UPDATED: Military Family’s Dog Lost by Delta Airlines – BOLO

Moving overseas for her husband's Army assignment, a San Diego woman brought along the family's two dogs.  One made it to Germany, the other was lost by Delta on a layover at the Atlanta airport.  The missing dog, named Nala, had been taken out of the kennel the owners had bought for her and put … Continue reading UPDATED: Military Family’s Dog Lost by Delta Airlines – BOLO

HSUS Fails to Understand Concerns Regarding Missing AL Dogs

Background info: HSUS Rescues 44 Dogs from AL Home - Where are they Now? and Tracking the Dogs "Rescued" by HSUS from AL _______________ I received this comment from a reader who saw it posted on the FB page of the NC HSUS group in a discussion about the AL "hoarding" situation and HSUS "rescue".  … Continue reading HSUS Fails to Understand Concerns Regarding Missing AL Dogs

Updated (X2): HSUS Rescues 44 Dogs from AL Home – Where Are They Now?

You might remember this collection of stories of the goings-on at the Lincoln Co shelter in NC.  One of those stories was about Lincoln Co Animal Services accepting 10 dogs from AL earlier this month as a "favor" to HSUS:  "Thousands of local animals put to death, but county accepts dogs from Alabama".  The dogs … Continue reading Updated (X2): HSUS Rescues 44 Dogs from AL Home – Where Are They Now?

Attention Canine: Halt in the name of the law or I’ll shoot!

Three teenagers were at home in Clayton Co, GA Sunday and the family Golden Retriever, "Boomer", was hanging out on the porch.  When a police officer approached the home, Boomer barked and ran toward him: The officer ordered the dog to stop and when it didn't, the officer shot and killed the animal in its … Continue reading Attention Canine: Halt in the name of the law or I’ll shoot!

Another Oops Killing at Charlotte-Mecklenburg AC & C

In March, a NC man's two Pitbulls got out of his fenced yard through a hole and were picked up by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control.  He fixed the fence and tried to redeem the dogs but animal control had “mistakenly” killed them.  They could not explain why.  Adding insult to injury,  CMPD-ACC then sent … Continue reading Another Oops Killing at Charlotte-Mecklenburg AC & C