Pets Suffer at NM Shelter While City Officials Dither

The city pound in Farmington, NM is slated for replacement.  And it sounds like it's about 30 years overdue.  From the shelter's Petfinder page: The current Farmington Animal Shelter to be replaced is 30 years old, wedged between the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Power Plant with no place to expand, and only contains … Continue reading Pets Suffer at NM Shelter While City Officials Dither

One Small Step: NC Shelter Becomes More Rescue Friendly

Remember Renee Sisk?  She's the Craven Co District 4 Commissioner who tried to intervene to prevent the local shelter from needlessly killing a healthy puppy who had an adopter waiting.  Ms. Sisk has "vowed to make county animal shelter reform her top priority until she leaves office at the end of the year".  Schweet, huh? … Continue reading One Small Step: NC Shelter Becomes More Rescue Friendly