Another tennis ball casualty in The Locking Jaws War.
Month: January 2016
Open Thread
Post anything animal related in the comments, anytime. New Open Threads are posted weekly.
Name That Animal
This is just for fun and the only rule is: no researching. Post your best guesses in the comments. Reading other people's answers before posting your own is going to haunt you come caucus night optional. Answer will be posted in the comments tonight.
600 Animals Seized from Unlicensed NC Shelter
The state of NC has known for years that a private shelter in Hoke Co was being operated so far below minimum acceptable standards that animals were suffering. Animals at the Haven were not receiving necessary veterinary care, food, water, exercise, or socialization - and there were way too many for the small number of staff … Continue reading 600 Animals Seized from Unlicensed NC Shelter
Discussion: Lost CA Sheltie Adopted by New Owners
An elderly couple whose lost Sheltie got picked up by Stockton Animal Services in December was pulled by a rescue group then adopted while the owners were still searching for her. The new owners, who had Tipsy for around 2 weeks by the time Mr. and Mrs. Robinson found out what had happened to their … Continue reading Discussion: Lost CA Sheltie Adopted by New Owners
Lost Pets in Michigan Lose State Protection
The distressingly bad and wealthy Michigan InHumane has been trying for years to get legislation changed to reduce and eliminate mandatory holding periods for lost pets in shelters. (And when MHS hasn't gotten its way, it just blatantly ignores the law.) Its current proposed bill is terrible. Unfortunately, the state department of agriculture recently caved on the … Continue reading Lost Pets in Michigan Lose State Protection
Treats on the Internets
Shame on the Smoky Mountain News for repeating the biggest animal welfare myth in the south while reporting on the shelter situation in Jackson Co, NC: In [northern] states with strict spay and neuter laws, there are fewer puppies and unclaimed animals in general, so the demand for animals is higher. The latest in the … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Weekend Jade
Open Thread
Post anything animal related in the comments, anytime. New Open Threads are posted weekly.
Ohio Shelter Oops-Neglects Sick Dog to Death
Last week, four employees of the SPCA Cincinnati transported a pitbull type dog for an adoption fair. In the freezing winter cold, they oops-neglected him to death: Upon arriving in Sharonville between 4:30 and 5 p.m. Thursday, [SPCA Cincinnati Vice President of Strategic Initiatives Dr. Dave] LeBourveau said, four employees assigned to unload and clean … Continue reading Ohio Shelter Oops-Neglects Sick Dog to Death