Fire Up the Cupcake Machine: Another Dungeon Ignored by HSUS

There is currently some online drama surrounding the Humane Society of Richmond Co in NC.  The basic issue appears to involve money and has the board threatening to terminate its animal control contract with the county.  E-mails and Facebook postings are circulating stating basically that 250 pets at the HSRC have until October 31 to … Continue reading Fire Up the Cupcake Machine: Another Dungeon Ignored by HSUS

Discussion: Owners Upset Shelter DID NOT Kill Their Dog

An Oregon couple took in an elderly stray Pomeranian about a year ago.  The dog reportedly has lung disease, bronchitis and emphysema as well as "lumps on her belly".  They recently took her to The Willamette Humane Society and signed her over to the shelter, thinking she would most likely be euthanized.  The shelter found … Continue reading Discussion: Owners Upset Shelter DID NOT Kill Their Dog