I am raffling a new copy of the book The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs by Donna Twichell Roberts. I have a copy of this book and it has a lot of interesting and fun recipes. The raffle tickets are $1 each or 5 for $4. Proceeds will be used to buy canned food for … Continue reading Book Raffle
Month: April 2010
Treats on the Internets
CT no kill shelter gets by with a little help from its friends KC Dog Blog: Local Humane Societies changing names, HSUS now on the defensive Lee County, NC currently gasses pets at its shelter. The county is looking at the possibility of changing that and some other pet related issues as well. Cornell Alumni … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
That Tingle Means It’s Working!
GA legislators approved a bill to end the use of the gas chamber in the state yesterday and sent it to the Governor for signing. The approval was not unanimous however: But in voting against the bill, Sen. Bill Heath, a Republican from Bremen, championed the merits of gas as the most humane way for … Continue reading That Tingle Means It’s Working!
Empty Suits Running Animal Shelter in Cumberland Co
The people running the animal shelter in Cumberland County, NC need to get their heads on straight. First off they recently had a problem with distemper. And by "problem" I mean dogs suffered and died needlessly without veterinary care for months. Although they shelter 14,000 pets every year, they have no Vet on staff or … Continue reading Empty Suits Running Animal Shelter in Cumberland Co
ME Community Helps in Creation of No Kill Shelter
As I've said in past, I believe people are generally against killing friendly dogs and cats and when called upon, will volunteer and donate to work toward no kill efforts in the community. Case in point, courtesy of Maine: When Lorraine Monfils planned the first community cleanup day for the Ark Animal Shelter, she hoped … Continue reading ME Community Helps in Creation of No Kill Shelter
Montclair, NJ Community Wants to Improve Shelter
The animal shelter in Montclair, NJ reportedly has a kill rate of approximately 11%. That's a pretty good save rate when compared to the national average. Apparently some local pet advocates have complaints about how the shelter operates and are asking the shelter, which was taken over by the municipality last year, to become a … Continue reading Montclair, NJ Community Wants to Improve Shelter
Treats on the Internets
Old dog provides unique comfort to elderly man in time of despair Rescue Chocolate sells vegan, kosher chocolate and donates profits to rescue related groups. Profits from sales in May will be donated to the No Kill Advocacy Center. Ohio State's student newspaper looks at the problem of college students abandoning newly adopted pets when … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
“He just totally went off the wall”
New Hampshire: If you want to buy a dog off Craigslist without even knowing the name of the seller or if the dog's had a Rabies vaccine or has bitten 157 schoolkids, knock yourself out. Hey, I'm not judging. But if you do buy a dog without knowing a thing about him, you are accepting … Continue reading “He just totally went off the wall”
Treats on the Internets
Study suggests shelter cats may enjoy catnip WaPo: Trap-neuter-return program in Fairfax Co, VA A shelter worker wonders if the public has too many choices to be capable of actually choosing a pet when the shelter is full In Orangeburg Co, SC, a neglected pony was seized from the owner but ordered returned because the … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Unnatural Disaster: Shelter Killing in America
I love our country. And the people in it. When faced with a crisis, there's no one I'd rather have in my corner. We step up to help when we see our neighbors in need - whether they are our next door neighbors in Yazoo City, MS or our brothers and sisters in Haiti. We … Continue reading Unnatural Disaster: Shelter Killing in America