This week's Name That Animal comes with a twist but the same solitary rule applies: no researching. Just post your best guess in the comments and I will post the answer there later tonight. Instead of giving you a photo, I am going to summarize an article (link will be provided later when I post … Continue reading Name That Animal
Month: September 2012
Fire Up the Cupcake Machine: Another Dungeon Ignored by HSUS
There is currently some online drama surrounding the Humane Society of Richmond Co in NC. The basic issue appears to involve money and has the board threatening to terminate its animal control contract with the county. E-mails and Facebook postings are circulating stating basically that 250 pets at the HSRC have until October 31 to … Continue reading Fire Up the Cupcake Machine: Another Dungeon Ignored by HSUS
Of Dungeons and Dragons
I happened upon a KY shelter dog's photo on Facebook this morning which caught my eye. So I began flipping through the photo album of the dogs at the Taylor Co pound until I found myself searching the desk drawer for a pencil sharp enough to gouge out my eyes. I am thankful there are … Continue reading Of Dungeons and Dragons
Updated: The Best Thing I’ve Read All Week
An ACO in Shelby Co, KY was attending a required euthanasia workshop where 3 healthy kittens who had been labeled as scared by a pound (not Shelby Co) were slated for killing. The Shelby Co ACO did not simply go along with this idea and instead brought the kittens back to Shelby Co for care. … Continue reading Updated: The Best Thing I’ve Read All Week
Newborn Kittens Killed at MAS
Newborn kittens can not regulate their own body temperatures and require a source of warmth. If they are not stimulated to void their body waste, they suffer from both great pain and toxic build-up. And orphans can not eat on their own so must be bottle (or tube) fed every 4 hours. If they are … Continue reading Newborn Kittens Killed at MAS
Discussion: Owners Upset Shelter DID NOT Kill Their Dog
An Oregon couple took in an elderly stray Pomeranian about a year ago. The dog reportedly has lung disease, bronchitis and emphysema as well as "lumps on her belly". They recently took her to The Willamette Humane Society and signed her over to the shelter, thinking she would most likely be euthanized. The shelter found … Continue reading Discussion: Owners Upset Shelter DID NOT Kill Their Dog
More Pets Go Missing from MAS
Kitten #240135 was impounded by Memphis Animal Services (MAS) on May 1, 2012. She was listed as a 1 month old female. As of September 18, there is no outcome for this kitten. The entirety of her medical records consists of a single exam on May 2 containing the note “too young”. The records clerk … Continue reading More Pets Go Missing from MAS
Case Update: McCracken Co Humane Society
The two employees at the McCracken Co Humane Society in KY who were charged in connection with improper pet killing and falsifying records have had their day in court. Beau Anderson pleaded guilty to 9 counts of animal cruelty last week and received a one year sentence, most of which is probated. He began serving … Continue reading Case Update: McCracken Co Humane Society
Advocacy at Home: Remarks to County Council – 2
For the second time this month, I addressed the Kershaw Co council during the public comments portion of its meeting. I was limited to 5 minutes so I had to keep my remarks brief. I share them here in hopes that someone else may find them useful in developing a plan to address his/her own … Continue reading Advocacy at Home: Remarks to County Council – 2
A Spate of Oops-Killings
The last few posts on the blog have involved pets being needlessly and "accidentally" killed by the municipal shelters charged with protecting them. In Hernando Co, the victim was a dog whose owner, if he had one, wasn't given the legally mandated time to redeem him because the pound oops-killed him before the holding period … Continue reading A Spate of Oops-Killings