Helmut Nadolski
Helmut Nadolski - double bass
Michael Rayher - prepared piano
Muzyka Morza (2010)
By Alicja Dylewska
Helmut Nadolski
Kiedy Umiera Człowiek (2012)
(Editor) Helmut Nadolski music is centered around his unique personality and thrives on verges between art and spirituality. He recently has released two new albums after a long break. In this text Alicja Dylewska covers the exceptional atmospehere that accompanies his concerts and makes meeting between him and audience so special.
Czesław Niemen used to call him: "the master of his instrument who has created his own music characterized by extraordinary strength; a sensitive artist endowed with vivid imagination; a musician who paints his music using his deep, personal vision". Yet Helmut Nadolski, who is often called as "magus of a double bass", is by no means well-known to the wide audience. Being recognized as a leading Polish avant-garde artist of '70 he managed to mark his presence playing on a few albums. The most important ones are "Four Dialogues with Coscience" (1973), "Meditations" (1975), "New Musik from Poland” H. Nadolski" (1979) and "Jubilaire Orchestra" (1983).
Using symbolism of pictures, sound and words, the artist creates a mystical dimension in his performances. The music composed by the bassist has no definitions. It occurs at the moment when the instrument produces a sound in the manner that the creator wants to, here and now. To some extent the spectacle sublimity is created by artist’s black suit and his white double-bass which the musician treats with affection by calling it 'my girl-friend' when he takes it out of the double bass a robe and introduces it to the audience.
Since the '90 Nadolski has realized performance called "Mobile" which combines different forms of art - image, music and meditation. In such a way he appeared during the 7th Mózg Festival concert. At the beginning he presented a piece of his poetry followed by music illustrated by the moving ocean waves shown at the background.
The music flowing slowly and subtly was shimmering and shifting as waves of calm ocean. The mood resembled the state we experience when slowly awakening from (or to) dreams. It was a way of making the audience friendly with scenes which were to appear. The artist was briskly moving the bow making the strings tremble, intuitively and harmoniously tuning them to the characteristic behaviour of element of water. Occasionally he was breaking off the soothing climate by harsh, low sounds, transforming music line into faster tempo. Then waves at the background were becoming more vivid as if they were inspired to live on their own.
Tones got faster and more powerful, creating the dark atmosphere of depth which eventually was to become quiet after a while only to merge with the picture of calm water. The spectacle reached its climax when Helmut Nadolski, the magus himself, raised his white double bass and by holding it (her) high let her fly over the stage as in some ritual dance.
It was an amazing performance finished by metallic sounds of bells banging against one another while being shaken by the artist who at the end dropped them on the floor.