Reader db has been writing to Mayor AC Wharton regularly. She received a response from the mayor today to a YesBiscuit post she had sent him: Thanks for your letter and for believing in Memphis . For the sake of accuracy, I have never said things are “swell” at the Shelter. I have never disparaged … Continue reading UPDATED – Memphis Mayor: No “Shelter Large Enough”
Month: May 2011
Healthy and Treatable Cats Killed by “Humane Society” in TX
Dina Garcia's family was providing care for 2 mama cats and 10 kittens who were living near their place of residence in Texas. Their landlord asked the family to remove them from the property. Mrs. Garcia asked friends if they would like to have a cat but some already had cats and others were allergic. … Continue reading Healthy and Treatable Cats Killed by “Humane Society” in TX
Treats on the Internets
Big news in Justice for Bella Land: Cabarrus Co, NC is now officially a "proactive adoption community". Attention Pitbull type dogs in Miami-Dade: You must be at least this tall percentage to ride this ride suffer discrimination. A woman in Pinellas Co, FL understood she had 48 hours to reclaim her dog after surrendering him … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
The Importance of Obeying the Law During Rescue Transports
Rescues pulling dogs from out-of-state shelters should follow the laws regarding pet transport for every state on the route. This means obtaining health certificates and age appropriate rabies vaccinations for each dog on the transport. Rescuers need to be especially careful when pulling puppies as they are more vulnerable to the common deadly shelter diseases … Continue reading The Importance of Obeying the Law During Rescue Transports
Wily Puppy at MAS
This little one made her own fun yesterday at MAS.
Shelter Pets of the Day
These pets may be waiting for an owner to redeem them or possibly in need of a new owner. The circumstances surrounding the reason each of these dogs is at MAS are unknown but two things I can say for certain: They are not listed online nor housed in the small area accessible by the … Continue reading Shelter Pets of the Day
I Want to Believe
Memphis Mayor AC Wharton says that things at MAS are swell and he has every confidence in shelter leadership. I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, but I just can't reconcile the daily images of needless killing at MAS with the words "every confidence". But I still believe in Memphis. I believe in the kind-hearted people of the … Continue reading I Want to Believe
Light a Candle for the Pets at MAS
This post is for anyone who would like to share a prayer, quote or some words of your own to express why you are lighting candle for the pets at Memphis Animal Services tonight. You may participate by lighting a candle at home and/or lighting a virtual candle here. So many people have been touched … Continue reading Light a Candle for the Pets at MAS
Many of you have asked about the three dogs featured as Shelter Pets of the Day on May 23. I have been trying to get some definitive information but so far, no luck. I heard the 3 dogs had been pulled by local rescuers but I'm still hoping to get some details to share with … Continue reading Follow-ups
Shelter Pets of the Day
Submitted by Claire, who writes: They are litter mates. They were owner-surrenders, together, and I think in mid-April. The last week of April they started coughing-Marley, the brown one more than Joy, the black one. I volunteer at MAS and offered to foster up to 2 dogs if all the dogs with URI symptoms could … Continue reading Shelter Pets of the Day