You know how when someone in the Obama administration screws up, our President says, "The buck stops with me" by way of taking responsibility for the actions of those who work for him? I can relate to this. In my office, I don't do the billing but when there are billing problems that come to … Continue reading Where Does the Buck Stop at GA Shelter?
Month: October 2010
Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer
Thanks Patti for sharing a link to an update on the story of the poodle who was killed for revenge by authorities in Hydro, OK after the owner broke into the pound to free him. There has been a huge backlash over the incident. Police officer Chris Chancellor has been taking calls from people angry … Continue reading Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer
How Not to Keep a Pack of Hounds
Dorchester County Animal Control in SC received a complaint and visited a home to follow up on October 22. They found 10 dead hounds and 31 live ones standing ankle deep in feces in a pen. The dogs were seized and 2 of the 3 owners were cited for neglect. The hounds are being cared … Continue reading How Not to Keep a Pack of Hounds
Could You Foster a Shelter Pet?
When shelters like this one in AL and this one in NV send out emergency pleas for foster homes, do you immediately think, "I couldn't do that"? I always did. But now I'm reconsidering. I get attached - as perhaps you could tell from the recent rescue of Jennie (thank you Jamie!). In that case, … Continue reading Could You Foster a Shelter Pet?
PUPS Act – Paws Up or Paws Down?
I've been reading a bit on the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety Act, commonly referred to as PUPS (pdf). This piece of proposed federal legislation is designed to "close the loophole that allows large breeders to sell puppies online, escaping inspection and oversight" Here is the official summary. I've excerpted some language from the bill … Continue reading PUPS Act – Paws Up or Paws Down?
Jennie I Got Your Number
Thank you to reader Jamie Horton for rescuing Jennie from the Farmington Animal Shelter in NM. I happened upon Jennie's photo on Petfinder when researching the shelter for my previous post. Her expression reached out to me and said "I believe in you". I resigned myself to her likely tragic fate but when Jamie spoke … Continue reading Jennie I Got Your Number
Pets Suffer at NM Shelter While City Officials Dither
The city pound in Farmington, NM is slated for replacement. And it sounds like it's about 30 years overdue. From the shelter's Petfinder page: The current Farmington Animal Shelter to be replaced is 30 years old, wedged between the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Power Plant with no place to expand, and only contains … Continue reading Pets Suffer at NM Shelter While City Officials Dither
One Small Step: NC Shelter Becomes More Rescue Friendly
Remember Renee Sisk? She's the Craven Co District 4 Commissioner who tried to intervene to prevent the local shelter from needlessly killing a healthy puppy who had an adopter waiting. Ms. Sisk has "vowed to make county animal shelter reform her top priority until she leaves office at the end of the year". Schweet, huh? … Continue reading One Small Step: NC Shelter Becomes More Rescue Friendly
Revenge Killing at OK Pound
I'm not disputing that this dog owner in OK was in the wrong. Edwin Fry had apparently been letting his little Poodle roam and bother neighbors. When authorities seized his dog, called Buddy Tough, Mr. Fry verbally threatened them with violence. Not wanting to pay the $100 fine (second offense) to redeem his dog, Mr. … Continue reading Revenge Killing at OK Pound
Action Alert: Abbeville Animal Shelter
Bringing up from the comments on this post, a call from Teresa Uzzell (the whistleblower who took evidence of abuse to the local news) to organize and take action with regard to the Abbeville Animal Shelter in SC: Please to all who can help these animals in the (Hell-Hole) at this moment; if you can … Continue reading Action Alert: Abbeville Animal Shelter