $t/2$ where $t$ is the signing threshold, or (iii)...
We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...
As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...
There has been a recent interest to develop and standardize Robust Authenticated Encryption (Robust AE) schemes. NIST, for example, is considering an Accordion mode (a wideblock tweakable blockcipher), with Robust AE as a primary application. On the other hand, recent attacks and applications suggest that encryption needs to be committing. Indeed, committing security isalso a design consideration in the Accordion mode. Yet it is unclear how to build a Robust AE with committing security....
ML-KEM and ML-DSA are NIST-standardized lattice-based post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. In both algorithms, Keccak is the designated hash algorithm extensively used for deriving sensitive information, making it a valuable target for attackers. In the field of fault injection attacks, few works targeted Keccak, and they have not fully explored its impact on the security of ML-KEM and ML-DSA. Consequently, many attacks remain undiscovered. In this article, we first identify various fault...
SNOVA is one of the submissions in the NIST Round 1 Additional Signature of the Post-Quantum Signature Competition. SNOVA is a UOV variant that uses the noncommutative-ring technique to educe the size of the public key. SNOVA's public key size and signature size are well-balanced and have good performance. Recently, Beullens proposed a forgery attack against SNOVA, pointing out that the parameters of SNOVA can be attacked. Beullens also argued that with some slight adjustments his attacks...
With the standardization of NIST post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes, optimizing these PQC schemes across various platforms presents significant research value. While most existing software implementation efforts have concentrated on ARM platforms, research on PQC implementations utilizing various RISC-V instruction set architectures (ISAs) remains limited. In light of this gap, this paper proposes comprehensive and efficient optimizations of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on...
Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...
Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes. In this paper, we propose a...
Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a secure session key with a shared low-entropy password pw. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) extends PAKE in the client-server setting, and the server only stores a password file instead of the plain password so as to provide additional security guarantee when the server is compromised. In this paper, we propose a novel generic compiler from PAKE to aPAKE in the Universal Composable (UC) framework by making use of Key...
In 2022, Wang et al. proposed the multivariate signature scheme SNOVA as a UOV variant over the non-commutative ring of $\ell \times \ell $ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$. This scheme has small public key and signature size and is a first round candidate of NIST PQC additional digital signature project. Recently, Ikematsu and Akiyama, and Li and Ding show that the core matrices of SNOVA with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables are regarded as the representation matrices of UOV with...
The Dilithium signature scheme – recently standardized by NIST under the name ML-DSA – owes part of its success to a specific mechanism that allows an optimizaion of its public key size. Namely, among the data of the MLWE instance $\bf (A,\bf{t})$, which is at the heart of the construction of Dilithium, the least significant part of $\bf{t}$ -- denoted by $\bf{t}_0$ -- is not included in the public key. The verification algorithm had been adapted accordingly, so that it should not require...
Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design, through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs and 1 DSP...
Embedded systems are flexible and cost-effective and thus have found a use case in almost every part of our daily lives. Due to their widespread use, they have also become valuable targets for cyber attacks. However, translating cutting-edge cyber security from servers and desktops to the embedded realm can be challenging due to the limited computational power and memory of embedded devices. Although quantum computing is still in early research and development, it threatens to break...
We present $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$: a backward-compatible protocol that leverages a quantum-safe KEM and a MAC to perform signature-less $\mathsf{(SL)}$ DNSSEC validations in a single UDP query/response style. Our experiments targeting NIST level I security for QTYPE A query resolution show that $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ is practically equivalent to the presently deployed RSA-2048 in terms of bandwidth usage and resolution speeds. Compared to post-quantum signatures,...
SNOVA is a multivariate signature scheme submitted to the NIST project for additional signature schemes by Cho, Ding, Kuan, Li, Tseng, Tseng, and Wang. With small key and signature sizes good performance, SNOVA is one of the more efficient schemes in the competition, which makes SNOVA an important target for cryptanalysis. In this paper, we observe that SNOVA implicitly uses a structured version of the ``whipping'' technique developed for the MAYO signature scheme. We show that the...
This paper presents Raccoon, a lattice-based signature scheme submitted to the NIST 2022 call for additional post-quantum signatures. Raccoon has the specificity of always being masked. Concretely, all sensitive intermediate values are shared into 𝑑 parts. The main design rationale of Raccoon is to be easy to mask at high orders, and this dictated most of its design choices, such as the introduction of new algorithmic techniques for sampling small errors. As a result, Raccoon achieves a...
This tutorial focuses on describing the fundamental mathematical concepts and design decisions used in the two ``main'' lattice schemes standardized by NIST and included in the CNSA 2.0 algorithmic suite. They are the KEM / encryption scheme CRYSTALS-Kyber (ML-KEM) and the signature scheme CRYSTALS-Dilithium (ML-DSA) . In addition, we will also give the main ideas behind other lattice-based KEMs like Frodo and NTRU.
We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...
Lyubashevsky’s signature can be viewed as a lattice-based adapation of the Schnorr signature, with the core difference being the use of aborts during signature generation process. Since the proposal of Lyubashevsky’s signature, a number of other variants of Schnorr-type signatures with aborts have been proposed, both in lattice-based and code-based setting. In this paper, we examine the security of Schnorr-type signature schemes with aborts. We give a detailed analysis of when the expected...
The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...
HAWK is a lattice-based signature scheme candidate to the fourth call of the NIST's Post-Quantum standardization campaign. Considered as a cousin of Falcon (one of the future NIST post-quantum standards) one can wonder whether HAWK shares the same drawbacks as Falcon in terms of side-channel attacks. Indeed, Falcon signature algorithm and particularly its Gaussian sampler, has shown to be highly vulnerable to power-analysis attacks. Besides, efficiently protecting Falcon's signature...
Compared to elliptic curve cryptography, a main drawback of lattice-based schemes is the larger size of their public keys and ciphertexts. A common procedure for compressing these objects consists essentially of dropping some of their least significant bits. Albeit effective for compression, there is a limit to the number of bits to be dropped before we get a noticeable decryption failure rate (DFR), which is a security concern. To address this issue, this paper presents a family of...
With the potential arrival of quantum computers, it is essential to build cryptosystems resistant to attackers with the computing power of a quantum computer. With Shor's algorithm, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms and factorization become obsolete. Reason why NIST has launching two competitions in 2016 and 2023 to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems (such as KEM and signature ) based on problems supposed to resist attacks using quantum computers. EagleSign was prosed to NIT...
In this work, we continue the analysis of the binding properties of implicitly-rejecting key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) obtained via the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform. These binding properties, in earlier literature known under the term robustness, thwart attacks that can arise when using KEMs in larger protocols. Recently, Cremers et al. (ePrint'24) introduced a framework for binding notions, encompassing previously existing but also new ones. While implicitly-rejecting KEMs have...
Lattice cryptography schemes based on the learning with errors (LWE) hardness assumption have been standardized by NIST for use as post-quantum cryptosystems, and by HomomorphicEncryption.org for encrypted compute on sensitive data. Thus, understanding their concrete security is critical. Most work on LWE security focuses on theoretical estimates of attack performance, which is important but may overlook attack nuances arising in real-world implementations. The sole existing concrete...
Generative Pre-Trained Transformer models have been shown to be surprisingly effective at a variety of natural language processing tasks -- including generating computer code. However, in general GPT models have been shown to not be incredibly effective at handling specific computational tasks (such as evaluating mathematical functions). In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of open source GPT models, with no fine-tuning, and with context introduced by the langchain and localGPT...
For more than two decades, pairings have been a fundamental tool for designing elegant cryptosystems, varying from digital signature schemes to more complex privacy-preserving constructions. However, the advancement of quantum computing threatens to undermine public-key cryptography. Concretely, it is widely accepted that a future large-scale quantum computer would be capable to break any public-key cryptosystem used today, rendering today's public-key cryptography obsolete and mandating the...
The progression of quantum computing is considered a potential threat to traditional cryptography system, highlighting the significance of post-quantum security in cryptographic systems. Regarding symmetric key encryption, the Grover algorithm can approximately halve the search complexity. Despite the absence of fully operational quantum computers at present, the necessity of assessing the security of symmetric key encryption against quantum computing continues to grow. In this paper, we...
This article presents an innovative project for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) infrastructure. Focusing on security and reliability, the proposed architecture: (1) employs post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms for long-term security, even against attackers with access to cryptographically-relevant quantum computers; (2) can be integrated with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to safeguard the confidentiality of transaction contents as they are processed by third-parties; and...
The field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is continuously evolving. Many researchers are exploring efficient PQC implementation on various platforms, including x86, ARM, FPGA, GPU, etc. In this paper, we present an Efficient CryptOgraphy CRYSTALS (ECO-CRYSTALS) implementation on standard 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The target schemes are two winners of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC competition: CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium,...
The rapid evolution of post-quantum cryptography, spurred by standardization efforts such as those led by NIST, has highlighted the prominence of lattice-based cryptography, notably exemplified by CRYSTALS-Kyber. However, concerns persist regarding the security of cryptographic implementations, particularly in the face of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The usage of operations like the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) in CRYSTALS-Kyber introduces vulnerabilities to SCA, especially single-trace...
This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan's Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and...
Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien...
Blockchain technology ensures accountability, transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ- ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks. Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro- cess, we aim to fortify...
As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they...
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. However, due to the impending threat of quantum computers on our existing public-key cryptographic schemes and the limited resources available on IoT devices, it is important to design lightweight post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes suitable for these devices. In this work, we...
Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$. We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find...
In this work, we introduce enhanced high-order masking techniques tailored for Dilithium, the post-quantum signature scheme recently standardized by NIST. We improve the masked generation of the masking vector $\vec{y}$, based on a fast Boolean-to-arithmetic conversion modulo $q$. We also describe an optimized gadget for the high-order masked rejection sampling, with a complexity independent from the size of the modulus $q$. We prove the security of our gadgets in the classical ISW...
EagleSign is one of the 40 “Round 1 Additional Signatures” that is accepted for consideration in the supplementary round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process, organized by NIST. Its design is based on structured lattices, and it boasts greater simplicity and performance compared to the two lattice signatures already selected for standardization: Falcon and Dilithium. In this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we...
In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under...
Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks...
Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with three others already standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by applying an algorithm to...
NIST started the standardization of additional post-quantum signatures in 2022. Among 40 candidates, a few showed stronger security than existential unforgeability, strong existential unforgeability, and BUFF (beyond unforgeability features) securities. Recently, Aulbach, Düzlü, Meyer, Struck, and Weishäupl (PQCrypto 2024) examined the BUFF securities of 17 out of 40 candidates. Unfortunately, on the so-called MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) signature schemes, we have no knowledge of strong...
T-out-of-N threshold signatures have recently seen a renewed interest, with various types now available, each offering different tradeoffs. However, one property that has remained elusive is adaptive security. When we target thresholdizing existing efficient signatures schemes based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm such as Schnorr, the elusive nature becomes clear. This class of signature schemes typically rely on the forking lemma to prove unforgeability. That is, an adversary is rewound and...
$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of...
In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON AEAD and also the ASCON hash function. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the...
This work presents the first provably secure protocol for Butterfly Key Expansion (BKE) -- a tripartite protocol for provisioning users with pseudonymous certificates -- based on post-quantum cryptographic schemes. Our work builds upon the CRYSTALS family of post-quantum algorithms that have been selected for standardization by NIST. We extend those schemes by imbuing them with the additional functionality of public key expansion: a process by which pseudonymous public keys can be derived by...