She likes to swing toys around while doing the bucking bronco thing. We give her a wide berth. Bonus big head beagle: đź–¤
Month: July 2021
Alabama Shelter Kills 30 Big Dogs After Adoption Event
In a newspaper interview, Montgomery Humane Society's executive director Steven Tears lamented the number of dogs being surrendered lately, especially the ones over 50 pounds: Only one name [on the adoption board] belongs to a bigger dog, one of more than two dozen medium-to-large dogs up for adoption at the Montgomery animal shelter’s main facility. And down … Continue reading Alabama Shelter Kills 30 Big Dogs After Adoption Event
Treats on the Internets
An article in The Guardian follows six British cats, including the author's, with GPS collars to see where they go when they're not at home. Although the owners expressed concern about the cats' safety and welfare, none changed to keeping their cats strictly indoors after tracking their movements across train tracks, busy streets and other … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Weekend Jade
(and friends)
Finn, Beagling
This is my first "story" post in WordPress. It's like a slideshow. (Hopefully.) I've been trying to get a picture of Newt and Finn together. This is the closest I've come so far. Beagling at the park.
In Like Finn
An official announcement, on letterhead, of a new family member: His name is Finn and he's a very good boy. No longer living alone outside on a chain, he has already mastered the doggie door, making friends (or trying, at least) with the other dogs, and beds - he loves all the dog beds and … Continue reading In Like Finn
Treats on the Internets
Probably all of us have seen pleas from rescue groups along the lines of "Rover has been living at the sanctuary for X-hundred days - let's get him adopted." And yet, rescues seem to turn down so many potential adopters for so many reasons. It seems like when we try to talk about the subject, … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Weekend ?
New to the family, name not yet known. Stay tuned.
Vintage Dog Book Images: Beaglemania
Going big for the grand finale of vintage dog book week on the blog: a selection of beagle images. From the book Dogs, Their Origin and Varieties by H.D. Richardson, 1874 (Panniers are basket or box type structures slung over the back of a horse or attached to the sides of a bicycle. How I … Continue reading Vintage Dog Book Images: Beaglemania
Vintage Dog Book Images: Assortment Pack
A collection of images I found interesting or pretty or just... images... I... found. From The Illustrated Book of the Dog by Vero Kemball Shaw, 1881 From the book A History and Description of the Modern Dogs (Sporting Division) of Great Britain and Ireland by Rawdon B. Lee, 1893 From The Illustrated Book of the … Continue reading Vintage Dog Book Images: Assortment Pack