Hempstead Shelter Kills Lost Pet While Under Audit for Needless Killing

In February, Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos announced his department would conduct an audit of the long troubled Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter in NY. The audit was prompted by a number of complaints from local residents and animal advocates: Among the complaints to be investigated are animal neglect and abuse, unnecessary deaths, unsanitary conditions … Continue reading Hempstead Shelter Kills Lost Pet While Under Audit for Needless Killing

Manly Men Totally Not Compensating for Anything Hope to Kill Baby Bears in Alaska Thanks to GOP

You and I and all American taxpayers fund 16 wildlife refuges in Alaska representing 85% of our country's federal wildlife refuges.  So we all - not just Alaskans - have a vested interest in the management of these 76 million acres. For years, Alaskan state officials have been asking the feds for permission to extend … Continue reading Manly Men Totally Not Compensating for Anything Hope to Kill Baby Bears in Alaska Thanks to GOP

Feds Strip Manatees of Endangered Species Status Despite Serious Threats

Your tl;dr Summary: Feds: There are more manatees so that endangered species thing is solved. Scientists:  What about the fact that we are providing a lethal habitat for them? Feds:  There are MORE MANATEES. *** Data from recent years shows that manatees are being killed in record numbers due to human induced threats such as … Continue reading Feds Strip Manatees of Endangered Species Status Despite Serious Threats