Saimaa ringed seal by Jaime Bran Owston's palm civet from the book Mammals of Eastern Asia by GHH Tate, 1947 Tasmanian devil illustration by C.E. Swan from The Wild Beasts of the World, Volume Two by Frank Finn, 1909 The clouded leopard entry in the book Guide to the Garden of the Zoological Society of … Continue reading Animals in Art: Threatened
Month: November 2021
Weekend Nap
A good day to hold hands and snuggle with a friend:
Vintage Dog Book Images: Mixed Breeds
Two pages from the book Hounds by Frank Townend Barton, 1913 An Irish-American setter from the book Breeding, training, management, diseases & c. of dogs by Francis Butler, 1877 An entry in the retriever section from The New Book of the Dog, Vol. I by Robert Leighton, 1907 From The Illustrated Book of the Dog … Continue reading Vintage Dog Book Images: Mixed Breeds
Animals in Art: Leftovers
A hodgepodge of animal art I hope you will enjoy. Eastern quoll from the book The Mammals of Australia: Illustrated by Miss Harriett Scott, and Mrs. Helena Forde, by Gerard Krefft, 1871 Illustration by WS Berridge from The Book of the Animal Kingdom by William Percival Westell, 1910 "A Scene in South America with Rheas … Continue reading Animals in Art: Leftovers
Animals in Art: Thanksgiving Colors
Just an excuse to share more animal art and wish everyone who celebrates a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Illustration by Ron Brooks from the book The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild, 2011 Art by Mesa Schumacher Three illustrations from Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1869 From the book Colouration in Animals and … Continue reading Animals in Art: Thanksgiving Colors
Mulder’s Nightmear
A recent photo of Mulder (Image: Shirley Marsh) It started with blood gushing from her ear. We were out in the yard, Mulder seemed fine, then suddenly she walked up to me and blood is just flowing from inside her ear. I carried her inside and rushed to the emergency vet clinic. By the time … Continue reading Mulder’s Nightmear
Weekend Jade
Pose: dignified.
A Dog’s Right to Live in 1890
In reviewing issues of The Fanciers' Journal from 1890, I came across several blurbs speaking to the notion of a dog's value and right to life. In order to understand the no kill movement of today, it is essential to understand the history of the relevant subjects. Here, a brief mention of the gassing of … Continue reading A Dog’s Right to Live in 1890
Henry Bergh and Audubon Society In Late 19th Century Trade Papers
I thought readers might enjoy looking back at the early days of organized animal advocacy in New York City. The controversial practice of using hounds to hunt deer was condemned by the dog fancy trade papers of ASPCA founder Henry Bergh's day but that didn't stop proponents from trying to advance their case: Forest and … Continue reading Henry Bergh and Audubon Society In Late 19th Century Trade Papers
Animals in Sci-Art: Scientific Illustrations III
From Anatomical and Zoological Researches: Comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875 by John Anderson, 1878 From the book The Sea Fishes of Southern Africa by James Leonard Brierly Smith, 1949 Illustration from Annals of the Queensland Museum, 1905 From The Rise of the … Continue reading Animals in Sci-Art: Scientific Illustrations III