An article focusing on Max Mixson, the new shelter manager at Humane Society of Southeast Texas, raises some red flags:When the board of the Humane Society of Southeast Texas (HSSET) advertised the job of shelter manager last year, the response was good with a number of apparently qualified applicants submitting their resumes. Nestled among the … Continue reading New Dog, Old Tricks at HSSET
Month: February 2009
Update on Seized Dogs in Gates Co, NC
Gates County, NC - Update on 13 dogs (11 Pitbulls, 2 Rottweilers) seized from Jackie Robinson Parker:On Thursday, Jackie Robinson Parker appeared in a Gates County Court on one felony count of Dogfighting and 13 counts of Animal Cruelty.Parker insists he does not own all 13 dogs, but Ginny Canady, of Chowan County Animal Control … Continue reading Update on Seized Dogs in Gates Co, NC
Nathan Winograd Stays on Point as HSUS Flails
This is one of those Winograd posts where I'm tempted to quote the whole thing but I will limit myself to some snippets:In response to public outcry over their support and participation in the Wilkes County Massacre, in which the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) first championed and then defended the mass slaughter … Continue reading Nathan Winograd Stays on Point as HSUS Flails
Bright Light in a Dark Place
Best Friends has a post up about Shelia Carlisle, one of the volunteers who cared for the Wilkes Co dogs. She and her fellow vols did the best they could for those dogs, knowing there was little chance they'd be allowed to live, even if they survived the terrible conditions at the "undisclosed location" (warehouse) … Continue reading Bright Light in a Dark Place
Update on Vick
One of Michael Vick's homes is to be auctioned on March 10, as part of his bankruptcy proceedings. I guess he wants his finances all tidied up before he starts getting the paychecks with all the zeroes again:Vick is scheduled to be released from federal custody July 20.The suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback has said in … Continue reading Update on Vick
Recognition in Wilkes Co Case
In recognition of some who were involved in the Wilkes Co case... PAWS DOWN:From the Winston-Salem Journal:John Goodwin, the manager of animal-fighting issues for The Humane Society of the United States, said yesterday that a judge will decide the fate of the dogs later. The Humane Society worked for three years on the investigation, in … Continue reading Recognition in Wilkes Co Case
Dare Co, NC Moves Forward on Proposing BSL
Dare County initially had one set of problems, now they are compounding those by advancing the idea of breed specific legislation:[Dare County Attorney Bobby] Outten said he is also looking into two types of breed-specific ordinances that have passed legal muster elsewhere. One would allow people to own dog breeds such as pit bulls only … Continue reading Dare Co, NC Moves Forward on Proposing BSL
Fat Cats at MSPCA Live On – Other Cats, Not So Much
The Boston Globe reports that the MSPCA may be cutting costs in the wrong areas:As the nonprofit Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals prepares to close three animal shelters in reaction to a 25 percent loss in its endowment, advocates for animals are questioning the pay packages of the society's top administrators.Four … Continue reading Fat Cats at MSPCA Live On – Other Cats, Not So Much
Treats on the Internets
Causes and Action Alerts:Best Friends is asking NC residents to contact lawmakers and urge them to redraft the state's 'Dangerous Dog' law.B-More Bulldogs posts about a letter writing campaign to the HSUS regarding their Pitbull 'seize and destroy' policyOnline auction to benefit the massive English Shepherd rescue in Montana (bidding closes tonight!)Rare Wildlife Showing Up … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Pitbull Hero Helps Save 11 People
In MA this week:A dog is being credited with helping to save eleven people in Southbridge from a fire in a multi-family home. Firefighters say the dog woke up the people living there. Sadly the heroic dog didn't make it out alive. The fire broke out early Wednesday morning. An eleven month old Pitbull named … Continue reading Pitbull Hero Helps Save 11 People