Novartis Temporarily Halts Production on Heartworm Drugs

Here's one that slipped under my radar last month: Novartis Animal Health has ceased production of Interceptor, Sentinel and several other drugs manufactured in its plant in Lincoln, Neb., while the facility undergoes "process and compliance improvement activities," a spokesman for the company confirmed today. I buy Interceptor for Mulder, my CHD (Compulsive Herding Dog) … Continue reading Novartis Temporarily Halts Production on Heartworm Drugs

HSUS Magazine Helps Keep Pet Killing Facilities in Fighting Form

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is not affiliated with your local animal shelter. HSUS is primarily a fundraising organization and you have probably seen some of their commercials on TV. HSUS produces a print magazine for shelters called Shelter Pages (which they are preparing to publish online) which they describe as "your … Continue reading HSUS Magazine Helps Keep Pet Killing Facilities in Fighting Form