Ch. Ted Obo pictured in the book: Compton, H. (1904). The twentieth century dog, sporting. London: Grant Richards. Dogdom, June 1908 Dogdom, October 1908 It only occurs to me now that I should have been naming my dogs Tad Pole all this time.Dogdom, November 1908 Dogdom, February 1909 Source: Smith, A. C. (1909). Everyman's book of the … Continue reading Vintage Show Dogs XIV
Month: August 2023
Vintage Duos
Barbou, A. (1883). Le chien; son histoire, ses exploits, ses aventures. Paris: Jouvet et cie Country Life, July 27, 1901 Country Life, September 14, 1901 Source: Voogt, G. D. (1907). Our domestic animals, their habits, intelligence and usefulness. Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn & Co. Source: Voogt, G. D. (1907). Our domestic animals, their habits, intelligence and … Continue reading Vintage Duos
Just Four Dandies and a Curlycoat
Uncredited: The curly coated retriever Champion Stylish Boy owned by Isaac Sharpe. Source: Anon. (1901, December 14). Mr. Blagg's Dandie Dinmonts. Country Life, pp. 782-784
Vintage Beagles VIII
From a painting by Reinagle. Source: Scott, J. (1845). The sportsman's repository. London, England: Henry G. Bohn Source: Voogt, G. D. (1907). Our domestic animals, their habits, intelligence and usefulness. Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn & Co. Dogdom, June 1908 Dogdom, July 1908 Dogdom, August 1908 Dogdom, August 1908 Dogdom, October 1908 Dogdom, January 1909 An image … Continue reading Vintage Beagles VIII
Vintage Dog Ads XIV
Forest and Stream, December 1886 An ad for publications promoting tourism appearing in Country Life in America, December 1901. A firearms ad in Country Life in America, January 1902 with text that begins "An outing in California would not be complete without you take with you a Stevens single barrel gun." We need a time … Continue reading Vintage Dog Ads XIV
Vintage Draught Dogs
Source: Barbou, A. (1883). Le chien; son histoire, ses exploits, ses aventures. Paris: Jouvet et cie Two images of draught dogs, one at work, the other at rest, from the article: Dennis, A. P. (1899, November). Life on a Yukon Trail. The National Geographic Magazine, pp. 457-466 Four images of draught dogs in the Flemish … Continue reading Vintage Draught Dogs
Just Bob
Source: Barbou, A. (1883). Le chien; son histoire, ses exploits, ses aventures. Paris: Jouvet et cie
Vintage Norwegian Elkhounds
The image and text above, as well as the text below, are taken from: Compton, H. (1904). The twentieth century dog, sporting. London: Grant Richards. Another look at Jager: Image from:Leighton, R. (1907). The new book of the dog. London, England: Cassell Image from: Leighton, R. (1907). The new book of the dog. London, England: Cassell Another … Continue reading Vintage Norwegian Elkhounds
Watch a No Kill Video About a Dog Named Watson
This video discussion provides context about a case involving an English setter deemed dangerous and put on the kill list by a shelter in Denver. The case illustrates a larger problem: shelters can kill animals even when rescue groups are willing to take them. Photos of Watson from The Daily Mail
Vintage Sled Dogs
Art by Morgan Stinemetz in the guide leaflet: Colbert, E. H. (1953). The origin of the dog. New York, NY: The American Museum of Natural History Photo by Captain George S. Gibbs, Signal Corps, U. S. Army A dog team made up of six mastiffs. Photo by Captain George S. Gibbs, Signal Corps, U. S. … Continue reading Vintage Sled Dogs