Showing posts with label dungeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dungeon. Show all posts

Monday, 6 July 2020

d12 Rival Adventuring Companies

RIP to Jim Holloway the ggreatest gamer artist ever
-captured the goofy hilarity of a bunch of guys meeting in a pub to go on adventurers
-pregnant with possibility action scenes that have a lot of narratives
-good historical research on weapons and armour I dont see in some FRPG
-slapstick comic with frail people and monsters (see Polanski's Fearless Vampire Slayers)
-captures gamer vibe and the stupid and impossible things that happen in-game 

Anyway a quick post here on some rival adventuring parties for a sorta BX game. I would like to do a megadungeon but have rival expeditions like the Mummy movie or in lots of heist films. Rivals can be friendly peers, cheerful and fair play competitors or dastardly cheats and murderers.

My dream big megadungeon I would like lots of small dungeons connected by lots of long underground tunnels. The sprawling surface area would have various ruins and monster habitats. These must be of course a local village or pub or sly grog shop and a camp. But what I really want is to remind players that a party of adventurers might be the deadliest thing they can meet.

d12 Rival Adventuring Companies
1 Imperial Dungeoneers Corp   
2 Brotherhood of the Sword  
3 Lord Ravenstone's Hounds 
4 Silver Sisterhood  
5 Stormhammer's Band  
6 Lords of Blacktower  
7 Hellrazor Gang 
8 Harley's Boys  
9 Morphon Expedition  
10 Greygoat's Gang  
11 Halron's Band  
12 Jack Green's Brotherhood 

Imperial Dungeoneers Corp LG
Emperors personal templar-clerics order for raising revenue from dungeons

Will set up a fortified camp in area, well-defended with wagons on military lines
Will cut own entry into a dungeon-like appears in fortress siege with engineers
May try open-cut dungeon mine or block entries and pump smoke in dungeon
Seek money for emperor and magic relics and weapons for the empire
Righteous, preach patriotism and faith, try to tax other parties especially magic
Will heal other parties but demand picks of party loot or magic items
-Master Talbot leads with his great iron mace The Emperors FIst
-Lord Callington a paladin dedicated to smiting evil
-Brother Sebastian Starclaw a flagellant berserker priest with ball and chain flail
-Sister Malithaca a warrior nun who fights with a chain
-Six Cleric-Templars join them and four servants care for the camp

Brotherhood of the Sword LN
An order of templar clerics and knights  raising funds for a crusade on the frontier

Will have a military camp and a portable shrine they prey at with servants to guard
WIll search for an entry and claim it as own exclusive one
Seek money to help pilgrims and foreign holy wars, righteous and willing to kill
Silent, superior and a bit ruthless with evil and rivals 
Will provide first aid for free and sell healing magic they can spare
-Master Hrron a fierce huge man a clerical leader and six lower level clerics
-Lady Winterborn a lady knight dedicated to the war effort and relic recovery
-Brother Lindorm a monk-wizard scholar who helps choose target dungeons
-Bring two young knights, four novice priests and two servants

Lord Ravenstone's Hounds NE
a robberknight and his dastardly band of looters

Knights camp with servants, great hounds, horses, fancy tents and eventually a wall
Greedy seeking plunder and murder and avoiding law back home for a spell
Most don't know they are secretly robber knights and horrible killers
Cheerful and jolly knights but willing to murder and rob others
Enjoy feasting and gambling and fighting each other and captive monsters
-Lord Percy Ravenstone the leader with a magic iron hand made by a dwarf
-Sir Harold Grailblood who fakes being religious and is a sleazy drunk
-Sir Konrad Hammerstone who loves hunting animals and used a huge hammer
-Sir Brandon Bluehawk who likes kidnapping maidens for ransome
-Prester Norton a rogue who runs camp and does dirty work for Lord Ravenstone
-WIll Dunmoor a bard who helps to cover up the gangs crimes and spreads lies
-Often bring a d4 orphans as poleboys, lanternbearers, trap testers and door openers

Silver Sisterhood CN
A band of veteran amazons seeking adventure and glory

Amazons camp with mounts with several slave servants and some barbarian allies
Seek fame and glory and stories to tell their daughters
Honourable and fair-minded but unlikely to trust any men they meet alone
Cheerful and feast heartily and sometimes seek lovers from heroes they meet
Will aid women and children and males they have had good relations with
-Sister Clarithana the warrior leader with sword Glimmerfang riding Keru the stag
-Sister Zanthia the archer with crescent silver arrows on her unicorn Aelus
-Sister Canamus riding her sabre tooth lion with her great obsidian axe and furs
-Sister Ularan the cunning a thief who once decapitated an orc king and escaped
-SIster Mitrana the bard who records the deeds of the band in song and is a healer
-Sister Urgroc the savage she-orc and man-eater, wears severed genitals of enemies
-Sister Solithial Erith an elfmaid from an amazon elf cland
-Sister Kazzra and her two battlehusbands who ride steppe ponies
-A d4 barbarian warriors trying to impress amazons enough to be a lover

Stormhammer's Band LN
Brotherhood of mostly dwarfs and a few other demihumans

Will dig an entrenched defensive bunker and dig secret entry into the dungeon
Experience sappers and at hiding from humans and working by night
Seek to kill goblinoids and other enemies and get gold and gems and magic
Honourable to demihumans wary of humans, humans never helped them
If helped will be surprised but keen to return the favour and become friends
Once on good terms will drink and feast and share information with allies 
-Gark Stormhammer dwarf hero who once killed a giant with his axe Skullsplitter 
-Marn Ironheart a deep dark dwarf priest, cynical and wary of humans
-Badrass Brazenblade a red-bearded dwarf in bronze scale who likes animals
-Skibald Runebladder a terrible drunk who sometimes lets gang down
-Brondrill Brokenhorn with his sword Trollcleaver does double damage to trolls
-Eronlil Brachenfrond the wood elf with his deadly composite bow
-Bill Toofler the halfling who somehow keeps surviving mostly throwing rocks

Lords of Blacktower CE
Mercenaries actually cultists led by a priestess and wizard of dark repute

Go to known entrances and prefer to hike to a camp hidden from others
Cult really looking for relics, artefacts and secret lore to gain power
In a secret cave or ruin based camp they perform evil rituals and abuse captives
WIll use zombies to test for traps, doors and explore ahead
Will hide use of zombies labour from others possibly using robes
Only help those who pay them, prefer to let people die and then take loot
WIll be friendly but reluctant to get close or explain their organisation
-Lord Kieran Blacktower cult master and  occult curious knight with sword Excelsior
-Varbain Sharn evil priest of darkness who rules controls zombies in secret
-Arban Kazora evil wizard and 
her familiar hellcat seeking evil lore
-Up to six veteran men at arms mercenaries and two assistant priests

Hellrazor Gang LE
Professional tomb robbers, thieves and bandits

Track creatures or try to dig out the forgotten entrance
Greedy looters only care for what makes a quick buck
Will camp a short distance away in woodlands and march to the dungeon
Will rob rival camps and murder followers they find
Might aid those who helped them but mostly into treachery and robbery
All are wanted criminals and some have cult and evil influences
-Ral Hellrazor - diabolic changeling who seeks power and wealth
-Balang Garnald - a bugbear master of stealth and a mighty warrior
-Valna Plum - thief and tomb-robbing expert from a clan far away
-Galik Vul - orc warrior with pet warg and his spear Gloomspur
-Hansel Groter - village thug recruited for muscle, enthusiastic for outlaw life
-Brother Hector - rural friar, drunk and bandit provides priestly skills
-Kalubra Hanzor - young but cult wizard just wants relics and power
-Have a dozen bandits in camp often take a few along a few might be cultists

Panny's Gang CG
Swashbuckling warrior woman founded party

Will spy on and track monsters on the surface before settling on an entry or camp
Penny started gang recruiting mostly women adventurers and their sidekicks
Prefers to camp in an inn and hike further if possible or some distance from dungeon
The party include a pension plan, split healing costs and share everything
Other parties gossip, laugh and lie about them and some furious with Penny
Penny killed lots of guys in duels quietly but she doesn't boast her victories
-Penny Varnenstien, a former mercenary captain with her poleaxe Neckbiter
-Veloran Mnar, priestess of moon goddess and archer, Penny's wife
-Orla Gorakian, orc barbarian with her terrible axe Skulleater who Penny saved once
-Niccola Anais, druidess with her per panther Zorox and various ferrets
-Bala Kaban, dual knife-wielding assassin-monk watches Panny's back
-Siaban Makkarra lady of birds, wizard who likes using bird theme spells
-Often bring a d4 of Orla's orc husbands and a d3 bards, rogues and warriors followers
Morphon Expedition LN
University-funded mission led by a wizard seeking ancient lore

WIll set up orderly camp but a bit naive of outdoors living
Morphon was funded to recover elder lore, rubbings from monoliths and scrolls
Other goods are mostly just money and willing to sell if not historic
Often sits about days cataloging finds, repairing pots and writing essays
The guards are used to urban life and not savvy outdoors, willing to learn from error
Accept help and gives it good naturedly, surprised by dishonesty and greed
The University will send agents to investigate missing groups and might send assassins 
Morphon insists forbidden lore be guarded and sent to the classified university vault
-Dr Conelius Morphon the Mystic, wizard and scholar of the ancient past
-Priapus Rex head assistant to Morphon, from a good family in the city
-Malangor Kanen works as a tutor and reader, all her ideas get stolen by Priapus
-Varan the Unbelievable a pterodactyl folk wizard Morphon recruited the last expedition
-Harradus Vore a scholar of the ancient evils and really a cult member
-2d4 apprentices and a dozen city guard from the university quarter assist

Greygoat's Gang CE
Goatman warlband of beastfolk, orcs and mutants

Move into the dungeon anywhere emptied by adventurers, move lots and foul areas
Brutally murder and torment prisoners, rivals, monsters and leave horrid messes
Greygoat is violent, vindictive and thinks murdering other adventurers is fair game
The gang cooperate with local monsters, cultists and evil wizards
Greygoat's roster changes often and often include monsters
The whole gang want to use relics and treasure to gain rank in a bigger warband
-Greygoat the Defiler, goatman warrior with his vile diseased spear the Blightlance
-Habberas the Hunter, a trapper and werewolf, enjoys cannibalism and spying on others
-Mumma Bugs, a lady bugbear hillbilly who constantly drinks and has a huge d12 war club
-Vilal Morntergan, woman thief with one eye famous for poison daggers and wine
-Bilgal Maskthorn; dark elf magical assassin often invisible or riding a dire wolf
-Mobbru Gdar, cyclops orc hunter and archer, likes to nail mutilated enemies to trees
-The gang often have a d6 goblins, a d4 bandits and a d4 cultists, all are treated badly

Halron's Band CE
Berserker hero with his kinsman from the north seeking plunder

A band of psychopaths banished from home and abused berserker drugs and worse
Will move into the dungeon and if enraged fight anything moving to the death
Aggressive and declare this area is there's first and demand you get out now
If you need to make them worse make some or all become lycanthropes
Aggressive to anyone not a male warrior as big as them, jerks most of the time
Bother local common folk and might raid other adventurers camps especially if drunk
They all hate wizards and organised religion and will provoke conflict with abuse
Convinced they are heroes who demand respect but just an insane murderer cult
-Halron Ribsplitter maniac berserker with bear cloak and axe Foegnasher
-Aleron the Silent Stalker a hunter who never speaks, was a thief when younger
-Nimon Marud a former slave now a free-willed killing machine of chaos
-Vallal Grim a part giant is still young and growing and was recruited easily
-Up to a dozen berserk may hang around the camp but many wounded or drunk
-Occasionaly survivors of their massacres might be dragged unconscious to camp

Jack Green's Loving Lads CE
Murder hobo adventurers came here after instigating a border race war

Will camp in the wilderness and march to dungeon and won't share location
Jack takes from the rich and gives scraps to the poor so they act as informants

Jack actually reports to the guild master of a town but is getting uppity
Will be friendly to rival bands but will spy on them and look for weaknesses
Left old territory after secret police came for them for banditry and a small war Jack started
Jack is jolly and jokes but knows its best to kill all witnesses who might seek revenge
-Jack Green a town guildsman sent to set up bandit gang turned dungeon robber
-Aran the Wizard wears a cult hood and sacrifices animals as spell components
-Gam Redhood has neck noose scars and cannot speak, brutal killing machine
-Miram Raban barbarian woman 18 STR with her axe Fleshtearer with her pet hyena  
-Rolf Shankleton ex corrupt bailiff turned outlaw, considering selling out gang for pardon
-Paloma Regora
 bard and bandit queen, wanted for kidnapping young noblewomen
-Sir Thomas Kerrang former robber knight who lost estate, hates the poor and weak
-Sharina Goldbrow a sorceress joined the gang after her last cult turned on her
-Have up to a dozen common bandits around camp all good with bows and woodcraft
-Several peasants run away to join them and wound up slaves, usually a d4 here

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Mummified Parrots and You!

These were companions of ancients who were interred in tombs as guardians. They are not common but magical. Spark up those tomb misery crawls with one of these cheeky horrors. His not dead. Any moment he will get up and bend those bars open.

Mummified Parrots CE UndeadAC as chain HD 4 Bite d4 Fly 18 Hop 3
Instead of bite may drop faeces from above over a 2m diameter circle
-all in the circle of faeces or bitten save or contract mommy rot
Mummified parrots repeat common phrases they heard in life
Mummified parrots know a d4 1st level wizard spells (usable only once)

Mummified Parrots lie dormant for Millenium and will arise to defend the tombs and graves of their owners. Created from beloved pets of ancient wizards they are very intelligent and often recognise attempts to cast spells or turn them and react. They are fast compared to human mummies but you cannot keep them with mummified cats. Mummified parrots yell curses, saucy lines, poems, sing songs and recite oaths to forgotten ancient gods. Sometimes they mimic sounds of intruders and might give away clues. Some tombs are designed with levers for birds to operate, speaking tubes and small passages they can use to get around and spy. They often attempt to alert other tomb inhabitants and awaken undead. They are chaotic evil towards tomb robbers but neutral to legitimate tomb inhabitants (or those in disguise). They will aid and support tomb inhabitants. 

Some types still have a spectacular colour for each spell known that fades as they cast them or all colour if they are destroyed. 

1in6 can drop a single stinking cloud egg bomb once
1in6 spray acid instead of faeces for 2d4 damage save for half
1in6 know priest spells instead (possible druid in some lands)
1in6 require +1 or pure copper 
weapons to harm
1in6 shun holy symbols and will not cross one unless in-home tomb
1in6 AC as plate armour

1in10 can cast curse once per round
1in10 regenerate if not in sunlight 1HP/round
1in10 not just able to parrot but intelligent and conversational in ancient
1in10 if killed explodes over 3m diameter circle cloud of diseased faeces
1in20 can cast charm person 3 times a day
1in20 if killed a 4d8 burning ray from the heavens strikes who dealt the death blow
1in20 esp which it uses to find embarrassing things from enemies it can yell out mimicking voices of past traumas or lost loved ones to disorientate enemies

I recommend giving them thematic spells like a necrococky or an elemental parrot because of stuff.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

The Secret of Cyborg Hill

On my wanted page on this blog i put a list of past reviews, theory, game scene and other bile. Lots changed since I did some of those and posts mentioning ppl I no longer have any  dealing with, and lots of things have changed at companies I might have been critical of.

So I want to rebuild Module L1 The Secret of Bone Hill as a start off my new Planet Psychon game. I can get my oldschool dnd vibe and my post apoc fix at same time. I will test my evil space god stuff soon too. So players will float to shore without a clue how they got here but memory of being rescued from some disaster.

I might consider Garrotten in there from L2 but it doesnt seem to use lots of L1 as promised. But I might just get Baron killed and monsters invade and wreck the joint and move party onward. Garottem might be village near Kroten Keep the only operating castle on island left.

Did find a typo on map - garden peak is guardian peak in book
Lots of references to how castle is useless until you get L2 not strictly true


Known background:

Long ago settlers came here to take advantage of good land and harbour. They were welcomed by the old people (eldren) who taught humans how to fight the evil mutant and goblin hordes of the north. A generation of special knights defended all but when the castle of cyborg hill was destroyed the old folk were mostly gone. the few left don't talk about it but now live among us. Forces of evil are still present and the village is always on guard and in need of adventurers. Most of local adventurers sleep on garden hill eating wild berries roots and bark when not drunk. The Baron is too snooty to employ them.

Real Background: 

The Island was mostly a wasteland of toxic waste with hills and mutant monsters to the north. There is also a strange shunned alien stone ruin that was in the north before any written records. Mutants and undead covered the island tainted by bioweapons of the ancients. The Eldren came back from the stars and established 4 several outposts and purified part of the land. They settled their new friends to serve them, goblinoids.  They were aliens from Tau Ceti V taken by eldren on their trips from the stars and mixed with human DNA. When goblinoids revolted eldren tried to make some orcs which revolted then hired hyena men mercs made by a corporate AI to fight for them which also rebelled.

Finally they captured human to make into warrior cyborgs to defend them. The more boblins were pushed the more other castes appeared as per their own genetics. Hobgoblins then bugbears were born and became plentiful overwhelming the eldren. Then bugbears invaded the Eldren castle. The eldren were all killed by humanoids and most of the cyborgs died and became undead from contamination in the Dead Forest. The surviving cyborgs and other humans slaves settled the purified land and built a fishing village. Some settled other parts of the island and three new colonies held by a Baron formed. Humanoids hated eldren and didnt care about humans who were just eldren goons. Two of these areas, Lodeville and Silverton fell into poverty and ruin and the northern Kroten Keep has fallen to evil and now plots against Restenford. Many strange cults sprang up on island too but most are secret.

The cyborg knights who served the godlike eldren feature in the religion of these people and they appear in artworks little realising the cyborgs were expendable slaves used by immortals. The surviving eldren in town are quiet about the history and the former humans were charmed and forgot the past.


Human mostly town where most are chaoitic nuetral with most clergy, guards and nobles being more lawful and or good. The Baron is mostly busy but his wife and daughter with guards wander about occasional. Rif raf will not be admitted to castle unless they get jobs or are local heroes.

Druids worship Gaea AI and know some of the true history

Abbey of Paragon (originally Phaulkon) are lawful holy warriors who revere the cyborg knight saints of old and perpetuate myths about the island. One priest has been cursed and has a personality that worships Evil Otto after getting lost in his evil mirror maze on a quest.

Guards have muskets with blades and officers have pistols and swords
-and baron has a las pistol
-felix has a 5mm combat rifle and a pet drone with a 6shot mortar with smoke rounds

Cults in are as I detailed before
-witch cult with cave for peasants they are at war with the alien cult of the rich
-a ufo alien lover cult of posh local elites seeking power (one in baron's family)
-evil undead demon cultist in league with Kroten Keep.

Peltar the sorcerer collects relics like ancient tech buried in ruins

A spy for Kroten Keep in town too in bait shop

Swamp is a toxic waste area with drums, polluted water, warheads, mutants
-toxic undead and mutants hang out so nobody bothers them, live in filthy shacks
Town guard shoot them on sight, some use them as cheap labour

Luck Temple of Dweomer Forest

The luck temple in Dweomer Forest
-has one armed bandit robots and being a ruined casino
-has terminals to commune or play games with god
-a gambling mad AI god should have been in game already!

Bald Hill
Gang of orc here use muskets and black powder and rob travellers. They live in a cave overlooking the plane wreck near Xerbal mountains but hang around Bald hill to spot travellers.

Garden Hill

Tent city of failed adventurers
-ranger knows several locations
-assasin works for pay doesn't talk much
-broke wizard is a sad drunk
-orc warrior who cant believe the local bumpkins

Trash Gorge

Some have noticed the trash in the gorge gets added to by someone and some good stuff and tin cans end up there even some processed food scraps.

Ark Hill

Haunted and people wary but actually there is a bunker here with some population and machines. Secret sewer entrance through the rubbish dump in the gulley.

Radd Forest

Contaminated and feral mutants live here who hate humans and eldren

Green Knoll

a Forrest crawling with triffids, vegepigmies and mutant plants. Some kind of buried ruin is here according to rumours.

Spring Glade - Pebble Hills - Spring Glade - Tri-Top

Hyenadon and hyena abhumanoids live here brought in as mercenaries centuries ago. Some wear bits of uniforms and company crests for a ancient corporation and they still worship their AI godess Maltor mother of beast folk. They have reduced to mostly stone age tech and whatever they can steal.

Boat Wreck of SS Beluga

A wrecked cruise ship inhabited by fish folk colony and hybrids

Plane Wreck of Flight 742

Passengers are undead and android stewards care for them

Off the Map

Kroten Keep 
in north ruled by a evil Baron who wants to control Island and has been allying himself with goblins and cults. Baron Kroten hopes to recruit Hyena but agent has failed. Even has undead soldiers with musket using skeletons. I might make the village near by Garroten populated by assassin but has nice theatre which should really be a assassin training place. Possibly assassins mostly leave island as i cant believe a few thousand would support a assassin cult. Perhaps they keep area safe with assassination rather than supported by murder for hire. Thinking might have been corrupted. Who'd a thought assassins would go bad. Humans came here and built castle to block humanoids from north.

Knights of Kroten keep ride outside and are bandits over the island returning home when things get rough. More orcs and goblins walk openly here now and some human hybrids exist. 
Robber knights and goblins pretty much run the place. The Baron of Silverton is helpful and a pawn. Lodeville is a principle enemy who fight often. Restenford is spied on as they dont want war with two sides. The Baron keeps the best armoury of ancient weapons on island but will only use in self defence.

Assassin cult - all have commoner ID some possibly performers, keep friend and foe in fear
Dark Chapel - evil Templar clerics serve the Baron, he is high priest, serve demons and deals with goblins.
Fish Cult - operate along rivers spying on other districts using mentalist and illusions, kidnap and traffic drugs and vice. Shipwreck near Restenford is a holy place and many visit town on way.


In north east is a run down shambles where cultists have become increasingly open. Were some mines but morlocks sealed them as humans too degenerate for them to work with or eat. Baron Lodeville hopes to join Baron Kroten. He is a brute with a private militia who bully the town. Local mob and Baron loves witch hunting even though the witches are only thing holding place together. Many women are witches and have close community. Many women want to leave and do. Lots of men worship evil dwarfs in hill and their worm master. Other men worship  People are often short and ugly and distantly morlock slaves with some masters blood. Some have subterranean mutations.  
Local men are jerks, picking fights, getting drunk, rioting, and helping cults. What are you looking at is heard every hundred yards if visiting village and verbal abuse more often... At night cult of the dark voice glean over human mines scraps for minerals masters want but fear the worm cult. Cults have gang fights. They act as rival thieves guilds too. Local baron supports local church of Paragon, and believes scourging his evil sub human people is for the best so they go to heaven. Baron personally beheads cult criminals as the Paladin of the North. Even his family fear him and he killed a bastard son for dabbling in a cult. Lodeville was settled by humans seeking mines for iron to keep elves and demons away. They found degenerate slaves of the morlocks and rescued them and drove morlocks into certain mines. As prospectors and fur trappers explored mountain they heard alien voices and were recruited agents. Burrowing six foot venomous worms are common here use snake stats. 

Burrowers Brotherhood - worship a great beast worm god thing, cult came from morlock slaves, evil demigod worm burrows the hill helping miners for sacrifice. They interact with morlocks in the mine and bring them victims and sacrifices. Cult have tunnels everywhere
Dark Voice Thralls - help the whisperers in the darkness who talk in alien voices to prophets in the mountain forests at night. The cult do the voices bidding seeking materials and gleaning minerals humans dig up but don't value. These are void fungi, a space fearing race of alien winged fungus with brain like head and bug lobster pincers and shrimp like limbs but squishy and slimy. They also surgically modify good followers granting powers and inconveniences (surgical mutation table). They fear the great worm
Starblood Coven - witch cult of sorceresses who try to protect community from the worm and the dark voice. Local Baron loves witch hunting so they act in secret. They prefer to help in secret but might save someone anyway. They have a secret cave grotto members only. Most leaders and members are women. Only share certain information or deal with women in groups. Give strangers notes of warning.


in west has fallen to ruin and mutant raid, many locals exhibiting sickness. Baron is bloated decadent and greedy and fears adventurers want to take over, He is swathed in luxury and hedonistic vice using thugs to run the town. Officially he uses local chapel but worships a corpulent plague demon. Several cults here too one the Baron controls. Lots of mutants in area and they are common and accepted here. Doppelgangers are here too in secret.

Dark Chapel - evil templar clerics serve the Baron of Kroten, he is high priest, serve demons
Maalek the Plague Lord - spares worshippers but makes them carriers, promises immortality and and undying life of greed and gorging while body rots and mutates. Local mutants are members too carrying necro mutations, bio mutations, devil mutations
Devil Cult - members sell souls so other evils don't get your soul, devils look after it and give you purpose and possibly devilish mutations.

Ruins of Cyborg Hill and Dead Forest 

Dead Forrest contaminated, save or become undead on death if camp here or eat or drink. Undead Forrest animals, skeletons, zombies, cyborg wights, green glowing screaming ghouls. By day bugbears are found.

Workshop in castle tower include lab gear, space suit, and a control console altar and other scrap of the ancients. 

Locations to add
A small ruined city of the old ones....
Perhaps goblins live in a crashed eldren colony ship and hope to launch it
-in hiding from other goblinoids on island gone feral
A morlock hidden lair with eldren eloi might be good as always
Some bunker ruins possibly several
Passages under island used for maintenance
Hyena Drop Ship partially buried
Mirror murder maze of evil otto full of killer robots

Further Notes
A major attack of humanoids and robber knights of Kroten will be good

Next I might re use beaver island setting i used for gamma world and maybe Pittsburgh

I Notice Len Lakofka has no toilets in module of course
No surprise as he got grumpy in a thread about topic
Nobody wants toilet in a dungeon!

Psychonian Skins

Most humans are various skin colours and children here can be any colour
-Barrons family are all purple skinned with silver hair, all barrons on island are kin
Eldren are green skinned with gold metalic hair
Morlock dwarves are blue skinned with white hair
Gnomes are emerald green skinned with aqua hair
-they want a atomic battery to restart light house

Friday, 10 January 2020

Master of the Desert Nomads X4 & X5

Master of the Desert Nomads

Classic two part module series and early TSR in other cultures.
You could build a campagn around old desert theme module settings.

Also by now modules are box texts performed to linear events with sometimes illusion of choice. In my look at old modules this pair is not really a guide to improving it. Older modules and lack of setting made being a DM and filling in extra plot was a normative process. As modules move into more strict linea narative cinematic modules there is less flexibility, These two are early ones and pretty good. Id run lots of the random encounters  in this because they are all good. I guess lots of the UK modules did this era of TSR adventure writing to bit even The Serpent's Eye the most linear wilderness hexcral ever still implies choice. By the early 90s TSR modules I looked at this style of detailed adventure was common. Lots of exeptions Im sure. So here Im reflecting on these a bit not trying to add more content.

X4Master of The Desert Nomads for 6-9th Level

This is set on a desert where seasonal nomads brigands have come from forever. But now they are united with humanoids known and unknown in huge armies unified by a priest called The Master. The army just went ahead of you into the desert and stragglers and refugees are moving the other way. You kinda get asked to do something but then you help a cleric who rewards your most knightly looking hero a quest spell. Priest is being attacked by a horrible void with hairy shadow arms with claws grasping from it. You can get a guide for a small fortune but it is a war zone.  This is basically adventurers as special ops in a military infiltration situation. It is very cinematic and episodic. It has colourful fights and fights with swarms of humanoids. It has a few don't do this or die things in it. The war setting has suffering and devastation and confusion.

You get a few encounters in town before setting of with a map when you get an attack by a wizard on a wyvern with hasted trolls on the ground. There is a river raft up a river gorge with possible military archers attacking you from above yay. You go up a river, travel with merchants, fight bandits, fight a Nagpa vulture wizard find a lost tomb of a minor scorpion centaur deity. There is a long horrible desert trek with monsters, infiltrate a army of monsters, several madmen and strange visions and clues and the evil abbey. this whole scene is a great episode that can be roleplayed quite a bit before the revelation of the monks secret. One of better DnD horror moments I wouldnt touch.

SO new monsters in this book OMG. Sadder still these monsters never got used much even though some of Zebs best in bothe these modules.

Bhut - a sort of demon were undead monster that look horrific. These guys should be a regular evil race of demons im adopting them
Napga - evil race of wizard vulture folk a bit dark crystal and I use as one of my main monster king races
Juggernaut - animated clumsy siege battering rams that crush everything in their path with 25-30 HD and damage to kill lots of characters dead. Awesome for all kinds of reasons,come in wood or stone. A steam juggernaut perhaps.
Soul Devourer - A shadowy void with grasping hideous claws coming from it that are known for avenging selves on summoners if it fails, really creepy evil things that eat life
Tabi - creepy cat size bat winged monkey with kabiki mask, surley must have demon blood. That explains why high level wizards summon and bind them. Shame they smell of rotting flesh 30 metres away. Touch causes confusion and they are cunning thieving monkey bastards.

There are lots of mood setters that are downers about the ongoing war and suffering. Thankfully you don't get distracted by rescuing people because the master is just straight up killing people in reality where as people assume he is a slaver not a evil death cult leader.  Also the master takes a interest in you and helps you get to him. Also there is a mysterious benefactor (up to the DM who) in play occasionally. Perhaps party helped a djinn in past lives or something or did some deed.There are colourful fights, harsh wilderness, terrible monsters and lots of rumours.

X5 Temple of Death

You arrive at the pass caves crawling with monsters. Geonids are totally pokemon working for the Master. You find a land called Hule includes notes on the religion of the Master which has diviner  cops out to get a diverse class of criminal and many types of religious specialist. The non humanoids just joining with humans led by the Master who are the most organised and most powerful warlord for now. Locals of Hule like monsters joining army and leaving. There are some encounters in a town before going to the Temple, But a dark forest is in between of course including a ghost and spectral hounds. Another gold new monster very much weird fiction critter. Finally the temple on a lake looks like south asian hindu temple. Including idea the temple has carvings of wheels as it represents a chariot or vehicle. Some rumours in previous modure refer to this. So you get to battle clerics, a cool elephant demon a bit like the Cthulhu mythos elephant god.

Mentioned some monsters which are continued weird vibe, but wow!:
Dusanu - a fungal spore carrying undead type with claws
Geonid - adorable rock men
Malfera - horned elephant demons with crab claws from the nightmare world
Mujina - faceless mimic people
Spectral Hound - frain your link to physical plane making you fade away

The temple map is lovely and climax a bit like a martial arts movie.
Id worry my parties would try and take over the masters religion or something odd.

Id totally run these and wouldn't do much to them. I might milk some encounters more and select the best random encounters to help keep the war background still happening. Id like to run minis with this. Lots of scenes like every round 50 more men join in the fight.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

d100 Foul things in the ruins of the black magic empire

These are for dialling dungeon up a notch with evil cult features. Most immediately I'm using for my current stone age buzz but these sort of things are usable in my bronze and medieval setting. You could have a few items amazingly preserved in a larger dungeon or a secret level full of this stuff.

comment if i messed up numbering

d10 Typical Ruin

1 Holy d4 1=shrine 2=temple 3=statue 4=huge monument
2 Palace d4 1=merchant 2=priest 3=noble 4=royalty
3 Military d4 1=gate house 2=tower 3=castle 4=fortress
4 Civic d4 1=assembly hall for elected officials 2=state records 3=great library of tablets 4=state cult monument celebrating one or all of the seven monster kings from some period
5 Luxury d4 1=gladiator pits 2=red light district 3=feast hall 4=bathhouse
6 Industry d4 1=quarry 2=mill 3=sweatshop prison 4=slaver stockade

7 Law d4 1=courthouse 2=treasury records (evil tax secrets) 3=torture dungeon 4=secret police station with cells and secret doors
8 Commoners 1=granary 2=gardens 3=market 4=execution arena
9 Magical d4 1=gateway station 1in6 partly functional 2=sealed entrance to a evil planar domain of devils or demons or bad elementals 3=scrying chamber with crystal ball linked to another ruin far away 4=a huge magical vault with a huge artefact sealed inside
10 Wizards d4 1=tower 2=school 3=laboratory 4=library of evil tablets

d10 Foul thing types
01 Furniture
02 Artworks

03 Decorations
04 Torture station 
05 Sealed rooms
06 Statuary
07 Relief art
08 Tombs
09 Tablets
10 Marvellous devices

Foul things in the ruins of the black magic empire
01 Black onyx throne with a set crystal helm. Who sits here will have the helm lower onto their head and grant them one round of long range clairvoyance per level. When over helmet comes off and the wearer gains a d4 INT for a day and makes a save vs death when completed
02 Bathing pool with steps for ceremonies, but the black liquid is not water, it is the formless spawn of a elder god 
03 Toilet chair above a sewerage tank with a slimy tentacled horror inside
04 Stone chair is sat in save vs magic or trapped for a d4 days 
05 Golem stove built into wall. It heats on command and turns spits and cooks to perfection, miserable about its job
06 Golem water fountain has several stone basins with lead plugs on chains. On command fills or drains and agitates. Good for laundry or bathing. Golem is disgusted but obeys
07 Bed if touched, requires save, snaps in half like a bear trap or spikes shoot through or restraint chains entrap you or gas released
08 Dining room with seated skeletons of ancient monster lords. The table is set for dinner but strewn in dust and cobwebs. The remains are now now mindless skeleton hordes
09 Table can call forth a last feast to celebrate the diners heroism and social rank 
10 Mirror makes you look atractive and tells you how mighty/pretty you look. Eventually invites you inside to a demon princes harem of past victims and succubi
11 Mural featuring layers of hell and layers of the abyss crawling with beings of evil fighting over damned souls 
12 Painting is a gateway to the past to the monster age and its sinister delights
13 Mural of serpent folk wizard guarded by a orc and a human on their knees looking down at the snakes feet
14 Painting of great monster heroes destroying rebellion and finishing off resistance, some include old human gods being imprisoned by the evil gods
15 Gallery of portraits of evil high priests, each has a plaque stating the notorious thing they said or did.
16 Painting of black sun in sky over land could be read as a map, depicting monster god holy places
17 Painting of sever great patron gods of the monster kings. Earlier ones depict earlier kings such as worm and insect gods who were replaced in later ages
18 Butchering charts for various humanoids with scenes of cooking for a feast
19 Mural of
 fat hungry spider goddess being brought babies by human and orc slaves
20 Mosaic of the vampire bat goddess with her children routing the insect god and gorging themselves on their grubs and eggs
21 Flaking gold and silver foil on iron bages hanging from ceiling big enough for a human. Some have undead or corpses inside
22 Faded tapestries depicting abhumans bringing tributes to the empire 
23 Carpet, with complex pattern, INT save to know how to cross then DEX save to hop, if wrong colour touched take 4d6 d4 1=lightning 2=fire 3=cold ray 4=lava 
24 Oubliette, 20 foot pit with barred lid, prisoner locked inside or undead remains
25 Huge stone cauldron with art depicting wailing people 
26 Living statues guarding a doorway of beast headed abhuman warriors
27 Pits with mumified vermin used in torture d4 1=toads 2=rats 3=worms 4=snapping turtles
28 Magical scene crated with an illusion of some glorious event crushing the downtrodden or torturing a non believer
29 Succubi trapped in a crystal pillar begging or enticing viewers to release her
30 A furious elemental trying to break through a magic circle as decoration
31 Bronze bull with charcoal pit under, that victims locked in to be cooked alive
32 Blood stained basalt altar worn smooth from aeons where sacrifices pressed down, blood flows into a stone bowl
33 Several iron maidens, 1in6 chance a tapping from within is a undead inside is very hungry
34 Section of stone wall has scratching noises inside and small barred view holes. Sealed undead inside pathetically scrabble at walls with worn fingers
35 Chains on walls holding skeletons, table of torture tools on a stand each slots into stone palette perfectly
36 Surgical bench with clamps and medical tools, glass jars with organs on a stone shelf and body parts. A iron cage with manacles and a deformed skeleton is inside. This is where humans and orcs were surgically modified into abhumans
37 Chained up mummified corpses of monsters with stitch marks and surgery scars
38 Stone benches  where victims were tied to with a giant mumified wasp or carrion worm in a cage
39 Stone benches with restraints and jars of mumified worms, some dimply glow green. Some of the benches have dried corpses, 1in6 chance bodies are sons of kyauss
40 Niches in walls with hundreds of heads filed and mostly labeled. If a head placed in niche in shrine and given blood it will awake and answer 3 questions before sleeping for a month. Here enemies and friends were questioned or taunted
41 Secret cell with torture tools, sound proof with d4 costumes
42 Secret room with ancient poison lab. Some aged but rare ingredients are here from long ago including lotus seeds
43 Secret room full of drug paraphernalia including hash, opium, lotus resin with hooka and pipes, pills, pillows, planar incense and cushions
44 Secret room with a bed with a chained skeleton in silk robes. Her angry spirit will confront intruders but she might be convinced intruders will avenge her. She may have knowledge
45 Secret treasure room with stone coffers of gold, silver, jade, amber and coral
46 Secret chamber with wizards stone tablets. They are protected by magical explosive sigils
47 Secret astrology rooms with tablets, ancient star charts of evil gods in the stars present long ago. Some tablets are readings predicting the age of darkness in periolbut cannot believe human and orc slaves could rebel
48 Secret passage which connects several areas with spyholes and doors
49 Secret door with a suit of armour for a beast abhuman and a rack with obsidian tipped magic weapons including spear, dagger and macuahuitl obsidian spiked club with collection of favourite trophy heads
50 Secret alchemist lab with exotic ingredients, tablets of experiments and a d6 potions at least one is rare
51 Statue of fish folk carrying off slaves to their city under the sea in nets
52 Columns everywhere often ornate carved as d6 1=mushrooms 2=beast abhumanoid statue 3=lotus flower and stem 4=skull motifs 5=snakes coiled or other designs 6=unholy text 
53 Gold and bronze scorpion statue with gems embedded on back. If gem is touched the construct awakes, grabs the victim and keeps stinging them until a long forgotten command word is said or it senses no movement for a hour
54 Statue of great squid headed demon of the deep clutching a human victim in each hand, erupting from a slimy pool in chains 
55 Giant sculpted stone spider, creepy looking, wait er it is a giant spider!!
56 Gargoyles over gate or door or bridge, keep out lesser beings
57 Several ice pedestals with frozen beings on them. If knocked off they awake but speak in long lost languages
58 Greedy toad statue with small altar before it, if a small being is placed here the toad gobbles them up unless stopped.It becomes a giant toad at this point and attacks
59 Collection of human and abhuman statues scattered randomly looking surprised or shocked. A very powerful medusa passes through here occasional 
60 Statues beast abhuman, human and orc gladiators killing each other brutally often with disembowelling and decapitation
61 Relief carvings of d4 1=brutal war 2=hunting humans for sport 3=slave races including humans making offerings to the monster kings 4=a monster noble in land of the dead being taken to rewards after death, reciting all the vile deeds they did in life 
62 Walls covered in textured shimmering tiles in strange patter, INT save or enthralled by hypnotic effect
63 Inscription from black magic wizard books dealing with d4 1=demons 2=devils 2=elementals 4=undead
64 A insectoid priest on mound of insect and worm folk delivering a sermon, inscription relates the vile oaths of evil and chaos one must adopt to please the awful gods of the long night
65 Relief of the monster kings but the first two have heads smashed off, these two dynasties were replaced
66 Carved scene of humans and orcs burning monster cities while poor monsters sobbing are entering caves. Some look back in anger and defiance making hand signs of vengeance
67 Carving of a great pyramid. The bottom rows have humans, demihumans and humanoids toiling and bent, the second tier figures are larger and mostly abhumans, the third are the monster kings then the monster gods and above them all on the peak is the great black elder void beyond they all served a demon on one side and a devil on the other holding it
68 Relief carvings of popular demon lords and ladies meditating, many have tiny candle stubs under them and dried blood on them
69 Wall carved with scenes of a monster gigantic monster king leading army of kin trampling a army of human and orc barbarians rebelling against their rule. The boasting in the inscribed cartouches sounds unlikely and possibly propaganda before the end 
70 Dedication to one of the elder monster kings and his awful deeds and mass murders that pleased the dark gods 
71 A sealed tomb door depicts feathered head dress wearing bat folk mummy standing on pile of skulls killing humans wasting away from touch, inside door is crypt of mummy or a vampire with jade gold and silver treasures
72 Tomb door sealed requires 4 virgins in stone nishes to be sacrificed and blood to flow into the tomb. The tomb will open from inside revealing a squid folk vampire wizard from tens of millennia ago
73 Tomb door sealed, inside ten mummy cases of abhuman warrior mummies step out to protect their lord asleep in crypt with sucubi or incubi lover
74 Sealed door portrays skeleton vulture abhuman wizard raising a dead army, inside the floor is covered in abhuman bones and weapons. Inside the sarcophogi with gems and black magic tablets is a lich awaiting chance to rule again 
75 A crypt with a view hole of crystal lets you see mummy face within, her eyes open and she looks pleadingly. She was a a part demon princess who betrayed her father the king, this coffin has kept her alive for thousands of years. She is a wizard and happy to aid her liberators. She will try to befriend explorers and stay with them a while before seeking elder artefacts to seize power 
76 A gigantic crypt of ogre size abhuman part hippo, a fearsome tusked warrior. The mummy inside on a bed of platinum coins and gems is a abnormally powerful beserk mummy with a +1 battle axe each hand
77 Crypt witch crystal sarcophogi carved with eldritch symbols. Inside the remains of a king and a elemental fused into a hybrid undead elemental monster
78 A crypt with all hieroglyphs scraped off. Trapped inside sarcophagi, a elder worm thing later monster kings never wanted to escape. The walking worm wizard calls down the elder darkness once released
79 A sealed crypt with a demigod imprisoned here in earliest part of the age of night. If released the minor forgotten divinity will be pleased monsters are long gone and depart to explore the world
80 Jade coffin of being from the outer darkness.It's everlasting corpse once released sends a signal to call it's own kind to restore it to life. A black star appears in the sky
81 Collection of tablets of the history of  the age of darkness for a thousand years of monster king rule and their evil gods. Sections on two early dynasties have been chiselled out
82 Tablets collection of medical problems many recommend human body parts as treatments
83 Tablets with recipes to cook humans and prepare them as pleasing sacrifices to the gods
84 Tablets of priest prayers to evil gods and how to please them
85 Tablets of wizards spell research for a spell
86 Tablets of surgical procedures to create a d4 types of abhuman
87 Tablets with instructions on making a type of golem
88 Tablet describing a d4 devils or demons and how to get their favour
89  Tablets on slave keeping and breeding and uses for even lamest or sickest ones
90 Tablets describing peoples of the territories of the empire and it's subjects for young noble monsters
91 Gateway to hell with seven magical locks 
92 Elemental conjuring pit with arcane protection circle around it 1in6 an elemental is trapped inside 
93 Iron cage
94 Collection in a silver cabinet with shelves of bottles with imps inside d6+4
95 Wailing ghosts in crystal cages, if bars broken they attack anyone they can 
96 Ruined remains of infernal magical machine which once drained souls and turned victims to wraiths. Now various components are missing and arcane sigils are damaged
97 Remains of a organ that once contained wailing prisoners strapped in tubes with torture implements controlled with a bejewelled keyboard
98 Huge mechanical apparatus to crush bodies and drain blood into a cauldron. Powered by slaves turning wheel
99 A chess playing golem perpetually seated in comfortable chair with powdered wig and moustache 
100 Planar pit with steel locked lid and chain with pulley above it to lower things in. Opens to random mostly hostile dimension, victims lowered in and scraps pulled up for amusements

Monday, 16 September 2019

Invaders of Xor

Xor is a living world of meat, plunder and wonder
A ever living mystery and world eater
People live on and in Xor like parasites
Bad things come from other worlds
Things not good to eat that must die
Strangers who do not accept the will of Xor!

All kinds of otherworlds invade Xor for a meal which has the danger Xor might flood that dimension. Xor only wants to peacefully eat universes and barley is aware of intruders parasitism. But look out when Xor does notice your dimension and is hungry. Some otherworlders are stranded here and join a community or start one. Parts of otherworlds might be found inside of Xor taking thousands of years to be assimilated. Xor might even be used as a nexus between worlds but a dangerous one. Bringing goods through the gates and leaving on both sides makes the worlds interconnected. Creatures of law may not be approving of Xor and consider it close to chaos or raw material for chaos to usurp. Invaders of Law act poorly and are often disliked by xorians unless they actually fight need someone to fight chaos.

One of  these in a region will stand out and provide threats aplenty. Why not start between two of these or one at each compass point. Intruders usually have a way home but that might be be at a certain place or require a relic. Intruder gateways are for outright alien plunderers or explorers. Strange remnants are a place where unnatural to the nature of Xor creatures come from, a remnant of the past or otherworldly infection.

d12 Intruder gateways into Xor

1 Primal Law - entities such as Archons come to hunt and destroy chaos and imperfection
2 Singularity - bastion of Law where crusaders wage war against chaos and disorder
3 Deadworld - land smothered by darkness and necromancy and the hungry dead
4 Dungeonworld - a infinite self aware dungeon complex linked to the hells
5 Garbageworld - covered in garbage from other planes, locals seek to escape
6 Planet Psychon - mutants, androids, robots stumble on gateways
7 Europe 1640 - England and Spain search for new worlds while secret wizards planeshift*
8 Ancient Exilon - bronze age ancient city states send adventurers to visit Xor
9 Shadelport - city of pirates and wizards and elder ruins, many gates remain from long ago when the Monster Kings ruled and used to raid and plunder Xor
 Underland - various races of the deep raid Xor for food and some worship it
11 Demonic chaos - seeks to corrupt Xor into becoming a home for demon kind

12 Primal chaos - swarms of gelatinous tentacled alien horrors

*Other times are possible like modern special forces or monster investigators

d12 Strange remnants within Xor

1  Mile wide clod of earth with some intact ruined settlement survivors from some other world, semi buried intact ruins are their current lain and they are just exploring xor
2 Mass of ship hulks and a sargassum of weed fused into a mass inhabited by sailors from many worlds and a few feisty sea monsters surviving. Sailors are damned and don't try to escape
3 Collosal mass of fungus caverns inhabited by fungus and faerie folk, including by goblinoids, pixies, elves, gnomes, mushroom people, giant bugs and more 
4 Dead area where a necromancer lives and has learned to make undead from the dead flesh of Xor. If not stopped many such places grow. Some are quiet and hidden for aeons
5 A large section of a underland city was snatched and relocated inside Xor and inhabitants have done well and trade with the locals. Many strange races are among survivors
6 Macroscopic life has infested the area attacking and feasting on Xor and spreading it's own single celled life forms colonies, some are individually baseball or beachball sized often linked in chains. Dangerous slimes, jellies, flagellum and strange life thrives
7 Bone castle once a living place housing a population now a desolate dead hollow, full of all kinds of unwholesome creatures and cults in the skeleton of a living citadel
8 Infected sickly swamp of putrid sweat, infections and ulcers form a unique environment, disgusting but welcoming to bugs and the goblins who hunt them. Demons and undead here prevent the land being healed 
9 Crystalline life form ecology is absorbing life and fluid, growing and expanding into complex alien intelligences. Psionic beings have been attracted or empowered and come here
10 Dragonspawn Pits of Tiamat, mother of dragons has opened a gate here where thousands of baby dragons are fattening up on Xor for the next dragon apocalypse on some dimension. Tiamat only pops in occasionally 1in6. Xor does not mind dragons as they excrete his spoor on distant dimensions aiding it
11 Chaos warp point where creatures become mutated and prepare to  kidnap and devour nearby peoples. 

12 Chaos infection where a demon throne of a abyssal lord festers with it's horde. With intent to conquer the local area, warbands rair the surroundings often meeting Templars of Xor or Crusaders of Xor or many other local forces waging eternal war

Terrible new theory:

Humans came from Xor first
Then spread to other worlds

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Books of Xor

More i think of it a Xor Series of adventures might be good. Here is a list of Faux book titles I can quote constantly in my Xor book.

d100 Books of Xor

01 Settlers of Xor
In which pioneer settlers build a city for their tribe of heroes versus their evil kin

02 Ancients of Xor
Ancient wise in the ways of living inside Xor and their strange alien weapons

03 Pirates of Xor
Pirates from another world came to Xor for treasure, plunder and wonder

04 Knights of Xor
A order of knights guard the holy orifice of Xor keeping it safe from chaos demons

05 Gargantua of Xor
A war between colossal morons of godlike power and how humankind got rid of them

06 Citadels of Xor
A cluster of great cities emerge over centuries and come to war and ruination

07 Parasites of Xor
Horrid new species of parasites invade a community who must trust Xor knows best

08 Plagues of Xor
Diseased demon cultists come bringing sickness to the tribes of Xor

09 Plant Lords of Xor
Rare tribe of plant folk on Xor seek a hidden place with vegetation to live in peace

10 Beastfolk of Xor
Scholar Hero travels to the wastes to live among the beast folk tribes

11 Rotten things on Xor
Volcanic event erupts infected chaos effluvia to the region which heroes seek to heal

12 Flesh Apes of Xor
A race of huge naked ape folk rampage over the region egged on by their ape god

13 Merchants of Xor
Traveller Aiken Zola follows trade routes describing customs of lands for traders

14 Meat Giants of Xor
A horrid race of hungry flesh giants rampaged the kingdom till their lord was killed 

15 Bastards of Xor
A gang of unwanted youths go on a adventure seeking wealth and a new home

16 Hatred of Xor
Flagellants, berserkers and murder cults roam the land until heroes stop them
17 Treasures of Xor
Adventures, heists and exploits of the rogue elderly Flurax Sepossak
18 Eaters of Xor
Another world gate allows Xor to taste uneaten worlds allowing heroes to travel
19 Prophets of Xor
Prophet dreams of Xor's desire and rouses an army to fight a crusade against chaos

20 Caverns of Xor
Heroes travel into the depths of Xor seeking a lost civilisation devoured long ago

21 Deep in the Bowels of Xor
Travel the inside Xor seeking a safe way beyond mouth, stomach & labyrinthine gut
23 Fangs of Xor
Tribal cannibal warriors taken as slaves, escape after seeing strange civilisation
24 Mutants of Xor
A saint unites mutant tribes into a army to fight the mutant hunting templars

25 Animus of Xor
An explorer in the neural chasms of Xor discovers a secret hidden race 

26 Ultra Pits of Xor
Explorers in the deeps of Xor find a great subdermal kingdom of evil wizards

27 Killers of Xor
A blood thirsty cult on a murder spree as they flee civilisation into the chaos wastes

28 Fighting Fungus of Xor
The bellybutton chasm strange forests of fungus and mould strange to people of Xor

29 Cancer of Xor
Hideous chaos growths menace a peaceful valley of warrior farmers

30 Oceans of Xor
Great oceans of sweat, tears and spi with hidden islands are explored by a bone ship

31 Bones of Xor
Great bone assemblages are home to new settlers, explorers and monsters

32 Flesh of Xor
Great flesh quarry where meat is exported and the troubles of the governor running it

33 Blood of Xor
Exterminating a cult of blood sacrifice dedicated to a vampire bat goddess

34 Breathe of Xor
Into the lungs adventurers seek a chaos incursion harming all of Xor

35 Brains of Xor
Explorers in the brain clusters of Xor seeking occult mysteries and strange wonders

36 Heart of Xor
Proffessor Carnodeles and his merry assistants look into the heart cathedral of Xor

37 Cannibal Mutant Babies of Xor
Giant babies roam the land eating everything so heroes seek a humane end for them

38 Zombies of Xor
Necromantic cult finds larder of corpses and causes trouble so heroes kill them

39 Flatulence of Xor
Gaseous emissions caused by demons of pestilence giving Xor bad bloating

40 Orifice of Xor
Land of a thousand sphincters, full of fleshy caves with treasure and monsters

41 Gateway of Xor
Intruders from another world exchanged with xorians and hijinx ensue

42 Invasion of Xor
Xor invades another realm bringing peoples of Xor to a new world not made of meat!

43 Devoured of Xor
Adventure inside Xor as explorers world eaten

44 Strangers in Xor
Visitors from a far off land explore Xor to trade and find stranded enemies from home

45 Tentacles of Xor
Tentacled mutant horrors invade and villagers must flee a land gone mad

46 Beasts of Xor
Hunter seeks strange beast to slay, enters caverns of Xor to find where beasts from

47 Templars of Xor
A warrior order help rouse a army for a crusade against chaos daemons

48 Berserker of Xor
Wild warriors raid a coastline and cavern systems for treasure and slaves

49 Bone Pyramid of Xor
Tomb of a mad necromancer king who plans on animating a bone 
50 Flesh Cube of Xor
A cube of flesh appears on a world crumbling apart offering a refuge from apocalypse

51 Carrion Ziggurat of Xor
Fleshy mountain of scarified wonder carved by cultists into the flesh of Xor 

52 Hierophant of Xor
A great priest unifies kingdoms to wage war on chaos infections breaking out

53 Crown of Xor
A king unifies local tribes to aid Xor in devouring a new realm as invaders

54 Healers of Xor
White necromancers heal and speak to the dead but some say they are really sinister

55 High Priestess of Xor
Great Priestess overcomes adversity, has great lovers and wins a kingdom 

56 Warriors of Xor
A tribal barbarian becomes a great warlord then royal guard and then king
57 Thieves of Xor
City urchin rises to become gang lord and many times uses stranger magic treasures

58 Wizards of Xor
School wizards meet again years later before tragically they must kill each other 

59 The Tower of Flesh
Heroes invade a flesh tower to kill the mighty meat master of flesh wizardry

60 Swords of Xor
Mercenaries fight various wars in lands of Xor before they battle a daemon horde

61 Axe of Xor
Barbarian brothers hunt and kill evil wizards who destroyed their kingdom

62 Harpoons for Xor
Men hunting humongous flesh creatures are drawn to world of Xor

63 Magnificent Meat Mages of Xor
A band of wizards battle a mutant army besieging a village

64 Mummies of Xor
A great underground tomb has awakened with mummies who prepare for war

65 In the Flesh Gardens of Xor
Escaping the pleasure pits of Xor are harder than any prison with bars

66 Gluttons of Xor
New arrivals greedily gorge on the wrong flesh and become mutant monsters

67 Midden Heaps of Xor
An ancient garbage heap has remnants of long lost civilisations

68 Birthmark of Xor
Heroes marked by blemish of Xor witness the invasion and devouring of their worlds 

69 Butchers of Xor
Heroes gather exotic organs and meats of Xor for wizards

70 Slime Pits of Xor
Exploring underground slime lakes and exotic island kingdoms

71 Carnage of Xor
A warrior order slaughter their way across the realm before heroes arise and kill them

72 Blood Feast of Xor
A savage cult taking over the region claim to know secrets of Xor

73 Madness of Xor
A land of madness and behaviour altering hormones tear lakes guarding a bad wizard

74 Reanimated of Xor
A wizard makes zombies from cloned corpses he has been growing for troops

75 Elder gods of Xor
Cult calling elder intruder gods to the land of Xor who were killed by heroes
76 Bird Gods of Xor
Strange kingdom of bird folk keep a wall to ward off humanity

77 Lizard Kings of Xor
A kingdom ruled by tyrant lizards and dinosaur minions that feed off Xor

78 Dreamers of Xor
Kingdom of wild wizardry where locals dream a whole new world in contact with Xor
79 The Predators of Xor
Monstrous creatures besiege a community who hold them off until allies arrive

80 Emperor of Xor
A ruler dedicated self to Xor and carved out a empire until he was betrayed

81 Surgeon Seers of Xor
Surgical cult who created monsters and explored the depths of Xor seeking power

82 Scar of Xor
Great sickly chasm has intruders from daemon realm, heroes are sent to purify them 

83 Sickness of Xor
Plague strikes the land and heroes travel to a node of Xor's mind to save people

84 Slumber of Xor
Xor recovers after long hibernation and creatures awaken for food
 and love
85 Love Slaves of Xor
A band of slaves travels, escape and eventual settlement of a new kingdom 

86 Warp Lords of Xor
A dread lord with powers of of the alien warp comes to Xor to raise a daemon army
87 Goddess of Xor
A new goddess assembles worshippers to prove her divinity to the god kings of Xor

88 The Flesh Daemons of Xor
Horrible invaders come to xor but mighty heroes foiled them

89 The Skin Flayers of Xor
A cruel warlord arises and is eventually foiled by a lack of supporters left alive

90 Sacrifices of Xor
A startling strange civilisation sacrifices thousands of captives to the maw of xor 

91 City of Flesh
A great city of merchants and nobles and it's many tales of treachery and adventure

92 Pit of the Meat God
A great god at the bottom of a pit is foiled then killed by heroes

93 The Carrion Fortress
A vast fortress of flesh holds back a undead horde keeping kingdoms of xor safe

94 City of Bleeding Gums
A bustling corrupt city of pink and ivory, where murder and mystery are at every turn

95 Rise of the Meat Lords
Warlords of barbarian tribes arise to exterminate wizards and demon worshippers

96 Rancid Meat Sceptre of the Beast
Artefact wielded by evil god is stolen by a mortal who destroys the beasts empire

97 Fleshfall of the Meatlord
Meteors land and alien flesh grows smothering the land with Xor here to devour all

98 War with the Dead
The fallen dead enslave xor for the eternal feasts of the dead

99 Rugose Slime Caves of the Vile Ones
A hideous outsider race dwells in caverns of flesh growing their evil spawn
100 Pustullent Ones Cometh
Great infected boils cover the land until a hero confronts the plague demon lord!