Cats Chemically Burned by Unsupervised Inmates at Memphis Pound

On May 31, 2015, a kitten named Snowflake, ID # 277907, was sprayed with an undiluted cleaning chemical (San-O-128) by an unsupervised inmate at Memphis Animal Services.  She suffered painful chemical burns on her legs, tongue and mouth.  She was treated by an outside veterinarian and survived.  This is security camera footage, obtained via FOIA … Continue reading Cats Chemically Burned by Unsupervised Inmates at Memphis Pound

State of NC Finds Violations at Transylvania Co Shelter, Assesses Penalty

Last week, the NC Department of Agriculture issued a letter regarding its investigation of the Transylvania Co shelter.  The findings include: During the period from September 1, 2014 through July 21, 2015, 205 animals were killed by staff members who were not certified as euthanasia technicians. 81 stray animals who were neither seriously ill nor … Continue reading State of NC Finds Violations at Transylvania Co Shelter, Assesses Penalty

Orange Co Shelter Director Intent on Killing Service Dog

An Orange County Superior Court judge ruled this month that a service dog named Karma must be killed at the Orange Co shelter in CA before October 20. The ruling was based upon the recommendation of the shelter's director/veterinarian: OC Animal Care Director and Chief Veterinarian Jennifer Hawkins has deemed the husky mix too dangerous … Continue reading Orange Co Shelter Director Intent on Killing Service Dog

Dog Dies After Being Left in Hot Van by ACOs in PA

On September 1, ACOs employed by Upper Darby Township in Delaware Co, PA delivered two dogs and one cat to the Chester County SPCA.  All three pets were suffering from symptoms related to excessive heat after riding in the back of the AC van which has no air conditioning or ventilation.  The temperature that day was 94 degrees.  Two … Continue reading Dog Dies After Being Left in Hot Van by ACOs in PA

Maine ACO Receives Summons for Animal Cruelty, Reacts with Mass Slaughter

The town of Orrington, Maine has one ACO on the payroll.  Until September 10, that ACO was Carla Damon, who was reportedly on the job for many years.  She resigned in lieu of being voted out by the town's selectmen after receiving a summons for animal cruelty. Responding to a complaint about the conditions of Damon's … Continue reading Maine ACO Receives Summons for Animal Cruelty, Reacts with Mass Slaughter

Name That Animal

This is just for fun and the only rule is:  no researching.  Post your guesses in the comments.  Reading other people's answers before posting your own is like ordering a bagel and getting one of those Lender's things optional.  Answer will be posted in the comments tomorrow.