Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

War Against The Dark Lord 2: Dark Lords Encounters & Wonders

War Against The Dark Lord 2: Dark Lords Encounters & Wonders
So these are to be used as usual as the war is breaking out. Just used a d10 early on and higher dice for increasingly bad stuff. Encounters are the things you meet travelling or camping as war starts. Wonders are things you might witness and not get involved in. Some are just memorable sights to witness, some are opportunities to learn or fight evil. Lots of confused people don't know what is going on at first so characters could easily help out.

I would probably hit a party with a war from 4th level especially when just returning with lots of loot. During the war travel gets worse and fate nudges you into helping. The dark lord targets those who stand out in his great scrying halls where wizards spy on the world with magic. So as you stand out you get more supernatural surveillance and more encounters as enemy sent after the party.

Next will be loot and gossip. Lots of the gossip is dark lord propaganda. Lots of items are cursed or require evil people to use them.

Why does this random mook support the Dark Lord?
01 You get stability with the dark lord, he is just what we need right now  
02 Well one day one of these dark lords is gonna win and 
03 I have a lucky feeling this time, I can just feel this time he will win
04 All these pretty people will all be brought down low with fire and iron
05 Well its always been the same dark lord and he always comes back 
06 My ancestors made a pact to serve the dark lord and I got the call
07 The dark lord really looks out for the little guy, he understands us
08 All that dark lord stuff, its jus to scare the enemies into eternal subjugation
09 All those rich and pretty people stop the dark lords chosen getting what they deserve
10 The dark lord wants you to be free, to kill who you like when you like 
11 The Dark lord says remorse is for the weak while the strong take what they want
12 All this plotting and corruption is weak and slow, the dark lord simplifies everything

Why does this evil hero support the Dark Lord?
01 Was tainted by evil oaths for corrupt unholy weapons
02 Wanted to try and save family ended up killing them all
03 Was granted power in return for an immortal soul
04 Promised immortality among the dark lords chosen
05 Rivals killed by dark lord agents who occasionally show up
06 Once you get on board with the power you learn to stop caring
07 We must reduce the weak with trials of blood and fire every generation
08 Dark lords taint runs in your bloodline and they dream of the lords dark gaze
09 The dark lord represents how the universe works, the strong eat the weak
10 Nobody can defeat the darklord, sooner you join us the better
11 When did the forces of good do anything lately? Made universe then abandoned us 
12 The dark lord draws on unstoppable powers from the void before the universe

War Against The Dark Lord 2: Encounters
01 Goblin bat riders scouting area possibly skirmish but mostly seek food and info
02 Wolf riders scouting area possibly skirmish but mostly seek food and info
03 Area cloaked in webbing  and giant spiders wait in ambush
04 Pack of savage wild dogs menacing area for food
05 Goblin foot scouts with bows mostly want food and targets for other troops
06 Gang of bandits bear the dark lords mark having joined him
07 Gang of thieves in service of dark one ambushing and killing travellers
08 Swarm of rats - breeding and feeding from dead 5% chance carry plague
09 Swarm of bats 5% of them has rabies
10 Swarm of ravens - will mutter about dark lord and say his name "darklord!"
11 Shifty looking robed man watching area from afar, is really an orc scout
12 Squad of hobgoblins out to massacre commoners to spread terror
13 Evil priest raising some people they murdered as zombies to block the area
14 Robed cultists dedicated to the dark lord in robes, led by a wizard many apprentices
15 Dark robed weasly man convincing people to surrender and prepare for the master 
16 An evil bard is spreading gossip and propaganda supporting the evil one in war
17 Wandering mob of zombie peasants on a killing spree
18 A lycanthrope in human form seeks company on the road
19 Doppelganger spy of the evil master friendly to travellers seeks information
20 An ogre with clever sitting on path preparing a serf stuffed with rats for a meal
21 A shadow coalesces as an evil shadow hungry for the strength of the living
22 A group of ghouls bold enough to hide in shadows and overcast hungry for flesh
23 Wight warrior with an ancient black blade of the evil lords forge seeks something
24 A frightful wight knight on a bone golem horse harrases travellers and messengers
25 A dozen goblin archers with a d4 wolf riders an army scout group seeking intelligence
26 Six wolf riding goblins chasing common travellers with a wagon
27 Swarms of evil bats roam the land spawned by the dark lords blood
28 Hobgoblin squad crucifying some caravan guards who resisted led by cruel officer
29 Orc barbarian mob of dozen warriors and d4 berserkers have run ahead of plan to loot
30 Wild hairy naked gang of abhumans from the woods have been duped to unrest
31 Band of feral goatmen from the dark mountain want to harry the ruination of humankind
32 A lone ogre was ditched by his orc handlers and is lost and hungry 
33 Four orc warg riders scouting for local orc commander, will flee and get help
34 A ferocious insane troll from the deep has come to see the sun fall from the sky
35 A lone wounded orc sees trouble coming and with last gasp blows hor for aid roll again
36 Six giant bats each with a goblin archer harry travellers who can't fight back
37 A young 4th level necromancer and his dozen skeletonised serf with farm tools, seeks corpses can carry back to master to make undead, carry a d6 bodies
38 A dozed dark templars led by a 4th level priest of darkness stirring up terror
39 Four orcs commanding a dozen cowardly ill-equipped goblins
40 Hood wearing cultists with burning torches and swords killing anyone not in a hood
41 Hooded cultists mugging a country priest or friar while a d4 scared commoners watch
42 Galloping frightened horse with unconscious cavalry trooper hanging from the saddle
43 The child cries for help, tells of a dozen orc archers attacking homestead near
44 An invisible imp has a mission to molest travellers and keep eye out for heroes 
45 An invisible dark elf follows travellers intending to murder them by night when helpless
46 A robed hidden hobgoblin will fire a single poison arrow then flee to report to command
47 A goblin bat rider flies by if not stopped a turn later hear goblins coming. A d4 wolf riding goblins archers will track party first and retreat if hurt to join dozen goblin skirmishers who hunt the party
48 Hill giant sitting by road with a dead cow and a d4 probably dead farmers busy eating
49 A band of armoured dwarves 3d4 fled underland tunnels to avoid two squads of orcs chasing them each led by rival commander, dwarves seek travelling companions
50 A young elf is being chased by a squad of orcs, has spent spells already and unarmed. Carries a message warning of orcs siege on hidden elf stronghold to elf king
51 Dead man caries a d3 cursed items left here by a giant bat as a trap
52 Halfling in hiding warns of upcoming encounter up road (roll again)
53 Unburied bodies lay by the road and a d4+1 shadows arise to attack
54 A dozen rambling zombies travel in line to nearest settlement and attack everyone they meet on way
55 Wagon of refugees with belongings and wagon struggling to move cart, two squads of orcs are on the way here in ten minutes
56 Lone ranger on horse chased by dozen goblin wolf riders
57 Squad of orc pikemen burning a house while family trapped inside
58 Cult leader priest with a dozen hooded fanatics a chaos flagellant and six 1st level templar priests have captured a local leaders family and taking them to the dark lord 
59 A dozen chaos berserker mutant flagelant monks with war flails on killing frenzy
60 A dozen orc riding giant lizards gallop down road raiding the area
61 four wight warriors leading a dozen skeletons have awoken at the masters bidding
62 Six wight knights riding bone golem horses hunt adventurers the master wants
63 Pack of wolves d8+8 have chased a local person up a tree 
64 Orc barbarians on horseback, six with mounts here to kill minions of the dark lord who does nothing but fail them and lie, tribe dedicated to killing dark lord and his wizards and cults. Stop to ask directions where enemy orcs might be
65 Gang of youths with clubs eager to meet the invaders sure that being human alone will make them win, friendly to strangers and boast of future heroic deeds
66 Bard rider on horseback (dark lord cultist) telling all to flee coming evil armies
67 A dozen bandits of the area unconvinced the Dark Lord offer more justice or prosperity than current regime is helping refugees and wounded soldiers by holding off some goblin archers
68 A dozen barbarian riders here to kill minions of evil, normally they're kind unwelcome 
69 Elves helping some humans on the road with food and blankets (1in6 are dark elves in disguise and blankets carry plague and food is poison)
70 Distant horns and shaking earth as hundreds of orc heavy infantry and a dozen armoured war ogres. A dozen warg riders scout ahead and skirmish with enemies
71 An old knight leading 3 dozen militia hunting monsters, no idea how bad things are yet
72 Nuns with a wagon have heard needy folk need help. Not really helpless as they all carry maces, wear chain under robes and leader is 4th level priestess
73 Knight with his squire and several extra pack horses travelling and no idea of what's happening
74 A dozen knights led by a paladin and her priestess follower on a horse on a mission against a weapon of the enemy
75 A bandit gang of two dozen have been court off guard and escaping area with all their goods and a d6 harmless followers. Could be convinced to fight and earn a pardon but they plant to hide in a distant cave they have heard of
76 A merchant wagon train of fleeing rich with four dozen men at arms. A d3 merchant families and servants are fleeing to a ship to leave the continent
77 Local lord with seventy-five spearmen and six knights and forty archers on the hunt for evil
78 Amazons on horseback, dozen from beyond the frontier here to kill orcs or goblins, possibly meet some women to take home
79 Goblins mostly archers, two dozen killing a wounded d4 1=treeant 2=giant 3=hippogriff 4=cave bear
80 Wyvern is ridden by d4 1=orc hero 2=evil 5th level wizard 3=evil 4th level priest 5th=evil cultist knight
81 A dozen hill giants drunkenly lumbering about commanded by an orc hero and an orc squad of pikemen
82 A dozen orc heavy troops with composite bows, poison arrows, scimitars in chainmail, led by a hero with cursed evil blade and pet warg
83 A dozen lizardfolk warriors serving the dark lord against humans, these use obsidian war clubs and javelins and blowpipes with poison, led by a hero on riding giant lizard 
84 A dozen trolls marching to an orc drummer with a dozen orc pikemen and an orc hero behind them 
85 Goblin skirmishers are busy setting fire to forest or houses or something unwelcome
86 Dozen orcs riding giant boars from distant land led by a hero and druid companion here to kill those serving the dark lord, mostly avoid locals but enemy orcs fear them
87 Evil wizard with succubus or incubus lover trying to get back to dark lords side with espionage documents, if cant avoid others will pretend to be agents of the kind on a mission and if that work might try and lead the party to a command outpost to kill. Outpost will have at least four dozen words, a d4 wards and a 4th level evil orc priest
88 A wraith roaming the woods spies for the dark lord and reports adventurers location to the dark lord who sends six wyverns ridden by 4th level evil priests 
89 A wraith riding a zombie wyvern attacks non-allied adventurers
90 Chaos warband of thirty mongrel monster maniacs not affiliated with dark lord but up for raiding and looting and fighting. Goatman hero leader has harem of d6 chaos shoggoth lovers
91 Drums indicate hundreds of goblins running through area eating everything, most animals hide or flee
92 A dragon flies overhead and will ignore most travellers unless it is tempted by treasure, then it will breathe from the air than land to mell
93 A hundred orc heavy infantry marching and charting war chants led by an orc hero and evil priest adviser
94 A hundred skeletons marching with necromancer lord 9th Lv wizard, some of them play jaunty marching tunes on bone flutes and human skin drums 
95 A hundred corrupted human cultists 
96 A great demon of shadow and fire, flies overhead unseen for an age, a fallen demon angel serving the dark lord and thought all on earth killed by gods long ago
97 A great gaggle of over a hundred chaos tainted mutants shunned by the good and pretty relish the dark lord coming and have started murdering up to demonstrate their support
98 A spectral army of damned souls sworn to serve the dark lord long ago, now a hundred of these spirit warriors march as if they still lived
99 Army of 100 orc pikemen 100 orc heavy infantry 100 goblin archers 40 orc warg riders, 6 Hill giants, 4 megaceratops with cannon platforms on their backs and 80 goblin baggage handlers carry supplies in read and strip land of anything useful or of value. Each group is led by own hero and force is led by a demon who rides a shadow dragon
100 A colossal vessel of the dark lord has arisen, a terrible burning giant that lays waste to all in path with a hundred cultists following all chanting and sacrificing victims to him

War Against The Dark Lord 2: Wonders
01 The day grows shorter as twilight and sunset become several hours shorter
02 A great distant forest fire rains ash and sparks and smoke over a huge area for days. Chokes the air and reduces visibility and local spot fires startup
03 An eclipse long prophecized strikes panicking many peoples and paralysing both sides for a day
04 A great and terrible storm with gale-force winds sweeps over land destroying crops, damaging buildings and terrifying everyone. No forces move a d4 days
05 A volcano erupts surprising many, mostly darkens sky with smoke and makes sunsets more red and orange, but locals report damage and fire creatures spewing from the crater
06 A quake strikes the kingdom seemingly targeting many fortifications 
07 Heavy rain causes flash floods in lowlands and some people lose everything and even lives. Spreads chaos and hardship till giant beavers arrive to save the day
08 Bats swarm over the whole sky, millions upon millions like dark clouds
09 Coastal tsunami damages ports and fishing villages and many ships are lost
10 A plague breaks out in some cities as they prepare defences for war
11  A priest leading hundreds of singing peasants with flowers who are going to prey the evil one away with their love. The priest is mad as his secretly a doppelganger assistant has been poisoning him with madness drugs and mercury. The doppelganger really wants this scam to work and get promoted by the dark lord
12 An evil priest promises listeners life if they serve the dark lord and offers to take those willing to service and life behind enemy lines. Many desperate people are convinced by the promise of food and freedom. "Don't believe the lies, serving the dark lord is great!"
13 Baggage train of supplies in oxcarts heading to troops and needy is held up. An evil bard is trying to convince the quartermaster to take it all to the dark lord for gold and a title
14 A hundred orc spearmen and 40 goblin archers are leading the whole population of a village and several wagons of goods to the dark lord
15 A force of 100 barbarian horsemen from the frontier and a force of 100 knights have met on the road and the leaders are busy fighting about who should command and follow who and where the enemy is, this will continue for hours 
16 A sprawling force of a few dozen militia and several hundred irregular commoners with slings, bows and farm tools has united under the command of a naive young priest who marches to the enemy
17 Thousands of refugees swarm, abandoning heavy goods and broken wagons, some lost children and injured elderly crying for help
18 A wounded demoralised army retreating without any leadership fleeing and abandoning equipment, hundreds of men mostly wounded. Howls of wolves, drums and trumpets are behind them 
19 A priest driven mad by dark lord agents with drugs has assembled a children's crusade of three hundred city urchins with sticks and stones to fight the dark lord. All are hungry and cold
20 A recruitment station ahead has received two hundreds of recruits of all walks of life. Another hundred camp followers and refugees gather here also. Bard criers inform regularly new war and mobilisation news, people seem optimistic
21 A massive orc and goblin force is attacked by a third force of foreign orcs who set the orcs and goblins of the dark lord fighting while they flee. The force breaks up and scatters 
22 A marching army of undead is attacked by a fighting force of priests who route the undead scattering thousands of skeletons over the land all confused without orders
23 A halfling ventriloquist causes a dozen ettins to fight each other leaving several dead and most hurt. Then he starts taunting them again. 
24 Treants and tree spirit folk pour from the woods and route a goblin army 
25 A marching army of orcs halts. A wizard leader receives a message from the master and the whole force change direction to some distant cause
26 A marching army of orcs are repelled by halfling militia in trees throwing rocks
27 A great mighty wizard appears and routes an army of orcs and goblins
28 A hoarde of wildwood folk all hairy and naked and serving the dark lord are met by druids who convince them to change sides
29 An army of works is routed by mostly spells from elvish force who move in to finish off survivors 
30 A barbarian horde on horseback rout an army of orc infantry unprepared 
31 Forests are being infested with webs of giant spiders, some whole woodlands have been consumed
32 A migrating clan of ogres have set up a camp, more than  anyone in this land have ever seen
33 Thick black thorn bushes have sprung up in many places, blocking roads and forming huge hedge mazes meters wide sometimes, small races like goblins find it easier going than humans to cross
34 Millions of black rats swarm over the country spreading plague, eating stored grain and flowing into cities
35 A dark taint has overtaken local nature, evil squirrels and forest animals are hostile and tree spirits are evil unless someone can purify the heart of the forest in a secret druid cave
36 Hundreds of petrified fleeing human statues caught by a basilisk sent by the evil one. The beast still lurks awaiting orders
37 Squadrons of giant bats with goblin archers are attacked by giant eagles, clouds of ordinary bats and tiny birds fight around them darkening the sky, blood and feathers and bodies rain down
38 An abandoned army encampment with a few men hiding some wounded. The camp has been destroyed by werewolves spreading in the barracks now finally they have shed uniforms and destroyed most witnesses they have fled 
39 A wizard of the dark lord with hundred orc pikemen meets a cyclops leader to negotiate unity. Any interference now might ruin the meeting and possibility of the cyclops tribe joining. A dozen fighting cyclops are ready. It might be possible to get cyclops to help humans but this is harder
40 A colossal giant black undead wolf Carnix walks the land with a two dozen zombie wolves. The beast was released from the underworld by the dark lord and it longs to feast on humans
41 An army of orcs moving siege equipment, one of the weapons is worshipped as a minor god with a priesthood who care for it and it is pulled by a team of six megatheriums. The orc army includes 100 siege engineers 100 pikemen and 100 crossbowmen. The cult weapon is d4 1=Ullzauel the god cannon 2=Luran the violet ray apparatus 3=Gorizol a machine with lense to amplify a basilisk gaze 4=Hellspitter a machine that shoots a 20d6 fireball using gems as ammo 
42 Orc sappers have been digging and using black powder to divert a river that could flood all the lowlands. The massive earthworks are visible for miles. Once close see they are using human slave labour and have built a camp where the river diverging will destroy
43 Wizards have made vast black stone walls blocking roads and waterways causing chaos
44 A great string dust cloud is moving among it thousands of zombies moving in a herd to the dark lord's design. This control is based on a relic that might be damaged
45 A vast lake of mud has been created by wizards to block certain road routes and supply lines of the king's army. King's wizards hope to make a path through it by turning mud back to stone but mostly the land is ruined
46 A dark lord wizard unleashed a wind of death causing every 1HD or less humanoid to save or die as spectral death spirits slay those who fail with scythes and carry souls away. Survivors are horrifies 
47 Water is tainted with chaos in the area, strange plants, animals and mutant locals turn evil until taint is stopped
48 A great tribe of forest orcs unwilling to get involved in this age of strife using their druidic relics to all turn into trees for a few hundred years to the dark lord has gone or someone can find a way to revive them or convince them humans would cooperate against other orcs
49 A great barbarian prince with his burning spear Bloodbrand leads his army to attack an orc camp and personally slays a death knight hero of the dark lord
50 A great gathering of naked orcs standing about aimlessly. In the middle in a great muddy pit wizards make new orcs from the mud. Apprentices try to encourage orcs to try weapons and learn evil language commands. In a few days, they will be ready to fight 
51 A comet passes overnight, next day plague has broken out across the world
52 A shooting star crashes actually a greater demon entering the world released by the dark one 
53 A great burning light of the dark lord is seen blazing over the horizon shooting bolts of power into a great dark hole in the clouds above
54 A great spectral projection of the dark lord appears in the sky a supposed portent of his divinity according to the cult
55 A river turns red with blood, choked with corpses and body parts
56 Sixty orcs are digging up a graveyard and assembling skeletons on tables for a necromancer to make into skeletons. Have about 70 so far make a dozen a day, plan to be here a week
57 A giant cyclops orc hero leading a horde of a hundred irregular wild orcs with his great spear Grimsplinter a poison evil weapon used in the dawn age to kill an elf king. Has a personal guard of ogrillion orc-ogre hybrids
58 Great colossal drake Gloomfang unseen for an age plunges from the sky and destroys a town with fire and rages in the flames screaming
59 A vast dark shadow covers the land as armies of darkness advance allowing them more freedom in daylight for many cave born orcs and undead. As the armies advance dark priests plant monoliths that expand the effect, A temple in the dark lord's realm controls this effect with an artefact called the Cradle of Darkness
60 An ice lich riding an undead woolly rhino leads an army of a thousand frost covered zombies, spreading winter like conditions as they advance. The lich carries an artefact brings winter with it and has six living dark elf luitwnants riding winterwolves
61 Evil dwarves explode a cliff face revealing their great garage magical war juggernauts and a few iron golems to roll out over the land and crush humanity for the evil one
62 Dark elves call the great gnawing underworld dragon Nidhog to kill all the crops and fruit with blight overnight. Each night the dark elves affect a new district riding on wolves
63 Goblins call on their great worm god to spawn a plague of maggots that eat any food or crops on the plant then gnaw on wood or animals. Takes a few years to die off
64 Spiders have woven great cables over vast distances they can use like a telegraph system to send messages. The cables can be followed to spider operated stations and a hub connected to the dark lords command
65 A colossal spider monster bursts from the earth with her army of giant spiders
66 Tarrasque has been awoken by the dark lord and is being directed by a gold torc that hurts the beast. If freed it goes for the local dark lord HQ to destroy it
67 A great insect hive of evil tainted termite folk grows towering over area as trees stripped and earth scoured for construction. If the evil tainted queen is killed the colony die
68 Orcs are razing all the trees in a valley to build a gargantuan construct to house the essence of the dark lord if his current body fails
69 Goblinoids are digging a vast pit with slave human labour digging up a giant armoured corpse of a past form of the dark lord they hope to revive (you cant have 2 dark lords right?)
70 A local leader has camp with four hundred refugees, 100 spearmen, 100 archers and 100 horsemen. The king has been confused by his evil bard and is paralysed with indecision and has locked up their heir who dared disagree in a bout of paranoia. Orc scouts know of their plight and dark forces gather
71 Hundreds of forest animals and faerie folk and tree spirits pour from the woods and send a army of monsters fleeing
72 An orc force is under siege by a larger horde of beastfolk united against the dark lord and his wizard scum who tortured and enslaved beast folk in the past
73 A river or stream is polluted and banks fouled. Following upstream is a basilisk lair where the dark lord left an egg to hatch under a toad to poison the area. Stone statues of adventurers and goblins are scattered in the area
74 A sinkhole collapses getting bigger and bigger changing area with a rubble-filled flooded depression. Strange creatures of the deep scuttle out like giant bugs and worms later weird giant fungus sprouts everywhere around the area
75 The giant fungus is growing everywhere rapidly and spore spots develop on trees and plants. This fungus attracts giant bugs and worms and flies to the area and goblins love to forage here
76 An orc hero druid priestess riding a giant stag leads orc barbarians and hopes to liberate deluded orcs from evil and reconnect them with their spirit ancestors. The orc army will grow and the dark lord will send assassins and monsters to destroy her. Eventually leading orcs against the dark lords HQ
77 A black strange castle fades into reality like some phantom, undead winged apes in service of the dark lord swarm out to kidnap victims for the castle. The alien tentacle faced ultraterestrial  wizards from beyond inside drain victims souls to power the castle jumps and the bodies are encased in armour as undead troops. The dark lord only called them out of desperation as they will always betray him eventually
78 A great web structure over hundreds of yards part of a huge cable goes into the sky out of sight. Spiders guard the base and keep a look out for fire they will try to smother out with fresh webbing. The dpiders have tethered a star to the earth and agents of the darklord have invaded a celestial palace of a star spirit and her elf courtiers. The dark lord caught one of her spies and struck first fearing she might gather the stars themselves against him. An evil wizard advises the orc hero with a famous scimitar Moonrazor. The star eas sitting on the fence as stars do but now if freed will reward rescuers and send owls to the other stars and the celestial bureaucracy to get the gods acting. Her influence sheers decades off process. She offers advice on the dark lords artifact locations and weapons that could be used against him 
79 A great tree has been felled and partly burned. Aparently some faerie folk lived inside and in the roots blow. Various local talking animals, spirit folk and faries have gathered to bury friends. Nice cottage decor has been smashed and charred. A good opportunity to recruit a unusual follower. The critters might be motivated to fight or help
80 A winking star has appeared revealing the evil one has released a new great demon to the world and his cause. By day the demon appears in various battles where needed by the dark lord
81 The pole star shine bright larger than ever, a sign evil fears. Polestar sends spirits to the mortal world returning lost hero weapons from thousands of years ago that the dark lord fears. Across world heroes who have heard of the polestar myth look up and wonder if they will receive a gift
82 A great gateway opens in the mountain releasing shadows and zombies and skeletons. Distant chanting of cultists can be heard keeping the gate open. If slain the gate closes. The cult have a relic, special books and magical ingredients required to open this. The head priest of darkness is a famous evil hero and wanted criminal for killing royalty
83 Strange green and violet glows flicker and dance about in the northern sky. Some say this is god battling the darkness to weaken the dark one 
84 A strange luminous cloud passes over area inflicting many with mutations. Some locals are quick to shun or even kill mutants so many are forced to flee unless someone stops theses troublemakers. The condition might be cured with a rare lawful herb
85 An ancient wizard tower is under attack by a hundred orcs who have improvised siege weapons and await some black powder kegs or a cannon. The wizard guards a relic feared by the dark lord that could greatly aid the good forces. A spirit might inform the party of this but the wizard will be reluctant to use the weapon
86 A great crack in the earth opens releasing a d6 dragons and 3d6 wyverns who proceed to cause trouble. Twisting tunnels to the deep may release more monsters
87 A vast area covered in mold where people die from choking spores and the dead arise as fungal bloated undead. A fungus demon noble trapped in a apparatus at the centre held by the dark lords wizards. If freed the demon offers to send minions to aid when released it
88 An army of the darklord has human slaves digging up what seems to be a silver tower that fell and was buried long ago. Strange weapons of law are inside the wizard leader of the expedition hopes to claim
89 A great gathering of wild hairy naked wild folk with burning whicker man idols meeting at sacred stones. They are debating in their rare language which side to join. One who has served the dark lord as a dark hero offers death to the clothed folk and their stupid gods. An older king priest disagrees but is being burned tonight. Various candidates fight to be the next 7 year ruler including the dark lord agent who cheats with his priest and wizard followers. Humans mostly unwelcome but demihumans, beastfolk or halflings might get a say or chance to stop evil plots. Most humans don't know these wild folk exist or ever meet and would fear them
90 A serpant man wizard leading a lizard folk army with veloceraptor cavalry and a war trex. The wizard rides chariot pulled by a triceratops and has a dark elf chariot driver. He is doing a favor for the dark lord just this once an unpopular decision. If he dies the rest will likely return to their hibernation dungeon till the next apocalypse if given the chance
91 The moon changes colour to a strange eerie red and the whole night sky is filled with dim red light, a preview of what will happen if evil wins. Moon cultists determine a certain moon ziggarutt run by amazons in secret is under siege and is key to saving the moon. Inside is a gate to the moons celestial palace where evil has infiltrated
92 An evil star falls actually part of world left from creation demons have inhabited for aeons. The dark lord has brought them here to spread chaos but the demon prince of what is now a huge flaming crater seeks dominion over area. Demon cultists and chaos fanatics begin a pilgrimage here
93 Great burning evil eyes in the evening sky make everyone in world have lower saves by -2 each night until dark lord distracted or the aparatus used is broken. Experts know of the relic from previous use 
94 On the highest point in the land orcs are erecting an ancient design of a wizard defence tower that will be able to shoot burning rays to anything in its line of sight. A great crystal to power it is being moved to the gem in wagons with an escort
95 Ankheg giant burrowing bugs fill the area with hundreds of trenches, tunnels and pits intending it to be a future fortress. Once bugs hold strategic points as guards goblinoids from the deep pour out and man the bizarre fortification choking the area and expanding. Fungus thrives in tunnels with gobbo care and other giant bugs move in. Area will be prone to bugs and giant fungi for a long time
96 Magma pours from volcanic vent with lava forming a great basalt wall blocking a natural chokepoint blocking armies. If stopped quickly by killing salamanders chanting in the rift can be stopped 
97 One of the great dragons of evil is attacking a crumbling fortress with it's orc troops where an important future hero lives. Elves riding griffins appear and drive the beast away with lightning wands. Will anoint the chosen youth with gifts (and for family) and insist child goes to faerie land for training till right moment when needed (child returns as adult knight hero anytime)
98 Somewhere in the world a halfling messes up one of the dark lords infernal apparatus. Flickering lights in the sky alarm experst world wide and various evil relics and communications of the dark lord are crap for a d4 days till fixed. Perhaps the effect can be repeated at right time by good allies  
99 A gigantic dwarf golem the size of a small fort has a defensive force of 40 dwarf inside to shoot crossbows or guns from battlements in the titan. The giant lumbers to the nearest dark lord base to start smashing until eventually a greater demon or dragonfire destroys it. Once war over will march into a door in a mountain to be sealed till next time
100 A major force of the dark lord is camped ready to march. Someone somewhere lures away the wyverns patrollingthe sky away. Grey gnomish airships from a great door in a mountain come out and from extreme altitude drop poison gas, burning oil and black powder bombs on the army horribly burning and melting and blasting the army. Wyverns return confused and think they will get the blame. The next day survivor orcs come out in the plague and the area is diseased for a long time and taints the flesh of local animals for decades

note i am infamous in my crew as not liking flying ships or balloons in anything but my deep gnomes are near victorian tech level scientific murder hobos. Princess ark was probably the best thing in Dragon mag for years but at the time i wanted spells and rules and was getting grittier history gaming. When Known world was Mystara it became unusable to me. 

Friday, 1 May 2020

Ghost Towns of the Ghost Wood

Ghost Towns

d6 Size

1 Tiny Hamlet d6 buildings
2-4 Small Village d6+3 buildings
5 Large Village 2d6+6 buildings
6 Small Town 4d6+12 buildings

d6 Condition
1 Hidden crumbling ruins are overgrown with trees and creepers
2 Collapsing ruins most roofing gone, the place has been stripped by looters
3 Fragile and falling apart structures and mounds of rubble and scrap
4 Burned partly intact roof, falling apart 
5 Battered and leaky, falling apart, piles of
 rubbish and scrap inside
6 Worn and in need of some repairs

d12 Lesser Feature (1per6 buildings)

1 Graveyard
2 Smithy
3 Small church
4 Communal barn
5 Small inn
6 Stable
7 Pond, gloomy and dank and choked by weeds (water weird?)
8 A gloomy hanging tree or execution block
9 Gibbett with a tortured corpse in a cage on pole by road
10 General store
11 Midden heap of garbage as big as a house
12 Stone crypt

d12 Major Feature (1per12 buildings)
1 Marketplace 
2 Work sheds
3 Mill & granary
4 Old mine or quarry
5 Caravan inn for traders
Monument d4 1=fountain 2=obelisk 3=statue 4=gate
7 Docks and fishing boats on a gloomy body of water

8 Cellblock 1=sherriff office 2=prison 3=slave market 4=slave pens
9 Statue to some old hero d4 1=has spirit in it 2=vanalised with paint and feces 3=smashed 4=has a water feature of drinking water
10 Temple with several outbuildings d4 1=haunted 2=monster lair 3=defiled by cult 4=taken over by a lesser demon
11 Strange house of a wizard or witch seeking isolation
12 An ancient stone megalithic monolith from ancient times

d12 Spooky Effects

1 Piles of old bones and skulls
2 Creeking buildings groan and shudder in the wind
3 Whistling wind 1in6 chance of a gale
4 Dark clouds gather 1in6 chance of lightning and rain
5 Owl hoots, wolf howls and other animal noises
6 Cobwebs thick block doorways and hang in trees
7 Rats scurrying everywhere in vegetation and rubble
8 Frightened by reflection or shadows
9 A human corpse with belongings in a state of decay
10 Cawing ravens hop about curiously
11 Structure collapses or ground gives way to some buried pit or cellar
12 Fog rolls in eerily and chill hits

d12 Lesser Hauntings
1in6 chance per building

1 Elderly hermit or witch hiding from the world but knows the area well
2 Gang of d6+6 bandits lair
3 Pack of feral dogs d4+3
4 Loner 1=madman 2=cannibal 3=murderer 4=village idiot
5 Giant spider
6 Poltergeist rattles building angrily
7 Ghouls sniffing and digging for human remains d4+1 led by a ghast
8 Coffer corpses feigning death d4
Huecuva feign roles of friendly human vagrants d4
10 Spectral minion of a commoner, a luminous but harmless spirit 
11 Spectral minion, armed seeks violent retribution 1in6 for 2d4 of them 
12 Wight of an ancient warrior screams hate for life by night

d12 Major Hauntings 1in6 chance per 12 buildings
1 Hell Hound or Dire wolf or another evil canine with an evil reputation among locals

2 Cult of a dozen led by a spell caster having a secret meeting
3 Shadows creep from dark cracks d4
4 Tribe of goblins 4d6 adults, d6 old d6 young led by chief + d1 1=goblin shaman 2=thoul bodyguard 3=d6 hobgoblin elite 4=bugbear headhunter
5 Dark elf scouts d4+1 with d6 human skeletons d6 goblin thralls 
6 Evil wizard working in a secret criminal potion lab +d4 apprentices and d4+4 orcs 
7 Gothic willow dryad, needy for love with a d4-1 current charmed lovers
8 Horrible beast lair d4 1=Leucrotta 2=baslisk 3=wyvern 4=manticore
9 Spirit being dwells here to avoid humans 1=spririt animal folk 2=minor land spirit wants area cleansed of evil 3=evil spirit aids and helps monsters and evil beings in ruins 4=lesser devil or demon (imp or better)
10 Undead tomb or lair, part of a curse to return here or following order of greater evil 1=Vampire (most often thrall serving a greater vampire) 2=mummy 3=wraith 4=spectre
11 Screaming banshee lets lose an evil cry
12 Nighthag or lesser demon with a d4 prisoners

d12 Curse of the Village
1 A horrible betrayal and murder left an angry spirit that has ruined the village from revenge
2 Cultists overtook village and brought it to ruin d4 imps scuttle about
3 An ancient tomb was damaged and a terrible undead being awoken, driving folk away
4 The plague wiped out all and contamination around village carries some risk
5 A corrupt official spread evil cult here and in a night of horror all had died or fled 
6 Someone found a cursed item that attracted evil and still is hidden and forgotten here
7 Criminals came and murdered the locals leaving several grisly spectral minions that scare away intruders 
8 A witch lived among village plotting and turning people against each other until only she remained. She still lives in a shack on the edge in a spooky cottage
9 A wicked cultist or witch was burned but came back as a monster for revenge killing everyone
10 Locals had a long-running feud with the wild folk and non-humans in the area but finally poisoned and murdered them all. A few survivors prayed to their gods for revenge
11 Someone here, possibly a traveller brought the attention of an evil wizard who sent disaster to this place and possibly has a spy minion here
12 A gate to the netherworld was opened once in a ritual and never really closed and attracts evil ever since unless it can be destroyed

d12 Lesser Secrets (one per 10 buildings)

1 Tunnels under the village used by smugglers in olden times open in many buildings
2 One of the buildings is an evil shrine that can heal undead a d4 HP 
3 An evil cult meet here often with creepy signs of rituals remain  
4 A criminal gang of killers has a building they hide loot in and occasionally hide in, they always carry holy symbols and come by day and hide by night. The gang leave victims for monsters so they get ignored by evil beings here who welcome their wickedness
5 A feral child lives here is fed scraps by ghosts and monsters and is scared of humans
6 Remains of bodies that seemingly murdered each other
7 A strange animal spies on explorers but flees and vanishes if scrutinised, animal spirit folk d4 1=seeks victims to trick 2=wants to eat human flesh 3=hunting evil 4=wants town cleansed
8 A wood golem a carved horrible tree idol hidden in bushes craves blood by night
9 Lots of jack o lantern scarecrows around the village to stop people leaving
10 A demihuman of faerie folk lives in a house will invite for tea once it is sure explorers not hostile. They know story of the place and how to cleanse the local curse 
11 Caves and a sinkhole are in the area with underground stream and haunted grotto 
12 An old well is a lair where a creature hides d4 1=giant frog 2=wererat 3=albino fishman stranded long ago now mad 4=serpent folk wizard has hidden lair and lab in well

d12 Greater Secrets (one if over 30 buildings)
1 An artwork is an illusionary gateway to the past where you can see the disaster that ruined the community began. Spectral minions inside the artwork are in a time loop

2 A necromancer has set up a base in a crypt with a d4 apprentices who have made all the available corpses into undead which they can call on. Plan harm to some community
3 A succubus lives here often in disguise d4 1=attractive spooky priestess 2=escaped slave seeking help 3=lost child needs help finding mommy
4 An underground complex connects to a pagan temple of a forgotten prehuman empire with ancient guardian beings
5 A hill near the village is a barrow and by night a wight or other undead comes forth
6 A devil swine has charmed servants feeding them and will try to capture strangers to meet the master and he's hellish influence
7 A huge serpent hides in water or a cave and is attracted to noise 
8 A hellcat lurks hoping to find a better master than the useless coward it has now
9 A mad magician breeds giant or mutant animals in a hidden location hoping to scare off meddling troublemakers 
10 A demon prince has interests here and if curse cleansed will send cult to kill defilers 
11 A good relic here is guarded by evil
12 Inquisitor or exorcist set off a false witch craze and now they are a damned undead. A headstone monument marks the dozen burned victims proved innocent

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Sargassum Faction Generator

This is for settlements in the sargassum of which there are more than you expect except they have been brought here over centuries and all simultaneously inhabit similar space and are quite probably separated from their own kind. Some Aquatic races understand the faerie land nature of the place and build kingdoms here.

So you don't need to roll all of these things.
You could roll extra of the tables for bigger factions.

Most factions have a leader that might be smartest or strongest
-leader often has bodyguard
-leaders have mates and family around them

Most factions have a spiritual leader that might be their smartest
-most small groups have a senior initiate or acolyte at least
-often Priest, Wizard, Druid, Sorcerer, Monk, Shaman or whatever
-larger groups have multiple sects and places they gather

So faction has
-a lair
-pets 1in6 have lots of domesticated
-strongest d3
-smartest d3

Then work out chief and possibly sub chiefs sets and spiritual leader
The strongest guys often end up if not chief end up as a champion or bodyguard
The smartest guys could be the main boss, spiritual leader or just an adviser or expert

d12 Lair of Faction

1 Giant sea shell above and below water
2 Treehouse in giant kelp plant above and below water
3 Inside ancient ruins above and below water
4 Village of fisherfolk built of scrap
5 Prehistoric tower of pink coral above and below water
6 Inside structure inside a coral reef above and below water
7 Inside an ancient church or temple ruin
8 Inside a wrecked ship held above the water by giant kelp trunks
9 Inside a gigantic sea monsters belly (inside a biological pocket dimension)
10 Inside a cave above and below water 
11 Inside living tunnels within gigantic kelp trunks 
12 In an old lighthouse or boatshed and wharf

d12 Common Faction Type
1 Pirates got lost now want escape and treasure
2 Smugglers here with criminal goods want escape
3 Fisherman came exploring and got lost 
4 Slavers came exploring and found slaves so stayed
5 Sailors from a wrecked ship stranded here
6 Castaways all passengers on a transport ship
7 Islander natives stranded in storm want to escape or food or fight
8 Naval Kingdom ship crew exploring in name of the crown but lost
9 Holy order carrying relics and treasure has gone into hiding and heretical
10 Cultists worshipping vile demonic gods gibbering madly
11 Wizard Expedition seeking blasphemous lore and elder secrets
12 Strange Factions roll below or stranded convicts turned cannibal

d12 Strange Faction Types

1 Abhuman beast folk (d6 1=rat, 2=gull, 3=fish, 4=snake, 5=marine iguana 6=squid)
2 Abhuman beast folk (d6 1=otter, 2=frog, 3=monkey 4=parrot 5= 6=marine turtle)
3 Abhuman beast folk (d6 1=shark 2=sea urchin 3=eel 4=crab 5=brine shrimp 6=trilobite)
4 Abhuman elemental folk (d6 1=mist, 2=water, 3=seaweed 4=salt 5=wood 6=stone)
5 Undead (d4 1=ghouls 2=wight vikings 3=zombies &  4=lich & skeleton crew
6 Seahag (d4 1=x4 seatroll sons 2=x7ogre sons 3=x2 shambling mounds 4=cyclops son)
7 Wizard and students (d4 1=necromancer 2=demonologist 3=illusionist 4=elementalist)
8 Witch coven serving (d4 1=sea dryad 2=sea nymph 3=sea hag 4=kraken)
9 Evil priest with imp, templar guards and the means of calling a lesser demon 
10 Sea elves (d4 1=faerie knights 2=elven wizards 3=elven priests 4=young elves having earthly frolic) 
11 Spirit folk changelings (d4 1=sea weed spirit 2=water spirit 3=sealion spirit 4=fish spirit)
12 Lycanthrope shape shifters (d6 1=shark 2=wolf 3=rat 4=snake 5=goat 6=cat)

d12 Horrible Pets

1 Hydra that hands around they throw victims too (undead prefer necrohydra)
2 Hellhounds, some with mutations from being chaos tainted
3 Baby lesser fish demon likes to exhort gang to acts of wickedness 
4 Living statues of ancient abhuman warriors 
5 Shambling mounds, from heaps of rotting vegetation 
6 Giant starfish, eats garbage and screaming victims were thrown in the mouth 
7 Dinosaur pet often aquatic breed
8 Giant fish folk with trident faction sacrifice victims too
9 Giant octopus or squid in a sacrificial pool
10 Gigantic slimy shoggoth all tentacles and gibbering mouths
11 Dragon turtle that loves to eat ships and crew also can carry passengers
12 Ancient crinoid elder thing in a pit knows great lore faction torture it for

d12 Factions Strongest

1 Mysterious warrior monk, others of the same kind fear and shun them
2 Honourable fighting abhuman brute, if respects foe will give them chances
3 Former gladiator and pit fighter now scarred champion of gang
4 Former bandit and crooked rebel fighter
5 Barbaric savage with primitive equipment
6 Member of an exotic race, a humanoid warrior hero 
7 Machiavellian leader likes strategy games and discipline 
8 Ambitious noble, seeking social status among aristocrat peers
9 Warrior priest from a military holy order dedicated to an extreme alignment
10 Pirate captain notorious for cannibalism, murder and mayhem
11 Mobster clan leader runs banditry, heists and providing work for wanted criminals
12 Huge musclebound brute others fear but are controlled the smartest person in faction

d12 Factions Smartest
1 Scheming master of spies, messages, assassins and making political plots
2 Evil high priest of a cult seeks elder lore and relics but acts are secret with cult
3 Evil high priest of darkness god seeks to spread the evil ways of elder religion
4 Wizard seeks elder arcane documents for spell research and personal power
5 Likes to breed and create monsters and build a creature farm
6 Likes undead and adopts stray horrors and human remains to create own  
7 Alchemist operates a lab making potions and magic items
8 Greedy expert on money-making schemes, dark accounting secrets and treasure hunts
9 Diplomat cultivates many allies and ambassadors of other factions
10 Has developed survival methods and controls resource personally like water
11 Paranoid zealot drums up fear constantly versus enemies to gain influence
12 Charismatic demagogue has convinced peers they are mighty, wise and noble

d12 Factions Resource
1 Garden of various seaweeds and rockpools and fish traps for food
2 Water sources such as a spring, natural cistern, storage or desalination plant
3 Hidden grotto with volcanic spring and secret caves
4 Pile of treasure probably here for centuries possibly cursed
5 A hidden ruined temple with ancient tablets and murals from prehistory
6 A wrecked ship was hidden by vegetation and sand now a secret chamber
7 Volcanic caves with lava pools and thermal springs and sulphur

8 Ancient wizard tower with prehistoric magic tablets and laboratory
9 Graveyard full of undead and a secret way to get past them known to faction
10 Know several local monster lairs that can bargain with for aid
11 Know territories of dangerous creatures that can be used in traps or escapes
12 Has a supply of magic potions and make a new one per month by some possibly repulsive manner

d12 Faction Schemes

1 Slavery operation making captives gather food and labour, selling some
2 Cannibal cult and butchery, some keep as hidden surprise others a part of reputation
3 Collect treasure and wealth by any means mostly foul
4 Make other factions their thrills and vassals who offer regular tribute
5 Find a way off the sargassum possibly steal a ship
6 Desperate for basic resources like food and water to survive
7 Seek a better place to live due to some growing local problems
8 Support a great ritual to call on a daemon, elemental, devil or thing from outer void
9 Spread like a cult, recruit others into the group to grow
10 Wipeout another faction locked in a struggle for generations
11 Obtain magical lore or relic for power
12 Catch hostages of other factions

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Into the Sargassum part two

So into the sargassum, you see strange things lots and these tables will help create wonder. These are spectacles and this environment. I could use it partly like a marine Ravenloft and have it a vast otherworldly faerieland that comes and goes. Players could visit other planes through the Sargassum including the parts that overlap with the undersea hell.

d12 How did you discover the Sargassum
1 Sent on a quest at just the right time and location
2 Travelling by sea passage and pass through a storm
3 Travelling on a boat as strange fog rolls over the area
4 Went through a spectacular magic gateway
5 Cursed by a powerful sea witch
6 Fish folk tricked you into sailing into a magical void
Spirits or minor divinities are offended
8 The crew of ship ignored bad omens or crew broke taboo
9 Found maps and astrological charts to find 
10 Found account in rare books of how to find 
11 Fairie folk or one of their relics brought you brought here
12 Drowned and woke up here

d12 Shipwrecked Folk
01 Convict labour gang, some with chains, sort of glad to be free
02 Slaves happy to be free at first
03 Merchant of a familiar land
04 Merchant of a strange foreign land
05 Pirate crew heavily armed with a treasure
06 Naval ship crew with marines
07 Family of settlers keen to settle somewhere new and safe
08 Cultists on pilgrimage keen start a new colony when they get a sign
09 Privateer adventurers looking for enemy ships or native treasure
10 Whaling ship crew drawn here during a battle with a strange whale
11 Fisherfolk in small two-person boat, exploring for treasure 
12 Villagers from native canoes of the great sea nomads

d100 Wonders of Sargassum
01 A volcano is bubbling from the sea giving off smoke, steam, heat and light
02 Island of sand with several palm trees and a stranded loner
03 A small island with a fearsome carved temple inside
04 Lighthouse on a rock outcrop, keepers have no idea how they got here
05 Tiny haunted castle on a small island 06 Small but cruel prison fortress for hostages
07 Small volcano island with a temple and a village
08 Island covered in strange prehuman statues and monoliths
09 Island with a gigantic nest on the highest rock
10 A tiny island with prehistoric ruins and savage cannibal tribe
11 Huge kelp and sargassum weed mass with a castle of sand and seashells on top
12 A huge mound of seaweed with tunnels inside and structures on top
13 A gigantic mound of quivering starfish devouring washed-up corpses
14 Dead area overgrown with salt deposits and crystals
15 Dead gigantic whale or dinosaur corpse being eaten by sharks
16 A number of huge trunks forming walkways in a complex spiral pattern
17 A hill sized cluster of egg mass with birds pecking at them
18 Gigantic structure of giant stems and leaves with a multiple platform layered village
19 Giant seashell fit for a home for some local marine beast folk
20 Mass of vegetation and trees in a raft fused with sargassum into a forest patch
21 Shambling trade town build of driftwood and salvage
22 Tiny shack and wharf with tiny boats for lease or sale
23 Tiny shack selling rum, food and opium
24 Fishermans shack with an old man who loves it here but no idea how got here
25 Seamans lodge a fraternal seafarers order who look after members 
26 Circus tent with sea animals and creatures and carny weirdos 
27 Seaside junk shop with strange non human merchant
28 Complex woven weed platform with a village and soil for crops on top
29 A great trunk of kelp formed a wizard tower
30 Pink coral castle guarded by hermit crab knights
31 Wrecked half a ship operating as a tavern
32 Shipwreck with chests and skeletons, zombies and ghoul guards
33 Shipwreck with baggage and surviving passengers or crew 
34 Shipwreck badly burned with plague-carrying survivors inside living like wretches 
35 Shipwreck of missionaries from a church on way to convert new lands
36 Shipwreck of pirates with several other ships and buildings of sea trash
37 Several wrecked warships ground up into a mess with each other
38 Shipwreck with spectral minions commanded by a spectre
39 Shipwreck with dead cultists inside murdered and robbed by someone
40 Shipwreck of a non-human race of a type strange to most
41 Spectacular pool with naked merfolk swimming about 
42 Seaweed dwelling goblins dancing and singing and selling market goods
43 A thin tower built of coral and giant seashell tops build by sea elves
44 Marine iguana folk basking on ancient sone basalt slabs with carvings on them  
45 Crab folk picking clean skeleton of a sea giant
46 Squid folk in robes chanting to a strange slime-covered tomb 
47 Selkie family of faerie folk basking in sun some as seals some as naked humans
48 Walrus men pirates using salvaged wood to build a tavern
49 Fishfolk warriors seek sacrifices, treasure and glory for the greedy fish gods
50 Quaint fishing village of gnomes living in giant seaweed with pet herons and pelicans
 Stone altar by a pool, home of a giant octopus
52 Giant clam shell inside is home of a nymph or sea dryad
53 A cluster of giant seaweed growth is home to a band of harpies with treasure 
54 Giant sea turtle shell with a gang of fiendish squid folk cultists inside                            55 Cave in a tiny island is a dragons lair
56 Stone pyramid with undead mermummies inside, horrible hybrid undead
57 Stone sentinels here for aeons really golems awake if a long gone for returns
58 Strange basalt towers with strange reptilian figures on them 
59 Petrified stone forest of giant seaweed and kelp
60 Stunning forest of giant kelp connected by vines and walkways
61 Collection of ship anchors, some rusted, some bronze or ancient carved stone
62 Forest of giant kelp with tangled ship rigging amongst it occupied by critters
63 The giant shell of crab or lobster shell possibly a house or might attract scavengers
64 Gigantic sea shell structure with buildings inside using the structure as shell house
65 Colossal jellyfish with luminous insides swirling about
66 Titanic egg of some kaiju
67 Skeleton of some gargantuan kaiju
68 Hundreds of drowned bodies collected in a vast net of weed, sea ghouls pick at them
69 Kaiju gargantuan monster swallowing a smaller one whole in a days-long process
70 A huge raft of floating 
carnivorous moving sargassum weed
71 A tiny island with a cave, hundreds of statues here from local medusa
72 Remnants of a broken and sunken bronze statue of some standing figure
73 Titanic starfish or slug gnawing on great trunks of giant seaweed
74 Gargantuan worm writhing through the giant weed gnawing on giant kelp trunks
75 House sized tentacled horror full of eyes and mouths shambling along or swimming
76 Gargantuan Kraken swimming or climbing, hunting for giant crabs or tasty humanoids
77 Giant sea urchin shells
78 Seaweed shambling mounds and vegepygmy tribe battling fish folk vegetarians
79 Fish folk running undersea beauty contest as a scam to eat other aquatic abhumans
80 Ancient trireme of vast age with documents and ancient coffin onboard
81 Pool swarming with water elementals around a gate node to the elemental plane
82 A vast mound of bird guano around rocky crags were millions of sea birds nest
83 Shimmering barrier hides a ruined citadel of the undersea faerie world
84 Stone cliff carved with scenes of undersea lizardfolk fighting crabfolk
85 A huge seaweed-covered stone tomb carved with eldritch diagrams
86 Strange stars and constellations are visible in the sky
87 Great stone stairs go into the depths
88 Coral reef with what seems to be windows, doors and fortifications
89 Giant coral growing several stories above sea level
90 Luminous jellyfish in the millions in all pools and waterways
91 Drunken sea god passed out with magical and animal servitors waiting
92 Cultists chaining up most attractive youth members as a sacrifice for a  horrible elder sea titan

93 A coral reef fortress with a garrison offish folk, sea spirit people and tako ruled by a dragon. Strange faerie folk meet to trade here
94 A huge whirlpool something stirs in the deep with life
95 A huge distant storm cloud over the sea herded by some god

96 A horrendous tentacled and mouth covered sea horror the size of a mountain
97 Great rock with a chained elder sea titan in humanoid form will beg for release
98 Two titanic kaiju have a battle in the distance shaking the seaweed mass
99 A vast cathedral of seashells and cement with mad church heretic cult
100 A small pleasant Island with an ancient temple where ancient lesser divinity dwells some locals foolishly believe is a mortal witch or wizard

d100 Treasures of Sargassum
01 Barrel of wine or rum or beer 60gp
02 Crate with bottles of wine or rum or beer 30gp
03 Bales of wool 20gp
04 Logs of wood 30gp
05 Bundles of 100 yards of ship rope 90gp
06 Fishing net tangled with trash 10gp
07 Giant cuttlefish skeletons 10gp
08 Dead whale with ambergris intact in mouth 300gp
09 Quality pearl 160gp
10 Sea chest full of sailors personal goods 25gp
11 Sea chest full of family clothing 30gp
12 Sea chest with cursed frightening idol save or cant get rid of it -1 all rolls 150gp
13 Sea chest from life raft with food and water and fishhooks 20gp
14 Sea chest of expensive children's toys 75gp
15 Sea chest of craftsman tools 45gp
16 Sea chest of cooking pots, knives, clever, herbs and spices 120gp
17 Sea chest of dried fish and meat 90gp
18 Sea chest of fishing supplies and nets and traps 35gp
19 Sea chest of used artificial limbs 65gp
20 Sea chest with black powder, musket, hunters hat, butchers tools, sack 65gp 
21 Bag of inferior pearls d6x100gp
22 Necklace of coral beads 60gp
23 Necklace of shark teeth 15gp
24 Necklace of tiny pearls 120gp
25 Gold neck ring with sea designs 300gp
26 Gold bangles 120gp
27 Godring with tiny pearl 150gp
28 Strange golden figurine with ancient script 360gp
29 Strange golden lump with ancient fish folk script (curse: fish folk detect it) 400gp
30 gold snake amulet on chain allows speaking with snakes a turn a day 1200gp
31 Elixir of wine with dissolved in pearls and alicorn, cures poison or disease 800gp
32 Elixir of shark egg, drinker if fail save is berserk and chaotic evil for a turn 400gp
33 Elixir of the squid drinker if fail save has brain infected by a squid that turns host into a abhuman squid headed freak over a few months
34 Elix of long life lose 1d6+4 years of aging effects (keep away from kids) 1500gp
35 Elixir of free action can more as normal in water or webs for an hour 300gp
36 Elixir of breathe water lasts one hour 300gp
37 Elix of infravision 200gp
38 Elixir of light drinker glows for 24 hours as a lamp from luminous flesh 100gp
39 Elixir of swimming allows a land creature to grow flippers instead of feet and swim at normal land speed in water or allows a marine creature to walk but not breathe on land so undersea folk call it a potion of walking100gp
40 Elixir of true breathe turns drinker amphibious for life 3000gp 
41 Anchor of the merchant protects ship anchor line from breaking 2000gp
42 Anchour of the mariner creates a windfor one hour when pulled from sea once a day 3000gp
43 Anchor of the deep is unatracive and tastes bad to sea monsters and makes them less likely to eat anchor, the rope or the ship 4000gp
44 Captains spyglass can fold into 5 inches to three foot and lets you see a mile away 
45 Barometer this magical device predicts next 24 hours of natural weather 1200gp
46 Ships clock shows local ship time and home port time and looks fancy 1200gp
47 Magic sextant helps navigator find location and make maps in half the speed
48 Magic pocket astrolabe shows positions of the stars of you know date for navigation 1200gp
49 Ships compass shows north and direction home (requires ritual) 1200gp
50 Sky scry crystal lets you see stars even if foggy, overcast or daylight to navigate 3000gp
51 Seamans beanie keeps wearer warm and lets you float in water 800gp

52 Swinewool jumper keeps wearer warm and dry but itchy 400gp
53 Captains hat allows wearer to see 20% further and looks fancy 600gp
54 Eye patch of Old Red Eye, wearer has infravision in covered eye socket 1200gp
55 Devils hook d4+2 magic hook artificial hand for a pirate 1200gp 
56 Silent pegleg makes no noise on command 800gp  
57 Silver nose of Barnabus if attached to face can breathe water 3000gp
58 Pipe of the seagull if sucked on turns user into gull for a turn once a day, their clothes fall off but they can carry the pipe as a gull 800gp
59 Nautilus helm often worn by sea races lets you breathe on the surface and stay moist 3000gp
60 Helm of the sea seals at the neck and allows you to survive one hour a day underwater made from steel and leather and magic glass 3000gp
61 Magic bucket fills with gallon of rain water a night if left outside 2000gp
62 Net of fisherman, catches a d6 pounds of fish once a day in sea or river 1200gp
63 Folding boat fills one backpack and inflating air skins takes ten minutes 120gp
64 Canoe oar with native carvings improves boat speed by 30% 800gp
65 Fish goggles lets you see underwater without hurting eyes 400gp
66 Fish cult tiara lets you speak with fish for a turn a day 1200gp
67 Brazier of the mermaid, if worn gain the fabulous breasts of a mermaid 1200gp
68 Singing miracle fish, stuffed fish on a plaque, when touched sings a song 400gp
69 Seahorse medalion transform into a giant seahorse with saddle and reigns once a day for a turn while underwater 1300gp
 Crab claw gauntlet replaces unarmed attack with a d6 pincer nip good for shearing and cutting tool 800gp
72 Seaweed Armour, living weed clings to body in one round and as AC5, keep in brine with sunlight or will die 600gp  
73 Octopus hat may hold four small handy objects like a knife or dart and warns you of attacks from any directions. needs occasional meal and soak in salty water 600gp
74 Long rigid eel like fish spits d6 damage 3/6/12 range barb, requires a round to load a new one, usually found with a d6 poison barbs and 2d6 plain hunting shots, can fire a dozen times a day as long as fed and soaked in salt water 3 hours a day 400gp 10gp plain dart 90gp venomed dart
75 Slime spores dropped in water becomes a hostile ochre jelly in a turn come in a d4 bag
76 Shell Axe come in hand axe 250gp or battle axe 500gp or halberd 800gp +2 damage vs humanoids or animals wearing no armour, this effect is non magical, breaks on a 1 to hit roll
77 Spears of Ulhuru made of magic obsidian, can harm magic creatures +2 vs undead or planar beings, dart 300gp javelin 400gp spear 600gp long spear 800gp  
78 Swordfish Club spiked teeth lined club 2d4 damage one handed weapon or two underwater without penalty to hit, breaks vs metal armour on a 1tohit 200gp 1in6superior version does 3d3 damage, wont break and hits enchanted beings 800gp 
79 Blade of Dagon come in dagger 600gp or 1200gp shortsword and in ancient style from bronze with patterns of fish men warriors fighting monsters. +1 hit land or air dwelling creatures of the surface, no penalties fighting underwater or on a ship. Prefered tool of choice in ancient human sacrifice rituals 
80 Stone Club of Mana grants protection from evil while holding and +1 and once a day creates a meal of taro, fish and coconut as cooked in the islands 2000gp
81 Enchanted ship prow can turn into living elfmaid and sings sad songs and wants to die as her living elf ship is a destroyed. Someone might be able to help her like sea elves 4000gp
82 Sea faerie sword fight underwater as on land and hit beings as if silver 400gp
83 Sea faerie dagger +1 +4 vs beings on other planes such as out of phase creatures or spirits 800gp
84 Mask of Dagon breathe water, save when you try to take of or it fuses with face and you become a fish person 600gp
85 Mask of Mana lets you speak to fish and fishfolk by night 750gp
86 Nose ring of protection made of gold +1 1200gp
87 Nose bone of courage +3 vs saves vs fear and morale if npc 600gp
88 Key of the sea, wand at certain locations the wand can open a gate to undersea faerie land. Find such a location near sea at 1in6 chance per day search and 3d10 charges 1300gp
89 Horn of fish summoning once a day summon dozen large fish once a month can summon 4 fishforlk warriors if by sea or river or lake. They don't speak human language and seem a bit thick but will serve till dawn or morale fails 600gp
90 Lobster charm once be used to become a giant cave lobster ally for one turn 700gp
91 Bowl of water elemental, summon a 8HD water elemental once a month if hour long ritual requiring research is followed. Elemental follows you for a day as long as you don't show favour to other elements 2000gp 1in6 summon elementals of only one alignment
92 Fish demon idol if cast into sea in a ten minute ritual an hour later a d4+2 fish folk arrive come and offer you gold or sex or trips to the undersea kingdom if you serve them 300gp cultists always want these

93 Dream Idol of Tulu strange forgotten sea god of elder darkness, sleep with idol will teach you spell research you desire in your dreams 3000gp
94 Crystal helmet of ancients grants visions of war, disaster, apocalypse that change your alignment if fail a saving throw to any new one. The visions are terrible but provide few clues but many sects desire this item and believe they can alter history 3000gp
95 Serpent Crown of a sunken serpentine kingdom, wearer can use helm to research rare demonology skills but save or become lawful evil as persona of a serpant folk who only wants to restore own kind to superiority 3000gp

96 Giant pearl of fortune, acts as a crystal ball for a turn a day to see but not hear a location. Can communicate with other pearl known pearl owners a turn per day. Trying at random might contact a dragon or non human elder race. Only spell casters may operate the orb. A pearl that glows in use and can be operated as a lantern for light 5000gp
97 Idol of the Hungry God, all who see the idol save or become a canibal, if don't eat human flesh in 24 hours they are spared the curse. Failing makes the victim hungry and desire to eat anyone near them. Only effects under 4HD beings 2000gp
98 Ancient black stone tablets from some black magic library before human kind
99 Woven tribal battle mat 2x2 yards acts as protection vs chaotic evil to any who stand on it 1200gp
100 Squat idol, with blood sacrifice it's eyes openand all who fail save held paralysed with fear for a turn. Keeping the idol makes it's ancient evil sea god contact you in dreams and offer wizard lore in return for being summoned into this world. An ancient bark book with a dead language contains instructions for bargaining with the god without becoming it's thrall 3000gp to bad people or higher