Showing posts with label wizard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wizard. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 July 2020

d100 Rumours About Orks

"Have you heard what the village is saying about orcs nowadays? Heresy I say. Orcs have souls? Preposterous. Next, you will tell me about orc paladins and don't they dont all deserve to be strangled at birth"

In my game there are a bunch of wizard spells to make orcs. Oldest turns tortured elf into lots of orcs, then they did one with dead elves to orcs then all those wizards died and they made murdered humans into orcs. Nowadays wizards use pits of alchemical mud to make orcs in batches. Orc slave-coaches teach fresh born fully adult male orcs how to be cruel sadists for a month in their spawn pit before sending them to military school.

Nowadays most orcs are sick of wizards and evil overlords and breed like everybody else and have diverse cultures and individualism

Then there is spell where wizard surgically fuses a human and animal into a beast abhuman in 12 hours without anesthetic. Abhumans not so keen on wizards either. Wizards are jerks.

Thanks to those who came and chatted on my FB page

Rumours About Orks
01 Orcs are all male, they don't breed naturally and are made by evil wizards
02 The first orcs were made from elves and orcs say a few elder orcs still live
03 In earliest times wizards made orcs from the recent dead as taught by an evil god
04 Nowadays evil wizards just use alchemical mud pits to make adult male orcs 
05 The wizards who make orcs are careful to instruct them in brutality and cruelty
06 In distant past orc heroes quested for their own women from the goddess
07 Most of orc barbarians hate wizards and any dark lords on idiot crusades
08 Some say orc women are far away making babies and food but what about orc amazons?
09 Some cleric set up a hospice to help orcs widows and now they operate a textile workshop and make best gambesons
10 People say there are half-orcs but usually just a name people who fight with orcs on the same evil crusades and adopt orcish fahions. Barbarians really hate being called half orcs
11 Humans and orcs are the two most recent mortal races and who would win has been uncertain. Both were slaves of evil wizards until the age of darkness ended
12 They say elves hunted and killed those who knew spell to make tortured elves into orcs but some say elves invented the spell to use their own dead against their enemies when it was clear elves would never recover their losses
13 Once you kill off the wizards and evil priests directing the orcs (most always human) they tend to go feral and set up wilderness tribal kingdoms like barbarians
14 Orc and human barbarians fight all the time but have some begrudging mutual respect. Occasionally they unite to destroy some wizard warlord who tries to build a wilderness stronghold
15 Many of those who once used orcs as slaves and magical cannon fodder have abandoned the practice as orcs tend to rebel and fight each other and turn on their masters
16 Many orcs serve hell claiming they get better deals with devils than serving humans or gods
17 Most orcs people see in human lands are mercenaries but some cities have a humanoid district where orcs live and produce cheap efficient tools and weapons. Many humans are wary of cheap competition but the guilds allow it as it meets a part of the market and used to upsell other goods
18 A magistrate hired some orc bailiffs due to local corruption and the well paid orc pair worked to the letter of the law and helped clean up the village but then they returned home
19 Lots of humans don't want to think of orcs as people because they just want to kill and enslave them without guilt
20 Orcs live short and brutish lives they say but not all orcs live lives or war and will live much longer if fed well and dont work the worst jobs
21 Orc gods were beings of darkness and wrath who became more orc-like over time 
22 Orcs and goblinoids have some common physical features but are not direct kin. Orcs will often dominate goblins and consider hobgoblins dangerous rivals and fear bugbears. They have united against humans and elves before but might squabble
23 One thing you can say about orcs is most tend to kill off mutants among them early which more humans should adopt
24 Orcs of different tribes squabble sometimes near battlefields but with their own tribe they demonstrate great teamwork and ingenuity and loyalty
25 Say what you want about orcs but they sure don't shun doing things in new ways and keep up with tools of war like siege weapons and gunpowder. Humans underestimate orc imaginations tend to die
26 When you make a newborn orc the wizards starve them and torment them in pits for a month, educated by turncoat orc slave drivers before they are equipped and trained for battle. You should see what orcs do when they figure out this cruelty
27 Orcs actually feel pain but they stoically put up with it and embrace scars and suffering. Occasionally work themselves to death or ignore injuries to a fault
28 Orc medicine is effective but stings, burns and promotes scarring so plenty of humans are reluctant to use it. Orc first aid is quite good and not just burnt logs or leeches for everything like people say
29 Orcs are not the best at caring for animals but their own breeds of dogs, horses, goats and cattle look hideous to humans but are tough and hardy and more nocturnal. It is nearly always untrue their beast have diabolic features, mostly just leaders pets
30 To orcs admitting weakness or injury is an invitation to be killed or left out 
31 Wolves and orcs get along well even equally and some ride dire wolves with evil intelligence bigger than horses. Many orcs have ordinary wolves as companions
32 Orc shamans change tribe members from male to female or vice versa depending on war or peacetime and that's why you don't see orc women much in wartime. The orcs don't seem to care or think it matters or its our business
33 Orcs nowadays seem to be not just the baby eating brutes of grandpas day. I saw orc clerics in the city. Was a popular orc bard in town a while (who went home as humans too soft). Turns out they are pretty law-abiding and don't want trouble  
34 Having some orc workers is ok, they are stronger and cheaper but don't let them own land and keep them poor for the worst jobs or there will be trouble
35 Dwarves are always crying about humans and orcs stealing their technology and changing it. Dwarves fought a war of extermination on orcs over iron and during it as Dwarves deployed better weapons the orcs copied and even improved designs but cheaper and faster. The dwarves saw they were numerically losing and the orcs numbers just bounced back again and again. Orcs are pretty unimpressed by this and have not forgotten, taking relish in destroying dwarf strongholds intended to last forever
36 Orcs often fraternise with goblinoids, abhumans and beast folk rather than humans or demihumans. They get tired of humans and demihumans looking at them in fear and disgust 
37 Orcs like piercings, tattoos, branding and scarification. Many paint themselves. Prettiness is considered vain, weak, wasteful and useless. Their markings carry complex meanings humans mostly miss unless fluent in the language
38 While bright elves sneer at orcs, dark elves treat them better than most humans do. Orcs often work for them as servants and mercenaries so you see some dark elf trinkets and runes on them sometimes. Dark elves apparently aided orcs and helped them revolt in the past
39 Yea orcs don't like paladins. Too many massacres of orc civilians. Paladins say there are no orc civilians and were even caught burning bodies and encouraging the lie about there are no or orc women or children
40 The orcs that grow up from babies raised in families seem more complete and more complex. I heard of orcs with own druids working to heal their race
41 Some barbarian orcs liberate their own kind enslaved by wizards to recruit ready-made warriors who don't ask questions and quick to prefer orc to human masters
42 Ground orc tusk is an aphrodisiac but orcs go crazy if you mention it and won't just let you grate any off even for a few coins
43 Lots of orcs work in abattoirs as increasingly humans won't do it. Orcs really have a knack for butchery and tanning and have a good nose for spoiled food 
44 I thought orcs only ate rotten meat and bones and leather but I went to a wedding feast, and they had olives, nuts, dried berries, cheese, dried meat, worms, snakes, frogs, eels, larvae, pickled cabbage, eggs, mushrooms, acorn bread and fish 
45 Poorest orcs will eat anything without complaint but those with money seem to like variety and even get fussy complaining about who even touched food in the kitchen. I guess they smell food more than a human does
46 I thought from the war, orcs never bathed but actually, some have enlightened views on baths and sewerage and waste using it as fodder for certain monsters. SOme prefer dust baths to remove fleas
47 You heard stories orcs only steal food and don't have farms but a wizard told me orcs often farm monsters in their underground labyrinths which they trade with each other. Their monsters are well cared for and named so orcs get upset when humans kill their beloved beasts. On the frontier, they release their extra beasts to keep slow human civilisation
48 I knew a scared war veteran who lived with the orcs a few years and he never felt judged for his appearance and war wounds, in fact they were impressed and considered him one of them 
49 Orcs at home like to stage heroic operas about their heroes escaping servitude and betraying their dark lord. They even have contests but not many humans brave enough to try the events that last for days
50 Its perfectly legal to use orc corpses for animal food, leather or golems. But the orcs do get upset. For some reason, people find orc flesh golems less horrible than human ones
51 Orc jerky is delicious just check who they made it out of first 
52 A famous orc Longarm used to protect the forest from chaos mutants and cultist
53 An orc gladiator started a revolt and all the orc gladiators involved had to be put down. Was a shame as I had lots of bets placed
54 I noticed lots of those barbarian orcs really hate whips and slave manacles. They give really dirty looks at them. Though I did see an orc strangle a slaver with a chain and she seemed happy
55 There was a famous archer who married several orcmaids and even became one and everything in a magical orc kingdom in the deep. Eventually, he went into the deep to claim his own kingdom
56 In the wild places of the world where humans can barley survive, you can find tribal orcs
57 Cyclops orcs are pretty strange. Famed as smiths they act like they are smarter than everyone and claim to have made tools for the gods long ago. They seem pretty civilised and even make stuff which looks prettier for non-orc customers
58 One famous orc tribe road huge wild boar, some from the deep ride lizards, others ride huge dire wolves and orc heroes rode wyvern
59 In the war I saw orcs elect a new leader with a dance contest. They said wasting good orcs with violence was helping the enemy
60 Orc tooth tipped arrows can kill and elf if made by shaman of the elf-eater cult. Elves have a bounty on this cult
61 Most of the chaotic orcs you see worship demon cults, adopting their sigils. Over time they come to develop traits of their patrons and specific cult mutations. Mostly orcs tend to law and evil 
62 Orcs treat prisoners wounds and carry them for days. Only when hard-pressed did they eat a few to stop a goblin thrall riot. Orc slaves often earn freedom after years of service and get treated better than goblins. They will also random off well off prisoners keeping them for years
63 Orcs often seem confused buy luxury and they often have been seen destroying statues and masterworks. They dread the softness civilisation brings like it has to humans and elves. Metal items can be traded or recycled but works of symbolic waste disgust them. The art in their palaces and temples are mostly to generate fear and suggest leaders or tribal power
64 Orcs are very canny with money and materials using the least material for the most effective. Items being more uncomfortable to use or with sharp edges doesn't bother them.  
65 When you give an orc crafter materials for a job they will always come out with spare scraps for some other project
66 Orcs frown on waste and comfort. They had nothing for so long and they still don't feel they can afford to squander wealth in a world set on destroying them all. Lots of orcs collect string, pebbles and other scraps "just in case"
67 Orcs have been known to serve giants. Some are slaves but many choose giants over humans and their gods who keep the orc and giant down
68 Some orcs came and sacked a monument of a paladin standing on a pyramid of orc heads. Just rubble now 
69 I had to look after work prisoner labour gangs after the war, and they seemed utterly unaware humans were not made by wizards or the differences between men and women. They thought children were a slave race or sprites 
70 I met an orc shaman who explained many orc ancestral spirits are cursed and mutilated in magical and spiritual warfare in the past. The shaman led his followers to try and free these cursed souls and remove the corruptions of chaos and dark lords so the dead can rest
71 A tavern of war veterans was comparing their orc-ear-necklaces and all of them were found dead poisoned or stabbed
72 Lots of orcs kept being bastards after the war because of all those cursed evil relics the dark lord handed out like honey cakes. If you're not allied to evil many of those relics will turn bad or turn you bad. Also, why give up that magic if it kills better 
73 Orcs can survive in the worst places humans cannot and living in hellish places means humans will not encroach. This makes them harsh and unforgiving and often exposes them to evil influences in such forbidden lands. The humans in the same places are similar
74 Orcs perform secret rituals in wild places with whicker structures covered in flours and vegetation which they destroy after so outsiders never see them
75 The idea there is only one kind of orc and they are bad is a popular view. Many orcs think humans are all mass murderers
76 People say orcs and elves hate each other but they know each other quite well and sometimes share enemies. They have made no direct action on each other for centuries
77 Orc sympathisers are in league with chaos, demons, witches, devils, mutants and cthulhu
78 The real trouble will be when nobility realise orcs are cheaper to feed than humans and put up with more suffering, the common humans will be finished
79 I heard a few tales of orc wizards recently which sounds bad. Probably turn us into frogs then eat us. Some are overcoming their suspicion of wizardry  
80 Orc gods are vindictive and vengeful entities orcs worshipped just to spite humans
81 Ogres sometimes live among chaotic orcs sometimes as bullies or elites or as slaves 
82 Deep under the earth, there are orc kingdoms thousands of years old, civilised with great armies unseen on the surface this age and in eternal unseen war
83 If you know the right gestures and signs you can challenge some orc leaders to battle 
84 Orcs can be dealt with by gift of food and weapons to start a parley
85 To an orc taking a cursed thing and making it work for you is seen as great cunning
86 One of the old elf to orc dark rituals of old could make a single elf into many orcs
87 The towns that ban orc labour have more orc bandits
88 Orcs don't discuss their families or children so no enemies will learn of them and harm them. What seems callous or proof of their lack of family is an actually deliberate reaction to humans massacring orc families
89 Lots of humans are raised by orcs and live as orcs. Especially when orcs can't replace children fast enough they will adopt war orphan humans (but not demihumans)
90 Orcs don't really find humans or elves attractive but some take delight in tormenting pretty things for their evil masters and just spite from evil upbringing
91 Some wizards crossed ogres and orcs to breed sterile bodyguards, not as dumb or big as ogres but big orcs
92 Orcs forearms are slightly longer than humans and have a peculiar gait. 
93 A typical orc is a match for a common guard or regular soldier but the professional arc warriors and especially orc barbarians who were bred by evil wizards as let's troops long ago making them stronger and better in light with powerful leaps
94 Chaos orcs appearance varies more depending on their cult but also carry deformities from diseases and parasites common to chaos warbands and being intimate with demons
95 Long ago there was a tribe of dire-wolf-orc centaurs or perhaps people then had not seen anyone ride animals
96 The orcs of the deep have a pantheon of orc gods who claim other accounts of orc origins are enemy lies. These orcs claim blood from ogres and giants making them frightening but also have heavy infantry and pike formations and crossbows
97 Some orcs worship siege weapons as mobile shrines dedicated to an orc ancestor, devil or demon
98 Druidic orcs seem like many other hidden woodland races and wild forest people and they all intermingle in secret and avoid humans
99 Orcs have been seen in legions of hell and in service to demon nobility on their floating realms in the maelstrom
100 Orcs have offered some humans to come and live among them for a year or even come to a feast to help peace. So far nobody is willing to go as everyone knows orcs are just useless cannibalistic sadistic fiends with no culture or individuality

Eat your bone too or Drizzzt will come and murder everyone you know

Next: how all dwarfs are really bearded women
and how only 1% of elves reach puberty ever

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Know Your Reptilians

Boring plain lizard men? 
DnD water breathing generic lizard men always bothered me
I'm ok with holding the breath for 40 minutes but not breathing water
Plus I like the variety 

Stupid format stuff here that look fine writing it but the final and PDF come out wonky sorry. I have moved the PDF button on my page higher up on sidebar cos I use it plenty and some of you will find it more readable. Ive revised this several times in a short period.

Feel free to declare in the comments box which is the one try reptilian faith!

d12 Common Reptilian Folk
1 Marine iguana folk - can hold breath and graze underwater salt or fresh or wetlands
2 Goanna folk - track relentlessly and use diseased missile weapons that slow prey
3 Chameleon folk - alert experts at climbing and camouflage live in forest and jungles
4 Gekko folk - night fighting climbers and skirmishers like forests and rocky areas
5 Frill neck folk - forest and grassland dwellers, when angry erect large frill 
6 Blue Tongues - large skink folk come in many colours and patterns and climates
7 Basilisk folk - lizardfolk who have large crests live near water and forests  
8 Snake folk - ophidian snake folk who claim to have invented wizardry
9 Firenewt folk - fire-spitting black-skinned, live in volcanic areas and deserts
10 Turtle folk - with armoured plastrons, tribes found in a variety of climates 
11 Crocodile folk - huge with savage jaws, hunt in coasts, rivers and wetlands
12 Gila folk - desert dwellers with a venomous bite and stumpy tails prefer peace

d12 Rare Reptilian Folk
1 Triceratops folk - with three horns and bony shield neck frill, vegetarians
2 Tylosaur folk  - snapping gobbling marine race who terrorise seas
3 Pterasaur folk - winged reptilians with membranes, various beak and head crests
4 Stegosaur folk - plated crests on backs and a spiked tail
5 Velociraptor folk - cunning hunters in a variety of areas, impulsive and fast
6 Ankylosaur folk - with armoured plastron, spikes and clubbed tail
7 Sauropod folk - with long necks and tails who graze on normally out of reach plants
8 Moschops folk* -bulky plodding grazers deep in thought and hum in unison
Dimetrodon folk* - huge crest on the back helps food intake and for signalling
10 Skutosaur folk* - bulky with knobbly plated hide, plodding herbivores (turtle ancestor)
11 Wyrmfolk - serpentine and winged elder kin of great dragon bloodlines
12 Dragon folk - dragons experimented with blood aligned thrall races long ago

*Later Synapsids were caught growing hair and thrown out of the reptilian clan but early ones retained inclusion with reptilians and treated as elders

d20 Major Reptilian Cults
1 The Perfect Ones - we are why the universe is here
Symbol: circle sometimes with image of lizard from above inside or gold egg
We: are the original race the universe was made for us first and it was usurped be evil
Reptilians: lesser thralls, pets and property
Everybody else: worse than bacteria
Standard Type: Cold aloof alien lizardfolk abhumans often with strange elder magic 

2 Celestial - cosmic dragons were the first beings and we are their heirs
Symbol: A dragon silhouette or head 
We: we are the scions of the great dragons who made all life and allot all fates
Reptilians: they are our kin though some stray from draconic illumination
Everybody else: lesser beings born of rebels against the dragons but still our kin
Standard Type: dragons and draconian abhumans other reptiles and humans possible

3 Saurian - great thunder lizards ruled the earth long ago
Symbol: A dinosaur skull with triceratops being popular and impressive
We: are worship and are kin to the great ones who walked once and call on them still
Reptilians: are confused and lost from the great saurian spirit banished to underworld
Everybody else: don't matter, amphibians are slaves, mammals are usurpurs
Standard Type: Dinoasaur reptilian abhumans or saurians

4 Serpentine - snakefolk in service of their god ruled once and hope to again
Symbol: snake in circle or figure eight or two-headed snake
We: are the master race who once ruled once and plan to return, we invented wizardry
Reptilians:lesser beings but worthy servants
Everybody else: live mammals are food, humans made to sacrifice or for spell components
Standard Type: hibernating wizard often in command of degenerate devolved snakefolk

5 Ningizzida - Grandfather Hydra, lord of underworld wisdom, father of reptile gods
Symbol: hydra or snake in tree of life or horned adder with a lapis beard
We: serve grandfather hydra and help keep the world order and preserve wisdom
Reptilians: all reptilians are our brothers and welcome to live among us
Everybody else: the hydra prefers to heal than kill but must be wary of enemies of life
Standard Type: Most cosmopolitan of reptilian cultures welcomes all to mix

6 Naga - mystical servants of divine snakes who protect the worthy from harm
Symbol: cobra with hood often protecting follower or in a coil, some have human heads
We: serve the naga, divine serpents spirits of waterways, forests and land features
Reptilians:are our kin and deserve respect but some do not follow the naga way
Everybody else: naga have been persecuted and hunted so are wary and some bitter
Standard Type: naga mostly good accept worship of reptilians or humans, evil prefer humanoid and abhuman worshipers and slaves

7 Tarrasque - serve gargantuan unkillable monster who protects and gives his flesh
Symbol: tarrasque siloutte
We: seek to find awaken and direct the terrasque so out holy empire can win again
Reptilians:all soldiers in the great war against enemies but don't let them twist our will
Everybody else: food animals to be trodden underfoot or enslaved
Standard Type: Most military obsessed reptilians of all types and other races can join 

8 Sebek - the crocodile god, fierce guardian, protective parent and healer
Symbol: a crocodile often with a crown and holy symbol or a crocodile headed human
We: serve the crocodile god and receive his blessings and protection
Reptilians: Sebek protects kin but he may take what he pleases in treasure or love
Everybody else: mostly food but surrendering to Sebek and food offerings are accepted
Standard Type: crocfolk abhumans and lycanthropes but other reptiles and humans

9 Leviathan - the great sea dragon and mother of marine reptiles
Symbol: dragon head or silhouette of a tylosaur or kronosaur or sea serpant
We: were a lost empire who ruled the sea and used sea monsters as ships
Reptilians:marine types preferred but others are kin
Everybody else: victims for piracy or conquest but trade and friendship possible
Standard Type: Sea serpents, any marine reptiles or dinosaurs and abhumans forms

10 Typhon - imprisoned father of monsters punished for waging war against the gods 
Symbol: storm cloud or a sickle, sometimes a hand with snake fingers
We: we must avenge or free typhon and those who offend the dragon mother 
Reptilians:must join our crusade against the humans and their gods
Everybody else: our enemies or food, victims of our wrath who will all die in fire
Standard Type: Any reptilian type often humans with reptilian taints join 

11 Great Turtle: serene being soared through the sea of stars in the night sky
Symbol: turtle or a tortoise possibly with a star
We: protect the wisdom of the great one who in turn shields us with her plastron
Reptilians: those without shells are to be pitied but may work with us in peace
Everybody else: ignore impatient scurryings of infantile children unknowingly thwarting us
Standard Type: turtles and tortoises mostly but some other reptiles and humans in islands

12 Mother Lamia - vampiric reptilian demon goddess who seeks to cull humanity
Symbol: reptilian woman or human with snake tail from waste down
We: are the master race who once ruled once and plan to return, we invented wizardry
Reptilians:all who serve have a special place in her empire
Everybody else: Slavery, sacrifices or food, everyone hates us
Standard Type:  Any reptilian type often humans with reptilian taints join to serve a lamia

13 Father Salamander - lord of the fire elementals who gives fire to 
Symbol: a flaming lizard 
We: serve the ever-burning one father salamander the fire elemental emperor
Reptilians: all reptilians are welcome but those who like heat and deserts thrive
Everybody else: other must bow before the lord of fire and his minions
Standard Type: Fire newts are a reptilian tribe who spit fire and ride strider birds

14 Feathered Serpent - lord the feathered serpents and holy lord of the sky
Symbol: a feathered serpent sometimes a snake with horns 
We: serve the holy high snake lord who gives us knowledge and good weather
Reptilians: all welcome but feathered types given higher status
Everybody else: other beings should worship this god for they lack feathers and scales
Standard Type: feathered reptilians sometimes with winged snakes or dinosaurs

15 NIdhog Nagar - a great doom drake in the underworld who gnaws at the tree of life
Symbol: dragon gnawing on roots of tree or curled among roots 
We: serve and aid the dragon's quest for eternal death and night for forbidden black lore 
Reptilians: all welcome even those that have died and become undead
Everybody else: all will die eventually but there is now hurry
Standard Type: men worship as dragon templars and evil reptilians of all types welcome

17 King Sarthis - vampire lizard king, a necromancer who led mighty armies
Symbol: trident, fanged lizard head with a crown 
We: serve the master preparing for his return and to aid his lieutenants
Reptilians: all are welcome 
Everybody else: lesser thrills may join armies as living dead or undead slaves
Standard Type: a heretical sect of marine iguanas with some vampire leaders

18 King Basilisk - a tyrannical monster created by chaos, lead chaos reptile armies
Symbol: Basilisk silhouette, a skull with one eye and a horn 
We: serve king basilisk and the lizardfolk most resembling him are favoured most
Reptilians: all may serve king basilisk
Everybody else: may serve or be eaten or destroyed or slain by the basilisks gaze 
Standard Type: all kinds of reptilians and humans with reptilian mutations

19 Mother Gorgon - hideous cursed by the gods and mother of monsters
Symbol: snake-haired, hideous tusked humanoid with wings (archaic greek medusa) 
We: stand with her against the gods who cursed her and willingly use chaos
Reptilians: all are welcome against humans and their gods
Everybody else: humans hated most and exterminated, other creatures can be thralls
Standard Type: various reptilians with monster pets and leaders spawned by goddess

20 Tiamat: Great mother dragon of chaos, empress of the bitter primal waters
Symbol: dragon 
We: we server Tiamat the only source of authority and wars against the upstart gods
Reptilians: Reptilians are welcome but draconic is held in high esteem
Everybody else: is either the servant of Tiamat or serves her enemies
Standard Type: All kinds of draconic beings and humanoid dragon folk

Other Reptile Cults
Tsarsaggothan - elder alien amphibian teaches communion with the 
darkness of the outer void, lore is shunned by many reptilians but most popular with Serpantfolk wizards 
2 Ancestral cult to recent forebears but often leads to obeying older reptilian breeds
3 Hell has employed dragons and reptilians to its service 
4 Demonic entities with reptilian parts or properties often get reptilian followers
5 Fire elementals particularly the minor neutral ones not ruled by great powers
Air elementals particularly the minor neutral ones not ruled by great powers
Earth elementals particularly the minor neutral ones not ruled by great powers
Water elementals particularly the minor neutral ones not ruled by great powers
 Sundragon - human solar cult but god in the form of a reptilian or dragon
10 Moondragon - human lunar cult but god in the form of a reptilian or dragon
11 Seadragon - human  cult but god in the form of a reptilian or dragon
12 Stormdragon - human air storm cult but god in the form of a reptilian or dragon
Use this to humiliate child dinosaur fans with cold facts

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Spells & Summoning monsters

Magic Spell Research Speculation Stuff
Me and a friend did 12th level wizards and hoping to pad out the higher levels with content as what I have only really good for about that high maybe 14th. Considered having some skills with fx that kick in at 10th or perhaps unlock stranger skills. Part of me thinks might revise magic to be a bit more different to dnd ip. I like spells in dcc that lets a basic spell get more powerful so burning hands can burn an army eventually. I like some Lamentations spells and enhanced simplicity. I dislike all those hugely detailed spell descriptions that talk about some wizard. Long ago I had a system that had basic combat spells that you chose what the missile was with your version of the spell. I like summoning spells to do this too. Had an ant wizard in one game only called ants. Or a wizard that summons only lame 1HD clone copies of themself. Aso don't really like the Summon Monsters I, II, III, etc

So I like spells that stay useful a long career. Magic missile and charm person in older dnd both stay useful at a high level. Having lots of custom variant spells makes magic people vary more if their summonings and magic zaps have distinct appearances. Reskinning a web to being slime and purple worms might not be a big deal. Even go as far as everyone makes a little paper a6 spellbook to describes vis fx of your versions of the spell??? Some kids like describing spells too hard and using to hijack narrative (ok it can be done well).

Anyway I'm playing with ideas for summoning but none of this set in stone yet
Must avoid rewriting all spells and monsters.
Watching LOTR with friend who informs me one elf makes many orcs

Summoning and Monster Making Magic
So summoning I have played with a bit

I like the idea of more spells to make monsters to populate dungeons
-monsters not necessarily obedient but you can tame or deceive them
-or lock them up in your dungeon to run feral after you die
-make orc spell Lv1=murder an elf becomes a near ageless sterile mockery of elf kind
-make orc spell Lv2=use fresh human corpse disproportionately from male soldiers
-make orc Lv3=make orc from mud but these are sexless bigger brutes d12HD
(modern orcs breed and live longer and most wary of wizards stuff and dark lords)
-make abhuman Lv4 spells fuse human and animal via arcane surgery easiest to make
-loved alchemist art from medieval times of dragons being grown in vats
-jack Vance had quite a bit of this like the AD&D clone spell
-i guess lonely wizards will make cat women and other creepy stuff
-i like spells with some risk so lots of making undead spells risk they will betray you
-golems are slow and expensive to make but less horrible than undead
-alchemists make golems, slime monsters, simulacra, homunculi, even draconic monsters
-safer higher level spells don't have these problems
-perhaps a spell to control summoned beings but I guess charm could

Common Spells
Summoning Creature 1st Lv Spell
-1HD per caster level for one turn per level or dies/vanishes/melts/fades at zero
Summoning Circle 3rd Lv Spell
-1HD critters per caster level for around per level, minimum of 4 creatures
-create lots of figures to strategically tie up the battlefield
Summon Monster 4th Lv Spell - 1HD/Lv
-creatures with multiple attacks or other non-magic advantages
Conjure Planar Thrall 5th Lv Spell
-8hd elemental or lesser demon or devil or angel or faerie
Conjure Planar Power 6th Lv Spell
-16hd elemental or major demon or devil or angel or faerie
Conjure Planar Throne 7th Lv Spell
-nobility of hell/demons/elemental lords/efreeti
Gateway 7th Lv Spell
-open portal to another world or close one

Wizard Summoning
-instantly calls being or beings to point in the range
-from another world or creates from elemental, ectoplasmic, shadow or spectral material
-creatures obey orders and mental suggestions but do have morale scores or own will
-creatures bit thick and naive and without orders stand around confused
-sometimes 1in20 chance a creature survives the spell expiry and flees a wild monster who hates and fears who called it into being

Druid Summoning
-basic spell calls whatever animals or giant animals available
-basic spell calls beast with one attack like wolf, goat or deer
-monster summoning is for animals with multiple attacks like bears or lions
-later spells call magical wilderness beings from faerie land and elementals
-creatures hang around for hours but take a d6 rounds to arrive
-could be recruited as a follower if treated well after the battle
-animal intelligence but not stupid or suicidal but protect and aid druid
-mostly summon animals most with one bite attack like wolves
-high-level spell sylvan or faerie or elementals later usually intelligent
-when animals die their children starve
-druid could charm or befriend animals if like them or reward them
-nice to not just eat them or use a cannon fodder and first aid or feed them after

Cleric Summoning
-each cult has spells to summon beings of the cult Horus priests know summon hawk
-sent by god arrive from sky or a pit or portal, fanatic service to god through the summoner
-summons is instant and creatures vanish back to the gods household
-don't strictly obey you but will fight to death versus enemies then vanish
-low level spells summon a npc character or basic beast with 1 attack
-higher level monster summoning spell calls cult spirits and beasts usually intelligent
-planar summonings call divine servants basically magic monsters angels or devils
-some beings are spirits that coalesce a body from local matter
-beings slain return to the divine source to be reborn again serving the god

Alchemist might mix some potions and charge with a philosophers stone or plant some dragon teeth on the fly for a summoning. Some alchemy might require prep time and money as well as magical energy-infused during a ritual. Mostly they make constructs like golems.

Ideas On Summoning & Creating Monsters
If the plan is to make spells more customisable then I need to
Rough Guide for summoning and creating spells
Roughly a HD/Lv and conditions
Ive considered some extra magic skills such as
-improve average HP per dice from 4 to 5 possibly stack four times to 8hp per HD
-better minimum average on spells that summon random amounts of critter
-i guess familiar might concentrate for you to maintain a spell or command summoned things

1 LV = D8 HD on average but you could
swap a d8 HD for d4x2 HD eg two kobolds or rats instead of a orc
swap 3 d8 HD for d6x4 HD eg four goblin or bandit or dogs instead of three orcs
swap 3 d8 HD for d12x2 HD eg abhuman, dwarf, barbarian  instead of three orcs

Basic HD & HP     Common Critters

d4 or 2hp               Rat, Kobold
d6 or 3hp               Goblin, Dog, Human Guard
d8 or 4hp               Orc, Dwarf, Hobgoblin, Skeleton
2d8 or 8hp             Abhuman beast folk (lizard or hyena), wolf, Zombie
3d8 or 12hp           Bugbear, Wild Boar
4d8 or 16hp           Ogre, Dire wolf, Bull
5d8 or 20hp           Carrion Worm (-2 for lots of magic attacks)
6d8 0r 24hp
7d8 or 28hp           Lion (-2 for extra attacks)
8d8 or 32hp           Hill Giant, Grizzly Bear (-2 for extra attacks)
9d8 or 36hp
10d8 or 40hp
More intelligent creatures -2
Creatures with 3 attacks -2
Some magical or special abilities -1
Many magical abilities or spellcaster -2
Undead have dangerous powers but also liabilities like clerics
Spectral Minions are perfect as can be any level or in group and fade on "death"

Other Thoughts
Most basic summoned creatures are not bright
-wizard summoning drawn from other dimensions or created instantly
-priest summoning calls cult beings that are fanatics that might not do as you wish
-druid summon actual local animals or giant ones whatever is near might come

Higher-level summoned beings are supernatural and often genius intellects

These lists are just tooling around and preferring the above systems. This was an older version of the idea which I gave up on but useful notes and ideas on this stuff.

All this starts to feed into my monster book project which aims to reduce IP monsters.
Possibly a future rewrite will significantly rename monsters and spells.

Golems Making Spells Per Level

0 doll, animated tool
1 grass golem , scarecrow, jack o lantern, iron cobra
2 wood golem, silver statue, necrophidius
3 crystal Statue, Jade statue
4 gargoyle, guardian warrior, iron statue, caryatid column
5 Bone golem, obsidian golem, mud golem, rock statue, steel statue, gargoyle
6 Flesh golem, mud golem
7 clay golem, amber golem
8 stone golem, silver golem
9 rock golem, iron golem, bronze golem, juggernaut

Undead Making Spells Per Level

0 zombie rat, crawling hand
1 Skeleton, spectral minion, malice, corpse worm
2 Ghoul, flying skull, poltergeist, haunt, shade,
3 Sheet phantom, Huecuva, Coffer Corpse, shadow, ghostly horde, topi, juju zombie
4 Sheet Ghoul, Son of Kyuss, penanggalan, Wyrd, ghast, wight, agarat
5 Mummy, wraith, banshee, ghoul elder, draugr
6 Revenant, Apparition, Nosferatu, Greater Wyrd, spectre, dusunu, grey philosopher, sacrol, mesmer
7 skeleton warrior, ghost, groaning spirit, vampire, darkhood, phantom
8 Death Knight, crimson death
9 Iich (18HD) Colossus (20HD)

Elementalist Making Spells Per Level
0 1
2 fire snake, giant strider, hoar fox
3 ice lizard, water weird, fire bat
4 Fire Lizard, lava child, mephit, fire toad
6 Winter Wolf
7 Fire lizard, Salamander
8 Efreeit, Medeum fire elemental
9 Efreeti Viier, huge fire elemental

Making Spells Per Level
1 shade
3 Shadow
4 Shadow mastiff
5 Wraith
6 Shadow Demon, nightmare, ebon tiger, shadow dragon
7 Soul Eater, Bhutr, terithan
8 Randara, night hag,
9 blackball, nightwing,

Faerie Making Spells Per Level

1 Elf, Faerie
2 Pixie, sprite, atomie, grig, brownie, leprechaun
3 Wychlamp, buckawn, swanmay
4 Elf cat, dryad,
5 Shargugh,
6 Wyrdglow, Satyr, korred, nymph, siren, sylph, niad, oread
7 Faedorne
8 Treant, willowisp

Specialisations For Summoners
1 Ooze - family of low HD basic oozes, better ones 
2 Worms  - disgusting
3 Ants - basic then flying or chemical attack versions 
4 Insect - beetles then with flying ones or preying mantis
5 Arachnids - with venom, webs, or extra attacks with better spells (scorpions and spiders)
6 Crabs - and crustaceans then bigger ones with extra attacks or hermit crabs spells
7 Cephalopods - amphibious versions ok short term but squids, ammonites, octopi
8 Slugs - basic the acid spitters and flail snails 
9 Isopods or Trilobites - basically bugs amphibious versions
10 Centipedes - lower HD but poison for size?
11 Fish- inappropriate in some places
12 Frogs - huge to gigantic forms and some magical types of frogs
13 Lizards - fancy types with more attacks and abilities later
14 Dinosaurs - all sizes and shapes some with more attacks or armour
15 Snakes - various sizes with deadly venom or constrictors or hydra at high level
16 Draconic - smaller drakes working up to dragons but mostly 
17 Synapsids - mammal-like reptiles before dinosaurs, so mostly dimetrodon's
18 Newts - huge to gigantic forms and including salamanders, olm &  axolotl
19 Plant - various mobile plants and vegepygmies
20 Fungus - various mobile fungus and mushroom folk
21 Canines - like wolves and dogs or dire wolves
22 Hyena - plus prehistoric versions
23 Swine including wild boar or prehistoric terror pigs
24 Marsuipials - possums, wombats, thylacene, koala, kangaroo, tasmanian devil
25 Ursinoids - various types of bears
26 Cetaceans - including amphibious and land based ancestors or whales and dolphins
27 Rodents - rats, mice and similar critters possibly beavers
28 Felines - cats, bobcat, lynx, panther, cheetah, lions, tigers, sabretoothed cats
29 Flightless birds - including prehistoric terror birds, moa, emus, ostriches, cassowary
30 Other birds but possibly specialize in raptors, ducks, flamingoes, etc
31 Various herd beast - goats, bison, ibex, deer, cattle, ibex, gazelle, 
32 Bats - winged mammals but flightless predatory versions exist
33 Primates - apes and monkeys and lemurs
34 Lagomorphs - rabbits and hares
35 Armadillos - prehistoric ones like glyptodons
36 Sloths - including prehistoric aquatic, burrowing and giant ones 
37 Weasels - nasty
38 Elephants - possibly woolly and midget jungle types
39 Rhino - possibly woolly and midget jungle types
40 Moles - giant carnivorous ones
41 Spectral phalanx spear warrior spirits
42 Spectral savage hairy warrior wild folk spirits from the Forrest
43 Spectral barbarian warriors from the long-gone tribe who long to fight
44 Spectral missile troops like archers
45 Spectral weapons and weapons
46 Spectral minion warriors from beyond called to battle
47 Spectral savage gibbering pygmies
48 Spectral degenerate mutant hordes
49 Spectral templar warriors
50 Spectral hound
51 Hags - from lesser hedge hags to powerful night hags
52 Centaurs
53 Corporal Undead from netherworld mostly skeletons and zombies
54 Non Corporal Undead from netherworld mostly spectral minions
55 Chimera
56 Slaad
57 Shedu
58 Lamia
59 Sphynx
60 Naga
61 Goblinoids - goblins then hobgoblins and bugbears
62 Orcs - some with fancier equipment and levels
63 Giants - cyclops, ogres and various giants
64 Kobolds - two for one HD deal 
65 Trolls - with hedge and barn trolls up to gigantic ones
66 Dwarves - summon fighting dwarfkind
67 Elves - summon fighting elfkind
68 Gnomes - summon fighting gnomekind
69 Halflings - summon halflingkind
70 Changeling spirit folk, planar hybrids and fey folk
71 Plant abhumans - tree folk
72 Fungus abhumans - mushroom folk
73 Worm abhumans - centipedes, maggots, grubs
74 Fish Abhumans - shark, eel, crab, catfish, carp, salmon
75 Arachnid Abhumans, spider, scorpion, tick
76 Insectoid Abhumans - mantis, ant, bee, wasp, beetle, moth, fly
77 Bird Abhumans - crow, vulture, owl, eagle, hawk, ibis, rooster
78 Mammal Abhumans - dog, lion, bear, walk, stag folk
79 Reptilian Abhumans - lizardfolk and others, some huge 
80 Elemental Abhumans - specialise in specific elemental types
81 Fire elementals  
82 Earth elementals 
83 Air elementals 
84 Water elementals 
85 Ice elementals
86 Lightning elementals
87 Crystal elementals
88 Vapour elementals
89 Metal elementals
90 Flesh elementals 
91 Faeries - chaos C call halflings, goblins, gnomes, elves, nymphs, dryad
92 Daemons - chaos C call elder spirits of the aether between worlds 
93 Celestials - law L Archons, 
ultraterrestrials and agents of cosmic law
94 Plutonians - law L netherworld spirits of the dead called as spectral beings
95 Elysians - G heroic and virtuous spirits from a place of rest and reward for the dead
96 Arcadians - CG wild folk, magical animals and nature spirits
97 Diabolics - LE  lawful evil, hells cultists & devils who imprison those damned by gods
98 Angelics - LG heaven totem animal or puritanical fanatics then angels
99 Demonics - CE cultists and abyssal hordes dwelling on fragments of creation 
100 Cthonics - E darkness & nightmare beings from beyond outer void 

forgive my not quite Gygaxian alignment and cosmology
daemons and faeries can be good or evil or indifferent or alien
i like idea a summoner calling spectral warriors called from ancient dead as a thing

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Token Quick Megadungeon

Ok im interested in megadungeons again so here is an 80s style faction filled wonderland. I have another one based on a more open plan I like more but this was fun even if a bit slow.....let me know if any big errors with numbers of if this is any good.

This is in a ridge of rock dividing separate wilderness areas
NW entrance through an ancient graveyard with stone age and ancient tombs
NE entrance is ancient brick-built by kobolds over time and now worn smooth
SW entrance is in a hidden rock-carved temple of the fire devil cult
SE entrance is a series of cliffs with rock art and caves

As many rooms are close monsters will support each other if they hear fights or scream or will retreat to a position they can gather in force. As monsters gather if alerted and encounters should increase in fame dungeon area.

I'm mean with magic and treasure but feel free to add more and pocket money on all intelligent beings.

d20 Rumours

1 Hunters say there are cliff caves with rock markings in woods to the SE
2 Some sort of fire cult who wear hoods have a secret temple in the area
3 Some old haunted graveyard of the old ways is to th NW
4 Kobolds live in a damp brick cave and come to steal sheep and chickens
5 Dark elves and goblins used to live in these parts leaving rock ravings
6 Goblins sometimes sell "goblin food" and magic mushrooms out behind tavern at night
7 Another house burned down killing a whole family
8 A pack of ancient ghouls in furs with tusk necklaces that locals fear
9 The last witchfinder declared this town was a common cult pilgrimage
10 Wizards come to these parts looking for ruins and old stone carvings
11 Giant toadstools have sprung up near the creek 
12 I have seen giant flies up in the hills and one stole a baby once
13 Soldiers once killed a coven of cultists in the village and their bodies were burned
14 The local village idiot was an adventurer but now he eats bugs and likes flowers
15 Two were gangs fighting on the crossroads by night, both wearing strange robes
16 They say cultists and witches are common in these parts but nobody knows why
17 I saw a drunk talking to a campfire, I guess he was a madman
18 Keep away from the cliff caves there are lots of grumpy bears up there
19 Lots of wandering priests pass through looking for evil and some will help you
20 Lots of men have fled the hidden caves some had nightmares and all lost friends

d12 Cultists

1-6 Fire Devil Cult - devil worshippers allied to LE fire elemental lords. Their priests are actually sorcerers and they thrive off vice and charging other evil pilgrims visiting the Old One's temple areas. AC clothes HD d4 Dagger attack many know a 1st Lv wizard spell
7 Sons of the Old Ones - want to wake the old ones temple to help end the world. This evil priesthood find other evils here trite and simplistic but possible pawns. 
AC clothes HD d4 Dagger attack many know a 1st Lv spell
8 Brothers of Braxus - worship a goat demon who teaches evil wizards, a group will have a goat folk warrior with them with a huge flail to scourge enemies. AC clothes HD d4 Dagger attack many know a 1st Lv spell and goatmen AC leather and 2HD jump extra ten foot
9  Blackbriar Coven - witches here to study elder lore and find evil relics to get revenge on witch hunters in the region. Most leaders are women wizards and all have cat familiars. Men act as cult assassins often magically enhanced by the coven. 
AC clothes HD d4 Dagger attack many know a 1st Lv spell
10 Daughters of Darkness - sisterhood of evil priestesses want to unite dungeon to terrorise region with undead and darkness. AC chain HD d8 Mace attack many know a 1st Lv priest spell
11 Brotherhood of Bones - necromancers and priests of darkness united to restore ancient empire of evil. AC clothes HD d4 Dagger attack many know a 1st Lv spell wizard or priest
12 Black Lotus Monks - sent by mysterious international drug cartel to recover relics for the secret masters of the order who rule kingdoms by spies, blackmail and addiction. AC as leather HD d8 Two unarmed attacks d6 armour actually agility based


d12 Ancient Graveyard
1 Skeletons with spears D6 
2 Warrior Zombies d4
3 Giant Rats 2d4
4 Stirges d4
5 Shadows D3
6 Wight 
7 Spectral minion of angry barbarian
8 Spectral minion of a weeping mourner
9 Spectral minion of a child with doll watching
10 Giant owl tries to snatch a small person or pet by surprise
11 Jackals digging for dead 2d6
12 Ghouls d6

d12 Ancient Catacombs
1 Carrion worm

2 Lone limping zombie
3 Giant rats 2d4
4 Kobold scouts d4 with darts
Shadows D3
6 Giant spider
7 Giant tiger beetle
8 Constrictor snake
9 Skeletons with spears d6
10 Warrior zombies d4
11 Wight
12 Ghouls d6

d12 Ancient Tombs

1 Cultist on way to meeting 2d4 commoners with daggers
2 Grave robber gang of bandits 2d4
3 Zombie centaur warrior with huge club
Zombie gladiators d4
5 Skeleton hoplites with spear shield and fancy helmets
6 Living stone statue
7 Gargoyle will pretend to be architecture if senses intruders 
Evil priest or necromancer looking for undead to enthrall
9 Spectral minion of gladiators fighting each other
10 Spectral minion of old man in toga bleeding
11 Medusa doing her rounds
12 Raging mummy furious with intruders

d12 Kobold Brick Caves

1 Kobold child looking for pet or toy
2 Kobold carrying chamber pot to empty, will hurl t foes and flee
3 Kobold eating a turnip or rat on a stick
4 Kobold elder with walking stick limping 
5 Kobold doggies having a run attack intruders and bark d4
6 Kobolds armed and searching 2d4
7 Kobold suicide bomber with grenaide and lit fuse
8 Kobold wizard Lvd4 visiting with a d4 guards
Kobold priest or shaman Lvd4 visiting with a d4 guards
10 Mimic here to eat kobolds pretending to be a treasure chest
11 Spectral minion of eyeless adventurer sobs to go home
12 Spectral minion of adventurer torn apart by dogs

d12 Fungus Caves
1 Fungus pygmies d6 curious and vewy fwendly and poison to eat
2 Kobolds gathering food d4 with sickles, 1in6 have a d4 Lv kobold druid with them
3 Cultists exploring d4
4 Fungus coated zombies d4
5 Fungus coated skeletons with axes d6
6 Giant carnivorous beetle
7 Giant gekko hiding up high
8 Carrion worm dragging a kobold will drop for more victims
9 Madman as thief Lvd4 with mushrooms growing from skull 
10 Gas spore bobbing in breeze could go off any moment
11Giant crickets will chirp noisily attracting a d10 reroll on this table
12 Shrieking fungus d4 will scream noisily attracting a d10 reroll on this table, kobolds and cultists will flee for reinforcements 

d12 Secret Temple
1 Cultist pilgrims with souvenirs often assume strangers must be ok in the dungeon 2d6
2 Fire cult warriors (1st Lv) with naginata and chain alert for intruders
3 Senior fire cult sorcerer 4th Lv with favourite 1st lv student
4 Invisible imp will report to masters then return to harras party
5 Cultists eating fried chicken and mushrooms d4+1
6 Cultists d6+2 escorting d3 sacrifice
7 Pet fire-lizard hunting temple for kobolds that sometimes sneak in
8 Kobold spy sells drugs to cultist while keeping eye on cult
9 Cult assassins all thieves, 4th level master and three 1st Lv students sneaking about 
10 Cult eunuchs and love slaves strutting about 2d4
11 Cult slaves doing chores keen to escape d4
12 Visiting 4th lv evil priest and d4 cultists

d12 Old One's Temple

1 Gelatinous cube
2 Grey ooze
3 Green slime
4 Cultist 2d4 looking about in wonder
5 Artistic cultist here to d4 1=draw 2=write poem 3=documenting temple features 4=making rubbings from relief wall art
6 Gibbering mouther
7 Giant toad 
8 Faceless gargoyle
9 Carnivorous ape
10 Shadows d4
11 Ghouls 2d4
12 Alien humanoid wizard formed of worms 4th Lv


Ancient Graveyard
A blasted cliffside area with dead grass and bone fragments. Harmless grass snakes and huge spiderwebs are common but harmless. It is also windy here and misty in mornings 

01 Old barrow with stone slab sealed door. Magical darkness inside and three wights guarding a silver hoard and some magic items in their crypts
02 Old barrow with stone slab sealed door, with six separate sealed cells each with some undead d4 1=mummy 2=wight 3=d4 ghouls 4=2d6 skeletons with spears. Each holds a d6 copper metal grave goods worth 40gp each and gold torc worth 120gp
03 Local ghouls drag their meals hear to eat and six average ghouls live for an ancient clan mother who is double normal HD and regenerates as long as not in sunlight or fire or holy damage. When clan attacked her cried call a d6 reinforcements in a d6 rounds 
04 Ancient headstones carved with sophistication unknown in these parts
05 Ancient monoliths with symbols of the elder clans and gods and beasts

Ancient Catacombs
Local tribes used stone-lined tunnels as a burial place, putting skeletal or cremated bones under the stones. SOme wall niches contain human skulls, The chambers were reserved for leaders and great magicians of old and are all sealed with stone slabs and clay
06 Dark openings into stone-lined tunnels
07 Sealed tomb of the mummified queen in a crypt with +1 spear and zombie dire wolf pet, gold torc worth With +1 protection
08 Sealed tomb who is closest when seal broke takes 4d4+4 to save for half from a fire ward, Inside a wight with a burning spear +1+d4 flame damage and a silver torc worth 350gp
09 Breaking seal awakens a spectral minion youth warrior demands to fight to the death for his +2 shortsword that makes user resistant to acid and poison gas laying with his bones
10 Two ancient jack-o-lantern golems guard remains of an earth priestess with a +2 stone sickle and four 2d4 healing potions
11 Disturbing awakens a vindictive revenant who will reform each full moon to hunt and kill those who robbed it and if ongoing may call on demons for aid using ancient relics it can locate. in grave Is a +2 ivory boomerang and four javelins of lightning
12 Bone room an open doorway. Thousands of bones some huge with a 300gp broken mammoth tusk near the top. Disturbing bones awakens a skeleton plus as long as one is standing at the end of the round a new one forms ready to fight next round a d6 boat tusks worth 10gp are buried deeper and perhaps more 
13 Dozens of niches in walls have skulls in them. A black altar stone has an empty niche. By placing skull in hole cast speak with dead with the owner of the skull but works once per day
14 Megolceros giant elk skull with huge antlers arranged as part of a hunters shrine with some flint tools left as offerings
15 Baby mammoth mummified on floor with offerings of grain and a d6 ivory trinkets worth 30gp each 
16 Stone chamber of prehistoric art depicting men with horns fighting tentacle horrors
17 Dead zombie humans and torn apart kobolds and their pet dogs lay scattered from a battle once here
18 A pile of ancient funeral urns smashed and mummy bodies smashed up and searched here, several dead kobold vandals lay twisted and a neat pile of stacked linen-wrapped kobold corpses all died from wounds with undead or disease from mummies. There is a secret door to the kobold kingdom in the brick tunnels at the back of the room

Ancient Tombs
Built-in a style of an unknown high civilisation thousands of years ago. Stone precision-cut bricks with painted plaster over some sections. Wall art and relief carvings often depicting the coming of the end times and the grim reaper harvesting the dead in hundreds (Kronos). Also, depict strange ancient people feasting and bulls
19 This carved rock tomb was once sealed but has long been broken open (from the inside). Inside is rubble, dirt, bones and occasional bugs and grubs and rats
20 These tomb chambers all feature the art of occupants life and a sarcophagus for one or two persons. d6 1=looted full of rubbish 2=d6 ghouls eating here 3=d3 spectral minions 4=hellhound appears in a flash of sulphurous smoke 5=wight 6=d4 shadows also each has a treasure and d12x1000cp d4x1000sp d6 1=silver torc worth 350gp 2=+1spear 3=+1 bronze shortsword 4=copper armband of protection +1 5=silver protection from evil torc 6=copper shield+1 
21 Scene of gloomy underworld full of miserable shades eating dust and dung while various monsters roaming murder them
22 Shrine to Nergal the death god here commemorating a death knight hero slaughtering city of innocents. Undead wounded in area come in here heal as once a day the filthy unholy water fountain heals them d6 per day (d6 to any living touch it once). Anyone breaking or defiling shrine release a insect swarm as spell for 2d4 rounds in chamber
23 Scenes of a mural depicting heroes and great ones who are among the few who join the gods as their slaves forever. Depicts gods known and forgotten
24 Great tomb chamber with statues of shedu and columns where a sphynx lives. It will insist you trade or play chess or drink with it to pass its a pretty relaxed sphynx that knows lots of ancient lore
25 Tomb here long empty and looted but depicts king kero smiting enemies with piles of severed heads. Under the altar which would take at least 8 men to move is a panel with 3333gp a golden goat fleece (includes skin and head and horns) that can cure disease once per week and can be worn like a cloak with a hat. While worn wearer immune to disease

Kobold Brick Caves

Build into rock and lined with red clay bricks but the kobolds did so long ago that now the walkways are worn smooth and water has covered some areas with slime and worn into the brickworks. The kobolds harvest this slime for soup. The kobolds follow a king and these keep pet dogs and bats. Bats warn kobolds and this process is hard to notice while kobolds get flaming oil and set their traps. Kobolds use rusty iron arrows dipped in urine, save if any damage left untreated or instead of healing overnight lose a d3 plus repeat the save each day until succeed or die. Kobolds here are eaten monsters and hate cultists so they might make a deal or tax you for free passage. If feeling high alert they put traps about. Their children have big eyes and ears and look adorable
26 Worn ancient red bricks go into the dark with green slime and red stains where water has flowed for generations. Crickets and chittering bats within can be heard and smells of burned flesh

27 Dozen kobold guards, some form a line while others will throw darts from behind while one rings a brass bell alerting every kobold in area. The snarl at unescorted visitors and point to room 39. Cooks in 28 might help
28 Kobold kitchen where six kobold cooks with huge knives and cleavers chopping up a cultist they caught following a diagram in kobold recipe book, "how to serve man". They are going for a mushroom and man stew with leftovers in pies if you ask. The cooks if they hear guards fight will try to escape to rest of tribe or might throw pots and pans a bit first
29 Kobold sweatshop making evil medallions and idols to sell to all the cult pilgrims who visit. Other goods include fake potions and fake evil saint relics 8 kobolds in desks but they are arthritic and chained to their desks so other kobold tribes cannot steal them. There are brick moulds here they fight to protect as sacred to the tribe
30 The common room where kobolds eat and relax as a family with children. Depending on the time of day. d6 Kobold adults are armed, d6 dogs, d6 elderly and 2d6 children. They are chewing on bones together or playing knucklebones often  
31 Four kobold heroes (double HP) and their d4 children and d4 dogs. If they hear a fight they come running
32 Kobold hero one of the seven sons of a kobold god incarnate lives here when not adventuring and is the tribal champion. He is 4HD with a ball and chain and +1 damage bonus. He wears boots of spider climbing and can shoot three d4 darts per round and does double damage +4 to hit like a thief backstab.  At zero HP he teleports away thanks to the heroes god to fight again another day
33 Courtyard with a fountain where kobolds fetch water and wash clothes dumping wastewater in a drain. A d6 kobolds are here working but if they hear a fight will flee. A d4 kids play in the drain and wells too big for humans or kobolds
34 Brick storage room with stacks of lumber for repairs and building jobs for human cults. Their is a large cold kiln and a pottery wheel and a collection of clap pots and figurines
35 Jars of pickled vegetables, dried meat and beer are stored and prepared here
36 Boxes of turnips, parsnips, acorns and cabbages are stored here for winter supplies
37 Raised wooden beds with mushrooms the kobolds farm, very delicious
38 Two cages in here, one with frozen human carcases without heads or limbs on hooks and the other is a frost salamander keeping the room frosty. If a secret lever is not set opening the meat store cell opens the salamander cage. If you deliberately set it free it goes looking for kobolds to eat
39  Dozen kobold guards, some form a line while others will throw darts from behind while one rings a brass bell alerting every kobold in area. 
40 Kobold Temple with a great statue of the kobold great grandfather who stole the gods gold and meat and taunted the other gods. Valuable fragile kobold urns with heroic painting on them are worth 300gp each and there are a dozen of them. The idols eyes look exotic but are bottles of green acid with light spells. If they break 2d4 acid sprays everywhere 
41 Kobold priest room where he makes potions usually at any time has a 2d4 healing potion, poison to make a well bad, berserk potion save or die from heart failure makes drinker insane killer. The priest id 4th Lv and has two pet dogs. There is a secret door to the kobold elite escape corridor leading west
42 Kobold workshop for traps mostly for animals and fish. Mantraps are set to snap a human weight victim and do a d4 + save or trapped or use a light crossbow to fire a bolt with 2d4 poison tip or pendulums with swinging spiked poles. If there is a battle in the entry of the dungeon others come here and plant traps around the dungeon 
43 Kobolds here watch the corridor from niches with hand axes and the main room has a cart with four light crossbows operated by a crew of four kobolds that can fire once every second round. They watch the corridors leading away from the kobold dungeon. They also guard the throne and hold the throne room doors. These kobolds have tin pot helms with brushes and adorable lil chainmail shirts and iron shields
44 Throne room where 4HD kobold King with a +1 war hammer, his bugbear champion and four 1HD kobold elite guards. In a crisis, many kobolds come here and barricade the room with furniture. There are 3 400gp tapestries of kobold history here and a cut-glass chandelier worth 800gp hangs over an ogre skin rug. The kings crown is worth 500gp
45 Kings office where does paperwork with two scribes and an accountant each with a desk. Leaders meet here to plan how to trick cultists with sham relics and how to eat them without being noticed and blame disappearances on other cults 
46 The royal nursery where 2d6 privileged kobold children play with nanny and granny 
47 King's bed-chamber where he sleeps with most of family and major servants. There is a secret door out of the room for emergencies. The bead has treasure stash under the goose-feather mattress with 4 chests including 800gp, 3000sp, four scrolls and four potions 
48 This room has the escape room with 4 holy water potions, bedrolls, rations and water plus 12gp ready for when the kobold elites flee hopefully with their loot until things cool down
49 Dogs cave with a stick fence with locked gates into other rooms. Four dog houses and six dogs live here trained to hunt and kill humans. 1in6 chance of a kobold with a bucket picking up poop with tongs
50 Kobolds play stickball here sort of cricket with more violence and screaming. Children play if adults not, a few dogs hang around too
51 Kobold alchemist here has three cast-iron black powder grenades with fuses and a bottle of acid and several child assistants. There is an exit to the fungus caves has bars with a gate and the key is kept by the alchemist a 4th level wizard and book includes alchemical secrets
52 Kobold alchemist has been working on improved animals in four cages. A four-legged dog, a two-headed kobold (one evil one good), exploding bat, and a human peasant with mole features (alchemists plan to breed a warrior abhuman race)
53 Owlbear on a chain is kept by kobolds as a guard. It really hates kobolds but screams hungrily at any strangers it sees

Fungus Caves

These caves are damp and smell of compost and spores. Large beetles and grubs crawl about and the areas have edible and poisonous fungus everywhere. Dim violet luminescent fungus has the caves dimly lit. The walls and air are moist and dripping with moisture. Nine out of ten fungi are poison if eaten d4 1=d4 2=2d4 3=2d6 4=4d6. The remaining ones are d4 1=delicious 2=heal d4 3=allow you to speak to dead as spell 4=have a prophetic vision then save or throw up and pass out for a d6 hours. Fungus pygmies are fearless, adorable and smile and babble and dribble. They taste terrible and are poison to eat. hey just want to have fun and make friends  
54 These forks have a d6 screaming toadstools here that quiver in fear alerting monsters in the area attracting encounter in a d4 rounds
55 Colony of 30 fungus pygmies having a party eating worms, bugs and poison fungus that looks like delicious cakes
56 Huge cavern full of multicoloured fungus, flowing spore tainted creeks and several dead bodies, human and giant bug and kobold half-eaten and mouldy. A cave fisher lives in roof as lots of creatures come to graze here. Large bugs and lizards size of babies and a few giant centipedes live here too. Dark elf in 57 might try and charm someone or call a warning to hide in her cave from the beast
57 Dark elf harlot lives here who has been charming cultists to visit her plying her with blasphemous scrolls and a pile of coins 678gp. She tries to charm anyone from afar and will act friendly even warning them about the monster in 56. She has a cave iguana familiar and a pet Imp who aid her. She also has a wand of sleep with 2d10 charges left   
58 A cave dryad allied to fungus and lives in trunk of a giant mushroom guards several adjacent caves with magic fungus. She has placed the traps in these rooms. She welcomes strangers but warns them to behave. She dislikes cults and likes the kobolds and will trade with those killing evil humans. A d6 cultists she has charmed now but she is bored with them. They came to steal the special fungus she keeps for her favourites. Any acting badly will have her lovers attack and she will charm newcomers (of any gender). Fungus pygmies 3d6 are here to worship her. They are immune to mould and will fetch shrooms the dryad asks for from 59
59 Cave has a d6 good mushrooms (in section header) and is guarded by yellow moulds and a shrieking fungus
60 Enchanted brain-like fungus has a sweet odour that makes all who save sit on the floor and wait to die so fungus can eat them. Anyone affected can be slapped or splashed with water and taken out to recover. A d6 cultists and a d6 kobold corpses are already jellified
61 A sparkling magic pool with fungus pygmies wallowing and playing in it. Any who drink it have protection from evil for an hour but it only works once per person. Taken from the pool it is just delicious water
62 A goblin camping here eating a fungus pygmy with a bottle of mushroom beer and a fishing rod and a pot with worms. Tiny fire frying slices of fungi head 
63 Cultists of several types in masked robes are drinking and comparing notes on their evil religions. The six surrenders promptly and will tell you anything they know but are recent arrivals. The fire cult is the biggest cult that charges other cults to come here
64 An old witch (4th Lv Wizard) with a d4 kobold helpers is here to make potions. She and the Dryad in 58 dont get along and she would love some shrooms from the Dryad. She will give a d8 healing potion per special shroom she get brought after an hour of cooking
65 Fungus here produces mass of froth which idiotic fungi pigmies like to frolic in. Humans touching it save or choke to death over a d10 rounds unless treated by a healer
66 Idol to the fungus mother goddess where kobolds have left some dead as offerings now ripe and blooming with colourful fungus. Bowls of mouldy barley grains are in a bowl. A squishy living rod can cast charm fungus once per day
67 A fungal creature from the void was wounded here and has fused into the local fungus. The winged horror is utterly alien and might not even seem intelligent, Requires magic to understand it's luminous glowing brain colony and clipping of its damaged nippers. Some cultists visit it for blasphemous wisdom of the outer void
68 Blue ropey fungus here has a cloud of spores, all exposed save or when you die arise as a fungi covered zombie. A stone symbol over the door covered by fungus stops planar beings passing this barrier
69 A glistening eyed crowd of fungi pygmies here will begin to worship any strangers who enter
70 A dozen mixed cultists lounge here eating and smoking mushrooms when off duty, a few fungi pygmies like to play with cultists when they are unconscious
71 Druid here tends shrine of the mushroom cult playing with fungi pigmies. She will protect them from harm and will always parley. She has a pet violet fungi guard
72 Ascomoid rolling around the room with clapping fungi pygmies, hostile to anything threatening fungi beings otherwise just stays near pygmies 
73 Colony of ochre slime with four ochre slime zombies, a rotting chest spills out 3000sp from a cult payroll that nobody is willing to risk recovering
74 Several crippled old senile cultists have been left here disappointed by the temple retirement home scheme they have paid a fortune for. One sure adventurer are nurses
75 An ogre has camped here to eat kobolds and cultists and is saving the old people of 74 for later because they taste and smell bad. Bones of kobolds and humans scattered around and a pot of soup is on fire
76 Nervous fire cultists here 2d4 making sure no monsters come out, all reading holy scripture of the fire cult (meaningless drivel). Will drop scrolls cast spells and flee if anyone unauthorised tries to enter the temple area
77 Filthy old feather mattresses here and some mouldy erotic parchments where slack cultists goof off from sacred duties. A d6-2 are here at any time
78 Psychomoid fungus here erupted from a kobold corpse and will attack any in the room. A +1 spear is in the rotting hand of a dead adventurer mostly decayed
79 A d4 gas spores floating here with small fungi pygmy child throwing rocks at them badly. The child would be unharmed if a spore explodes
A dead cultist holding a strange green metal sphere found in old one's area. This will teach you a spell in return for an attribute point which can be transcribed into a spellbook. The spells are often old and strange but each one you learn need a save or will use again requiring a save again. Repeated till you resist or die to arise as a revenant. If the object is taken from the body it awakes wanting its precious back and will arise again to get it. The Sphere of Yoth is mentioned in ancient texts as were spells that first called beings from beyond that helped to ruin the world

Secret Temple

The decadent fire cult control this ancient fire elemental temple they found. Now they are a cult of sorcerers dedicated to evil fire elementals and devils. Most members are sorcerors often with a fire spell or magic missile. The fire devil cult mostly get high and have sex with the master but they make good business acting as an inn for other cults come to see the old one ruins in the heart of the dungeon. Cult leaders find kobolds pests for selling junior cultists cheap copied cult idols and texts undercutting the temple. Kobolds also sell drugs to the cult making them more hopeless and disorganised and addicted. Possibly cult masters might pay to have kobolds killed.
81 Four cult warriors with bows and two more on horseback with lances guard secret temple from normal people not dressed in cult robes
82 Great courtyard with elaborate temple carved into the rock with devils and fire-themed art. A 4th Lv sorcerer and four 1st level apprentices guard here with two wolves
83 An old blind fire priest sits here chanting. Has not stopped even to eat for decades
84 Guest room with a dozen packs in a pile and 2d6 sleeping cultists
85 A cultist here cooking a roast kobold with lizard stew and turnip chips. Cultists come here at meal times which are mostly porridge or mushrooms
86 Two secret doors are here. Four cultists greet newcomers here with necklaces of flowers and a bag of bread, cheese, garlic and a bottle of opium laced wine. One such gift bag is for all guest cultists and 20 in a box. If strangers come in one rings a bell and one runs for help. The welcome team also sell unholy scripture scrolls d10gp (12 different ones) or popular blasphemous books for 100gp (12 different books) or evil holy symbols 30gp and evil bronze figurines 10gp (12 to collect the set with sixty in a box but not one full set). A sign in common wars of inferior kobold made drugs and cult items  
87 Lovely garden open to the sky with a pool, feathered birds, scented trees and flowers. An old servant here hands out hookas, pipes or bottles of grog to any coming here to contemplate. She can arrange cult sex slaves ane eunuchs for a fee. One d4 cultists are here indulging and one cultist is having sex with a slave. After they complain it costs more if they cry. One cultist is unconscious the others barely able to stand or scream
88 Harem & Enach room where a d6 sex slaves and a d4 eunuchs are presently gossiping and drinking. Eunachs will grab 2-handed scimitars from the wall and they have 17 STR
89 Fire cultist room with four beds and footlockers and a mural depicting infernal gates of hell. A d4 cultists are resting at any time 
90 A great hall with a mural depicting elemental planes of fire and beings from there. Tables and chairs and empty wine bottles are here where a d6 cultists relax drinking
91 A 4th level priest and four 1st level acolytes have stocks and a-frames where they restain and flog cultists caught buying kobold trash or drugs instead of from the fire cult. Strangers or sounds from 90 will make these men spell up and attack
92 Cult Library guarded by an invisible imp will ring a bell for help and menace intruders to waste their time or lure away from here. There are thirty evil lore scrolls and twenty blasphemous books. Some are missing so remaining books are chained and locked. One is a 4th Lv wizard spellbook, one has names of devils and fire elementals to summon another detail another dungeon hiding an evil artifact from an ancient war. Four copy stands are here where cultists occasionally make tourist copies. Librarian notes indicate missing books and scrolls and name past masters who had these books
93 Lecture hall where 3d4 cultists listen to a 4th Lv master with two warrior guards
94 Collection of elder god clay idols found and restored on display
95 Mural showing cults celebrating as sun blackens and stars fall while void demons plunge to earth to devour souls of fleeing masses. A desk for the grandmaster is here a 7th level sorcerer with a 3rd level assistant performing morning paperwork running their cult bed and breakfast. Also work on occult research and a hooka with opium, hash and black lotus resin
96 Collection of ancient fossils found digging the temple of prehistoric plants, ammonites and trilobites. Stone to the flesh will restore these to life as they were petrified by outre gods long ago. One plinth has a huge footprint and a case displays huge teeth 97 Visitors books where guest cults leave cult pamphlets, initiate booklets and other mostly worthless trash books for future guests to read. Centuries of names are scrawled here on walls

Old One's Temple

Green luminous walls seemingly carved from jade, smoothed without any hard angles. Strange patterns are engraved in the walls and where you touch the walls remains brighter for a few seconds after. The air pressure in here seems higher, cold and misty air reduces visibility and makes fog comes from your mouth as you breathe. Everything here is magical. Sound is muffled almost like being underwater and sense of time is distorted. The floor is covered in compresses dead black and green organic matter that smell of rotting fish and eggs
98 Any passing this chamber save or lose 1hp from the nose bleed as pressure increases. A secret door here goes to the secret temple

99 Marine theme mosaics show fish folk with human thralls worshipping them while squid demons look on approvingly from the sea
100 A collection of broken ceramic fragments dug up from the gunge on floors have been assembled into shapes on several tables. One wall has drawings of patterns on walls trying to understand the lost language
101 Fallen broken statue, last person leaving room sees eyes blink (give them a note)

102 Clay cuniform marked cones in here some are stacked some broken. On a table, someone has been decoding language using spells revealing litanies of priests from ancients who found this ruin
103 Anyone stepping in feels heavier, STR feels half while in the gravity field. A broken abstract looking statue bleeds black liquid into a drain like syrup
104 Stacks of metal discs with grooves in them. The cultist was trying to make a box that could play them with failed prototypes and diagrams. If work completed play recordings of old ones ultratellurian voices that is brain damaging to listen too for long, save or alignment change 1in6 chance a grumpy lesser demon summoned if played
105 Row of twelve stone plinths supporting reptilian mummies of some unknown breed. Cultists fear them but if you risk a save vs mummy rot a 2d4x100gp. One mummy has a crown worth 1200gp that lets you commune with a prehuman snake god once a week
106 Room has a strange grandfather clock with many strange hands, various random chimes and has a puzzle-based lock touching it causes confusion if you fail a save. Inside the box is a gate to a primordial continent long ago with primitive plants and mostly giant scorpions and fish, air is difficult to breathe for long. Manipulating clock hands opens door to other strange places. If door closes with any inside they are lost in time and space
107 Strange rotting corpse in the metal suit with an unbreakable glass helmet. If disturbed insect swarm erupts from it and any killed will hatch a new swarm. The suit is like full plate with no weight, has 2 hour air supply, radio, diagnostic HUD. Sidearm is an advanced laser pistol with d10 shots for 5d6 damage beam. Each shot discards a spent molten power cell Recorded message on suit in alien language is last words of space explorer discovering alien relic
108 Shelves with 4d4 strange copper sealed jars with glowing brains inside. Prehuman writing on the jars. If ESP used brains are dreaming of flying in the void with winged alien fungi
109 Stone idol of a horrible toad demon
110 Stone idol of a tentacled cone-shaped being
111 Two sealed stone pits each with common scrawled note do not open. Inside each is a gibbering mouther that awakes from hibernation. They take a d3 rounds to escape a pit once awake. Each has a d4 strange alien jewellery worth a d4x100gp each 
112 Great temple with six cultists and a 4th Lv master worshipping a squid demon lord from the void. Anyone sleeping here has strange dreams of swimming under the sea. Behind the statue and altar area is an area priests would get ready to perform. Shelf with a bottle of rum, evil holy symbol, 4th level wizard spellbook, an amulet with a devils name on it
113 Several priests once lived in here, now broken boxes, old field stove, and some human skulls
114 A carrion worm nesting with five paralysed cultists carrying her eggs
115 Cultist meditating in the chamber, mind has gone and body starving
116 Collapsed shelves scattering green tablets breaking and mixing them up. Lost blasphemous tex among all this but a few years work. Useful for spell research. After lots of digging there is a green broach that can shoot a magic missile if sacrifice a d3 HP to the god of the gem
117 A repeating illusion of robed priests fleeing something, turning and screaming. A d4 real cultists are watching with great interest while eating magic mushrooms
118 A brazier here is cold but smouldering strange odour comes out. Next to the brazier is a stone capped pit long sealed. Any overcome by odour with failed save has visions of a frog cult orgy while their body tries to open the pit. Inside the pit, a living thing of darkness comes forth (wraith). Cults don't let pilgrims past here and several priests with spells can drive it back
119 Walking through here is like walking through syrup. Party don't notice but an hour has passed for rest of world, repeats each time room passed 
120 Piles of broken stone tablets thrown here in some past occupation
121 Stone device looks like sarcophagi. Anybody placed in it is dedicated and any life force is drained and increases the luminosity in the complex. With more souls other machines wake and more monsters appear through wormholes
122 Altar with gemstones and four tribal lizardfolk on a plinth frozen in stasis. If the control altar settings are manipulated d4 1=awaken and attack 2=devolve into eggs 3=die turn to skeletons then dust 4=evolve into giant lizards that attack
123 Strange crystal apparatus aimed at plinth. If altar stones manipulated ray shrinks anyone down to microscopic size where thay can battle microscopic fauna. If settings reversed giant spores and bacteria (and any adventurers shrunk) grow up and possibly attack. Ochre jellies quite common
124 Shelves with glass jars of monsters to be enlarged in room 123. Some monsters are plagues and dangerous. A bad wizard could use this to make many monsters
125 Room surrounded by statues of horrible outre forgotten gods most are alien and hideous
126 Jars in shelf here have firefly like light motes inside. They hold human souls processed to feed outer gods. Level draining undead are attracted to them. Wizards and evil cults will pay for them but if opened you feel rush of soul memories as it departs to the next life. 2d4+4 such jars. Each jar makes as much as light as a candle
127 Mirror here if looked in shows scenes of space moving behind the viewer
128 Magic sigils on the floor were used for summonings here long ago. There are four sealed pits each with a d6 zombies from failed resurrection attempts
129 Cylinders from floor to ceiling with bubbling green fluid inside and horrible mutants growing inside. Six tubes each with a bejewelled altar that can complete and decant the monster
130 Antechamber to temple guarded by a hideous reptile headed mummy wearing 800gp of gold
131 Great temple complex save or feel nausea like (stinking cloud). Two stone statues of lobster headed and armed naked women either side of the altar, awaken to attract defilers. The altar holds a crystal holding an imprisoned demon, holding it the demon will mentally offer one service if released. Once performed the task the demon is free to stay as it pleases. Wizards will desire this
132 Skeleton of a mad prophet here died inscribing a cursed scroll
133 A bejewelled glass lantern worth 1200gp on looks sits on a desk. If lit the lamp projects monstrous visions of titanic Kraken in the void devouring stars and battling gods. If fail saving throw will look away and forever lack curiosity at things humans were not meant to know
134 Crystal sarcophagi with a squid headed prehuman wizard inside like amber. A control altar if manipulated will revive the 9th level wizard who thinks naked apes are revolting pests. Holds a staff with spell charm crab three times a day (giant crabs or crab folk)
135 A altar has a hole in it with some flickering light coming out. If you look inside you can see your own childhood by tinkering with controls you can swap souls with your younger self
136 The great chamber with a seven-pointed star used to open a gate through to the outer void long ago to call beings from beyond. Summoned beings here cannot pass the diagrams in the room and have -2 to resist spells to banish or control them
137 This tall toom has a tall statue of a humanoid god in jade. If touched you can talk telepathically to the being trapped here aeons ago and longs to be destroyed. It will offer elder lore if you swear to destroy the statue releasing the soul 
138 If you enter the circle on floor of this room a luminous phantasm of the night sky appears. Using the control altar you can change the night sky time period and may learn some knowledge unseen. The machine highlights when certain stars are right or almost right for wizards to call on the void
139 If control altar is manipulated the room summons a monster, most of the slime or ooze type or alien demons from beyond
140 If Contol altar is manipulated an opposite alignment angry clone of everyone in the room appears in the circle in the floor of the room which is a great way to get extra treasure
141 Crossroads chamber with a well. Any drinking the well get a minor cosmetic mutation and the kobolds all know how to purify it. Water has a dim glow in a strange colour you can't quite name
142 A fungoid alien is partially dissected in a frame that maintains its life despite it's organs being outside the body. Only magic lets you comprehend the alien language using coloured lights on its brain cluster and nipping pincers to talk. It will beg to be killed which is easily done.It may share some exotic black lore if tormented or offered death
143 Chamber with glass shelves with green stone pots with exotic fleshy plants and crystals
144 Chamber wall art depicts squid demons from beyond batling crinoid alien plant things with strange wands and spells. As you enter first-person sure they saw something slimy ooze down a vent leaving some slime trail
145 A giant slug with a crystalline apparatus inserted in tits head with a human brain inside. This horror comes out to eat fungus and lives here sobbing to itself. If seen it attacks out of shame and hunger for flesh. Poor immortal mad human brain longs for death
146 This room has hanging from the ceiling 12 sheets of glass-steel each sandwiching a slice of a dinosaur so you can walk around and see all its insides. It is a very old extinct breed. This could be sold for valuable artwork if you could move it
147 Gateway mirror here activated with gems on control altar. If activated opens a gate to a top of a pyramid in a dinosaur-filled jungle far away
148 Mirror on wall lets you talk to alternate universe version of self but everything sounds and looks in reverse

149 Wall in incantation in an alien script. If somehow translated with magic and spoken by a wizard a phantasmal face of an elder squid demon will appear and establish a telepathic link to all who see it exhorting them all to prepare for the end of the world when the mad shall rejoice and dark gods awaken, after a d4 minutes vision stutters and stops this only works once a day and a d4 cultist are hanging here trying it out and chatting

Outside Caves
Cliff face with some rock carvings and bear claw marks. Game is good in area and bears common. Many caves in area have bears. Honey works well for distracting them

150 A plain cave in the cliff with bear scratches on the walls. The rich smell of mushrooms waft out