Discussion: What was the case against Caboodle Ranch all about?

More than a year after PETA and the ASPCA teamed up to shut down Caboodle Ranch, Craig Grant's FL cat sanctuary, a legal resolution appears to be near. Under the deal with the state, the criminal charges against Grant will be dropped if he agrees to take his medication, pay costs to the state attorney's … Continue reading Discussion: What was the case against Caboodle Ranch all about?

Hendricks Co Shelter Pet Advocates Not Giving Up, Despite Setbacks

Local advocates have been publicly opposing the needless killing at the Hendricks Co pound in Indiana for at least a year.  In 2011, the pound had a 61% kill rate and in 2012, advocates went to the local TV news with their concerns:  limited hours, no foster program, not allowing pets outdoors and not naming … Continue reading Hendricks Co Shelter Pet Advocates Not Giving Up, Despite Setbacks

Name That Animal

This is just for fun and the only rule is:  no researching.  Post any (!) answer in the comments.  Reading other people's answers before posting your own is optional but at least one person usually gets it right so decide what level of cheating suits you.  Answer will be posted in the comments later today.