Indianapolis Proposal Punishes Pitbulls and Low Income Owners

There has been all sorts of controversy surrounding the profiling of Pitbulls in Indianapolis under a proposed ordinance which targets the breed for mandatory neuter, among other things. The Indy Star breaks down the proposal as follows:» Require pit bull owners to spay or neuter their dogs.» Prohibit residents from owning more than two pit … Continue reading Indianapolis Proposal Punishes Pitbulls and Low Income Owners

APHS Pitbull Policy: No Evaluation, No Adoption, Just Kill

How many dumbass ideas can you fit into one short article? A Texas TV news site goes for broke: To keep animal attacks down, Amarillo Panhandle Humane Society (APHS) is euthanizing all pit bulls at the shelter if their families do not claim them in 72 hours. ProNews 7 learned pit bulls are just "not … Continue reading APHS Pitbull Policy: No Evaluation, No Adoption, Just Kill