Source: Mills, W. (1895). The dog in health and in disease. New York: D. Appleton Two images from the book: Stables, G. (c. 1890s). Our friend the dog. New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Company A Skye terrier dressed up for a photo. Source: Townesend, Stephen. (1901). A thorough-bred mongrel; the tale of a dog, … Continue reading Vintage Dogs: Smols
Month: November 2024
Vintage Dogs: Group Shots V
"Douglas" Source: James, G.B., Jr. (1894). The dog and how to breed, train and keep him. Boston, Massachusetts: Walnut Publishing Co Source: Biggle, J. (1900). Biggle pet book. Philadelphia: W. Atkinson Liver, white and tan field spaniels pictured in Country Life, October 19, 1901. Imagine walking this group of great Danes when: squirrel! From Country … Continue reading Vintage Dogs: Group Shots V
Weekend Jade
Jade had a mast cell tumor removed from a front leg a couple weeks ago and is doing well. I however need a double leg transplant as the backs of mine have been pulverized by Jade repeatedly bashing them with her poky hat (which I'm hoping can be removed soon).
Dogs of the Princess of Wales in 1897
The following photos and text are from an article titled "H. R. H. The Princess of Wales's pet dogs" by Gambier Bolton, published in the January 8, 1897 issue of Country Life Illustrated. Alexandra of Denmark was Princess of Wales from 1863 to 1901, holding that title longer than anyone in history. Her dogs were … Continue reading Dogs of the Princess of Wales in 1897
Vintage Setters
Source for above images: Stables, G. (c. 1890s). Our friend the dog. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company Source for three images above: Mills, W. (1895). The dog in health and in disease. New York: D. Appleton Three illustrations by R. Ward Binks in the book: Chalmers, P. R. (1931). Gun-dogs. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode … Continue reading Vintage Setters