The Importance of Obeying the Law During Rescue Transports

Rescues pulling dogs from out-of-state shelters should follow the laws regarding pet transport for every state on the route.  This means obtaining health certificates and age appropriate rabies vaccinations for each dog on the transport.  Rescuers need to be especially careful when pulling puppies as they are more vulnerable to the common deadly shelter diseases … Continue reading The Importance of Obeying the Law During Rescue Transports

I Want to Believe

Memphis Mayor AC Wharton says that things at MAS are swell and he has every confidence in shelter leadership.  I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, but I just can't reconcile the daily images of needless killing at MAS with the words "every confidence".  But I still believe in Memphis.  I believe in the kind-hearted people of the … Continue reading I Want to Believe