Showing posts with label Assyria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assyria. Show all posts

Friday, 10 July 2020

Babylon RPG Blitz of Reviews

Tags seem to vanish off my blog posts while working on them and I cant cut and paste tag lists in from other posts with same tags - thanks google apes

I was madly running 4 Mesopotamian BRP games and more recently my Exilon setting (here) and adventures (Patreon) an I thought I might be involved in one. Suddenly lots of RPG floodgates are opening. I always dreamed of doing a BRP or Gurps one but like most stupid dreams I didn't. Even as an editor or reviewer or consultant sniff. One of my right-hand links goes to my posts on this theme including comprehensive image dumps to help players visualise the era mostly focused on Iraq and other nearby places. 

So after hearing of a new one and getting It I hunted for hours through LuLu where I had seen one only to discover same was a PDF of drive-through with a new colour cover. So anyway here are some links to some more which I have added to my Mesopotamian Adventures. Here I am reviewing BFJB and Into the Bronze. There was a sorta biblical series of ancient near east harbacks in d20 days but it had this biblical veneer and some mythic touches I disliked but I would nab it in a flash If I saw it around. I have reviewed Ankur and Blood & Bronze before. And then there is Puerta De Ishtar in Spanish which looks amazing, sounds cool and I wish I knew Spanish...or is it Catalonian?

As I'm a bit of a fan with 40kilos of books on the subject next to me, I do like to see this stuff used well or interestingly and slide away from pop cliches or through a lens of Christians looking through a lens of the old testament and people many time removed. Pazzuzu is a-ok demon yet Hollywood and gamers make him a non-useful demon. I got the Cthulhu Britanica: The Curse in Nineveh and I was miffy because they made Nabu into Yog Sothoth and then act out of character to me when Nabu is Thoth Hermes so other mythos gods a better fit. Possibly Bast is over used by HPL fandom too.

One of my other interests is sceptical archaeology so lots of the UFO ancient astronaut stuff I see that it causes actual harm on evidence and to current occupants so I am running out of being able to enjoy all the products based on this premise now. At least HPL declared he wrote non fiction, unlike 
Zechariah Sitchin who proclaimed it was the truth. Then there is that great Essay on how Von Daniken ripped of HPL methodology and writing style.

Blood & Bronze RPG
Some crew here worked on some similar themes in their retro and clones
Into The Bronze RPG
Babylon on which fame and jubilation are bestowed
i presume is older version i spent hours looking for
Design Mechanism Promise a book for this line...
Ankur (all this + Aliens and UFO Cult Dogma)
If i had to pick a game of ancient aliens based on mad racist Zechariah Sitchin
Though for superheroes to visit or an alt timeline I guess Its cool and has lasers

So I am going to get hard copies of Into the Bronze and BFJB. Latter I have looked over the old version PDF and gosh I like it.

Babylon on which fame and jubilation are bestowed (old pdf LuLu version)
It has some impressive research, campaign info and use of authentic language (+just read the kings laws for game seeds). Plus It has and like spells and other mechanics which lots of the 250 pages in the earlier part are character generation. As I know the history here I'm pretty impressed mostly. They do slap in elves and make dwarves Sumerians and end races which I would just drop possibly. Several other games have gone this way and Egyptian ones to put in their tolkien races in other settings. Lots of setting stuff is in the mechanics and detail in the skills that is quite intense. So based on simple and but it has skills and lots of other add sons. The magic associated with gods was not quite what I would do but is very fun and interesting to link spells to gods as they do. As someone writing my own retro-clone I appreciate lots of thought here and was surprised I liked lots of the mechanical ideas which I don't feel often.

There are so many good things about this I'm jealous and even though I ran the same period for years there Is a lot in here setting wise I really like/ Especially for character cultures and home cities. Unlike lots of games, this has some good city details. I look forward to the newer edition and will post it here when I get it. It is good to see a book full of stuff you meant to do in a long term campaign detail wise. So interesting for the history, setting and as a retro-clone that is thorough. 388 pages - older B&W PDF cheaper I'm getting a new book later

As for my own take in things, I guess I syncretized the crap out of the religion to make a consistent pantheon which barely happened sort of cos the real ancient world was local and diverse in styles. I guess I did It for similar reasons that empires did for easier paperwork. I guess I used are and maps and historic texts and miniature to convey lots of detail visually when I run these. 

Into The Bronze RPG
It is a simple and pretty RPG pdf, more minimal and about graphic design. Lighter, more wire space and lots of historic clip art. Some though is thousands of years later than the era depicted here. Instead of detailed setting lore, you have lots of tables for adventures and hex crawl. It talks about Sumerian and shows what I think Is Brugel and mentions the surviving religions as a source which I am not hot on. Once again The first part of the book looks great. The random map I found was a bit ugly but they for making a hexcrawl on the flyover detail and simulation of history. The last section has some monsters and more art that while is well used as design is more off theme. I don't think this game teaches as much about history or is for a long game. Id rates it highly as an art-game though. To be honest get only a vague sense of middle eastern history here or even any distinctively Sumerian. 60pages.

I rate highly for the look and feels and for sandbox improv tool and pretty utility tables. but I'm more likely to use it to add detail to another more detailed game. Comparing one of these books to the other Into The Bronze makes me think of splash spreads of design first and BFJB I think of as lots of mechanical goodies and some history and sensitivity to the culture.

I guess having done 2300BC and 1800BC and 700BC games I see differences some don't and as an image researcher, I know where most come from (and more nobody else has used). My more recent Exilon being more DnD was less historical more fantasy and intended to be easier to run by not being as intimidating as history can. Filling in some gaps with other tropes like Robert E Howard seems a popular approach too as three games claim to do it but all different. Anyway looking forward to some hard copies and for what Mythras will do as they do some good history gaming.

A 25 page pdf zine? Describing a diseased chaos cult with monsters, spells, mini-dungeon and lots of goodies and nice art. I kinda wish it had a few more pages to print it easily. A timely snippet of chaos fouldom. Entertaining waxing poetical on a needed topic.

Book Of Lairs vol 1&2
I recently struggled through these old classics. Potentially useful to drop-in games and for a novice npc describe monsters tactics in an environment. Each has a few hooks to get players on board. Lots of variety of monsters. Vol2 get more Oriental content, more guest star writers and possibly some of the more interesting ones. So do players really go about killing animals that much in DnD? A good mix of level stuff for lots of settings.

Some problems include often overwritten in some cases like a spread on an encounter I've had in dozens of games and most people just improvise it the same. 
Alot of these are just killing animals all who are extra cunning in many cases and won't fall for obvious stuff. Quite a few good monsters to hurt too which I have never killed with any but I had slept with a silver dragon in Dragonlance. Lots of these are controlled or duped or wrong or just too demanding. A few monsters take a while of being stubborn before you kill them so I guess its their fault. I like one good magic monster was just hard of hearing and easily confused but it suggests you give xp for not murdering the critter. There is one halfling weirdo who sounds like a modern kidnapper maniac but he only torments and verbally abuses victims for months before scrubbing their minds and releasing when bored. This guy is kinda the creepiest nothing villains on any official module. I like the idea of this as a one-page dungeon thing but Maps and bullet points would beat text in a few cases. The writing style varies from concise to somnambulistic. 

More stuff coming In

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Hex 0036 Copper Town & Bat Ruins

Hexes Up For Grabs
Help design some Hexes for Exilon 
Using my piles of exilon tables or your own psueudo bronze age 
mesopotaimian age fantasy know how submit a claim to a hex. Feel free to share this.  

Made a hex up for my Free Land In Fantasy Kingdom thing
Will do more and show stuff sent in

Hex 0036 Copper Town & Bat Ruins

Actually a good starting adventure region with the sprawling ruins.
Ruins used to be a walking city but broken by rebelling humans and got stuck in marsh.
Marshy reeds and forests grow over region which seasonally floods.
Because of ruins most travel on west side of river.

made up of marsh nomad folk who worship Dagon
-subordinate to copper town and lower caste
-thorn and reed wall for defence with goats inside
-lots of village is floating rafts with woven reed huts
-ruled by assembly of elders
-famous for breed of swimming marsh goats
-fish shrine with priest from Ikathon the fish city
-mostly fishing, hunting and grow plants on rafts
-rebels of copper town authority over area often come from here

Copper town

Civilized town with scribes, potters and redsmiths making trade goods
-Govenor rules town for noble clan who built it
-Enki temple to water god
-Ningizzida temple to fruit trees, healing and wisdom with a holy hydra inside
-Ezuli temple to local river nymph who visits temple on festivals
-Crocodile cult kidnap and eat people

Marsh Bat Ruins

Condition: Badly damaged walls, no ceiling
Built by: horrible Bat Folk during monster empire era

Hang out for: Wizard here to loot knowledge with students and guards
Ruin Size: sprawling city over 2 hexes wide

Notable Structures:

Housing lots of 2 story bat houses and single story slave houses
Ruined Colosseum haunted by monsters still
The city could once move on it's own but was destroyed here
The local bat population keeps the area mosquito free

d12 Day ruins

1 Wizard and followers expedition 2d6
2 Adventurers party 2d6
3 Grave robbers looking for loot 2d6
4 Crocodile cultists 2d6
5 Cyclops orcs warriors 2d6
6 Jackals following
7 Vultures circling - a bad omen
8 Man eating lion
9 Dryad or satyr
10 Giant river snake
11 Giant lobster or scorpion
12 Beast Folk d4 1=lamprey folk 2=slug folk 3=worm folk 4=scorpion folk

d12 Night ruins
1 Bat folk cultists 2d6
2 Witch conjuring evil in lonely ruins
3 Marsh reed doll golems 2d6 AC+1 2HD Dam d4
4 Were jackal
5 Giant owl
Cyclops orcs warriors 2d6
Man eating lion
8 Zombies d6
Kelpie in horse or maiden form
10 Giant lobster or scorpion
11 Living stone statue of bat folk
12 Bat folk mummy with d6 skeleton human slaves

Improved version a day later

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Exilon Real Estate Hex Rush! Imaginary kingdom giving away land!

Hexes Up For Grabs
Help design some Hexes for Exilon 
Using my piles of exilon tables or your own psueudo bronze age 
mesopotaimian age fantasy know how submit a claim to a hex. Feel free to share this. 

Just fill out one of these below forms and feel free to add extra content if you wish with it.
Feel free to recycle or re purpose some old thing. Word doc or rtf handiest for me to compile extra material. Drawings or maps cool too.

Let me know what name you want on it or to be anonymous.

Each large hex is 33 miles or 53 km wide
Each small hex is 11 miles or 18 km - three across = large hex

msg me stuff to:
konsumterra at gmail dot com

Might end up in a poorly made free book like my other published stuff
Sample form here HERE!!!

Exilon is a bronze age predeluvian fantasy civilization based loosley on Mesopotaimia. Plus lots of Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Moorcock inspired content. Stone age barbarians from the wastes hate wizards for using magic of the enemies of humanity.

Barbarians dislike big city cult gods that have grown into empire gods that enthrall humanity. The worst thing about civilisation are the thieves and liars and cowardly oathbreakers who are the first to slaughter when you take their cities.

The world has had many great disasters and non human empires in ancient times. Non humans and evil necromancers ruled for thousands of years. Human civilization has begun to out do that empire and any other single race on the planet. There are ruins and best left forgotten things in dungeons left everywhere in the region.

The region was always thick with snake worship but after great wars finished the monster kings, the people adopted kinder more human serpentine gods. The Hydra is on the 
green banner of the city of Sakasis. Ancient snake cults and ruins are everywhere. Fish folk and lizard folk, bat folk and dragon folk all left their demon cursed ruins.

Links to past Exilon Posts:

Most important for Hexes:

Fish folk among us handy for Ikathon
Monster Empire Troops
Guide to War in Exilon
Land Use
You don't really need this stuff but it might be handy:
Strange Wizard Missions
Remnants of Lost Empires
Races of the Monster Empire
Wizard Wars 1 Causes and forces
Wizard Wars 2 Encounters and links
Wizard Wars 3 Rumours and treasure

Research Methods of Bad Wizards
Spell Componants for Bad Wizards
Barbarian clans & decor + races and men of the wastes
Beasts in Exilon

An adventure for this setting
Bat Goddess Temple

An older item will reviose

My mesopotaimian image dumps

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Exilon Game Session & EMO Rule test

Ran emo house rules game as a playtest of new rules and setting which went well. Oddly ppl turned up early and 6 players made which is good result. Got given a goat mini and a player shouted me turkey bits and tater tots and soda.

System wise the game runs smoother and simpler which is good. Im doing basics in a 32 page a5 booklet at the moment and trying to look pretty with a more info design look/ A bit harder to min max and stack abilities than older versions.

Made a change to my alignment track but players interested in the system of number scores on alignment by taking oaths to bet bonus cantrips and later on spells. Basically start rating two alignment elements as zero and cross out others initially with chance of increasing zeroes as levels go up.

Character rolling system worked well with weaker stats more like old dnd with most players having a single +1. Basically 3d6 in order with only one stat below 9 possible raise others to 9. Then can change prime requisite to a 12 in less than that score which had 3 players choose class to raise terrible stats. A bard had a dex of 4 which became feature of back ground (sent out of temple on the road as had broken some relics).

Skill selection and spells went quickly. Need to get my shopping lists sorted as ive changed money quite a bit 1 gp = 36 sp = 360 cp. Linked to living expenses to the castes. So 1gp will feed and house a commoner for a year. A silver will support a comfortable merchant and a noble will spend a gp per day. I need to jig my price lists accordingly. It did encourage players to live within means and to blow cash. Most chose barbarians but spell casters were civilized which kept up one of key game themes.

Fighter came off as more martially skilled. Beastmen were tough, Rogue was sneaky. Bards were singing inspiring songs and reciting obscure lore.

So using my mostly new Exilon setting which I realised has become quite detailed in the last three months. My bronze-stone age monument building civilizations vs barbarians post a thousand years of necromancers post four thousand years of monsters ruling an age of nightmares went well. Ruins and remnants of wicked empires everywhere. Plenty of evil threats and ambiguously tainted peoples to provide threats. Players got to choose starting city territory and the chose the Snake city countryside near some ruins. Adderville had two local ruins and a tradition of treasure hunters. Local kids and adults were used to hiring onto adventurers. Some adventurers

Blackhorn the GoatmanChaotic beastman abhuman barbarian from south whose clan long ago was abandoned by evil masters and now looked for mercenary work, over clans anti technology above stone age stance. Had a nanny goat follower and was an expert at climbing and leaping. Culturally like most barbarians of the great wastes.

Jag the SharkmanChaotic nuetral beastman abhuman pirate who served a monster overlord on the inner sea islands and was familiar with the city formerly ruled by fish people. Was mostly barbaric but could read and speak the ancient script of the monster empire. Fled masters as disliked paperwork and orders. Actually very smart an very strong willed. Might become a priest later.

Jericho the the RogueNuetral wandering rogue who wandered land giving lip service to the five cities of the Free City League. Stole mostly for pleasure and thrills. Liked to sneak up on enemies ambush then crack jokes while next to them distracting them while party over ran failed ambushes instead of back stabbing.

Nepsu the BardGood arcanist bard, expert in occultism and summoning. Had a scarab familiar, a cattle dog and liked to summon giant ants. Liked to party and investigate forbidden lore and spend money. Tradition used spell books and wizardry in service to the Ishtar Ziggurat of the Amazon city. An expert archer and did best to avoid melee. Played the lute and happy to entertain common folk to make friends and gain information. Is sickly and unhealthy.

Tatiana the BardChaotic nuetral temple bard of Geshtianna Ziggurat of Snake city and wanderer. Played cistrum in various rituals and as was very clumsy asked to go on pilgrimage across land, healing, learning and making influence. Had healing skills and spells, a numerate scribe, a canny judge of value and manners. Good at dealing with officials and nobility and merchants. Used a spear and expert with unarmed attacks even though fairly weak. Has a eunuch groom servant to pamper her. Carries incense, drugs and beer on donkey across land trading.

John the WarriorBalanced nuetral barbarian of the wastes looking for work. Expert axe man and quick shot with composite bow. Expert tracker and swimmer happy to explore civilization and find work. Arrived with stone and bone and sinew weapons and keen to loot metal and learn new fighting skills. Arrived with black horn from wastes curious about civilisation and their arts of war.

From Adderton they stayed at inn and Tatiana hired 3 boys while locals told of the necromancer hill tombs and the wasteland desert fish folk ruins seasonally exposed from sand by winds. Set off to desert and John identified tracks as a party of bipedal camels and a party of leather moccasin wearing humans. Explored a ruined stable and dug into a fish cult monster breeding menagerie ruin. Fought the front half of a desiccated lion-snake beast sacred to old snake cults. Found some old weapons and a magic copper headband. Went home for night to heal and recover,

Next day saw a stone fish man colossus fifty foot aver sand burred waste deep and a large fishman traders guild temple. Chose the colossus and as got closer saw shift robed figures retreat inside ans something look out the statue eye windows. Jericho sneaked ahead and saw 4 diseased and scarred camel men awaiting party inside  doorway (once a balcony where fish priests looked down on bloody sacrifices of humans formed in the monuments hands).

Jerico warned others with hand signals and crawled among camels undetected. As party almost entered he popped up and joked with camels distracting them and ruined their attack as Nepsu made all inside fall asleep with a spell. Tied and interrogated camel folk demon cultists and heard about their master on the top floor before executing them. While most party went up five flights of stairs, Jericho and Blackhorn leapt and bounded up the statue making it seem effortless.

Jerrico went through the window and surprised the wizard reading a tablet in a ritual making him drop it. As the wizard and his four demon camel men attacked Blackhorn lept in, Nepsu summoned giant ants an a crimson cinnamon scented cloud. During the tense fight the wizard took out three wounded heroes with magical missiles. Tatiana turned tide reviving Jag and the wizard and camels fell. Killed the camels and bound wizard for return trip. Took his demon conjuring brazier of his patron  home. Found a chest with a snake in it so the dis a shake n bake on the snake killing it. Chest worth more than silver inside. Went back to Adderton for feast.

Next day tracked path to great guild house and killed a bunch of lesser cultists and robbed camp but obviously missed their leader. Returned to village where nepsu hired a militia man. Next day returned to collosus and went into the legs burred deep under the area. Motivated by missing leaders notes got workers to clear way through blockage. Found underground canal way where John dived in to explore passages and search silt and water and blackened bones. Found a sacrificial well where a giant albino fish tried to swollow him. Whole party struggled and barley won. Carried fish away for later and left note and priests robes with a taunting note from Jericho. Took two backpack loads of tablets and smashed rest when they heard the missing priest with cultists clearing tunnel to get in.

Back to Adderton to sell weapons and party the greater loot they took to city and handed wizard to magistrate. Had criminal casters face locked in a cruel iron casket and listened to party testimonies. Sentenced wizard to burning and party trained up. Tatiana befriended magistrate and went to a dinner party. Several learned to speak fish folk. John improved his axe skill. Tatiana learned holy lore of the gods from ziggurat, Nepsu studied techniques of quick corpse looting. Jericho learned terrible taunts to enrage enemies and start fights better as not that into fighting or back stabbing. Blackhorn and Jag had wandered off by this stage and will see what they learned later.

Went well and set up campaign themes and antagonists worked well. The fish fight was challenging and funny as everyone struggled to save unconcious John who only just was saved. Should get a few more games in while I'm in sydney for month. New year will see if i can get extra work (booked 14th-25th) or go busk with art in Newtown and do legal shit. 

Working on mutant book NYE, need to update bard class song abilities and get basick rule booklet ready. Have bulk of text done and some graphics.

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Mesopotaimia Image Dump 10

Long time since i did one but lotsa new stuff online now. Once again i cant really source this stuff or credit anyone sorry. Its a resource for students of history and gamers. RQ fans might enjoy too but i kinda preferred Lunars as Romans and the more Glorantha lazily rips from history the more id rather just do a historical setting. I could probably do another one some time. For some reason formatting this stuff is kinda painful on blogger.

Mostly Assyrian military then some court/urban stuff.
A few things from Urartu and Minoans and sea people here too.

Image Dumps

Monday, 17 December 2018

The Free Cities of Exilon

Free City League

Great cults have ziggurats, biggest monuments and huge temple complexes with thousands of staff. Lesser ones have small temples and mostly shrines.


Seahome, City of the Sea Lords, former colony of the fish folk
An ancient city seen better days and poorly planned as it grew ad hock in the dawn age. Its great sprawling ziggurat is still used in rituals but the interior has long collapse. Some of the oldest temple in the world are here and also libraries. The ancient tongue is still taught here and more citizens use the holy script than anywhere else. Winding streets and canals some crumbling abound. The docks have ships from many lands and fleets of fishermen and these help the city gain it's famous fishy odour visitors complain of. For thousands of years fish men used this as a imperial outpost to conquer the land. The great ziggurat to Ea the house of pure water is the greatest building with the temple of Anu is not spectacular but is one of the oldest buildings made by human kind.

The bad fish folk, squid folk and sea dragon cults were eventually driven into the sea and their evil temples destroyed. It still has a tradition of knowledge and holy relics it is famous for. Some bad fish god shrines and cults are hidden in the labyrinthine city. Remains of shattered fish folk writing and statues are found everywhere. Numerous reefs and islands and a sea fort watch the bay and make the entry hard without a local guide. 
Familiar gods tend to have fishy or aquatic variations here. The city symbol is a fish.

Fighting Forces

Naval trireme and bireme fleet with sailors
Mainers soldiers with spear and leather who make amphibious landings
Slingers are militia sect that include males, females and all ages
Several giant snapping turtles with fortified troops on their backs
Force of marine beatmen mercenaries with fish, frog, lizard, squid and shark men
Gladiators with bronze armour, tridents and nets as independent champions
Forest Elephants with fortified troops on their backs
A champion rides a marine dragon

Great Cults of Ikathon

Ea, Lord of the Waters of the abyss, usually in fish robes with a beard
Danika, The great Fish mother, usually in her fish robes local consort
Dagon, fisherman farmer weather god and monster fighter

Lesser Cults of Ikathon
Anu, lord of the celestial court, king of the upper heavens
Ishtar, goddess of love and war also praised as navigator and pirate here
Tammuz, god of vegetation and herds, the good shepherd and defender of the flocks
Geshtianna, goddess of vines and divination
Ereshkigal, the underworld goddess, queen of vampires
Tiamat, the old sea goddess, mother of monsters and gods
Marduk, son of Ea, god of law and power
Nebo, scribe of the gods
Sin, the moon god, merchant traveller
Shamash, the sun god
Nammu mother of the primal waters

Stormhome, City of sky gods, occupied by barbarians now civilised
Once a agricultural city it was conquered by barbarians who in turn became civilised and this tends to happen every three generations. They frequently trade with and hire barbarians. Mostly they worship gods of the air and sky and war. The buildings and art is cruder and newer than other cities but great public works and walls are still under construction. The streets are dusty, dirty and animal filled. Bird and beasts of all kind are pets. The royal family are dynamic leaders and have many satellite forts over their land. Their greatest arts are war and metallurgy. They are famous for war chariots and mercenaries. The city is in many ways more willing to try new things and elevate commoners and the brave to high office by merit. The cult favours deities in manifestations as sky beings and the city symbol is a winged bull. The greatest building is the Ziggurat of Enlil the house of the Heaven and Earth.

Fighting Forces

Barbarian Allies, irregular light force good for skirmishing and scouting
Berserkers, elite barbarian irregular fanatics
Chariot Corp of 400 chariots, half light, half war chariots that move in royal guard
Royal Guard are chosen from most loyal barbarians in the heaviest plate armour
Elite Archers with formations of composite bows, very feared
Infantry with spear and wicker shields and leather of city free men
They have several heroes riding giant eagles
One hero has a winged bull from the gods
One hero has a huge war chariot Juggernaut pulled by 8 oxen
Magicians include priests, wizards, marine druids, often use water elementals

Great Cults of Hadderad
Enlil lord of the middle air, the earth, the underworld, the great king of heaven
Ninlil lady of wind and fields, queen of the heavens

Lesser Cults of Hadderad
Ninhursag the earth mother goddess
Nergal lord of pestilence, war and famine, the ill wind
Ninurta hunter warrior god kills monsters aids the commoners
Gula healing goddess, mother of dogs, wife of Ninurta
Adad lord of the lower air, storm god, aids farmers and warriors
Anu the father of the goods and ruler in the heavens, the pole star
Ea brother on Enlil, god of water, purity and words
Ninanzu underworld and healing son of Enlil
Ereshkigal underworld godess who spawned demons with her father Enlil
Ishtar goddess of the dawn star, goddess of love and war
Anzu the great demon bird who stole the tablets of destiny
Antu the clouds are her breasts, goddess of sky, rain, upper heavens, wife of anu
Asag the giant who attacked the gods with a race of rock demons he spawned

Sunhome, City of the sun god and his kin, home of the first first mortal kings
This orderly city revolves around the great sun ziggurat and palace of the first king. Many great processional roads and shrines to the gods are common and religion is very important. A new king is selected each seven years by the high priest from candidates to act as war leader and protector. Bad rulers are burned, the good ones are retired as hermits in monasteries and parks. Many great gold treasures, statues and devotional items come from here and many kings come to visit to authenticate their kingship. Impurity, mutation and deformity are frowned on and exclude with these taints from nobility and the church. Their courts and legal processes have been copied by other kingdoms. The gods aided humans establishing this city after the age of darkness and it is mostly free of witchcraft and evil cults. Burning and drowning witches is not uncommon. Mostly of the gods are kin of the sun god and the city symbol is a sun symbol. The greatest building is the ziggurat of Shamash the house of the sun.

Fighting Forces
Phalanx spearmen the best freemen fighting force in the land bronze armour
Chariots Corp of 200 clumsy heave chariots pulled by onager
Archers with self bows in formation, also swordsmen

Slingers are militia sect that include males, females and all ages
A number of heroes have huge pet lions run aside their improved chariots
Scorpion men guardians of the sun
Magicians include priests often using sun or fire magic with fire elementals

Greater Cults of Kithak
Shamash, the sun god, the helper of supplicants, all seeing one, king of kings
Ishtar, the dawn star, goddess of war and love

Lesser Cults of Kithak
Aya goddess of dawn, wife of Shamash, goddess of love fertility and light
Bunene drives fiery chariot of the sun
Nergal fiery hot sun of summer, war and pestilence
Tammuz sun of spring, bringer of good crops and herds
Geshtianna goddess of dreams, vines and divination
Sin mood god, turbaned king, patron of trade
Ninurta heroic hunter and monster fighter
Gula healing goddess, mother of tempests, the dog goddess
Girra the god of purity and fire, lord of bricks

Maidenhome, Great city of the goddesses and amazons
This great citadel towers over the plane and has m,any levels. Great barracks for women and pens for their men fill the city with houses granted for mothers and their families and servants. Many eunuchs and men who live as women live here and receive status of women. Slaves are men and belong to a amazon household. No free men unattached to a amazon house hold exist. Some men particularly barbarians are invited to mate with amazons but many evoke gods for children which is why there are male cults in the city often run by eunuch priests and attached to greater temples to goddesses. Much of the city is enclosed and built over almost like a single colossal building around the great round ziggurat of the earth goddess. Statues of goddesses and women and childbirth are common, depictions of males are rate and mostly in shrines. The city is very ordered and clean and anything out of place has amazon myrmidons investigate. The queen is also the high priest of the earth goddess with a assembly of wise women, priestesses and generals. Women, religion and war are the cites main themes in art and. As a post monster epoch city it is modern and everything is in good condition since amazons settled 400 years ago. They still deal with their Sythron women tribal kin and people move between the city and the Sythron tribes frequently. The city favours goddesses but some male gods feature in their legends and even bring the amazons children. The city symbol is a unicorn. The greatest building ts the Ziggurat dedicated to the Amazons which predates their occupation of the site, a round breast shaped structure with intricate relief art.

Fighting Forces
Archers with composite bows in style of the Sythron
Javlin throwers who act as skirmishers and light fighters, often male slaves
Spear phalanxes with free woman soldiers, with spears, javelins, bronze armour
Myrmidon professional mercenaries use sword and shield and bronze armour
Sythron cavalry riding horses with lance, armour and war hammers
Sythron horse archers, expert skirmishers
Chariots a hundred light horse cariots
Minotaur tribe of mercenaries, huge brute berserkers
Magicians include priestesses, wizards and shamen

Greater Cults of Kassus
Ninhursag the great earth mother
Ishtar the goddess of love and war
Geshtiana goddess of wine, dreams and divination
Ereshkigal goddess of death
Gula goddess of healing 

Lesser Cults of Kassus
Ea lord of water and wisdom
Tammuz lord of fertility
Girra god of fire and purity
Tiamat the dragon queen
Sin the moon god
Nammu mother of primal waters
Anu the pole star, lord of the upper heavens
Ninkasi the tavern barmaid and brewer goddess
Ninshubar the servant of Ishtar who aids the goddess and is her best friend

Snakehome, City of the good snake gods, once snake city now free
Labyrinthine ancient city was ruled by serpent man for an aeon and the remains and ruins of their works are every in the city. While evil reptilian gods are long banished their works are everywhere. Snake charmers and pet snakes are everywhere in the crowded streets. Canals and irrigation ditches are everywhere. Naga and hydra live in some temples worshipped as divine. The snake market sells snakes as rat catchers and home security. Mongooses are popular also as protectors against bad snakes. The city has greatest orchards and fertile farmlands. Cutting of trees is forbidden here and hurting snakes not attacking you is bad luck. Wine, drugs, dried fruit and medicine are used in rituals and exported. Naga and other snake beings are used as guards, tutors, healers and are used in the cities defence. The city has ancient libraries going back to the dawn age.

Many gods have a serpentine aspect with underworld qualities. The city symbol is a horned snake often with a beard sometimes a hydra. All kinds of snake creatures are kept in holy places but snake men mostly reviled now. Some evil snake cults survive. The greatest building is the Ziggerat to Ningizzidda with temples to Tammuz and Geshtianna.

Fighting Forces
Slingers are militia sect that include males, females and all ages
Javlin throwers who act as skirmishers and light fighters
Infantry with spear, cloaks, metal helmets, wicker shields and leather of city free men
Chariots 100 drawn by oxen or onagers, clumsy war wagons
Unit of bards who inspire army and charm allied creatures
Lizard men mercenaries with 
Triceratops riding hero
Giant snakes and herders from temple
Cobra headed lions with druid initiates
War Hydras herded by specialist warriors in full plate
Magicians include Druids, Priests and wizards and naga and summoned dinosaurs

Greater Cults of Sakasis
Ningizzida lord of the good tree, god of underworld, vegetation, healing and wisdom
Tammuz god of vegetation, herds and fertility
Geshtianna scribe of heaven and the underworld, goddess of dreams and wine

Lesser Cults of Sakasis
Ninurta the monster hunter, helper of farmers, drove away the bad snakes
Ishtar goddess of love and war
Ishtaran god of Justice and borders, 
linked to snakes, scorpions and soothsayers
Gula the healer and mother of dogs, wife of ninurta
Tiamat the dragon mother goddess, underworlds
Ninanzu draconic underworld farmer war god father of snakes
Ninhursag the earth mother goddess often portrayed with a snake head
Ea the water god in his form as a ram horned snake or turtle

Naga cults worship these common lesser divinities kept in sanctuaries and shrines

Monday, 10 December 2018

Imdugug the Lion Bird

Supernatural Animal N Morale 10
AC +8
HD 8
MOV 6 ground 24 air
Att Clawx2 +Bite d8/d8/d12

Imdugug the Lion Bird appears on standards of cities and nations. Often associated with the warrior-hunter monster killer god Ninurta. All descend from the earlier Anzu bird who stole the tablets of destiny from the ruler of the universe and had most gods afraid. The common beast born of the divine ones blood can be tamed by heroes as a mount or guardian. They will terrorise and eat other animals or people in their territory. They often live in mountains in hard to reach nests. They are kings of beasts of the earth and sky. Some hoard treasure in their hard to reach mountain nests.

They often grab a victim and fly off tearing them apart or might drop from a height. Several together might grab and tear up a victim together.

They are favored by the gods, all who slay it save or are cursed. It is best to consult with gods and clergy and plan to appease them to avoid the curse. Often the curse is to be hated by all flying creatures or to scare away game or to spoil meat on touch. Often a scapegoat is used to do this so proper people are not cursed.

1in6 wild ones have a mate and 1in6 of those have a d4 eggs or chicks
1in6 are larger with 10HD
1in6 have iron feathers +12 AC and can shoot them for a d8 damage range 6

1in6 have a greater curse that lasts for seven generations and is harder to break
1in6 can breath fire or steam once per turn for 4d6 in a 3 range cone (save halves)
1in6 are intelligent and can speak
1in6 intelligent ones can cast spells d6+3 Level caster
-as d4 1=wizard 2=cleric 3=druid 4=sorcerer
-lightning and weather magic common. 
shocking grasp+claw attack is common

The great Anzu bird of course can eat cities, grant wishes and snacks on whales or elephants has at least 50 HD and is a 20th level spell caster. It is more bird like and could fight a god.

1 Beast holds a mountain pass hostage and needs destroying by a state
2 Beast is intelligent and has stolen something or someone valuable
3 King desires one to make city famous, capture a chick-cub to be trained
4 King desires the pelt of such a beast and has heard of one in distant mountains
5 A god is angry and demands a 
temple sacrifice of such a beast
6 Beast guards a forgotten entrance to a predeluvian ruin unknown to the beings within
7 Beast has fabulous knowledge and must be consulted and appeased with gifts
9 A villain has been riding a beast terrorising a region and must be stopped
10 The blood of the Anzu bird is needed to prevent a great curse but experts say the blood of a Imdugug will do, kill or convince one to provide the holy blood

Monday, 26 November 2018

Exilon Play Area

Exilon in the Elder Aeon Era

So this will be main game area
Area of cities allied against various empires around them
Down river 30 miles a day easily more in stormy season
There is a village every 20 miles on river or green areas
More like 50 miles per village in beige wastes
Sea 100-200 miles per day with good wind

Reptilian League

Turquoise - Metropolis of the Lizard king
Lapis - City ruled by ancient blue Dragon clan
Dragon Spire - Home of the dragon templar cult
Shadelport - Decayed slaver city of monster empire, semi abandoned
Remnants of Serpents empire are in north islands but in decay
Lizard Kings are civilized lizard folk with some draconic cults inland
Dragon Templars serve mostly sleeping dragons bringing them food and wealth

Necromancer Citadels

Lichspire - Home of the lich king
Fleshspire - Flesh wizards of Xor
Doomtemple - Home of the death templar cult
Death Templars are religious underworld cultists
Necromancer Kings are necromancer wizard strongholds

Free City League

Ikathon - City of the Sea Lords, former colony of the fish folk
Stormhome - City of sky gods, settled by barbarians now civilized
Sunhome - City of the sun god and his kin, the first human kings came from here
Kassus - Great city of the goddesses and amazons
Sakasis - City of the good snake gods, once snake city now free

Tyranian League

Petty former barbarians but still rough with no major cities, gloomy ever fighting undead and lizards and each other. On off allies. Do have good parties and gladiator events are common.

Belloron Empire
Belleron - The great city of astrologers and their conqueror god of law.

Assura Empire
Bloodthirsty cruel empire but still better than the old non human empires.
Greatest seige warfare power.

Sythron Wastes

Barbarians but enhanced with civilized tech including chariots, waggons and horse riding archers. No permanent cities but kings have huge mobile population centres that grow and shrink seasonally. Nobles have more civilized trappings and trade more. Other barbarians think them corrupt by stink of civilization.

Barbarian Wastes

Savages sworn to destroy civilization, metal use, building, literacy, magic, wizards, religion, monsters, undead. Nomads who who assemble under great Khans to invade other lands. Mostly they fight undead, dragons and faerie who are seen as worse than civilization. They destroy walls, wells, crucify craftsmen, burn books and smash monuments. They worship tribal ancestors who liberated humanity from monster rule. Beastmen and orc tribes are common in area and all fight each other.

Arcane Empire

Elemental Wizard states founded by great emperor long ago.
Founded modern magic, literacy and military tactics especially mass archery.

Faerie Wilds

Sylvan forests growing constantly as awakening elves.
Their slave buffer races encroach on the world.

Many including ancient and monsters languages have written script, spoken and hieroglyphic/pictographic languages. Script is better for business but the pictorial sacred language is common on monuments and holy texts. Hieroglyphs are very stylised in each culture bur recognisable to scholars and even illiterate people might guess what a glyph means.

S spoken, W written, H for heiroglyphic

A good scholar/priest might know:
Modern Common S W
Ancient S W H
Reptilian H
Draconic H
Elvish S W

I will scale in on the Free City League next with more towns marked.
There are plenty of enemies from outside. Dangerous cults dedicated to pre human monster cults within such as snakemen and fishmen. Lots of ruins everywhere. The area tolerates demihumans and there are allied beastmen tribes often serving kings as mercenaries. The good snake and fish gods are increasingly being humanised in art. Their children are more human again.