Randi was my longest lived Flatcoat. She remained very active and healthy until just recently and I am thankful for that. Yesterday, we had to make the singularly difficult decision to euthanize our beloved pet. The emergency clinic placed her in a cardboard coffin for us to take home. As always, we allow the other … Continue reading Be Seeing You, Randi
Month: December 2014
Memphis Bans the Public from Giving Treats to Shelter Pets
Memphis Animal Services, which functions primarily as a pet killing facility and does not vaccinate all animals upon intake as per standard shelter best practices, is suddenly concerned that treats given to doomed dogs might compromise their health. As such, the public has been banned from giving out treats at the pound. This email is … Continue reading Memphis Bans the Public from Giving Treats to Shelter Pets
Police Officer Fired after Standing Up to City Officials and Refusing to Shoot Loose Dogs
Walker Co, AL used to have a pound but the place closed a few years ago after it was exposed as a dog killing hole. Since then, the city of Carbon Hill in Walker Co has apparently been trying to avoid the issue of homeless pets on the streets. That brilliant plan did not work … Continue reading Police Officer Fired after Standing Up to City Officials and Refusing to Shoot Loose Dogs
Weekend Jade
Open Thread
Post anything animal related in the comments, anytime. New Open Threads are posted weekly.
Knock, Knock: Santa’s at the Door and He’s Got a Puppy
Pets make great gifts and I'm glad to see many shelters are finally coming around to that view, even if some only embrace the concept once a year. Christmas deliveries of adopted shelter pets to their new families has grown in popularity and along with it, some long overdue myth-busting. Staff from the New Hampshire Society … Continue reading Knock, Knock: Santa’s at the Door and He’s Got a Puppy
Merry Christmas
Celebrating the human-animal bond with photos and captions submitted by readers: Thank you to everyone who sent in photos for this post. It was a pleasure putting these pictures together. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope everyone is having a happy day celebrating the bond we share with our animals. Pets are family.
Name That Animal – Rankin/Bass Edition
This is just for fun and the only rule is: no researching. Looking for actual names here, not the type of animal like we usually do. Post your best guesses in the comments. Reading other people's answers before posting your own gets you coal in your stocking is optional. Answers will be posted later today.
Ten Dogs Rescued from Missouri Pound
The city of Steelville, MO has closed its pound. Ten dogs, one of them pregnant, were rescued from the pound by a group called Wayside Waifs yesterday: Staff at Wayside Waifs said they were contacted by the Steelville shelter last week. Underfunded and lacking the ability to care for its animals, the shelter asked Wayside to … Continue reading Ten Dogs Rescued from Missouri Pound
MAS Kills Dog Good Samaritan Wanted to Adopt
On December 16, Vickie Carter was driving her car and saw two dogs attacking a third dog. She stopped to help. After breaking up the fight, the dog who was being attacked ran into her car through an open door. Although he appeared to have minor injuries from the fight, he seemed to be in … Continue reading MAS Kills Dog Good Samaritan Wanted to Adopt